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02:23, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1 - Invitations.

Posted by GameMasterFor group 0
Kenneth Eday Elgrim
Kenneth, 7 posts
Sat 7 May 2022
at 11:44
  • msg #36

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Recognition came into Kenneth's eyes and his family visibly relaxed. They shared a few looks and Kenneth stepped back from the door in an inviting way. "Oh!" He broke into a relieved smile. "Gotcha, yeah." He nodded. "I...uh, didn't quite know what to make of that at first" he admitted.

"It sounds interesting, I would love to go, but I don't really know why I would get an invitation, of all people. We figured it must have been some kinda mistake" He spoke as if the reason was obvious.

"Was your company really gonna send somebody all the way up here just to get me?" He asked skeptically. If she was serious, and she had taken the time to come out here, he would also need to find decent clothing, enough food for the trip, and a few other necessities.

Although he had never been up that way he figured he it had to be at least a 200 mile trip, a truly daunting distance in his world.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:45, Sat 07 May 2022.
Machk Kikkenintiso
player, 5 posts
Sat 7 May 2022
at 16:34
  • msg #37

Chapter 1 - Invitations

2013/03/29 12:05 a.m. The old home of Joe and Elizabeth Whitsed, Popular River First Nation, landbase "Poplar River 16", Manitoba, Canada.

He stood in the mudroom for a minute, feeling the closeness of the walls, the smallness of place he'd once called home.  He sighed, no it was gone.  This was not home.  The 'homeness' was gone, relocated somewhere with his parents, maybe.  Probably simply gone forever now.  He took a few deep breathes, holding and releasing, and with them letting go of his hope, fear, anger, and sadness.  She was right, it was time to move on.

He called into the house, "Ya were right, time to leave the past the past.  Do some tidying up here, put the key in the mail box an a letter to who come along next."

He got no response.  He took a few steps out of the mudroom into the cross hall between the kitchen/dining area and the front room, looking in each, and then up the stairs, he called out "Nana, answer me, did ya find something, are you hurt..." then he went quiet, motionless, and listened for the sounds of anyone, anything moving.

He turned at the sound of nigh imperceptible footsteps.  She stepped into the archway between the front and back rooms, a slim but athletically toned mixed Amerind young woman, her hair short, pixieish cut, dressed in durable hiking wear as she'd been when he'd last seen her.

"I am glad you have finally decided to listen to reason.  There is so much more than the past to consider.  It is important, but I told you not to let it dominate your choices."  Her accent was "middle america newscaster" with a hint of southern twang.

"Ah.  Ya rejoined me then... Robyn."  He rubbed his face, as though he could scrub the irritated look from it, "Okay.  Should be happy, but... well.  Admit to some level of annoyance."

"No more so than the usual I suspect."

"Well, long as we talkin again an ya being helpful, why not take bedrooms up stairs, I'll take down here, let's open the windows an air this dust out a bit.  An make sure ain't nothing left here to connect to the family.  Sleep here tonight, move along in the mornin, unless you changed ya-" he said the last with a wry grin and an upbeat note, knowing it was needling, but he couldn't resist.

"Not even a little." She cut him off. "This place is still far to dangerous for us to remain.  Besides, I quite liked the look of Virginia.  Even you remarked the mountains were spectacular and the weather was very pleasant.  If you insist upon a lake side residence, there was that one town, mmm, Smith Mountain Lake?  I would say Georgia, I've longed for some nice swamps, but you rather ruined that with the idiotic cairn marker you carved 'Nana Lepwa' into.  You'll have to avoid that area for decades, perhaps a century now.  So very limiting."

He shook his head and turned muttering, "Her death was momentous occasion, needed proper send off," and headed into to the kitchen and started opening windows.

She called after him as she moved up the stairs, "If that's all then, there should be old rags in the pantry, and probably old linens upstairs for dusting.  They will be coming apart, but we should put them out as well, with anything else that needs disposal.  Leave this place bare."

The two spent the afternoon dusting, sneezing, and airing the house.  He did check the old shed out back, and no, it had succumbed to the ash, roof half fallen in, most of the tools left behind were piles of rust, but there was one wood axe and a few sharpening stones that were still in excellent shape, protected in the back corner.  He added them to his ruck.

Late in the afternoon he made a small fire pit in the backyard and burned the last of any personal belongings they'd found.  Robyn sang a few medicine songs, and moved things about in the yard, a stone here, chimes moved from the porch to the trees, a shined up hub cap to catch the morning sun there.  After the fire died, she claimed they and his parents were as severed from the house as she could make them without burning the whole place down.

That evening he wandered the town, spending the very last of his cash on fish and potatoes, enough to fill them both for the night and leave some leftover for breakfast.  Hopefully hunting or fishing would be better tomorrow.

He ended up sleeping in the back room, his poncho as a blanket, rolled up clothes as a pillow.  His old bed far to small for him and he was loathe to sleep in his parents room, which Robyn took anyway.  Neither wanted to spend too much time in Nana Lepwa's old attic room.

2013/03/30 07:05 a.m. The old home of Joe and Elizabeth Whitsed, Popular River First Nation, landbase "Poplar River 16", Manitoba, Canada.

They rose early, as was custom just before the dawn's false light, they the ate cold fish and fried potatoes in a peaceful silence.  When they finished they gathered what little they had.  Robyn handed her pack to Machk, "There is one last thing I wish to do in the attic room, wait for me outside," he gave her a look that said 'not this again', "I promise, I will be joining you."

He looked at her earnest face a few moments, sighed, took her pack as well, and headed for the door as she skipped up the stairs.  Machk stopped in the mudroom, readjusted the axe in the ruck so it the handle would sit just below the top of his head and stop banging into the lintels and ceiling beams.

He looked back up the stairs, "Going out, don't be long," turned and opened the door, it fluttered gently as the door swung in.

He froze, his blood running cold, the feeling of conflict rising.  He took a half step out the door, his eyes darted around the yard, the street, the neighboring homes.  Nothing stirred except a few birds in the sky a distance a way, he waited a moment, and no, he felt no eyes upon him.  He breathed, calmed, and ducked back in, depositing the packs on the mudroom floor, the spear leaned into the corner, and from there quietly called upstairs, "Robyn, come down here."

She heard the seriousness in his voice and came quickly down.  Her look was concerned and inquisitive, he just pointed to the envelope on the door.  She moved to the door and crouched, taking it all in.

"I don't see or smell anything off.  It's yours, I should not touch it until you have received it and chosen to pass it to me, there may be magic upon it."

He looked at her, "Is that safe?  Should we, should we just leave it?  Put miles between it and us?"  He didn't sound frantic, just concerned.  Maybe slightly more annoyed that she'd been so very right, the future loomed suddenly, one he wasn't yet prepared for.

She looked at him, her face communicating the unspoken 'foolish boy', "Someone has found us.  Or you at the very least.  It is meant for you, whether warning or invitation, we can not tell until you open it," she stood and stepped back, passing through the mudroom into the hall, giving him space.

"Right," he pulled a bowie knife from the sheathe strapped to the small of back under his loose shirt, and crouched down to examine the 'envelope'.  Then he moved to the side and gently pried it using the tip of the knife, the flattened wax disk holding it to the door popping free easily.  He caught it before it could fall far, stood and shut the door.

They moved into the kitchen, he set the bowie knife on the counter and stood a moment lightly holding the envelope by opposite corners, letting it spin gently, slowly as he contemplated it.  He stopped it, and turned the wax seal to Robyn, "Do you recognize this seal?  This a House of the Lords of Change?"

"If it is a House of the Court, it is not one I recognize, but I was no scholar of the heraldry.  It may be... his arms, or any other.  It may also not be connected in any way, but if not, it is passing strange for a local, they have not done communiques in this style for a long time."

He tapped the envelope against the bridge of broad nose a moment, as though he could knock understanding of it straight into himself.  Then he snatched up the knife and in a smooth motion skimmed the wax seal off the envelope, laying the knife and seal aside on the counter top.  He unfolded it and read the contents, his face becoming even more confused.

"I...  What?"  He passed it to Robyn to read and leaned against the counter to watch her face.  "What ya make of this?"
GM, 26 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Sat 7 May 2022
at 18:53
  • msg #38

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Kenneth Eday Elgrim:
Recognition came into Kenneth's eyes and his family visibly relaxed. They shared a few looks and Kenneth stepped back from the door in an inviting way. "Oh!" He broke into a relieved smile. "Gotcha, yeah." He nodded. "I...uh, didn't quite know what to make of that at first" he admitted.

"It sounds interesting, I would love to go, but I don't really know why I would get an invitation, of all people. We figured it must have been some kinda mistake" He spoke as if the reason was obvious.

"Was your company really gonna send somebody all the way up here just to get me?" He asked skeptically. If she was serious, and she had taken the time to come out here, he would also need to find decent clothing, enough food for the trip, and a few other necessities.

Although he had never been up that way he figured he it had to be at least a 200 mile trip, a truly daunting distance in his world.

"Hmm.. Yes.. Sorry to be rude but I really do need to see the invite if you don't mind, formalities and all that.. and then I need you to sign this form.

Assuming you fetch the invite, she'll examine it briefly then hand it back, then pass you the clipboard and indicate a space at the bottom of the page, before passing you a pen
"sign here please"
Assuming you sign the  form and hand the clipboard back she'll say
"transport arrangements are above my pay grade I'm afraid. So as it says you'll be collected I would guess that is likely to be the case."
As she reaches the door to leave she turns and asks "what's your shoe size?"
Kenneth Eday Elgrim
Kenneth, 8 posts
Sat 7 May 2022
at 19:49
  • msg #39

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Kenneth did sign, it had been a little while since he had signed anything and he did so slowly and deliberately.

He felt excitement well up within him. Apparently this whole thing might actually be happening. He would get to go to Sacramento, he smiled at the thought.

At the question in parting he thought for a brief second. "Thirteen...why?" He asked in turn, a little puzzled.
GM, 27 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Sat 7 May 2022
at 21:20
  • msg #40

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Kenneth Eday Elgrim:
Kenneth did sign, it had been a little while since he had signed anything and he did so slowly and deliberately.

He felt excitement well up within him. Apparently this whole thing might actually be happening. He would get to go to Sacramento, he smiled at the thought.

At the question in parting he thought for a brief second. "Thirteen...why?" He asked in turn, a little puzzled.

"No reason.. just curious"
She leaves walking back to the helo which then heads back in the direction of Sacramento.
GM, 30 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Wed 11 May 2022
at 21:43
  • msg #41

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Machk Kikkenintiso:
"I...  What?"  He passed it to Robyn to read and leaned against the counter to watch her face.  "What ya make of this?"

Robyn takes the invite and examines it, finally sniffing the paper
"I have about as much an idea as to what this is about as you do, but the invite is for you alone.
The paper is odd, never encountered any paper like this before.
I assume this is a Company logo in the top left. No idea who they are, nor what an 'Expo' is, nor who this CEO Cordelia Chan is.
If we had internet then we could look, what's it called 'goggling it', really need to brush up on a lot of this modern jargon but can't do it from up here."

She pauses briefly..
"We know Winnipeg is a bust, and East is generally better so we could try Thunderbay, its on Superior, so might have fared better."
GM, 32 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Fri 13 May 2022
at 11:04
  • msg #42

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Harris Kane Rhodes:
The means of its appearance was a question all its own, so Harris looked into arranging a trip on the indicated date out to where this Mizzurian was located. Sacramento. Not perhaps the most ideal place to call a vacation spot after the events of the Rodian War, but things were beginning to settle out these days. At the least, he could find out what this was all about.

Friday 5th April .. how do you spend your day?
GM, 33 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Fri 13 May 2022
at 12:30
  • msg #43

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Big Creek circa 12:15 Thursday 4th April
A man in Mizzurian coveralls knocks on the Elgrim's Door.
"Delivery for Mr Kenneth Elgrim"
He has a large (1m long, 0.6m Wide, 0.6m tall) sturdy cardboard box, bound taped, and with the Mizzurian Logo on the side.
It has a standard "packing distribution" label with the Elgrim address and standard id (1 of 1) on the top.
In the top of the box there is an envelope with "FAO Kenneth" on the front. Inside is a hand written note which just says "Can't have you appearing dishevelled".
The box contains
1 pair Dewalt black Safety boots
1 pair Stanley buff tan safety boots
1 can suede waterproofing
1 pair Oxford Brogues in black
2 pairs dk blue denim jeans - straight leg
1 pair black denim jeans - tight fit
1 pair black tailor fit trousers
1 pair dk grey slacks
6 cotton t-Shirts (2 dk blue, 2 dk green, 2 black)
2 cotton sweat shirts (1 dk blue, 1 black)
2 silk shirts (1 dk blue, 1 fushica)
1 Blazer (dk grey).
Harris Kane Rhodes
Harris, 7 posts
Fri 13 May 2022
at 12:36
  • msg #44

Chapter 1 - Invitations

In reply to GameMaster (msg # 42):

While it seemed the details of his collection would be handled on the 29th, he had quite a bit of time to kill between now and then it seemed. Looking into the company - and this mysterious Ms. Chan - only found a little bit of information, Harris thought he'd follow up with a bit more.. unconventional means.

His morning went rather predictably, wake up, shower, eat, then go for a run in Central Park again. He kept an eye out for job interviews of course, but around ten in the morning it was late enough for his next course of action. One that he tried to avoid most times, but in this case, he thought it might be worth the effort.

So he called his father. Given the man's position, he'd be able to dig a little bit more deeply in his work to see what information was available about both Mizzurian and Chan. Given the unusual nature of the invitations' arrival, he wanted to be as prepared as possible going forward.
Kenneth Eday Elgrim
Kenneth, 9 posts
Fri 13 May 2022
at 14:15
  • msg #45

Chapter 1 - Invitations

In reply to GameMaster (msg # 43):

The whole Elgrim family gathered around the kitchen table as Kenneth pulled out the clothing within, one item at a time.

The younger family members had outgrown their nicer clothes many years ago, and they had never been replaced, while the older members still retained some of theirs. There had not been many reasons for formal attire despite this.

So everyone felt the fabric and commented on this and that.

Nicer clothing was no mystery in their part of the world, people still wore it for weddings, funerals and things of that nature, but nobody looked twice if people showed up in whatever they had on hand.

With the power restored, Kenneth's mother was able to iron, and then they plugged in the hair trimmers and she gave Kenneth a haircut and trimmed his beard. He was still a young man, and his beard was not as full as it might become as he aged, but it was enough to cover his face.

All the while the family speculated as to how Kenneth had come to their attention, and why they were being so generous. Nothing really made sense, at least nothing they could come up with.
GM, 34 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Fri 13 May 2022
at 16:09
  • msg #46

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Harris Kane Rhodes:
In reply to GameMaster (msg # 42):
His morning went rather predictably, wake up, shower, eat, then go for a run in Central Park again. He kept an eye out for job interviews of course, but around ten in the morning it was late enough for his next course of action. One that he tried to avoid most times, but in this case, he thought it might be worth the effort.

As you leave your apparent building to go for our run, standing on the opposite side of the street(i.e. the park side) you notice a girl/young woman. It's not that such a person would ordinarily be out of place standing there apparently staring into space, it's a whole combination of little things, although it does take you a few seconds to make the realization that she is out of place by being there.
She's tall for a girl, well over 6ft, has long black hair, and is of oriental descent. She's dressed in well made knee-high black leather boots, possibly the sort you'd wear riding, a pleated red mid-thigh length skirt, and black leather jacket over a T-Shirt. She appears to have something over her back, a sword perhaps. She has something in her left hand, could be a mobile phone. Whilst she also appears to be staring into space, you're pretty sure she's also watching you.

So he called his father. Given the man's position, he'd be able to dig a little bit more deeply in his work to see what information was available about both Mizzurian and Chan. Given the unusual nature of the invitations' arrival, he wanted to be as prepared as possible going forward.

Given you're on what I'm designating for the purposes of this game incarnation, an S1 shadow Earth, the following is applicable to Mizzurian. Yes they exist as a fairly large software/games company, and yes they did acquire the other companies as per the Gartner report. However, given the state of the shadow there is no Expo, nor Disjunction Game, or much else. They do appear to have put some significant efforts into assisting their workforce and local communities through the immediate aftermath of the Yellowstone eruption, and continue to do so. The Time Magazine article on Cordelia Chan is mostly unchanged (a greater reflection of reality pre the effects of the Rodian Wars).
GM, 35 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Sat 14 May 2022
at 14:14
  • msg #47

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Winter Li Mei:
Winter couldn't do anything about it now, and besides, her roomies would be filing back in soon. One room plus four girls didn't leave much privacy. She resolved to wait, but to set her smartphone's alarm clock on Monday night. The "invitation" didn't sound like an RSVP - and she was apparently going to be snagged at oh-dark-thirty - and she'd see if this Cordelia would be able to get into the dorms after hours without waking everyone else up. (Probably. Boys did it all the time.)

GM Note:
There are times when I should really use a spreadsheet.. due to time differences this will happen before Harris gets his visitation

Friday 5th April circa 3pm to 11pm .. how do you spend your time?
Winter Li Mei
Winter, 8 posts
Sun 15 May 2022
at 01:32
  • msg #48

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Fridays were, like most days except Sunday, pretty regimented for Winter. The Party meeting started at three-sharp like always, though today was the day they turned in articles for the Party publications and the student newspaper, so they actually had to do a little work. "Softball the Commies, Satan," she said to Satan Lang as she read his article. "Unity Government, remember? We shouldn't be tearing into one of our coalition partners this hard, the people upstairs will complain." And that led to them wasting too much time in a meaningless circle-jerk about whether the Tsinghua chapter was for or against the current governing coalition before they got back on task and agreed to avoid taking a too-controversial stance. They were running a bit over, so at 4:45 Winter said she'd make the final decisions on submissions and edit Satan's article to strip out some of the more incendiary language, and have everything wrapped up by next Friday.

Five-o-clock, dinner, Fish Friday. Winter mentally resolved to find out which assministrator had decided this was a good idea and meet him in a dark alley. At least the shrimp fried rice was good today.

Six-o-clock was supposed to be Study Hall, but here she got a break. Today, the proctor was her English teacher, an American with fake blond hair and a spray-on tan, and that meant she could cut class and not be reported. She arrived, signed the attendance sheet, and slipped out as soon as it wouldn't be too obvious. Checking the movies on her smartphone...oh, she hadn't seen Divergent yet and it had a showing they could make if they hustled, so the next step was to use her dating app. Spotting one of her favorites with a clear schedule, she called up Yufan - an attractive thirtysomething woman who she'd been with before - and arranged a rented movie date. It was short notice, but they were both in easy range of the theater and Winter could cover Yufan's bus fare. And for "after the date," Winter pencilled in an hour at a love hotel. Which was of course completely uncompensated, and Yufan's willingness to visit such hotels was in no way related to the size of Winter's "tip." As far as the law was concerned, that was that.

If nothing intervened, Winter would make it back to her dorm and flop into bed around 10:30 at night.
GM, 36 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Sun 15 May 2022
at 10:33
  • msg #49

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Winter Li Mei:
Five-o-clock, dinner, Fish Friday. Winter mentally resolved to find out which assministrator had decided this was a good idea and meet him in a dark alley. At least the shrimp fried rice was good today.

Six-o-clock was supposed to be Study Hall, but here she got a break.

You leave the cafeteria distracted by your plans to skip your next scheduled class. After about 15 seconds you stop.
The tall oriental female standing about 30yds away, apparently staring into space, is out of place. Not because she's tall, well over 6ft, or because she's oriental, but because of her dress, too western.
She's dressed in well made knee-high black leather boots, possibly the sort you'd wear riding, a pleated red mid-thigh length skirt, and black leather jacket over a T-Shirt. She appears to have something over her back, a sword perhaps. She has something in her left hand, could be a mobile phone. Whilst she also appears to be staring into space, you're pretty sure she's also watching you.
As you turn towards her, she smiles at you raises the object in her left hand, and a couple of seconds later vanishes into thin air.
Harris Kane Rhodes
Harris, 8 posts
Mon 16 May 2022
at 12:26
  • msg #50

Chapter 1 - Invitations

In reply to GameMaster (msg # 46):

While the information - or lack thereof - he obtained from his father didn't surprise him at that point, his morning jog was much more 'out of the ordinary'. Seeing the woman across the street who was playing at "watching but not watching", all the little things added up to give him a real sense of strangeness. Her height could be ignored, her position on the street and even her attire - all that could be simply something new in a city this size and with so much going on.

However, seeing the larger object on her back - possibly a sword - combined with everything else.. that really brought home the fact that 'this wasn't normal'. But rather than give away the fact he had spotted her himself, as she was talking on the phone and trying to be discreet, Harris turned and began his jog lazily. An easy jog early in the morning. But he altered his route somewhat so that he could try to keep a clear eye on the woman as he went. Seeing if she turned to follow or merely continued to stare into space at the building.
GM, 38 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Mon 16 May 2022
at 14:07
  • msg #51

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Harris Kane Rhodes:
However, seeing the larger object on her back - possibly a sword - combined with everything else.. that really brought home the fact that 'this wasn't normal'. But rather than give away the fact he had spotted her himself, as she was talking on the phone and trying to be discreet, Harris turned and began his jog lazily. An easy jog early in the morning. But he altered his route somewhat so that he could try to keep a clear eye on the woman as he went. Seeing if she turned to follow or merely continued to stare into space at the building.

When you turn to look back she's not there.. apprently just vanished into thin air......
GM, 39 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Mon 16 May 2022
at 21:09
  • msg #52

Chapter 1 - Invitations

[quote GM Note Back Fill for Cassandra Troy]
The problem with Timeshare is that the 2 weeks before Easter and the 2 weeks after tend to be busy, so finding a suitable empty property tends to be a little difficult. This means that you've been using your London bolt-hole for the last couple of weeks for sleeping, commuting backwards and forwards on a daily basis.
You return in the early hours of Easter Saturday morning, having worked at the seafront bar until about 11pm, before spending a couple of hours in your favourite nightclub.
It's difficult to miss the 2 envelopes on your art table, the fine paper one with your name handwritten in ink, and the seal on the back, and the more mundane slightly bulging brown A5 envelope with "With Compliments" hand written in ink on the front. The contents of the brown A5 envelope are as described on your character sheet.
Winter Li Mei
Winter, 9 posts
Tue 17 May 2022
at 03:42
  • msg #53

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Winter blinked. An extremely tall woman in a suit was there one moment, and vanished the next. Almost by reflex, she opened her "third eye" and sensed around, trying to sense the strange woman's chi in the crowd.
GM, 40 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Tue 17 May 2022
at 07:25
  • msg #54

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Winter Li Mei:
Winter blinked. An extremely tall woman in a suit was there one moment, and vanished the next. Almost by reflex, she opened her "third eye" and sensed around, trying to sense the strange woman's chi in the crowd.

You sense nothing unusual, although maybe a residual echo of dark(-ve) chi.
Cassandra Troy
player, 2 posts
Fri 20 May 2022
at 19:21
  • msg #55

Chapter 1 - Invitations

In reply to GameMaster (msg # 52):

'Whilst returning to the bunker is generally relaxing it's been both exasperating and irritating to have had to do this on a daily basis recently.'

Letting out a sigh, she dumped her stuff on the closest chair. Moving to remove her heels she pauses, somethings wrong .... something has changed in this room since her last visit.
Quickly looking around Cassandra spots it easily, two envelopes sitting innocently on her art desk. As if they hadn't appeared in a place only she should be able to access.

Moving over to the desk, Cassandra stares in slight shock. "This... This is f*** impossible" she whispers anxiety setting in. Once again she looks around her bunker, nothing had been touched and there is no sign of forced entry. Biting her lip she turns back to the envelopes.

Tentatively she picks up the one with her name on it, 'it's a good quality paper'she thinks turning it over .... 'a wax seal??' well at least she knows whoever left this is a pretentious wanker. Swifty ripping it open, Cassandra is met with another piece of expensive stationary, removing it, she reads the elegant writing.


A rush of anger and confusion flooded her body. 'Who on earth broke in here and left her A GOD DAMN PARTY INVITE.' Cassandra runs her free hand through her hair in distress, what is going on here. Why is this Cordelia Chan inviting Cassandra of all people to some fancy event.

Glancing back at the desk she is reminded of the other package. Still holding the invitation she picks up and opens the surprising thick envelope. Eyebrows furrowing she pulls out the first piece of paper .. "What?" it's a birth certificate for one Victoria Katherine McClure.

"Even the same date of birth as me" she muses.

Pulling the other documents out Cassandra finds; A Spanish NHS registration card, Spanish Tax Registration, Spanish Driving Licence,Spanish A2 Motorcycle Licence,( Ironic as she cant drive) and a Mastercard Debit card, all under that name. But they all had a passport acurate picture of her on them and it was recent as her hair was freshly dyed. How did they know she need ID, they must have been watching her for a while now ... god she needed to sit down.

Numbly Cassandra moved over to her coffee table and two arm chairs. Discarding the papers onto the table she collapsed into the free chair and just stared at the documents.


Cassandra blinked, her eyes hurt and she was thirsty. Glancing at her clock she did a double take, bloody hell she'd been staring into space for an two hours. She stood up and streached her back making a satisfying crack, she took the few steps over to a bowl, filling it with water from her container and splashing her face with it. Drying her face she made her decision, she was going to find out who and how these people got in her.

"But first sleep, then I'll do some reasearch on Mizzurian and this Cordilia, I wont let these arsehole get away with this"

GM Note:
When you examine the invitation carefully you feel something, a sort of energy signature, like the one that you subconsciously tap into when drawing your "Magic Pictures", but this one is significantly different. It also doesn't go "Cold" when you concentrate on it like your pictures do when activating.

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:53, Sat 21 May 2022.
GM, 42 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Fri 20 May 2022
at 19:39
  • msg #56

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Cassandra Troy:
"But first sleep, then I'll do some reasearch on Mizzurian and this Cordilia, I wont let these arsehole get away with this"

GM Note:
As with several other characters you're not on Mizzurian Earth, so in a similar vein to them you will find that Mizzurian as a company exists, and they are primarily a Games Company. There is no Expo though.. the release of their new game is scheduled for Christmas. Most of the rest is as per the website.

Saturday 6th April.. what are your plans for the day...
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:50, Fri 20 May 2022.
Cassandra Troy
player, 3 posts
Sat 21 May 2022
at 19:44
  • msg #57

Chapter 1 - Invitations

In reply to GameMaster (msg # 56):

Cassandra woke around 08:30 in the morning (Uk Time)

Yawning she searches for her phone, switching it on she squinted at the screen noting the time, she checked the weather. " Alright it's cool this morning but by 1 it will reach 26 degrees. Not too bad"

Today Cassandra is going to stop by her favourite cafe for breakfast mostly just to use their free wifi. After that, she would find a good spot to draw until she was tired or it was dinner time.

Getting out of bed she selected some clothes, a bodysuit, some shorts, and a beach cover-up
forgoing accessories today. Changing out of her pajamas, she applies eyeliner and lipstick, before shoving a towel into her bag after making sure it has what she'll need for a tourist watercolor. Shoving her feet into some socks, she pulls on a well-worn pair of boots and selecting the right card and she's gone.


Appearing in a secluded alleyway, she heads out towards the cafe.
Her presence is announced with by a jingle of a bell, Cassandra smiled upon entering, Amelia was on shift this morning, Amelia was the one who often recommended her spots to draw, ones that the tourists frequent, that and she was a dreadful gossip.
"Ah, buenos días Cassandra" Amelia exclaimed "What would you like today?"

"Hola Amelia, I'll have a Latte, the full breakfast"

"Alright take a seat and we'll have it ready shortly"


After eating Cassandra headed out and over the beach, selecting a spot with a good vantage point she set out the towel. Sitting down she pulled out her larger sketchbook and pencils and watercolour.
GM, 43 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Sat 21 May 2022
at 22:03
  • msg #58

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Cassandra Troy:
After eating Cassandra headed out and over the beach, selecting a spot with a good vantage point she set out the towel. Sitting down she pulled out her larger sketchbook and pencils and watercolour.

Your concentration on your painting, is disturbed by the sound of a high powered motorcycle being revved. Such motorcycles tend to rare along the sea front promenade, at least during the day.
As you turn to look, you see a tall rider, from the build most likely female, in a black and red set of leathers dismounting a large bike (750cc Yamaha FZ1 if you're interested).
As the rider raises their black reflective visor you note three things
  1. The rider looks oriental, and has long black hair which sticks out from under the helmet.
  2. The Helmet, whilst a vibrant red, appears to have a custom paint job, three interlocking rings in gold.
  3. They appear to have something slung across their back. The bit you can see above their left shoulder looks a bit like the hilt of a Katana.

As you take this all in you feel a you feel a sort of stabbing sensation behind your eyes (imagine your eyes are very light sensitive and somebody has just turned a 10,000,000 Candela spotlight on you).
The figure moves a few feet closer to you, which makes your head hurt even more, and then just stands there apparently staring into space.
From the movement of the figure and the way they're standing, despite the rising pain in your head reinforces your belief that they're female. Who ever they are they're tall, well over 6ft

What are you going to do, if anything?
Cassandra Troy
player, 4 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 19:36
  • msg #59

Chapter 1 - Invitations

In reply to GameMaster (msg # 58):

Wincing Cassandra looks away ' That's strange I don't usually get headaches', she reaches for her water bottle and takes a swig. Looking back at the stranger she wonders if they're waiting for someone. Either way, none of her business, returning to her image she continues to work. Although ... Cassandra thinks to herself ' she would be interesting to draw...'
GM, 46 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Sun 22 May 2022
at 20:40
  • msg #60

Chapter 1 - Invitations

Cassandra Troy:
In reply to GameMaster (msg # 58):

Wincing Cassandra looks away ' That's strange I don't usually get headaches', she reaches for her water bottle and takes a swig. Looking back at the stranger she wonders if they're waiting for someone. Either way, none of her business, returning to her image she continues to work. Although ... Cassandra thinks to herself ' she would be interesting to draw...'

After about 10 minutes you hear the sound of the motorcycle starting. The rider revs the bike once, then you here the sound of it pulling away. As the bike pulls away your headache disappears.
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