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Computers & Programs.

Posted by CaptainHellrazorFor group 0
GM, 893 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2022
at 12:24
  • msg #1

Computers & Programs


A computer is a sophisticated electronic machine that can receive and analyze information. A computer works by running programs. Every program is available in six levels. The higher levels are more complex and able to handle more information. Each program requires a certain number of computer function points in order to operate. A function point is a measurement of a computer's ability to process information. Higher-level programs have a higher function point requirement. The Computer Program list shows the number of function points a program needs.

When a character buys a computer he actually is buying individual programs and the hardware needed to run them. For example, when a character buys a level 1 Analysis program (1 function point), he gets not only the program, but also a computer circuit module that can process a 1-function point program. A computer's level is determined by totaling all the function point requirements of the various programs and finding this number on the Computer list. If more programs are added to the computer later, its level may be raised.

EXAMPLE: A small inter-stellar business run by "Slingshot'' Simmons buys a computer to keep track of its finances. Simmons buys a level 2 Analysis program (2 function points), a level 2 Commerce program (6 function points) and a level 1 Information Storage program (2 function points). The computer needs a total of 10 function points, making it a level 1 computer. It costs 10,000 Credits. If Simmons later adds a level 2 Robot Management program (4 function points), his computer has 14 function points, making it a level 2 computer.

Structure Points. A computer's weight in kilograms also is its number of structural points. Thus a level 4 computer that weighs 100 kg could take 100 points of damage before it stopped working.

Power Sources. Level 1 to level 4 computers are powered by parabatteries of the same type as the computer's level. Level 5 and 6 computers use power generators type 1 and 2, respectively. Computers will operate for at least one year before their batteries must be recharged. Power sources must be bought separately.

Computer Programs

The standard computer programs listed below can be purchased by anyone in any store that sells computers or computer parts and equipment. A program's cost is the number of function points it requires, multiplied by 1,000 Credits.

Analysis. An Analysis program allows a computer to perform mathematical calculations and computations. Level 1 is basically a sophisticated calculator. At level 3 the program can do advanced algebra and calculus. At level 6 it can do all known mathematical calculations, including theoretical math.

Bureaucracy. A Bureaucracy program coordinates other programs. For example, a city could use the Bureaucracy program to coordinate Commerce, Communication, Industry, Law Enforcement, Life Support, Maintenance and Transportation programs. A Bureaucracy program can coordinate a number of programs equal to its level x 3. It is not needed unless the programs being coordinated are level 3 or higher.

Commerce. A Commerce program enables a computer to handle business transactions. Commerce covers such areas as banking, stocks, market trends, bookkeeping, imports and exports. A level 1 program could be used by starship computers to record the cargo manifest, passenger records and ship's books. A level 6 program could be used to coordinate all commerce in a city.

Communication. A Communication program deals with all aspects of communication, including news, entertainment and public service announcements. It can control radio, holophones and holovision communication devices. Higher program levels can handle more complex systems. A level 1 communications program might be used to handle communication and to provide packaged entertainment on a starship. A level 6 program could monitor all communication in an entire city.

Computer Security. Computer Security programs protect a computer against both physical and program tampering. A Computer Security program must be defeated or bypassed before a computer specialist can change any programs or interface two computers. Computer Security programs can also control physical defenses guarding the computer. A level 1 Computer Security program is simple code words that lock other programs, plus a simple recognition code such as a fingerprint reader. A level 6 security program sets up a complex system of codes and special directions, and guards the computer with robots or remote guns.

Industry. An Industry program deals with turning raw materials into products. It can be used for both agriculture and manufacturing. At level 1 an Industry program could run a starship's hydroponics system and machine shop. At level 6 the program could coordinate many large factories and farms.

Information Storage. The Information Storage program is passive. It is simply a record-keeping system. A level 1 Information Storage program could be used by a business to record its yearly sales data. A level 6 program could store an entire university library.

Installation Security. An Installation Security program coordinates the defense of an area. Higher-level programs can defend larger areas. A level 1 Installation Security program could lock a building's doors at a certain time and call the police if an alarm set off in the building. A level 3 installation Security program would not only lock the doors and call the police, but could control pressure plate sensors, I-R scanners, holovision cameras, special weapons, etc. At level 6, the program could defend an entire city or starport.

Language. The language program enables a computer to translate known languages into each other and, at higher levels, to translate unknown languages into known languages. Higher level programs can translate more languages. Translating an unknown language requires at least a level 3 program.

Law Enforcement. The law enforcement program is used to coordinate the efforts of all law enforcers in an area. Higher level programs can control a larger area. The program can handle police calls, schedule patrols, monitor trials, control riots and scan for developing crime trends. A level 1 program could monitor traffic flow and patrol routes in one precinct, while a level 6 program could run an entire city police department.

Life Support. The life support program controls lighting, temperature control, weather prediction, heating and power plant control. A level 1 program can control the life support system on a starship. A level 6 program could handle all the life support functions of an enclosed city.

Maintenance. The Maintenance program handles standard janitorial functions such as cleaning, painting and basic repair. It can also coordinate services such as garbage collection, fire inspection and sewage removal. A level 1 program could maintain a starship. A level 6 program could coordinate maintenance for an entire city.

Robot Management. The Robot Management program lets a computer control robots. Higher level programs can control more robots. This program often is used along with the Industry, Security, Law Enforcement and Maintenance programs. The Robot Management program must be a least as high a level as the robots it is controlling. The number of robots that a program can control equals its level multiplied by its number of function points.

Transportation. The transportation program allows a computer to control a mass transit system, including traffic control and distribution of products. A level 1 program could control mechanized sidewalks, elevators and escalators in a building. A level 6 program could run all of the monorails, buses, subways and traffic control signals in a city.
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