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13:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Group G : Trail to Red.

Posted by BanditoFor group 0
GM, 2386 posts
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 08:59
  • msg #1

Group G : Trail to Red

Rio Grande National Forest - Chef Mountain - Noon

Its been a while since you last heard of the distant explosion in the mountains. Following the source of the sound, Samindi finds herself in the thick forest with nothing but the sound of whistling wind and rustling trees. Had she not found a parka off of a corpse near the bottom of a cliff, she would not have survived the harsh weather. Occasionally, wild animals roams about the forest. Ever since that loud explosion, all the animals seems to have gone into hiding.

After walking in the silent forest for sometime, Samindi discovers a walker lying face down on the ground with an arrow sticking out from its head. When examining the scene closely, she notices there are multiple bodies spread out through out a trail of red snow. The dense footprints indicates a small horde's pursuit of their prey.

Perhaps the person they're following is still alive.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)

Survivor's notes
Welcome to group G, unlike the other groups there are special rules for this group. Please check them out at this(link to a message in this game) thread if you haven't already.

You have been granted a parka to fend off the cold. You also received a package of one canned food, with one bottle of water. Please add them to your charactersheet.

I will be steering your character towards the rest of the group G through this short intro. In the meantime, I want you to start thinking about the recent events your character's experienced.
  • What was her reason for going into the mountains? How long has she been here?
  • Was she traveling with other survivors?
  • How was her experience with other survivors so far?

Good luck, because you will need it.

Samindi W
player, 1 post
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 12:23
  • msg #2

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami looked around the dense snow on the forest floor, she was a long way from home. Winters occasionally brought snow to her hometown of Greensboro near Atlanta, Georgia, but she had not experienced anything like this. Even hunting in such weather, which she had done on occasion at her Dads insistance, did not prepare her for this much snow, this much cold. Even throughout her journey West she had not, people were smart enough to avoid such weather, as was she when given the choice. While she was in the mountains for another reason the noises drew her attention to this area. She didn't want to get involved in whatever was happening with those explosions but if there were people there was probably food and she had precious little left. It was worth the risk to get a chance at a few more meals. Sami looked around again, Gods it is cold!

But only the cold bothered her, the isolation she grew to prefer. Too many crazies out now, everyone just out for themselves. She had a mixed experience with the others she had met. Individuals she met, like herself, were generally fairly relaxed and sometimes even generous. She had shared many a fire with other lone travellers before setting off on their own paths come morning. She had met the occcasional family, hiding out in a ranch house she had gone to scavange from, and again had found them to be generous as well. She guess it helped being a young girl, there was no shortage of sympathy from some people. But there was just as much on the opposite end of the spectrum. She had escaped a few camps where she had been abducted and forced to work, threatened or worse. She'd had to run from many men and women with evil intent in their eyes. But she had never killed a person, she didn't think she had that in her. In fact her very reason for being in this freezing mountain was that she was fleeing someone and while she figured they would have given up by now, putting one more mountain range between her and the camp seemed like a good idea. That last camp of crazies wanted things she was not willing to give. There were also downsides to being a young girl.

She coughed as she looked around and covered her naked face with her new parker, Ugh, stinks. She thought, But probably no worse than I do. She was lucky to have found the corpse, thrown or fallen from a clifftop it had provided a warm, if oversized, parka and a bottle of water. As she looked around she noticed the red trail on the snow which led to a walker dead on the ground. Sami crouched down and approached quietly, drawing her bow off her shoulder she looped the finger sling through the bow and nocked an arrow. As she grew closer she noticed more bodies on the red stained ground and fresh footprints leading away from the corpses. She crouched in the snow and waited, watching the bodies to check if any were moving or any were recently living.
GM, 2389 posts
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 22:34
  • msg #3

Group G : Trail to Red

After some time, a crow flies to a stop on top of a tree observing the scene from above in silence. Samindi hears the crow's arrival and its departure. There are no movements from the bodies, nor any noise that she could hear. She is alone.

Samindi notices arrows sticking out from other bodies as well. Although most of them landed in their bodies or legs. As all survivor should know by now, only shots to the head can stop a walking dead.
Samindi W
player, 2 posts
Wed 18 Mar 2020
at 02:28
  • msg #4

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami waited until she was sure that none of these bodies would rise, she had seen that happen enough that she would never approach another corpse without being sure it was dead dead. Not half dead or undead or reawakened or whatever people called the walkers, she had been caught before and it was not something you forgot.

Rising from where she was crouching Sami loosened the sling, holstered the arrow and slung the bow over her shoulder. She drew her hunting knife from her belt and approached the closest corpse. She called it her hunting knife but it was pretty much just a modified chef’s knife with a duct taped handle and sharpened on both sides. As she approached the first body she stabbed the knife into the back of the corpses skull, ensuring it would not rise again. Sami withdrew and inspected the arrow, more ammunition couldn’t hurt, and if it was better quality than what she had then it could replace one of her wooden, handcrafted ones. She wasn’t low on arrows exactly and her quiver was almost full as she recovered as many arrows and she could or crafted more as she needed them. Sami then rolled the corpse over, checked if it was recently living or a dead dead walker, rifled through the corpse’s pants, pockets, jackets, anywhere that could hold valuables or useful materials.

Looking out over the gathered corpses Sami look her time inspecting each one in the same way. Approach, stab, check arrow, check if it was a person or a walker and then loot the corpse. It was a well-practiced process which she had possibly done a hundred times by now. The dead have no use of anything. She kept reassuring herself. She never stole from the living, knowingly, but looting from the dead was fair game.
GM, 2392 posts
Wed 18 Mar 2020
at 06:18
  • msg #5

Group G : Trail to Red

Despite your efforts, most of the dead did not possess anything particular useful. The items they carry were personal items, or useless baubles. However, Samindi did find something of use from one of the bodies.

Before she realizes, the trail of red snow faded. The footprints continue to march on to the distance, but leaves no signs of blood. Samindi spots a separate trails of footprints diverging into another direction.
Samindi W
player, 3 posts
Wed 18 Mar 2020
at 12:22
  • msg #6

Group G : Trail to Red

Going about as well as expected her search of the corpses was not quite in vain. Sami pocketed what she found that was of use and stood, looking further down the trail where the footprints lead. She noted there was no blood as the footprints led away, it seemed that a bunch of dead were slain and the people who did it didn't suffer greatly. As she followed the footprints further she was surprised as she noted the footprints split up. Two groups? She thought, Maybe.

Sami kept low and quiet and continued along the path of the main route, whichever seemed to have the most footprints. She was more likely to find a camp that way, and she could use some respite out of this cold.
GM, 2393 posts
Thu 19 Mar 2020
at 00:49
  • msg #7

Group G : Trail to Red

Following the trail further the trail of footprints grows thinner and thinner. Eventually, there's only a pair of footprints left. Its worthy of note that the distance between each step is somewhat consistent.

Before long, the young girl spots a thin smoke further down the direction where the trail leads. Whoever made these trails are close.
Samindi W
player, 4 posts
Thu 19 Mar 2020
at 04:13
  • msg #8

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami continued following the footprints until she saw the smoke ahead. As she noticed it she crouched low and sat in the forest foilage, pondering her next move. She was in need of some food, her last week had been rough, but wasn't sure if approaching was the safest thing. They defintely had weapons and were competent enough to keep their area clear of dead, she should be careful.

Sami moved off the trail as she approached the smoke. Trying to stay silent in the underbrush she moved forward.
GM, 2396 posts
Fri 20 Mar 2020
at 00:16
  • msg #9

Group G : Trail to Red

The young girl moves as swift and silent as the wind through the trees. She manages to step over the bushes and brambles on the way to the source of the smoke without snapping on any of the loose branches.

There's a small clearing ahead. A small campfire is crackling in the middle next to a woman who is sitting on the ground with her back leaning against a tree. She's constantly checking her surroundings with her tired eyes. There's a Christmas colour themed beanie on her head, a warm looking purple coat covers her body, and a pair of noticeable Hello Kitty-gloves on both hands. A part of her long, red hair is hanging loose form the beanie. They look unkempt and sweaty. Her right hand clutches tight onto a composite bow, though much less intricate in terms of design compare to Samindi's.

The woman rips off a page from what looks to be a journal and feeds it to the small fire.

Right now the woman hasn't notice your presence yet.
Samindi W
player, 5 posts
Fri 20 Mar 2020
at 03:41
  • msg #10

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami quietly approached a tree and crouched behind it, silently drawing an arrow and preparing her bow. Fixing her finger sling and nocking an arrow she waited, silently watching from behind the tree. She didn't think that a lone woman would give her trouble, and from the footprints that led to the campfire it was likely just the woman alone here. Regardless Sami remained crouched behing the tree and watched, her bow ready should anything unexpected happen to provoke her.

She didn't approach the woman, not just yet, and continued to watch her for a couple of hours or until something required her attention.
GM, 2397 posts
Fri 20 Mar 2020
at 05:16
  • msg #11

Group G : Trail to Red

For the next hour, Samindi observe the woman occasionally feeding more pages to the fire with a page from her journal, or with dollar bills from her wallet. The red headed woman sits in the same spot fending off her weariness. Many times she nearly dozed off, but she shakes herself awake and nervously checks her surroundings.

Both Samindi and the woman hears a rustling noise nearby. A walker wanders into the clearing. Its menacing snarl sends the woman to jump to her feet. She nocks an arrow and steadies her aim at the lone dead. By Samindi's experience in archery, both the woman's stance and the way she focuses her aim are a dead give away that she's a beginner in the art.

The woman looses the arrow from her bow, it lands right in between the eyes of the walker. Whether its luck or skill, its hard to tell from this angle that Samindi's observing from.

The woman let out a long breath and retrieves the arrow she fired before returning to her usual spot. There she continues to struggle fending off her drowsiness.

Even Interrupt

Samindi readies her shot at the walker. With a swift whoosh, the arrow finds its mark on the skull of the ghoul. It falls limp to the ground.

"Who's there!?" The woman calls with hands ready on her bow.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:19, Fri 20 Mar 2020.
Samindi W
player, 6 posts
Fri 20 Mar 2020
at 08:13
  • msg #12

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami was quicker than the novice archer and as soon as the dead was within sight she raised her bow with practiced ease and shot it square between the eyes as the woman was still aiming for it. Sami smirked with satisfaction, perhaps she had won a friend but either way it was better than showing her face without revealing her intent.

Expectedly the woman was a little spooked and as she nervously scanned the trees Sami whispered, loud enough that the woman could hear. "No friend of the dead."

Sami lowered her bow and peaked her face from around the tree. "Can I join you?"
GM, 2398 posts
Sat 21 Mar 2020
at 04:54
  • msg #13

Group G : Trail to Red

The woman stares at you for a moment before answering.

"Sure. Come sit by the fire so we can talk." The woman lowers her weapon slightly. "But do it slow." Although she invited you to join her by the fire, her shoulders remain tense.
Samindi W
player, 7 posts
Sat 21 Mar 2020
at 07:31
  • msg #14

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami stepped out from behind the tree but was wary of the woman. She didn't disarm entirely and was still ready should any trouble appear from the woman or other dead. First she walked, slowly as the woman asked, towards the dead she had slain and plucked the arrow from its skull. Wooden arrows she could replace but anything crafted from before, well she'd do everything she could to hold onto those. After collecting her arrow Sami walked towards the fire and crouched down beside it, appreciating the warmth.

She looked at the woman, studying her. "You kill the dead back there?" She motioned with her head the way she had come.
GM, 2399 posts
Sun 22 Mar 2020
at 00:29
  • msg #15

Group G : Trail to Red

"Yep, it was me." The woman replies.

"I'm Ingrid, I haven't seen you on this mountain before. What are you doing here alone in the mountains?" Ingrid asks with curious eyes focus on Samindi.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
NPC Compedium updated.

Samindi W
player, 8 posts
Sun 22 Mar 2020
at 02:33
  • msg #16

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami looks Ingrid in the eyes, "Ran into some dead at the bottom a couple days ago. Just took off and ran, ended up here."

It seemed from what Ingrid said she knew the area, "You know the area? Any camps around that are friendly? Good places to scavenge?"
GM, 2400 posts
Sun 22 Mar 2020
at 04:25
  • msg #17

Group G : Trail to Red

"Ran into some dead at the bottom a couple days ago. Just took off and ran, ended up here."

"Same reason why my friend and I came up here too then. We thought it'd be safer from the dead up here." Ingrid rests both of her hands on her laps while still clutching onto her bow.

"Well... There was a friendly place until few hours ago. Don't be disappointed that you missed it. My friend and I found out apparently they're only being super friendly because we were going to be their dinner." She shrugs. "Then someone sent in a truckload of dead."

Ingrid feeds tosses a handful of dollar bills into the fire. It crackles as it consumes the fuel.

"There's a lot of resources left, but I would not recommend going there right now."
Samindi W
player, 9 posts
Mon 23 Mar 2020
at 02:02
  • msg #18

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami nodded, "Your friend around?" She was worried but tried not to show it. If this woman wasn't alone well, she definitely wasn't as safe as she thought. "They help you kill the dead back there? Saw some other tracks off in other directions."

She thought she'd put it out there, see what the woman had to say. Sami was alert for anyone approaching, unsure of who this womans 'friend' was. As for the extra resources, she could ask about that later and maybe check it out. Wouldn't be the first time she had snuck into a place that nobody else was game to.
GM, 2401 posts
Mon 23 Mar 2020
at 04:45
  • msg #19

Group G : Trail to Red

"No, she's not with me. We got separated last night when everything happened." Ingrid stares into the fire. An air of melancholy surrounds her.

"I was with someone when I was on the run." She continues with her story. "They decided to lure some of the dead off of me to give me a chance... After they were bit during the escape."

A small group of crows emerges from a nearby tree when a gust of wind blows through the forest. Ingrid moves her hands in front of the fire as an attempt to shield it from the wind. Though the fire is burning strong enough to withstand the blow of the wind.
Samindi W
player, 10 posts
Mon 23 Mar 2020
at 22:09
  • msg #20

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami dropped her head and looked towards the fire, she guessed the woman was telling the truth and putting two and two together she guess that the seperation happened back where she saw the dead. it looked as though the woman had fled far enough to be safe and then set up camp. She looked towards the woman, "Think she's still alive? You want to go check?" She could use a rest, honestly, but leaving a lone woman to the dead made her stomach twist. Not everyone was as fortunate as her with her pre-apocalypse skills being useful in this new world.

"Otherwise, point me in the direction of the old cannibal camp." Sami said it with such nonchalance that it was obvious that cannibalism was something she had encountered previously. "The dead will move on, better to get in before anyone else."

If she could sneak in and out, maybe pocket some food in the meantime, that would be best. Having someone else to come with her could be good as well, extra eyes and an extra weapon.
GM, 2403 posts
Tue 24 Mar 2020
at 06:47
  • msg #21

Group G : Trail to Red

"I'm planning to look for her, I wouldn't mind company." Ingrid gathers her strength and stands. "That place isn't going anywhere, and I doubt there's anyone else in this mountain that would go there. We can always go back for the supplies later." The woman dusts the snow off of herself and smiles.

"There's my rest, ready to go?"
Samindi W
player, 11 posts
Wed 25 Mar 2020
at 07:27
  • msg #22

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami nodded, drawing an arrow to her bowstring once more a she stood. The fire was a short respite but welcome, with enough luck this rescure wouldn't take so long and then she could rest proper. With some company, even unsure if she totally trusted Ingrid, rest should be easier to find.

"Right, lead the way." Sami nodded back into the trees.
GM, 2404 posts
Fri 27 Mar 2020
at 00:25
  • msg #23

Group G : Trail to Red

The duo did not encounter any danger in their travel in the forest. Despite that, the woman keeps up her guard and checks their surroundings constantly.

When a sound of a man's roar echoes from the distant. It did not exactly sound like a scream, it was more of an angry shout. Ingrid halts in place. "It doesn't sound like my friend but they might need help." She says to Samindi.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:25, Fri 27 Mar 2020.
Samindi W
player, 12 posts
Sat 28 Mar 2020
at 22:22
  • msg #24

Group G : Trail to Red

Sami followed Ingrid cautiously at first but began to relax as she noticed the woman was as nervoud as she was. Bow ready she silently stalked beside her, watching. She didn't expect trouble but could never be certain, from what Ingrid said there was people here fairly recently and there were definitely the dead.

The shout pulled her out of her thoughts, she frowned at Ingrid but it looked as though the woman didn't understand either.

Sami nodded slowly, "Sure, we can go. But carefully." She followed the woman towards the shout.
GM, 2407 posts
Tue 31 Mar 2020
at 05:51
  • msg #25

Group G : Trail to Red

It didn't take long before the duo pin point the source of the shout. A cabin comes into view, with several strangers standing outside having a heated argument.

"That's Kea, and Ralph! I know them!" When Ingrid and Samindi move close enough to see the strangers' faces, Ingrid gasps. The woman she claims to be Kea drops to her knee. Ingrid steadies her aim on her bow as she reveals herself.

"Back away assholes or you'll have an arrow sticking out of you." She calls out.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:30, Wed 01 Apr 2020.
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