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23:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

This Isn't Balanced.

Posted by DarkRoot13For group 0
player, 11930 posts
I am infused with...
The power of radiation!
Mon 17 Mar 2014
at 15:22
  • msg #152

Re: This Isn't Balanced

GM: So, who're you going to play?
1: I'm going to play a 13 year old kid
2: I'm going to play an under the bed monster
GM: Wait, what?
2: Yeah, I'm going to be a leather-jacket wearing latex-clad under the bed monster.
3: And I'm going to be the bully.  They can prank me for hilarity. Also they need my help to save the day in the end and then we all become fast friends.
GM: You all still want to play a school game?
4: Absolutely, I'm going to be the brain, Queen of the Science Fair, and the teachers give me copies to the school's keys.
1: And I'm going to turn into an under the bed monster!  Sort of.  Ok, maybe not really.
2: I want a flamethrower.
player, 83 posts
Exceedingly interested
in the oddest of things
Fri 15 Aug 2014
at 17:09
  • msg #153

Re: This Isn't Balanced

I... have absolutely no idea. The name should've given it away, this really isn't balanced, or sane.
player, 5750 posts
Sun 5 Jul 2015
at 16:19
  • msg #154

Re: This Isn't Balanced

Yeah, I don't know this one either.
player, 880 posts
Why does charlotteen
have no profile picture?
Tue 15 Dec 2015
at 19:15
  • msg #155

Re: This Isn't Balanced

I have no clue O.o
GM, 41486 posts
Quadruped Phascolarctos
Cinereus Unsquisheus
Fri 25 Dec 2015
at 07:46
  • msg #156

Re: This Isn't Balanced

Wasn't this a Fred Savage vehicle?  Something Monsters
player, 311 posts
Wait... you mean the
green goop isn't edible?
Sat 12 May 2018
at 02:26
  • msg #157

Re: This Isn't Balanced

I was thinking Little Monsters too...but weren't they 10?
player, 228 posts
Sat 12 May 2018
at 15:44
  • msg #158

Re: This Isn't Balanced

monsters inc
just kidding i have no idea
player, 403 posts
Wait... you mean the
green goop isn't edible?
Sun 13 May 2018
at 03:20
  • msg #159

Re: This Isn't Balanced

Anyone want to start a new one?
player, 333 posts
Sun 13 May 2018
at 17:38
  • msg #160

Re: This Isn't Balanced

i'll try...

GM: So what are yall gonna be?
P1: A robot
GM: Oh so you're gonna be a support class, or a technician?
P1: No I'm gonna be a jerk who is useless and constantly getting drunk
GM: Oh, you do realise that will impare your stats heavily?
P1: No no it's good for my power cells
GM: -_-
player, 453 posts
Wait... you mean the
green goop isn't edible?
Sun 13 May 2018
at 17:41
  • msg #161

Re: This Isn't Balanced

player, 337 posts
Sun 13 May 2018
at 17:42
  • msg #162

Re: This Isn't Balanced

yeah i made it easy :P
player, 12745 posts
Everywhere in the world,
you find good things.
Wed 23 May 2018
at 22:27
  • msg #163

Re: This Isn't Balanced

1: I'm a middle schooler.
2: Yeah, me too.
3: Me three.
1: Hey guys, I'm going to bring my girlfriend and little brother in.
4: Hey, so I have super psychic powers.
5: And I...
1: Shut up, 5, I just brought you so mom wouldn't get mad. Go play Xbox by yourself, here's a piece of consolation pizza.
player, 411 posts
Thu 24 May 2018
at 18:56
  • msg #164

Re: This Isn't Balanced

damn... that's ambiguous xD

its gonna be some young adult or teen thing tho, i think
player, 12746 posts
Everywhere in the world,
you find good things.
Thu 24 May 2018
at 19:44
  • msg #165

Re: This Isn't Balanced

It's very famous, two seasons so far. :)
player, 412 posts
Fri 25 May 2018
at 15:38
  • msg #166

Re: This Isn't Balanced

13 reasons why?
player, 332 posts
Thu 2 Aug 2018
at 05:40
  • msg #167

Re: This Isn't Balanced

Oh, that's Stranger Things, isn't it?
player, 12782 posts
Everywhere in the world,
you find good things.
Thu 2 Aug 2018
at 20:54
  • msg #168

Re: This Isn't Balanced

Yes! :D
player, 333 posts
Thu 2 Aug 2018
at 21:04
  • msg #169

Re: This Isn't Balanced

In reply to Bart (msg # 168):

Groovy, I will post my own probably this evening.
player, 334 posts
Fri 3 Aug 2018
at 04:30
  • msg #170

Re: This Isn't Balanced

Okay, this might be slightly too obscure, but it honestly did strike me as a roleplaying game gone wrong (in all the right ways).

GM: The new campaign is going to be a pulp adventure with exotic locations and weird science, starting in New York City. Everybody will need some social skills. I don't want any mini-maxed characters, so does anyone want a pre-gen?
Player 1: Nah, we all made characters this morning. My guy is the best lawyer in Manhatten.
GM: Excellent, is he well rounded?
Player 1: He's also the best fencer in the United States.
GM: Ooookay, what about you, Player 2? You're not an ogre again are you?
Player 2: No, this character is a chemistry teacher by profession. He's the top chemist in the world.
GM: I'm glad to see you have moved past your combat monster phase.
Player 2: He's also the world champion boxer. He has fists like mallets.
GM: That's a sort of balanced. Does he have any flaws?
Player 2: Low charisma.
Player 3: I want to tell you about my character, the Doctor. I got lucky on my rolls, so some of his attributes are maxed out.
GM: Which attributes?
Player 3: Just his physical, social, and mental.
GM: That's all of them!
Player 3: He was raised by social scientists in an experiment to see if they could raise a perfect man through training. So, he grew up in isolation, but he inherited his parent's gold mine. I put all my background points into Wealth.
GM: Clearly, you did not.
Player 3: So he became an inventor and a surgeon. I used that wealth to buy all the best equipment, all the vehicles, and safehouses around the globe. He has a blimp, but he needs a pilot.
Player 2: I can pilot that. A teacher's salary stinks.
Player 3: Sure, you can be my driver. I'll pay you ten times your current salary.
GM: Why would you take Blimp Piloting if you didn't know ahead of time that he was buying a blimp?
Player 1: You'll need a lawyer. Will you hire both of us?
Player 3: Sure!
GM: Let me see that character sheet! Oh my stars and garders... What, what is this personal code of ethics?
Player 3: That's my flaw. The Doctor will not kill his enemies.
GM: Okay.
Player 3: He abducts them and performs brain surgery on them to make them into his allies.
GM: You are supposed to be the good guys.
Player 3: Yeah, like I said, he doesn't kill.
Player 1: Exactly how much does your lawyer earn on retainer?
Player 3: How much can you use?
GM: Hold up, I clearly warned you that I would not accept mini-maxed characters.
Player 3: The doctor has no minis, just maxes.
player, 336 posts
Wed 8 Aug 2018
at 04:07
  • msg #171

Re: This Isn't Balanced

Should I post something a little more contemporary?
GM, 41908 posts
Quadruped Phascolarctos
Cinereus Unsquisheus
Thu 9 Aug 2018
at 00:59
  • msg #172

Re: This Isn't Balanced

You should post whatever you want to post
player, 338 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2018
at 01:37
  • msg #173

Watching the Detectives, Part 1

GM: Okay, we are going to try out of a new system since you guys have rules lawyered all of the old systems to death. It's called Gumshoe.

Player 1: Like for Trail of C'thulhu?

GM: Yeah, it's the same rules, but this next game won't have any supernatural elements. I need something uncomplicated until I feel comfortable with this system. I'm talking a basic procedural mystery. You guys will be cops solving a murder. Okay?

Player 2: Groovy, we have some characters ready.

GM: What? When?

Player 2: We got bored waiting for you to show up, we saw the book, and we made a couple of detectives.

Player 1: They've got no supernatural powers.

GM: I know that I am going to regret this, but let me see your character sheets. (shuffles papers, reads) Hmm, Player 1, why is your character so young?

Player 1: He's a teenage detective. It's a genre trope. He assists the police when needed, but he's not tied down by regulations.

GM: Seems a little underpowered for a change. Okay, there is nothing here deal breaking. (shuffles papers, reads) Wait a minute, this is the same character. The same character is on two character sheets in two different hand writings.

Player 2: No, it's not. Look at the names.

GM: What the hell?

Player 1: They are brothers.

GM: They have the exact same stats, same skills. They even have the same physical description.

Player 2: They're twin brothers.

Player 1: Identical twin brothers, it was easier than building two distinct characters from scratch.

GM: Oooooooh guys, this is bad. In this system, different skills produce different clues. You need diversity of skills.

Player 1: No we don't. You always call for the same three or skills in every game.

Player 2: We worked out the most commonly used skills, and we doubled down on those by having two characters geared toward exploiting them.

Player 1: It's like having twice the skill points for free.

GM: Rejected!

Player 3: May I join? My character is a girl.

Player 1: Sure!

Player 2: Aight!

GM: Let me see that character sheet.

Player 3: She's not even related to them.

GM: Same age, same skills, you crossed out the name and hair color. You wrote in a different name, made her blond, and added an "fe" in front of "male" in a different ink color. Was she by any chance supposed to be a triplet?

Player 3: It's a mystery.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:41, Thu 09 Aug 2018.
GM, 41909 posts
Quadruped Phascolarctos
Cinereus Unsquisheus
Thu 9 Aug 2018
at 03:33
  • msg #174

Watching the Detectives, Part 1

Would they happen to be named Frank, Joe and Nancy?

Contemporary? I nearly choked to death when I blew the dust off these books.
player, 339 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2018
at 06:22
  • msg #175

Watching the Detectives, Part 1

In reply to FourLegged (msg # 174):

You are correct on all counts. You are as correct as you are fuzzy.

I was going to go with something more recent, but the thought of the Boys as player-characters amused me too much to let it go. I think it's your turn now, 4Leggy.
player, 1384 posts
Mon 27 Dec 2021
at 17:15
  • msg #176

Watching the Detectives, Part 1

Here we go...

GM #1: So, what should we make the Hero face against this time?

GM #2: Hmmm... how about feudalist society and economic oppression?

GM #3: No way, the answer is obviously the Demon Lord!

GM #1: Definitely demon lord, definitely. Still fresh, every time!

GM #2: Sighhh... why do I hang out with you guys?

GM #3: Who knows? Anyway, what race should the awesome OP demon lord be?

GM #1: Obviously a demon, right?

GM #2: Well, if we're doing this, we could at least make him something different? Maybe an angel?

GM #3: Pfft, that's stupid! Let's make him something silly, like a goblin!

GM #1: ...

GM #2: ...

GM #3: ...

GM #1: Nope. Terrible idea.

GM #2: Too dangerous.

GM #3: My bad, you're right... There is no way that guy would let it go...
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