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TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG.

Posted by HeathFor group 0
player, 28 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2015
at 07:07
  • msg #11

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

Okay, I am game to try that method, Grant.

I rolled a 3, failure.

"Corporal Davis used his Gundam to belly crawl along a country road. The mecha's huge bulk made it even height with many trees even this low to the ground. Out of the darkness and fog, a Jaeger with a pointed German helmet landed on the back of Davis' Gundam. The enemy pointed its UberLuger weapon at the Gundam's upper back and fired three shots."

I opt to continue this scenario.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:08, Sun 19 July 2015.
player, 5949 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2015
at 20:41
  • msg #12

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

I rolled a 9!

Johan sees Ottawa's finest mech, a red and white fortress type, heading the assault on the beach.  On its chest was the image of a giant bear head depicted with enraged red eyes and written above in bold black font was the word "Grizzly".  It was at least four times the height of his German assault type the Kreuzotter MK IV descended from the first anti-mech machine ever built.  The Canadians were covering the Grizzly from the land, sea, and air as it forged its way through German machine gun fire.  A few artillery shots struck it to no effect.  Johan began his plan hoping the enemy didn't have intel on the MK IV which had only entered limited production earlier this spring and got into position.  He waited patiently until the Grizzly was right above him and sprang up from his underground camouflaged position he had buried himself in.  He only had moments before being destroyed but was able to plant both of his knives the infamous Reißzähne deep into the Grizzly's back.  It twitched for a moment before shutting down and then crumpling to the ground.  This broke the Canadian's morale and they were cut down by the hundreds as they attempted to flee back into the waters.

Now what?  Do I try to make another action in this scenario?
GM, 7124 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2015
at 22:30
  • msg #13

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

That's... A good question. Maybe if you want to keep it going you can add on to the current scenario, or you could always just do another roll if you'd like, just with a new/different reason, like saying that your "PC" has gotten redeployed somewhere else and you have to fight some other menacing robot or whatever.
player, 5961 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2015
at 22:55
  • msg #14

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

Hm, I feel like this game could play out something like I Did Not Want To Hear That where there is a simple scenario active and people post as much as they want until people get bored and choose to move on.

Unlike that game I think this one could benefit from some sort of player interaction.  The heart of RPGs is having some sort of continuity to interact with and it's usually more fun when others can affect what you do.  I also like the idea of creating a PC of sorts who is active throughout the scenario.  That would allow the players to interact in some way.
player, 30 posts
Wed 22 Jul 2015
at 08:47
  • msg #15

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

I am willing to give a little interaction a shot.

Corporal Davis awoke with a start and spat water grim his face. He looked around the dark room in which he sat, tied to a chair. "Where an I, you goosestepping sausage-eating sons of -- I recognize you, Herr Jonah, ace pilot of the robowaffe. We were told that you were an honorable soldier. Was I told a lie?"

Davis attempts to slip out of his bindings and escape.
player, 53 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2015
at 08:18
  • msg #16

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

I think the previous scenario died out.

Scenario: Thor's Angels
In a world where the gods of Asgard fight for peace and justice, there are some places where even might Thor cannot go. Thor finds himself in representatives, woman who can travel to the realms that men cannot reach. Drawing inspiration from his father's Valkyrie warriors, the lord of thunder seeks female recruits who will carry his will and his power with them. He will draw upon the Valkyries themselves who are already pledged to their services to Asgard, but he will consider other Asgardian warriors, goddesses from other pantheons, and super-powered mortals. (Canon Marvel characters, mythological characters, and original characters are fair game)
GM, 41543 posts
Quadruped Phascolarctos
Cinereus Unsquisheus
Sun 27 Dec 2015
at 08:33
  • msg #17

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

Good premise, interesting concept, should be revived.
player, 190 posts
Tue 29 Dec 2015
at 02:41
  • msg #18

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

I agree, this reminds me of Roll for Shoes, but with more death and less crazyness.
player, 183 posts
Fri 1 Jan 2016
at 07:36
  • msg #19

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

Well, this playtest was never officially ended. Pick a scenario from above and post an action. Even better, start your own scenario, guys.
player, 231 posts
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 04:38
  • msg #20

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

It's the first day of the new catalog, and your local super market has started selling magical wands.  There's a mad rush as everyone wants to get all the magic they can get their hands on.
player, 191 posts
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 09:58
  • msg #21

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

In reply to Nyoze (msg # 20):
It's the first day of the new catalog, and your local super market has started selling magical wands.  There's a mad rush as everyone wants to get all the magic they can get their hands on.

Talon is a fourteen year old hooligan whose goal in life is to become more infamous than his friends before he is finally caught. Sneaks a bag full of magic-reacting smoke bombs into the store with a scheme to smoke out the entire store, cause some chaos, and maybe sneak away with a free wand of his own in the blind anarchy.
player, 239 posts
Thu 14 Jan 2016
at 23:18
  • msg #22

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

The store hired extra security for today, because they knew the wands were going to cause some Chaos.  Your difficulty is 7.
player, 200 posts
Sat 16 Jan 2016
at 06:00
  • msg #23

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

I rolled a 7. Talon's bombs cause a wild reaction, drawing on the magic in the wands to create a cloud bank which looks like a herd of charging rhinos (and sounds like one too). In the blind panic, he crawls towards the boxes of wands and reaches -- only to be yanked away by an orc in a security guard uniform. Talon wiggles free from his jacket and escapes from the store. He looks down at his hand and admires: a ruler? "Aw bullocks!"
player, 12634 posts
Everywhere in the world,
you find good things.
Thu 11 Feb 2016
at 05:20
  • msg #24

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

Jadyn rolled into the smoke.  He had to get his hands on a wand!  He moved over to the counter and started feeling his way over to where he remembered the wand display was, his shirt pulled tightly over his mouth, his eyes watering, his nose running as the caustic gas ramped its irritation of his mucous membranes up to 11.  Does he make it?

I think one problem of this thread is that it 1) requires whoever is playing the part of the GM to respond to every player input to set a difficulty number, 2) that same player than has to get back to the game to roll the die and post a follow up.  Perhaps the game could be tweaked like this:

Player A posts something that they want to do, then assigns a difficulty number.
Player B then rolls the die, writes up what happened with A then writes a new attempted action.
Player C then rolls the die, writes up what happened with B...

And of course Player C might be Player A posting again.
player, 224 posts
Sun 14 Feb 2016
at 04:04
  • msg #25

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

I like it. We should test that new methodology with a fresh scenario.
player, 228 posts
Sun 21 Feb 2016
at 08:41
  • msg #26

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

Let's try this again using the suggested rules that Bart explained in his last post.

Ducks in Space
Scholars predicted that the first intelligent life form to develop a feasible form of faster-than-light travel would dominate the entire galaxy. That much proved to be true. The part that they missed was to predict that this species would be ducks. The Interstellar Waterfowl Fleet needs you. In the traditions of Darkwing Duck, The Duck Avenger, Howard the Duck, and Duck Dodgers, waddle to infinity and beyond!
player, 12671 posts
Everywhere in the world,
you find good things.
Thu 25 Feb 2016
at 18:26
  • msg #27

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

Charles the Duck, usually just called Chuck, hopped into his velocipede and revved the engine.  Carefully looking around for oncoming traffic he attempted to merge onto the gopath and drive to the spacedock.

Roll 3d10, 8's and above are successes, if you roll a 10 it counts as a success and you get an additional reroll.  5 or more successes is an extraordinary success.  You need at least 1 success to drive to the spacedock.
player, 234 posts
Sat 27 Feb 2016
at 07:57
  • msg #28

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

rolled 5, 3, & 1

Charles the Duck suffered a terrible velocipede accident on his way to the spaceport. His beak was completely destroyed. The surgeons of the Interstellar Waterfowl Fleet will attempt to save his life, rebuild him, make his faster, stronger, better...

Roll 1d10. Even numbers are a success. The higher the number rolled, the more powers Charles will gain from his cyberfeather technology.
GM, 41754 posts
Quadruped Phascolarctos
Cinereus Unsquisheus
Sat 27 Feb 2016
at 08:36
  • msg #29

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

player, 12688 posts
Everywhere in the world,
you find good things.
Tue 8 Mar 2016
at 05:08
  • msg #30

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

Chuck the Duck rolled out of the surgery, gingerly holding his stomach where the doctor had kicked him.

"Never come back, do you hear!" the surgeon shouted.

Chuck rolled onto his knees and carefully pushed up onto his feet.  What?  What had he said that was so bad?  He'd jokingly said that it had been easier to chew his food without a bill and then the surgeon had flipped the bed, ripped the IV out while Chuck moaned on the floor, then kicked the bandage-covered duck out of the operating bay.

"I'm never fixing you, if you don't even want a beak again.  Fine, live with the disfigurement, don't look like the rest of us duckly men.  You will live a long life in your pain, in your agony, crying yourself to sleep every day.  People shall call you a Boo-hoo-man!"

Chuck staggered to his feet.  Worker's Comp wasn't going to take this very well.  He had to get home, he had to get back to his blender and make a strawberry banana smoothie.

Roll 1d8.  On a 2-5, Chuck gets back home safely.  On a 6-7 he makes a strawberry banana smoothie.  One an 8 he makes it into a strawberry banana split.  One a 1 he ends up in Troubletown!
player, 239 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2016
at 23:18
  • msg #31

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

Wow, just wow.

I rolled 1.
Chuck the Duck staggers through a brightly lit futuristic cityscape, but with his fading vision, it looks more like a dim cyberpunk dystopia. His second-hand cybernetics ("Made on Mars") fizzle and fail one by one in a cascading pattern. Chuck has stumbled into the bad neighborhood of Trouble Town. He collapses in an alley.

In the static haze of his short-circuiting robotic vision, he begins to see a pattern emerge from the chaos. The figure of a duck with outstretched wings emerges from the static.

This vision of beauty greets him. "Hello Chuck, it is time for you to finally fly. Take my hand and come with me into the light."

player, 381 posts
Wait... you mean the
green goop isn't edible?
Sun 13 May 2018
at 02:59
  • msg #32

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

The game seems a bit complicated, and I agree that the thread itself requires a mini gm for this to really work...
player, 298 posts
Sun 13 May 2018
at 17:04
  • msg #33

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

yea, seems fun.. but both those things could be reworked, maybe a rule update would make breathe some life into this
GM, 18354 posts
Don't click my picture!
This space is blank.
Wed 15 Apr 2020
at 07:26
  • msg #34

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

Let me know if you want me to close this thread. Chupabob will be sooo disappointed
player, 1375 posts
Mon 27 Dec 2021
at 16:57
  • msg #35

Re: TESTING: 60 Seconds RPG

I'm fine for closing this, since we already have the Dungeoneering thread.

Sorry ChupaBob!
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