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, welcome to Rogue Trader, the Pious Lament

02:36, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1, gun cutter.

Posted by alphapredFor group 0
GM, 98 posts
Listen to the fear,
it could be your friend.
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 13:58
  • msg #1

Chapter 1, gun cutter

Séarlait, Alexei and Eawynn

The port on Stone’s Throw has never been so busy, boats and lifters cover all of the small plascret apron in multiple rows with just an odd gap here and there where someone has recently departed while vehicles and personnel of all colours, shapes and sizes scurry around the forest of landing gear. At the far edge of the field sections of perimeter fencing have been remove to give access to the smallest craft have been obliged to line up on the arid soil.

‘Autumn’s Fall’, the second gun cutter in the Laments small squadron of ships, sits in pride of place directly in front of the terminal building where an honour guard of around a hundred smartly dressed PDF troops stand waiting. Facing them from in front of the gun cutter are the Pious Lament’s own honour guard, twenty men in polished carapace under Lt. Welton, also here, standing casually by the hatch are the 1st officer, Alexei Talionis, and Lord Harington’s personal assistant Fesian, who has been advising the new Lady Captain since Lord Haring ton’s death, while within the cockpit are Eawynn Ligashar, the new master helmswoman, Lt Heskith and the enginseer Micherwhit 22.

Both honour guards snap into a parade salute as the cavalcade of grav cars comes into view and a band, stood off to one side, strikes up with a stirring march. The first car disgorges five men in civilian attire who spread out, all staring off in different direction with serious expressions on their faces. From the second car emerges the planetary governor and his wife, waving to the cheering crowds who pack the terminal building and stand ten deep behind the perimeter fence. Séarlait, emerges from the third car with Medb and Shireen Saoirse and Órlaith Ita, (few of the crew yet know who these other people are), they stand patiently waiting while behind them cars continue to unload their passengers and move away.

Speeches are made, hands are shaken and finally the new Lady Captain and her entourage move to the ‘Autumn’s Fall’ and climb aboard, as she does so, a man dressed in a black uniform with an aquila embroidered in gold across the chest, steps forward and hands Séarlait a black briefcase, with an aquila across both faces. Lt. Welton barks some orders and the honour guard file in to the seats at the back of the gun cutter where they sit to rigid attention and the Lieutenant latches the hatch behind him as ground workers outside push it closed.

In the cockpit Eawynn hears Lt Heskith through the headphones in her flight helmet, ”all pre-flights completed ma’am, and permission granted for lift off.”

Awareness test please, from anyone in this scene.

Eawynn Ligashar
player, 20 posts
Void Mistress
W: 10/10, FP: 3/3
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 02:29
  • msg #2

Chapter 1, gun cutter

++Roger that Lieutenant Heskith. Takeoff immanent.++ former Wing Commander Eawynn Ligashar Voxed back through her helmet.

However, despite the level of clear care that this little Gun Cutter had undergone over the years, the light of the Golden Throne would go out before the veteran pilot didn't run through the per-flight rituals on her own. When her hands were gripping the sticks, she made sure the ship was in working order. She had nearly come to blows with some Enginseers in the past over this insistence, but it was what it was. Despite looking like she was only in her thirties, juvenat treatments were hiding a much older and more stubborn woman.

Checking through the power distribution and inertial dampner readouts, and quickly followed by fuel and spatial orientation sensors, Eawynn flicked a few switches and fiddled with a few dials to make the settings exactly what she wanted. A Gun-Cutter was no Lightning Strike or Fury Interceptor, but it was better than a ground or air car. Always better to have things set exactly as you want it, even on the offhand chance something happened and you needed to burn sky with a high rate of accuracy.

++You need to do anything before we lift off, Boss?++ the noble-born woman asked over her helmet Vox to the passengers sitting in the hold behind her.

OOC Mechanics
10:16, Today: Eawynn Ligashar rolled 44 -- a simple failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 35.  Awareness Test.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:28, Thu 01 Dec 2022.
Searlait Saoirse
player, 57 posts
8/8 3/3
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 03:24
  • msg #3

Chapter 1, gun cutter

Searlait waits for the final tedium to finish and to be allowed to depart, offering the Governor a short trip to the Lament as befits their status and their hospitality while on planet, an offer she hopes they will politely reject.

She waits for her family to board as she meets the Imperial official, takes the briefcase after passing off her spear to Órlaith, noting her thanks and making a half-aquila with her free hand before stepping aboard, stowing the briefcase in her cabin and sitting in her launch cradle and locking in. ++No, please get us back to the ship I would like to have a proper head meeting with all department heads before we depart.++
Alexei Talionis
player, 34 posts
11/11W 4/4FP
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 07:57
  • msg #4

Chapter 1, gun cutter

It would be a lie to say that he's not feeling nervous about meeting the new Lady-Captain, but as old Locke - the first officer before him - once said, "Fear is a serpent; seize it by the throat and throttle it, or it'll slip out of your grasp and sink its fangs into you. And my boy, fear cuts deeper than the finest power sword."

And so, he snaps to attention with the rest of Lady-Captain Saiorse's contingent, hiding any tension behind a mask of stern discipline, and by the time he's aboard the gun-cutter the nerves are gone. It reminds him vaguely of his own time in the Militarum; there's no time to be afraid when you're trying to show the enemy his guts.

Much like the Lieutenant and the rest of the carapace-armored honor guards, Alexei is at attention, largely because he'd rather err on the side of caution and come off as disciplined rather than dissolute. Perhaps they might be able to relax a little around each other in the future, but right now...

His gaze then shifts to Medb, Orlaith and Shireen. Shireen's obvious enough; probably a daughter of some sort. Orlaith and Medb are a bit trickier. Given her militant's outfit, Orlaith is probably a bodyguard, which leaves Medb as consort or spouse. Seeing Shireen makes Alexei glance briefly to Dima, but then snaps his head back forward; this is no time for sentiment.
Eawynn Ligashar
player, 21 posts
Void Mistress
W: 10/10, FP: 3/3
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 15:35
  • msg #5

Chapter 1, gun cutter

++Copy that. Please ignore the turbulence. I don't know what Trader policy is, but in the Navy if we were transporting a VIP, we fly like we are going to come under fire any minute. Makes the assassins earn their money, if they are targeting us.++ Eawynn replied cheerfully over the Vox, hoping that she wasn't about to be fired on the first day.

True to her word, Eawynn hit the VTOL thrusters hard. So instead of a slow, easy, graceful liftoff, the Gun-Cutter practically jumped off the ground, slamming everyone's stomachs into their shoes. Now barely six meters off the landing pad, the veteran pilot opened up the engines to full throttle and the ship went from zero to supersonic in a matter of heartbeats. If it wasn't for the inertial dampers working overtime, things would have been very bad for the pilot as well as the passengers. It it was the experience was most...unpleasant. Things settled down a bit once everyone's body got used to the change in velocity, but the Space Ace did throw in a few wild and unexpected jukes and rolls. If it wasn't for the soft sound of whistling echoing from the cockpit, a jaunty take on "The Wilds of Elysia," one could not be blamed if they thought that the pilot was having some kind of fit. But no, Eawynn was happy, easily in control, and glad to be going through the old maneuvers. If there were any assassins, they were going to need to work their asses off to tag this bird.

++ETA to the Pious Lament: fifty-seven minuets. I'd get comfortable back there, if I were you.++ the new pilot said casually, as if the past few moments were completely unremarkable for her.

OOC Mechanics
13:01, Today: Eawynn Ligashar rolled 47 -- 2 degrees of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 74. Pilot (Space Craft).

This message was last edited by the player at 17:02, Thu 01 Dec 2022.
Searlait Saoirse
player, 60 posts
8/8 3/3
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 16:27
  • msg #6

Chapter 1, gun cutter

As the pilot hit supersonic Searlait saw Shireen, who was unused to flying this aggressively, get slammed into the seat and go a little green which slightly annoyed to see her daughter in such discomfort. ++Captain to cockpit, while I appreciate the speed my daughter does not, please lighten up on the accelerator a little++ she says into her microbead while reaching out hand to hold onto Shireen while Medb holds the other.
Alexei Talionis
player, 37 posts
11/11W 4/4FP
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 17:05
  • msg #7

Chapter 1, gun cutter

It is at this moment that Alexei silently rejoices that he had thought to prepare for rough takeoffs and voidsickness. He glances aside to Dmitri, who seems rather concerned about Shireen..

"Sundry Pack A, Dima," Alexei says in clipped tones. The lad pauses, then immediately reaches behind him for a small waxskin package before handing it to Alexei.

THe older man takes it and quickly riffles through the contents before nodding. Sturdy folded packet, small bottle of water, anti-emetic tabs... He extracts the following items from the package and adds his own folded handkerchief on top of it before rising and offering them to the Lady-Captain.

"Madam," he says, head lowered in deference.
GM, 105 posts
Listen to the fear,
it could be your friend.
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 19:50
  • msg #8

Chapter 1, gun cutter

As ‘Autumn’s Fall’ lurches suddenly from the plascret apron and squirms into the sky with hard jinks on all four axis. Caught off guard by the unexpected severity of the launch, Micherwhit 22 struggles to retune the compensators, and with supplications to the machine spirits, performing the rights of tuning on the dials on his panel and the realise of some oily smelling liquid from a small glass vile he crushed between his fingers, regains some control and the ride for the passengers is smoothed out to just uncomfortable.

At the launch Fesian goes wide eyed and pale, scrabbles desperately for a bag and turns to the wall to throw up loudly, colouring the air with the sharp tang of vomit, his attempts to apologise are several times interrupted by repeat performances and he eventually steels to repeated dry heaving into the corner.

Auspex displays indicate a second, smaller vessel lifting of at the same time, easily following the heavier gunship through its manoeuvres, IFF indicates it is the Captain’s Aquilla which follows Autumn’s Fall out of the atmosphere.

Fesian finally recovers enough to apologise with downcast eyes, ” most sincere apologies My Lady, that was totally unforgivable.”

Eawynn Ligashar
player, 22 posts
Void Mistress
W: 10/10, FP: 3/3
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 20:04
  • msg #9

Chapter 1, gun cutter

++Aye aye Captain.++ Eawynn replied promptly, rolling her eyes at the delicate constitutions of her passengers.

Technically, lowering the overall velocity of the Gun-Cutter by 1.5% was lightening up a little bit she thought as she pulled back on the lever ever so slightly. She still kept up her erratic route however. Old habits were hard to break, and there was no reason to in this case. If upset tummies were the worst thing these people suffered for wanting to get places in one piece, so be it.

The groan from Osmie in the co-Pilot's seat reminded her that the young woman also didn't care for the type of flying Eawynn excelled at.

"For Throne's sake, suck it up! Breathe into a bag again if you have too!" the Wing Commander scoffed at her personal adjutant.
Alexei Talionis
player, 38 posts
11/11W 4/4FP
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 00:55
  • msg #10

Chapter 1, gun cutter

Alexei sighs to himself. It's not that he disapproves of Fesian technicolor expectorations - in fact, he did the same thing himself the first time his transport lifted off Mivnudel - but rather, the Navy's men are expected to be as steely as the vessels they serve in. Eldar raiders, chaos heretics and ork brutes won't wait around for your stomach to settle before trying to show it to you.

"Clean him up, Dim," he instructs the ensign. "Check if the gents in the rear need any assistance too."
Searlait Saoirse
player, 61 posts
8/8 3/3
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 07:26
  • msg #11

Chapter 1, gun cutter

Searlait accepts the offered items and passes them to Medb except the water which she cracks open and has Shireen take a sip before another sudden course correction shifts them sideways and she splashes water into the air then all over the floor and Alexei's boots. "Apologies" she says before re-capping the drink and handing it back before getting up, firmly holding onto the handholds as she makes her way to the cockpit.

Opening the hatch she enters cockpit and seals the door behind her and looks for a jumpseat if any and will take it, if not she will brace as best she can and address the pilot. "For reference, if we are not in an active combat scenario, and especially with my wife and child aboard please refrain from erratic diversionary maneuvers, she is a child and not used to such things"
Alexei Talionis
player, 39 posts
11/11W 4/4FP
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 07:55
  • msg #12

Chapter 1, gun cutter

"Not at all, Madam," Alexei says as he withdraws from Searlait's path as she approaches the cockpit. Upon seeing the door shut, he can only imagine the tonguelashing the Lady-Captain is about to unleash and counts himself lucky that it's not directed at him.

Then again, he isn't entirely blameless here; he should have discussed this with Eawynn beforehand, knowing her tendencies for wild aviation. Still, there's no need to compound what she's getting from Searlait with anything from him. Perhaps a drink at the Conquest might be in order.

After noting the discretion Searlait showed, however, Alexei is similarly inspired by her. He raises his voice in a conversational tone, addressing nobody in particular.

"Well, I've always found taking deep breaths and relaxing to be the best way to overcome voidsickness. It'll all be fine once we get aboard the Lament; gravplates there are calibrated to 1.0 Terra standard."
Eawynn Ligashar
player, 23 posts
Void Mistress
W: 10/10, FP: 3/3
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 14:33
  • msg #13

Chapter 1, gun cutter

Eawynn didn't look back when the hatch to the interior compartment opened. She was much too busy for that. She was surprised when the voice of the Captain came to her however. If there was to be a message passed in private, she expected the Boss to send a lackey. An interesting fact to note about her new employer.

"I assume you've looked over my non-redacted service files, Boss? When you were paging through it, did you happen to notice how many VIPs I've lost during transport?" she asked mildly, still concentrating on her work.

That sounded like a setup to some point, but it was a simple question.
GM, 110 posts
Listen to the fear,
it could be your friend.
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 16:52
  • msg #14

Chapter 1, gun cutter

As she enters the cockpit Séarlait a receives a ”ma’am” from Heskith and a small bow of acknowledgement from Micherwhit 22 as he unfolds the spare seat from it’s stowage in the bulkhead for her. Up ahead she can clearly see the ancient battle cruiser, small from here but large enough to make out its unmistakable shape

In the body of the craft, things have settled down, now that the enginseer has retuned the gravity dampers they compensate for the more extreme manoeuvres.  From the reart of the cabin Lt. Welton responds to the first officer, ”all is well here, thank you Sir.” While Fesian sorts himself out and cleans up a bit while trying to avoid eye contact with anyone else.
Searlait Saoirse
player, 62 posts
8/8 3/3
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 17:23
  • msg #15

Chapter 1, gun cutter

"I have reviewed you record, the redacted and non-redacted versions and I am well aware of your flight competence Helm Officer Ligashar. I've also had the honour of contacting your former C.O. before I departed and he unofficially informed me of your propensity for slightly erratic flight characteristics, complaints from VIP's and a touch of insubordination and lack of official decorum. Now, this may not be the best meeting seeing as my daughter just puked all over my XO's shoes back there, and your lack of professional courtesy can be overlooked after I officially take control of the Lament when we land if we can work together." She says, trying to be stern yet soft, if she can change the attitude a little now before it gets too far into the ship she could win them over with a bit of honey then an officer's lash.

"The lack of formality is something that can be addressed in the future and normally I'm not a fan but in situations that require it, such as the first official flight to my ship, formality is to be upheld understood?"
Eawynn Ligashar
player, 24 posts
Void Mistress
W: 10/10, FP: 3/3
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 18:31
  • msg #16

Chapter 1, gun cutter

"...I'd say insolence more than insubordination. 'A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt,' and all that," Eawynn said with a shameless shrug, quoting the Tactica Imperium.

"But my question wasn't to establish my credentials. My record should bring some hard facts to your new position. As I understand it, you are newly inherited to the Captaincy position, correct me if I am wrong. Anyways, I've performed more than ninety VIP transports in my time with the Navy. Forty-nine of which were in active combat, and seventeen in supposedly peaceful and safe locations that had assassins laying in wait. And one time an eight-minute flight from a space station to the transport ship, we found the claws of a Genestealer stuck into the underside of the Valkyrie, severed at the wrists. Apparently the G-forces were too strong, and it's exoskeleton couldn't handle the flying. And we had no records of any 'Nid contact in the sub-sector previously. The ultimate point of this little rant is that seemingly normal transport can be incredibly dangerous, especially for people of power and authority, which you are now. I would be more than happy to apologize to your daughter when we land safely, clean the inside of the Gun-Cutter, and polish your XO's shoes. Hell, it's been a while since I took a good lashing, maybe you'll want to throw one of those in too. But you hired me to do a job, and I intend to do it. If you don't care for my manner of flight, you have every right to see me off. And if you give me a direct, unambiguous order to fly like a Servitor, I will do so now. Just know that I do so under protest for your safety. And mine, come to think of it. Your call, Boss. Safe, or comfortable. I can't do both," the aged pilot said with a casual shrug.
Searlait Saoirse
player, 63 posts
8/8 3/3
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 01:28
  • msg #17

Chapter 1, gun cutter

Searlait bristled a little at the continued nonchalant both in regards to her flying and attitude towards a superior officer whether active military or otherwise. "I can understand that even mundane flights can't be treacherous and that I am a target, I have been a target my whole life, my mother was assassinated and I've had at least 3 attempts that I am aware of before I even came of age for most of the Imperium" she tells the helmswoman "But at the very least for right now if I need to give you a direct order them consider it given, reduce flight to standard characteristics unless there is an active threat against us or our forces and when we are on the Lament we will reconvene on this topic and establish our relations then" she adds getting up and leaving the cockpit before Eawynn can respond and heads back to the restraint throne and buckles herself in. "We should be there soon" she says to soothe Shireen, as she subtle checks her chrono for an ETA.
GM, 113 posts
Listen to the fear,
it could be your friend.
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 08:06
  • msg #18

Chapter 1, gun cutter

The Pious Lament looms considerably larger as Séarlait returns to the main body of the cabin where things are more controlled than when she left. Fesian, still looking a little green, offers her a week smile and a data slate, ”my Lady, there are several people, aboard and ashore who have requested meeting with you,” he says, ”these are just the ones that seemed more pressing, the full list is on your desk.”
Eawynn Ligashar
player, 25 posts
Void Mistress
W: 10/10, FP: 3/3
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 15:04
  • msg #19

Chapter 1, gun cutter

"Aye aye, Captain," Eawynn replied to the order and light dressing down with a simple, curt acknowledgement.

And suddenly, the ship was flying gentle and evenly. Someone could probably have balanced something very fragile and expensive and not worried about it breaking, things were so steady and smooth. Apparently, the pilot even did "flying in a straight line" well. Though from the look on her face, and the twitch of her temple, it was clear that she was displeased with her orders. Though, being a veteran Navywoman, she was long used to that state of affairs.
Searlait Saoirse
player, 64 posts
8/8 3/3
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 01:54
  • msg #20

Chapter 1, gun cutter

Searlait takes the dataslate to review the list of names and asks "I'm assuming a list of all primary shipborne personnel is on the list. I'd like to have a meeting within the next 24-48 hours with them especially before he heave off."

Putting the slate down on her lap "Anyone you see as most urgent?" She asks the former Rogue Trader's assistant knowing he would have more unofficial knowledge of the ship.
GM, 117 posts
Listen to the fear,
it could be your friend.
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 02:39
  • msg #21

Chapter 1, gun cutter

”I think that all of your senior officers would like a meeting My Lady, but perhaps start with the most senior of them, Mr Talionis here” Fesian nods to Alexei, ”and your new Factotem, Mr Vormav. Having spoken to them you might have a better idea of what your priorities should be.”Fesian pauses and glances through the view port to Pious Lament, getting ever larger as they approach, his expression unreadable for an instant but he quickly turns away and smiles.

”We also have a new Enginseer Prime I understand but he seems totally focused on the wellbeing of the ship and a meeting with him could probably be left for a more convenient time.”

”Incidentally my lady, what do you wish to do about the captain’s quarters, they were sealed off on Lord Harington’s death, I can have them cleared out if you wish to move in there, or perhaps you’d like to inspect them first?”
Alexei Talionis
player, 44 posts
11/11W 4/4FP
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 03:11
  • msg #22

Chapter 1, gun cutter

"Madam," Alexei nods as Fesian mentions him. "Please allow me to extend my congratulations to you upon your inheritance of the Warrant of Trade. As Lieutenant Fesian has mentioned, I am Commander Alexei Talionis, and this is Midshipman Dmitri, currently serving as my subaltern."

Dmitri gamely attempts to appear as dignified as he can to his boss' boss, though it's apparent that he's still a little nervous about standing in front of a peer of the Imperium.

"I believe that between myself, Enginseer Tesla and Master Vormav, we should be able to supply you with any information you require and take any action you see fit aboard the Lament or across the Dynasty. How may my staff and I best serve you?"
Searlait Saoirse
player, 67 posts
8/8 3/3
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 01:24
  • msg #23

Chapter 1, gun cutter

Searlait listens to Fesian suggestions and nods as she looks to Alexei "Thank you for your Congratulations, I shall endeavour to improve all of our lots, but to further to that I will need to have a meeting between the three most senior of the crew. Could you arrange a meeting in the strategium between the XO, High Factotum, and if he is available the Enginseer, perhaps in three hours? If he is busy the ministrations of the vessel take precedence" She asks of him.

With the mention of the former Captains quarters she ponders for a second leans over to Medb, whispers something to her then leans back "We will remain in our current quarters for the time being as we take stock of his chambers, and decide how we can move about and reclaim the space for our family."

[= personnel being brought aboard and was she instructed to keep his quarters sealed?]
This message was last edited by the player at 01:24, Thu 08 Dec 2022.
GM, 122 posts
Listen to the fear,
it could be your friend.
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 02:02
  • msg #24

Chapter 1, gun cutter

The ship hangs in space like a great gothic jewel, old beyond reckoning it has seen many changes in its time, untold and mostly undocumented improvements and modifications have taken their toll on what once have been an unparalleled sceptical of grandeur and might. Even now, with its mismatched buttresses and countless patches and add-ons, it’s still a sight to stir the heart.

The ship grows larger in the view ports, then larger still as its scale is hard to comprehend against the bleak blackness of space, though soon space can no longer be seen, just the exquisite detailing, mostly in lines that pick out the decks. These too get closer and closer until the finest detail can be distinguished, individual rivets over ‘temporary’ patches, the massive shape of a point defence turret, pockmarks and laser scorches on the ancient hull and suddenly, the bright and dazzling opening into the flight deck slips into view.

Even before the ship has touched down the great doors begin to slide closed and a few moments after they seal the faint sound of rushing air just becomes audible, building quickly to a mighty wind that tails off abruptly.

Deck crew emerge in swarms from various doors on the rear bulk head, chocking landing gear, attacking umbilical’s and covers for the various pitot tubes and external instruments. Steps are moved into place and a small honour guard of just six men on security duty form up as the door is cracked open with an ear popping hiss.

” Welcome home my lady,” says the cheery looking woman with ‘Flight Boss’ front and back of a high vis vest in blue.

Searlait Saoirse
player, 69 posts
8/8 3/3
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 02:13
  • msg #25

Chapter 1, gun cutter

Searlait steps off the Fall after the initial guards get off and nods to the flight boss and makes a quick mental check but comes up blank for her name and simply says "My thanks Warrant officer" before turning around and helping Shireen down the ramp as Medb helps her from behind.

Once they have disembarked she raises her voice and practically yells to the assembled troopers and flight deck crew and says "My thanks for your perseverance in these past trying times, the loss of a Rogue Trader is never easy and you have all performed your duties with honour and grace, and for that you all have my most sincere gratitude. As we move forward know that I will endeavour to reward you all as best I can. My first show of thanks will be an extra grog ration to be given to all crew who have honoured me by staying aboard and loyal to this mighty vessel and the crew"
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