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17:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Part 1: Kids in America (IC)

Posted by RefereeFor group 0
player, 16 posts
Go Ganger
Sat 13 Feb 2021
at 04:38
  • msg #37

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Tailgate took one of the drinks that came and the other went to Stefan and then went to Valeriya. He thought about pretending to drink, but after doing so much to stay close to, and impress, Val thus far, he couldn't wimp out. So he took a small sip and tried to hide the wince.

Stefan asked him about the pass code, but before he could answer Valeriya spoke up for him. In fact, he was kind of thrown off what little game he had by Val. She was hyping him up, acting like they were better friends than they were, like he was someone awesome. Was she setting him up? Was she just tweaking Stefan? She winked at him! He barely stopped himself from licking his lips or audibly gulping. He took another small sip. This time it didn't burn as much...but only just.

He managed a small smile Val's way...but his eyes, the ones he had trouble taking off of her, were a little wider than normal. He assumed she was just playing a game, he had to assume that, because he didn't want to get shot down in flames in full view of everyone, mocked incessantly for thinking she wasn't out of his league, or worse.

He gave a twitch of a shoulder that could be mistaken for a shrug. "I hear things. I get around." At least his voice hadn't squeaked!
player, 47 posts
Glitter Girl
Sun 14 Feb 2021
at 18:52
  • msg #38

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Val watched Tailgate drink and then try to hide his reaction, and she nearly laughed. It was easy to forget her first reaction to alcohol, about a year ago, when she had raided dad's whisky. She had managed about half a glass until she had to run to the toilet to be sick. It had been a long year since then, and she had definitely learned some things since... all the wrong ones.

She didn't like alcohol as much as drinking alcohol - rim, adult, forbidden. Particularly doing it in a such a situation, in front of a tough guy like Tailgate who wasn't used to it. She raised her eyebrows at Stefan when T spoke, as if saying hear? He gets around. He hears things. Unlike you, loser.

Her mood was turning, like a tide - now that she was back under the spotlight she felt much more at ease. She rested an elbow on the bar, a hip on one of the stools and extended her legs, elongated by the high heels.

"So what's your expert opinion about my dress? The designer claims it can deflect laser fire,"
she purred, her chrome eyes on his.
player, 13 posts
Board Punk
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 00:56
  • msg #39

Re: Kids in America (IC)

He looked over to where he'd seen the Cyclones scatter.

"Let's get going. Your goboys okay out there?"

"Yeah, they can scatter with the rockers," Andy answers, with every confidence the Cyclones weren't going to get caught. At least not the ones on the street. "Kid their looking for went into the john. You go in and tell him to bail out the window. I'll meet outside and do the dash?" She holds up her skateboard. More than a good enough get away vehicle in tight alleys and with a head start.
player, 15 posts
Mall Brat
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 08:34
  • msg #40

Re: Kids in America (IC)

"Sounds like a plan. Drop me a line after it's all done?"

Not waiting for the answer, Jai headed towards the bathroom.
player, 17 posts
Go Ganger
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 21:38
  • msg #41

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Tailgate glanced at Stefan and then back at Valeriya. His eyes were still a bit too wide, though he didn't have the look of a deer caught in headlights...but maybe not completely unlike that either. But after a moment, he started to relax a little bit. He didn't feel the effects of the alcohol - or at least didn't notice them. But the wide eyes became less wide. His slightly tense and stiff posture and body movement became more chill.

He looked Valeriya over in all her glory. Not just her dress - his eyes literally started at her shoes and worked all the way up her to her hair, slowly and perhaps just a bit more enthusiastically then he should have, looking over her with obvious...appreciation, at a minimum, in his eyes. Maybe something more.

"I'm...not expert on fashion." He gestured down at his clothes in a self-deprecating amusement. "Clearly." He let out a small chuckle. "But that dress..." He took in a deep breath as if he needed more air after looking at her, "I don't know if it'll deflect laser fire? But it'll certainly attract the eyes of everyone firing lasers!"
GM, 54 posts
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 22:50
  • msg #42

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Stefan looks uncomfortable as Tailgate 'inspects' Valeriya's outfit, and by natural extension, her other assets.  He doesn't get a chance to object or say anything because it is just then that the two police officers enter the restaurant weapons at the ready.

Two more police officers in riot gear armed with heavier-than-standard weapons push their way in through the South entrance into the dance club proper.  All four are looking around, scanning the room as though looking for someone.  All of you can see them now, as can everyone in the Obelisk.

Jai and Andy are already on the move.

Roll Initiative, to keep things in order, we are not in combat yet ... the Police have an 11 on the die, the other NPCs with planned actions have a 17 on the die.  d10 rolls are open-ended once (if you roll 10 roll again and add, but not on another 10, max roll is 20).

Andy needs to make a sneak of some sort - it is REF based, the skill (Thief Stuff or Little Angel) depends on how she plans to do it.  The former is sneaking, the latter is nonchalantly walking out as though everything is normal.

player, 14 posts
Board Punk
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 00:17
  • msg #43

Re: Kids in America (IC)

19:10, Today: Andy rolled 7 using 1d10, rerolling max with rolls of 7.  Initiative.

Ref: 8

For stealthiness, we'll do Ref+Little Angel.

19:12, Today: Andy rolled 12 using 1d10+10, rerolling max with rolls of 2.  Ref+LA.

Not great. Not terrible. Not great.

Andy slings her board across her shoulders. Moving toward the main entrance to the club, trying her hardest not to look toward the cops as they make their presence known. Instead, she kept her eyes trained down on floor in front of herself. Mostly just a beanie cap in the crowd, the color slowly shifting from black to neon blue.
player, 19 posts
Go Ganger
Thu 18 Feb 2021
at 05:53
  • msg #44

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Tailgate didn't notice Stefan's reaction. He only had eyes for Valeriya...until the cops showed up. He slowly took another sip of his drink and then set it down on the bartop. He glanced at Val and then at the cops.

"Think it's time t'bail. Good t'see y'again, Val." He flashed her a quick smile.

He turned to and aimed to make his way in to the crowd, weave among the people and not be seen (or at least picked out) by the cops.

22:51, Today: Tailgate rolled 23 using 1d10+10, rerolling max with rolls of (10+3)13.  Ref + Blend to 'blend in' among the crowd away from cops.
player, 17 posts
Mall Brat
Thu 18 Feb 2021
at 09:04
  • msg #45

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Jai kept moving, hoping to beat the cops to the bathroom as he zipped his coveralls back up.

5:03, Today: Jai rolled 2 using 1d10, rerolling max with rolls of 2.  Jai initiative.
player, 54 posts
Glitter Girl
Thu 18 Feb 2021
at 10:51
  • msg #46

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Val was enjoying the whole situation, both Tailgate's slack-jawed attention and Stefan's jealousy, when she caught something out of the corner of her eye. Dark uniform, riot gear, long weapons - drawn.

Bad news.

Personally, she hadn't had that many dealings or encounters with the law enforcement repression corps, but she wasn't stupid. Federal cops storming a place like the Obelisk, right at the time when it was in full swing? That could only end badly or extremely badly, and even if she was probably not a likely target for them, it wouldn't be fun to be trampled under a panicked multitude, or catch a stray bullet meant for someone else.

She was still trying to decide what to do about it when Tailgate said it was time to bail. No wonder the Go-Ganger had well-honed instincts when it came to sniffin cops and making himself scarce. He was already on the move, and in any case it would have been difficult for the three of them to leave together; not for the kind of approach Val resorted to.

"Pigs in riot armor,"
she whispered in Stefan's ear, "put your arm around my waist and follow my lead."

And she led Stefan towards the exit (#11), strutting with an unhurried and highly rehearsed catwalk model's gait, album-cover smile plastered on her face...

OOC:10:39, Today: Valeriya rolled 19 using 1d10+15, rerolling max with rolls of 4.  Empathy (7) + Little Angel (8).

11:23, Yesterday: Valeriya rolled 8 using 1d10, rerolling max with rolls of 8.  Initiative? (NOTE: That should have been +6, I didn't know I had to add REF to it). So 14 I suppose)

This message was last edited by the player at 10:52, Thu 18 Feb 2021.
GM, 58 posts
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 15:34
  • msg #47

Re: Kids in America (IC)

When the second pair of policemen enters the club Kat on stage is among the first to see them and react.  She stops singing (though the music goes on without her) and warns the crowd of juvies.  “The Fuzz is here, scram!” she will say into the microphone before jumping down from the stage into the dance floor.  Tailgate moves into the now surging crowd of juvies on the dance floor, along with those moving with him from the billiards area and even some from the restaurant, all moving towards the emergency exits.  Though moving quickly, the crowd isn’t in a general panic yet, though there is a sense of anxiety building.

The policemen at the club entrance block the door and one of them gets on his radio calling for back up.  Meanwhile, in the restaurant the policemen also block the door, one putting his arm out to prevent Andy from leaving.  “No one leaves the club, we’re instituting a lockdown!” he yells, feeding the sense of growing anxiety and causing the restaurant kids to run for the dance floor emergency exits.

Stefan nods to Val and puts his arm around her waist, groping perhaps a little more than is necessary as he gets himself into a ‘natural’ pose.  As they move to the club exit, with other kids surging around them, they see a third police car pulled up there and two officers exiting the car.  Those two see the kids surging out of the exit and move to block it.

During all of this Ja was moving to the men’s room, making his way through the crowd.  He gets there just as Nikola is yelling her warning into the men’s room and then starts moving away.  Pushing open the men’s room he sees Hunter and Peter with some other boys standing around an open stall, as though watching something amusing, they turn to look at Jai when he opens the door.

The actions above are in initiative order.  Valeriya can read some confusion from the police, it looks like this is not a well-planned operation.  All of you can tell that it is about to explode into panic, perhaps on both sides.
player, 18 posts
Mall Brat
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 18:35
  • msg #48

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Jai craned his head towards the yelled warning for a moment, before turning back to the boys.

"Don't know what's going on, but you guys gotta go, out the window. Or stay here and get slacked, I guess. Just doing my due diligence."

They must have heard the commotion if nothing else, right? So why were they still hanging around watching whatever they were into? Jai waited a few tense moments, wondering if they needed help. He certainly wasn't going to stick around to motivate them.
player, 20 posts
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 00:00
  • msg #49

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Vamp and her crew had been playing pool for awhile, having taken over the table and keeping it against all comers by sheer dint of intensity and their somewhat discomfiting appearance. What was someone going to do to a group of people dressed mostly in black accented in skulls, chains, spikes, and studs when the apparent leader of said group looked at you with glowing red eyes and sneered enough to show long, and quite sharp, canines? Anyone looking at her hands would have also noted the long nails painted jet-black and filed to fine points.

Vamp wasn't particularly tall when not wearing her boots (which she was tonight) given the Japanese weren't overly inclined to height, particularly the women but what she lacked in height she more than made up for in attitude and presence. Word on the street was she was something more...disturbing (disturbed?) than your average Goth (which most people already found disturbing) and edged closer to being an actual, no bullshit sociopath who didn't care about giving or receiving pain and, if not having an actual death wish, had no fear of dying. All traits that came out about the time her parents were murdered, she went into the system and joined the Goths. Prior to that she had been a somewhat gregarious and popular child with a lot of friends in school, most of which were in attendance tonight. Most of which she now ignored (almost all of them) or despised (Val).

"Nice dress if your plan was to look like a high-priced whore," she had said to Val in her RP accent which was sharp enough to cut diamonds when she and her gang walked in, eliciting laughter from all of them as they went to the pool table, their faces glowing eerily from the black lights, and chased away the people that had been playing. Her people also contained the members of her band - an industrial-metal goth group called CyberChrist. Known for being one of the heaviest, loudest, most vicious bands in the city as well as the pure chaos their shows tended to cause, they were on the way up if they didn't manage to self-destruct first.

Tonight she had on what looked like the torn remnants of a black wedding dress, her knee-length black boots with the four inch heels which were covered from ankle to knee in buckles, a pair of elbow length fingerless gloves over which a dizzying variety of studded, spiked, and chain bracelets were on display. Skull, bat, demon, and spiked rings covered every finger, a large polished black upside cross was around her neck and she had on more leather spiked belts then could be easily counted. Over this ensemble she had on a black leather longcoat with spiked metal pauldrons that had the band's logo airbrushed in purple and black glowing paint: an upside down crucifix made from a pair of syringes with a cyborg figure impaled upon it. Black lipstick and deep-black smokey cats eye makeup over glowing white foundation completed the look. Her hair was jet-black with silver streaks through it and, as she sat looking at the crowd with a look of utter disdain, sipping something now and then, she noticed the feds coming in.

"Fucking feds," she growled and gave a short, sharp whistle to her crew. "Find us an exit."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:57, Sun 21 Feb 2021.
player, 56 posts
Glitter Girl
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 01:01
  • msg #50

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Val's eyes were on the cops, their faces looked... wrong. No grim determination, no professional indifference, not even sadistic relish, just... confusion? A dash of fear, even? Somehow, that was even more chilling. What the hell was going on to made them so uneasy? It was just a clubful of teens... right?

She momentarily saw one of Vamp's crowboys from the corner of her eye, making her frown. She rememberd Vamp's greeting and her own answer to it from earlier in the night(""Thanks yogirl, you look just like the cheapest one! Hey guys, you really must be on a budget! Go easier on her, OK? She looks a bit worn-out already!"). Well, since they were so edgy, let them find their own way out of that one...

She was still puzzling over that while Stefan and her made it to the street. If they just stood there, they would eventually either be shoved aside by the cops, or crushed by kids rushing out. The most sensible thing would be just going home... but she hated to have her night ruined just like that, without even getting a word in.

Face saved, she advanced resolutely towards the cop blocking the entrance.

"Good evening, officer," she said in her GoodGirl voice, "something the matter? We're just having some innocent fun. Aside from the live music, naturally, I agree that was truly criminal. What's going on?"
This message was last edited by the player at 20:25, Sun 21 Feb 2021.
player, 15 posts
Board Punk
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 01:18
  • msg #51

Re: Kids in America (IC)

The policemen at the club entrance block the door and one of them gets on his radio calling for back up.  Meanwhile, in the restaurant the policemen also block the door, one putting his arm out to prevent Andy from leaving.  “No one leaves the club, we’re instituting a lockdown!” he yells, feeding the sense of growing anxiety and causing the restaurant kids to run for the dance floor emergency exits.

"Yeah, but... Kinda no?" Andy answered. She didn't stop. Ducking down, twisting to a side. Dodging around the cop- who would hopefully become too distracted to stop her in just a moment.

20:17, Today: Andy rolled 21 using 1d10+14, rerolling max with rolls of 7.  Ref+Jock.

Dodging around the cop and trying to scamper past.

player, 20 posts
Go Ganger
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 01:32
  • msg #52

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Tailgate stayed in the crowd - the better to not be singled out. He hoped. And possibly the chance to slip past or dart past a cop if they got in the way. Maybe. Maybe not. Not good. Not good. Keep it together!

He shook his head, trying to keep his senses alert and keeping himself moving. He kept heading towards the emergency exits, hoping they weren't pigblocked also, but betting they probably were.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:32, Mon 22 Feb 2021.
Nikola Net
player, 20 posts
Eco Raider
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 15:47
  • msg #53

Re: Kids in America (IC)

After warning the guys in the men's room Nikola continued walking in direction to the stage to give a try to the doors next to it. She turned around to see if someone noticed where she headed to, either a cop or any of the guys
OOC: I wonder, Should I roll Ref+Blend?
GM, 60 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 21:37
  • msg #54

Re: Kids in America (IC)

The first cop makes a grab for Andy but misses as she is too quick for him.  The other one raises his rifle and calls out, "freeze! I'm only saying it once!" as he takes aim at her.

Around the corner Valeriya and Stefan are stopped and she addresses the policeman.
"Good evening, officer," she said in her GoodGirl voice, "something the matter? We're just having some innocent fun. Aside from the live music, naturally, I agree that was truly criminal. What's going on?"

"You'll have to step back inside, miss, until we can process everyone," he says politely, but firmly.  "This establishment is on lockdown, no one is allowed to leave," he adds, and there is clear frustration in his voice as his partner moves to block the other door.  The sounds of more police cars (sirens) can be heard close by (Andy hears it also.)

In the men's room Hunter looks askance at Jai, asking, "what's goin' on?  What do you mean 'slacked?'"  Meanwhile Jai hears retching sounds from the stall and Peter looks to the door and says, "this guy isnot going anywhere soon, he's toast."

Meanwhile, in the club proper, Vamp and her Goth crew start moving from the billiards looking for a way out.

"Fucking feds," she growled and gave a short, sharp whistle to her crew. "Find us an exit."

At the command the Goths start pushing around, jumping on or over and attempting to terrify the other kids to make way.  Their efforts are quit effective and general panic breaks out with kids screaming and rushing to the emergency exits.  Tailgate, Nikola and Kat are caught up in mess.

For Tailgate and Nikola it's Jock Stuff to maneuver, REF or BOD depending on your technique.  You both also see Kat making her way to the kitchens.

For Andy, you exited at 25 on the map.  Down is the front entrance with more police.  To go right you have actually run at the cops and vault a police car.  To go up is not as bad, but the nearest cover is on the next block.  Going left around the back of the club is an option, it is 20 meters to the other end and you run 7 in one round.  The truck on the map is not there, they weren't taking any deliveries at this hour, but the dumpsters are.  To hit with ranged weapons is based on range, flat-out running puts you 10 m away from the cop with the gun.  Plan?

player, 59 posts
Glitter Girl
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 12:13
  • msg #55

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Around the corner Valeriya and Stefan are stopped and she addresses the policeman.
"Good evening, officer," she said in her GoodGirl voice, "something the matter? We're just having some innocent fun. Aside from the live music, naturally, I agree that was truly criminal. What's going on?"

"You'll have to step back inside, miss, until we can process everyone," he says politely, but firmly.  "This establishment is on lockdown, no one is allowed to leave," he adds, and there is clear frustration in his voice as his partner moves to block the other door.  The sounds of more police cars (sirens) can be heard close by (Andy hears it also.)

Val chuckles, propping a hand on her hip, doing her album-cover pose. She crosses the tattoed leg over the other one, so that the red and black logos entwined with the roses are clearly visible on her thigh.

"Do you want to get me killed, officer? It's madness in there, with the crowboys on a rampage. Plus you know who I am, I am not some street trash like them. I can't afford the bad publicity. My family can't. The corporations sponsoring me can't... but there's plenty they can afford. Consider me processed already, officer?"

12:12, Today: Valeriya rolled 27 using 1d10+13, rerolling max with rolls of (10+4)14.  Celeb + Emptathy - Convincing the cop to let me go?
player, 19 posts
Mall Brat
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 01:51
  • msg #56

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Jai rolled his eyes.

"Slacked. Pinched. Arrested. Whatever. THE. COPS. ARE. HERE. Who's..."

At Peter's remark, he looked into the stall.
player, 21 posts
Go Ganger
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 04:23
  • msg #57

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Tailgate saw Kat making her way to the kitchens and wondered. Maybe she knew something he didn't. Specifically about the club. And an exit that not everyone was heading for. Maybe one that the cops weren't blocking.

He hesitated but only for a moment. Then he began darting through the crowd towards the kitchen.

21:19, Today: Tailgate rolled 15 using 1d10+10, rerolling max with rolls of 5.  Jockstuff (REF).
Nikola Net
player, 21 posts
Eco Raider
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 16:31
  • msg #58

Re: Kids in America (IC)

Nicola noticed that the goths are creting trouble as they started to push everyone around looking for an exit, for a moment she decided to join them, but then she saw the girl that was singing to some jazzy music on stage before.. she was heading somewhere with a interesting determination, she decided to follow her steps to see if the dining room had something to offer, the mess creted by the goths can hopefully be a distraction to the cops.
OOC: 13:33, Today: Nikola Net rolled 8 using 1d10+7, rerolling max ((1)).
This message was last edited by the player at 16:34, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
player, 22 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 01:18
  • msg #59

Re: Kids in America (IC)

The goths had all laughed at Val's comeback to Vamp with Vamp laughing the loudest. "Enjoy your night, soulless, manufactured corporate whore," she called back over her shoulder before flicking the V at Val. The night had started out great but now the coppers were trying to spoil her good night.

Her crew had caused a great distraction by stampeding the other kiddies in the club so she whistled again sharply and pointed to the kitchen. "Let's go, boys and girls."
player, 17 posts
Board Punk
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 02:02
  • msg #60

Re: Kids in America (IC)

"Um..." came Andy's response as she looked out at the parking lot. She'd been ready to dash away from one cop. Even a pair would be pretty easy for her to get away from, with a club full of teens vying for their attention, too.

No. This was not a situation to tempt fate. Instead, looking around, Andy's hands go up. "Umm... No, it's cool..."
GM, 62 posts
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 21:12
  • msg #61

Re: Kids in America (IC)

In the Men's Room

Jai looks in the stall and sees the boy who staggered in earlier sitting on the floor next to the toilet, clearly he's been throwing up.  He is sweating as though suffering a high fever, his black hair wet and sticking to his face.  At the explanation Peter moves with a purpose to the window and pries it open with a pocket tool.  "I'm outta here then," he says climbing through and out.  Hunter, the surfer-looking board punk, follows him without hesitation.

Outside the Club Entrance

The cop looks at Valeriya and Stefan with barely disguised annoyance, perhaps even contempt, before pointing to a spot by the entrance.  "Stand over there, don't move,"
he says.  "We'll get to you in a few minutes."  Up the street she can more police cruisers coming, along with a CorpSec armored personnel carrier and two large step-vans with BuReLoc markings.

On the Dance Floor

Vamp's goths aren't responding to her, or even hearing her anymore, the chaos in the club is such that they can't, and in any case, they are having a lot of fun instigating and perpetuating the panic brawl.  She, Nikola and Tailgate can see them clearly among the other kids because of the common style as they jump around and on top of other kids.  A gang of street-fighter is engaging them, apparently trying to defend other kids, and it's turning into a general melee.

Tailgate and Nikola follow Kat to the kitchens, just barely dodging fists and thrown objects.  Nikola catches a thrown bottle with her elbow, and there is a sharp pain as the heavy glass strikes her.  She can keep moving, however, and she and Tailgate push into the kitchen right behind Kat.  The kitchen is a mess, it looks like the adults bolted, and Kat races through and out the back door into the alley.  Breaking out into the alley Kat freezes, looking both ways and panic creeping up on her expression.  At one end of the alley Andy can be seen with her hands up.  The other end looks clear, for the moment.

Outside the Restaurant Entrance

Andy stands at the foot of the alley with her hands up, her plank on the ground next to her.  The cop with the gun is covering her, the other one is occupied blocking the door as a good number of juvies try to exit that way.  She is aware peripherally of some juvies exiting the club through the alley, and can hear the sirens of the approaching CorpSec/BuReLoc convoy.
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