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11:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Game Ideas?

Posted by BelirahcFor group 0
Samus Aran
player, 5 posts
Sun 24 May 2015
at 05:38
  • msg #645

Re: Game Ideas?

Dark Devine:
That'd make an exceptional combination for a Last of Us based game.

The hard part isn't finding the right game materials. It's finding someone to run the game.

Dark Devine:
For zombie animals, see "Savage Tales #6: Zombie Run".  It's got templates, premade dogs, and a zombie bear.  Let those last two words sink in...  Needless to say, I refused to ever let my players face off with a zombie bear.  Even for me that's overkill.  They'd have been ripped to shreds, since (if I remember) it still had the pace of a normal bear and I doubt they'd have managed to outrun it for long.

I have thrown a zombie elephant at my players before. They managed to kill it, but it took a lot of work. And luck.
The Stray
player, 35 posts
Fri 7 Aug 2015
at 22:50
  • msg #646

Game Idea: Superheroes

I Picked up the new Super Powers Companion and the Sci Fi Companion, and it's gotten my wheels turning. I'm thinking of running a supers game once my current RL issues have cleared up enough that I can post regularly again. Is there any interest out there in an iron Age Cyberpunk Supernatural Horror Supers game?
player, 25 posts
Fri 7 Aug 2015
at 23:37
  • msg #647

Re: Game Idea: Superheroes

The Stray:
Is there any interest out there in an iron Age Cyberpunk Supernatural Horror Supers game?

There are a lot of adjectives in that game description.
The Stray
player, 36 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2015
at 00:32
  • msg #648

Re: Game Idea: Superheroes

LOL. I suppose there are, but at's the best way I can describe the sort of setting that I've developed for Super Hero games.

IT's the sort of setting where one week the party is caught in the middle of a metahuman gang war, the next they're facing an invasion from the Realm of Nightmares and fighting vampires, and in another they're dealing with a meglomaniacal AI while a shady mega-corp tries to take them down.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:37, Sat 08 Aug 2015.
GM, 12 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2015
at 01:11
  • msg #649

Re: Game Idea: Superheroes

The Stray:
Is there any interest out there in an iron Age Cyberpunk Supernatural Horror Supers game?

There are a lot of adjectives in that game description.

Isn't this one of the possible ways to describe Exalted?

If you take into account some of the less common types of Exalted (Alchemicals), you have almost everything you mentioned. It just depends on the tone.
The Stray
player, 37 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2015
at 01:54
  • msg #650

Re: Game Idea: Superheroes

Never played Exalted so I wouldn't know. I think the closest I got was Scion, which I think took some elements of exalted in it. I have a PDF of the rules somewhere, but really couldn't get into it. The setting I run is more like Aberrant or Brave New World meets the old World of Darkness, with a dash of Shadowrun layered on top.
player, 6 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2015
at 04:53
  • msg #651

Re: Game Idea: Superheroes

That sounds deliciously insane to me in all the right ways.
The Stray
player, 38 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2015
at 16:29
  • msg #652

Re: Game Idea: Superheroes

Sweet. Anyone else?
shady joker
player, 176 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2015
at 16:46
  • msg #653

Re: Game Idea: Superheroes

Exalted is just EPIC FANTASY. So as long as you have Fantasy elements and everything on EPIC scale you are good.

On Topic, I like The Stray's idea and would like to give it a go as a player.
GM, 13 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2015
at 16:49
  • msg #654

Re: Game Idea: Superheroes

shady joker:
Exalted is just EPIC FANTASY. So as long as you have Fantasy elements and everything on EPIC scale you are good.

On Topic, I like The Stray's idea and would like to give it a go as a player.

I struggled for years trying to adapt Exalted with Savage Worlds rules. Unfortunately, the setting is too rules-heavy. I finally managed when I realized that Exalted powers are supers-like, so I just went with Supers-Fantasy and got it right.

So Epic Fantasy is just one way to look at it. :)
player, 13 posts
Wed 12 Oct 2016
at 19:38
  • msg #655

Re: Game Idea: Horror

With it being Halloween I am looking at starting my first Savage Worlds game. I am interested in running a Horror Game, so I figured I would check in here and see if anyone would be interested in this ?

It would be a group of people gathered together with a common trait of having seen something "supernatural" experienced something supernatural.
GM, 66 posts
Savage World Master
Wed 12 Oct 2016
at 19:44
  • msg #656

Re: Game Idea: Horror

We talking Rippers like.

Or more like, common street level people in a horror movie?
player, 20 posts
Wed 26 Oct 2016
at 17:23
  • msg #657

Re: Game Idea: Horror [Bloodshadows]

Not sure if this would be the place to ask or not, but has anyone run across a Savage Worlds variant of "Bloodshadows" from WEG/PI?  I've always loved the setting and it screams to be savaged, but I'm not finding where anyone has put anything out in this vein.  Seems like it would be a good Halloween run!  ^_^
player, 86 posts
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 19:09
  • msg #658

Re: Game Idea: Retro-Future [Slipstream]

Hi all!  I'm working on a Slipstream game and had originally planned to keep races as presented in original as well as race creation, but potentially use SWADE otherwise.  Has anybody tried this or used SWADE only for Slipstream?  (It might be possible to raid Flash Gordon for the new race variants, I haven't compared in that detail yet.)
GM, 235 posts
I'm in a few games
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 19:41
  • msg #659

Re: Game Idea: Retro-Future [Slipstream]

Hi all!  I'm working on a Slipstream game and had originally planned to keep races as presented in original as well as race creation, but potentially use SWADE otherwise.  Has anybody tried this or used SWADE only for Slipstream?  (It might be possible to raid Flash Gordon for the new race variants, I haven't compared in that detail yet.)

Can't imagine it would be that difficult ... isn't the only REAL change in SWADE the free skills? been ages since I looked at it so I could be wrong there ..

I did LOVE Slipstream as a setting, think I've been in 2 games here which sadly died before we could get very far
player, 87 posts
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 20:01
  • msg #660

Re: Game Idea: Retro-Future [Slipstream]

In reply to Strickland5 (msg # 659):

Free Skills, Edge and Hindrance Consolidations, Races having different point builds with a lot of baked-in Hindrances dropped, Powers and Power Edges tweaked and Arcane Background changes.

Minor,  but definitely impact translation between editions.
player, 88 posts
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 20:15
  • msg #661

Re: Game Idea: Retro-Future [Slipstream]

I think the best bet is to put versions of races I'm using into character creation thread, although I'm debating prepping 2 versions of the thread and finding out what books players have as resources.   Then I can use what most have.  Although if I post in thread all the relevant data, all you'd really need is a copy of Test Drive.
player, 124 posts
Thu 26 Mar 2020
at 18:44
  • msg #662

Re: Game Idea: Retro-Future [Slipstream]

Although if I post in thread all the relevant data, all you'd really need is a copy of Test Drive.

You say that like it is a Bad Thing...
player, 89 posts
Fri 27 Mar 2020
at 00:18
  • msg #663

Re: Game Idea: Retro-Future [Slipstream]

Well, still working on it.  Just got laid off due to Coronavirus trashing business/economy so more "free" time (which will be used trying to find temporary work so I have a roof over my head...)
player, 43 posts
In the heart of Hellfrost
There is only Doom.
Thu 9 Apr 2020
at 08:14
  • msg #664

Re: Game Idea: Retro-Future [Slipstream]

Hello all,

So I know this is play by post, but I figure I might as well see if anyone is keen, but I have a Savage Worlds Hellfrost game going via Fantasy Grounds. It runs Wednesdays at 8:00pm PST, it's meant to be a relatively casual pickup and play game during this COVID stuff, so if you are interested, shoot me a private message and we can talk. No financial investment on your part, just need to download the Fantasy Grounds Classic demo for free on either the website ( or Steam.
player, 45 posts
In the heart of Hellfrost
There is only Doom.
Mon 20 Apr 2020
at 02:05
  • msg #665

Re: Game Idea: Retro-Future [Slipstream]

Friends! I only have four players in a Savage Worlds Fantasy Grounds Hellfrost game. I'd love more! We play Wednesdays at 8:00 PST! Let me know if you want in!
player, 85 posts
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 17:15
  • msg #666

Re: Game Idea: Retro-Future [Slipstream]

Friends! I only have four players in a Savage Worlds Fantasy Grounds Hellfrost game. I'd love more! We play Wednesdays at 8:00 PST! Let me know if you want in!

Not my time zone, I'm afraid :-)
player, 92 posts
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 03:45
  • msg #667

Re: Game Idea: Retro-Future [Slipstream]

Now accepting players!   Retro-Future Space-Pulp saga - Ray Guns, Rockets and Robots!

link to a message in another game

My heart turns home in longing
Across the voids between,
To know beyond the spaceways
The hills of Earth are green.

excerpt from "The Green Hills of Earth"
- "Noisy" Rhysling

Space Pulp! The Age of Sail is long ended, but the Age of Rockets has only just begun! Spacejockeys dogfight with star pirates hungry for loot. Inspired inventors and crazed chemists push the bounds of Science!, developing wondrous and fantastic new devices that border on magical. Mesmerists plumb the forbidden powers of the mind while avoiding the grasp of the tyrannical Queen Anathraxa. Intrepid explorers and bold adventurers dig for alien artifacts on strange and broken worlds. Morality is clear-cut black and white, and sometimes a punch in the jaw carries more weight than a blast from a ray gun.  It is "The Future that Would've Been" where Heroes are larger-than-life and the Ideals they represent are the ones that bring hope that "the best is yet to come".

"An Age of Rockets" is set in the Slipstream universe, with elements pulled from Flash Gordon to bring it into Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.  Much of original setting remains, with a few twists and surprises along the way.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:07, Mon 22 June 2020.
player, 15 posts
Mon 15 Feb 2021
at 19:15
  • msg #668

IC: Savage Worlds Small Town Horror

I hope this is the right thread for this ...
“Pleasure to me is wonder—the unexplored, the unexpected, the thing that is hidden and the changeless thing that lurks behind superficial mutability.”
― H.P. Lovecraft

Hello, I have recently gotten the urge to run something horror wise and so I am looking at Savage Worlds. Since it has a easy smooth system for what I want to do, which is tell and interactive story have a plot that is encompassing that will include the characters, where the characters are not just in the story but the story is their own as well.

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds... Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
― Neil Gaiman, A Game of You

Welcome to Abby Grace, MA  it is a town like any other. It is the town you grew up in and on the outside a town like any other. On the outside, it is beautiful, a tourist spot, with its crystal clear water, with its warm sand beaches, with the quaint little book store on the corner of Elm Street and Main. With the marry go round in the center of the town, where the children run and play in the garden square. All of these things that have been here before you, and gods allowing will be here when your gone. Yet, that's what people see on the outside when the inside is riff with darkness, a coat of pain over rust and rot, it might be hidden but it can still be felt. There is something wrong with Abby Grace, and it has been for such a long time.

The town itself is over eight hundred years old, and one might think it would have become a sprawling city by now. Yet, it remains a town of considerable size. A place where people know each other business, where small businesses are more frequent then the larger corprate owned places are.

It just happens to be the holiday season.

Everyone expects the sounds of music, children running around throwing snow balls at each other. Cars slowly rolling through the slush of the cobblestone streets. School has been cancelled so its chaos with the children running loose, in their warm clothing and bright colored scarfs. Tourists have come for Santa's Workshop, to take a picture with Jovial Hans Delvirr. Who makes wooden toys, well known for his rocking horses that look like a carosel horse. You could get one but he only makes  twelve customs a year.

Then it happened on December 13th something that had not happened since 1922. Everyone in the town heard them. The bells, which had not sounded in sixty year. Rang out loud and clear. So loud it was heard as far as the Pine Barrens, into the Industrial Area of Abby Grace. So shrill it burst the windows at The Church of Golden Light. Set dogs to barking and then the subtle sense of dread fell over the town.

“Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.”
― Neil Gaiman, Dream Country

So this game will happen in the small town of Abby Grace, it will be horror there will by combat, and there will be stories in this haunted town. I would like to run it past this adventure. The characters will be at the very least acquainted with one another. Working together will be required.

The bells always led to disaster, the town knew it. The people knew it. All legends and fables are born in some level of fact.

Welcome to a holiday or horror.

I am looking for 5+ characters for this.
[x] Human characters only
[x] Magic & Psionics are allowed.
[x] Savage Worlds Core Rule Book, Savage World's Horror Companion, and I will allow stuff from East Texas University, adjusted for Abby Grace.
GM, 82 posts
Savage World Master
Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 16:11
  • msg #669

IC: Savage Worlds Small Town Horror

Sounds like an interesting idea.

Are you going more Call of Cthulhu or more World of Darkness type of adventure?
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