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04:04, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Unnamed Ball Disc.

Posted by Voice of The SystemFor group 0
Voice of The System
GM, 300 posts
Mon 14 Feb 2022
at 22:58
  • msg #1

Unnamed Ball Disc

An expansion spanning one coordinate position.

Closely connected to: Spawnpoint
Closely connected to: Unnamed Fabric Disc
Closely connected to: Unnamed Dark Soil Disc

The topography is six semi-spheres or spheres of disparate appearances. One red, one green, one blue, one pink, one brown, and one grey.

The composition of each sphere is different, with spaces of two to six feet between them.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 263 posts
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 21:04
  • msg #2

Unnamed Ball Disc

On the pink ball, Emily notices that the tiny hairs on the ball seem slightly damaged.  She hopes she didn't do that, but she checks anyway. She uses the balance she gained from the enticing dance to attempt to lift one leg and examine the other boot without falling over.

She is looking for any sign that pinkness has rubbed off on her DMs.  She also observes whether or not the increased pressure of standing on only one leg causes her to sink deeper.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 448 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 21:33
  • msg #3

Unnamed Ball Disc

Once the group no longer needs his services helping cross, Arjun kneels down, pulls out his ebony stiletto, and carefully cuts out a section of the non Newtonian fibers, starting small and then carefully gathering more into his hands

The tension leaves his shoulders and his spine unstiffens, as he investigates the material, slowly becoming less guarded and angry than he has been since the Vine Crawlers massacre.
The System Master
GM, 463 posts
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 22:43
  • msg #4

Unnamed Ball Disc

Emily checks the underside of her boot, and finds that a few strands of pink fuzz have partially dissolved on the semi-dried mud.

Unfortunately though, she also notices that the group are currently staining the place with whatever bits of mud, blood, dirt, and bug parts had been stuck to the soles of their footwear.

Emily also manages to stand on one leg quite easily for enough time to wobble as she feels herself clearly sinking a bit lower into the large orb.

It's just a couple inches though, so there is no real risk other than the butterflies in her stomach at the idea of falling into the endless void below her.

Arjun finds cutting the fibers is difficult if he tries to slice quickly, but is easier if he slowly applies pressure. Both have some resistance, but the material seems to be better against sudden shock than it is with prolonged pressure being applied to it.

Also, the material is too dense and he is not nearly dexterous enough to cut fibers one at a time, so he ends up basically shaving bits off until he has around a handful.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 97 posts
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 23:12
  • msg #5

Unnamed Ball Disc

"Hmm, this pink one seems to be more synthetic in nature.

What is curious is that these were generated when Arjun tossed me the are the materials disparate to represent the will of the god of chaos?"

Arjun Gandhi
player, 449 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 23:33
  • msg #6

Unnamed Ball Disc

Visually examining the mound of shavings in his hand, Arjun also tries to mentally compare its weight to that of the other chunks of land he's collected so far, looking for clues.

"Looks like cotton candy, though the Brits call it Fairy Sugar, don't they? I'm willing to bet there's 'actual' fairies around here. I wonder what lore they'll be drawn from."

Turning to Jerry, he answers, "Why there are even multiple land masses here is a mystery to me. The System 'searches for compositions' every time the expansions trigger, which implies that this collection was somehow added to the list of options it could choose from. How that happened is a total mystery to me, but it seemed to me that the Gods of Chaos and Order were reacting to the choice the System made, rather than directing it, based on what little evidence we have"

Pulling out his plastic bottle of water, he adds the 'unit' of pink fluffiness to the bottle, closes the cap, and shakes it, trying to dissolve the pink stuff into the water, and studies the resultant mixture. He raises it up to study the light filtering through it, and then lowers it to compare the color of the new fluid against various colors within line of sight. Next, he examines the spot where he took his sample from.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 264 posts
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 06:32
  • msg #7

Unnamed Ball Disc

Emily sniffs again the sweet smell and says, "We call it Candy Floss in England. We buy it in funfairs and at the seaside and it smells of being a child".
The System Master
GM, 464 posts
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 12:54
  • msg #8

Unnamed Ball Disc

Arjun conjectures a bit before adding some of the pink fuzz to his water bottle, in hopes of dissolving it.

And indeed it works. In fact, the reaction is SO quick that he cannot even track it! It has an appearance of borderline just vanishing!

Though, he is able to tell the difference by closely watching as starting from the contact point, a pink color quickly (but slowly enough this time to track) spreads through the water like a drop of food coloring.

The result is pretty even, but if he mixes it even lightly for a half second, it will be completely even instead.

It seems this stuff dissolves extremely well, with many liquids. That's worth noting, to avoid any possible hazards...

The most interesting thing though is when he raises it up above his head in such an angle that it is parallel to both the ground in front of his feet, and the location where the group has calculate the light source of this world must be, considering the shadow patterns.

Immediately, he notices something impossible. The light reflecting through the pinkish water is... lightly pink?

This... does not make sense. The visuals before them are similar to when you stand before an open window and perceive 'the sunlight itself' as it bounces off whatever dust is in the room. However, in this case, the hue of that light is.... a very light pink.

Notably, the color of the pink ball is the darkest of the three, while the mixture is considerably lighter, and the resulting 'ray of sunshine' is even lighter than that...

Is this possible in optics? Or... some kind of mystical effect?

Lastly, Arjun examines the spot he took the sample from and finds nothing out of the ordinary (it has not regenerated or anything like that).
Emily Khorashandi
player, 265 posts
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 14:23
  • msg #9

Unnamed Ball Disc

Emily looks around for anything on this ball that might be considered a monster.  She doesn't think there is anything but she wonders whether the monsters in the swamp would enjoy it. "I wonder whether the sniffers will enjoy this", she says,  "We can find out later.  I need to find something they like if I'm to tame them but let's try to complete the exploration quest first."

She takes a leisurely walk around the pink ball until she comes close to the grey ball and guesstimates whether she would be able to jump.
The System Master
GM, 465 posts
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 14:30
  • msg #10

Unnamed Ball Disc

She does not notice any monsters on the surface of the ball. The edges also have none. She cranes her neck and the 'sky' above her is clear as well. The only other places they could be are below or within.

The jump to the grey ball is a bit tougher, but still doable unless something goes majorly wrong.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 266 posts
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #11

Unnamed Ball Disc

"The grey ball looks a bit tougher" says Emily.  "I'm going to try the blue next."

With that she moves further around the ball and tries jumping or stepping to the blue ball instead.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 98 posts
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 20:48
  • msg #12

Unnamed Ball Disc

Dubious whether the pink fuzz is biological Jerzy attempts to bio-analyze.

He is expecting a crystalline mineral but Arjun's experiments could mean it is an organic crystal such as sugar. It's psychic effects (unsettling as a thought that is), appear to be subtle and positive, though perhaps to an insidious end.

Jerzy is still bouncing between fascination, distraction and abject horror it seems, mostly keeping it together but aware that this place is very, very unnatural.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:48, Wed 30 Mar 2022.
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