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Character Generation (OOC)

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 1 post
Fri 7 May 2021
at 14:29
  • msg #1

Character Generation (OOC)

1. Decide on a character name.

2. Roll d100 once for each Ability pair. Find the ability base score on the table below.  Keep rolling until you have 2 scores of 50 or more.
Find the ability base score on the table below.
Dice Roll01-1011-2021-3536-5556-7071-8081-9091-9596-00
Base Score303540455055606570

Strength Strength determines a character's chance to break open doors, bend metal, shift heavy objects or anything else requiring brute force.

Stamina A character's Stamina score is the number of points of damage the character can take before being killed. It is also the character's percent chance to resist the effects of poison, gas, drugs, disease, extreme heat or cold, starvation and fatigue.

Dexterity A character's Dexterity score determines his base chance to hit in combat. It also is his percent chance to sense things by touch, throw or catch an object, keep his balance, jump into a moving vehicle or perform delicate actions like cutting a wire without touching any surrounding wires.

Reaction Speed A character's Reaction Speed score is his percent chance to react quickly, to avoid falling rocks, to catch something he knocked over before it hits the floor, to jump away from a vehicle that is racing toward him, to grab an animal or to dive through a door before it slams shut.

Intuition A character's Intuition score is his percent chance to notice small details or hidden objects, to sense an ambush or trap and, at the referee's discretion, to make sense out of seemingly unrelated or illogical facts. When a character passes an Intuition check, the referee should tell the player that he notices something unusual, and describe what the character sees (or hears, smells, feels or tastes). The player must decide what to do with this information. Referees should urge players to figure out puzzles on their own; Intuition checks should not be allowed until after the players have tried (and failed) to solve the puzzle themselves.

Logic A character's Logic score is his percent chance to follow complicated instructions, to figure out the best way to do something he has never done before or use something he is not familiar with, and to make accurate predictions from facts. The referee should roll Logic checks secretly. If the character fails the check, the referee can tell him either that he does not understand whatever he was studying, or can give him false information. A character's Logic score can be modified by the complexity of the situation and the amount of time the character spends studying it. The referee should encourage players to draw their own conclusions from information; like Intuition, Logic checks should be a last resort.

Personality Personality affects how likely a character is to get a friendly response from a stranger and how long he can hold someone#s attention. The referee should encourage players to role-play their attempts to use Personality and talk to NPCs.

Leadership. A character's Leadership score reflects his ability to command with authority and have NPCs obey his/her orders. Leadership checks are needed only if a character orders an NPC to do something dangerous, or has mistreated the NPC. Under normal conditions NPCs who work for a character will always obey that character. If characters try to give orders to strangers, the referee must decide how likely the stranger is to obey.

Leadership also is used to bargain with NPCs. The referee should not let characters with high Leadership scores trade junk for valuable merchandise, but a successful Leadership check will get a better deal for the character, or convince reluctant NPCs to deal with the character. Characters can bargain for information as well as merchandise.

Players can increase their characters' ability scores by trading 1 XP to raise an ability score 1 point. No ability score can ever be raised above 100.

3. Decide which race you want your character to be. Add or subtract the appropriate modifiers from the Ability Modifier Table.


4. If the character is a Human, the player can add 5 points to any one ability score. These points apply to only one ability, not to both abilities in a pair.

5. Players now can modify their ability scores by subtracting points from one ability and adding them to the other ability in that pair. No more than 10 points can be shifted this way. Example: A character has a Strength/Stamina base score of 50/50. The player decides he wants his character to be very strong. He can increase the character's Strength score to 60 if he reduces the Stamina score to 40.

6. Divide the character's Reaction Speed score by 10. If the result is a fraction, round it up. The final result is the character's Initiative modifier (IM).

PS: Punching Score is found on this table, using the character’s Strength score:

7. Non-human characters have special abilities that should be noted on the character sheet. These special abililles are listed below. For more details, see the descriptions of the various races.

Dralasites: Lie Detection (5%), Elasticity
Vrusk: Comprehension (15%), Ambidexterity
Yazirians: Battle Rage (5%), Gliding, Night Vision

8. If the character is a Human or Yazirian, decide whether he is right or left handed. Dralasites and Vrusk do not choose handedness; see their racial descriptions for more information.

9. Decide whether the character is male or female (unless it is a Dralasite).

10. Roll d100 and add the result to 250. The final result is the number of Credits the character has at the start of the game. The character can spend this money immediately on equipment, or save some of it until later in the game. Equipment prices are listed in the section on EQUIPMENT. To keep things simple, new characters can buy a standard equipment pack from the Basic Game for 150 Cr.
GM, 28 posts
Sun 9 May 2021
at 05:26
  • msg #2

Character Generation (OOC)

Optional Age Modifiers

Characters may choose their own age at the start of the game continue without any modifications, or roll for age using the charts below for starting age and age modifiers.  The modifiers below are ONLY used if a player rolls for their age.

RaceStarting AgeMatureMiddle AgedOldVenerable

Age Brackets:
Mature: + 5 STR/STA; & +5 INT/LOG
Middle Aged:  -5 STR/STA; & +5 INT/LOG
Old:  -10 STR/STA, -10 DEX/RS; & +5 INT/LOG
Venerable:  -5 STR/STA, -5 DEX/RS; & +5 INT/LOG
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:37, Sun 09 May 2021.
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