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19:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales.

Posted by HeathFor group 0
player, 304 posts
Wed 22 Nov 2017
at 06:19
  • msg #214

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

GM, 7404 posts
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 13:14
  • msg #215

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

Maybe this one needs to go too.
player, 57 posts
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 16:35
  • msg #216

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

i agree completely
GM, 7447 posts
Sun 11 Feb 2018
at 07:44
  • msg #217

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

Unless people want to talk about role-playing games here...
player, 100 posts
Sun 11 Feb 2018
at 15:34
  • msg #218

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

im open to different views:

some dork: you succ froggo


*base drop boom sounds*
player, 318 posts
Sun 18 Feb 2018
at 06:32
  • msg #219

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

Rescued from Page 2!

Soooo, has anyone here ever designed a board game? It was suggested to me recently that I make a board game adaptation of the story which I am writing.
player, 140 posts
Mon 19 Feb 2018
at 14:50
  • msg #220

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

I've always been super interested in the idea, but I have never gotten much real inspiration, and am not inventive enough to think of something new and such.
player, 23 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 03:20
  • msg #221

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

I play a Gurps Dungeon Fantasy character named Masugatan.  He’s a street thug... and needless to say, he lacks refinement.  Also, he has certain disadvantages (this is part of the Gurps system) which sometimes make it difficult to control his temper.

One time, he was visiting a temple in the city where most of his adventures take place.  He became annoyed at the pomposity of the local clergy, and then failed a self-control roll.  Oh-oh!  He then did something rather uncouth: he exposed himself and urinated all over the floor of the temple!

At least, this was the case until this post was edited by a gm to make it more civilized.  Officially, my character merely spat on the floor and cursed.  He still had to borrow money to pay an enormous fine, and has only recently paid off the debt.
player, 320 posts
Sat 24 Feb 2018
at 05:00
  • msg #222

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

Was it a temple to the King in Yellow?
player, 28 posts
Thu 1 Mar 2018
at 07:53
  • msg #223

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

It was by the time he was done with it.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 07:53, Thu 01 Mar 2018.
GM, 18284 posts
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Tue 27 Mar 2018
at 22:23
  • msg #224

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

That reminds me of a character I played in the 80s using GURPS. His disadvantage was being a misanthrope and he was also paranoid of being wounded.  So he was clad in plate mail armor where the only thing showing was the eye slit through which he could see.

So of course, the GM decides that every monster and enemy will aim for the eye slit in every encounter.  (Not very realistic--GM apparently didn't like my misanthrope, who also had a "quirk" of flipping a coin, which I had to act out "in game.")

So before long, my poor little misanthrope was blind, just before being stabbed through the eyeslit and then in the next battle receiving a punctured brain that killed him. I don't think he even made it into the cave or dungeon before dying.  Fastest adventure of my life, and GM wouldn't let me roll up a new character until the next adventure.
player, 176 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2018
at 22:32
  • msg #225

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

that was a really lame Gm from the sounds of things... maybe just inexperienced?
GM, 18286 posts
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Tue 27 Mar 2018
at 22:35
  • msg #226

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

He personally didn't like the character (especially because I really played him as a misanthrope who hated everyone), so he did it on purpose.  He should have let the PCs take him out; that would have at least been realistic.  But we were like 17 years old, so I can't expect too much maturity.
player, 178 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2018
at 22:37
  • msg #227

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

Ah okay.

My only roleplaying tale is that my mom bought dnd nearly a year ago now, and since we only have 3 people in our house, and none of us have time for it, also we don't know how to play... well, we've never played, we have opened the box and read the rules though :P

i like roleplay, but i prefer it here online where It is much more convenient... i suppose some people need to set the mood per se, but not me, guess that's part of my unbridled creativity... or whatever.
GM, 18287 posts
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Tue 27 Mar 2018
at 22:54
  • msg #228

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

Tabletop is more dynamic and faster.  It certainly has its appeal.  Much less formal, most of the time, compared to online when you can carefully phrase everything, check the rules, etc.  Back in my day, we were winging it.
player, 179 posts
Wed 28 Mar 2018
at 18:50
  • msg #229

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

player, 335 posts
Wait... you mean the
green goop isn't edible?
Sat 12 May 2018
at 03:06
  • msg #230

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

I miss a lot of the frequency of the old GMs.

This specific game is the only reason I keep my RPoL account up to date to be honest...
player, 252 posts
Sat 12 May 2018
at 16:21
  • msg #231

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

it always seems whenever I join a really awesome forum (or roleplay in this case) it's on the brink of death

it's weird, this is one of the coolest games, but all the life has wandered away... it's still going though, so there is always hope new people will come joining
player, 426 posts
Wait... you mean the
green goop isn't edible?
Sun 13 May 2018
at 04:14
  • msg #232

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

That is the magic of ASWoT, it is more RPoL than most people realize. Everything about it leads tons of players to this forum board.
player, 359 posts
Sun 13 May 2018
at 17:59
  • msg #233

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

GM, 41952 posts
Quadruped Phascolarctos
Cinereus Unsquisheus
Sun 4 Aug 2019
at 04:00
  • msg #234

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

The only other game within which I have a registered character was created by a dear friend of mine about a year ago. (Just checked, it was one year ago, last Thursday.)

Since the game's inception, there has been nearly zero activity.  The GM has put in a couple of Notice threads, (backstories, games rules,) and an OOC chat thread, (which he creatively called the Chatter Box.)

Some time after I went through the process of learning the mechanics of the game, (Savage Worlds with the Rifts conversion,) and creating a character, (a Sam Spade inspired Koala named Marlowe, (I like koalas, don't judge me.)) I decided to post some color in the Chatter Box:

Character in other game:
All of the color drains from the Chatter Box as Marlowe enters.  The monochromatic yet dapper Koala removes his trench coat and fedora, revealing a well tailored pinstriped suit, and approaches the bar.

He places the removed articles of clothing onto a bar stool before climbing up onto the one beside it and catches the bartender's attention.

The bartender, another Koala, (he's naked but Marlowe isn't judging. It's not the first time Marlowe has seen vestiphobia amongst the anthropomorphics in this world,) places a bottle of whiskey and low-ball on the bar in front of him and wanders off to help another customer.

Marlowe starts to argue, but seeing that it was what he was about to order, wisely shuts up and pours himself a healthy slug.

He drinks and waits for whomever or whatever happens next.

No other thread was available within game to post where other players might be able to see and interact.  (You may recognize the bartender, but perhaps not.)

The reaction was silence.  I should have stopped and walked away right then. But I had invested some time in the game and I had this lovely little fleshed out character in my head so I decided to push forward.  Every few weeks, I'd post again in the Chatter Box.  Nothing long, just noting the passage of time, drinking and having the bottles refreshed by the attentive bartender. Still no response.

Yesterday, (my actual cake day,) I posted this:

Character in other game:
Wearing a whimsical paper hat, the bartender brings out a modest sized eucalyptus cake, (decorated with sufficient candles,) and two forks.  He lights the candles.

After a silent wish, the bartender and Marlowe blow out the candles and then eat the cake.

Marlowe: What did you wish for?
Bartender: What I wish for every year.  Peace on Earth.  Good will towards Koalas and Koalakind. What did you wish for?

Marlowe: Looking pointedly at the camera. I wished for this game to start already.  I'm going to die of alcohol poisoning or liver failure before anyone shows up.

Bartender: Glancing nervously from Marlowe to the seemingly blank space towards which his ire is directed. Ummm... do you know Deadpool?

Marlowe:  No. Why do you ask?

Bartender:  Ah... no reason.  Here.  The next bottle is on the house.

The bartender swaps out the old bottle for a new one.

Marlowe pours, drinks and waits.

I am posting this because I was a little frustrated a few months ago but I have moved past that now.

I thought you all, (what's left of you all,) might enjoy it.

Maybe someday the GM will start the game. Maybe someday I'll toss in the towel. Maybe someday the loading of the complement of small lemon-soaked paper napkins will finish and this spacecraft will take off. Maybe someday.

p.s. - Obviously this Koala bartender isn't FourLegged.  Please note the whimsical paper hat.  FourLegged would never wear a paper hat, whimsical or otherwise.
player, 809 posts
Wed 8 Apr 2020
at 02:38
  • msg #235

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

I'm happy to know that I've (virtually) met at least one koala fetishist in my life before! Yay me :)

I got into DND in the last few months, and I'm currently in one dnd game, in the process of joining another.

In the game I'm in, I'm playing a build which is supposed to be 'unkillable' , and got knocked unconscious. I could have died, but luckily the hobgoblins weren't thirsty for my blood.

It was my fault for not keeping better track of my stats :P, didn't realize I was damaged until I was reading the thread for fun and pointed that out!
GM, 18342 posts
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Wed 8 Apr 2020
at 05:20
  • msg #236

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

In reply to FourLegged (msg # 234):

Maybe you should point us to the game so we can all join it and make it interesting!
GM, 18358 posts
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Wed 15 Apr 2020
at 07:31
  • msg #237

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

I thought it was funny when Kahan (who I believe is Grant at ASWoT) got pulled into the web cast by the PC mage by a Will O'Wisp--face down looking into a pit full of ascending undead that want to rip him to pieces. We shall see what comes of it...
player, 1374 posts
Mon 27 Dec 2021
at 16:55
  • msg #238

Re: The Lurker's Lounge and Timewaster's Tales

Unfortunately decided to drop out of that same DND game recently. I think I played for about two years, and it was definitely an amazing experience.
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