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TomHammer Combat Rules.

Posted by TakhisisFor group 0
GM, 2 posts
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 04:42
  • msg #1

TomHammer Combat Rules


Posting Requirement

All players are required to post daily unless advance notice has been given to the GM that a player will be unable to post. Failure to post for three days will result in immediate removal from the game. It doesn't matter how good of a friend you are to me. This decision is being made based on the fact that everyone should be held to the same requirement regardless of our friendship.

Daily Posting Requirement during Combats

Barring advance notice being given to the GM that a player will be unable to post all players are required to post within 24 hours of the last rounds summation post. Failure to do so means that the character is gripped with indecision and will be assumed to be parry stance or full defence for the round. Fortune points will be used at the GM's discretion. The GM will make the necessary rolls. All consequences for the players inaction are the players. This decision is made based on the need of consideration and enjoyment for all the participants and to accelerate the game.


Make all your rolls every round. Even if you don' think you will use it please roll. Roll all your attack rolls, dodge and parries (in order of preference), roll dirty tricks and roll all damage rolls. Remember to roll "to hit" again if you roll 10 on damage for Ulric's Fury and if you roll under your attack skill roll the extra damage as well. In the dice roller include all your modifiers. At the top of each of the character sheets is a combat table which has all your important skills (WS/BS/Dodge/Initiative) and the abbreviations for all your combat talents as well as weapons and armor etc. This is the table I use for combats so make sure they are correct but I check them and keep them pretty up to date. Use the abbreviations to make sure you are using all your character's talents in the combat. It helps us both to remember. Also include any particular combat bonuses such as weapon special abilities, outnumbered and aiming.


- the target of the attack, (base skill), talent modifiers, other modifiers

Your WS or BS base percentage should be in the (). When using the dice roller you should use the below abbreviations.

Examples follow

#3 (63) Ch, B, +Charge

- (attacking #3), base WS 63, Chosen, Best Quality weapon, Charge

Damage (63) SMB, STI, Imp, Sl

- (damage to #3), plus Strike Might Blow, Impact Quality, Slow

Rolling Sequence

all attacks, including dirty trick
all damage
Ulric's fury tests
Ulric's fury damage
parry/dodge - in order of preference of use
possible stuns (head hits 1-15)
additional rolls for crits, WP tests, Agility Tests etc (used in order as needed)

What is should look like....

21:30, Today: Vasagros rolled 216 using 6d100 with rolls of 36, 36, 36. 36, 36, 36. Additional rolls
21:30, Today: Vasagros rolled 36 using 1d100 with rolls of 36. Poss Stun
21:30, Today: Vasagros rolled 36 using 1d100 with rolls of 36. Dodge(95),Ch,Dau.
21:30, Today: Vasagros rolled 38 using 1d100 with rolls of 38. Parry(53),Ch,Dau,Def,Ex,BB.
21:29, Today: Vasagros rolled 7 using 1d10+2 with rolls of 5. Dam-Kick(4-3),SMB.
21:26, Today: Vasagros rolled 10 using 1d10+5 with rolls of 5. Dam-Parry(4),SMB.
21:26, Today: Vasagros rolled 96 using 1d100 with rolls of 96. Poss Ulric's Fury (53)
21:26, Today: Vasagros rolled 20 using 2d10+5 with rolls of 5, 10. Dam-#40(4),STM.
21:24, Today: Vasagros rolled 22 using 1d100 with rolls of 22. DT-Kick,#40(53),SF,Ch,Dau.
21:24, Today: Vasagros rolled 69 using 2d100 with rolls of 31, 38. Atts#40(53) Ch,Dau,Ex,BB.

Posting the Results

Just copy and paste the rolls into a PL to the GM inside the post describing your actions for the round. Its also great to put as the first line a simple statement in the PL regarding what actions you are taking. Such as charge or walk and ready weapon or swift attack and dirty trick or whatever. I would recommend putting these above samples into your scratch pad and adjust them for character and then when you need them pasting the notes into a notepad and using them to make your rolls. That way you will always be using the correct format and man will you make my life easier.

Please make a cheat sheet for yourself with all the combat talent modifiers as well as weapon trait modifiers as well as all the various movement modifiers.


Amb - Ambidextrous        no penalty with off hand
BC - Blind Courage         charge is Half Action, +10% WS, +1 Damage
Ch - Chosen of Manann      +10% on WS, BS, Str and Agil tests while at sea.
Dis - Disarm               WS, opp makes Str or Agil by same DoS
GBF - Grudge-born Fury     +5% WS against green skins
Hat(XX) - Hatred           +10% WS and WP verses whoever
MG - Master Gunner         -1/2 Action to reload.
MS - Mighty Shot           +1 damage with ballistic weapons
Pug – Pugilist             +1 Attack when outnumbered
QD - Quick Draw            Ready Weapon is Free Action
RR - Rapid Reload          -1/2 Action to reload
SS - Sharpshooter          +20 BS with Aim action
SF – Street Fighting       Dirty Trick, +10% WS, +1 Damage in Unarmed Combat
SMB - Strike Mighty Blow   +1 Damage in Hand-to-Hand
StI - Strike to Injure     +/- 10% on hit locations in Hand-to-Hand
StS - Strike to Stun       Auto hit head, dam x5%+10% to stun, 1/2 real dam
Sw - Swashbuckler          +10% WS to Feint, Jumps 1/2 Action, +1 yd on leaps
Wr – Wrestling             +10% to Str and grapple tests, use Str or WS


A - Aim, +10%
AP - Armor piercing, -1 AP
B - Best Quality, +5%WS
Def - Defensive, +10% to parry
Fst - Fast, weapon is -10% dodge/parry
Imp - Impact, 2d10 for damage
M - Master Quality, +10% WS
PB - Point Blank, +30%
P - Pummeling, +10 to stun
Pre - Precise, adjust hit location + or - 10%
Sl - Slow, wpn is +10% to dodge/parry
Shr - Shrapnel, area of effect
UF – Ulric's Fury on damage when you roll a natural 10
UNR - unreliable, malfunction on 96-00
Stun – Stunned Opponent +20 to hit, unable to Dodge or Parry
2vs1 - Two to One, +10% to hit
3vs1 - Three to One, +20% to hit


Combat Rounds (CR) = 3 seconds (1 Full Combat Action)
Narrative Round (NR) = 10 seconds (using a skill, First Aid, Bleeding, equals 3 CR)
Turn (TN) = 6 narrative rounds (Treat Wounds)

Narrative rounds are basically more flexible and allow for more dialogue but they are mostly about time. Combat rounds are very structured (Free, Half and Full Actions).

Narrative rounds are 10 seconds long and are used mostly during times when I am counting time in a particular scene. The point of them would be that something is going to or might happen in a certain amount of time. Like say for example the players needing to quickly search a room before someone returns. So, if the NPC would return in 5 minutes (30 narrative rounds) the players could search the room and talk etc. If the players stand there talking about the weather for several long posts I use this tool to manage the time left to search the room once they finish talking and begin searching. Likewise, if one player is taking for 30 seconds and a second character talks for 30 seconds then 1 minute has been used up. The advantage of narrative rounds is that the players could also say, they are talking while they are searching and even still call a delay to pounce on anyone who comes into the room by simply stating they are watching the door while they are searching. Its important to know that the players in the room might not know when the NPC is going to return so the time they spend talking costs them time to search etc. I know this is not something most GMs actually do because its not really all that important but in RPoL it is sometimes. They are flexible and the characters can talk, search, call delays, draw weapons etc.

Combat Rounds are 3 seconds long and are used only once actual combat has begun. Characters can move which requires a half of full action but characters only get two half actions or one full action in a given combat round. Speaking can be either a few words for a Free Action or it can be a sentence for a Half Action. Time is not the crucial element in combat, instead it is movement, attacks, casting spells, parrying etc. Any number of reasonable Free Actions can be taken because they are Free - speak a word (few words "Get her!! Don't let her go Kargen!!", "Run!"). certain Talents allow talented characters to reduce Half Actions to Free Actions (such as Quick Draw) or to take what is effectively reduce a Full Action to a Half Action (Master Gunner).


Base Agility is used to determine initiative. If you are wearing mail armor there is a -10 modifier to Initiative. This is not an overall Agility penalty just an Initiative penalty. Dodge is unaffected. Initiative is cyclical. One round follows in direct sequence after the last round. Unused Dodges and parries will carry over into the next round. But if in the previous round they were all used and then you are attacked again before your parries and dodges refresh you just get hit.


Characters are allowed one FULL ACTION or TWO HALF ACTIONS in a single Combat Round (CR) round. The only limit to the number of FREE ACTIONS a character can take is common sense.

Free Actions - The number of Free Actions a character can take in a given combat round is based on realism. These as intuitive or minor movements which don't require time or effort. Characters are able to walk and chew gum at the same time. Typically characters could have a FREE OFF-HAND PARRY, FREE DODGE, FREE DIRTY TRICK and might say a few FREE WORDS. Anything beyond this is at my discretion. I actually prefer for the characters to banter back and forth with their free actions.

Aim - HALF ACTION - +10% WS or BS on the character's next attack.

All Out Attack – FULL ACTION – +20% to hit with a single attack, character cannot parry or dodge until their next ACTION in the initiative order of the next round.

Charge - FULL ACTION - Run at a target mostly in a straight line and make a single attack with a +10% WS to hit.

(Call a) Delay – FREE ACTION - (allows a character to withhold a declared Half or Full Action to be triggered by a specific circumstance) - ex. "If he goes for his weapon I will shoot him with an aimed shot." Calling a delay requires that you identify a trigger, target and make all required rolls associated with the specific action.

Examples follow -

- Swift attack (Action) on the first one (Target) who engages me in hand to hand combat (Trigger).

- When one of them (Target) charges (Trigger) I will swift attack (Action).

- As soon as I have a clear shot (Trigger) I will fire my pistols (Action) at point blank range on the nearest one (Target).

- As soon as I have a clear shot (Trigger) at the bear-man (B1)(Target) I will fire two arrows (Action).

- swift attacks (Action) after KD attacks (Trigger) the thing (Target).

Dirty Trick – FREE ACTION – This is not an action it is essentially an extra attack. If a character has the Talent Street Fighting they can make one extra Dirty Trick attack at the end of their round. Remember that all armor counts double against unarmed attacks. Dirty Tricks take place in initiative order at the end of the round.

Disengage - FULL ACTION - (Disengage is a Full Action allowing a character to back out of combat without giving his/her opponent a free attack. Backward movement is at half Movement 4(2).

Dodges - FREE ACTION - Dodge Blow is a Basic Skill rather than an Advanced Skill in TomHammer. Use of the Dodge Blow skill is an intuitive and Free Action.

Feint Attack - HALF ACTION - Opposed WS tests on this attack. If the Feinting character wins, the attack can not be parried or dodged.

Maneuver – HALF ACTION – (can force an opponent back, into others or terrain, opponent gets a Agility Test to resist. If forced into others this can cause the other character to also be Maneuvered. If a character has no room they lose their action other than to make an Agility test to get their footing back.

Move - HALF ACTION - Walking.

Parry Stance - HALF ACTION - Allows the character to parry a melee attack with their primary weapon. If the character also has a shield or weapon in their off-hand they can use this parry and still get a second parry in the round with the off hand free parry.

Quick Draw - FREE ACTION - Allows a character to use a Ready Action as a Free Action. Therefore in order to sheath/secure one item and ready a second item requires two Half Actions or a Free Action and a Half Action if a character has the Quick Draw talent.

Ready (Object) - HALF ACTION - A Ready Action only allows a character ready an item or secure a single item. I understand the core rules state you can both sheath and draw for a single Ready Action but the first sentence states "or". I am using the "or" interpretation.

Run - FULL ACTION - When you run you are +20% to be hit in melee combat and are at a -20% to be hit by ballistic attacks. You do get your free Dodge and your free Parry if armed with an off-hand weapon. However, because you are running you are at -20% on these tests.

Speak (Say a few words) – FREE ACTION - (allows a character to say a few words without penalty) The Secret Languages skills allow a character to communicate a lot to others with the same Secret Language in just a single word or gesture. Anything more than a few words in a Combat Round requires a HALF ACTION.

Standard Attack – HALF ACTION – Allows the character to take a single hand-to-hand attack.

Swift Attack - FULL ACTION - Character may take a number of attacks equal to their Attacks statistic. These attacks are staggered evenly through the initiative round. If you move at all, you cannot make a Swift attack. Without Talents such as Street Fighting, Pugilist or Blind Fury the only way you can ever get more than one attack is if you delay for someone to engage your character or do not move. Using the Lightning Parry Talent causes you to forgo your NEXT available attack, not the last attack.

Taunt - FREE ACTION - Special talent which allows a character to trick his/her opponent into taking a pesired action with an opposed WS test.


Characters can only parry if they have called a Parry Stance, are carrying a weapon or shield (+10 to WS) in the off hand or have the Lightning Parry Talent. Characters can only attempt to parry a recognized incoming attack. Weapon Parries against an unarmed attack, causes normal damage to the attacker if the parry is successful. i.e. If you parry away a punch attack with your sword, you inflict a normal hit to the arm on the attacker. Natural Weapons do not count as unarmed attacks.

Shields - Everyone has a WS +10% to parry with a shield. Frontal missile attacks are at a -10% because of the shields size.

Ordinary Weapons in Off-Hand - Because it requires a natural ability or training to use an off-hand parrying weapon those with Ambidextrous or SWG (Parrying) roll WS. Those without Ambidextrous or SWG (Parrying) roll WS -20%.

Specialist Weapon Parrying Weapons
- Because they are designed for parrying in the off-hand, those with SWG (Parrying) roll WS + possible Defensive Bonus +10%. Those without SWG (Parrying) roll 1/2 WS (using a Specialist Weapon untrained) + possible Defensive Bonus +10%.

Quarter Staves, Spears and Halberds - When used two handed, staves, spears and halberds allow a Free Parry at +10% WS if they have the Defensive Trait.

Lightning Parry Talent - This talent allows a character to exchange their NEXT (not their last) Swift Attack for a parry. Lightning Parries are rolled seperately and will be used in the order they are presented. If the attack lands after the characters last Swift Attack the character essentially gets an additional Free Parry. Despite what the Rulebook says a character can have a Free Parry (off hand) and use a Lightning Parry (on hand weapon) in the same round. But only one Swift Attack can be exchanged for the Lightning Parry.

Parrying for an Ally - You can parry a melee attack for an ally if you are adjacent to the ally and have declared a delayed Parry for the specific ally. If you are struck prior to the ally you must defend yourself, unless you specify that you are not defending yourself.

Arcane Parry for an Ally - You have to be in the direct path of a magic missile to arcane or divine parry the spell. You have to have declared the action as a delayed action. You could delay a Move half action to move in front of an adjacent character but this requires that you have saved the Half Action Move from the earlier round.



Normally using any Specialist Weapon without having the necessary Talent is done at 1/2 WS or BS. Attacks against an immobile (or completely unaware of the pending attack) target with a Specialist weapon by someone who is untrained in a Specialist Weapon, it is 1/2 WS/BS test (x2% for immobile target) and double damage. For someone who is trained in the Specialist Weapon, it is an auto hit and double damage and choose location.


Entangling Weapons - Entangling Weapons are not intended to kill, they are intended to entangle. Therefore Entangling Weapons can not cause Ulric's Fury damage and armor points (AP) are doubled against whips and bolas.

Whips have an ES of 1 (instead of causing SB-4 damage).

Precise Special Ability - These weapons allow the attacker to adjust hit location by 10% up or down. This talent can be combined with the Strike to Injure Talent allowing a character to adjust hit location by + or - 20%.

Pummeling Special Ability - These weapons add +10% to the chance to stun an opponent when they strike the target in the head. This bonus can be added to the characters Strike to Stun bonus of +10% for a total of a +20% chance to stun.


A character is considered surprised when they are awake and the attack comes suddenly but they are not completely unaware of threats in the area. When a target is surprised (failing an Agility test) they are unable to attack or defend themselves but all attacks against them are conducted as normal. Unaware targets are those who are asleep, taken completely by surprise or helpless such as being bound or unconscious. An unaware target who is surprised after a sudden unaware attack (fails their Agility test to avoid surprise) is completely helpless for the first round and then unable to attack or defend themselves for the second round. One the third round the character is able to respond as normal assuming they are still able to do so.

Melee attacks against an unawares or helpless targets cause double damage and the attacker gets to choose the hit location. Ballistic attacks against an unawares target or helpless targets are made at +30% BS to hit to strike a random location unless the attacker aims for a specific location and succeeds at the shot. Ballistic attackers may aim (Half Action) for a specific location of a helpless target but suffers a -30% to hit.


Punch (as Unarmed, all leg hits are arm hits instead) [SB-4/SB-3 and Pummeling w/armor or knuckle dusters, all leg hits are arm hits.]

Kick (as Unarmed, cannot hit the head unless target is down) [SB-3/SB-2 w/armor. All head hits are body hits.]

Trip (as Unarmed, target gets Agility test to remain standing) [STR 0 hit, no armor protection, target considered prone until Half Action to regain feet.]

Shoulder Slam (as Unarmed, all leg hits are arm hits instead.) [SB-4/SB-3 w/armor]

Shield Bash (as normal WS attack, all leg hits are arm hits instead) [SB-2]

Head Butt (can only be attempted from the Grab or Grapple, all hits are to the head) [SB-4/SB-3 and Pummeling if armored. Damage to both attacker and target unless metal armor]

Grab (as Unarmed, but opposed Agility test after successful WS test, opposed Strength test to hold on)

Body Slam - (requires a successful Grapple and on the next round a successful STR test, add +10% for Street Fighting and/or Wrestling) [SB damage, SB in yards]


Firearms at Point Blank Range - Point Blank Shots with firearms are at +30% BS. This will only apply to firearms and only to targets within 2 inches (4 meters).

Firing into a Group or Melee - Add 5% to the firer's BS for each additional person or creature in the group or melee.  If the firer rolls a to-hit number within the added bonus they have hit a random target. If an archer with a BS of 40% fires into a group of 6 then there is an additional 25%. The GM will roll randomly who other than the target is hit. Allies will always be the lowest numbers on a random roll unless specified otherwise in the dice roller.


Hit location is determined by reversing the attack test result. All punches, shoulder bash and shield bash hit which would land on legs are converted to arm hits. Head butt attacks are always to the head but can only be attempted if the target is grabbed or grappled.


Head Hits - All head hits (hit results 01-15) can stun an opponent with a damage x 5% to stun.  The stunned target gets an immediate Toughness tests to avoid the stun and then rolls to recover with Toughness Test on the stunned characters Initiative. Stunned characters are unable to parry or dodge and are easier to hit (+20% WS to hit).

Strike to Stun - The Strike to Stun Talent allows an automatic hit to the targets head. Damage is rolled normally but only 1/2 of the damage after Toughness and armor is actual damage. The full amount rolled minus Toughness Bonus and Armor x5% +10% for Strike to Stun is the chance the attack has to stun the target. The target gets an immediate Toughness test to avoid the stun and then on their Initiative they roll Toughness to recover. Stunned targets are unable to parry or dodge and are easier to hit +20%. This attack can be combined with a Pummeling weapon for an additional +10% chance to stun.


Anyone who takes more Wounds in a single hit than the total of their SB plus TB must make an Agility test to remain standing.


Critical wounds stack. If you survive a hit that takes you to a +2 Critical and then suffer another 2 Wounds you are at a +4 Critical. A Fate Point must be expended prior to rolling for the result of a Critical Wound.

Critical Table

These results don't correspond to the 2nd Edition Rulebook. I use the 1st Edition Critical Hits Expansion tables because they are more fun. The highlighted yellow and gray areas on the below table are the results which cause Sudden Death results from things like bleeding out or poison.


Fumbles occur during attacks and parries when you roll doubles above you target percentage. Thus if you need to hit 43% or less, you fumble on a 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, or 00. The fumbles correspond to the degree of the failure and after you report the fumble I will add the results of the fumble to your post. A fumble roll of 11 is much worse than a fumble roll of 00. Fumbles will also occur when conducting other tasks at my discretion. If you miss with doubles report it to me and I will assess the circumstances. For example lock picks may jam, machines break, food tastes horrible etc.

One and Two-Handed Weapons
11 Hit self for a normal hit.
22 Weapon is lost or useless. Or Severely damage muscles - Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 minutes - 1 day per Toughness.
33 Weapon flies out of hand in random direction d5 yards. Or Pull muscles - Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 minutes minus 1 rounds per Toughness.
44 Slip and fall to the ground. Agility test or drop anything in hands. Opponents get a +10% to hit until you are back on your feet.
55 Over reach - Lose entire next Action. Whatever you were doing this round will carry through the whole next round. You may still dodge and parry if previous Action allowed them.
66 Drop weapon on the ground at your feet.
77 Twist ankle - Lose 1 M and 10 Agility for 5 rounds.
88 Almost drop weapon - Lose remaining attacks and parries until your next Action.
99 Awkward position - Opponent acts first next round regardless of Initiative.
00 Awkward attack - Lose 10% on attacks, parries and dodge until your next Action

Non-Gunpowder Missile Weapons
11 Hit self for a normal hit.
22 Weapon shatters. Bows cause Str 1 hit to face if uncovered.
33 Weapon begins to shatter. 20% every time it is used, 22 above for results.
44 Part of weapon breaks. Requires successful Trade Ability and spare parts to repair.
55 Lose footing - Agility test or drop weapon while trying to regain footing.
66 Spill all ammunition. Requires a half action to ready weapon regardless of quick draw or d3 rounds to recover all ammunition.
77 Drop weapon on the ground at your feet.
88 Fumble with weapon - Lose remaining attacks this round.
99 Trouble finding the target - Opponent(s) attack before you next round regardless of Initiative.
00 Awkward attack - Lose 10% on attacks, parries and dodge for the remainder of this round.

Gunpowder Missile Weapons
11 Weapon explodes for a normal hit on firer.
22 Shoot self for a normal hit.
33 Weapon damaged. -10% BS. Misfire Table on 91-00. Trade (Gunsmith) to repair.
44 Weapon damaged requires an extra Half Action to load. Trade (Gunsmith) to repair.
55 Drop weapon. Discharge in random direction for full damage 30% chance to hit.
66 Spill ammunition. 50% - gunpowder must be replaced. 50% - shot requires a half action to ready weapon regardless of quick draw or d3 rounds to recover all ammunition.
77 After missing the shot the weapon flies from your hand d5 meters away.
88 Fumble with weapon - Lose remaining attacks this round.
96-00 Advanced Misfires Table - Old World Armory pg 47

Thrown Weapons
11 Severely damage muscles - Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 days - 1 day per Toughness.
22 Pull muscles - Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 minutes minus 1 minute per Toughness.
33 Over exert muscles - Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 rounds minus 1 round per Toughness.
44 Fall flat on your face. Agility test or drop anything in hands. Opponents get a +10% to hit for remainder of this round.
55 Over adjust - Lose entire next Action. Whatever you were doing this round will carry through the whole next round. You may still dodge and parry if previous Action allowed them.
66 Fumble with garments - Lose all attacks and parries until end of this round.
77 Clumsy - Hit hand on something hard. Lose 10 BS for the next 5 rounds.
88 Fumble with weapon - Lose remaining attacks this round.
99 Trouble finding the target - Opponent(s) attack before you next round regardless of Initiative.
00 Awkward attack - Lose 10% on attacks, parries and dodge for the remainder of this round.

Parrying Weapons and Shields
11 Lean into the blow and take x2 wounds if hit.
22 Weapon/Shield is smashed or ruined.
33 Weapon/Shield flies out of hand in random direction d5 yards.
44 Trip and fall to the ground. Agility test or drop anything in hands. Opponents get a +10% to hit until you are back on your feet.
55 Drop weapon on the ground at your feet.
66 All WS/BS with this arm are at -10% for next 5 rounds.
77 Twist ankle losing 1 M and 10 Initiative for 5 rounds.
88 Almost drop weapon/shield losing remaining attacks and parries with it until your next Action.
99 Left yourself open to a counter attack, opponent gets a +10% for all attacks until your next Action.
00 Lose 10% on any parry with this weapon/shield until your next Action.

Natural Weapons
11 Smash your hand, foot or mouth on something hard taking 2 Wounds. Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 days - 1 day per Toughness. Successful Heal test healing 2 Wounds to recover sooner.
22 Smash your hand, foot or mouth on something hard taking 1 Wound. Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 minutes - 1 minute per Toughness. Successful Heal test healing 1 Wound to recover sooner.
33 Smash your hand, foot or mouth on something hard taking 0 Wound. Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 rounds - 1 round per Toughness.
44 Slip and fall to the ground. Agility test or drop anything in hands. Opponents get a +10% to hit until you are back on your feet.
55 Over reach - Lose entire next Action. Whatever you were doing this round will carry through the whole next round. You may still dodge and parry if previous Action allowed them.
66 Twist ankle - Lose 1 M and 10 Initiative for 5 rounds.
77 Hit your hand, foot or mouth on something hard taking no damage but lose the ability to use this attack form until your next Action.
88 Left yourself open to a counter attack, opponent gets a +10% for all attacks until your next Action.
99 Awkward position - Opponent attacks first next round regardless of Initiative.
00 Awkward attack - lose 10 from Dodge Blow and 10 WS until your next Action.

Dodge Fumbles
11 Severely pulled muscles - Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 days - 1 day per Toughness.
22 Pull muscles - Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 minutes minus 1 minute per Toughness.
33 Strained muscles - Lose 10 WS, BS, S, Agil for 7 rounds minus 1 round per Toughness.
44 Fall flat on your face. Agility test or drop anything in hands. Opponents get a +10% to hit for remainder of this round.
55 Almost fall - Lose entire next Action. Whatever you were doing this round will carry through the whole next round. You may still dodge and parry if previous Action allowed them.
66 Legs get tangled - Lose all attacks and parries until end of this round.
77 Twist ankle - Lose 1 M for the next 5 rounds.
88 Back pedal - Lose remaining attacks this round.
99 Dust in eyes - Opponent(s) attack before you next round regardless of Initiative.
00 Bad footing - Lose 10% on attacks, parries and dodge for the remainder of this round.


Taunt - Taunt allows a character to with a Free Action trick an opponent into taking the combat action you want them to take like Charge or Swift attack with an opposed WS test. Taunt works like a Feint Action in that the results of the Taunt opposed WS test is resolved prior to the attack rolls. This talent is only available to "performance" fighters like gladiators, pitfighters, judicial champions etc. However, it can be taught to others unlike some special talents.

Weapon Mastery - Requires - WS 70, SMB, STS, STI, LP, SWG. Characters with a 70 WS or more can gain mastery of specific fighting styles may gain access to Weapon Mastery Talents. This is out of the reach of almost all the characters in the game except for those in Champion level careers. It is meant to be this way. Learning these talents requires training from an existing weapon master with the necessary Talent.

Sword and Shield (all hand weapons except for flails, allows a Lightning Parry without losing a Swift Attack)

Sword and Dagger (all hand weapons except for flails, allows a Dirty Trick attack with the off-hand weapon as a Free Action)

Sword and Sword (all hand weapons except for flails, allows a single Swift attack to be made as a Feint as a Free Action)

Trident and Net (Entangling attacks are at +10% and -10% to avoid entanglement)

Staves and Polearms (opponents with hand weapons are at a -10% WS)

Two-Handed (allows a Lightning Parry without losing a Swift Attack)

Flails (allows 1 additional attack when outnumbered)

Knifes (all attacks are Precise and +1 damage)

Free Lightning Parry - A Lightning parry which does not cost the character a Swift Attack does not mean you get a third parry. It means you have a second parry which does not cost you a Swift Attack. The only way to get a third parry is to use a Parry Stance. This could give you an offhand free parry (if you have the off hand weapon), a parry from the parry stance and provided that your other half action was a standard attack I will allow the extra parry for the weapon mastery.

Ballistic Weapon Masters - Requires - BS 70, RR, SS, MS, MG, SWG.

Thrown (adjust hit location + or - 10%)

Longbows (adjust hit location + or - 10%)

Crossbows (adjust hit location + or - 10%)

Gunpowder (-1/2 Action to Reload)

Entangling (Entangling attacks are at +10% and -10% to avoid entanglement)

Slings (adjust hit location + or - 10%)

Engineering (-1/2 Action to reload)

Skill Mastery (Dodge Blow) - Requires three levels of Dodge Blow skill and have taken +30% bonus to Agility. Available in any career which offers a +30% Agility bonus. Allows a second Dodge Blow Free Action against a separate attack aimed at the character. Character cannot wear armor heavier than leather armor and use this Talent.


Sparring - Combat will be conducted as normal except that no blow should actually inflict damage. A character will get a "point" for every blow which would land. The first to have 5 "points" will be considered the winner of a sparring round. Disarming an opponent is worth 2 "points" but the disarmed opponent must be allowed to retrieve their weapon before the bout can begin again. "Points" are not actually counted, five successful strikes counts as a win. The characters should not be thinking or talking about "points".

Testing - Combat is all strike to stun and the bout is over when one of the opponents is down from damage (all strike to stun hits are half actual damage (real) even though the full amount of damage is used to determine the possible stun.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:12, Tue 16 Feb 2021.
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