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21:24, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol.

Posted by StarMasterFor group 0
Aaron Lancaster
player, 103 posts
Human Medic
Sat 29 Apr 2023
at 08:20
  • msg #86

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

Psychological profiling had never held a lot of interest or appeal to him--it wasn't a line of work he'd had any desire to pursue. Way too many causes for people going crazy.

Still, this current situation with so many factions popping out of the woodwork was downright curios if not intriguing.

He couldn't help wondering whether this was a new phenomenon or something that had been going on for awhile and was just now coming to a head. As he looked over the data and the timeline sequence, he realized that there was something... off... about it.
Theodore McFarlane
player, 1393 posts
Human Capt, IN ret.
Sat 29 Apr 2023
at 11:11
  • msg #87

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

Teddy makes his way to his quarters and puts on his hazard suit and heads over, through the connecter, to Rachando's ship. He turns on his comms and calls out to Ingrid, "You in engineering Ingrid? I'm on my way to lend a hand. Good thing you've been teaching all this to me over the last couple of months! With three or four of us, we might get it under way in a few hours, it looks like he needs to spend some money on updates and maintenance!"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:12, Sat 29 Apr 2023.
Varca Lexand
player, 1032 posts
Human Vespexer
Sat 29 Apr 2023
at 19:20
  • msg #88

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

In reply to Zhouth (msg # 85):

Viridian Starfire:
"But I can put the ship's underway..."

"You do realize that there's not another ship within half an AU of us, and we'll see them coming when they are still hours away. Besides, Voyager is dead in water now. It's completely inert--it can't blow up."

"Among the many things that I learned working for those intelligence types, it's that stuff that shouldn't be able to explode still can."

Viridian Starfire:
"Yeah, Murphy's Law. Know all about it, Zhouth," Viridian responds. "Or are you talking 'spontaneous human combustion'? Watched all those UnXplained Mystery shows when I was a kid. Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it's magic."

"There's always a reason for it. Did you know that flour was explosive? Under the right conditions it is.  We're not talking C4 level of explosive, but it still is."

And your point of pointing out that ANYTHING can explode is? Oh, my god--is your head going to explode?!"

Zhouth stopped and looked up again, this time quizzically. "What? No, and I'm not talking about magic, or psionics, or unfortunate aerosolized air-fuel ratios." He snapped his fingers. "Intelligence types, you know? When there's the right political motive? It's not subtle, but it's usually effective. Starships, briefcases, fancy tea sets..." he seemed to trail off as he returned his attention to his comm once again, although not without a final, distracted mutter of, "I don't think that they ever found all of that Countess's bits and pieces..."

     The Bridge door opens as Varca approaches it, but he stops just short of the door and turns around,

     "Zhouth isn't talking about unexplained accidents, Viridian, and you know it!  Stop yanking his chain!" Varca says in an amused tone, "He's talking about hostile activities that get covered up as accidents.  It happens all the time!"

     "And your point about there not being a ship anywhere close enough to make such an attack...well...just you remember that we remained unseen when we snuck up on Redthane.  Our stealth was good enough to get literally right on top of him.  And the stealth gear we used in order to do that..." Varca points at the front viewscreen, still displaying the red M-type star of Drinax,

     "...Came from right over there.  So don't discount the possibility that another ship or a weapon has been outfitted with similar salvaged tech, and isn't, right now, closing in on us."

     With that, Varca turns and leaves the Bridge, returning to his own quarters to get his Hazard Suit ready.
Theodore McFarlane
player, 1394 posts
Human Capt, IN ret.
Sat 29 Apr 2023
at 20:26
  • msg #89

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

In reply to Varca Lexand (msg # 88):

Teddy, assisting with repairs. May add +1 To the rolls of Ingrid or Kira if assisting them.

15:24, Today: Theodore McFarlane rolled 10 using 2d6+3.  assist with J-drive.

15:23, Today: Theodore McFarlane rolled 5 using 2d6+2.  assist with power plant.

15:23, Today: Theodore McFarlane rolled 12 using 2d6+2.  assist with M-drive.

Ingrid Gustavdottir Sigar
player, 368 posts
Human Merchant
Sword Worlder
Mon 1 May 2023
at 07:41
  • msg #90

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

In reply to Theodore McFarlane (msg # 87):

"Hello Teddy!" Ingrid sang out gratefully. "It's slow going. In this state, a mistake repairing the reactor could blow up the ship; not that I think blowing up this ship would be any great loss if only the three of us weren't onboard."
Rayjaynul Brown
player, 300 posts
Human, Drinaxian
Mon 1 May 2023
at 18:03
  • msg #91

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

That was certainly a discomforting thought but not an overly significant one, after all their own stealth tech wasn't perfect, if you got too close enough it would degrade effectiveness; not to mention the salvaged manner of it made it very unlikely that it'd be complete or without faults or bugs at all. Still, the fact they hadn't been attacked immediately upon their return boded well as clearly someone wanted the ship returned undamaged if nothing else, if at all possible.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:39, Tue 02 May 2023.
GM, 430 posts
Mon 1 May 2023
at 20:30
  • msg #92

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

With Teddy's help (though probably without it as well), Ingrid and Kira have no trouble repairing the Maneuver Drive. It just needed realignment though how it got out of alignment in the first place isn't clear. The misalignment meant that it didn't quite go where it was directed. A pilot would have no problem compensating for that.

The jump drive itself is fine, though some of the grid could stand to be straightened out. No, it's the jump program that got corrupted by someone overriding core data with Monkey Pong. It could have caused a serious misjump. Rebooting the core data fixes that problem. Someone had apparently shut off the auto-reboot function because it was interfering with their game.

That just left the reactor. A systems check didn't show anything wrong other than the heavy element build-up was approaching dangerous levels. Once they reached a critical threshold, the heavy elements could now start to fission... KA-BOOM! Nuclear bomb detonation.

Starports had the automated equipment to clean out the heavies; alas, the yacht did not. You were going to have to get into the reactor personally and 'sweep' out those heavies. It's not really hard work, just a pain in the keister.

In any case, the repairs are effected within an hour. Rachando is escorted back to his ship, the autopilot is engaged, and the two ships are disconnected.

The Vultan engages its Maneuver Drive at 1.1 gees to make up for lost time. The Voyager's autopilot is set to catch up, but it'll be up to Rachando to make his own docking arrangements.

Arrival at Drinax and the Royal Docking Bay is in 9 hours and 27 minutes.
This message was last updated by the GM at 20:30, Mon 01 May 2023.
Kira Cerise O'Neill
player, 82 posts
Scout-1 / Rogue-3
Mon 1 May 2023
at 21:00
  • msg #93

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

Kira excuses herself from the bridge and heads back to her stateroom for a very long shower. She selects an outfit that is both daring and captivating, and should make a lasting impression on King Oleb. The ensemble consists of tight, black leather pants that accentuate her toned legs and shapely hips. The pants are paired with a matching, low-cut leather halter top that leaves her toned midriff exposed and emphasizes her cleavage. Over the top, she drapes a green half-cape that adds a touch of regal flair and complements her fiery red hair. Her outfit is completed with a pair of knee-high, black leather boots.

To accessorize, Kira chooses a silver necklace, drawing even more attention to her neckline, and a pair of silver cuffs on her wrists. Her wavy red hair is left loose, framing her striking face and highlighting her green eyes. She straps a sleek, silver saber to her left hip, the hilt adorned with intricate engravings that hint at the weapon's deadly efficiency. The scabbard has a crimson tassel that matches her half-cape, adding a touch of elegance to her ensemble.

In addition, she fastens several throwing knives around her right thigh in a leather holster. The knives have razor-sharp edges and an elegant, slim design that complements the overall style of her outfit.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:19, Mon 01 May 2023.
Collyn Ramburton
Player, 137 posts
Mon 1 May 2023
at 21:19
  • msg #94

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

"Damn girl! You are some kind of sizzling hot!" Collyn says to her when she opens her door as he walked passed! He whistles, winks and continues, "Now I know why I always loved red heads!"
Kira Cerise O'Neill
player, 83 posts
Scout-1 / Rogue-3
Mon 1 May 2023
at 22:24
  • msg #95

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

Kira returns the wink as she saunters towards the bridge. "Thank you, Collyn. Looking forward to seeing you in your finest as well."
Wrax Trimathonian Humboldt
NPC, 1 post
6th Lord of the Admiralty
Star Guard Commander
Mon 1 May 2023
at 22:28
  • msg #96

Re: 7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

It takes awhile before Varca gets a response from Lord Wrax.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:16, Tue 02 May 2023.
Varca Lexand
player, 1035 posts
Human Vespexer
Tue 2 May 2023
at 00:07
  • msg #97

Re: 7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

[Aboard Vultan. 7 hours 15 minutes until Arrival at Royal Docks]

     Varca steps out of his stateroom and into the central common area just moments after Kira.

     His Hazard Suit--which appears to be the one he's always wearing--is now gleaming, as if he'd waxed the outer surface.  In the center of his chest plate a circular device bearing the Drinaxi Planetary Crest (not the Royal Crest) is done in enameled stainless steel.

     He's wearing the helmet, but the faceplate is open.  He carries no weapon except for an ostentatious twenty-five-centimeter dagger with silver cross-guard and pommel and a rosewood grip.  The sheath is black leather with ornate silver chasing, hanging from his belt on a chain of fine silver.

     Varca pauses to give Kira the once-over...

     "Very nice, Kira." Varca says, "Excellent use of the Pirate Chic style.  Fat Oleb likes redheads--and you certainly cut an eye-catching and dashing figure in that outfit.  Don't be surprised if he asks you to sit on his lap."

     Varca grimaces, "If that doesn't interest you, I've heard that the socially acceptable way to refuse is to simply blush and giggle, but otherwise ignore the offer--you avoid actually refusing a Royal Request that way."

     Varca tilts his head and frowns--raising a gloved hand to point at Kira,

     "The saber is an excellent choice of accoutrement--fancy in decoration but, to the unenlightened, not appearing too dangerous.  Oleb also fancies himself a Fencer, so be warned."

     "Lose the daggers.  While I think the look is daring, weapons are not allowed to be carried in the Palace." Varca slaps the dirk hanging from his belt, "The exception being if the weapon is obviously more ceremonial than functional.  And even then, only a single such weapon is allowed."
Kira Cerise O'Neill
player, 85 posts
Scout-1 / Rogue-3
Tue 2 May 2023
at 00:46
  • msg #98

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

Kira nods at Varca's advice, appreciating his insights into the Drinaxian royal etiquette. "Thank you, Varca. I'll make sure to follow your suggestions. The last thing we need is to offend ol' King Oleb over something as trivial as accessories."

She returns to her stateroom, removes the daggers from her outfit, and places them in her locker. Kira takes one last look in the mirror, making sure her attire still looks flawless without the daggers. Satisfied, she heads back out, confident that her outfit will have the desired effect on the king while adhering to the palace's rules.
GM, 431 posts
Wed 3 May 2023
at 06:37
  • msg #99

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

The inbound journey is uneventful. The Vultan's sensors continue  to register all the ship's in the system, though those in the outer system have the several minutes to hours time lag due to the speed of light limitation. Even if a ship headed inward at 6 gees, it'd take days to reach you.

The Zhodani ship continues to elude the searchers, though that seems to be more about bad intel or incompetence since the Vultan is clearly picking up the Zhodani ship's transponder.

You approach the Highport with some trepidation even though the vector didn't take you close. You get a token electronic wave as you fly by. Fortunately, the defensive orbital gun platforms are under the control of the King, and, while not off-line, aren't tracking you either.

Kira, once again on duty at the helm, deftly pilots the Vultan into the Royal Docking Bay. Spacious for one ship, it can easily handle up to 600 tons of ship. The Royal Shuttle (a 90-ton Delta-Class Shuttle) is already in the bay off on the left.

For some of you, this is the first glimpse of the Royal Palace's grandiose opulence. Gold, silver, and sparkling gems glisten everywhere. Gilt wallpaper, gold trim, silver lame curtains, crystal chandeliers, art (portraits of previous kings and military heroes) dot the walls. Statuary and busts fill niches and 'blank spaces' around the bay. In particular, a 6-foot tall pair of gold (solid?) vultans flank the docking bay's external entrance.

Surprisingly, there is no one in the bay. Even as the ship settles in, no one comes out to greet you. Sensors pick up lots of people going about their business but none of them seem to be hiding or lurking in ambush.

It isn't until at least half of you have disembarked from the Vultan that a hysterical woman runs through the bay shouting "The King is dead! The King is dead!"

She is followed several seconds later by Grand Admiral (retired) Voska Propenski. Although he wasn't alive 200 years ago when the Aslan bombed the planet, his grandfather was, and Voska grew up in the same mold.

"She was telling the truth," he says. "His Royal Majesty King Oleb the XIV was out flying patrol with his Hawk Warriors when his grav-belt gave out and he plummeted to his death. His Warriors are still searching for His Body."
Kira Cerise O'Neill
player, 87 posts
Scout-1 / Rogue-3
Wed 3 May 2023
at 11:46
  • msg #100

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

"What?! The King is dead?", exclaims Kira as she hears the news. "Admiral, we need more details. When and where, and can we be sure he's dead? We can take the Vultan and join the search."
Theodore McFarlane
player, 1396 posts
Human Capt, IN ret.
Wed 3 May 2023
at 14:01
  • msg #101

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

"Varca? I think Kira is right, we need to help with the search, our sensors might be able to find him. Should the Admiral join us?" He heads toward the ship. "We need to get to him quickly, he may just be badly hurt!"
Viridian Starfire
player, 199 posts
Human Merc
Wed 3 May 2023
at 15:10
  • msg #102

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

Upon hearing the news, Viridian is momentarily stunned...mostly cause it changed the whole scenario.

"It is a low-gravity world," he points out after Kira's and Teddy's comments. "I don't know how that'll affect a fall from such a height--is there a chance?"

"I doubt I'd be any good at search-and-rescue... certainly not up to the Vultan's sensors. How about you, Kira? Think you can make better use of your talents on the search? Or maybe you could join Rayjaynul, Collyn and me on that other mission?"

"And, yes, I understand priorities, but I also understand dividing forces and allocating resources as needed when necessary. We may not have this opportunity again."

He was reluctant to bring up the factionalism in front of the Admiral without knowing whose side he  was on. Getting Varca's attention, he gave the Vespexer a conspiratorial wink hoping he'd realize that the threat still remained and could explode at any minute--someone was going to strp into the power vacuum left by the King's death.
Theodore McFarlane
player, 1397 posts
Human Capt, IN ret.
Wed 3 May 2023
at 16:37
  • msg #103

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

Teddy stops and turns to Varca and Zhouth and the Admiral. "Speak to me. Admiral, what have you planned? Is there any chance he could have survived? We should be armed now probably, just in case. All I have is this dress sword. Zhouth? Ideas? Varca? Collyn, go get weapons for us just in case from the ship's locker, My Gauss rifle is in there. You need to go back aboard Varca, or are your attachments present?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:39, Wed 03 May 2023.
Collyn Ramburton
Player, 138 posts
Wed 3 May 2023
at 16:40
  • msg #104

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

"Aye, aye sir!" Collyn goes back aboard to get what weapons he can carry just in case a new rival has come already at the news.
Rayjaynul Brown
player, 302 posts
Human, Drinaxian
Wed 3 May 2023
at 18:15
  • msg #105

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

"Indeed, the ship's sensors would be far better at locating the King than any of our eyes." Rayjay added, immediately skeptical of the whole situation.
Varca Lexand
player, 1036 posts
Human Vespexer
Thu 4 May 2023
at 04:47
  • msg #106

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

[Aboard the Floating Palace, at the Royal Starport.  Planet Drinax.]

     It takes a few moments, but Varca eventually reacts--silently raising his right hand and making a halting gesture.

     "Collyn, stop!" Varca calls over his shoulder, without turning his helmeted head.
     "Apologies, Lord Propenski." Varca says to the older gentleman, "Around half the crew are Drinaxi natives, and all of us are under personal contract to His Majesty.  As you might expect, we are stunned by this news and are anxious to help in any way we can.  If it wouldn't impose upon your Lordship too much, is there any further news of the event, you could tell us?"

     "How long ago was contact lost with The King?  Where was he, in relation to the Palace?  Was this just a standard Patrol--the likes of which he often flies with the Hawk Men?  And, you said that the Hawk Men were searching for The Kings body but--do you know if the Star Guard have been mobilized to assist?"

     As the former Grand Admiral collects his thoughts, Varca turns to those of the Crew assembled behind him--specifically looking to Viridian,

     "Change of plans.  We are--of course--going to assist with the search for His Majesty.  Those of you who feel you won't be needed for the search may remain here, aboard the Palace." Varca gives Viridian a slight nod of his helmeted head, "Make yourselves useful and locate those supplies we discussed.  Pick a team and go."

     "Kira.  You should go with Viridian.  I mean no offense to you, but for a mission of such importance, I am certain that Captain-Lord McFarlane will take the Pilot's seat, himself.  Correct, Captain?"

     Varca turns back to the old man,

     "Lord Propenski...on behalf of Captain-Lord Theodore McFarlane and the Crew of Star-Yacht would be our pleasure if you would come aboard and assist with finding The King." Varca gestures at Vultan,

     "Our Harrier may be a little long in the tooth, Admiral--but the Power of Old Drinax still flows through her circuitryWe would be greatly honored if you joined us on her Bridge."

OOC: Assuming Admiral-Lord Propenski chooses to join us aboard Vultan...

     "This way, if you please, Admiral." Varca leads the way back toward the ship,

     "Ah!  Please forgive my bad manners, Your Lordship--I haven't introduced myself.  My name is Varca Lexand.  As a former Scout with the Star Guards, I travelled extensively around the region for several years.  His Majesty placed me in command of an expedition to visit several worlds to spinward, in hopes of finding new Trade opportunities for Drinax.  All part of his plans to expand our homeworld's economy."

     Varca shuts off his suit's vocoder and opens a private channel to the Crew (who should all have some means of communication on them!)

<COMM Start>>> "Listen up!  We are going to find The King and NOBODY is gonna get in our way!  If those moronic Hawk Men--or even the full-fracking-force of the Star Guards--get in our way, we will remove them!"

     "Aaron, Zhouth--just as soon as we're aboard with the Admiral, make up some spacedust story about 'just remembering' that back on Torpol somebody caught a case of a flu, or something, and that you want to give Lord Propenski a vaccination 'just to be safe'.  Use the excuse of being able to do that customizing-the-vaccine-to-his-biology-thing to get whatever kind of specimen you need from him in order to look for whatever drug may be in use, here on the Palace--then give him a vitamin shot or something.  If you find something, then Zhouth can synthesize an antidote using his new Pharmacology skills, he's been bragging about."
<<<COMM End>
GM, 433 posts
Thu 4 May 2023
at 08:06
  • msg #107

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

"Details are still coming in," Grand Admiral Propenski answers, "but it happened about two hours ago. If you mean by 'standard' anything the King feels like doing, then that's what it was."

"The Hawk Warriors don't agree on just where it happened, or even when, for that matter, so it's a wide search area. I believe a comm has been sent to The Star Guard but there's nothing they can do in the outer system."

"I thank you for the offer but I will be taking the Royal Shuttle to join the search."

With that remark, the Admiral continues to the shuttle and boards it.
player, 1247 posts
Thu 4 May 2023
at 09:09
  • msg #108

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

Zhouth, unsurprisingly, looked rather stunned by the news, though he once again quickly transitioned from that to comm-tapping at an absolutely frenetic rate; once the ex-admiral took his leave, this was joined by a slightly less rapid-fire, "It doesn't matter if this was an accident. We need to find him first. Without killing anyone to do it. Gunning at anyone who isn't obviously trying to kill him will set everything else off." And with that he nearly dashed back inside, his pace restrained only by the need to keep his comm slightly steady.
Theodore McFarlane
player, 1398 posts
Human Capt, IN ret.
Thu 4 May 2023
at 10:02
  • msg #109

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

Teddy nodded to Varca and headed for the Vultan as fast as he could walk without running.
Kira Cerise O'Neill
player, 88 posts
Scout-1 / Rogue-3
Thu 4 May 2023
at 10:34
  • msg #110

7: Next Stop--Drinax via Torpol

"What? Hell no, I'm joining the search!" says Kira to Varca, and follows Teddy
This message was last edited by the player at 12:48, Thu 04 May 2023.
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