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02:43, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Chapter ???] The Exchange.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
NPC, 1 post
Human Wizard
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 18:24
  • msg #2

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

A few minutes later the door to the tavern opened up again and a wizard walked through the door. There was no question about his profession given his resplendent blue robes that twinkled even in the shadows, his long staff craved with magical runes, ink stained hands and the obvious air of a scholar that seemed to surround him.

He took a quick glance around the tavern before heading straight towards the party's table. Approaching he nodded his head respectfully.

"Greetings! I am Draumavaunt of the Sapphire Tower. A wizard and scholar, as you might have guessed. I also happen to have been the mentor for a friend of yours, Pinna. We have been speaking for quite some time and she shared with me what you have done in Ashford. The Sapphire Tower tries to keep abreast of dangers in the region but this one had somehow evaded our gaze. I imagine a dragon's horde is quite the reward in and of itself but I have both a request to make and, if agreeable, a form of advanced payment. Please, may I sit down?"

He gestured towards an empty spot at the table where Morren had been drinking earlier that evening.
player, 72 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Sun 27 Dec 2020
at 07:56
  • msg #3

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

Sitting with the others at a shared table, Angel was just in the process of telling her companions about what she'd seen (and perhaps learned) in watching the gate that led deeper into the city, when the faerie dragon entered. The ginger she-elf giggled at the little creature's zippy antics and the ogre's bumbling reactions, even voicing a smitten "ahhh" when it landed on their table. So enamored was she by little dragon's cuteness, she barely had time to save her drink from spilling when the ogre bumped their table. She bit back her typical caustic quip and just offered the bow-tied bouncer a patronizing smile. Her drink only lost a drop or two and she was in a good mood at the moment -- so why not let bygones be bygones this time?

Leaning back in her chair to continue watching the impromptu show, Angel rolled her shoulders to re-settle her fancy black cloak against her chair's back. Gods, it felt good to be in her own skin again! ... well, more or less. She clarified with an inner secret smile.

When the obvious wizard entered, Angel couldn't help looking at him -- or rather his obviously magical and valuable things -- with an avaricious eye. She estimated their worth at quite a princely sum and her quick mind started working on various gambits to clandestinely part the wizard from his things. When he spoke though, Angel quickly refocused on his words.

I know Pinna! She thought, recognizing the name. She was the lady who was kind and escorted her into the village when Angel first arrived on Ashford's outskirts. Angel rarely ever admitted to owing anyone anything but she did like repaying kindness with kindness... a very rare trait indeed among her people.

She kicked out an empty chair. "Sure," she said, nodding at the chair for the wizard to have a seat and signaling for one of the wenches to bring an ale. "Tell us what's on your mind Dream-Vault."       
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 183 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 05:28
  • msg #4

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia was lounging back in her chair happily with her mug in her hand as the tiny dragon thing and the ogre put on their vaudevillian show. While she might not have laughed openly, the corner of her lip quirked up into a smile. She held her tankard high as the table rocked and frowned darkly at the chaos before shrugging and draining her drink. She holds it up for a refill as the blue marvel enters and causes her to flinch. "Why do so many mistake gaudy for fine?"

Then the man came over and mentioned things he should not know of. Her eyes narrowed, but Angel was already speaking. While Talia did not trust the woman yet, she knew what the elf was capable of and left her to question the man. As she listened, she waited for her refill.
NPC, 2 posts
Human Wizard
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 21:43
  • msg #5

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

Draumavaunt nodded and took his seat, gathering up his voluminous robes in the process.

"<ahem>It's Draumavaunt. Draum-ah-vahnt. I suppose it doesn't matter."

He gave a little chuckle and gathered his thoughts. He cast a quick glance around the bar and while he stood out like a sore thumb the other patrons were mostly focused on their own drinks and conversations to pay more heed to the brilliant blue wizard. Even still he leaned forward and lowered his voice so it could barely be heard even at their own table.

"I have been searching for you since yesterday. My familiar has been hunting through every shop and tavern in the city looking for visitors that matched your description. You will soon find that the trouble the region faces go beyond the cult you ousted in Ashford. The Order of Brilliance is not well known but we are well established in this region and have worked tirelessly throughout the ages to bring stability to this area. There is the Emerald Tower in Amn, the Ruby Tower in Calimshan and I serve the Sapphire Tower here in Tethyr.

The Order has been tracking a lot of unusual activity around Ashford. Pinna's report however only accounts for some of what we have seen. There have been sightings of orc tribes moving into the Wealdath's End and..."

He pauses casting another look around in cautious.

"...the activities of Lord Saxton are most troubling. The Order is keeping a close eye on him but our ability to move Just as we keep an eye on things, others watch our Order closely so we must operate through agents that can slip about unnoticed."

He leans back and shuffles around inside his robes before producing a small key.

"I would like to hire you to find the orc tribe and, if possible, drive them away from Ashford before they can make some kind of alliance with the other evils that lurk inside the Wealdath. I know you just came into the city and by all means enjoy the sights and shops of Spire Keep but when you depart consider my offer. I don't know if the orcs are a threat to Ashford but I would rather not wait and find out. If you are willing to do this for me..."

He sets the key down on the table and taps it.

"I can offer this as a bit of advanced payment."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 185 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 29 Dec 2020
at 05:54
  • msg #6

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia's eyebrow arches suspiciously at the comically clandestine behavior. She expected it served well enough. The news of orcs near Ashford was unsettling enough considering what they had just dealt with in the caves of Rivug. News of darker threats made her think of the knights which served Lord Saxton. Sighing heavily, she looked at the key then shifted her eyes to Angel. Again, she allowed the other woman to talk. Talia was well aware of the reputation her tongue had. She felt it well-deserved but also felt unapologetic for speaking her mind plainly and bluntly.
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 196 posts
HP: 12/12
Thu 31 Dec 2020
at 00:05
  • msg #7

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Alyssa, too, was enamored by the faerie dragon. The halfling was so taken by the creature that she almost told the over off for chasing it away.

Once the wizard joined their table Alyssa sat quietly and tried to sort out everything Draumvaunt laid out before them. Taking one last drink from her tankard and a quick look between her companions Alyssa dressed the wizard, "So, you want us too-- when we're ready to-- go home and protect said home from orcs. If we do this you will give us this key now. And you can't do this yourself because others-- like Lord Saxton are watching you?"
player, 73 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Fri 1 Jan 2021
at 13:51
  • msg #8

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Angel glanced at the key with undisguised greed and unconsciously moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. She looked up and immediately caught Talia's eye. Angel knew that look. "Really?" She questioned the other woman, a bit of exasperation creeping into her honeyed voice. "I'm not even from there." But she raised her hands in mock surrender before Talia could reply. "Okay, okay. Price of admission I guess." She mumbled to herself, but loud enough for everyone at the table to hear.

Then she turned her attention fully back to the wizard. "Apparently, I've been 'volun-told' to be the resident..." she looked briefly back to Talia. "Negotiator? Spokes-bitch? Whatever," she interjected, with a dismissive wave of her hand. "We'll figure it out later." Addressing the wizard once more, she continued. "Apparently, Mistress Talia, long may she live, thinks I use my tongue well..." She paused once again and looked to the other woman. "Seriously sweetie, you have no idea," she purred, giving Talia an obviously flirtatious wink.

Back to the wizard. "So like our beloved little Alyssa said, you want us to go find some orcs hanging out near Ashford and bust up their pretty little heads before they start making friends with some other nasty stuff in the area, and in return for said favor, you're gonna give us that there key," she summarized, gesturing to the wizard's key. "Okay, Drones-On-Alot, obvious question, what's the key to and why should we think it's important enough to buy our cooperation?"     
NPC, 3 posts
Human Wizard
Mon 4 Jan 2021
at 16:35
  • msg #9

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

The wizard's eyebrows furrow at Angel's various comments and he frowns when she, again and seemingly with intent, mispronounces his name. He pauses and shifts back, picking the key up off the table.

"I'm sorry, have we met before? Have I done something to offend you? Pinna told me this was a group of heroes looking to make the realm a better and safer place for everyone but it would seem she has misrepresented this group."

He leans back, crossing his arms in a bit of a huff as he glares at Angel.
player, 75 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Mon 4 Jan 2021
at 17:49
  • msg #10

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Angel smiled broadly. "Why, I don't believe we have," she replied brightly, sticking out her hand for the wizard to shake. "I'm Angel, and I believe I mentioned Mistress Talia, long may she live, and little Alyssa. That's Yry, the sweetest of the Sweetwaters," she added, pointing to the other human at the table. "And the tall drink of water over there is Orila... she looks fierce," Angel stage whispered to the wizard, with a mischievous wink. "But I'm pretty sure if you rub her belly, she calms right down."

Turning her full attention back to Draumavaunt, Angel sat back in her chair, crossed her legs at the knee, and placed her hands primly in her lap -- looking every bit the part of a relaxed and regal noblewoman. "Don't be upset, Master Draumavaunt," she began, even her voice taking on the tone and cadence of the upper class. "I meant no lasting offense by the misuse of your name. I only wished to make the point that we all value our names, and that the niceties of mutual introductions shouldn't be simply ignored, especially when one is looking for favors... or friends."   

"Mistress Pinna spoke correctly -- at least about these four," Angel continued, gesturing to her companions. "Less so about myself, but I'd like to think that's only because we hadn't the time to get to know one another," Angel added with a wry smile. "If I may be so bold as to speak for my companions..." she paused to look at the others to see if any of them would object. "We're honored to be considered for the task at hand, and pray you continue with your presentation," she concluded, giving a hand gesture that made it seem as if she were giving the wizard permission to continue...
NPC, 4 posts
Human Wizard
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 17:29
  • msg #11

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Draumavaunt uncrosses his arms but makes a point of putting the key back into his pocket.

"Yes, well if you feel I am rushing things then that is only a testament for how busy I am and the importance of the task at hand. I think I am done here. I shall give Pinna the details if you decide to investigate further. She may have patience for your antics but I, frankly, do not. I think I shall wait to deliver a reward until after I witness deeds worthy of it."

With great show Draumavaunt stood up, lingering at the edge of the table to straighten his robes.
player, 76 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 19:00
  • msg #12

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Angel smiled sadly, probably the most honest expression she'd had during the whole exchange. "Don't go, Draumavaunt," she said sincerely as she stood as well. "Like I said, these are the ones you want to talk to, not me. Gods know why they wanted me to speak for them..." Then she grabbed her drink and left the table, making her way over to the bar to find a seat by herself...
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 197 posts
HP: 12/12
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 00:27
  • msg #13

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Staring in awe at the show and production that Angel made, makes, is making, the halfling was again a moment late interjecting herself into he conversation.

Alyssa made to stand but then realized it would only bring her head closer to the floor and remained in her chair. "Master Draumavaunt. Please do not judge us in our current state. We are recently arrived and the road was not an easy one. The four of us are the ones that Pinna spoke to you about. Angel there is a late addition to Ashford via a flaming portal not unlike the sphincter of an angry mule." Turning to address her companions, "Could explain a lot right there."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 186 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 02:54
  • msg #14

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia smiled as Angel moved hastily away from the table. The smile was gentle though, not vicious. Talia appreciated the efforts. Other than poking fun at the man's name, which was ridiculous, the other woman had not done anything Talia found problematic. She nodded at Alyssa's jape and chuckled, "Aye, If you think there is aught of danger near Ashford and seek adventuring types to sort it, we are the best chance. Heroic? Uhmm..." She rubbed her chin and gave a small shake of her head, "Attempts are made at such, but success cannot be measured by us in the attempt." She winced as she recalled the stress over the situation with the slain knights.

She stood where Alyssa could not and extended a hand to the man. "Come, retake your seat. Explain the dangers to our home, sir. The reward... well, the primary reward would be the safety and security of our friends and family, yes?"
Fighter, 231 posts
Female Goliath
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 21:37
  • msg #15

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"We've been tested by the dragon." Orila stated evenly. "We bested that challenge. A group of orcs wouldn't be too much of a challenge, but a tribe of them... Hrms. I'm interested."
Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 148 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Thu 7 Jan 2021
at 17:44
  • msg #16

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Yry comes in holding a basket of candied fruits and artisanal foods wrapped as gifts-- probably for her family. She sees the group at a table and moves over to it.

"Did something happen?" She smiles to the robed man lingering nearby. "Hello, sir."
NPC, 5 posts
Human Wizard
Thu 7 Jan 2021
at 21:04
  • msg #17

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Draumavaunt considers the words of the group and then his demeanor softens a bit and he sits back down looking a little embarrassed himself.

"I suppose I should consider that you are fresh off the roads and travel is no longer safe or secure any more. Not since the late Baron Spire was in command of things anyway."

He drummed his fingers on the table for a second as he weighed his options and then nodded to himself, digging into his robes and fishing out the key once again.

"I believe the dangers you will face are worse than even a baby dragon and while you may not be deserving of this gift I do believe it will be necessary for a successful mission.

Besides, perhaps after a trip to the Exchange your mood will brighten. Here, try it out. I'll be waiting when you return. Or if you would like I can accompany you."

He sets out the key and smiles at the group. His smile turns into confusion at the looks on everyone's face and he chuckles to himself and shakes his head.

"There I go rushing into things. What is it the commoners say...something about putting a cart on a horse? In front of a horse? Next to know what, it doesn't matter. Judging by the looks on your face you do not understand what it being presented.

This key can be used to unlock passage to the Klacken Exchange. The Exchange is the magic stores of all magic stores, an inter-planar repository for magical items and strange and unusual items used by the wealthy and powerful all around the world. Organizations like my own use them primarily to find magic items but we can also give out "fittings" if you will where you can look at exchanging magical or unusual items in your possession for other things. Hence calling it an Exchange. I do not know what you recovered from the dragon's den but if there are items you think will not be of much value you might be able to barter for something more practical. If nothing else they are a good source for healing potions and the like. Be mentally prepared, however. It is a strange place, as one would expect an inter-dimensional magical market would be."

He moves the key to the middle of the table.

"Go on, take it. It works on anything with a lock but as a warning guest keys like yours are one use only."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 187 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 12 Jan 2021
at 08:48
  • msg #18

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Absently, Talia's hand trailed to the unusual mace at her side and her finger scratched idly under the thing's inanimate chin. She felt no need to exchange anything in her possession and couldn't identify anything unusual other than the mace in her possession any way. she looked at the others and wondered how they felt. Too, she knew they still had several items in their possession they wished to sell. This market provided a seemingly ideal place to do so. Still, that very enticing offer caused sparks of suspicion in her heart.

"A... heady offer, sir Draumavaunt. I'll not speak to the status of our inventories or the needs of our people, but the offer is grand."

She allowed her eyes to narrow dramatically to communicate her own suspicion, "Mayhap too grand? Why such largess, sir? Deserving you said but also necessary. Why necessary? I'd like to know more before we accept... or is the key ours regardless of accepting or not?"

Sighin heavily, she grunted and leaned forward, "I am probably being overly careful, but recent events have made us..." She looked around slowly at her friends. She even shifted her gaze to Angel. A woman she didn't like exactly but would not wish ill upon either. Nay, perhaps, she was growing accustomed to the other woman. She smiled softly at no one in particular then softened her gaze when it returned to the gaudy wizard, "Could you allow us a few moments to discuss after, of course, you help us understand the problem better?"
Fighter, 232 posts
Female Goliath
Tue 12 Jan 2021
at 19:52
  • msg #19

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"Talia, you seemed worried about something. The man said it was a bunch of orcs. We can do that." Orila seemed sure of herself in a boastful manner. "And that small fella Arthua tried to take on that dragon all by himself. Well he did so at the beginning. But we've taken out the dragon, so... we can take out a tribe of orcs."
NPC, 6 posts
Human Wizard
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 16:09
  • msg #20

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Draumavaunt shifted, tugging at the bottom of his beard as he lowered his voice again.

"It would seem these particular orcs might be linked to the tribe that raided Spire Keep and murdered the good Baron. Before you dismiss them as just a band of orcs consider the level of skill and planning needed to successfully raid a city this size and murder its rulers. I think it behooves you to treat this as a much more serious threat which is why I want to ensure you have all the tools at your disposal to achieve victory.

We are not a wealthy order and our means are limited but through the Exchange we should be able to give you a sizeable advantage in your coming fights."

Fighter, 233 posts
Female Goliath
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 21:35
  • msg #21

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Orila smiled as Draumavaunt explained how these orcs raided the Spire Keep. She understood that this was a larger challenge than even those guarding the Spire Keep was able to contain themselves. "I like it!"

The goliath leaned in closer to the key on the table. Orila turned to Talia, "Let's take the key and deal with these orcs. Draumavaunt has said that we bested only a baby dragon. I thought it was larger than a mere baby."

"But if, no - when we best this tribe of orcs! Then people will notice."
Orila being goliath-born wanted to seek greater and greater challenges. She looked around the table when she finished declaring her intentions. "Are you all with me?"
player, 77 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 07:15
  • msg #22

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Over at the bar, Angel nursed a drink, giving the others the time and space they needed to talk to the wizard...
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 189 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 15:24
  • msg #23

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Arching any eyebrow, Talia made a show of leaning back in her chair with a pursed lip. Finally, she nodded and smiled in a small way at her friend. She then looked to the wizard, "we'll make use of the gift and see about these orcs. Aye. Any more information to be had about them then?" She looked around at Alyssa and Yry to see what the other women thought of the situation.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 19:55, Tue 19 Jan 2021.
NPC, 7 posts
Human Wizard
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 19:56
  • msg #24

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Druamavaunt shook his head sending his long beard rippling.

"I'm afraid our knowledge is limited at the moment. We cannot look too closely without making our attentions known. On that note I must be off. Enjoy your advanced payment. If it is your first time using the Exchange it is quite an interesting experience."
Fighter, 234 posts
Female Goliath
Wed 20 Jan 2021
at 19:54
  • msg #25

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Orila grabbed the key from the middle of the table. She held up the key to her eyes. "Where is the door? Where do I use this key?" Apparently the goliath had forgotten the wizard's instructions. She looked up as the wizard prepared to leave. "Alright. How do we reach you when we've dealt with these orcs?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 415 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 20 Jan 2021
at 21:04
  • msg #26

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

As soon as Orila takes hold of the key the lock to the tavern's kitchen begins to glow faintly.

Draumavaunt looks around for a few seconds before nodding towards the afflicted door.

"It works on any door. The closest door really. Just put it into the lock and twist. And the rest of your friends will want to stay close, its magic is powerful but still limited. I recommend holding hands to ensure nobody gets left behind."

He gathers his things and straightens his robes.

"Now all apologies but I really must be off. Say hello to Pinna for me when you head back."

He smacks himself lightly on the forehead and starts digging in his robes again pulling out a small wrapped bundle. It feels like a book along with some other miscellaneous items wrapped up in some kind of oiled parchment and tied tightly with string.

"If you can, please deliver this to her. She asked for it awhile ago but I haven't had any agents going in that direction for quite some time. She would be most appreciative of it."

With that he tips his large floppy hat and turns, moving swiftly towards the exit and out the door. Despite his rather scattered personality he moved with speed and purpose when he needed to.
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