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Guilds, Organizations, Noble Families, etc.

Posted by The GMFor group 0
The GM
GM, 4 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 20:03
  • msg #1

Guilds, Organizations, Noble Families, etc

The Guilds of the city:

1 Alliance of Artists, Sculptors, Lacemakers, and Tapiciers   An assembly of artsy types.  Individually they'd be small guilds, together they have 60 members and much greater status.

2 Bankers, Barristers, Moneylenders and Agents

3 Barbers, Bathiers, Masseuses and Tooth Cleaners A medium large guild, headquartered in the Guild Quarter, with their blades literally at the throats of men across the city.
4 Blacksmiths, Coppersmiths  Also includes armorers and weaponsmiths, who consider themselves the elite of this guild.

5 Boarders, Innkeepers and Restaurateurs

6 Brewers, Cidermakers and Picklers

7 Butchers

8 Candlemakers

9 Carpenters and Coopers   80 members.

10 Clerks' Guild.  A large guild that covers many public bureaucrats, as well as bookkeepers and other people who can read, write, and do arithmetic.  As many people consider these skills good for many things beyond a career as a clerk, the Clerk's Guild has become in demand for basic education.  They've opened a school.   

11 Confectioners and Chocolatiers A medium sized guild but quite wealthy and famous.  The city is well known for its desserts.

12 Couriers A medium guild.  By agreement and tradition they move nothing they cannot carry in small pouches- anything bigger belongs to the Porters.

13 Courtesans' Guild.  Believed to be a medium sized guild, with more members than actually admit.  Officially illegal but unofficially tolerated, as the alternatives to their existence are believed to be worse. 

14 Respected Society of Criers, Clowns, Hourkeepers, Mimes, Actors and Hawkers 44 members, all of them loud... except for the mimes, of course.

15 Dancers' Guild.  There are enough dancers in town to populate a Medium-Large guild.  Positions are highly sought after.  Heaquarters is in the dancers' academy adjacent to the Opera House in the Theater District.

16 Drapers, Tailors, Valets

17 Dressmakers, Costumers, Hatters A large guild.

18 Mighty Legion of Excavators and Well Drillers  A small guild that handles downwards construction.  As one might expect, dominated by Dwarves.  Every now and then, people ask why Dwarves tend to be so prominent in the shovel wielding trades.  Dwarves tend to give answers like "Cause we fit in the holes better!".

19 League of Ferrymen, Watermen, and Shipwrights.  A medium sized guild with 48 members.  Guild Hall is on the 2nd floor at Bronze Swan Tavern, Ferry Docks District, P-18

20 United Fishermen and Clamdredgers Largest guild in the city, though far from the wealthiest.  HQ is in Fishermen's House in Guild Quarter

21 Gemcutters and Jewelers Guild  Small, clique-y, and wealthy.

22 Grocers, Haywards and Provisioners

23 Knowledgeable Society of Guides and Porters  They pass a test to prove their knowledge of local geography and culture.

24 Hairdressers and Cosmeticians' Guild. Medium sized.

25 Herbalists   A small guild.  With very few members they have little power.  They've been unable to form a larger group with other trades.

26 Instrument Makers, Locksmiths and Lantern Makers  One of the wealthiest guilds in the city, with highly respected artisans.  Musical instruments and lanterns are two of the iconic products of the city.

27 Launderers' Guild  Since laundry is such a common task, and there is no launders' license, it's very hard for this guild to police its members or exclude competitors.  There are no "master" or "apprentice" launderers, (though some do have better reputations than others, for example, by always being able to return an even number of socks.)  Virtually anyone can be a guild member.  It acts like a social club more than a unified guild.

28 Mariners' Guild Large guild with 135 members, but they come and go with the ships, so numbers fluctuate.  Headquarters in Docks district, N-13.

29 Matchmakers' Guild. The Southlands is a big, sprawling place and people are spread thin.   It can get even more difficult when people have specific requirements regarding their mates, like "must be a Halfling".   Professional matchmakers help people find mates.  The Matchmakers are a continent-spanning guild, and this is just one office of many, so its really more of a local branch than a Guild headquarters.  It's located in Guild Quarter anyway, off King's Plaza at R-19.

30 Merchants of Imported Goods  Large and wealthy guild.  The wealthiest guild in the city.

31 Muscians' Guild

32 Guild of Nightcleaners, Rakers and Chimneysweeps   Another large but not wealthy guild, they keep the city clean from their headquarters in Guild Quarter, R20

33 Painters and Sealers

34    Order of Revelmen  Small group of specialist party planners and hosts.

35 Spice, Salt, Oil dealers  No one knows why they were never able to group with the rest of the import merchants, but there they are on their own.

36 Tanners skinners renderers

37 Tinkers, Potters

38 Guild of Watersellers 150 people, but poor.  There are free clean (usually) water sources in the city, but there are many people who would prefer paying someone else to do the drudgery of transporting it to their homes.

39 Weavers

40 wheelwrights, cartwrights, wagonmakers, joiners, upholders

41 Xylographers, Parchmenters, Bookmakers, Heralds    A small guild that is more than happy to be alphabetically last.   This is why they list Xylographers first.  Also, that makes them sound important.  Pooling several trades, they number 41 and are located in the Guild Quarter.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:33, Sat 27 Feb 2021.
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