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18:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Destivia Setting (Maps too)

Posted by The Mysterious StrangerFor group 0
The Mysterious Stranger
GM, 49 posts
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Sat 25 Sep 2021
at 17:07
  • msg #1

Destivia Setting Map

The Mysterious Stranger
GM, 51 posts
I created the game
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Sat 25 Sep 2021
at 18:22
  • msg #2

Destivia Setting Map

The Mysterious Stranger
GM, 52 posts
I created the game
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Sat 25 Sep 2021
at 21:48
  • msg #3

Destivia Setting Map

To fully understand DESTIVIA it is first necessary to observe her neighbors. Destivians are a people shaped by past experience. Immediately to the north and east above the Imperial Bay is the Murdokanese Empire. Imperials have a pretty posh life. The Murdokanese Empire is the largest and wealthiest nation. While the Empire is rarely openly hostile to civilian centers or people of interest, it isn't above getting pushy and instigating. Imperials are very good at getting what they want.

Moving South and east from the Empire lie the Ashlands. Corrupted volcanic soil and soot black sky deemed the land inhospitable. The Ashlundi are a people that were originally humans and elves that were a part of a death cult or a fire cult before putting their heads together and solving the problem. Ashlundi were exceptionally rare in Destivia, but ince the arrival of Count Drelzhek Eastward and the construction of Fort Eastward they've become increasingly common. Further south, beyond the volcanic Ashlundi West, and along the coast of the Crooked Sea lies the Orakku Ancient Lands. In the past the Orakku were a strange and disinterested group of people. The few encountered were there for a specific task. They did their duty and left. There were seldom problems between Destivians and visiting orcs.

Without getting beyond Destivia's eastern border a pretty clear pattern has developed. Destivians dealt with outsiders by keeping a "lets leave each other alone" approach. However, with Fort Eastward's construction and the far greater number of travelers, Destivians are starting to feel a little cramped.

Destivians typically speak Destivian and one or two other languages. Common languages among Destivians is Imperial, Elvish, Ashlundi, and Orcish. Destivians closer to the plains or highlands swap out Ashlundi and Orcish for Giant and Old Tribal. Destivians also use the Imperial Calendar. Days are roughly 24 hours long and see equal shares night and day with time for both dusk and dawn. There are seven day in a week: Coin Day, Fish Day, Fun Day, Harvest Day, Royal Day, Tree Day, & Work Day. The first day of the week is Harvest Day and the last is Fun Day. There are exactly five weeks of thirty-five days in each month. There are twelve months in a year. The twelve months, St. Michelle, St. Walter, St. April, St. Lucille, St. Octavius, St. Lawrence, St. Rachel, St. Kullins, St. Florentine, St. Daniel, St. Elvis, & St. Caeser, are named after the fabled Saints of Iroxzya.

Date is typically written as day of the week, month, day of the month, and year. More economically minded date keepers typically write it as day of the month, month, and year.

Destivia can be broken down into three major regions that more or less divide into equal thirds. There is an argument to be made that Destivia's perimeter and large borders are a fourth region. Some suggest the southern coast and straight to Arktixzya is equally worth separating. Because these three primary regions are what Destivia is known for, they will be what is most covered.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:03, Mon 27 Sept 2021.
The Mysterious Stranger
GM, 55 posts
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Sun 26 Sep 2021
at 21:39
  • msg #4

Destivia Setting Map

WESTERN DESTIVIA beyond the Juliet River and the Blacknight Woods might as well be it's own kingdom. Referred to as the Highlands, Destivia's three largest cities, Highmonte, Rockwall, and Turtle Walk are all in the Western Destivia, far off the map. Destivia's Queen, Emily II, is an egotistical fool like her mother. The three capital cities are guarded by the Destivian Royal Infntry. The army is about six thousand strong and is noteworthy for having three cavalry units of three hundred heavy horsemen. It has been almost thirty years since the DRI has crossed east of the Juliet.

To the Northwest of Highmonte is a gap in the Snake Mountains about a mile and a half wide that leads directly to the Snake River and mineral rich North Snake Mountains. Without going through the gap it takes an extra week to ten days to travel, and the lower portion of the Snake River is home to seven different Bullywug tribes. The Mountains and river are home to several sentient humanoid communities with barbaric tendencies. The westernmost reaches of Destivia are the Too High Mountains, named because of the extreme altitude and cold. Very few people come and go because of the obviously terrible travel conditions, but also because anything else north and west is Giant territory. Nobody messes with giants, not since the dwarves almost 700 years ago.

The oldest settlement in Western Destivia is Frogdam, founded in NA 213, established 91 years after the oldest settlement in Eastern Destivia, Woodgate. The near century gap between the Lowlands and the Highlands might have something to do with how they interact. While the Highlanders are aloof and only seem to have any interest in what is directly in front them, it is an extension of Lowlander attitudes towards others. The original inhabitants of Destivia were very independent. Most preferred working through problems, not asking for help, and being left to their own devices. After all, if they wanted things easy, they could have stayed Imperial.

Despite Highlanders giving the impression that Lowlanders are a troublesome pest beneath them, it is fair to say that their lives are not that much better. Highlanders place less value on work ethic and instead focus what is convenient. This outlook is remarkably short sighted and has led to several near catastrophes. Just throwing gold at a problem doesn't actually make it go away, and even civilly, most of the time a fix to a problem is just a temporary patch that gets passed on down the line.

The climate of western Destivia ranges from about 75-85 degrees in the middle of the summer, the higher altitude playing a bigger role. In the winter it easily dips below freezing. Snow and ice storms are not uncommon. Spring and Fall have milder temperatures, but they are also the wettest seasons. Rain is common, usually twice a week. The Snake River floods during particularly long rain storms, and when that happens the savage folk are known to be rather combative.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:25, Mon 27 Sept 2021.
The Mysterious Stranger
GM, 56 posts
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Mon 27 Sep 2021
at 15:15
  • msg #5

Destivia Setting Map

CENTRAL DESTIVIA (AKA The Destivian Plains) deserve mention because they are by far the most dangerous region of the territory. The Viktrimonte Republic and Longshaft Kingdoms have both tried to expand south beyond the Dead Merchant Pass between Julietta and Dead Merchant Outpost. They've failed, as have the exiled criminals all along the Pass.

The reason for this constant failure is the predators that roam the plains. Hill Giants, Plains Giants, Ettins, Lions, Destivian Field Spiders, Stirges, Ogres, Ankhegs, Umber Hulks, Displacer Beasts, Winged Vipers, and the occasional cannibal savage regularly prey on silly adventurers, foolish travelers, giant lizards, buffalo, zebra, ostrich, kangaroo, and warthogs that graze on the lush graze nd frolic in the wide open spaces. The Northern Plains and the Southern Plains are separated by Julietta, the Juliet River, and the Blacknight Woods. The river is more or less safe, but the Blacknight Woods are even worse than the plains.

The Blacknight Woods are aptly named. The dense, ancient forest has few trees under fifty feet tall. Their canopies reach long and wide crisscrossing with the branches of the next tree over. The underbrush isn't as thick or lush, but is instead very stony and rocky. Tree roots, dead limbs, and fallen trunks lie everywhere. It is always dark in the Blacknight Woods. The forest is home to a small elf settlement, weary of everyone. That is because the Blacknight Woods are also populated by giant bats, shambling mounds, warthogs, tigers, wyverns, hangman vines, weretigers, a mysterious druid cult that has a problem with the lycanthropes, and the amethyst dragon Yahk'Zalla, who apparently has a problem with the druids.

The forest is protected on the west by the Juliet River and two castles. Fellwood Port is the oldest castle built in N.A. 455. For the first few years until Castle Blackhold's completion, Fellwood Castle was the military might of Destivia in the region. During her peak, Fellwood housed seven thousand troops, one hundred cavalry, and had a fleet of three skiffs to patrol the river. Grandmaster Howard Graves kept his command for thirty years before dying in battle. Today, Fellwood is a memory of former glory. A small town of about eighteen hundred grew up around the castle. Fellwood maintains an army, but it isn't what it once was. Led by Baron Morgive Larker, a harsh man in his forties, Fellwood has a fighting force of four hundred men and thirty horses. While he isn't a fool, Baron Larker has a longtime feud going with Baron Black from Blackhold. His resentment has caused more than one fiasco that cost Fellwood precious soldiers.

Castle Blackhold finished construction in N.A. 459, and has since been the predominant beacon of Destivian civilization in the region. Blackhold is hereditary land. Marshal Franklin Black had ties to the Cherry Hill aristocracy, one of the Crook Merchant Bosses, and allegedly, the throne in Highmonte. Marshal Black worked alongside elves in Wood Gate and was himself, a highly skilled Scout. This led to him being more effective than Grandmaster Graves, and soon Blackhold outshined Castle Fellwood. Blackhold is led by Lord Kirkland Black and Baroness Mindy Harrowgrave. They have three sons and two daughters. Blackhold has a growing civilian population of sixty-six hundred. The standing army is around eleven hundred strong, and is made up of castle defenders, archers, infantry, and cavalry. In an extreme emergency an additional five hundred could be called up and equipped. Castle Darkhold also has the distinction of being home to The Last Shot, the largest Temple of Fiondrya. Clerics will occasionally take hunting groups into the forest as part of a right of passage.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:50, Wed 29 Sept 2021.
The Mysterious Stranger
GM, 57 posts
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Wed 29 Sep 2021
at 16:03
  • msg #6

Destivia Setting Map

The DESTIVIAN LOWLANDS is the more commonly recognized name of EASTERN DESTIVIA. When most people think of Destivia they think of the Lowlands. If the Highlands are where the politics are, the Plains where the danger is, then the Lowlands are where life is. The Lowlands are the most populated region with multiple independently governed city states. These city states are so far removed from the throne that they could theoretically align and form their own nation. The Destivian Lowlands also happen to border four different nations. This influences the locals and can cause a wide range of opinions on nearly any topic.

The Lowlands are mostly grassy knolls with plenty of forest, along with two lake, Blueberry Lake, around Cherry Hill and Lake Sunset by Woodgate. The Ashlundi West, east of Fort Eastward, are volcanic mountains marking the shift in territory. The Red Spine Range, north of the Dead Merchant Pass are also volcanic. This has had an effect on the climate. The Destivian Lowlands maintain a muggy, warm temperature of around 78 degrees. In the hottest time of year it can reach about a hundred. During the coldest time of year it gets chilly, dropping into the high 40s to low 50s. Snow is almost unheard of in the Lowlands.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:27, Fri 01 Oct 2021.
The Mysterious Stranger
GM, 71 posts
I created the game
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Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 02:44
  • msg #7

Destivia Setting Map


Blackhold: (Population, 25,633)

Camp Laurel: (Population, 7,470) Once a mighty elven fortress claimed the land where Camp Laurel now sits, and it was a bastion of power that acted as a buffer between the invading dwarves from the hills to the southwest and civilization around the Lake of Glass (later known as Cherry Lake).

Since the time of man and the expansion south from the empire, almost all of the elves have moved north leaving Laurel long behind. Now firmly in human hands, the elven ruins are a distant memory of what came before. Camp Laurel may not be used to defend against dwarves but the soldiers there still clash with the more monstrous humanoids in the region and the occasional Arktixzyan raid careful (and lucky) enough to make it that far north.

Camp Laurel is almost exclusively a military base. It gets very few travelers other than supply caravans coming south. Those who do venture out this way are usually historians and treasure hunters looking for something in the elf ruins that will make them rich and famous or they are followers of Rzhaksese coming to visit the Temple of Sword and Shield.

Leadership of Camp Laurel and the 3000 soldiers falls on the shoulders of Baroness Viktoria Crawley (Neutral Good Female Destivian, Psychic Warrior 11) and High Priest Pemdak Wheelhook (Chaotic Neutral Male Destivian, Cleric of Rzhaksese 14) who see eye to eye on very few things. The Baroness is reserved and favors ambushes and combat from a distance with a heavy focus on archers. Pemdak on the other hand is a man of violence who would strongly prefer to be on the offense, and favors brash, hard hitting plans that go straight for an enemy's face. Compromise between the two often falls on the shoulders of Cavalry Major Ivanka Stormward (Lawful Neutral Female Arktixzyan, Paladin of Cano 13), who can herself be criticized for her dislike of nonhumans.

But Camp Laurel's most notable personality is Ivy Skyrazor (True Neutral Female Heartwood Elf, Fighter 25). Ivy claims to be over 600 years old and a veteran of the conflict with dwarves. Ivy is THE swordmaster. She has no equal and her reputation extends all the way to the Empire and back. She is an invincible opponent with no record of having ever been bested in a duel. However Ivy's story is as tragic as her personality is grating. She is the last of her direct lineage and unable to bear children. She hasn't forged a blade in over two centuries and hasn't taken on a student in almost 40 years. Her only known relatives are Erdolliel Skyrazor (Chaotic Good Female Heartwood Elf, Ninja 7), an orphaned niece, and the half-succubus Selenia Von Talon (Chaotic Neutral Female Half-Fiend, Fighter 11). As mentioned, Ivy's personality is grating. She is a miserable drunk these days, spending more time on her back acting like an Ashlundi wench for sale than doing anything her name suggests she is capable of.

Castle Hilldrop: (Population, 9,740) Castle Hilldrop has had several name changes over the centuries. The foundation seems to be dwarvern in construction but there are also remnants of both elven and orakku occupation prior to it being occupied by Destivians. The castle is aptly named because it sits atop the tallest hill with walls facing north. However the castle is largely ruins with the majority of the people living down below at the base of the cliffs in ramshackle huts and hovels on the docks and beach. The orakku warlord Shenjio Ukato (Lawful Neutral Male Orakku, Samurai 12) holds no official position but maintains a force of about 200 warriors who more or less keep the peace between the various gangs, thugs, and criminals allowing for ships to drop anchor and unload all sorts of necessary supplies.

If it were not for Ukato's presence Castle Hilldrop would have likely continued as it always had since becoming a haven for thieves, brigands, and disillusioned Imperials. One gang rises to power, hold it for a few years, and then gets replaced by another. Few people ever traveled to Castle Hilldrop unless they were fleeing from something or trying to find something more civilized folk might have a problem with. Currently there are three main leaders, each with their own section of Hilldrop carved out for themselves and their followers. They are Octavia Fogrunner (Chaotic Evil Female Heartwood Elf, Rogue 17), Avalynn Swornstone (Neutral Evil Female Halfling, Rogue 7 / Wizard (Conjurer) 5), and Nunzio Alfonzzi (Chaotic Neutral Male Half-Elf, Hexblade 14). Nunzio and Octavia regularly clash over transport and trade on the docks while Avalynn makes use of the castle itself. Avalynn's paranoia keeps her mostly locked away in one of the castle's ruined towers but Octavia's face is regularly seen in public. Nunzio on the other hand seems to be on the best terms with regular people and Ukato. Despite this popularity Nunzio is the least interested in control or power in the city.

Cherry Hill: (Population, 31,800)

Dead Merchant Outpost: (Population, 3,715) Located north of Woodgate along the Dead Merchant Pass on the northern edge of the Destivian Lowlands, the Dead Merchant Outpost is aptly named. The pass is treacherous land to travel because it sits along plenty of ambush sites regularly used by raiders, brigands, and barbarians. But it is also the only road that goes from the Empire all the way west into the Highlands. Along the way it passes the borders of Victrimonte Republic and the Longshaft Kingdoms. Many say the gold is worth the risk. Many more have died eating those last words. The Outpost has no official lord or lady, standing army, or even protective walls. It is an open community of farmers, builders, and entertainers that rely on trade to make ends meet.

Despite the ominous name, the Pass isn't as bad as it once was, but it has less to do with Destivian involvement with regards to protecting it as a vital trade route and more to do with better equipped Imperial caravans. To those who travel the Pass, the Murdokanese are a boon. But to those claiming the safety of Woodgate, it is just another example of Imperial meddling in the Lowlands. The Outpost is a small but bustling community in and of itself. However the population is misleading. Goblins outnumber everyone else almost three to one, having found a niche as both guardians and laborers with more than a few acting as entertainers. The goblin population tends to follow Jarya Fireland (Chaotic Good Female Goblin, Scout 7) and her sister, Wixlee (Chaotic Neutral Female Goblin, Druid 6), but are usually susceptible to direction from anyone with a powerful enough personality.

Interestingly enough the second largest group of the outpost's population is Halfling. The halflings tend to cover most of the trading and food production, having learned long ago that the goblins are not going anywhere anytime soon and their presence is more beneficial than not. Topaz Truwingo (Neutral Good Male Halfling, Scout 8) is largely considered to be the leader of the Dead Merchant Outpost. Topaz operates a bakery and largely considers any sort of leadership position to be a chore. However his sons, Remaldo (Neutral Evil Male Halfling, Wizard (Necromancer) 3), Rubio (Chaotic Evil Male Halfling, Rogue 5), and Kimmombu (True Neutral Male Halfling, Druid 5) are all terrible choices for the task of dealing with traders, merchants, and other outsiders. So despite his age and personal feelings, Topaz does the job.

Fellwood Port: (Population, 4,107)

Fort Eastward: (Population, At least 18,000) Fort Eastward was founded by Count Drelzhek Eastward (Lawful Neutral Male Victrimonte, Fighter 16) and settled in the fall of N.A. 660 making it less than a decade old. It was built on the edge of Ashlundi territory over orakku ruins in what was largely considered to be inhospitable territory. The location was chosen on purpose though. After a series of extremely expensive, physically demanding terraforming projects to create waterways capable of supporting cargo barges, Fort Eastward now sits along a major trade route north and south. It is also a gateway to both Ashlundi and Orakku territory, making it extremely important for tactical reasons.

Fort Eastward is built on mostly swampy land, so in order to maintain structural integrity there are large canals breaking up smaller islands where the land is more suitable for construction. This creates a natural series of districts or neighborhoods. Each area in turn has it's own walls, connected through sky bridges. While this makes living spaces cramped and forces expansion to go vertical, it also compartmentalizes the city making it extremely difficult to invade while also extremely easy to defend. An army might capture one or two sections only to find themselves surrounded by defenders deployed from elsewhere within the city. While Fort Eastward's walls are imposing enough, she is defended by the most advanced army in all of Destivia. Fort Eastward has a CPF, or Citizen Police Force numbering 1,000 bodies. She also has a standing army of 7,000, with no less than 1,000 soldiers stationed within the city at all times. The army itself is known as the Golden Marsh Regulars. Elite members are known as Black Plates for their unique black plated armor. They are led by General Taraku Tokoyoto (Lawful Evil Male Orakku, Fighter 14). In addition, Count Eastward maintains 7 flights of wyvern riders and a respectable 24 ship navy consisting of smaller, faster, patrol skiffs and heavily armored defense barges.

Military and walls aside, Fort Eastward is known for it's wealth. Alcohol is mass produced in Fort Eastward, and shipped to all of it's neighbors. People who can afford it come from all over to further their education at the Golden Academy, a college that caters to historians, artists, and engineers. But the House of Higher Learning and Midnight Cathedral are also impressive points of interest with the first being a combination of war college, arcanist guild, and psionist temple. The Midnight Cathedral is a temple of Hexikkus, and is the most well known temple of it's kind in the region. Besides Count Eastward and General Taraku, leadership in the city falls on the shoulders of several advisors. They are Lady Leena Rosewood (Lawful Good Female Destivian, Paladin of Sunavitra 11), Chancellor Robert "Old Rob" Carpenter (Lawful Neutral Male Destivian, Cleric of Cano 4 / Psionist 5), Valynndra Tremmoore (Neutral Evil Female Ashlundi Elf, Cleric of Hexikkus 17 / Fighter 7 / Divine Champion 5), Jasmina Torenthius (Lawful Evil Female Imperial, Fighter 10), Butch Glasskin (Chaotic Good Male Destivian, Psychic Warrior 9), and Azurabelle Vance (Chaotic Neutral Female Air Genasi, Hexblade 11). Lady Bethany Redforge (Lawful Evil Female Destivian, Air Sorceress 11) out of Cherry Hill and Baroness Minylene Godelyl (Lawful Neutral Female Ashlundi Elf, Paladin of Fiondrya 11) also often make use of private estates within the city.

Count Eastward is largely rumored to be the wealthiest man in all of Destivia. He is known as a brilliant tactician and a ruthless expansionist. He is a very shrewd negotiator and often leaves people feeling like they've got the worst end of a deal. However he's also known to be honest and fulfill his end of any deal or bargain without loopholes, blustering, or bravado. Many critics suspect the Count Eastward intends to accept a high position in the Murdokanese Empire in exchange for annexing his territory but those who look at things objectively point out the enemies that would create among the Ashlundi and Orakku, who thus far seem more or less content to spend their gold. More recent rumors among the wisest of critics suggest that Count Eastward actually has his eye on uniting all of the Lowlands and crowning himself King.

Imperial Crossing: (Population, 55,525) Sitting literally on the border of the Murdokanese Empire and Destivia, Imperial Crossing is the gateway into the Lowlands, and is often the final stop before Imperial trade caravans make it to the Dead Merchant Outpost or Woodgate. The Murdokanese make up more than two thirds of the population. Imperial Crossing has three main bridges that cross over a 20 foot wide gully marking the border. Both sides patrol their respective sides of each bridge.

There is mild, but regular tension from both sides. The Imperials are strict with their enforcement while the Destivians are far more lax. The Imperials maintain dominance with two full regiments of legionnaires, a flight of hippogriff knights, and war wagons that at any given time number between 4 and 7. The Destivians on the other hand field about 500 soldiers. Leadership of Imperial Crossing is a tricky business since the Destivian side is independent and balks at the notion of Imperial law while simultaneously having to accept it in order to travel across the border.

Lady Christine Ashdale (Neutral Good Female Destivian, Scout 5, known to wear Mithral Ring Mail +2 & make use of a Corrosive Machete +3) nominally runs the show from the Destivian side. But due to an increasing desire for the Destivians to have the luxuries the Imperials do along with pressure from the north to expand farther south, many consider Lieutenant Governor Aurillius Calvinus (Lawful Neutral Male Imperial, Aristocrat 9, known to have a +2 Gladius and a +2 Ring of Protection) the real authority.

Julietta: (Population, 67,390) Julietta is the largest settlement in the region, but it hardly counts as being Destivian. Founded atop ruins that were neither dwarf nor elf, the city's location is almost too perfect, and critics occasionally mumble that the ruins are ruins for a reason. Countess Roxanna Kimtatha (LE Wood Elf Female Rogue 7 / Vyphobosya Cleric 8) is the mysterious ruler that has ruled Julietta since her founding 101 years ago. Destivian Highlanders hate Roxanna because she doesn't play by their rules. The Lowlanders love her independence, but fear the lore surrounding her ascension to power. Roxanna is fairly old, even by elven standards and has made a career out of uncovering relics of significant wealth and then selling them off to the highest bidder. She seems to have retired from a dangerous life of adventure but she is very well connected and her connections, in some cases, go back generations.

Roxanna is served by Viscountess Courtney Telgatha (LE Female Wood Elf Aristocrat 11), Baron Thomas Hilltop (LN Male Destivian Water Elemental Sorcerer 9), and Baron Gordon West (TN Male Half-elf Sunavitra Warpriest 10). Gordon is the widower of Roxanna's second youngest daughter, Merdina, who was attacked and killed by river pirates after she had snuck out to carry on an affair with a barbarian from the Longshaft Tribes. As a result of the countess's daughter's death, pirates and highway brigands are dealt with swiftly and harshly.

Julietta maintains a standing army of around 5,000 troops. Most of the troops are lightly armored due to regular action on the river, but there are three 100 man units of heavy infantry armed in banded mail, equipped with battle axes, shields, and spears. There is also two land cavalry units with 150 soldiers each, and finally an ariel unit mounted on giant owls. The military is led by General Guntar Ulfcrow (LN Destivian Male Fighter 9), but the day to day operations and mission planning usually falls on the shoulders of Colonel Marcus Wolf (CG Destivian Male Barbarian 6 / Ranger 4). While the military is one of the more capable organizations in Destivia, it doesn't actually police the population. That is left to the Murder of Crows, a semi-secret task force made up of spies, ninjas, and monks who blend right into the natural scenery so well that nobody realizes they are there until it is too late. Intimidation, Fear, and Paranoia are combined in heavy doses to keep the general public too busy looking over their own shoulders to actually question what is really going on. A big reason for the Crows' collective rise to power is because of the Temple of Midnight Saints and it's influence. The temple is overseen by High Priestess Valerie Valderalka (NE Viktrimonte Female Cleric of Vyphobosya 13). Valerie is the personal consort of the countess. But she is also the wife of Grand Master Teshubi Rudummo (LE Ashlundi Half-elf Male Ninja 15), a former spy, former smuggler, former assassin, and current leader of the Crows. Nobody except maybe the High Priestess and Countess can reliably claim to have seen Grand Master Rudummo in almost a decade.

Despite what appears to be a dismal place to live on surface inspection, Julietta is actually an extremely prosperous city filled with culture. It has a large merchant district and the Fat Fork Tavern is an extremely popular place that sits on the Darkness Corner, a perpendicular pair of cobblestone streets that make up the entertainment and red light districts. The area around Darkness Corner is a little more loose regarding right and wrong. Laws are seen more as guidelines that occasionally get in the way, and criminal elements have a strong tendency to adequately police themselves since nobody wants to be the one that ruins it for everyone else.

The South side of Juliette tends to draw people of higher class, but it has less to do with anything in the area and more to do with certain groups of people sticking together. Homes tend to be larger. Families have more children, salaries are higher, and a proper education means a little more. Even though the temple dedicated to Vyphobosya is the largest and most well known, a significant portion of the population follows Sunavitra, Fiondrya, and Mykexicus. All three of the other gods have established temples and their own leadership.

Julietta has several local customs and holidays. The first is Foundation Day. It is the same day every year and is an annual celebration of the Countess and Julietta's first completed building. Foundation Day is usually started and ended with a speech from a local priest of Mykexicus. While full moons are celebrated by the followers of Vyphobosya, there is no official holiday or celebration. Wedding celebrations as well as the birth of a child are pretty big deals, but they also are not associated with anything official. The Week of the Bat, at the end of spring is a week long celebration where hunters gather to go south into the Night Woods to hunt for giant bats. Their pelts can be tanned and made into armor, cloaks, and blankets. Their meat is also edible, if a bit gamy. Happy Fish Day is another big deal, and is the first Fish Day after the Juliet River floods from winter snows melting. This tends to bring a lot of fish downriver and makes them easy to catch as they're spawning. Julietticans also have an annual fall festival before school starts and the rain turns into sleet. It coincides with the local harvest and is known to be fun for the whole population. Alcoholic cider and freshly dried smoking herbs are extremely popular among adults. Somewhat unironically most of Jullietta's children are conceived during this week.

Finally, Julietta has expanded three times over the last fifty years. Three settlements, Dargoon, Falvia, and East Hill have all sprung up. Each settlement began with 1,500 people and a detachment of soldiers. Each settlement was also carefully planned and placed to be within a two and a half day ride to the next settlement and Julietta. All three settlements have prospered, though Dargoon, the oldest, has been the most successful. Dargoon has a population of 4,622, and is managed by Baroness Cathwyn Du'larga (NG Ashlundi Elf Female Ninja 5). East Hill, the newest settlement, has a population of 1,777, and is run by Baron Todd Metcalf (LN Destivian Male Aristocrat 3). Falvia has gone through three leaders since it's founding, and has also been a regular target for Longshaft Barbarian raids multiple times over the last thirty years leading to a much stronger military presence. Sheriff Yaclan von Krikos (CE Longshaft Tribal Male Slayer 7) calls the shots, ruling with an iron fist. He has petitioned the church of Vyphobosya numerous times to construct a temple on his land but so far the Vyphobosyan clergy have refused.

Rooker Keep: (Population, 902) It is about halfway between Cherry Hill and Woodgate making it a common stop for travelers. That is, if they can afford the price of admission. For entry to Rooker Keep each guest needs a year long visa that can be purchased for 1000 gold, a wizard's spellbook, or 10 gemstones and a contract of future service. Inside is a Casino resort, a Wizard College, and portals to the elemental planes. Rooker Keep makes due buying what it needs. This is made easier by the fact it literally sits on top of a gold mine. Rooker Keep is overseen by Baroness Chavonne Crabshell (Neutral Evil Female Destivian, Rogue 9 / Psionist 4, known to have a +3 Icy Burst Hand Crossbow & an Amulet of Natural Armor +3) who rules things through her two enforcers and a small army of Hexblades, Scouts, and Fighters. Additionally Rooker Keep has no less that 4 Stone Golems and a flight of 20 gargoyles for protection. There is an estimated 200-300 staff, another hundred soldiers, and 20-30 wizards on hand at the Rooker School of Enchantment. Rooker Keep usually has 300-350 guests on hand at any given time but is equipped to handle up to 1500.

Woodgate: (Population, 48,993)
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:01, Mon 07 Feb 2022.
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