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20:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aboard the Serena Dawn.

Posted by The VoidFor group 0
The Void
GM, 20 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 21:03
  • msg #1

Aboard the Serena Dawn

It had been a leisurely trip out of Truane's Star for the last two days. They were enroute to Athor near the Yreva Nebula, each for his or her own reason. The Serena Dawn was a fairly typical starship which carried a combination of interstellar freight and passengers (about 75 with a crew of 10-15). A medium sized ship, the Serena Dawn was also hauling a smaller exploratory or scientific systemship likely to be dropped off somewhere in route to Athor. The Dawn as the crew referred to her was an older ship but appeared beloved by her crew.

The crew of the Dawn were polite and professional as they had boarded. They wore a red uniform with the Trans-Travel logo on their breast.

The passengers were a normal mix of tourists and corporate professionals in the second class berths, except for a small handful of government officials and their security detachment. There were no first class accommodations on the Dawn. By the looks of them, the Truane Star officials were not typical government types, they seemed to be academics or technicians.

As you enter the dining room for the evening meal and are taking up your seats, the staff began taking orders with professionalism and efficiency. The food was fairly good truthfully.

Sitting at the ship captain's table were several of the government officials with the captain and his second-in-command who appeared to be an engineering officer. They were speaking casually, watching the crowd and enjoying their meal. A half dozen security personnel stood nearby.

OOC - You dont know each other at this point. But as you arrive there are only a few seats left and you end up sitting together. So introductions are in order. I am giving each of you Logic x100 in credits please spend this on gear including whatever weapons you would want. None dangerous gear will be in your cabin, weapons and military type gear will be in the cargo in personally sealed luggage. Please use only the Alpha Dawn book for gear at this point. The ship is fairly large so I will not be providing a map. If a map becomes necessary I will provide on. There are general maps posted throughout the ship and the doors of the ship are very well marked. Many say only CREW ONLY and require passcards carried by the crew members of the Dawn.

Player/Posting Note: Please do not post OOC/OOG stuff publicly on this side of the game. Everything here should be IC/IG. Keep all OOC on the Private Side of the game or PL it to the GM. You should not be conveying information between the characters OOC just do it in an IC post. Please describe how you are dressed and only convey information which others can see. If a PC can see something or hear something then so can the NPCs although it might be harder.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:23, Sun 24 July 2022.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 1 post
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 04:57
  • msg #2

Aboard the Serena Dawn

A young human steps into the dining room from the passageway.  He's clean cut and groomed, perhaps overly so as his fresh hair cut hasn't grown out enough to look natural yet.  Paired with his gangly frame he looks even more awkward as moves across the mess to an available spot and sits, then placing his order.

He nervously steals an occasional glance across the room between staring at the far wall or his hands on the table, his tanned face taking on a reddish hue as if he's embarrassed.  Adding to his vibe of looking out of place, his coveralls don't look like they quite fit right and somehow don't look as 'professional' as the other passengers and crew.

Eventually he gets the nerve to address one of his fellow passengers, "Hi, I'm Tyrell, um, Tyrell Morrow."
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 1 post
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 08:27
  • msg #3

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He was clearly ex-military though his relaxed almost friendly demeanour insisted otherwise. Neither handsome nor unappealing his angular face held a mild grin. His eyes could not be seen as he wore sunglasses, totally unnecessary, clearly a fashion statement.
His clothing is functional but not casual, and his athletic build is easily noticeable.

He seats himself next to the young man. When the staff approached and he was asked for his order he simply smiled and told the lady to bring him what she would order as he always trusted the regulars.

When the young man introduced himself he offered a firm handshake. "Wilhelm Lancer, a pleasure to meet you Tyrell."
The Void
GM, 21 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 15:13
  • msg #4

Aboard the Serena Dawn

OOC - Logic x100 credits my mistake. If you have access to Zebs Guide feel free to use it as well.
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 1 post
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 05:06
  • msg #5

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The young waitress takes their orders and returns quickly with the water and a small plate of breads and cheeses. "Welcome aboard The Dawn gentlemen, my name is Skye and I will be your waitress for dinner this evening. We have a nice selection of beverages." She says handing them each a small plastic card with a list.

"My personal preference is the Truane Select list, I could bring you a sampler if you would like?"
Tyrell Morrow
player, 2 posts
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 06:27
  • msg #6

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell shakes Wilhelm's hand and offers a smile.  "So are you stopping at Athor or continuing on?"  They young man waits a moment before adding, "I've read that Yast is a desert but I think I can manage the heat since the Hotback on New Pale gets pretty warm.  And you don't have to watch out for saruae and dons at least.  But I was wondering if know anything about the job situation there."

Tyrell looks to Skye and his tanned face get a bit redder before he manages to say, "Uh...thank you.  I'll have..." he looks at the list as his face scrunches trying to concentrate, he makes his pick an looks up again, "ah a Lacasa for drink and the sampler will be fine.  Thanks."
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:52, Thu 14 July 2022.
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 2 posts
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 23:53
  • msg #7

Aboard the Serena Dawn

"Yes sir. The lasca is excellent as well. And you gentlemen?" She waits patiently. Her attention however seems focused on the military man at the table while she waits.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 2 posts
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 04:04
  • msg #8

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He smiles at the crewmember. "Thank you Skye, I will have a sampler and something to drink too." After she departs he addresses Tyrell. "My destination is indeed Athor. I will be visiting a friend. It's been so long since I last saw her." He sighs as his smile vanishes. "I am looking for employment too. Several career changes last three years or so."
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 3 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 01:02
  • msg #9

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Skye goes for their beverages.

OOC - Dropping the other player for lack of posting. If you know anyone please invite them. We can start this with just two PCs.
Captain Tobias Thul
NPC, 1 post
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 03:57
  • msg #10

Aboard the Serena Dawn

As they wait for their drinks and their meals to arrive, the two men watch as the ships Captain, Captain Tobius Thul, speaks casually with the government officials and his chief engineer. A message comes in on the Captains wrist communicator which he responds to briefly, seeming to give his approval of a command or instruction.

The Captain finishes his orders and a brief conversation takes place between the gathered group. The group rises to depart their meal and lift a brief toast to some shared congratulation.

As they speak, the ship is felt dropping out of warp. Through the huge windows in the wall the darkness is replaced with a yellow planet with two moons. They appear to arrived somewhere, but not their destination. The ship has stopped somewhere enroute to their final destination.

Before they can make much of an assessment of the situation, and as the gathering is breaking up, the ship shutters as if they have struck something or possibly a explosion of some kind aboard the ship.

Everyone immediately stops what they are doing and turn to the Captain in concern. The Captain turns to his wrist communicator and speaks in a hushed tone.

Quickly finishing his conversation he raises his hands confidently. His voice is confident. "Ladies and gentlemen. Remain calm please it is nothing major I assure you. Please finish your meal. Everything is fine." He departs.

The government officials follow the Captain with their security detail in tow.

The staff of the Serena Dawn quickly move to fill drinks and bring more appetizers.
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 4 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 04:00
  • msg #11

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Skye exits from the bar area with a platter filled with drinks. She walks straight to their table.

"Here you are gentlemen. Your drinks and the samplers." The young woman was clearly concerned.
Tyrell Morrow
player, 3 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 17:48
  • msg #12

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell gazes out the observation window and takes a long drink of his lacasa, clearly enjoying the light, nectar-like beverage.  He seems more calm than he did just moments ago as he briefly turns his attention to the food.  He dips a mannakan fry into a dipping sauce and takes a bite before saying to Wilhelm in a quiet voice, "I think we might be in a bit of trouble.  Everything I know about shipboard operations comes from Brim Darkstar's Unit Five comics but I would bet hard credits that the captain is doing a lot of yelling about now."

The young man picks up a slider from his platter and his sampler plater and starts into it.  Between bites he adds, "The Captain, I'm pretty sure, planned on coming out of the Void considering he was on his comms just before and seemed to approve an order.  Not sure if we ended up in the location he expected but that explosion definitely sent the compies scurrying.  Not enough information and I'm sure the staff here have their orders," Tyrell pauses a moment as he takes another sip, " to take a walk?"
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 3 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 23:23
  • msg #13

Aboard the Serena Dawn

At the sound of the explosion he shrugged momentarily and shook his head. He speaks in a low voice as to not worry anyone but Tyrell.  "We are definitely in trouble. We can only hope that this was a malfunction and not something more sinister." He scans the room once more, downs his drink and stands up. "Aye, for starters let us identify where the nearest escape pods are located."
Crew of the Senena Dawn
NPC, 5 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 14:37
  • msg #14

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Skye listens to their conversation politely. She is obviously a little nervous especially at the mention of the escape pods. They all knew the deck plans were posted throughout the starship with detailed instructions to the escape pods.

Many of the passengers have moved over toward the observation windows to look out at the unknown system they were in.

"That isnt Altor is it?" One of the older women says.

The crew all simultaneously raise their hands to their ears to key their ear communicators. They all look at ear other their eyes showing concern.

Skye speaks up as do several of the other members of the crew to the other passangers.

"Gentlemen, the Captain has asked everyone to remain here in the galley."

Red lights begin flashing in the dining galley. In the observation window suddenly appears a ship. Its an aged 200 ton vessel. Likely a merchant ship of some class. The ship has been modified with two weapon pods. On the side of the vessel is painted a red devil surrounded by silver stars.

The security crew member bolts from the dining galley. As he exits the door they hear a laser blast and the guard collapses.

OOC - We are now in combat rounds. 6 seconds. You can speak, move and take an action in 6 seconds but keep the speaking reasonable.

Serena Dawn

All interior doors are electronic sliding doors which are activated by proximity badges and access cards of various ratings and openable at specified times. The common areas of the ship is accessible to all passengers and crew with their issued badges identifying them as a legal passenger.

Cargo Hold, Bridge and Engineering - The cargo hold is only accessible by the Captain, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer and the Quartermaster which must have their badge as well as enter an access code into the door lock . The bridge  and engineering sections  of the ship are accessible to the above individuals as well as most members of the crew.

Interior Doors (60 SP, sliding pocket doors)
Interior Reinforced Doors (150 SP, bridge, cargo, engineering)
Interior Walls (150 SP)
Interior Airlocks (250 SP)
Exterior Portals (500 SP)
Exterior Hull (250 SP)
Observation Windows (150 SP)

Note: SP is Structural Points.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:37, Tue 19 July 2022.
Space Pirate
NPC, 1 post
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 15:23
  • msg #15

Aboard the Serena Dawn

A heavy set man advances on the door brandishing a blaster. "Stay where you are!" He bellows.

Many women and some of the men scream. All start moving away from the door and stand against the windows.

OOC - Roll initiative d10 plus initiative modifier. I will then make a summation post in order of highest to lowest initiative and start a new round. I will be putting up some dice roller instructions today. The pirate has an 11 initiative.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 4 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 14:17
  • msg #16

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He darts away from his seat (towards the top of the map) and then moves against the wall (on the left as you see the map). He picks up a chair and prepares to smack it against any intuder. "Tyrell, go to the kitchen and try to find the longest knife you can."
Tyrell Morrow
player, 4 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 14:24
  • msg #17

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell scoots out of his seat and staying low moves as fast as he can to the kitchen looking for potential weapons, from knives to very hot liquids.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:38, Wed 20 July 2022.
The Void
GM, 35 posts
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 00:59
  • msg #18

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The passengers are screaming and moving to try and get as far as possible from the unknown man wielding the blaster.

Wilheim is able to move against the flow of passengers toward the door and off to the side of the door. He grabs up a chair and takes a position out of direct line of sight, holding the chair ready to smash the man as he enters.

The man enters, yelling. "I said fucking dont move!" He is wearing a gas mask and carrying several grenades on his belt. His blaster is in his left hand. He enters and  prepares to toss a grenade into the center of the room but he sees Wilheim with the chair getting ready to smash him in the face.

Tyrell turns to move for the kitchen.

OOC - The man is not surprised but Wilheim has initiative this round. Please roll your attack. Every round, always roll Initiative, attacks, and damage even if you think you missed. Make sure you ID the target in the dice roller if their are multiple possible targets. I will be posting some guidance in the Combat Rules thread. Also, always just roll the next rounds Initiative as your last roll each round. That will save us a day of waiting for Initiative rolls each round. Also please PL all OOC rolls from the dice roller into your post. Please dont reorder the rolls just copy paste them as they appear in the dice roller. It will save me time not having to bounce back and forth.

Wilhelm Lancer
player, 5 posts
IM +6, STA 65/65
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 18:03
  • msg #19

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm wasn't fond of the pirates pistol so instead of swinging the chair he held he tried to kick it out of his hand.
Space Pirate
NPC, 2 posts
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 22:25
  • msg #20

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilheim knocks the laser pistol from the man's hand and it flies across the floor coming to rest under a nearby table.

The man tosses his grenade at their feet, planning on his gasmask to protect him, but the sudden unarmed attack by Wilheim causes the toss to go wrong and the grenade rolls into the room where it releases a cloud of doze gas harmlessly away from anyone.

Tyrell is moving for the kitchen as quickly as possible.

OOC: New round. The laser pistol flies 5 meters away from the two men in the upper left hand corner of the galley. Marked Pi on the map. I did not make a RS roll for the disarm attack this round because that is my own rule. In the future all disarming attacks will allow a Str or RS roll to resist being disarmed. New round. Please roll initiative. All attacks, damage and roll initiative for the next round as well.

Tyrell Morrow
player, 5 posts
IM +6, STA 30/30
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 19:17
  • msg #21

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Tyrell enters the kitchen...
This message was last edited by the player at 19:18, Thu 21 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 6 posts
IM +6, STA 65/65
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 07:47
  • msg #22

Aboard the Serena Dawn

Wilhelm tries to grapple with the pirate and pin him to the ground as he cries loudly in his 'Sergeant' voice. "Someone get his pistol and kill him already".
Space Pirate
NPC, 3 posts
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 14:21
  • msg #23

Aboard the Serena Dawn

The passengers are all trying to get as far from the fight as possible. The screams have stopped until, from the direction of the other entrance they all hear another man yelling. "He said stay where you are! Stop moving around or Ill bash your head in!" The corporate wage slaves begin screaming again.

Wilhelm tries to grapple the pirate but is unable to get a good solid hold on him. The pirate punches and kicks at Wilhelm striking him in the arm. "You are making this worse on yourself!" He says as he reaches for another grenade.

OOC: New round. I’ll get a map up tonight but little actual movement this round. Roll initiative. The other man has not appeared around the corner yet but you can hear him coming.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:24, Sat 23 July 2022.
Wilhelm Lancer
player, 7 posts
IM +6, STA 62/65
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 09:16
  • msg #24

Aboard the Serena Dawn

He steps back and reaches for the dropped pistol, taking a quick shot at the pirate.
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