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17:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station.

Posted by The JudgeFor group archive R
The Judge
GM, 428 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 14:37
  • msg #1

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  The train pulls up at the end of the line, the railway station in Mad Mesa is on the north side of the track and on the south side of the track is a corral full of cattle that are already being prepared to be loaded into the cattle cars.
  As Jonas steps off the train he over hears several of the cowboys loading the cattle, talking about a gun fight the night before.  Apparently the Russell's and the Kane's were involved in another shoot out around the station and corral leaving one man dead and two other badly wounded.
Jonas Cord
player, 1 post
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 15:31
  • msg #2

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

For a moment, Jonas considered getting back on the train and going someplace where casual gunfights didn't break out in the street. Then he remembered that he probably didn't have enough funds for a ticket. Anyway, the train was already getting ready to pull out just as soon as the cattle were loaded. The engineer probably didn't fancy a gunfight either!

He settled his hat more firmly on his head, took a breath, and stepped out of the station, wondering who the Russels and the Kanes were when not slinging lead around. Enough woolgathering! First things first, find some work.

"Howdy. New in town. Know where a feller might find work around here?"
The Judge
GM, 430 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 18:19
  • msg #3

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  "Well after last night, the Russell's got a few vacancies."  One of the cowboys replies with a grin, which elicits gales of laughter from his co-workers.
Jonas Cord
player, 2 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 18:48
  • msg #4

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas returned the grin.

"I'm no gunfighter. I can cook, fix a lock, play piano... oh, and handle explosives. Think anyone might need any of those skills."

He has a quiet, gentle voice, despite being quite a powerful big fellow (and with a gun on his hip).
The Judge
GM, 431 posts
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 23:06
  • msg #5

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  "No idea."  The cowboy replies.  "If you can't handle horses, cows, guns or rope then I ain't interested stranger."  The cowboys go back to their job of getting the cattle loaded onto the rail cars as quickly as possible so they can get to the saloon.

  There is a map of the town in the Main Game Map page.

Jonas Cord
player, 3 posts
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 12:59
  • msg #6

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

"Fair enough, thank you," said Jonas.

"You do eat, though. When you get tired of beans and bacon over an open fire, look me up. The name's Jonas, Jonas Cord."

He gave the stockmen a cheerful wave and wandered off, heading away from the tracks and looking around curiously. Most obvious was a saloon and a Well's Fargo office. He started off down Main Street to see what else was there...
The Judge
GM, 438 posts
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 13:16
  • msg #7

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  Mad Mesa is much like any other frontier town, at least on the surface.  Jonas will have to engage the locals to learn much more.  There are a few locals on the streets but in the heat of the day, most stay indoors unless their work involves being out doors.

  You will have to tell me where you are are going or what buildings you are heading into to learn more.

Jonas Cord
player, 4 posts
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 17:32
  • msg #8

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

The saloon looked like a starting point. He wasn't thirsty, but a good barkeep knew what was going on in a town.

Jonas went over to Babe's Saloon, wondering a little at the name, and pushed his way through the swinging door. He walked up to the bar.

"G'day," he said to the bar tender.

"Just arrived in town and wondered if you know of any work going. And a glass of sarsparilla if you have it. A bit early for the hard stuff."
The Judge
GM, 439 posts
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 04:54
  • msg #9

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  Babe's Saloon is a two story building with the saloon on the ground floor and bedrooms above.  there are half a dozen tables with chairs and a player piano with a coin slot.  Four women and two men are in the saloon along with the barman.
  When Jonas asks about work, the barman glances over the two men, one wearing buckskins, the other in a black broadcloth suit with a black derby and string tie.
  "I wouldn't know about that."  He answers Jonas question and puts a glass of sarsaparilla on the bar in front of Jonas.  "That'll be 5 cents."
Jonas Cord
player, 5 posts
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 10:23
  • msg #10

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas put the coins on the counter.

"Thank you. If you hear of anyone needing a cook... or who wants a live piano player instead of a contraption, let me know."

He'd better make that glass last. Until he found work, that was.
The Judge
GM, 444 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 08:10
  • msg #11

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  When Jonas finishes his sarsaparilla the bar tender looks at him with a raised eyebrow.
Jonas Cord
player, 6 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 09:33
  • msg #12

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas smiled, a lazy smile.

"Well, if you have no openings nor know of any, I'll have to search elsewhere. Thanks for the sarsparilla."

He picked his hat up and walked out of the saloon. Hopefully someone in this settlement would be a little more helpful. So far they seemed to be a bunch of jerks, not in the slightest bit neighbourly.

He wandered furthe along Main Street, noting various establishments. He'd try the hotel next. Maybe they'd need some help in the kitchen. Heading that way, he went in and asked for the owner or manager.
The Judge
GM, 445 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 10:47
  • msg #13

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  The Lazy A Hotel  is one of the few three story buildings in town, it's getting late in the day and the lights are on in the lobby and gas lights are on either side of the door.  Stepping into the lobby, the restaurant is on Jonas' right, the main stairway is straight ahead and the lobby desk is on the left.
  "I'm Fred Jackson, the night clerk.  How can I help you?"  The man behind the lobby desk asks Jonas.
Jonas Cord
player, 7 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 14:23
  • msg #14

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas removed his hat and smiled.

"Hello, Mr Jackson. I'm Jonas Cord. Not to beat about the bush, I am seeking work. Is the owner available?"
The Judge
GM, 447 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 14:57
  • msg #15

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  "Sorry Mister Cord, there's no work here and the owner ain't available."  Jackson replies.
Jonas Cord
player, 8 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 15:22
  • msg #16

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

It was beginning to get difficult to maintain a smile. This was a very unhelpful place. Or at least the people there tended that way.

"Thank you anyway."

Jonas put his hat back on and turned to go.

He left the hotel and looked around. Maybe there was another saloon. Or someplace where people gathered. The rest of Main Street appeared to be the chapel and the schoolhouse.

Didn't anyone in this forsaken township want to eat?

He headed south, a blacksmith's shop and beyond that another saloon. He glanded into the forge to see if the smith was about.
The Judge
GM, 448 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 16:05
  • msg #17

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  Standing on Dodge Street outside the Blacksmith's Shop, Jonas could see a light on and hear a rhythmic clanging sound from within.  The inside of the blacksmith's Shop is light by several oil lamps and a glowing forge.  A young man is pumping the bellows that work the forge and an older man wearing a leather apron is pounding out a horseshoe using a hammer and anvil.
  "Hey there mister!"  Jonas hears the voice of a young boy behind him, turning around he sees a boy holding a handful of broadsheets.  "Wanna buy a copy of the Mad Mesa Gazette?"  The boys asks.  "Five cents!"  The boy holds out his hand before offering a paper.

  Not sure what Jonas is expecting in a frontier town, the first group of cowboys he spoke to did tell him about an employment opportunity and you have only been to two other established businesses that already have the employees they need to run their business otherwise they would not be operating.  Most role-playing games are not about characters taking on mundane jobs, we can do that in real life :)

Jonas Cord
player, 9 posts
Mon 23 Aug 2021
at 12:44
  • msg #18

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas smiled at the youngster.

"Does it have want-ads? I'm looking for work right now."

Still, gotta speculate to accumulate, and there might be useful information. He handed over the necessary coins and took a paper.
The Judge
GM, 458 posts
Mon 23 Aug 2021
at 14:48
  • msg #19

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  The paper boy eyes Jonas up and down as he hands over the newspaper and collects his 5 cents.  Business is slow so the paper boy decides to give the stranger 5 minutes of gossip and a verbal tour of the the town.  Joey Black can name every building in town and also informs Jonas the big ticket news item in Mad Mesa is the cattle war between the Russell's and the Kane's.  There was a shootout in the coral the night before Jonas' train came in, between hired guns from both sides.
Jonas Cord
player, 10 posts
Mon 23 Aug 2021
at 17:02
  • msg #20

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas listened to the paper boy solemny as he talked.

"Fascinating. The Russell's and the Kane's you say? What is their dispute? Mere rivalry, a tussle over territory? Or do they make claims against each other, of outrageous offence given and taken?"
The Judge
GM, 459 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 10:40
  • msg #21

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  "Well I reckin' if'n theys call it a cattle war it's got something to do with cows!"  The paperboy declares.  "Oh and if you're looking for work, meybe try Larsens Livery Stable, end of Main Street, on the right.  You can't miss it.  They's looking after lotsa horses lately.  Meybe might need some help?"  Joey suggests.
Jonas Cord
player, 11 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 12:47
  • msg #22

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas grinned.

"Thanks. I just about know one end of a horse from t'other."

He headed off in that direction anyway. Who knows... what was that Chinese saying he'd heard once? Sometimes by chance a look or a glance your fortune may advance.
The Judge
GM, 461 posts
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 03:39
  • msg #23

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  It's late in the afternoon when Jonas reaches the ed of Main Street and spots the Livery Stable just where Joey said it would be, last on the right.  Jonas pokes his head through the door to see a man and what must be a pair of his sons going to through the process of feeding and watering a number of horses in their care.  One of the sons is exercising a horse in the yard behind the stable while another watches on in between raking out the straw and manure from the stalls.
  The apparent father is feeding biscuits of hay to each of the other animals.  Seeing Jonas in the doorway, the older man stops,
  "Can I help you mister?"  The stableman asks, with a thick European accent.
Jonas Cord
player, 12 posts
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 09:42
  • msg #24

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas smiled, somewhat wearily.

"Looking for work, that's all."
The Judge
GM, 462 posts
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 01:04
  • msg #25

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  "I'm Sven Larson."  The stable man introduces himself.  "You now anything about horses?"  He asks as he walks over to shake Jonas's hand.  "The last couple of weeks I've had a few extra regular customers.  "Me and my two youngest boys can look after things during the day but my eldest has been keeping an eye on things at night.  I was thinking abut getting someone to give him a hand during his night shift but I ain't got a whole of money to throw around."
  He looks Jonas up and down, his eyes rest briefly on the revolver in Jonas's holster before he looks Jonas in the eye.
  "You ever use that?" Sven asks.
Jonas Cord
player, 13 posts
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 11:03
  • msg #26

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

"Jonas Cord," Jonas introduced himself.

"I know a bit about horses, which end bites, which end kicks, and how to shovel away what they leave behind them... As for the gun, I can use it when I have to, but I don't seek brawls. Just finish them if someone else wants to start one.

"Oh, and I can cook real good."

Jonas smiled.

"I'm not looking for much. Sufficient to survive for now."
The Judge
GM, 464 posts
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 12:00
  • msg #27

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  "My boy vill do most whatever needs doing with the horses, mostly a just want a second man here to keep an eye on things."  Sven nods toward the horses his boys are tending too.  "Ve haff some new regular customers so the stables are mostly full.  I don't vant somebody getting ambitious and my eldest getting brave.  I can give you $2 a day and somewhere in the loft to sleep.  If you cook for me and my boys you can eat with us."
Jonas Cord
player, 14 posts
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 13:16
  • msg #28

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

"Sounds fair enough, Mister Larson," said Jonas.

"Best show me where the kitchen is and I can make a start on supper. You and 3 boys, is it, to cook for?"
The Judge
GM, 465 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 00:45
  • msg #29

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  Sven points to a camp fire behind the barn where they is a coffee pot and a stew pot with wooden ladle,
  "The kitchen."  Sven grunts, then points up a ladder to the loft, "The bedroom.  Olaf can show you around this afternoon."  Sven goes back to feeding and exercising the horses with his youngest two sons.  Jonas doesn't have to do much in the way of cooking this afternoon.
  Sven finishes up his work with his youngest sons and then his eldest arrives to take over the night shift.  Sven introduces Olaf and Jonas before taking his two youngest sons home.
  "I will see you in the morning and bring some eggs and flour, see what you can whip up for breakfast."
Jonas Cord
player, 15 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 12:13
  • msg #30

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

"Good to meet you," said Jonas.

The stew in the pot was all right, if basic... but was in dire need of seasoning. He attended to that, and it soon began to taste a bit better.

He'd have to visit the general stores in the morning to start building a larder.

"OK, Olaf, how do you want to do this?" he asked the young man once the others had gone.
The Judge
GM, 466 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 05:18
  • msg #31

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  Over the next few days Jonas quickly fell into a routine of trying to sleep during the day while Sven and his two youngest sons went about their days feeding and caring for their charges, then during the night trying to stay awake after little success of sleeping well during the day.
  Olaf was not particularly stimulating conversation but he knew enough to be able to go about his job well enough on his own.  Jonas soon understood why Sven wished for someone to keep Olaf company however.  Most nights involved yelling and shooting in the streets or surrounds of Mad Mesa, it was at the least, very off putting.
  Jonas learned from Olaf that there was an unwritten agreement between the Sheriff and townsfolk and the members of the Kane and Russell factions of the cattle war.  So long as the participants in the cattle war left the townsfolk and their property alone, then the sheriff would turn a blind eye and the town would not get involved in the dispute.
  In the mornings, Sven would arrive with his two sons and various ingredients for Jonas to cook up their breakfast before he went to sleep.  At the end of the day, Sven would have Jonas cook up another feed for himself and his boys when Olaf arrived for the night shift.  Each afternoon he would pay Jonas $2 for a days work and thank him.
  On the fifth day of his new job, shortly before lunch time, Jonas was vaguely aware a customer visited the livery stable to pay a bill and that afternoon Sven confirmed that his new customers had paid up for another 4 weeks, so Jonas had a job for another 4 weeks if he wanted it.

 I have added $10 to your sheet.  Also make a roll for your cooking skills each day.

Jonas Cord
player, 16 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 12:32
  • msg #32

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas was settling in quite comfortably. He was hoarding up his cash, as his expenses were small at the moment, just a few dried herbs from the General Store, although he sensed that the Larsons weren't much for fancy eating so he stuck to stews, a meat loaf one day, and bacon and eggs and pancakes come breakfast time.

He tried to learn a bit more about horses too, certainly got more accustomed to being around them.

He was happy to extend his employment for a few more weeks. It wouldn't do for ever, but it was mostly peaceful (apart from all the hollering at night), and he was content to gently potter for the time being.

Long term he'd wish for something more. Maybe set up a little business, locksmithing or explosives. He was still investigating the area, seeing what there was need for.
The Judge
GM, 468 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 13:08
  • msg #33

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  Three days later an elderly gentleman comes into Larsens Livery around mid morning and has a chat with Sven.  After a few minutes Sven pokes his head up into the loft,
  "Sorry to wake you mister Jonas but there is a man downstairs says he is looking for some hired hands for his ranch, says he'd like to talk to you."
Jonas Cord
player, 17 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 13:59
  • msg #34

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

"Uh.. what... Oh. Yes, Mister Larson, coming."

Once asleep, Jonas took a while to surface. He untangled himself from his blanket, ran his fingers through his hair in lieu of a comb, and pulled his boots on before scrambling down the ladder.

"Uh, hello. Sorry, I am working the night shift here... How may I be of service?"
The Judge
GM, 469 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 14:36
  • msg #35

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  "Hello Mister Cord, my name is Zeke.  I have a ranch called the Rocking-Z a couple days ride outta town and I am hiring on some new people.  I hear you are looking for a job as a cook?"
  Zeke is a grizzled old gent who certainly has the look of an old frontiersman, sun baked tan, grey hair and beard and well worn hat, clothes and boots.  He wasn't real purty to look at but he surely looked the part of a rancher.
Jonas Cord
player, 18 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 15:02
  • msg #36

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

"That I am, sir. This is just a temporary position to keep body and soul together... I learned to cook from my mother, and while every man says his mother is a good cook, it was certainly true in her case: she cooked in an hotel in West Virginia before her marriage. I myself have cooked in taverns, and on the trail, in my journeyings... Here as well as being a night watchman I am cooking for Mister Larsen and his boys, plain fare over an open fire, but their plates are polished when they are done."

Things might be looking up. Something maybe a bit more permanent. Jonas smiled his easy smile and waited to see what this Zeke might say.
The Judge
GM, 474 posts
Sat 4 Sep 2021
at 15:53
  • msg #37

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  Zeke nods his head as he listens to Jonas.
  "I'm in town to meet with some folks later this evening.  Night shift you say huh?  Well I might come back tonight and have supper, sample your cooking.  Thanks for your time Mister Cord, we'll speak again soon."
  Zeke leaves and Jonas goes back to sleep, smiling as things are looking up for him now.  True to his word, Zeke returns around 8:30pm and finds Jonas.
  "Well let's see what your coffee is like shall we?"  The grizzled old rancher asks with a grin.
Jonas Cord
player, 19 posts
Sat 4 Sep 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #38

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

"Certainly," said Jonas with a grin.

He got out the sack of beans and ground some whilst the water boiled Adding a tiny pinch of salt he put it to brew in the pot, and soon was serving the rancher with a mug, offering him cream and sugar if he wanted either.

The tiny pinch of salt was a trick he'd learned from an old mariner sometime in his past. Not enough to actually taste salty, it somehow enhanced the flavour of the coffee.
The Judge
GM, 478 posts
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 14:39
  • msg #39

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  Zeke accepted the offered cup of coffee and sat down to shoot the breeze with Jonas.  A casual interview to see what Jonas was prepared to tell Zeke about his past and weigh up his character before offering anything solid.  Zeke was also interested to see how good Jonas cooking actually was.

Make a skill check for your cooking.

Jonas Cord
player, 20 posts
Mon 6 Sep 2021
at 15:40
  • msg #40

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas was quite happy to chat.

"I originally come from West Virginia. I had a happy childhood learning to cook and play the piano from my Ma and how to handle - and even make - explosives from my Pa, learning to fix locks... the two events when everything went catastrophically wrong, firstly when my Ma died leaving him to raise my younger siblings and even worse when my Pa's explosives factory blew up with Pa in it. Just pre dumb luck I was in the locksmith's shop that afternoon. The younglings were all making their own way by then and I didn't fancy coal mining, so I generally drifted west, picking up odd jobs along the way. Tried the army but that wasn't for me, and eventually I've ended up here. Another rootless drifter, but I'm not as young as I was and it's time to settle."
The Judge
GM, 479 posts
Wed 8 Sep 2021
at 09:03
  • msg #41

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  Zeke wiles away the evening with Jonas, enjoying the coffee and produces a flask of whiskey to share with Jonas before asking for a sample of his cooking,
  "How about a late night snack?  The coffee was pretty good, let's see what your cooking is like."  He smiles

  OK roll another cooking skill :)

Jonas Cord
player, 21 posts
Sat 11 Sep 2021
at 10:32
  • msg #42

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas put together a bacon roll with added fried onions and a fried egg on top, making use of what was to hand.
The Judge
GM, 485 posts
Sun 12 Sep 2021
at 10:15
  • msg #43

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  "Mmmm, that's good."  Zeke says after polishing off the bacon, egg and onion roll offered by Jonas.  It was getting late now, probably around 11:00pm and Zeke was getting up to leave when a flurry of gun shots cut through the night air.
  Gunshots in Mad mesa at night were not uncommon, in fact they are expected most nights but usually the gun play was centered around one of the saloons.  Tonight the shooting cam,e from the other side of town.
  "That's odd."  Zeke says.  "Why would anyone be over at the cemetery at this time of night?"
Jonas Cord
player, 22 posts
Sun 12 Sep 2021
at 13:32
  • msg #44

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

"Excuse me," said Jonas, getting up and taking a lantern to walk the perimeter of the livery to make sure that nothing was amiss.
The Judge
GM, 490 posts
Tue 14 Sep 2021
at 05:41
  • msg #45

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

  "Hmmpf!  Well I'm going to see what all the fuss is about!"  Zeke declares.  He checks his pistol before setting off toward the east side of the church.
Jonas Cord
player, 23 posts
Tue 14 Sep 2021
at 08:36
  • msg #46

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

"Nice meeting you, but as you understand, whilst I am still employed here, I have duties to attend to."

Seemed a decent enough fellow. If he offered work, Jonas decided he'd take it.
Jonas Cord
player, 24 posts
Tue 14 Sep 2021
at 15:03
  • msg #47

Chapter 6.1: The Railway Station

Jonas was a bit concerned. He checked in with Olaf, who was in the main yard, then took off after Zeke.

Wouldn't do for the fellow to get shot before he even had time to make a job offer!
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