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19:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Thirsty Kraken.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
player, 16 posts
Monk - Level 1
HP: 8 - AC: 10
Sat 6 May 2023
at 17:35
  • msg #8

The Thirsty Kraken

This is not the first tavern that Akira has been in but it is the largest.  She finds the noise and large number of people rather intimidating.  She takes a place next to Rowan, happy to protect her friend against any gropers.

The monk removes her backpack and pulls out a plate, a bowl, a cup, and some utensils.  She leaves her chopsticks inside as she has found that food around here is not prepared appropriately for their use.  The whole stabbing and slashing at your food at the table seems a rather barbaric tradition to her but then, the people here would probably be appalled at some of her customs.

She will ask about getting some rice, steamed vegetables, and . . . she feels guilty for even suggesting it, maybe a piece of grilled fish?  Just some water to drink.

There is a bit of a pause after Rowan asks about adventures, other than Yngvar's offer, so Akira screws up the courage to offer something.  "Not long after I left the Monkery I stopped in a small fishing village on the Tai Li River.  The fishermen there do not use nets or line, they use birds.  They go out on a small raft made of a half-dozen shoots of bamboo lashed together with a lantern on the front.  They pole out into the river and have these long, aquatic birds with long necks catch fish for them.  They place a ring around the bird's neck so that it can't swallow the fish.  The lantern attracts the fish and the birds catch and then disgorge the fish into a basket," she says.
player, 15 posts
Sat 6 May 2023
at 17:40
  • msg #9

The Thirsty Kraken

In reply to Akira (msg # 8):

Ponder listened raptly, fascinated with the tale. He was a city boy so he had no idea stuff like this happened out in the country! He caught himself staring a bit longer than was polite and returned to watching Rowan fending off Yngvar's advances.
Yngvar the Mad
player, 48 posts
Fighter 1
AC4, HP 11/11 THAC0 20
Sat 6 May 2023
at 18:25
  • msg #10

The Thirsty Kraken

"We'll take a bowl of stew, a platter of cheese, bread, and a tankard of ale please, plus whatever the lady would have!" he says to the server when she brings ale to Ponder.

"Should we group together for the while to find the stolen property?" he asks the table, looking from each face.
player, 23 posts
Light shining on the dark
Sat 6 May 2023
at 20:52
  • msg #11

The Thirsty Kraken

Luthien modestly orders the stew. It's hearty enough, and it's only on top of what the Temple gives him.

"It was my intention to work with you all during such an investigation. Knights stand for the light, but finding that which is hidden is typically not our strong suit."

Of course, he can find those with evil in their hearts, but evil doesn't mean it's the correct stolen property, and not all thieves are evil.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:52, Sat 06 May 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 57 posts
Sat 6 May 2023
at 21:06
  • msg #12

The Thirsty Kraken

The Thirsty Kraken is abuzz with excitement on the night of Lady Mirabelle's performance. As patrons stream into the bar, they are greeted by the sight of the place transformed - the usual dingy and dimly lit atmosphere has been replaced by bright lanterns and twinkling fairy lights strung across the rafters. A stage has been set up at one end of the room, and Lady Mirabelle and her band are already tuning their instruments.

The smell of roasting meat wafts through the air, as the Thirsty Kraken has added several new dishes to its menu for the evening. A team of cooks can be seen hustling back and forth from the kitchen, preparing skewers of juicy beef, lamb and chicken, and giant mugs of frothy ale and wine are being served up by the bar staff. In addition to the usual fare, the bar is also serving up some specialty drinks, including a spicy mead and a fruity sangria that is quickly becoming a crowd favorite.

Despite the festive atmosphere, however, there is an underlying sense of tension in the air. The Thirsty Kraken has a reputation for fights and brawls, and the presence of extra security only serves to underscore this fact. Bouncers, some of them half-orcs and other formidable looking creatures, patrol the room, eyeing the patrons warily and keeping a close watch for any signs of trouble.
Dungeon Master
GM, 58 posts
Sat 6 May 2023
at 21:12
  • msg #13

The Thirsty Kraken

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 12):
ooc: second campaign, you guys can decide who is doing what

As the patrons of the Thirsty Kraken prepare to enjoy the music and the festivities, there are whispers of a more serious concern circulating amongst them. The rumor is that a mysterious sickness is spreading throughout the town, striking down the unwary with strange and debilitating symptoms. The government officials and the healers of the land seem to be downplaying the severity of the outbreak, but the people are not so easily convinced.

At one table, a group of grizzled farmers exchange stories of friends and family members who have fallen ill. "Aye, mine nephew was struck down by this sickness," one man grumbles, taking a swig of ale. "He was fine one day, and the next he was shivering and sweating like a pig."

At another table, a group of merchants speak in hushed tones about the potential impact on trade. "If this sickness spreads, it could be disastrous for business," one man frets, his brow furrowed with worry. "People will be too afraid to leave their homes, let alone come to the market."

Meanwhile, a group of local healers and apothecaries huddle together in a corner, their heads bent close in deep discussion. "It's not like anything we've seen before," one woman mutters, shaking her head. "The symptoms are so strange - the fever, the chills, the rash...we need to find a cure before it's too late."

Despite the government's assurances that the sickness is nothing to worry about, the patrons of the Thirsty Kraken know better. They speak in hushed tones, exchanging rumors and theories about the cause of the outbreak. For many, the thought of falling ill with the strange malady is a constant source of anxiety, and they pray that a cure will be found before it's too late.
Yngvar the Mad
player, 50 posts
Fighter 1
AC4, HP 11/11 THAC0 20
Sat 6 May 2023
at 21:51
  • msg #14

The Thirsty Kraken

"It sounds like there are a few jobs now. A sickness and a thief. Should we form teams and solve both? We have not heard of an Adventurers Guild in the city, perhaps we could check to see if there is one, and if not, start one to keep us employed in future? Would any be interested in joining us in such a proposition?" He looks around the table to each individual, starting with Rowan, then around clockwise. "Would you be interested in running such an enterprise Sir Luthien, to clean up the city and perhaps a few miles around it in time? To help people and do good!"
player, 22 posts
Magic-User Level 1
HP: 4 AC:10
Sat 6 May 2023
at 22:43
  • msg #15

The Thirsty Kraken

"That sounds fascinating Akira," Rowan said, subtly shifting in her seat to place a few precious inches more of empty space between her and Yngavar.

As ate her bread Rowan looked at the others, her large brown eyes somehow growing larger in alarm as she realised Yngvar was about to offer Sir Luthien leadership of the party. A paladin! They'd be broke in a week!

"Helping people is fine I suppose but some of us need money and the opportunity to find more magic."
player, 17 posts
Sat 6 May 2023
at 22:57
  • msg #16

The Thirsty Kraken

Ponder nodded, "Money, opportunity and magic do sound good," Ponder agreed. He sipped his ale, "Perhaps those that want to pursue the missing items one way should gather in a group while those who think that another method would be best could pursue those methods." He looked at Rowan's discomfort. "Well, I guess the lovebirds go in the same group and that will include Luthien as well, I'd wager. A lawful, honorable approach might just be the Way."

Another sip. "Personally, I don't believe that but if it works for Lord Luthien, I'm very happy for him."
Amalfy Scroggins
player, 17 posts
Human Thief Lvl 1
Sat 6 May 2023
at 23:52
  • msg #17

The Thirsty Kraken

Settling for a bowl of stew and a glass of watered down wine, Amalfy tries to find a seat at the table with a good view of the stage.

The crowd did seem the type to be groping at young, handsome men, and his scant wealth was strapped to his calf in a small pouch, so pickpockets weren't a risk.

He listened into the conversation, (the tale about fishing with birds was particularly evocative) but he was quite aware that the others seemed to consider him beneath their notice, as they had ignored all that he had had to say, including his introduction. That was fine, he simply wanted to keep an eye on them, and he knew such fancy folks didn't make friends with people of his class.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:15, Sun 07 May 2023.
player, 25 posts
Light shining on the dark
Sun 7 May 2023
at 01:03
  • msg #18

The Thirsty Kraken

"The Sickness is an interesting thing. The trick is...has it spread yet? I can cure a single soul of illness, but it's only once a week. Lord Brightblade would be similarly limited, though perhaps he might be able to do it 2 or 3 times. Still, that's per week."

Still, better to cure one soul than curse the darkness.

"It is perhaps best if I investigate the illness, at least briefly. Even if all I save is one soul, it's still one soul."

As for 'running' the group?

"If you would have me run such a thing, I'd be honored to do so."

His presence will certainly keep the unsavory sorts from asking for things. Most people know better than to even try.
Dungeon Master
GM, 60 posts
Sun 7 May 2023
at 01:57
  • msg #19

The Thirsty Kraken

Lady Mirabelle and her band, consisting of a lute player, a drummer, and a flutist, stand on the small stage at the back of the Thirsty Kraken. The flickering candlelight casts a warm glow on the musicians as they work on tuning their instruments, their skilled fingers plucking and strumming at the strings. Lady Mirabelle, a striking figure with long golden hair and sparkling blue eyes, adjusts the strings on her lute with care. She wears a flowing dress of deep green velvet, embroidered with gold and silver thread that shimmers in the candlelight. Her fingers move nimbly over the strings, producing a soft and melodic tune as she checks each note for accuracy. The drummer, a sturdy dwarf with a bushy beard, taps on his drum with a practiced hand, the sound resonating through the room. The flutist, a slender elf with pointed ears, lifts his instrument to his lips and blows a few experimental notes, testing the sound.

From the corner, Grimgar surveyed the crowd, noticing the drunken patron beginning to bother other customers. He strides over to the man with purpose, his massive frame towering over the patron's slouched figure. "You've had enough for the night," he growls, his voice gruff and commanding. The patron sputters in protest, but Grimgar's grip on his arm is unrelenting. "I said, leave," he repeats, his words leaving no room for argument. With a firm shove, Grimgar escorts the patron towards the door, the sound of his boots echoing throughout the tavern.
Calgarvin Woodwill
player, 13 posts
Human Druid 1
AC: 7 HP: 8/8
Sun 7 May 2023
at 02:46
  • msg #20

The Thirsty Kraken

Calgarvin finishes his latest tankard of ale and continues to observe the adventurers nearby as they discuss quests. When the big shiny fellow mentions that he is interested in the illness that is plaguing the city, he gets up from his chair and makes use of the empty path created by the bouncer as he took the troublamker out to the street.

He moves beside Luthien and clears his throat. "If you're gonna be lookin' into the sickness here in town, I'd be willin' to help," he says, his eyes looking around darting from one person to the next before back to Luthien. "I'm a local lookin' for work and I have some...skills. Name's Calgarvin," he says as he wipes his hand on his cloak and extends it to the paladin.
Amalfy Scroggins
player, 19 posts
Human Thief Lvl 1
Sun 7 May 2023
at 02:58
  • msg #21

The Thirsty Kraken

The Paladin having shifted his focus from the theft made Amalfy relax just a bit, but he would stick with these people until he knew if any were still on that track.

At the sound of the flute, he rather hoped the band would play Aqualung, though it was an ancient tune and he deemed it unlikely.

I assume Amalfy recognizes Woodwill, his grove being a city attraction, though it seems unlikely the man would recognize Amalfy, who was not known in any way. That he is helping to seek a cure for this disease was a good thing, in his mind, as plagues can ruin a city at the best of times, and with the Crimson Corsairs out there, the current times were already bleak.
Dungeon Master
GM, 61 posts
Sun 7 May 2023
at 03:20
  • msg #22

The Thirsty Kraken

In reply to Amalfy Scroggins (msg # 21):
ooc: lmao, maybe.  Certainly now her opening song will be based on the song Bartender
player, 26 posts
Light shining on the dark
Sun 7 May 2023
at 03:29
  • msg #23

The Thirsty Kraken

Luthien shakes the offered hand.

"Welcome, then. Ultimately, we'll need a non magical solution. 1 a week won't keep up with an epidemic of any sort at all. I'm hoping your lore might be able to help with that."

He knows a master of nature when he finds one, and the people need a cure they can replicate. Magic has limits, and is limited further by who can use it at all.
Yngvar the Mad
player, 52 posts
Fighter 1
AC4, HP 11/11 THAC0 20
Sun 7 May 2023
at 09:31
  • msg #24

The Thirsty Kraken

"Thank you Amalfy for leading us to the manor earlier. We may live here but we've never been up that side of town." Yngvar was disappointed when he noticed Rowan sliding away from him. His heart sank, he thought he was being a perfect gentleman. "We're so sorry If we upset you Lady Rowan, deeply sorry. We had no intention of making you uncomfortable. We were trying to be nice to get you to like us." He hung his head in shame.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:34, Sun 07 May 2023.
Amalfy Scroggins
player, 21 posts
Human Thief Lvl 1
Sun 7 May 2023
at 11:17
  • msg #25

The Thirsty Kraken

"Buck up Yngvar, it's been a busy day, and we're all tired I imagine after that long, fruitless trek. Tomorrow is a fresh day, and patience, in these things as well as many others, is a virtue." He offers his mug of watered wine up in a toast to his new companion.
Yngvar the Mad
player, 55 posts
Fighter 1
AC4, HP 11/11 THAC0 20
Sun 7 May 2023
at 11:25
  • msg #26

The Thirsty Kraken

Yngvar raises his tankard, "To new friends and adventure, may we all get fat, and rich, with bunches of our own kids to carry on afterwards!"
player, 24 posts
Magic-User Level 1
HP: 4 AC:10
Sun 7 May 2023
at 11:39
  • msg #27

The Thirsty Kraken

To her utter disbelief Rowan actually felt a tiny bit guilty about making Yngvar sad. She never felt guilty! Clearly sitting too near Lutien was addling her brain. Still, he had probably kept other leerers away...

"You uh didn't upset me Yngvar," she said quickly, then wrinkled her nose in confusion she'd said that. "Thank you for the drink, and yes you are a gentleman."

Glancing further down the table she nodded at Amalfy's words and raised her own ale to the toast. "To tomorrow then!"
Yngvar the Mad
player, 57 posts
Fighter 1
AC4, HP 11/11 THAC0 20
Sun 7 May 2023
at 11:46
  • msg #28

The Thirsty Kraken

"Thank you my Lady." he says quietly, and beams a smile as he taps cups in salute.
player, 18 posts
Sun 7 May 2023
at 12:18
  • msg #29

The Thirsty Kraken

Ponder interjected, "I want to focus on finding the missing items. There is little I can do about some disease, but finding things, that's more me. Who else besides Amalfy is interested in finding this missing treasure?" Ponder was watching the drunk getting thrown out and anticipating the start of the show.
player, 17 posts
Monk - Level 1
HP: 8 - AC: 10
Sun 7 May 2023
at 14:31
  • msg #30

The Thirsty Kraken

For the most part, Akira is quiet after telling her fishing story, eating her food (I assume it came and wasn't just a plate/bowl of meat) and listening to and watching those around her.  She was trying to figure out some of the conventions and social norms but they were difficult to gauge.  The different people all acted very differently.

At length, she looks over to Amalfy, "are there public baths in town?" she inquires.  It had been a long and dusty journey.  Normally she would simply bathe in a stream or river, but the salty sea water may have to do.

(OOC:  It is really helpful for me personally when people color their text, preferably in a unique but readable color.  It helps me associate posts with people and easily identify when someone said something that maybe I should respond to, although Akira is not much of a talker.)
Yngvar the Mad
player, 58 posts
Fighter 1
AC4, HP 11/11 THAC0 20
Sun 7 May 2023
at 14:48
  • msg #31

The Thirsty Kraken

Yngvar looks over Rowan at Akira, "Public baths? People bath together where you come from? We usually bath in privacy here. We do in any case."
player, 18 posts
Monk - Level 1
HP: 8 - AC: 10
Sun 7 May 2023
at 15:16
  • msg #32

The Thirsty Kraken

Akira creases her eyebrows, "of course, it is a social setting.  How would people get enough water to their houses to bathe every day?" she inquires, confused.  She actually had a hot bath once, in a natural spring near the geysers.  It was the most fabulous thing ever, although in truth she always felt guilty about that episode.  It seemed to indulgent.
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