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Posted by BelirahcFor group 0
player, 7 posts
In the heart of Hellfrost
There is only Doom.
Fri 20 May 2011
at 14:57
  • msg #62

Hellfrost Play by Post

Hellfrost: Winter's Dark Heart

A band of adventurers are on a fairly simple and easy task, get to the village of Dunroth to pick up some grain bound for the village of Dunross, a task that should be downright boring save for maybe an encounter with bandits while on the road. Of course all is not as it seems and after an orc ambush, finding mysterious dead bodies in one of the Road Warden's travel towers, they've arrived at Dunross to find the place overrun with a plague of rats. They haven't even reached the granaries yet!

If you wish to join them in completing their task, or perhaps figuring out what brought so many rats to such a small town, then come on over. We're looking for up to three new players. Party roles are fairly open to whatever 'class' you feel like playing.

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player, 8 posts
In the heart of Hellfrost
There is only Doom.
Mon 1 Aug 2011
at 14:51
  • msg #63

Re: Hellfrost Play by Post

See above, could use another player or two.
You don't need the Hellfrost Players guide to play. One can still make a solid character that fits an old germanic themed fantasy setting from the Savage Worlds Core Rules.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:52, Mon 01 Aug 2011.
Eli Shinn
player, 1 post
Tue 23 Aug 2011
at 02:21
  • msg #64

Interest Check: Savage Worlds / Hellfrost

Checking interest for a new Savage Worlds / Hellfrost game. See this thread for details:

link to a message in another game

Let me know on the thread above if you have any interest or comments. Thanks. :-)
Eli Shinn
player, 2 posts
Sat 27 Aug 2011
at 14:04
  • msg #65

Re: Interest Check: Savage Worlds / Hellfrost

I've now started a Savage Worlds game called 'Hellfrost: Savage Realms' with a fantasy Savage Worlds setting.

Send in a RTJ if you're interested. :-)

link to a message in another game
player, 34 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2011
at 14:30
  • msg #66

Weird Wars 2 game

Okay... I thought about it and I have 4 Austrian players from my gaming groups lined up.
Weird Wars 2, a campaign set in Leningrad, during the siege. Let's see how far we get. We might just manage to have a game that runs longer than the original siege... ;-)

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As I said, four of my players are interested, so up to now the game would be in German. I'd have no problem if there is any interest from a non-German player to switch this over to English.
The Stray
player, 17 posts
Sat 24 Sep 2011
at 14:15
  • msg #67

Re: Deadlands: Reloaded game opening

Howdy, y'all!  After a hiatus, my long-running Deadlands: Reloaded game "Sixguns & Spellslingers" is back and looking for new recruits!

link to another game

If you are interested, take a look around and send me an RTJ!
player, 34 posts
Tue 27 Sep 2011
at 07:40
  • msg #68

Re: Deadlands: Reloaded game opening

You are soldiers that wake up in a cryosleep unit after a lot of time.

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Wake up in a small vault, most other dead. A vakuum seal at the vehicle pool/armory, that make it safe against decay. So you have modern equipment.
The cryo-technic has erased the short term memory, so you can remember something about increasing tensions between USA and the chinese confederation, a few years on a military base in india, maybe even a nuclear strike in Pakistan (or something like that) but not why you are down there.
Maybe the last few 100 years!

Outsides are mutants, ruins, desert, marauders, small survivor villages....

Its a sandbox game, after some plotline to start the game rolling (something has to wake you up!) I dont have a plotline, only a map with lots of rock and sand and some survivor villages. What will you do?
player, 1 post
Sat 1 Oct 2011
at 15:42
  • msg #69

Savaged Space Opera

I have started a Space Opera game using part of Chaotic's Space Settings rules that were discussed on this forum earlier.  I am limiting the game to four players to make sure I can manage things, as I have not run an online game for a while.

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This message was last edited by the player at 19:24, Sat 01 Oct 2011.
player, 2 posts
Tue 4 Oct 2011
at 01:32
  • msg #70

Re: Savaged Space Opera

Room for one more player!
player, 35 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2011
at 13:10
  • msg #71

Weird Wars 2 - Blokada!

We've got room for more players, we're only slowly starting up. Right now the game is in GERMAN, so German-speakers are prefered.
But if English-speakers are interested, there's no problem switching.

link to another game
GM, 338 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2011
at 17:07
  • msg #72

Re: Weird Wars 2 - Blokada!

so you have a game of Russians vs. Germans.  The PCs are Russians, but the game is in german...
player, 36 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2011
at 17:10
  • msg #73

Re: Weird Wars 2 - Blokada!

Well, what can I say - the only one who speaks a little Russian is me. And my Russian is barely enough to order drnks! ;-)
player, 59 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2011
at 18:11
  • msg #74

Re: Weird Wars 2 - Blokada!

that's kind of awesome
player, 3 posts
Thu 6 Oct 2011
at 01:02
  • msg #75

Re: Savaged Space Opera

Space opera game is full, but may be able to add more later as we move the game forward.
GM, 339 posts
Thu 6 Oct 2011
at 23:31
  • msg #76

Re: Savaged Space Opera

my 50F game is getting close to 1000 posts.  We could use player, specifically a human.

there is a former PC you could take over, or you could create a new one

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player, 15 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2011
at 00:42
  • msg #77

Santa Angela!

Welcome to Santa Angela, my own little slice of hell in the Deadlands Reloaded Universe, amigos!

It's a fair spring day in 1880 as the wind sweeps across the dusty West Texas badlands.  Santa Angela is an outpost in the middle of nowhere, a place not worth the attention of men of distinction and consequence.

And yet in its vicinity is Fort Nueces.  A tribe of Comanche, formerly lead by the wise and well loved Sitting Duck, has long dwelled in the region.  The Comanche and the white settlers have long clashed, until a truce was reached ten years ago.  That truce however is now worth less than the paper it's written on, as a new chief arises to guide his people to avenge the white man's desecration of the land he does not hold sacred.  The fort is suddenly more important than ever.

The fort of course is a little unusual.  Its flagpole is a repurposed mast from a Galveston shipyard and the soldiers regularly play baseball.  That would be enough, except it also has a decked out Maze Runner with Steam Gatling guns mounted, and a mysterious structure right next to command called The Tomb, where the worst prisoners the Rangers capture are brought in, but they never come out!

The life blood of Kelton County, the Perlas River, has become heavy and blackened with ghost rock contamination!  There is now not enough fresh water for the Comanche to drink.  The ghost rock sediment in the river has attracted prospectors, who pan and filter the river and explore the countryside looking for ghost rock in all its forms.  The CSA has solved the problem by contracting with Hellestromme to build a water treatment plant, a wonder of the New Science unprecedented in scale and application!

The town is a haven for gamblers and whores who prey upon the lonely and bored men stationed at Fort Nueces.  The well behaved ranchers find themselves at the mercy of the outlaws and scum that come with these elements.  Naturally, Mr. Herrod has done something about it, and now the Dove Boys ride and keep the peace, but as Mr. Herrod directs, of course.

And if that weren't bad enough, leave it to a lawyer to make it worse!  Due to a contract dispute, the Great Rail Wars are now being fought in Santa Angela!  Black River, Wasatch and Dixie Rails are all trying to protect their claims at the others' expense!

Marshal Tom Mix and all his deputies died about a year ago in a cigar smoking accident, Hellestromme Industries refuses to divulge to anyone what is behind the gunmetal walls of its plant fortress, and the Dove Boys run rampant, the local wildlife is mutating due to the pollution in the river, the new Comanche chief says that a ghost dance will purge the earth of the white man, and the commander of Fort Nueces refuses to do anything about it even though he easily could!  People lock themselves in at night and cradle their shooting irons, terrified of what could be lurking for them in the dark!

And it's about to get a whole lot worse amigo, we haven't even gotten started yet. Welcome to Santa Angela.  Welcome to Hell.

This game is based on my real life experiences in the real city of San Angelo Texas, where the real Fort Concho stood in the 1870s.

Now recruiting!  We've lost our voodoo hougan to real life, but the current preliminary chapter is wrapping up, and I hope to start the new chapter in the middle of next week!  Ride into Santa Angela in style in the recently refurbished Dixie Rails Number Nine Freightliner with all the other player characters!

We've already got the posse building super trains to win the Great Rail Wars, returning from the land where all Apache can fly, battling undead sorcerers, sorting out the drama of their non existent love lives, starting fights between rival gangs armed with explosives and automatic weapons, killing the master of the Lin Kuei with a Colt, capturing the Terror of the West - Blackfire Hagel, and this was the introduction!

It's just about to get interesting!

Looking for another head or two for the herd, amigos!  Got plenty of Weird Science but there's room for plenty of other outlaws, wanderers, lawmen, and weirdos in Santa Angela!

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player, 86 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2011
at 18:46
  • msg #78

Re: Santa Angela!

War of the Dead game...

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The game will begin with a group of buddies (high school, college, football, military, whatever) gathering for a getaway reunion on board the maiden voyage of the Pinnacle cruise ship. Before play begins the players will determine what their connection to one another is, general age of everyone, and how long it's been since they've been together as a group.
player, 62 posts
Fri 16 Dec 2011
at 13:54
  • msg #79

Re: Santa Angela!

We're about to enter Act 5.0 - wherein some of the protagonists must die and new ones will take their place.  Fate has decreed that they must save the city and the world from a scourge unwittingly set loose by the very Government that will soon oppose them.


–verb (used with object) Slang.

to throw overboard.

to get rid of; abandon; discard.

to reject, negate, or ruin

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Requirement:  familiarity with Savage Worlds.  Optional: familiarity with Interface Zero.
GM, 67 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2012
at 04:05
  • msg #80

Savage Worlds Fantasy

Hey all,

trying to get the wheels going on my Savage Worlds Fantasy game => link to another game

We are 1400+ posts, but we got slowed down over the holidays, and I'm just getting back to it in earnest now.  We have a few characters you could pick up, or you can 'roll' your own.  (I have a pretty easy method to get new peeps involved).

Take a look, and let me know if you're interested.
GM, 369 posts
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 16:51
  • msg #81

50 Fathoms

Game is on it's 3rd chapter.  Our Grael harpoonist is without a player, and as the group is in town, a new PC is acceptable as well.

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player, 10 posts
Wed 6 Jun 2012
at 19:08
  • msg #82

[SavW - Hellfrost] Fimbulwintr

This message was last edited by the player at 07:09, Sun 23 Sept 2012.
player, 1 post
Tue 4 Sep 2012
at 01:55
  • msg #83

Hell on Earth Reloaded

Thinking of starting up a Hell on Earth Reloaded game.  Would anyone be interested?
player, 8 posts
Tue 4 Sep 2012
at 03:00
  • msg #84

Re: Hell on Earth Reloaded

player, 2 posts
Tue 4 Sep 2012
at 10:06
  • msg #85

Re: Hell on Earth Reloaded

Here is link to my game.  Lets see how many I can get.

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player, 65 posts
Tue 4 Sep 2012
at 17:36
  • msg #86

Re: Hell on Earth Reloaded

Got some more info about your game?
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