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17:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Part 3: Road to Nowhere.

Posted by RefereeFor group 0
player, 126 posts
Thu 20 Oct 2022
at 01:22
  • msg #99

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Vamp held up a hand and let lightning spark up and down her fingers. "Bolter," she told Darian. "Pretty brilliant, really. So what do we do with these new toys the Plague has given us? Can we go in and break the juves out of the camps? Organise some sort of resistance? We have these abilities and no bloody idea what to do with them."
GM, 213 posts
Thu 20 Oct 2022
at 16:17
  • msg #100

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Darina shrugs at Vamp's questions.  "I'm not a revolutionary, I'm just a few weeks ahead of you guys 'cause I got the plague earlier," she says.  "Breaking those kids out would be great, but dangerous and will take careful planning," she adds crossing her arms and leaning back against the wall.  "I know a couple of adults who know about this stuff and care: Kavanaugh downstairs, Mushingi also," she thumbs the door when referring the Ms. Kavanaugh, the owner of the Celtic Knot.  "I also know a couple of juvie groups organizing, doing this sort of thing on a small scale.  The Scooby Gang helped me out."
player, 99 posts
Go Ganger
Fri 21 Oct 2022
at 15:23
  • msg #101

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Tailgate looked at the others a moment. He looked down for a moment. Then he said, "Mine ain't flashy or visible really." He kept his mouth open and the sound of an electronic beeping emitted from his mouth. He gave a shrug. "Other, cool, things too, but harder to do on command an' make it worthwhile. But it's 'parently called a Jammer."

He listened to Darina as they responded to Vamp. He perked up when she mentioned Mr. Mushingi, and then nodded. He frowned. "Scooby Gang?"
Nikola Net
player, 106 posts
Eco Raider
Sun 23 Oct 2022
at 04:28
  • msg #102

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

After realizing that the information that Daryna is sharing with them could result compromising she decided to drop more information, Nikola was happy to start getting some anwsers and the idea of taking action made her revolutionary tendencies tingle. Still her body language like crossed arms conveyed caution..
She looked shortly at tailgate  "Well maybe she is refering to the same group that helped us, i do not now if you heard that already, a group of Juves helped us to escape and stay safe until we dealt with the plague in our bodies"
This message was last edited by the player at 04:28, Sun 23 Oct 2022.
GM, 214 posts
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 22:44
  • msg #103

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

He listened to Darina as they responded to Vamp. He perked up when she mentioned Mr. Mushingi, and then nodded. He frowned. "Scooby Gang?"

Darina looks at Tailgate and says, "poser juves.  A Velma called Dink is a Wizard, clued me in to the safe-house back a here." She thumbs vaguely north, behind the Celtic Knot.
Shin-Ji Han
Street Fighter, 109 posts
Use Red Speech
Tue 25 Oct 2022
at 08:20
  • msg #104

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Shin-Ji tried to remember who the hell the scoobys were but came out blank. Rather than admit his ignorance, he just bushed it off and hoped it was unimportant.

"Lots of people gotta know about that camp. I mean, it's obvious it's public knowledge, but there's no way they hold a big camp holding a ton of juves without making at least a few waves, even if it's somewhere in the badlands.

They gotta be bringing in regular guards and food and supplies and stuff.

Sounds like we need to talk to both the adults and the Scooby Gang.

I hate to discuss this sort of stuff with adults, but if you think we can trust em, Darina, it's preem.

We need a place to start, drum up some info on this place, maybe come up with a strategy."

player, 100 posts
Go Ganger
Thu 27 Oct 2022
at 04:26
  • msg #105

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

The confusion on Tailgate's face broke and faded at the explanation. "Ah." But even thought part of the explanation made sense, some didn't. He knew what a poser gang was, of course, but...he didn't really get it. Not the concept, but the willingness to do that sort of thing. He couldn't fathom that sort of...individuality removal. He repressed a shudder.

He glanced at Nikola and didn't say anything else, since she'd given him a look. He didn't want to mess up...whatever this was.
Nikola Net
player, 107 posts
Eco Raider
Mon 31 Oct 2022
at 04:15
  • msg #106

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Nikola smiled at Tailgate, maybe they were all in the same page without realizing it , she also nodded when hearing Shin-Ji. so she adressed Daryna, “So it seems that we are all willing to accept the help of this adults and poser juves, and  if we can help to investigate the whole camp conspiracy we would gladly do it, as our martial arts expert just said , Logistics could be a clue we can look after”
GM, 215 posts
Sun 13 Nov 2022
at 00:31
  • msg #107

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Darina looked back and forth among the three of you for a moment, then said, "don't look at me.  I'm really not interested in getting involved.  I'm happy to give info and connect you to people."  She says it as though it struck her that the others were waiting for some sort of decision on her part.
player, 101 posts
Go Ganger
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #108

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Tailgate hesitated. He glanced at Nikola. He frowned, looking down for a moment. Then he gave a shrug and looked at Darina. "I guess...we're open to...being connected then? It sounds like?"

He glanced at his allies to make sure he wasn't blundering.
Nikola Net
player, 108 posts
Eco Raider
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 04:54
  • msg #109

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

"Yup I vote for contacting them as well, by the way i am very grateful for all the info you are giving us Daryna, it is very helpful, I hope we can return you the favor sometime"
player, 128 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 05:03
  • msg #110

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Vamp nodded but didn't say anything for fear something she said would alienate this new ally of theirs. She wanted to tell her it was time to shit or get off the pot but didn't think that would go over very well.

At all.

But it was a very close thing.
GM, 216 posts
Sun 20 Nov 2022
at 02:59
  • msg #111

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

"Okay.  Mr. Mushingi runs a 'group therapy' every Saturday night here; it's cover for meeting with 'evolved' juvies who need or want to help.  If you want to talk sooner, like tonight or something, I can ask Ms. Kavanagh to call him," Darina says.  Then her expression turns mischievous and she adds, "I think she has the hots for him."  She does a repetitive twisting motion as she leans against the wall, watching you all carefully, though her attention tends to drift towards Shin-ji often.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:15, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Nikola Net
player, 109 posts
Eco Raider
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 20:31
  • msg #112

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Nikola raises an eyebrow and then leans her head in the same direction to convey that she is interested in the the option Daryna has given of contacting Mushingi giht away , but she doesnt want to end up taking a desition for the whole group due to her impetuous nature, the others might have doubts about how safe it would be to proceed so fast.. specially Vamp and Shin Ji since they suffered losses, the name Mushingi might even ring a bell for them..
player, 102 posts
Go Ganger
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 18:05
  • msg #113

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Tailgate shook his head. "I...think we should wait. I know, comin' from me, it's weird need t'rush in to this."

He shrugged "Mr. Mushingi actually invited me t'the group therapy session already, so it won't look weird t'show up to it. An' I doubt he'd care about bringing along some more that might...need therapy." He grinned for a second at the last part.
Shin-Ji Han
Street Fighter, 110 posts
Use Red Speech
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 22:13
  • msg #114

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Shin-Ji nodded after a moment. They needed to plan.

He hadn't visited the councilor, of course.

The thing about therapy was.. he hadn't gone to it. Minors getting into street fights and practicing with weapons was in the broad category of things that were, at best, quasi-legal. And unsurprisingly, there was no "official" line for the fucked up situation of minors being gunned down in a dojo, so officially, it hadn't happened.

Those who had died or been captured had "vanished". And Shin-Ji was far too busy to bother wanting to talk to anyone about his grief and rage. He certainly wasn't going to talk to an adult about this. "Why yes, adult who works for the corporate system, I am very sad because my mentor, a mercenary, and several members of my fighting place were gunned down by the law because of an outbreak of an infection which has a 100% fatality rate in adults." Seemed like a gonk idea.

Nor was he likely to talk to his fellow juves about it. The only ones he was closest with from his claat were flatlined or vanished. His new friends.. well.. there was one he was close enough to have this kind of discussion with, but he hadn't wanted to dump on her. She seemed to have enough to work through at the moment.

And Shin-Ji he was just young and dumb enough to think that he was fine.
GM, 217 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 19:17
  • msg #115

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

"Alright.  I'll ask her, see if he can come," Darina says.  She turns around and opens the door, at which point any messages that were trying to reach you ping to your phones, and she exits the room heading for the spiral stairs down.

Anyone going with her?  Not necessary, just asking.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:18, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Nikola Net
player, 110 posts
Eco Raider
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 04:35
  • msg #116

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

After looking at Tailgate and Shin Ji , Nikola raises an eyebrow and goes after Daryna since she has the impression that the others would prefer not to call Mushingi right now

"Wait! i think one of our group would like to contact him later, after all he even has some kind of appointment with him"
This message was last edited by the player at 04:36, Fri 09 Dec 2022.
player, 129 posts
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 05:16
  • msg #117

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Vamp watched her leave then turned her attention to her mobile. She was hoping for any news on her missing friends - good or bad. With luck they were in one of the camps they had just learned about. That meant there was a chance to save them. If they were dead then it would be time to avenge them.

With great and terrible violence.

She snarled silently at the thought of her friends lying dead by the hands of the corpses or pigs. She had these new abilities and wanted to try them out on something besides a stationary target.
GM, 220 posts
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 23:34
  • msg #118

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

"Oh, right then," Darina says stopping her tracks and returning to the back room.  She does not close the door again, though; you may if you want to.  "So what do you want to do tonight?" she asks after a minute.
player, 105 posts
Go Ganger
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 06:51
  • msg #119

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Tailgate looked from Darina to the others with a questioning look. "I dunno. If we don't have any more questions or anythin'...we can head home or whatever." He paused and tilted his head. "Unless you wanna go do somethin'?"
Shin-Ji Han
Street Fighter, 111 posts
Use Red Speech
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 13:41
  • msg #120

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

"I'd be up for that. Maybe grab a slice of za or somethin?"

Love of a decent slice seemed to be one of the very few things that every juve could agree on. Shin-Ji wasn't one of those people who was only up on natural food: avoiding soy or scop synthetics was functionally impossible in 2027 unless you were very, very rich, or had a lot of connections.
GM, 221 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 22:50
  • msg #121

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

"Yeah, I'm hungry," Darina says with a look up and down at the boys.  "Pizza, sure, whatever."  She turns again to leave the bookstore, assuming the rest of you are following.
GM, 224 posts
Sat 24 Dec 2022
at 01:38
  • msg #122

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Fade to the New Harbor Mall...

Darina seems quite at home in the New Harbor Mall, not only familiar with the layout but comfortable among the crowds.  In the evening there are more adults than during the day, or better said, a different mix of them:  more business types who try to get some shopping in after work.  The juvies around this hour also seem of a different character:  there are more of the types that lean towards violence, junior booster gangers (mostly megaviolents) who don't like to get up early and generally skip school anyway.

The New Harbor Business Council a.k.a. Melinda Upton's gang, are out in force, but Tailgate, Shin-ji, Nikola and Vamp have an understanding with them and apparently so does Darina.  They don't bother you guys.

There is a Hot 'Za outlet of course, in the food court.  Darina orders a slice and diet soda, and it doesn't look like she is going to finis either.
player, 130 posts
Sat 24 Dec 2022
at 08:04
  • msg #123

Re: Part 3: Road to Nowhere

Vamp nods to the people she knows and somewhat likes, glares at the ones she doesn't but keeps quiet as they walk to get the one food that almost everyone in the mall can agree on.

She orders a slice with meat, "add more meat then add more. If you see cheese there's not enough meat," and a Sugary Frosted Chocolate Bomb SodaTM.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:04, Sat 24 Dec 2022.
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