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, welcome to The Argentos Traveling Show

07:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

To the lands beyond the Rhine.

Posted by BenFor group 0
GM, 128 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Thu 30 Apr 2020
at 00:33
  • msg #184

Of the evening in Rutti.

Irkayo Sathower volunteers for a night shift, of course.  Service as an escort for the caravan demands it!  He prowls around the camp with a bow, when it is his turn.

There's a lot to think about, and Alayna isn't all of it.  There's the Goblins, of course... and the odd ideas that Human women had about them.

Would they really perform for the Goblins?  Treat them like just... people?  But Goblins were vile little thieving wretches, and very dangerous given the opportunity. Did they not know?

The Elves of the Black Forest did not survive this past thousand years of turmoil in the world by being gentle and trusting.  The Orc troops that tried to push their way into the forest, on numerous occasions, were not seeking entertainment.  The Goblins were just the pathetic things forced to scurry through the shadows to serve Orcs that would kill them just as soon as they'd kill an Elf.  Beyond the sanctity of the Black Forest, and the old and honorable life of the Elves, that was how the world worked.

Wasn't it?

Time is marked by the stars and the moon, and the moon overhead means he is relieved by one of the local Elves.  Yes, he reports, the Goblins are there.  Watching and studying. No doubt wondering about the abilities of the travelers.

"So be it," says the other Elf.  "They will be that much more tired in the morning, and less able to pursue master Argentos and his caravan.  I think."


With the morning, those on last shift of guard duty wake up the whole settlement, caravan included.  Elves yawn, and look sleepy- they are not used to hard schedules.

Jolo scarcely notices.  The Golem does not sleep.  He spends the night puttering around his patron's wagon, making sure everything is perfect.  Marcos does have the neatest, best kept, cleanest wagon in the troupe, now.  With the whole night to work, Jolo has left it spotless.  He laments, though, that his abilities do not include cooking.  A few of the Golems can do that, but not Jolo.  Nor can he learn- a Golem's functions are literally enscribed in the magic that animates it.

Breakfast is hasty- bread, fruit, nothing cooked.  The Argentoses want to get on the trail.  This are expected to be a little different today.  If they do get moving ahead of the Goblins, the most dangerous position in the caravan is last.
player, 112 posts
Thu 30 Apr 2020
at 03:11
  • msg #185

Of the evening in Rutti.

Which is a good reason Tahra takes them middle. Klimmin is asleep.
Marcos Conner Esher
player, 49 posts
confuse the senses
confound the logical mind
Thu 30 Apr 2020
at 13:16
  • msg #186

Of the evening in Rutti.

Marcos was one of the last to retire for the night. Almost as soon as he entered the collapsed puppet stage wagon, which was also the place called his traveling house; the lights went out and mostly quiet. Quiet except for the fastidious and diligent work of Jolo.

two hours after Marcos entered his wagon, mage lights began glowing bright enough to read and study. Marcus had not needed sleep so much as "rest" a distinction he had credited to (in front of friends) to a special ring of sustenance. He scribed scrolls and mapped out a performance for the goblins (just in case). By the time everyone awoke the stage wagon was secured and ready for the last wagon

the performance for the goblins...
reclining atop the stage wagon was a 10 1/2 ft long gold dragon, upon its back an exquisite exotic saddle. It would take physical interaction to tell it was an illusion wrapped around the dragon puppet Marcos had used to entertain the orcs and humans, under very different coloration and styling. But it had not been any part of the recent performances for the elves, and Marcos had no intention of bringing it in range of any physical interaction with any goblins. Additionally Marcos could channel spells through the mouth of the dragon while riding the dragon puppet, illusion or not it had "breath attacks."

as the troupe began to rouse the "dragon" crawled off the wagon and strolled around the area, to allow elves and troupe members to interact with and make the appropriate will saves vs illusion, and to increase the believably to observant goblins.
Nwofia Barandi
player, 113 posts
Acrobat, Actress and
A Living Surprise
Thu 30 Apr 2020
at 13:42
  • msg #187

Of the evening in Rutti.

Nwofia too thought about what sort of things goblins might find entertaining.  She rode the wagon, watching carefully to see what they were doing, but more to the point, she was trying to work out why they were doing.  It didn't matter though.  Watch and learn, Nwofia, Watch, learn and use that knowledge.  They would need to guard the caravan certainly, but why not learn what goblins actually liked?  She was a showman.  With every breath she was a showman.
player, 15 posts
Tue 5 May 2020
at 00:02
  • msg #188

Of the evening in Rutti.

Topaz takes in the evening as he does the wine, with his signature blend of exuberant ardor and elegant decorum.  Where there is space in the gathering for such, he sings, plays an instrument, recites a poem or famous speech, or dances with a willing partner.  Better, as far as the Faun is concerned, is the opportunity for genteel flirtation with all and sundry.  Whether to raise a smile, a smirk, or a blush, he playfully encourages such exchange.

As far as being a guard goes, Topaz is not the best.  He's far too prone to bouts of boredom, thus easily distracted.  Rather, he's likely to entertain himself and draw others along in his wake, thus detracting from the point of guarding.  More better he should busy himself aboout packing up for the journey.

In response to Phileas' point, Topaz has few ideas.  "It seems a better measure of our worth to perform than to fight, really, should it come to that.  They mayn't give us an option otherwise, but it seems where we can, we'd be better suited to playing than contending."

As he has no wagon, nor tent, of his own, the Faun has little to set up and tear down.  In the morning, though, he is all bright smiles and happy greetings, ears pricked and tail wagging.  Someone had a fine evening.  After everything is packed and the caravan is about to begin moving, he hops onto the tail of Nwofia's wagon and sits, swinging his legs and watching the world.  "It's going to be a fine day!"
GM, 129 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Wed 6 May 2020
at 01:07
  • msg #189

The Elven trail

From here there is no choice but to travel uphill, to cross a mountain ridge before entering the land of the Black Forest Elven royal court.  It is the type of landscape beloved by Elves; too rough for the easy spread of civilization,  heavily forested, so much so that much of the forest floor is in shadow even on a bright day.

There are two local Elves joining the trip- for them it is a common day jaunt to the royal court, something they do often enough though without the burden of escorting a large and very unusual caravan.

Elves are long lived enough, and Black Forest Elves few enough, for at least one of them to recognize Irkayo Sathower.

They speak in Elven.  They have no secrets, and are not hiding their conversation, but Elven is just their natural speech.  Kanthor Ferleen is surprised that Irkayo is even here, the Sathowers live closer to the waterways and are seldom seen trudging up and over the great ridges of the Schwarzwald.  When Irkayo explains that he volunteered to escort, in his appreciation of the performance, Kanthor asks where they are going.

"East," Irkayo says.  "Towards the sunrise, towards the spring lands."
"And you will go?" Kanthor asks.
"I cannot.  There is too much I cannot turn away from and leave behind.  I volunteered to take them to our Queen, because our Queen invited them.  To the east... that is beyond what I can offer."

"And now?  Lead from the front, or from the rear?" Kanthor asks.  "You know the Goblins are insanely curious of them.  I have no doubt they will kick themselves for sleeping so late..."

"There is a very good illusionist here, who kept them awake through the night," Irkayo says.

"But they will awaken, they will follow, they will catch up.  This caravan moves slowly.  We will post ourselves at the rear, and watch for them."

The caravan does move slowly.  It is following an Elven trail, with the aid of an Elven enchantment, but it is draft animals pulling wagons, and they do not move quickly.  Phileas's early morning departure has bought the group a few hours, and Marcos's spectacle bought them a few hours more, but when they finally get themselves together...

In a hidden glen in the forest, on the edge of the clearing around Rutti, the Goblins realize they've been distracted by last night's show.

"Snotch! Kreggle!  Wake up you lazy slugs!  The strangers have been gone since dawn, the sun is high in the sky!"

The caravan has already covered seven miles when the Goblins set out.  Two hours later the Goblins have made that up.  The caravan has moved on, but...

A messenger bird arrives, from the Elves at Rutti.  Kanthor reads the note tied to the leg before sending the raven home.  He alerts the rest of the group.

"They are pursuing, possibly a dozen of them.  We are entering the lands guarded by the Queen, but... if they mean to attack, they will be here soon, and they must do it soon, or lose the opportunity."
player, 113 posts
Wed 6 May 2020
at 03:46
  • msg #190

The Elven trail

Hearing this, Tahra smiles a grim smile and drops back toward the rear of the company. She warns those nearby If they close, bad things are going to happen.
player, 120 posts
Half Elf Equestrian
Comely and young
Mon 11 May 2020
at 05:51
  • msg #191

The Elven trail

As usual, Alayna shows up at the front in the lead. She is so used to doing that, after all. She looks well rested, and has her hair still unbraided and hanging down past her horse's back as she rides. And she has put on makeup as well. Clearly, the precedent she set the day before in being a little overly concerned with her appearance is still part of her morning ritual.

She also is singing softly to herself, using various bits of songs she has learned in her short life. She is in a great mood. Even her horse seems happy, stepping high as he takes her to the front.
Nwofia Barandi
player, 114 posts
Acrobat, Actress and
A Living Surprise
Mon 11 May 2020
at 06:09
  • msg #192

The Elven trail

Nwofia takes ten of her bullets from her personal supply. If she needs more than that, it'll likely be time for closer quarters fighting.
Marcos Conner Esher
player, 50 posts
confuse the senses
confound the logical mind
Mon 11 May 2020
at 14:59
  • msg #193

The Elven trail

Marcos continues to keep to the rear of the caravan. He continues the concentration on the illusion of a medium size gold dragon on his puppet, and with direct contact with the same puppet which he is riding he controls it's movement.

He keeps up with the caravan, occasionally pausing to look back to see how close the goblins are approaching. When his sight line becomes obstructed by vegitation, he takes the dragon puppet leaping into the trees.
player, 16 posts
Mon 11 May 2020
at 22:57
  • msg #194

The Elven trail

For his part, Topaz prefers not to fight where performance might carry the day.  While Nwofia readies sling bullets, he takes a moment to charge his crossbow, then shrugs a masterfully crafted vest of chainmail on over his shirt.  He takes a bundle from his pack, unwrapping, a pair of expensive blades, rapier and dagger.

Before departing, he gives Nwofia a slight, wistful smile, looking genuinely disheartened at the thought of combat.  "It's a sad day when we've to take to arms instead of performing."

He collects his few belongings, hops off the dancer's wagon, then heads to the rearmost where others have gathered.  While he's as armed as anyone, he lays his weapons on the tailgate of the hindmost wagon and seats himself there, legs dangling over the sides.  The Faun takes up a strange instrument akin to the Syrinx or Roman auenis.  This one, makes a sound more akin to an aulos or other reeded instrument.

The Faun sits and plays.  After all, it's not like the wagons're going to sneak through an ambush or escape stealthily through the forest.  Best, perhaps, to let confusion and uncertainty rule the Goblins. "Maybe, just maybe they'll come in close enough we can convince them to become an audience."

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Aiming to use Enthrall should our guests come close enough, DC 17.

Nwofia Barandi
player, 115 posts
Acrobat, Actress and
A Living Surprise
Tue 12 May 2020
at 06:15
  • msg #195

The Elven trail

Nwofia nods to Topaz and somersaults from the wagon to stand behind him. She stashes the bullets in her pouch. "It is yet to become certain by any means." she said.

When he began to play, she began to dance, doing her best to make it a show.
ROLLS: tumbling 19, dance 18 and showmanship 26
GM, 130 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Wed 20 May 2020
at 01:13
  • msg #196

The Elven trail

The Goblins do make an effort, but it's not easy for them.  The caravan has quite the head start, and though they can catch it, by the time they are close, the caravan is near the area of forest patrolled by the royals of the Black Forest Elves- the most powerful magic users in the land.  The Goblins fear them:  the forest obeys their every whim, they say.

It does so already.  A sneak attack on the back of the caravan is not possible.  The trail is narrow, made for Elves, not wagons.  It opens to accommodate the wagons, and then, as the last passes, the forest closes in again.  This is very frustrating to Goblins who almost, almost think they have a clear opportunity.

Several times the seem to rally for an effort- there is a noise, movement in the underbrush, and they try to race ahead moving through the forest alongside the caravan.  The last time, though... they are discouraged by the appearance of the dragon illusion.

It's not the illusion per se that does it.  This isn't the first encounter with magic for the Goblins.  They've been hanging around an Elven forest, after all.  But it means for them that they are up against at least one mage of unknown power.  When you are already working at the edge, it is not the time to multiply your problems by taking on a magic user of unknown capabilities.  And besides, the Goblins recognize the runes emblazoned on the tree, here.  They are entering the land of the Queen.  Here, it's not safe to travel off the trail.  One can easily encounter the defensive traps of the Elves, especially if one is trying to keep one's focus on a moving caravan.

Fighting back their bitter curiosity, they call off the pursuit, ending a battle of determination and wits that most in the caravan weren't even aware was happening.

*** *** *** *** ***

It is Taroduna, the court of the Queen of the Black Forest Elves.  It has been so for centuries, and this very odd town has a feel of age.

It is more of a town than anything else they have seen in the Black Forest.  Still not a big city like Humans build, but not a collection of tree homes dispersed in the wood.  Taroduna is a town.  And yet. it is clearly in the style of the Black Forest Elves.  Every structure is blended into trees- trees grow through roofs, buildings wrap up and around trunks and sprawl onto great branches.  Everything blends- and it is all blended so well that it is hidden until the last moment, when suddenly, Taroduna is all around you.  Soft lights glow around door openings and stairways rising into tree canopies, and songbirds are everywhere, completely unafraid of the two very large forest cats that sit perched on a step.

And of course, Elves approach from several directions at once; armed sentries, and nobles in glittering costume.

"We are here," Hylensia Argentos observes quietly.
player, 114 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 02:55
  • msg #197

The Elven trail

Tahra dismounts and stretches, particularly her legs after the saddle time. Then she stands and waits, her lips and eyes smiling.
player, 121 posts
Half Elf Equestrian
Comely and young
Wed 20 May 2020
at 04:26
  • msg #198

The Elven trail

Her long hair flowing behind her, Alayna whispered to her horse, then gave a nudge of her heels. The white horse reared on his hind legs, standing for a moment, then taking a few steps two-legged before coming down. She waved to those around, smiling, then patted Angel's neck lovingly.
GM, 131 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Thu 21 May 2020
at 01:55
  • msg #199

The Elven trail

One of the Elf escorts speaks with the sentries of Taroduna, while the other makes a report to the Argentoses:

"It was wise to leave so early.  Elves are not fond of hasty mornings, and it seems that Goblins are less so.  By the time they caught up with us, they were harried and tired, and we were too close to the royal defenses to allow them time to get ahead and set a trap.  And... I must say the illusion of a Dragon helped keep them at bay."

"I liked it," Phileas says.  "Quite authentic, I think.  Our Gnome must have seen his share of them."

"Dragons have attacked the Gnomes?" the Elf asks.

"Quite the contrary.  The Dragons of Basilea make it clear that the Gnomelands are under their protection.  They are long standing allies.  The Gnomes possess features the Dragons greatly value: hands, and willingness to work hard creating things."

*** *** *** ***

By way of Elven messengers and a bit of Elven magic, the coming of the entertainers is no surprise here.  Here, it will not be necessary to sleep in wagons, or in tents set up around them.  The Elven royal family does not treat guests like that. Here, the Elves have set aside of "Traveler's Home"- much like an inn of the Humans, but there is no service at all, and travelers are expected to do the work to make sure that it is just as nice when they leave.

In design, also, it is unlike a human inn.  It is not one building, it is one main hall and a series of small lodges that follow a spiral up a tree and out onto gigantic branches.  The lodges are very rustic from the outside, but inside, they look like rooms from an exotic palace, with fine silky cloth covering the walls.  The furniture is all finely carved and polished wood.  There is a definite lack of metalwork, but the Elves seem to capture a sense of rich elegance with fine woodwork instead.
Marcos Conner Esher
player, 51 posts
confuse the senses
confound the logical mind
Thu 21 May 2020
at 02:23
  • msg #200

The Elven trail

Marcos appreciated the compliment on his dragon imagery, and since it is a concentration duration spell he see no reason to end it. But instead allowed it to become more fantastical and less bound to reality.

I appreciate that my works of art are pleasing to the destingushing elven eye.
GM, 132 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Sat 23 May 2020
at 00:49
  • msg #201


It is not the Elven way to rush anything.  If Phileas asked for a day or a month to prepare the show, the Elves would think nothing of it, and grant the company all the time needed.  As idyllic as Taroduna might be, though, he has a world to explore.  This is only a stop.  He asks only the time necessary, telling the Elves here they will be ready to perform on the afternoon of the following day.  It was a long journey today, after all.

The Elves do not see the Argentos troupe as a business venture; there's no talk of paying them for the show.  Perhaps they don't understand that this is how it works.  Instead, the troupe is treated like guests.

But Irkayo, having adapted to his role as advisor, has another interpretation:

"I know that you collect coin as you go," he says quietly when he has the chance.  "So does the queen, I am sure.  We are not altogether ignorant about your ways.  But it is import to.. pardon the words... play your part.  As guests.  You see, if you were not guests, you would not be welcome here.  Since you are invited, you are guests, to be treated with kindness.  But do not even hint that you expect any compensation beyond what is freely offered."
player, 122 posts
Half Elf Equestrian
Comely and young
Mon 25 May 2020
at 03:27
  • msg #202

Journey to the Court of the Black Forest Elves

Alayna, of course, is not one to care if she is paid or not. Just being allowed to perform, for her, is a gift that she never expected. And to be a guest of Elves is a dream come true. Of course she seeks out Irkayo to remind him of the promise to her...

"You do remember that you promised to introduce me to the Queen, do you not?" she asked him, giving him a saucy look from under her eyelashes. "I realize that a part blood is not someone she might want to meet, but it would be very special to me."
GM, 133 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Mon 25 May 2020
at 16:13
  • msg #203

Journey to the Court of the Black Forest Elves

"No, no you are guests, of course she would meet you, she summoned you," Irkayo explains hastily.  "One can hardly be responsible for the circumstances of one's birth.. no matter how much some of us might find the idea troubling.  Come, we shall go to the Court."

There is no marked path that says "Court of the Black Forest Elves This Way", but even Alayna, having never been this way, quickly learns to see the subtle signs.  Along the way, the forest town of Taraduna becomes more.. Elf Queen Court-ish.  More vivid colors in the flowers, even the green of the moss beneath their feet is a brighter shade of green.  Birds, butterflies... Alayna picks it up quickly, the Court is where the forest is brighter.

It's not indoors.  It's not even up in the trees.  Although, it's on a bluff with one steep face, with trees growing up along side it, so from some angles below the bluff it looks like it's up in the trees.  Even as they approach, they can see lights and movement and hear muffled fragments of voices.

And then they are aware of a large, silvery furred and exceptionally fluffy looking fox walking alongside them.  Fur gleams like polished metal, it seems impossible that this creature got in so close without being noticed.  And yet, there it is.

"Interesting creatures, Elves," it says.  "They tug at my heartstrings.  So much wisdom, and yet, such gaping holes in that wisdom, and they have no idea how to fill it.  How can one live so long and yet not learn some of life's lessons?  Hello, you might have heard of me.  Vulenk, observer and teacher.   Neither of you seem to be the wise and powerful types that typically visit the Queen, that's a good sign."
player, 123 posts
Half Elf Equestrian
Comely and young
Mon 25 May 2020
at 20:39
  • msg #204

Journey to the Court of the Black Forest Elves

Alayna blinks in surprise at the fox that speaks, almost as much as she is surprised by what he says. But she pauses to give him a curtsy.

"Greetings, wise one. I am Alayna, with the traveling entertainers that arrived today. I ride a horse and do tricks. But I fear that I have not heard of you, but I am fearfully ignorant of such things. This is Irkayo, who is nice enough to show me the way to meet the Queen. If I might ask, what is it you teach?"
player, 18 posts
Mon 25 May 2020
at 22:41
  • msg #205

Journey to the Court of the Black Forest Elves

Topaz has attended the Elven court in past, embassy from Princess Nia Sian Rosedrake, a Fey court of Brownies.  In such role, he's travelled widely, bearing news and tidings from place to place.

He's quite glad the goblins have decided that attacking is too much work.  Escher's illusory drake is quite convincing and seems to have done the job.  He spends the intervening time enjoying the ride.

The Faun's lightly surprised by the appearance of the silver fox alongside the caravan.  He knows that Fey folks can get around quite stealthily when they need to, though he's far more about minor seemings and being seen, himself.  He considers the apparent fox and the self-provided name, savoring them as he might a scent or taste, to see what recollections they might spark.

Is it noteworthy enough for bardic knowledge to apply?
GM, 134 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Sat 30 May 2020
at 02:32
  • msg #206

Journey to the Court of the Black Forest Elves

Topaz's knowledge of old lore does seem to apply to the fox.  He's not sure, though, just how specific to this fox the information is.  Among the inhabitants of the most magical places in the forests (and the court of an Elven queen counts) are various magical animals.  Often, these are exceptional versions of ordinary animals, given great powers and intelligence, and often other features, like unusual size, strength, or appearance.

It's hard to connect a story to this particular creature, though.  Where the old songs sing of The Fox or The Bear, they usually don't give it a name.  Maybe all the foxes in the songs are really just one fox.

These magical animals are generally not the villains in the story, though the Fox certainly seems to enjoy teasing.  They seem to have other roles- guardian, guide, perhaps the subtle paw of fate pushing things along in an intended direction.

*** *** *** ***

"I teach the things that my students want to avoid learning," the fox says.  "The hard questions.  The questions we would rather gather up and hide away.  Someone must take them out of hiding or they will never be asked."

"Never a straight answer from someone like him," Irkayo says.  "I've heard of you. And you teach scouting and forest lore."

"Hardly teaching, that, just imparting the things I know.  I don't consider it the important part," Vulenk replies.  "But this is important, traveling entertainers among the Black Forest Elves.  You are the first in a long time.  This has been a very closed place, bottled in, looking past.  That must change."

As they approach they can see Elves in the court.  Just a few.  They don't have the dazzling costumes of the Elves of other places.  Here, even the queen... assuming one of them is the queen... looks as if they are planning a hunting trip.  Everything is in dark shades: green, brown, and black.

"Don't mind Vulenk," one of them, a woman, says.  "He always thinks he is a great teacher of wisdom.  It's a game, he speaks in vague hints and thinks he has accomplished something when you can attach some sense to it."
player, 117 posts
Sat 30 May 2020
at 04:04
  • msg #207

Journey to the Court of the Black Forest Elves

Tahra replies Master Fox, "That must change." Those are hard words to hear.

Tahra, overbold perhaps, responds There's the teacher, and then there's the teaching.
Nwofia Barandi
player, 118 posts
Acrobat, Actress and
A Living Surprise
Sat 30 May 2020
at 09:48
  • msg #208

Journey to the Court of the Black Forest Elves

"Well met, Magister Vulenk", says Nwofia.  "I've never understood the need for change.  Surely, if there is something wrong, the solution could as easily be to move from one place to another?  That is why I am here in Germania, if that's where I am."
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