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Keep on the Borderlands (Game Thread)

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 12 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 02:10
  • msg #1

Keep on the Borderlands

Ahead, up the winding road, atop a sheer-wailed mount of stone, looms the great Keep.  Even from the road, the Keep is an impressive sight:  a mighty castle perched on a flat-topped hill, with a path climbing steeply up beneath frowning guard towers until it reaches the main gate.  Here, at one of civilization’s strongholds between good lands and bad, you will base yourselves and equip for forays against the wicked monsters who lurk in the wilds.  Somewhere nearby, amidst the dark forests and tangled fens, are the Caves of Chaos where fell creatures lie in wait.  All this you know, but before you dare adventure into such regions you must become acquainted with the other members of your group, for each life will depend upon the ability of the others to cooperate against the common foe.

Now, before you enter the grim fortress, is the time for introductions and an exchange of information, for fate seems to have decreed that you are to become an adventurous band who must pass through many harrowing experiences together on the path which leads towards greatness.  You travelled for many days, leaving the Realm, and entering the wilder area of the Borderlands. Farms and towns have become less frequent and travelers few.  The road climbed higher as you entered the forested and mountainous country.  You now move up the narrow, rocky track towards the Keep.  A sheer wall of natural stone is on your left, the path falling away to a steep cliff on the right.  Crenellated battlements line the walls of the Keep, offering plenty of cover for archers to attack any foe coming up the exposed path.  As you draw near, a clanging as of a great gong goes up from one of the towers that overlooks the path – clearly your approach has been noticed.

Following the curve of the path around to the side, there is a small widening ahead, where lies the main gate to the Keep with a drawbridge flanked by thirty-foot-high watchtowers.  The drawbridge allows passage across a chasm, a break in the trail before the gate.  The blue-clad men-at-arms who guard the entrance shout at you to give your names and state your business.  All along the wall you see curious faces peering down at you - eager to welcome new champions of Law, but ready with crossbow and pole arm to give another sort of welcome to enemies.

You six are outside the Keep having just made the climb up the road.  You can decide where on the road from the more civilized lands to West you met.  Up to about a day's march from here there are traveler's inns along the road.  You haven't seen one all day, since you left the last one last night.  The sun is low behind you and the Keep is the only civilized place in sight.  Each of you introduce yourself to the Men at Arms, when all six are declared they will open the drawbridge.
player, 5 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 03:47
  • msg #2

Keep on the Borderlands

The old woman, feeling the weight of her mail upon her shoulders after the long day's travel upon the eastward road, makes an effort to straighten her back and look skyward toward the men-at-arms atop the parapets. She throws wide her arms as if about to deliver a fiery sermon, and shouts up to the men.

"Good men of the Realm," she announces, "I am Thorona, late of the Cenobitic Sisters of the Crystalline Dragon. I am come in the name of our shared faith, that I may do my small part to rid these wild lands of discord and depredation, and by might of arms, make them safe for all goodly, Law-abiding folk." Her gnarled hands and deeply wrinkled face may draw questions about her ability to deliver on such ambitions, but her stubborn gaze defies any mockery or laughter that her words may elicit.

"As for these good, sturdy men," she says, gesturing toward the others, "I shall allow them to speak on their own behalf, though I trust each one is as devoted to this cause as I."

As she steps aside to allow the next in this motley company to speak, she mutters, "Don't make me a liar."
Finn the Mighty
player, 3 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 10:49
  • msg #3

Keep on the Borderlands

Finn waited for Sister Thorona to finish her introduction, and then removed his steel helm so that the crossbowmen could see his face as he spoke.  He was young, perhaps not quite to his twentieth nameday, and — while normally clean shaven — a few days' worth of beard had come in on his face and neck.  The color was a dark brown, and matched the unkempt hair that had been under his helm.  His armor was a simple, yet serviceable, affair. The motif was that of oak, a tree common in the farm country of the lowlands.  The pauldrons each had a large oak leaf, one upon each shoulder, and the breastplate was worked with the design of a grand and many-limbed tree.  The armor itself was worn but serviceable, showing signs of recent repairs.  This was not the armor of some dandy knight.  Rather, this was the armor of an itinerant swordsman.  One who made his living by the blade.

The only splash of color outside of the steel plate, mail and leathers was a dusky gray-blue woolen cloak in a hue that matched Finn's eyes.  The color of the sky before a storm.

"I am the warrior, Finn the Mighty."  He said plainly and without preamble.
player, 5 posts
Apprentice Thief
Weak willed & Impulsive!
Tue 11 May 2021
at 11:10
  • msg #4

Keep on the Borderlands

Behind the bulk of Finn a slender, wiry figure slid into view. He was also a young human, a scruff of auburn hair and beard visible from beneath the cowl of a dark green cloak that had seen better days, as had its owner. His eyes were green too, glinting with cunning or a passable imitation there of. Just visible beneath the cloak was an old but viable leather jerkin, a belt with a sling and a sheathed dagger. In contrast to his two predecessors he might have been from anywhere, lacking any heraldry or religious symbols.

"I am Ash the Apprentice," he said in a clear voice, bowing low to the guard before straighting up and offering a roguish smile. "An expert in traps and scouting."
Falco Mugwort
player, 6 posts
Spear Fighter
Tue 11 May 2021
at 17:13
  • msg #5

Keep on the Borderlands

As the others introduce themselves, Falco stands there among them with his spear resting over his right shoulder and a round, metal-shod, wooden shield slung over his left shoulder. On his back is a pack. His chain mail armor is covered with a dirty, ragged, undyed wool tunic. He wears a padded leather cap on top of his unkept and matted hair. He looks like he's not bathed in at least a year...if not far longer.

Once the flow of introductions works its way over to him, Falco looks up at the men-at-arms and proclaims, "I am Falco Mugwart, a simple spearman, come to stick some goblins...and sample your beer!" He belches with no thought of manners and then scratches his stubble-covered cheek. He lets out a big yawn. His teeth have seen better days.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:16, Tue 11 May 2021.
player, 2 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 23:07
  • msg #6

Keep on the Borderlands

Benny leaned and stared down the cliff face at the side of the road.  There were pretty birds flying down there.  Featherx were so soft and hollow, the others used them to write so they were of the Taut Spear - light and stiff.

He came back to reality as people started talking above them.  Impatiently he waited for his turn, hopping from foot to foot until Falcon stopped talking.  He didn't look like a bird though.  He never knew the man hated Gobbos.  Benny didn't like them either.  They were dirty foul creatures like Falcon except they were also ugly.

It was his turn to speak.  Finally!  What was it the doorman had asked?

"I'm Benny, and this is Knight." He said quickly, waving his right hand.  "We came from Robrenn in a boat with sails and it was windy.  We are here to battle the not normal things.  Knight wants me to show her I am worth talking to."

Dungeon Master
GM, 16 posts
Thu 13 May 2021
at 22:20
  • msg #7

Keep on the Borderlands

Two towers 30’ high with battlements flank a gatehouse 20’ high. All have holes for bow and crossbow fire. A deep crevice in front of the place is spanned by a drawbridge, currently down. One of the men-at-arms calls down into the keep and the portcullis rises granting admission to the gatehouse. ehind the portcullis there is a passage about 10’ wide and high, the ceiling above pierced with murder holes and walls to either side slitted for archery. It is obvious that the building is constructed of great blocks of the hardest granite, undoubtedly common throughout the entire fortress.  At the end of the passage a set of sturdy double doors made of thick wood reinforced with iron bands blocks entry into the keep proper.

A slotted window opens in one of the doors and a mustachioed man in plate mail looks out.  "This is a peaceable place," he says gruffly, his voice gravelly.  "We don't like brawling in the streets, folks stabbed in the tavern or anything like that.  Keep your weapons sheathed within the walls and stay out of trouble and you'll find friends here," he adds looking to confirm that all weapons are sheathed.
Falco Mugwort
player, 7 posts
Spear Fighter
Fri 14 May 2021
at 17:15
  • msg #8

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco's knife is sheathed on his left belt and his sling is tucked away on his belt as well. His spear, however, clearly rests over his right shoulder. Falco's eyes glance up at his spear and then he gives the man-at-arms a deadpan look as he replies, "Right. No stickin' folks inside town." He raises an eyebrow and crassly asks, "Stickin'em outside town is okay though, right?"
player, 6 posts
Apprentice Thief
Weak willed & Impulsive!
Fri 14 May 2021
at 17:42
  • msg #9

Keep on the Borderlands

Ash pulls back his green cloak to reveal his rather paltry collection of weapons - a sling and a dagger - are firmly tucked into his belt.

"No brawling, understood," he replies to the guard, looking relieved.
player, 4 posts
Fri 14 May 2021
at 18:11
  • msg #10

Keep on the Borderlands

Benny nods his head enthusiastically to what the guard is saying.

"I like friends.  I won't start anything.  We are here to help!"
player, 8 posts
Sat 15 May 2021
at 06:46
  • msg #11

Keep on the Borderlands

Thorona smiles stiffly, as if the expression were a stranger to her face, and says, “From the mouths of babes. As good Benny here says, we shall welcome your friendship, and be all the stronger for it.

“I carry no blade,”
she adds, holding open her arms to demonstrate. “Nor shall I take one up, for my sacred vows forbid it. As the ancient scriptures decree, ‘I took not the sword, nor any weapon that cleaves, for it is the right of kings alone to shed the blood of men.’ I have but this cudgel, for the smiting of the vile and the monstrous.”  She gestures to the mace that hangs from her baldric, more than a mere club, though it is questionable how much damage it can do in her gnarled hands.

She assumes that her monastic habit and the weighty Icon of Law thumping against her breast with each step will testify to her peaceable intentions.

The sturdiness of the gateway reassures her that they would be free to relax their guard in this place. It reminds her of how much she has missed the orderly solitude of the abbey and the comforting presence of its enclosure.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:08, Sat 15 May 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 18 posts
Mon 17 May 2021
at 20:16
  • msg #12

Keep on the Borderlands

The mustachioed man opens the gate to let the five adventurers into the keep.  "Greetings sister, I expect you'll be wanting to check in with the Chapel.  Abercrombie is the priest.  You, you can put that spear in the rack over there," he says the last bit to Falco.  There is indeed a generalized weapon rack with some pole-arms in it already inside and North of the gate.

The entry court is twenty feet wide and at least 150 feet long.  Across this court from the main gates are the stables to the right, easy to tell from the smell and sounds of horses; and the warehouse on the left.  At the southern end the court turns West.  The man points in that direction.

"I'm Jarl, corporal of the watch.  Sam here will show you to the Fountain Court, where the Inn be," he indicates one of the four men-at-arms armed with spears, two on each side of the gate.
player, 9 posts
Mon 17 May 2021
at 21:31
  • msg #13

Keep on the Borderlands

"Thank you, Corporal," Thorona says. "Blessings upon you, and those who stand with you."

Turning to the rest of the party, Thorona says, "I must make my introductions at the chapel. Father Abercrombie shall surely know more about the evils that beset the Borderlands than most, and he may know where we would be most needed." She glances at Benny, adding, "You may accompany me if you wish. I imagine this Abercrombie would welcome hearing news from Ogmna."

To the others, she says, "I shall find the rest of you at the Inn, where I trust you shall arrange for our accommodations." Sternly, she fixes her gaze on Ash and Falco. "Pray you, do not give yourselves over to debauchery before we have engaged the foe, hm?"
player, 7 posts
Apprentice Thief
Weak willed & Impulsive!
Tue 18 May 2021
at 21:52
  • msg #14

Keep on the Borderlands

Ash looks shocked that anyone could expect such behaviour of him and pulls his threadbare greek cloak around himself with the affronted dignity of a prince.

"Well, gentlemen, shall we proceed to the tavern?" He looks at Sam to lead the way.
Falco Mugwort
player, 8 posts
Spear Fighter
Wed 19 May 2021
at 07:59
  • msg #15

Keep on the Borderlands

"Right then," replies Falco as he places his spear on the rack. He follows the corporal-of-the-watch's indication as he points Sam out. He gives the soldier-guide a nod.

He replies to Thorna, "As you say, Sister," just before he scratches his butt.

He answers Ash, "By all means. Let us be off," before he looks over at Sam and says, "'Appears we are ready, Lad."
player, 5 posts
Fri 21 May 2021
at 19:28
  • msg #16

Keep on the Borderlands

Benny calmly walks through the front gate, looking down to the4 road and trying to touch all the yellow bricks,  Mr. Moustache was a nice man indeed.  Plus there was new friend Sam who was going to lead new friends Ashley, Falcon, Finn  and Thorona to the tavern where 're would be more people to befriend.  It was going to be another good day.

Thorona wanted him to meet the Priest of the Keep and give him news of Ogmna.  He wasn't sure he had any news but it was probably a good idea to become his friend.  His friends could get hurt.

 Benny knew priests sometimes had funny ideas about ding things 'the right way' but at least they got done.  A priest had taught him lots of things, and he had laughed alot.  He missed those simpler times.

"OK Thorn Ona.  I will go with you to meet Amber Cromby.  He sounds like a nice man.  I'll see you again friend Sam and say 'Hi.'"
Dungeon Master
GM, 20 posts
Fri 21 May 2021
at 23:37
  • msg #17

Keep on the Borderlands

Sam sighs at the menial duty but motions in a friendly manner for the group to follow.  "C'mon, then," he says leading the way South along the narrow court and turning right (West).  He points out the Smithy on the corner and the indicates that North up the passage between the Smithy and the Provisioner is the chapel.  Sure enough, at the end of another narrow passage, the steeple poking up behind a two-story free-standing building, the chapel can be seen tucked up against the wall separating the Inner and Outer Baileys of the keep.

"Rafe Smith can make some decent weapons and armor, maintains all of our stuff, a good man," he says.  "The chapel is the nicest building in the outer bailey, you can head straight down this way to it, Ma'am," he adds addressing Thorona.  Then he Points to the long building with two signs on it.  "That's Quartermaster Moseley's shop, he can get most anything, and what he can't his neighbor Quince will likely have it in the Trader's market."

The buildings in the Keep, those not part of the actual structure, are almost uniformly two stories high, with the lower floors made of stone and the upper of wood.  The roofs are thatched, presumably with wooden beams.

I will pause here to give you the opportunity to comment as those heading to the Chapel peel off. You are standing in between 8 and 9 on the map, the Chapel is 17.  Group 1 Map has labels on the right side for relevant buildings inside the keep.
player, 6 posts
Sat 22 May 2021
at 21:53
  • msg #18

Keep on the Borderlands

So many friends!  The keep was small but everything was new.  There were no dark alleys with the sun out, Benny should explore when it was light and hunker down to hide at night.

He wish he had more coin.  He'd work hard for a place to stay safe.  Maybe if he ran out of money Mr. Crosby would let him into the chapel.  Or he could become a guard!  That might be fun.

Hopefully they would find things in the hill.
Falco Mugwort
player, 9 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 23 May 2021
at 20:24
  • msg #19

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco appreciates it when Sam points out and speaks about the various shops. He mentally notes their relative locations. He may not be the smartest chap, but he has enough sense to pay attention to these sorts of things.

"Thanks, Lad," Falco says to Sam as he gives him a nod of understanding. "Good places to know the whereabouts of. Now about that inn?" He looks at Sam questioningly. "Corporal Jarl said it was near Fountain Court? Whereabouts is it?"
This message was last edited by the player at 21:16, Sun 23 May 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 21 posts
Tue 25 May 2021
at 02:14
  • msg #20

Keep on the Borderlands

(presuming) Thorona and Benny head towards the chapel as Sam leads on between the trader's shop and another stout, stone building along the southern wall.  "That's the bank, miserly old crudge that owns it can loan money if you need it," Sam says as you pass it.  There is a man-at-arms outside in a brown tabberd, apparently a private guard.  Around the corner of the trader's there are two small homes up against the taver and it opens into the fountain square, so called because there is a large fountain in the center, apparently the Keep's water supply.

Forming the Northern and Eastern borders of the fountain square are the Inn and the Tavern, respectively.  The Green Man Inn is at least two stories tall, likely it has a loft under the shingled roof.  It seems to be attached to the One-eyed Cat tavern, also two stories.  "Here ye are, good luck to ye," Sam says and departs with wave, heading back to the main gate.
player, 10 posts
Tue 25 May 2021
at 05:59
  • msg #21

Keep on the Borderlands

Indeed, Thorona slowly but surely walks her way to the chapel without allowing herself to be distracted by any of the other features of the Keep. However, its size gives her a sense of reassurance, and she is glad to be inside of these towering walls in this strange land. After so many years of her life spent in the cloister, this feels positively cosmopolitan.

Upon entering the chapel and genuflecting at the entrance, she seeks out the priest Abercrombie, intent on making a formal introduction.
player, 7 posts
Tue 25 May 2021
at 22:32
  • msg #22

Keep on the Borderlands

Benny followed Thorona as she marched towards the chapel.  He made sure to note the landmarks to navigate because he wasn't going to get lost.  He   sared at the other buildings, then dashed to catch up.

So far he hadn't seen any places to hide.  He followed and imitated Thorona's action as they entered the church.  It was a nice place in the day although some smell bothered his nose.
Dungeon Master
GM, 22 posts
Wed 26 May 2021
at 01:59
  • msg #23

Keep on the Borderlands

The entrance to the Chapel is on the West side near the imposing structure that is the gate to the inner bailey.  The portcullis there is closed and there are men-at-arms guarding it.  Inside the main entrance is the worship hall, about half of the chapel building, two-stories tall with stained glass windows depicting the Saints of the Religion, with St. Erkenbrand taking a prominent role.  There are ten rows of pews on each side of the aisle, seating for hundred, if a bit tight. The altar is at the east end of the worship hall and there are two curtained openings on either side.

The curtains are closed, so can't tell if there are doors behind them.  Dynlor is in the worship hall, I will let him introduce himself.
player, 1 post
Wed 26 May 2021
at 07:53
  • msg #24

Keep on the Borderlands

Having had a quiet but not completely restful night, Dynlor is in the process of gathering his things when he sees two other acolytes enter the chapel. He scrambles up and mumbles: "Oh hello! Have you come to see father Abercrombie? He went out for a while..."

He hesitates, then adds: "Maybe I can help you?"
Falco Mugwort
player, 10 posts
Spear Fighter
Wed 26 May 2021
at 18:25
  • msg #25

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco slowly scratches his left cheek as Thorna and Benny head off towards the chapel. Once they're put of sight, he says "Right, then." He looks over at Ash and Finn and suggests, "How abouts we give the beer here a taste, lads? It has been a long walk." He raises an inquisitive eyebrow towards the other two men.
Finn the Mighty
player, 5 posts
Wed 26 May 2021
at 18:33
  • msg #26

Keep on the Borderlands

Finn had been distant, the sight of the towers and battlements dredging up memories that took him elsewhere for much of the exchange.  Upon Falco's urging, however, the large man shook his head, clearing those unwelcome thoughts with some effort.

"Yes, yes."  He said.  "Some tea to wash the dust from my throat would be sorely welcome."
player, 8 posts
Apprentice Thief
Weak willed & Impulsive!
Wed 26 May 2021
at 22:08
  • msg #27

Keep on the Borderlands

Ash scratches at auburn beard and smiles ruefully. "An ale sounds wonderful but I don't have so much as a brass penny to my name."
player, 8 posts
Thu 27 May 2021
at 00:47
  • msg #28

Keep on the Borderlands

Benny brought his eyes down from the pretty windows andown to the pretty boy below.

"Oh, you aren't Amber Crombie?" He asked.  "Oh well, who are you then?  Why are you here?  Thorona is here to talk to the Priest.  I'm here to make friends."
player, 11 posts
Thu 27 May 2021
at 02:04
  • msg #29

Keep on the Borderlands

Inclining her chin in a somewhat haughty manner, Thorona says, "Indeed, it is as good Benny here has said. I've come a long way and my joints ache with a fierceness from the journey, so I had hoped to make my formal introduction to the Father before turning in for devotional prayers and private ablutions at the inn. Do you know when he will return?"

She waits for the young man to answer Benny's question, taking the opportunity to sit in one of the pews and take a load off of her feet. She sighs heavily, adjusting the mail beneath her habit irritably.
player, 3 posts
Thu 27 May 2021
at 08:17
  • msg #30

Keep on the Borderlands

"Well, he left a few minutes ago but he didn't say how long he will be away..." answers Dynlor, hesitant. "He mentioned the One-Eyed Cat tavern, so maybe you can try to look for him there?"

"I'm Dynlor by the way, young acolyte. I just arrived here, so I don't know much about the place. Do you mind if I hang out with you for a little while?"
Falco Mugwort
player, 11 posts
Spear Fighter
Thu 27 May 2021
at 17:26
  • msg #31

Keep on the Borderlands

Eyeing the tavern, Falco starts to head that way. He looks about as he does, noting the buildings, stalls, and other structures nearby so that he can easily find this area again.

He steps into the tavern, pausing just past the door to look about the establishment. He looks for an open table, and heads that way.
Dungeon Master
GM, 23 posts
Fri 28 May 2021
at 00:52
  • msg #32

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco, Finn and Ash enter the One-Eyed Cat to find it is practically one long room with a beam roof.  The first eight feet of the first-floor walls are stone, wooden from there.  Windows in the upper area can be opened to let in fresh air.  On the North end is a door to the kitchen, which is shared with the Inn.  The board is on the Northern short end of the rectangular room, adjacent to the kitchen, and there are kegs and barrels behind it.  A rectangular hearth is in the center.

The barkeep is round in the belly and has receding brown hair and thick mutton-chops.  With sleeves rolled up and suspenders holding his trousers, he pours the drinks cheerfully.  There is an older woman, by her attitude and commanding presence the mistress of the house, a young man and young woman serving and generally helping both with looks that suggest children of the master; and a scullion with dirty blond hair running about.

This late in the day the place is lively, with off duty men at arms and other men of the keep mostly.  At one table sits three men of high station, and the mistress of the house is serving them personally: likely the priest and two other men, one in rich robes and the other in plate mail.  Sitting by the hearth is a man clearly of the wilderness, wearing clothing of animal skins, with as unstrung bow and a knife at his belt.  An empty table can be got, near the far wall from the board.
Finn the Mighty
player, 7 posts
Fri 28 May 2021
at 13:13
  • msg #33

Keep on the Borderlands

If the long years spent as a tenant-farmer's son had taught Finn anything, it was to bother the highborn as little as possible.  To the young armored warrior, it was like a reflex, it came as natural as breathing.  Now, it could be argued about how unobtrusive such a skill might actually  be when he was a shield bearing, plated warrior who towered above most men ... but still ... old habits died hard.

He made his way — avoiding the gaze of the highborn trio — toward the vacant table and flagged down one of the younger servers.

"Tea, please."  He said, placing some gold coins on the table.  "And drinks for my friends as well."

"We'll take bread — dark if you have it — and three bowls of whatever is in the stewpot as well."

Another coin joins the others and Finn tossed a surreptitious glance toward the trio of well-to-do patrons and the solitary man in animal skins.

"We are new to the keep."  He said.  "Who are those men?"
This message was last edited by the player at 13:56, Fri 28 May 2021.
Falco Mugwort
player, 12 posts
Spear Fighter
Fri 28 May 2021
at 17:19
  • msg #34

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco takes a seat at the empty table, only giving the other patrons a brief glance along the way, and, after Finn makes his offer to buy then drinks and stew, he says, "That's mighty fine of you Finn. Thanks mate." He gives his fellow traveler a friendly nod.

To the server, he says, "A beer for me drink."
player, 13 posts
Fri 28 May 2021
at 20:35
  • msg #35

Keep on the Borderlands

"By all means," Thorona answers. "You can point him out to us at the inn, and make proper introductions on our behalf."

She stands and stretches, putting her hands on her hips and groaning as her spine makes several pops and cracks. "Let us be off, then, Brother Dynlor. Presumably, our traveling companions will have claimed a table for us."

Assuming they agree, Thorona leaves the chapel and heads for the One-Eyed Cat.
Dungeon Master
GM, 25 posts
Sat 29 May 2021
at 01:14
  • msg #36

Keep on the Borderlands

The young man takes your order, a big smile at the extra gold piece, and answers: "that's the captain, the castellan and the chaplain.  They come most nights to talk and eat," he says, his voice showing signs of maturity despite the clean chin.

Thorona, Benny and Dynlor enter just as he is returning with the drinks and the stew, setting each carefully.  The young woman stokes the fire in the hearth sending up a shower of sparks, and helping to drive away the evening chill as the sun sets outside.
player, 9 posts
Sat 29 May 2021
at 01:20
  • msg #37

Keep on the Borderlands

"Oh, you're Thorona's brother?  Well met then!" Said Benny, shaking  the young man's hand warmly before letting it go.

He then ran his hand along the bench.  It was off the ground abd well insulated.  Benny would have to pray here some night in the future.

"Let's go then. I hope the tohers got a place by the fire to sleep at.  You'll like Ash, Finn, and Falcon."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:42, Sat 29 May 2021.
player, 4 posts
Sat 29 May 2021
at 09:11
  • msg #38

Keep on the Borderlands

With a bit of apprehension, Dynlor directs his newly made companions towards father Abercrombie as soon as he spots him. Then he proceeds to introduce them, while giving them room to be seen: "Here are acolytes Benny and Thorona, who really wanted to meet you today, father."
Falco Mugwort
player, 13 posts
Spear Fighter
Sat 29 May 2021
at 19:18
  • msg #39

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco looks towards the entrance when familiar faces step into the tavern, but the sight of the approaching server draws his attention to more immediate matters--eating and drinking.

He receives his beer and stew with much anticipation. As he does, he looks at the server and asks, "Say, lad. What tales have ye heard around these parts? I ventured here after I heard rumors of trouble hereabouts, but I've yet to see any. I figure, where there's trouble, there's gold to be had." He take a gulp of his beer and lets out an "Ahhh." as his immediate thirst is quenched. Now he can enjoy the rest of the beer along with the bowl of hot stew.
Dungeon Master
GM, 26 posts
Sun 30 May 2021
at 00:12
  • msg #40

Keep on the Borderlands

The two men with Abercrombie look at Dynlor and the interruption with disdain, but the priest stands to greet the new acolytes.  He is tall with salt-and-pepper hair and a goatee.  He wears the simple robes of a priest, mostly white with trim in blue.  "Ah, thank you Dynlor, and well met Thorona and, er, Benny," he says in the sort of deep, sonorous voice that makes for good sermons.  "Welcome to the Keep."  He does not introduce his companions, who remained seated.

Meanwhile, the young man places the food and drinks down and replies to Falco.  "I heard the guardsmen say that somewhere nearby, amidst the dark forests and tangled fens, are the Caves of Chaos where fell creatures lie in wait," he shudders a bit and then adds, "will you folk be seeking your names there?"
Falco Mugwort
player, 14 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 30 May 2021
at 03:05
  • msg #41

Keep on the Borderlands

As stew sloppily runs down his chin, Falco looks up and replies, "'Caves of Chaos', you say? I might be...if there's gold involved. Have you heard of any bounties, or rewards for things that need be doing around here?" He takes another gulp of beer and belches.
player, 5 posts
Sun 30 May 2021
at 09:39
  • msg #42

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor feels a bit awkward, seeing that the two father's companions didn't present themselves. A bit embarrassed, he quickly says: "I see that you are busy. Maybe we can come back at a later time?"
player, 10 posts
Apprentice Thief
Weak willed & Impulsive!
Tue 1 Jun 2021
at 21:21
  • msg #43

Keep on the Borderlands

Ash had been deeply relieved at Finn's generous offer and was busy eating his own bowl of stew and sipping at his ale with rather more table matters than Falco. The apprentice was however keeping an open ear.

"Have many come this way before us heading to the Caves?" he asks.
player, 14 posts
Tue 1 Jun 2021
at 22:50
  • msg #44

Keep on the Borderlands

"If Chaos has made its lair in these lands," Thorona confirms, "then by my holy vows I am sworn to seek it out."

As Ash makes his inquiry, she considers inquiring with the guardsmen of the Keep to learn more of these Caves. If one or more of them have personally seen them, they might be able to provide a map, or at the very least, directions.
Dungeon Master
GM, 28 posts
Tue 1 Jun 2021
at 23:12
  • msg #45

Keep on the Borderlands

For Ash, Falco and Finn:

"There is a steady flow of adventurers like yourselves, a couple or four every week. Not many come back from the caves.  No rewards posted that I know of, but the Lord'd be very grateful to anyone who culls them goblins and such, I reckon," the serving boys says.  The woman whistles at him and jumps to attend with an "excuse me."

For Thorona, Benny and Dynlor:

Abercrombie smiles at Dynlor with approval.  "Thank you, acolyte.  You have my leave to sleep in the chapel under the watchful protection of St. Erkenbrand, Dynlor.  We can speak more later, as you said," he says in a kindly and only slightly patronizing way, before sitting down again at the table with the other two gentlemen.
player, 6 posts
Wed 2 Jun 2021
at 13:31
  • msg #46

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor smiles back at the father before taking a long and curious look at his companions, trying to understand who they are. Then he turns to his new found mates and looks at them with an interrogating face, not sure where to go next.
Falco Mugwort
player, 15 posts
Spear Fighter
Wed 2 Jun 2021
at 18:19
  • msg #47

Keep on the Borderlands

"We might need to pay them caves a visit then," replies Falco just before he stuffs another spoon full of stew into his mouth. He chews the food a few times and swallows. He wipes his chin and mouth with the back of his hand as he looks towards the others gathered at table and says to them, "What say ye folks? Up for a trip to them there caves the lad spoke about on the early morrow? My money purse is feeling light."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:45, Wed 02 June 2021.
player, 12 posts
Apprentice Thief
Weak willed & Impulsive!
Wed 2 Jun 2021
at 18:23
  • msg #48

Keep on the Borderlands

In reply to Falco Mugwort (msg # 47):

Ash sets down his own tankard and smiles. "I think you took the words from my mouth Falco."
player, 12 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 05:32
  • msg #49

Keep on the Borderlands

Benny smiled and nodded as Mr. Crombie greeted him warmly.  His friends didn't want to be friends and that was something to remember.  The man was nice enough to let Dylnor to sleep in the church.

He bowed slightly as he withdrew from the table.  Seeing his fellows he jiined themm drinking from his wineskin and making sure he could afford the night's stay fiest.

"i'm up for a visit to whereever you want to go." He replied to the group.
player, 7 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 14:07
  • msg #50

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor follows Benny to another table of the inn, and appraises the people sitting around it. Understanding that they must be his mates, he says, somewhat enthusiastically: "Hi, my name is Dynlor, and I too wouldn't mind the extra coin as well!"
Falco Mugwort
player, 16 posts
Spear Fighter
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 17:02
  • msg #51

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco nods to Ash.

When Benny and the new fellow step over to their table, Falco says, "The more sword-arms, the better, I always say, Dynlor. Less chance of us all getting killed." He takes a gulp of beer and burps. "Good stew," he comments.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:02, Thu 03 June 2021.
player, 8 posts
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 10:02
  • msg #52

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor looks at the tasty food with wide open eyes, and thinks about the meager meal given by the father Abercrombie he ate earlier, but he does not say anything more.
Dungeon Master
GM, 33 posts
Sun 6 Jun 2021
at 14:46
  • msg #53

Keep on the Borderlands

After a meal at the tavern the friends sit back for some drinks, each according to their means, and carouse in the common room before the Master of the house kicks out the Keep residents with the ringing of the evening bell.  The pot boy and the scullion girl, under the direction of the children of the Martin the barkeep and his wife, start putting up chairs and cleaning the place.  The guests are ushered to the Inn where Wilf the innkeeper, brother of Martin, collects the fare.  Wilf's wife Calista hands out blankets to those who pay for one, while the serving girl Jess shows anyone who paid for a private room upstairs to their rooms.

Chaplain Abercrombie will leave when the bell rings and offer to walk back to the Chapel with Thorona, Benny and Dynlor, making the same offer to the others as to Dynlor: they may sleep on a pew in the worship chamber.  He has three acolytes that help with church services, maintenance, etc.: Narwin, Tobias and Shane, and he will introduce them to the group of new clerics before evening prayers and turning in.


The morning comes to the sound of the church bell ringing, Narwin up with the sun pulls the ropes to wake up the Keep.

Anything you want to post for the evening prior please do so, then use *** to separate to the morning and continue with day 2.
player, 1 post
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 17:52
  • msg #54

Keep on the Borderlands

Having left her village to escape people picking on her and to seek her own way in life, Reea found her way in something called, a keep. She didn't know what that was, though she had followed a road and other travellers.

She was in awe. She had neverseen anything like it. It was fun being there, but she didn't know what to do next. Seeing a priest and three others, she decided to follow them.
Falco Mugwort
player, 17 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 21:50
  • msg #55

Keep on the Borderlands

Once things wind down at their table, Falco says (as he stand up), "I reckon it is about time for getting on with sleep so we can be ready early on the morrow to venture forth and seek out our fame and good fortune." He goes about making his way over to the inn side and sorts out accommodations for the night. Not fat on coin, nor particularly choosy, he settles for the common room and blanket for the night for 2sp.


When the bell rings in the morning, Falco rises up, relieves himself, and washes the sleep from his face. He gathers his things and heads back over to the tavern side to wait for the others in their motely little adventuring party to rouse. While he waits, he orders a wedge of cheese and a slice of bread along with a small beer to get him going for 2sp and 1cp.
player, 15 posts
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 18:05
  • msg #56

Keep on the Borderlands

Thorona rises with the dawn, finding the chapel of St. Erkenbrand to be similar enough an environment to remind her of her home in the abbey. With little more than a nod to Narwin as he tends to his duties, Thorona goes about her morning ablutions and prayers, following the same habits she's developed over decades, and eventually, donning her mail and taking up her mace, she trudges to the Green Man Inn to join her fellows.

"Good morrow, all," she says, not particularly cheerful and maybe a bit loudly for such an early hour. "I trust we have all made proper preparations for our foray into the untamed wilderlands this morning?"

For the first time, she takes note of the fresh-faced young woman present among the others. "And we have added to our number, it appears. Praise be to the Law. What is your name, child? And what skills do you bring to this blessed company?"

Thorona's stomach growls audibly, but she pretends not to notice.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:36, Tue 08 June 2021.
player, 2 posts
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 18:41
  • msg #57

Keep on the Borderlands


Reea had followed the priest and the other clerics all the way to a chapel. She had never seen anything like it, so she wanted to go inside and see what it looked like. When the four entered, the doors closed, leaving her outside.

Reea stared, blinking in surprise. So much for that. Sighing, she needed to find a place for the night.

Reea retraced her steps. Staring at the sign over an inn, she heard someone call it, 'The Green Man Inn'. Curious, she went inside and looked around. She didn't see anyone that was green. Maybe he was in the back making food. She'd never seen anyone green, so Reea hoped she wouldn't miss him.

When things quieted for the night, Reea decided to stay there, still hoping to see the green man. She slept in the common room. It wasn't comfortable, but it was better than being alone outside.

When morning came, Reea had to wait in line to take care of her morning duties. She was very hungry, so she went to the main area to order something. While there, she saw the elderly woman she followed the night before. Reea approached her and was going to ask why she wasn't allowed in the chapel, but the woman was greeting a group of people, probably her traveling companions.

"And we have added to our number, it appears. Praise be to the Law. What is your name, child? And what skills do you bring to this blessed company?"

The elderly woman had addressed Reea. At first, Reea was surprised. Since arriving at the Keep, other than the guards outside, no one else really paid attention to her.

"I'm Reea, ma'am." She bowed slightly out of respect. "I can fight bad guys and monsters." She didn't really know what else to say.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:48, Tue 08 June 2021.
player, 16 posts
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 22:42
  • msg #58

Keep on the Borderlands

The old woman nods in what appears to be reluctant approval. "Hmf. We shall see, I suppose. But I am glad for another strong arm, and another set of sharp young eyes will serve us well in the wild and the dark. These laggards who journey with us are Falco and Finn, and this good young acolyte is Dynlor, whose acquaintance I made yestereve."

She gestures to each in turn, indicating them to the girl, and then she points to Benny. "And this is Benny, also an acolyte. Though he be slow of mind you shall find him strong in his faithfulness."
player, 3 posts
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 22:54
  • msg #59

Keep on the Borderlands

"Hmf. We shall see, I suppose. But I am glad for another strong arm, and another set of sharp young eyes will serve us well in the wild and the dark.

Reea touched her eyes with her left hand. They were still round.

Introductions were made and Reea smiled and waved at each person. She was happy they were accepting her.
player, 9 posts
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 08:52
  • msg #60

Keep on the Borderlands

"Welcome Reea. It seems we have quite the company now! I can't wait to get going: it's not that I mind the chapel, but I probably have seen enough of it during the last two days..." after saying his last words, his eyes cross those of Thorona and he immediately looks away, feeling ashamed.
Falco Mugwort
player, 18 posts
Spear Fighter
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 17:44
  • msg #61

Keep on the Borderlands

"Morning to ye as well, Sister Thorona. I reckon we are," replies Falco. "We hear there be some Chaos held up in caves nearby the Keep that need looking into. Some of the men-at-arms may know the way, else we will have to search about the area for it."

He looks at the apparent addition to their party as he adds, "Heard tales of death and dying for those who go looking. Glad to have another sword arm." He looks Reea up and down and then says, "Nice equipment, ye have there, lass."
player, 14 posts
Apprentice Thief
Weak willed & Impulsive!
Thu 10 Jun 2021
at 00:01
  • msg #62

Keep on the Borderlands

Ash, who had no coins whatsoever departed the inn with a sigh for a night in the gutter. At least it would add extra incentive for the riches he hoped to earn!


In the morning the thin apprentice re-entered the tavern and drifted to the table, his green eyes widening at the sight of Reea. "Greetings I am Ash the apprentice," turning to the others he said "I am ready to tackle these so called caves if you are?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 39 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 22:33
  • msg #63

Keep on the Borderlands

The party, having gathered at the gatehouse, proceed out of the relative safety of the Keep and into the wilds of the Borderlands.  Benny remained in the chapel, having decided to stay with Chaplain Abercrombie for a while learning scripture and providing service to the community.

It is easy enough to retrace your steps from the night before, taking a little over an hour to reach the fork in the road that turns North to the Keep.  It is now time to make a decision:  West the way you came is the Realm, but not the adventure you came to seek.  East along the road will be easier to travel.  South there is the river, which spills into marshes just South and east of the fork; you saw them from the Keep, a few hours trek from here.  North the land rises into evergreen-covered hills, again visible from the Keep.

Refer to the Main Game Map.  On the road or in plains you can make good time.  In the woods or marshes, not so well, as I stated elsewhere.
player, 5 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 23:05
  • msg #64

Keep on the Borderlands

While the group stopped at the fork in the road, Reea closed her eyes and tried to remember what was discussed the previous night.

They wanted to explore some caves. She wasn't sure if she liked that, because caves were usually dark and spooky and filled with spiders. Her body shivered.

Still, if Reea was going to seek her fortune, she had to take chances sometimes.

"I think we should stay on the road. There could be lots of monsters living in the woods."

Reea's body shivered again.
Falco Mugwort
player, 22 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 23:32
  • msg #65

Keep on the Borderlands

When Falco had picked us his spear at the gate, he had asked the men-at-arms there if they knew the whereabout of the so-called 'Caves of Chaos' he had heard rumors of and what they might have heard about it, if anything.


Presently, Falco walks along in the middle of the others of their merry group as they work their way down the road from the Keep. He carries his spear over his right shoulder and has his shield slung over his left shoulder at-the-ready--should they be encountered by Goblins or other lurkers lying in ambush near the road.

He agrees with Reea, adding in support, "I agree with the lass. Keeping along the road will make our journey easier."

After several minutes more of walking along with the others, he asks Reea, "How abouts did you come across such fine equipment? Did your father serve a lord as a knight? That armor and sword you wear must have cost quite the coin, eh?"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:37, Mon 14 June 2021.
player, 6 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 23:45
  • msg #66

Re: Keep on the Borderlands

"How abouts did you come across such fine equipment? Did your father serve a lord as a knight? That armor and sword you wear must have cost quite the coin, eh?"

Reea liked that someone wanted to know more about her.

"There was a great fighter that lived in my village. He went on many adventures, but when he got tired of that, he came back home. I loved listening to his stories, so when I was old enough, he taught me to fight and paid for everything I have."

Reea left out the part where other children in the village picked on her.
player, 10 posts
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 10:47
  • msg #67

Re: Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor takes a big breath, happy to be outside the walls and eager to adventure! Hearing the conversation between Reea and Falco, he approaches and asks the young girl: "And what made you come all this way to this place?"
player, 7 posts
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 18:43
  • msg #68

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor said, "And what made you come all this way to this place?"

Another person was talking to her! Reea liked having friends. She smiled before answering.

"It was time for me to leave my village and make my own way," said Reea. "I just followed the road and groups of other travelers and I ended up here." She smiled again. It was fun having secrets other people wanted to know.
Dungeon Master
GM, 40 posts
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 22:06
  • msg #69

Keep on the Borderlands

It is four hours of walking along the road to get to the point where the river bends closest to it, the land becoming marshy and somewhat smelly as well.  In the same vicinity the forest comes down right up to the road leaving a relatively narrow path between river/marsh and forest through which the road proceeds East.  It is late morning, almost time for the mid-day meal when you reach this point.

700 yards southeast, across the river and in the marshes there is a small rise, not quite a hill, about 300 yards across sticking out of the marsh.  Beyond it the land dries up somewhat and there is a stand of evergreens before the southern deciduous forests begin.

Due East a small hill rises, it looks like the road turns North a that point, skirting the by the hill.  Between the hill and the forests to the North that is all you can see from here.

You may continue conversations during the time passing, just skipping a bit.
player, 18 posts
Wed 16 Jun 2021
at 03:24
  • msg #70

Keep on the Borderlands

Chewing thoughtfully on some hard bread as she squints into the distance, Thorona considers the group's options. "The way seems simple enough, if we keep to the road. Could it be that these Caves would be visible from the road? Surely if the vile forces of Chaos hold such a stronghold in these wilderlands, they will maintain a watch?"

She glances at the hill rising from the swampy land and peers at it, trying to spot any lookouts or spies of the enemy who might be making designs on them.

She turns to Falco. "Did you learn anything of the way ahead from the folk at the Keep?"
Falco Mugwort
player, 24 posts
Spear Fighter
Wed 16 Jun 2021
at 04:22
  • msg #71

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco nodded at Reea when she replied. He guessed the retired adventurer she spoke of must have been a relative of the lass and saw promise in her since he gave her training and such valuable armor.

Falco's lot in life had been a different story--risky or hard work and not much more than a handful of silver to his name to show for it. He hoped his fortune would soon change. Of course, it might not change for the better.

He looks at Thorona when she speaks up. She has been surprisingly quiet on the journey thus far and her words draws him back to the moment at hand.

He replies to her, saying, "The men-at-arms I spoke with believe the caves we seek lie due Northeast of the Keep, but little more. Only that bandits ply their trade in the region and other vile creatures have been spotted roaming about. That being, we might have to step into the woods and search about. I have doubts these caves will be very near the road, but we may yet see tracks heading off into the woods or other signs of passage amongst the bushes. Best we keep our eyes and ears open--especially now that the clearing around the road has narrowed."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:30, Wed 16 June 2021.
player, 11 posts
Wed 16 Jun 2021
at 10:16
  • msg #72

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor smiles at Reea. Somehow he understood her, as he felt the same kind of motivation to go away from home and make a name for himself in the world.

Hearing what Falco said, he looks at the surroundings while walking, attentive to the details he mentioned.
player, 15 posts
Apprentice Thief
Weak willed & Impulsive!
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 21:24
  • msg #73

Keep on the Borderlands

Ash, who has been listening quietly speaks up. "I can do some scouting ahead. I admit I'm more used to alleys and rooftops than trees and rocks but I like to think I have good eyes and ears."
player, 8 posts
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 00:10
  • msg #74

Keep on the Borderlands

"Ash, if you want, I'll go with you."

Reea was nervous, a little afraid, but even more, she was excited. This was her first adventure, so she wanted to see what lay ahead, even if it was a dark, spooky cave filled with spiders.
player, 17 posts
Apprentice Thief
Weak willed & Impulsive!
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 13:31
  • msg #75

Keep on the Borderlands

Ash shoots a grateful look at Reea. "Thanks, I'd be glad of the company, especially from someone can handle a sword!"
Falco Mugwort
player, 25 posts
Spear Fighter
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 17:57
  • msg #76

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco thinks they may be getting close to trouble, so says, "That's good thinking--two folks to look ahead. Just keep your wits about you."

He slings his shield down over his left arm and readies his spear in the other in case trouble shows itself. It didn't hurt to be ready.
player, 12 posts
Sun 20 Jun 2021
at 10:19
  • msg #77

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor raises his eyebrow when seeing some of his companions wanting to look at the face of danger so boldly. Imitating Falco, he puts his mace in his hand, ready for anything.
Dungeon Master
GM, 45 posts
Sun 20 Jun 2021
at 16:45
  • msg #78

Keep on the Borderlands

The parry moves ahead on the road, Ash and Reea about 100 yards ahead of the others.  After about an hour, as the sun is nearly reaching the noon mark, Reea and Ash see glistening in the sun webbing stretched thinly across the road.  This is at the narrowest point between road and river and the webs stretch across between two trees, one on the river bank and another on the edge of the forest.  In the forest there are more webs strung among several trees, all connected and there are two six-foot long black spiders, a red hourglass shape on their abdomens, sitting on either side of the road.  They have not moved to attack, yet.

Neither side is surprised.  You have the initiative.  Actions?  They are AC6 and about 20 feet away.
player, 12 posts
Sun 20 Jun 2021
at 17:01
  • msg #79

Keep on the Borderlands

When Reea saw the webs across the road glistening in the sun, she froze in her tracks, her stomach beginning to do flipflops. Seeing the ugly, black creatures, she started to move backwards, her widened eyes staring at the beasts.

"Spiders. Why did it have to be spiders?"
This message was last edited by the player at 17:51, Sun 20 June 2021.
player, 13 posts
Sun 20 Jun 2021
at 17:56
  • msg #80

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea continued backing away, slowly, not turning her back on the spiders or making sudden movements, though she carefully placed her hand on the hilt of her sword.
player, 13 posts
Mon 21 Jun 2021
at 08:39
  • msg #81

Keep on the Borderlands

Seeing Reea act strangely, Dynlor looks around and almost drops his mace seeing the menacing giant spiders. He is prompt to recover his countenance, though, and takes a combat stance while progressing slowly. He will not attack before seeing someone else do it, friend of foe.
Falco Mugwort
player, 26 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 21 Jun 2021
at 18:23
  • msg #82

Keep on the Borderlands

With Falco being 100 yards behind the forward party, and the giant spiders being off to the side of the road in the woods, Falco only knows that the scouting group has suddenly stopped moving and seem on guard. Perhaps they heard or spotted something off in the woods.

Either way, it seems a good idea to be on guard. He's unsure if he should stop so as not to make any noise, or cautiously advance forward since the scouting group hasn't motioned to them or called out either way.

His soldier's intuition urges him forward though, so he cautiously and quietly advances towards the scouting group to support them, while keeping his spear and shield on guard and his eyes and ears open for trouble.

[Falco moves forward 60 yards to reduce the gap between him and the scouting group down to 40 yards]
player, 14 posts
Thu 24 Jun 2021
at 19:33
  • msg #83

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea continued her retreat, unable to take her eyes off the monstrous arachnids.  She hated tiny spiders; they had eight legs and hair, but she never imagined there could be some so big, even in her worst nightmares.

Reea didn't know how long she had been moving, but when she sensed something behind her, she spun around, ready to fight.

"Falco!"  Without looking away, she pointed back up the road.

"Sp-sp-spiders! Big spiders!"  She was starting to breath heavily.
Falco Mugwort
player, 27 posts
Spear Fighter
Thu 24 Jun 2021
at 22:52
  • msg #84

Keep on the Borderlands

"Big Spiders, you say!?" Falco says answers. "The size of dogs, or the size of horses?! How many, lass?!"

He calls out to Dynlor, "Fall back, young Dynlor! Everyone, regroup and form up! Prepare to defend yourselves!"

Although he was content to never rise up in the ranks, he had some soldiering and knew the basics of group fighting.
player, 15 posts
Thu 24 Jun 2021
at 23:49
  • msg #85

Keep on the Borderlands

"Huge!"  Reea held up her arms, trying to form a big circle.  "Two.  Black.  Really big!"  She plopped onto the ground, trying to catch her breath.
player, 14 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 10:22
  • msg #86

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor does as instructed, not wanting to face the enemy alone and not reassured by the stance of his fighter party mate.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:19, Sat 03 July 2021.
Falco Mugwort
player, 30 posts
Spear Fighter
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 17:32
  • msg #87

Keep on the Borderlands

"On you feet, lass!" Falco says to Reea, "Now is not the time for napping." He says, "If we only had an archer or two..." His voice trails off.

After a moment, he suggests, "We should fall back along the road. Perhaps we can go around through the woods to the North." Falco slowly falls back as he encourages the others to do the same.
player, 19 posts
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 19:19
  • msg #88

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea listened to Falco, getting up and following him, a slight whimper escaping her lips. Forcing herself to look back up the road, she wanted to make sure the horrible creatures were staying away.
player, 19 posts
Apprentice Thief
Weak willed & Impulsive!
Sat 3 Jul 2021
at 01:45
  • msg #89

Keep on the Borderlands

"I'm not an archer but I do have a sling," Ash says, holding up his weapon (such as it is.) "Think that would help?"
Falco Mugwort
player, 38 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 06:37
  • msg #90

Keep on the Borderlands

To Ash, Falco replies, "It might. Keep your sling handy, friend. The fiends may yet rush at us."

Falco cautiously falls back one step at a time while keeping in formation with the others in their adventuring party. He is thankful the pair of giant spiders seems reluctant to pursue them.

Once there appears to be a safe separation between them and the eight-legged monsters, the ragged spearman says, "Let us trek Northward into the woods, friends. Be sure to keep your wits about you. There is no telling what other foul beasts we may yet encounter."

Falco keeps his spear and shield at the ready as he ventures North of the road and into the near woods. He cautiously looks about and pauses to listen every now and again.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:41, Sun 11 July 2021.
player, 27 posts
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 20:07
  • msg #91

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea watched Falco stride into the woods. She looked at the others, then back to Falco.

"Wait! shouldn't we talk about this first?"

Falco had been nice to her and she didn't want something bad to happen to him.
Falco Mugwort
player, 39 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 22:54
  • msg #92

Keep on the Borderlands

When Reea calls out to him, Falco pauses and looks back her way. He turns around and walks back over beside her and says with a perplexed look on his face as he rests the butt of his spear against the ground, "What? You want to risk life and limb against the giant spiders now? I doubt they have any wealth to plunder lest we get lucky at someone else's misfortune."
player, 28 posts
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 23:38
  • msg #93

Keep on the Borderlands

"What? You want to risk life and limb against the giant spiders now? I doubt they have any wealth to plunder lest we get lucky at someone else's misfortune."

Reea wrinkled her nose at the mention of the spiders.

"No, I want to stay far away from them, but you can't go into the forest alone." Reea sighed. "I'll go with you." She looked at the others. "Anyone else?"
player, 18 posts
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 09:30
  • msg #94

Keep on the Borderlands

"I will join..." answers Dynlor hesitantly "... but aren't we going towards even greater dangers?"

He keeps his weapon in hand, uneasy.
Falco Mugwort
player, 40 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 17:34
  • msg #95

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco looks at Dynlor and replies, "Possibly, there might be."

He continues, "The way I see it, we only have two sensible choices. Either we cautiously press Northeast on into the woods and hope we get lucky, or we return to the Keep empty-handed and seek out other like-minded folk to join us before we venture forth again."

He shifts his weight onto his spear, using it like a walking stick to support himself, and adds, "I do not know about you youngsters, but my coin purse is feeling awfully light. I need to get ahold of me some coin soon. What shall we do, then, eh?"
player, 20 posts
Wed 14 Jul 2021
at 18:44
  • msg #96

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor ponders the words of the man with spear for a while, then says: "I guess you are right. Let's press on for now!"
Player, 2 posts
Apprentice Wizard
Skinny Bookworm
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 00:42
  • msg #97

Keep on the Borderlands

As Simon walks Eastward down the road, he considers his recent weeks.

At his master's urging, he had ventured forth to get a more practical perspective of life outside his master's home. The trip had, fortunately, been uneventful...or rather, it had been until he had encountered an Elf. Certainly that man was the first of the Elven folk he had ever encountered before. He didn't know much about him yet other than that he too practiced the arcane art, but he was sure he would get more opportunities to learn about the Elf and his people given time with him.

Even more strange, they had come upon a jester, or at least that's what Simon had took him to be. Though perhaps he was a different sort of entertainer. Either way, it was an unusual encounter. Simon has expected farmers out traveling intent to sell their harvest or pick up supplies, or perhaps wandering merchants trying to sell their wears.

Like many other travelers, he had stayed overnight at the inn inside the Keep. It was safer for a lone traveler like himself than camping out in the woods all alone. After all, you never knew what sort of creature might stumble into your camp attracted by the light or smell of a cooking fire.

He had heard from the men-at-arms about a place of discover called 'the Caves of Chaos'. Certainly not a place he would want to explore on his own from the sound of it, but the same men-at-arms had mentioned another group having set out of the keep that very morning towards these caves. So he sought to catch up to them, if he could.

And up ahead, there they seem to be. Or rather, it might be them. The men-at-arms hadn't really given him any details about them to look for. They appeared to be resting alongside the road and having a discussion about something. Either way, it seemed best not to startle them by coming up on them without notice.

He raises his right hand and calls out, "What ho, fair friends!?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:44, Sat 17 July 2021.
Gyp Toogood
player, 2 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 07:58
  • msg #98

Keep on the Borderlands

Itinerant and penniless Gyp wandered the road in the hope of coin or food. His sad face was in contrast to his gay motley of red and gold. There was little hope of food off the skinny Simon, he didn't look like he was eating enough himself. Same could be seen of the elf and Gyp wasn't sure he was ready to nibble on the elvish fare of dandelion seeds and toadstools quite yet. So he plodded on in search of better companionship.

As Simon's calling to another group of travellers Gyp managed a weak wave of his hand in greeting as his belly rumbled loudly again in protest of not being fed.
player, 33 posts
Sun 18 Jul 2021
at 16:18
  • msg #99

Keep on the Borderlands

While the little band was discussing what to do, Reea saw more people coming down the road.  One called out a greeting.

Reea smiled.  More new friends!
Player, 1 post
Sun 18 Jul 2021
at 17:28
  • msg #100

Keep on the Borderlands

After leaving the temple where she had been raised, Jori had travelled many days searching for adventure.  The guards at the keep she saw, told her about a small group that had left earlier that day.  Quickening her pace, she found them on the road.  It seemed they were talking about something.  She stopped far enough away to not be a threat, but close enough to hear much of what they were saying.

OOC: I'm the Reea player.  Jori is my second character.
Gyp Toogood
player, 3 posts
Sun 18 Jul 2021
at 18:10
  • msg #101

Keep on the Borderlands

It was nice to see at least one of the other travellers on the road return his wave and Gyp wondered whether they would be generous enough to share some hospitality "ho might you share a crust or penny for a hungry fellow?" he called as he approached, his cupped hands empty and open.
Falco Mugwort
player, 44 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 18 Jul 2021
at 18:24
  • msg #102

Keep on the Borderlands

When the approaching travelers call out, Falco looks their way. He comments to those near him, "Hmmm. Travelers, it seems. We should warn them about the giant spiders, lest they unwittingly step into their clutches."

The spearman turns to face the travelers as they draw nearer. He raises his spear over head and calls back, "Hold, friend travelers! There be danger up ahead! Foul eight-legged creatures lie in waiting alongside the road! Approach with caution and be on guard!"
Gyp Toogood
player, 4 posts
Mon 19 Jul 2021
at 06:38
  • msg #103

Keep on the Borderlands

At the warning Gyp forgot his was hungry for a moment and his cupped hands moved from begging to covering his head "alas any spider would be disappointed in their meal if they caught me. I am but skin and bones" the morose fool complained. Gyp crouched low, his hands above his head as he slunk toward the travellers hoping that any predator would choice a more well fed prey if he stayed close to them.
player, 21 posts
Mon 19 Jul 2021
at 11:46
  • msg #104

Keep on the Borderlands

"This man is right! There are dangerous enemies on the road. Stay with if you want to stay alive!"

Dynlor found his sense of self importance enhanced by the coming of new, unexpected companion. For once his advice should be taken into consideration: he would not miss this opportunity!
Gyp Toogood
player, 5 posts
Mon 19 Jul 2021
at 16:37
  • msg #105

Keep on the Borderlands

"Oo yes" Gyp nodded "I've no plans on dying. Unless its of hunger" he complained as he gave a bow to Dynlor and his belly rumbled loudly.
player, 34 posts
Tue 20 Jul 2021
at 18:08
  • msg #106

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea didn't want to face the spiders again, and going into the forest was dangerous, but she was getting anxious and impatient.

"So what are we going to do?"
player, 3 posts
Tue 20 Jul 2021
at 22:03
  • msg #107

Keep on the Borderlands

By all (elven) accounts humans were strange creatures, and completely incapable of definition for they varied in almost every conceivable way. Of course, Leozaren had met some before, but he really wasn't sure if Simon and Gyp were typical or atypical examples, or even if there were such things. It was better, he decided, to take each of them as they were and see how thinsg went.

Which was why he did not mind at all when his two companions called out to some random strangers they did not know (as far as he was aware) in dangerous surroundings. Maybe they were all in it together? There was much to ponder as he ate his breakfast of dandelion seeds and toadstools.

One of the strangers seemed to warn of danger ahead, and to approach on guard - was that a challenge to combat? Perhaps not, for neither of his companions moved to react. Humans were so strange.

What were they to do?

"What are the options? Assuming we would all rather not face spiders, there must be alternatives, no?"
Falco Mugwort
player, 45 posts
Spear Fighter
Tue 20 Jul 2021
at 23:24
  • msg #108

Keep on the Borderlands

As Gyp approaches them oddly, Falco replies to Reea. He says to her, "That odd man approaching us is walking unnaturally. Keep vigilant, friends. He may be possessed by an evil spirt. Let us discover their intent before we decide a course of action."

Although not pointing his spear tip at the jester, Falco keeps a firm grip on its shaft should he need it in a hurry.

"Hmmm, is that other one an Elf? Only heard of such people; never seen one myself. And a robed figure and a warrior woman as well. Hmm, indeed."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:44, Wed 21 July 2021.
Gyp Toogood
player, 6 posts
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 06:25
  • msg #109

Keep on the Borderlands

"I'd rather not be a spider's dinner" Gyp whined "can we find some trail around them?" he asked the group of travellers. It was clear Gyp was no warrior or regular traveller of the wilds. The court fool had no sword or even a dagger. His only weapon a single javelin strapped to his pack.
player, 22 posts
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 18:34
  • msg #110

Keep on the Borderlands

"An elf?..." Dynlor looks at the newcomers, incredulous. "Is this a rescue mission already? Did the guards in the keep have so little faith in our capacity to stay alive in the wild?"

Talking louder at the newcomers, he asks: "Why have you come this way, all at the same time?"
player, 5 posts
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 21:30
  • msg #111

Keep on the Borderlands

"It's okay, Gary sent us."

Quite why Leozaren felt the need to say those words he did not know. Perhaps some of those breakfast toadstools had been a little odd.

"That is to say...the guards did not doubt your prowess. But perhaps, there is safety in numbers? I do have a spell of Sleep to use on the spiders, if you wish?"
Gyp Toogood
player, 8 posts
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 22:02
  • msg #112

Keep on the Borderlands

"Ah" Gyp gave a wink to the elf "most ingenious. A sleeping spider will trouble us not. What say ye all?" the fool seemed somewhat jolly and performed a roll and gave a clap before the exertion made him faint and had to sit down with his head on his knees.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:02, Wed 21 July 2021.
Player, 3 posts
Apprentice Wizard
Skinny Bookworm
Thu 22 Jul 2021
at 00:59
  • msg #113

Keep on the Borderlands

The apprentice wizard reflects on the situation as he mutters, "Monstrous spiders?" While he doesn't much care for normal spiders, the thought of encountering spiders the size of dogs (or are they even larger, he wonders) is a frightening prospect.

Simon replies, "As to your question, I believe us all to be merely travelers seeking more than we currently have. And traveling together is safer than alone. I am Simon, a simple wizard's apprentice seeking to learn more of the world...and perhaps to gain more than just knowledge...should fortune show me favor. The men-at-arms in the Keep said others left this way, seeking to root out Chaos hiding in caves to the Northeast, little more."

He inquires, "How many of these creatures? And how large?"
player, 36 posts
Thu 22 Jul 2021
at 01:06
  • msg #114

4Keep on the Borderlands

"How many of these creatures? And how large?"

"Two. Big." Holding up her arms, Reea made as large a circle as she could.

Reea was still shaking thinking about the spiders. If the new people were joining their group, she might feel better about confronting them. Maybe she could linger in the rear.

Would that really be a good idea? She wanted to prove herself, and she needed experience. She wanted her friends to know they could count on her.

Oh, why did it have to be spiders?
This message was last edited by the player at 23:39, Thu 22 July 2021.
Player, 2 posts
Thu 22 Jul 2021
at 20:25
  • msg #115

Keep on the Borderlands

"I'm Jori, acolyte of the Powers of Neutrality. The guards at the keep mentioned the caves of chaos. If everyone agrees, I'm for disrupting an adversary of those whom I serve."

Jori was excited. She had worked hard, learning her lessons and understanding the ways of the Neutral Powers. She wanted to be worthy of their favor, so what she was really looking forward to, was being bestowed and entrusted to do spells. Adventure was before her. She was ready to seize it!
This message was last edited by the player at 01:27, Fri 23 July 2021.
Falco Mugwort
player, 47 posts
Spear Fighter
Fri 23 Jul 2021
at 00:54
  • msg #116

Keep on the Borderlands

"I know not this 'Gary' you speak of, Elf friend," Replies Falco, "but if this spell of 'Sleep' you wield works on these monstrous spiders, I welcome your company."

"Hmmm. A wizard's apprentice and a priestess as well. Certainly good fortune favors us with your presence. Your skills and arms are most welcome." His eyes shift over to look at the odd man. Judgingly, he adds, "As for the fool, his worth remains to be seen."

He looks at each person in the group and then asks them, "What say ye? Shall we engage the spiders then? Or shall we step into the North woods and go past them?"
player, 37 posts
Fri 23 Jul 2021
at 02:35
  • msg #117

Keep on the Borderlands

"What say ye? Shall we engage the spiders then? Or shall we step into the North woods and go past them?"

Reea liked Falco. He was looking out for her and she trusted him.

"I will go where you go."

Reea smiled. Even if the group chose to combat the spiders, she was beginning to feel she could face them.
Gyp Toogood
player, 10 posts
Fri 23 Jul 2021
at 06:57
  • msg #118

Keep on the Borderlands

"Perhaps the danger we know is better faced than the unknown" the motley dressed fool pranced about gaily despite his morose face and grumbling belly. He looked to the dark woods in the north "many dangers lurk in the dark, dark forest, many perils" he shook his head "the road will be safer. Let our elvish friend cast an enchanted slumber upon these spiders so that we may sneak passed unhindered" Gyp mimed tiptoeing and creeping, he was especially good at this. His worth perhaps?
player, 6 posts
Sat 24 Jul 2021
at 11:56
  • msg #119

Keep on the Borderlands

"Then we have an accord. Let us go forth to the sipders, and I shall cast my spell, and then perhaps the gods will be on our side."

And if not, Leozaren hoped he could run faster than the rest.
Falco Mugwort
player, 49 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 15:36
  • msg #120

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco says, "Very well. It's decided then. We will take battle to the creatures. Everyone form ranks. Armored folk up front." He turns in the direction of the spiders and readies his shield and spear for battle. He says, "Acolyte Jori, on my left. Young Warrior Reea, on my right. Everyone else, ready your missiles and magics, and follow behind us. Advance!"

Keeping in rank with the other armored folk, Falco steadily advances towards the spiders with his shield up and spear ready to thrust into the beady-eyed monsters.
Gyp Toogood
player, 13 posts
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 16:16
  • msg #121

Keep on the Borderlands

At Falco insistence that they seek battle Gyp gave a shrug and followed "to glory and fame" he encouraged the warriors.
Player, 4 posts
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 17:07
  • msg #122

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco said, "Very well. It's decided then. We will take battle to the creatures. Everyone form ranks. Armored folk up front." He turns in the direction of the spiders and readies his shield and spear for battle. "Acolyte Jori, on my left. Young Warrior Reea, on my right. Everyone else, ready your missiles and magics, and follow behind us. Advance!"

Jori looked at Falco, wondering how she was elected to be in the front.

"Excuse me, sir, but I would prefer being towards the back. I have a sling I can use, if needed."

It was clear who the leader was, and she was okay with that. Jori just wanted the chance to be in a position to best use her skills and advantages. She also didn't want to die.
player, 38 posts
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 17:11
  • msg #123

Keep on the Borderlands

"Acolyte Jori, on my left. Young Warrior Reea, on my right. Everyone else, ready your missiles and magics, and follow behind us. Advance!"

Reea gulped, but she didn't say anything. She was frightened, but as long as she was with Falco, she knew she could do what needed to be done. Sighing deeply, she readied her sword and moved with him.

"Here we go," she muttered.
player, 23 posts
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 17:27
  • msg #124

Keep on the Borderlands

"Sister Jori, stay at the back if you wish. I will take your spot at the front!"

At the same time puzzled and in awe of the eclectic party he was now a part of, Dynor gathers his moral strength to face the fiendish creatures. As the elf mentioned, there is definitely strength in number!

Weapon still in hand, he takes place near Falco, ready to fight!
Falco Mugwort
player, 54 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 18:12
  • msg #125

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco replies to Jori, "As you say, Acolyte. Keep your sling at the ready then."

When Dynlor steps up to Falco's side, "Brave, lad. Keep you guard up."

To the group as a whole, he says, "Work together, everyone, so we can all come back alive."

Falco may only be a simple spearman, but he knows how to fight in ranks.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:15, Sun 25 July 2021.
Player, 4 posts
Apprentice Wizard
Skinny Bookworm
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 19:41
  • msg #126

Keep on the Borderlands

Although having no training as a soldier himself, Simon never the less understands the principle of working together.

"Very well. I will work with you towards this common goal," he says aloud.

While he doesn't know anything about the spearman, or any of the others for that matter, he does as requested and falls in behind the front line and mentally prepares himself should his limited arcane resources be in need.
Gyp Toogood
player, 18 posts
Mon 26 Jul 2021
at 14:04
  • msg #127

Keep on the Borderlands

Stood next to Leozaren the fool hopped around "now my friend weave your enchantment upon the spiders" he encouraged the elf.
player, 8 posts
Mon 26 Jul 2021
at 23:07
  • msg #128

Keep on the Borderlands

As the group approached the spider den in tight formation Leozaren began preparing himself for his first use of a spell in a truly dangerous situation. Years of intense study had led to this moment, and he was determined to get it right. At a suitable distance he sheathed his sword and brought up his hands - mystic words came from his lips as his hands traced intricate patters in the air. Finally he plucked a small pinch of sand from his belt pouch and tossed it into the air, and whispered a single word.


00:06, Today: Leozaren rolled 10 using 2d8.  Sleep spell.
Falco Mugwort
player, 56 posts
Spear Fighter
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 02:39
  • msg #129

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco slows his advance to see what effect the Elf's spell of Sleep has on the Spiders. As he does, he says to Dynlor and Reea, "Slow a bit. Let us see what the Elf's magic does before we move closer, young warriors. If any of the Spiders remain able-bodied, let the missile-wielders take their shots first."
Gyp Toogood
player, 22 posts
Thu 29 Jul 2021
at 17:18
  • msg #130

Keep on the Borderlands

There was a whistle of appreciation from the fool "a fine performance" he bowed to the elvish master of magic. He then followed in the wake of the fighters to go investigate the hopefully sleeping spiders.
Dungeon Master
GM, 70 posts
Thu 29 Jul 2021
at 23:41
  • msg #131

Keep on the Borderlands

The spiders, black widows from their markings, remain motionless on their webs, as they were before.  From this distance it is hard to see details...

May have missed it but I didn't see a specific range at which the spell would go off.  Therefore, I am assuming 120 feet for the range.  The sleep spell went off on 'round 0' and we are now moving into Round 1; your move is 40' per round walking, 120' running.  What are your actions for round 2?  You have the initiative.

Falco Mugwort
player, 57 posts
Spear Fighter
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 01:02
  • msg #132

Keep on the Borderlands

"Advance, but keep at the ready," says Falco, "Missile-wielders, let loose at the right spider and see if either of the foul beasts move." The spearman keeps vigilant as the distance between the frontline and spiders narrows.

[Falco intends to advance 40' closer, presuming the others in the frontline will do the same.]
This message was last edited by the player at 01:02, Fri 30 July 2021.
Player, 5 posts
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 03:12
  • msg #133

Keep on the Borderlands

Jori moved forward with the others, stopping at 80 feet, medium range for her sling.

OOC: 23:10, Today: Jori rolled 5 using 1d20+1.  sling.
Gyp Toogood
player, 24 posts
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 06:10
  • msg #134

Keep on the Borderlands

As the party came closer to the spiders Gyp became progressive more nervous. He wringed his hands and his body shook "perhaps we should hold fire on the missiles" he pleaded to Falco their leader "what if a glancing blow awakens a spider? Wouldn't it be better to wait until we are upon them then strike to kill?"
player, 24 posts
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 09:46
  • msg #135

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor advances carefully, matching the pace of his front line companions.
Falco Mugwort
player, 59 posts
Spear Fighter
Sat 31 Jul 2021
at 14:40
  • msg #136

Keep on the Borderlands

While keeping a good eye on the unmoving spiders, Falco pauses to reply to Gyp. He says, "You fancy getting stuck in the creatures foul webbing, do you? Can we be certain both spiders are even asleep? Hmmm."

Shifting his spear to his shield hand, Falco picks up a small rock and tosses it near the right spider. He is not trying to hit it, but rather to see if it reacts to the motion of the rock or the sound it makes hitting the ground.

[DM, how far apart are the two Spiders? You said the spiders are on either side of the road, but it's not clear how 'wide' the road is at this spot. Can the Spiders be approached without having to step into their webbing?]
This message was last edited by the player at 16:15, Sat 31 July 2021.
player, 39 posts
Sat 31 Jul 2021
at 16:50
  • msg #137

Keep on the Borderlands

The closer the group got to the spiders, the more nervous Reea got. She tried to gain strength and confidence from Falco, but it wasn't working. She had to bite her lip to stifle a whimper.

"Maybe we should try fire?" Her voice was only a whisper.
Falco Mugwort
player, 60 posts
Spear Fighter
Sat 31 Jul 2021
at 18:36
  • msg #138

Keep on the Borderlands

As he observes the Spiders for a reaction, Falco answers Reea. He replies, "Fire, you say? Hmmm. You may have a good plan. You have a torch and tinderbox? Oil?" He keeps watching the Spiders.
player, 40 posts
Sat 31 Jul 2021
at 19:26
  • msg #139

Keep on the Borderlands

"Fire, you say? Hmmm. You may have a good plan. You have a torch and tinderbox? Oil?"

Reea was happy Falco liked her idea, though she soon slumped her shoulders.

"No, I don't have those things."

She would need to remember to buy some for their next adventure. She looked at the rest of the group, a hopeful glow in her eyes.
Dungeon Master
GM, 72 posts
Sat 31 Jul 2021
at 23:29
  • msg #140

Keep on the Borderlands

Round 1 Summary.

The sling stone goes wide, missing its intended target.  The spiders don't react.

Round 2: The party has initiative.  The spiders are 80 feet away and stationary, their web still crossing the road.  If engaged with a longer weapon (spear, lance) you can avoid the webs entirely.  With a sword or other short weapon there is a chance to get caught.

Gyp Toogood
player, 25 posts
Sun 1 Aug 2021
at 06:29
  • msg #141

Keep on the Borderlands

The fool shrugged his shoulders and shook his head at Falco "nay I don't want to go anywhere near their webs, I think we should sneak past" besides his cowardly words Gyp followed behind the fighters as they drew closer to the giant scary spiders.

He brightened at Reea's suggestion and he gave her a clap on the back "I have a torch and tinderbox" he declared and fetched them from his pack "no oil. I can not even afford a dagger to protect myself and oil is equally expensive. I am penniless, which is why I'm on this damned adventure" he complained.
Falco Mugwort
player, 61 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 1 Aug 2021
at 12:46
  • msg #142

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco raises an eyebrow he looks back at Gyp. He says, "Better to face the creatures now while we have advantage and be done with them."

He turns his attention to Reea and says, "It seems we have a torch. I was about to offer me own, but one torch will do just as well as another. I have a flask of lamp oil in me pack as well...though we may not need it. I suspect the creatures' webbing will burn readily enough."

Not expecting the danger-adverse fool to volunteer himself, the spearman asks Reea and Dynlor, "Who will light the torch and set fire the webbing?"
Gyp Toogood
player, 26 posts
Sun 1 Aug 2021
at 16:02
  • msg #143

Keep on the Borderlands

Glad he had been proven as useful Gyp lit one of this torches and handed the lit torch to one of the fighters at the front. Pleased with himself he gave a merry jig then waited to see what would happen.
player, 25 posts
Mon 2 Aug 2021
at 17:48
  • msg #144

Keep on the Borderlands

Dynlor takes the torch and tries to set fire to the nearest web which is in contact with at least one of the spiders. He puts his mace back in his belt to do so, so he can use his good hand to manipulate the torch.
Falco Mugwort
player, 64 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 2 Aug 2021
at 21:35
  • msg #145

Keep on the Borderlands

With Dynlor bravely stepping up towards a Spider with the lit torch in hand, Falco keeps pace.

The Spider's size and multiple black eyes gives the middle-aged spearman the willies, but he isn't about to let the young lad face the abomination alone.

He keeps his spear and shield at the ready. Should the beast twitch even in the slightest, he will thrust his blade into the ridiculously large and foul creature with serious intent.
player, 44 posts
Mon 2 Aug 2021
at 21:59
  • msg #146

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea watched Dynlor take the torch and move up the road, with Falco following. Feeling both relieved and guilty, she sighed. Drawing her sword, she joined them, staying about five feet behind Falco.

Reea whispered. "Spiders. Why did it have to be spiders?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 76 posts
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 02:01
  • msg #147

Keep on the Borderlands

After lighting the torch, the party moves forward the intervening distance to light the webs on fire.  The fire moves up the webs rapidly, burning the first spider (left side) and destroying the web anchors on the left side of the web.  The web collapses, dropping both spiders to the road, and apparently waking them up.


Rounds 3 and 4 were spent lighting the torch.  Rounds 5 and 6 advancing, the lighting of the webs is on Round 6 melee phase.  Damage to the first spider is 1d6.  This counts as a sort of surprise round, the spiders can't do anything in the round they woke up.  Any other attacks in the round 6 melee phase?  We will then move to round 7.

Two Spiders are AC 6, 11 and 10 HP.

Falco Mugwort
player, 65 posts
Spear Fighter
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 02:12
  • msg #148

Keep on the Borderlands

When the spiders fall, Falco shouts "Attack now before the foul creatures recover!" He quickly thrusts his spear at the wounded spider burnt by the fire, but the Spider's erratic movement confounds him and his thrust falls short.

21:10, Today: Falco Mugwort rolled 6 using 1d20 ((6)).
player, 45 posts
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 03:37
  • msg #149

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea, though terrified, stepped forward and swung her blade at the spider that wasn't affected by the fire. Her lips were pursed and her stomach was churning.

23:33, Today: Reea rolled 5 using 1d8.  damage.

23:32, Today: Reea rolled 19 using 1d20.  to hit.
Player, 6 posts
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 03:41
  • msg #150

Keep on the Borderlands

At medium range, seeing a clear shot, Jori fires a sling stone at the spider wounded by the fire.

23:38, Today: Jori rolled 6 using 1d20+1.  to hit.
Gyp Toogood
player, 28 posts
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 05:57
  • msg #151

Keep on the Borderlands

The spiders loose Gyp yelped in fear. In reaction the fool threw his javelin the pierce the beastly creatures hairy hide.

OOC Hit AC3 for 1 damage.
player, 26 posts
Fri 6 Aug 2021
at 09:21
  • msg #152

Keep on the Borderlands

At the same time impressed by the fire and terrified by the gigantic spiders, Dynlor drops his torch and brings out his mace. He strikes at the nearest spider with frantic energy!

11:21, Today: Dynlor rolled 15,0 using d20-1,d6-1.  Attacking a spider.
Dungeon Master
GM, 77 posts
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 00:45
  • msg #153

Keep on the Borderlands

Between the fire damage, Reea's sword and the scratch from Gyp's javelin, the spider on the left side of he road falls dead, its legs curling up as it bleeds ichor onto the ground.

The second spider lunges forward to bite Dynlor, stinging the acolyte with a solid bite to the thigh.  It then pulls back from him, as though looking for another target.

Spider hit AC 4, did 6 points of damage, which is enough to kill Dynlor...
Falco Mugwort
player, 66 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 01:58
  • msg #154

Keep on the Borderlands

"No! Young Dynlor!" exclaims Falco as he angerly rushes at the remaining spider, thrusting his spear into the foul beast! "Die you dammed dirty beast!"

[Falco hits AC 3 for 7 damage]

[20:54, Today: Falco Mugwort rolled 14 using 1d20.]
[20:56, Today: Falco Mugwort rolled 7 using 1d6+2 ((5)).]
This message was last edited by the player at 14:48, Sun 08 Aug 2021.
Gyp Toogood
player, 30 posts
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 07:11
  • msg #155

Keep on the Borderlands

His javelin spent Gyp had little more to offer than being a target for the other spider. He had no urge to become the next meal for the beastly creature so the fool retreated back down the road and away from the battle.
player, 10 posts
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 10:13
  • msg #156

Keep on the Borderlands

Although his spell had worked as intended, it had not been as easy to dispose of the spiders as Leozaren had hoped. And now one of his new companions, by name of Dynlor, had succumbed to a spider bite! Horrified, the elf felt compelled to avenge the young cleric, and stepping forward he plunged his sword into the heart of the foul beast.

11:10, Today: Leozaren rolled 13 using 1d20.  attack roll, sword.
11:11, Today: Leozaren rolled 8 using 1d8.  dmg.

Player, 7 posts
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 16:59
  • msg #157

Keep on the Borderlands

Jori fires another sling stone from medium range.

12:57, Today: Jori rolled 11 using 1d20+1.  sling.
player, 47 posts
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 17:03
  • msg #158

Keep on the Borderlands

Horrified and filled with rage, forgetting her fear, with a battle cry, Reea swings her blade at the remaining spider.

13:02, Today: Reea rolled 3 using 1d20.  to hit.

OOC: This dice roll program is crap.

Dungeon Master
GM, 79 posts
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 03:26
  • msg #159

Keep on the Borderlands

Horrified by the death of their colleague, the group surrounds the remaining spider, each of them swinging or stabbing, or otherwise attacking.  Leozaren and Falco connect and between them kill the horrid beast.  It dies bleeding and gurgling, flattening out on the road.

End of combat, the spiders are dead.
Falco Mugwort
player, 67 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 21:54
  • msg #160

Keep on the Borderlands

With the immediate threat of the spiders resolved, Falco quickly turns his attention to Dynlor. He kneels down beside him, setting his spear on the ground as he does, and checks to see if Dynlor is breathing by putting his ear down against his chest.

He looks at Jori as he listens for sounds of life and asks her, "Acolyte Jori, do you have means to save Young Dynlor?"
Gyp Toogood
player, 31 posts
Tue 10 Aug 2021
at 06:25
  • msg #161

Keep on the Borderlands

The spiders dead Gyp returned to retrieve his javelin. The fool wept for Dynlor and gave a great performance of mourning. He knelt down beside their fallen comrade "woe am I. What ill fortune for Dynlor" as the fool stood up and retreated he took Dynlor's mace with him, tucked in Gyp's belt.
Player, 8 posts
Wed 11 Aug 2021
at 02:55
  • msg #162

Keep on the Borderlands

"Acolyte Jori, do you have means to save Young Dynlor?"

"No, sir. I have yet to gain the favor of the gods to pray healing over a person." Her face drooped and her eyes were sad. She closed them, silently saying a blessing for Dynlor's journey to the next life.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:55, Wed 11 Aug 2021.
player, 48 posts
Wed 11 Aug 2021
at 03:14
  • msg #163

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea forced herself to not look at the dead spiders. They were disgusting creatures and she was glad they were dead. Her body was shaking, and she glared at the bloody mess on her blade. Her stomach became queasy and she felt her morning meal coming up to her throat. Unable to keep it down, she dropped her sword and spun away from the others. Gurgling and retching, she emptied her stomach on the side of the road.

"I'm sorry," said Reea, turning back to the group, dribbles of vomit still dripping down her chin.

Looking at Dynlor's blank eyes, she felt tears coursing down her cheeks.
player, 12 posts
Thu 12 Aug 2021
at 23:23
  • msg #164

Keep on the Borderlands

"Will someone come with me and investigate the spider lair? Perhaps there might be something there as inadequate reward for the loss of Dynlor. Or we can kill any babies there. Either way, let us make sure there is no immediate danger awaiting us."

The spiders had been eliminated but to Leozaren, there was no time for complacency. More or different dangers could be lurking nearby.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:12, Sun 15 Aug 2021.
Gyp Toogood
player, 35 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 06:05
  • msg #165

Keep on the Borderlands

The fool looked around "do spider's have lairs?" he mused then nodded "I'll take a look around, perhaps there are other victims all wrapped and cocooned in webs somewhere" Gyp followed the elf but didn't want to stray too far from the road "then onward to the caves of chaos?" he suggested.
player, 51 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 17:07
  • msg #166

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea leaned close to Falco and whispered in his ear.

"We're not going to just leave Dynlor lying here, are we?"
Player, 11 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 19:50
  • msg #167

Keep on the Borderlands

Jori followed Gyp and Leozaren. She felt compassion for Dynlor, but in the end, life continued. Gyp had covertly taken Dynlor's mace, so she was suspicious, that if he found treasure left by any unfortunate victims of the spiders, he might try to keep it for himself instead of sharing. She didn't know this with certainty, but she felt it was a good idea to keep an eye on him.

"I'm coming, too."
Falco Mugwort
player, 68 posts
Spear Fighter
Sat 14 Aug 2021
at 22:38
  • msg #168

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco, looking sad, replies to Jori, "We can only hope Brave Dynlor finds his just reward in the afterlife then."

After Reea comes over to him, he looks up at her and replies, "I do not intent to. But perhaps a few minutes to make sure the danger is past."

After placing Dynlor in a respectful position, He rises up to his feet and says, "Let us see what we find, Young Warrior Reea; Then we can bring Dynlor back to the keep for his rites."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:38, Sat 14 Aug 2021.
player, 13 posts
Sat 14 Aug 2021
at 22:48
  • msg #169

Keep on the Borderlands

"Well indeed. I only meant to check for immediate further threat, and had no intention of leaving poor Dynlor here. Last rites at the Keep would be best, rather than have someone digging up his corpse for food here."

Such were the dangers of an adventuring life, for death truly lurked around every corner. It could be any - or all - of them next.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:15, Sun 15 Aug 2021.
player, 52 posts
Sat 14 Aug 2021
at 23:43
  • msg #170

Keep on the Borderlands

"Let us see what we find, Young Warrior Reea; Then we can bring Dynlor back to the keep for his rites."

Reea wasn't good at figuring things out, so she was beginning to become confused. Leave Dynlor. Take him to the keep now. Take him later. It was too much for her. She liked things to be simple.

"Tell me what to do and I'll do it."

Reea felt an itch on her chin. Scratching, she realized there was dry vomit there. Embarrassed, she cleaned it off.

She hoped no one noticed.
Dungeon Master
GM, 81 posts
Sun 15 Aug 2021
at 01:45
  • msg #171

Keep on the Borderlands

Just north of the road the party finds the lair of the spiders, a mass of webs in the trees.  Below the lair, on the ground behind a tree and under a pile of leaves, are the remains of a previous victim.  Among the detritus is a shield that looks to be in decent condition despite the condition of the rest of the poor fellow.  Perhaps some oil and polish will reveal something.
Gyp Toogood
player, 36 posts
Sun 15 Aug 2021
at 08:34
  • msg #172

Keep on the Borderlands

Discovery of a corpse in the spider's lair had Gyp equally worried as he was pleased. He didn't want to become spider food himself but it did mean that they might find treasure. Alas it was naught but a shield. Gyp gave no regard to it.

The fool was ready to follow the others whether it be to the caves or back to the keep.
Falco Mugwort
player, 69 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 16 Aug 2021
at 01:50
  • msg #173

Keep on the Borderlands

"First, let us look over that unfortunate soul," Falco replies to Reea, pointing his spear towards the corpse in the spider webs as he does. "Be wary of necromancy. I have heard tales...tales of the dead rising up." He pokes at the body with the tip of his spear, while keeping his guard up, and then taps the shield.

He says, "Hmmm...perhaps a good shield if anyone needs one." He pokes his spear tip in the webbing around the corpse, looking for a coin purse to claim or something that might identify if the body was of someone of particular station.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:51, Mon 16 Aug 2021.
player, 14 posts
Mon 16 Aug 2021
at 20:06
  • msg #174

Keep on the Borderlands

"Does anyone that can use a shield not have one? If so speak up, and you can have it to bear now. If not, we can discuss ownership another time.

What shall we do with the webs? I am unsure whether burning them is worth it, with the risk to the trees themselves."

Leozaren joined in with the scanning of the webs, though lacking a spear or any long instrument he had to simply rely on his vision.
player, 54 posts
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 02:05
  • msg #175

Keep on the Borderlands

"Does anyone that can use a shield not have one? If so speak up, and you can have it to bear now. If not, we can discuss ownership another time."

"May I have it?" Reea saw how quickly someone could die, so she wanted all the protection she could get.
Gyp Toogood
player, 38 posts
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 06:31
  • msg #176

Keep on the Borderlands

"Burning the webs may attract the attention of other creatures from the forest" Gyp warned morosely, the fool's sad and cowardly demeanour made many of his comments negative.
Player, 12 posts
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 16:36
  • msg #177

Keep on the Borderlands

"If the spiders laid eggs, burning the webs will kill them.  This will prevent others from having to face more of them."  She glanced at the remains of the prior victim and shuddered.  It must have been a horrible way to leave this life.
player, 16 posts
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 23:37
  • msg #178

Keep on the Borderlands

One voice spoke up for the new shield, that of Reea.

"Then it is yours, Reea! No point in being backward about it, take every advantage you can."

There were some conflicting views on the webs, but Leozaren could stand only so much debate. He nodded a few times then got out his tinderbox, lit one of his torches and then set it to the webs.

"We can move out while these burn, rather than standing around watching them. Question is: what now? Scout, or return to the keep?"
Gyp Toogood
player, 39 posts
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 06:22
  • msg #179

Keep on the Borderlands

The webs alight Gyp moved away from the trees and back to the road. The fool nodded to Leozaren "aye tis done. Let us explore the caves or at least see them" the fool moaned. Gyp had not a copper piece to his name and without treasure he would find no lodgings at the keep.
Falco Mugwort
player, 71 posts
Spear Fighter
Fri 20 Aug 2021
at 02:38
  • msg #180

Keep on the Borderlands

"Seems nothing else of import here," Falco says after prodding around the body with his spear, "If you want the shield, then you are welcome to it, Young Warrior Reea. Hopefully, it will serve you better than its previous master."

Falco answers, "We should return the boy's body to the keep. We are yet to even know where these Caves of Chaos lie. We could be searching for days before we come across this foul lair."
player, 55 posts
Sat 21 Aug 2021
at 16:44
  • msg #181

Keep on the Borderlands

Grateful for the shield, Reea carefully moved through the trees after the webs were destroyed. She stared at the remains lying there, but quickly looked away. Focusing on the shield, she picked it up and brushed off as much of the dirt and debris as she could.

Though someone died for her to have the shield, she smiled, proud of herself. It was her first reward, fighting her first battle. Though afraid, she overcame it and stood with her friends. For the first time, she truly, deeply believed she could do this. She moved back onto the road, rejoining the others.

Holding the shield at the ready, Reea looked at Falco, a twinkle in her eyes.

"Thank you."
This message was last edited by the player at 16:46, Sat 21 Aug 2021.
Falco Mugwort
player, 72 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 22 Aug 2021
at 19:13
  • msg #182

Keep on the Borderlands

Feeling the young lad Dynlor took a life-defeating blow that could just as easily have targeted him, Falco feels the need to at least get the brave boy's body back to the keep for his rites so that his spirit can rest in peace.

He silently takes it upon himself to pick up the boy's body over his back after slinging his shield over his shoulder. Of course, he still has his spear to carry but he bears the burden.

After picking up Dynlor and balancing his weight, Falco starts his solemn journey back to the keep.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:59, Tue 24 Aug 2021.
player, 57 posts
Sun 22 Aug 2021
at 21:45
  • msg #183

Keep on the Borderlands

Without hesitating, Reea followed Falco.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, Dynlor," said Reea in a soft and solemn whisper.
Player, 13 posts
Sun 22 Aug 2021
at 21:49
  • msg #184

Keep on the Borderlands

Jori looked at Gyp and Leozaren, a look of bewilderment on her face.

"Should we go with them? I don't think just the three of us can handle what we might find in the caves."
player, 19 posts
Sun 22 Aug 2021
at 23:33
  • msg #185

Keep on the Borderlands

Why there was confusion Leozaren had no idea. Humans were a strange bunch indeed.

"Of course we are going with them," he replied to Jori, as calmly as he could. "There is greater strength in numbers, at all times. We have nothing to gain from searching for the Caves, other than a bitter end. Let us all head back to the Keep and see that Dynlor receives the proper funeral rites, it is the least he deserves.

Falco, if you wish to take turns carrying Dynlor, I am happy to take a share."

Gyp Toogood
player, 40 posts
Mon 23 Aug 2021
at 11:35
  • msg #186

Keep on the Borderlands

Eager to not be left behind Gyp followed the others closely. With them he was sure to be able to pass through the gates of the Keep. Then he'd find some hole to sleep in.
Dungeon Master
GM, 84 posts
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 02:02
  • msg #187

Keep on the Borderlands

The companions return to the Keep, plodding along in sorrow.  The guards at the gate open without a word; though many adventurers depart the Keep never to return, few are brought back dead by their companions and Dynlor's lifeless form is a somber symbol of reality for them.  It is late afternoon when you arrive, and the guards direct you to take him to the Chapel.  Thorona and Abercrombie receive him along with the other acolytes, taking his body to prepare for the rites.

"What happened?" Abercrombie asks.  He will let the companions sleep in the chapel for free in gratitude for returning Dynlor, if they so wish.
Falco Mugwort
player, 73 posts
Spear Fighter
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 02:11
  • msg #188

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco had been agreeable to sharing the burden of carrying Dynlor's body back to the Keep and traded off with Leozaren along the way.

Once back, after handing off Dynlor's remains to the acolytes, Falco answers the religious leader. He says, "The lad bravely stood with us against two foul, eight-legged spider-abominations the size of horses, but he fell in battle. We put the beasts down...but at a grave cost." He looks sadly towards Dynlor's body as the acolytes take him away.
Player, 5 posts
Apprentice Wizard
Skinny Bookworm
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 02:13
  • msg #189

Keep on the Borderlands

Simon, the wizard's apprentice, has quietly followed along while reflecting on how short life can be. He hopes to live a long time and read many books, but the world can be seems.
Gyp Toogood
player, 41 posts
Tue 24 Aug 2021
at 13:05
  • msg #190

Keep on the Borderlands

It was nice to be treated like a hero. Gratefully Gyp gave his praises at the chapel before finding a pew to sleep upon.

He called out to his companions "I'll be on the road in the morning to explore the caves if any wish to join me" before he curled up to sleep as his belly grumbled loudly at not being fed for more than a day.
Dungeon Master
GM, 86 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 00:44
  • msg #191

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco and Simon are greeted warmly in the Inn, the others (presumably) rest in the chapel for the evening.

In the morning the sun rises as always, promising a bright day ahead for the expedition.  Falco and Simon meet another recent arrival to the Keep, Faldal the acolyte, who arrived in the evening and also spent the night in the Inn...

Welcome back to Faldal, Dynlor's replacement.
Gyp Toogood
player, 43 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 08:12
  • msg #192

Keep on the Borderlands

Sleep under a roof and on a pew was a luxury for Gyp. The fool gave his praise to the gods in the chapel before he went around the back for his ablutions. Then readied but still hungry he left the keep and awaited beside the road for his companions of yesterday. In his waiting Gyp exercised his art of entertainment and foolery for any passersby, doffing his cap in hope of a share of bread or a coin whenever someone came near.
player, 59 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 21:33
  • msg #193

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea was grateful to be allowed to sleep in the temple, though a wood pew wasn't the most comfortable place.

In the morning, she joined Falco for a simple breakfast of bread, cheese, and water. She also purchased some extra bread, which she stored in her backpack.

Though it once belonged to someone else, Reea was proud of her new shield. Before turning in for the night, she took great care to clean and polish it. She hoped she could pay tribute to its previous master by fighting with honor and courage.

On the road again, the sun warming her face, Reea nibbled on a slice of bread.
Falco Mugwort
player, 75 posts
Spear Fighter
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 03:09
  • msg #194

Keep on the Borderlands

After finishing up his breakfast, Falco gathers his gear and heads out to meet up with the others. He gives a nod in passing to the recent arrival. Although not a learned man, he can't help but notice the surprising number of acolytes the Keep seems to attract. He reasons there must be plenty of poor souls in need of saving out in these untamed frontier lands.

He speaks up and says, "Young Reea, it seems you have done a good job of cleaning your shield. More important though is learning how to use it well. Even a battered shield can save your life...if used well."
Gyp Toogood
player, 44 posts
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 07:25
  • msg #195

Keep on the Borderlands

The bright day ahead was made brighter by the appearance of bread alongside the appearance of Reea and Falco. The court fool danced a jig and landed a cartwheel at the feet of fighters, his eyes pleaded with Reea whilst his belly grumbled "won't you share a piece of bread with a fellow adventurer?" he begged hungrily.
player, 60 posts
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 18:15
  • msg #196

Keep on the Borderlands

Reea waved at Falco when he joined her outside on the road.

"Young Reea, it seems you have done a good job of cleaning your shield. More important though, is learning how to use it well. Even a battered shield can save your life... if used well."

Reea was glad Falco was proud of her. She beamed a bright smile that rivaled the morning sun.

"In my village, my master taught me the basic way to use a shield. I just need to practice."

As Gyp approached, Reea watched him, taking another bite of the delicious bread, her mouth savoring every bit of its wonderful taste. The fellow was odd and she didn't know what to make of him. She was simple in her thinking, so she shrugged it off, figuring she would probably be wrong anyway.

When Gyp arrived, he seemed to be staring at the remnants of the bread. He danced a short jig, flipped a cartwheel, and looked at Reea as if he were expecting something in return.

"Won't you share a piece of bread with a fellow adventurer?" said Gyp.

Reea stopped chewing and looked at Gyp. They had spent the night in the keep, which had an inn. Why didn't he order breakfast? Unsure, she unslung her backpack. Reaching inside, she broke off a chunk from one of the loaves she brought.

"Here you go," said Reea, offering the food. If he truly needed help, it made Reea feel good inside to give it.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:16, Fri 27 Aug 2021.
Gyp Toogood
player, 46 posts
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 21:31
  • msg #197

Keep on the Borderlands

The fool beamed a smile from ear you ear. The smile soon vanished as Gyp began to cram the bread into his hungry mouth. Between chews he thanked Reea profusely "thank... you... a... perfect... lady... you... are" he swallowed hard to clear his mouth and smacked his lips "don't suppose you have any wine to wash it down with? he weaseled and rubbed his hands together.
player, 61 posts
Sat 28 Aug 2021
at 17:24
  • msg #198

Keep on the Borderlands

"Thank... you... a... perfect... lady... you... are."

Reea smiled again.

"Don't suppose you have any wine to wash it down with?" Gyp rubbed his hands together.

Reea wrinkled her nose. She would always do her best to help a person in need, but she hoped that person would at least be sincerely grateful and not expect more than was offered.

"No, I don't have wine." Even if Reea did have some, drinking it before exploring, wouldn't be smart. She had seen what wine could do. Everyone needed to be alert and ready.
Falco Mugwort
player, 76 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 01:27
  • msg #199

Keep on the Borderlands

"Well, let us be off then," says Falco.

With his spear resting over his right shoulder and his shield on his left, the middle-aged spearman starts to head back down the road towards adventure. Along the way, he yawns and scratches his head once. He perhaps drunk a bit too much beer the night before as his nose is a bit rather red-ish in tone.
Gyp Toogood
player, 47 posts
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 08:13
  • msg #200

Keep on the Borderlands

"Tis a shame, mayhaps we will be more successful in finding treasure today and I can repay your kindness" the fool replied to Reea disappointing news that they hadn't brought wine.

When their leader ordered them onto the road Gyp followed. He was slightly better prepared this time than yesterday. Today he had eaten and Dynlor's mace swung at his hip. Rather than the frown of yesterday Gyp smiled.
player, 1 post
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 10:38
  • msg #201

Keep on the Borderlands

Of the two men he was directed to, Faldal found that the one named Falco seemd the more talkative. Hesitantly, he introduces himself.

"Hello, my name is Faldal. I am an acolyte and came here to follow my friend, Dynlor. Someone told me that he was hanging out with you when I asked. Would you know where he is?"
Falco Mugwort
player, 77 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 29 Aug 2021
at 17:18
  • msg #202

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco stops and looks back as the recent keep-arrival speaks up to introduce himself. He turns to face the man as they converse. He replies "Greetings fair Faldal, friend of brave Dynlor. I am Falco, a simple spearman."

He has a weighty expression as he says, "Sadly, your friend Dynlor passed beyond the mortal realm on the yesterday. He fought bravely by our sides against a pair of spider abominations, but fell in battle. Know that the two foul beasts were destroyed and his sacrifice was not in vain."

After a pause, he goes on to say, "We are on a quest to seek out a den of vile darkness, called The Caves of Chaos, and push back against those that dwell there...and perhaps acquire some gold for our troubles. "
player, 2 posts
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 07:55
  • msg #203

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal's face suddenly decomposes. "No, no, you can't be telling me that... No, this can't be!" The acolyte trembles of pain and sadness for a little while. "The fool!" He mumbles. "He couldn't wait just a few days. Of course he couldn't!"

After a while, his eyes red but his face resolute, he takes his mace in his arm and says to Falco: "Where is this cave? I will go with you. He couldn't accomplish his dream, but I will sure as hell try do it for him!"
Falco Mugwort
player, 78 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 30 Aug 2021
at 22:41
  • msg #204

Keep on the Borderlands

"You have a strong spirit, Faldal," replies Falco, "Let us find these caves then." He turns and resumes walking down the pathway.

"So, Young Reea. Why have you decided to venture forth into danger instead of staying in the safety of your home village? None of the boys there suited you?"
player, 62 posts
Wed 1 Sep 2021
at 00:52
  • msg #205

Keep on the Borderlands

The group was on the move again. The destination was the caves of chaos, but no one knew what to expect. The tone was mostly quiet, maybe because they were still thinking about Dynlor. Reea wasn't talking either, until Falco asked her something.

"So, Young Reea. Why have you decided to venture forth into danger instead of staying in the safety of your home village? None of the boys there suited you?"

Reea stopped and glared at her friend. She hadn't talked about her past for good reason. Falco's query brought up bad memories.

"Boys are stupid." Reea started walking again, moving ahead of Falco, fuming over thinking about her past.
Falco Mugwort
player, 79 posts
Spear Fighter
Wed 1 Sep 2021
at 02:21
  • msg #206

Keep on the Borderlands

Unaware he struck a nerve, Falco breaks out into a hearty but genuine laugh at Reea's reply. "Yes they are," he agrees as Reea picks up the pace and moves out ahead of him.

As they draw near to the point where they fought the spiders, Falco says to Gyp, "I hope you make good use of that mace, Jester. Someone's life may depend on it - maybe your own."

He urges everyone, "Keep your wits about you. We know little about this area...or what might be hiding in shadows or lying in wait."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:22, Wed 01 Sept 2021.
Gyp Toogood
player, 48 posts
Wed 1 Sep 2021
at 06:26
  • msg #207

Keep on the Borderlands

Soon they were be venturing into the unknown, Gyp was nervous enough then Falco hammered home the dangers. Gyp gave a skittish hop "when I must" he stammered, unsure of his own skill in the arena of battle. Having the weapon gave him some reassurance but using it was another problem "I have more skill with words than swords" he said more confidently "if it's not more awful spiders but some creature I can have words with rather than cross swords with let me speak with them".
Dungeon Master
GM, 88 posts
Wed 1 Sep 2021
at 18:51
  • msg #208

Keep on the Borderlands

It is about three hours* from the Keep to the former spider lair and ambush site, where poor Dynlor fell in combat.  The company takes their third rest in that vicinity, being close to the river at the point where the river and the wood close in on the road.  Ahead can be seen a low hill, and the road goes East towards it, then turns North to bypass the hill.  Beyond that point you can’t see because of the obscuring woods.   As for the woods, the forested area slopes gently upward to the hills in the north and beyond that a mountain range.

*15 turns of walking, 6 turns per hour, must rest 1 turn in every 6 to avoid fatigue.  So arrive at the site of the spider battle at the end of turn 17.  Each square on themap is 1 turn of movement (revised from what is printed on the map based on the scale and Expert book noting that travel speeds are in yards per turn outdoors.
Gyp Toogood
player, 49 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 06:37
  • msg #209

Keep on the Borderlands

There was confidence in Gyp that the road must lead somewhere and he was going somewhere. So past the spiders lair Gyp carried on putting one foot in front of the other to walk toward the caves of chaos.
Falco Mugwort
player, 82 posts
Spear Fighter
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 21:36
  • msg #210

Keep on the Borderlands

"We have traveled eastward for some time. Perhaps it is time to turn northward into the forest. I doubt we will find the caves we seek along the road. The tavern boy said the caves were into the forest, Northeast from the Keep," Falco says.

He starts to turn off the road and into the forest in a generally Northward direction, but keeps his guard up.
player, 67 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 23:15
  • msg #211

Keep on the Borderlands

Glad someone else was making the tough decisions. Reea set aside being irritated that Falco asked about boys in her village. Making sure everything was in place, she followed him into the trees, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword.
Player, 14 posts
Thu 2 Sep 2021
at 23:18
  • msg #212

Keep on the Borderlands

Jori watched Falco and Reea move off the road and into the woods. Unsure if that was the wise course, she turned to the others.

"I guess we're going that way."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 23:20, Thu 02 Sept 2021.
Player, 6 posts
Apprentice Wizard
Skinny Bookworm
Fri 3 Sep 2021
at 00:41
  • msg #213

Keep on the Borderlands

"The spearman may be correct," says Simon to Jori, "If we are to seek out the forces of Chaos, we would likely have more success going through the forest instead of continuing down the road. I read in my books that the forces of Chaos like to stay hidden out of sight until they are ready to strike. Likely, we will only encounter bandits or travelers if we continue as we are. Of course, we can not be certain of anything--we lack knowledge of the surrounding area."

Simon follows along, staying among those in their group.
Gyp Toogood
player, 51 posts
Fri 3 Sep 2021
at 06:26
  • msg #214

Keep on the Borderlands

When everyone else followed Falco then Gyp followed too. The fool kept an eye looking upwards wary of more spiders falling upon them as they entered the forest.
player, 3 posts
Fri 3 Sep 2021
at 09:00
  • msg #215

Keep on the Borderlands

Plunging so quickly into adventure after learning the terrible news of the demise of his close friend, Faldal is very tensed in his demeanor. He watches around anxiously, his hand on his weapon at all times. He also makes sure to be surrounded by companions, and not straying away from the group.
Falco Mugwort
player, 83 posts
Spear Fighter
Fri 3 Sep 2021
at 22:01
  • msg #216

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco keeps travelling northward through the forest, keeping his shield slung over his shoulder, but ready to shift it into place quickly should the need arise. As for his spear, he keeps it resting across his right shoulder since it's too tiring to keep it point forward over long distances.
player, 21 posts
Wed 8 Sep 2021
at 22:19
  • msg #217

Keep on the Borderlands

The slaying of two spiders had done little for group morale, as the cost had been far too great. But Leozaren noted they were determined to carry on with their chosen path, and that pleased him. He would be sure to play his part, with sword and spell, and whatever else if it mattered.
Dungeon Master
GM, 91 posts
Thu 9 Sep 2021
at 01:16
  • msg #218

Keep on the Borderlands

Turning due North from the site of the spider battle the party moves directly into the forest.  After the first hour it is clear that the land is rising.  The slope is not too steep but it is steady.  It is well into the third hour when the trees thin out and a large clearing is found.  The clearing is irregularly shaped and sits along the slope, and looking East and South down the clearing you can see over the lower trees to the road down below passing in front of the low hill, and beyond that the meandering river.  To the West and South the banners and towers of the keep can be seen.

On the Main Game Map you went straight up from where the forest nearly touches the river and are now in the lowest and left-most square of the clear area.  What next?  It is almost six hours since you left the Keep in the morning, approaching mid afternoon (around 2:00 pm)

Gyp Toogood
player, 53 posts
Thu 9 Sep 2021
at 06:30
  • msg #219

Keep on the Borderlands

Glad to be out from under the boughs of the forest Gyp gave a jig and somersault. Then the jester looked east and spying the cave gave a yelp and shout "the cave... the cave" he cried excitedly. More subdued he murmured "why's it called the caves of chaos if there's only one cave?" unperturbed he headed off toward the solitary cave.

OOC Do our characters have access to that map? So we know where the caves of chaos are? What is the number 2 in the southern forest?
player, 22 posts
Thu 9 Sep 2021
at 09:09
  • msg #220

Keep on the Borderlands

"Gyp, wait! We need to formulate a plan, rather than wandering blindly off to possible death. And one assumes there is more than that one cave."

Leozaren stood still, then took a drink from his wineskin before taking a good look around.

"It is already mid-afternoon. I would suggest scouting the area for any immediate danger, then looking for a spot to make camp for the evening. All being well we could set off at first light in the morning for the cave...or caves. Then we could have a whole day to explore, rather than just an hour or so."
Gyp Toogood
player, 54 posts
Thu 9 Sep 2021
at 16:42
  • msg #221

Keep on the Borderlands

At the call from the elf Gyp turned around and skipped back to the group, he eyed up Leozaren's wineskin enviously and nodded "I could take a look around whilst you set up camp" Gyp was light on his feet and rather good at sneaking.
player, 4 posts
Fri 10 Sep 2021
at 16:45
  • msg #222

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal nods at Leozaren's plan, and obediently starts to look at possible spots for a camp.
Falco Mugwort
player, 84 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 12 Sep 2021
at 16:35
  • msg #223

Keep on the Borderlands

"So, we're going to camp out here? Hmmm," replies Falco, "I hope everyone brought their food then." He looks at Gyp and says, "Keep your wits about you, Jester, as you look around."

He looks at the others and asks, "Where should we camp then, hmmm?" While standing in place, he looks about to see if he can spot any place nearby that would seem to make for a suitable campsite.
Gyp Toogood
player, 56 posts
Mon 13 Sep 2021
at 06:32
  • msg #224

Keep on the Borderlands

As he prepared to go look closer at the cave mouth Gyp shook his head and opened his empty palms "I have not a penny and not a crust sir Falco. I am forced upon this path in search of a livelihood. If any can share some crumb of food I would be indebted" the fool gamboled from foot to foot as he spoke then before any could refuse his plead he sprang away, light of foot and crouching low he approached the cave to spy what he could see.
player, 69 posts
Tue 14 Sep 2021
at 17:11
  • msg #225

Keep on the Borderlands

OOC: 13:10, Today: Reea rolled 4 using 1d6 ((4)).  hunting
This message was last edited by the player at 17:12, Tue 14 Sept 2021.
player, 23 posts
Tue 14 Sep 2021
at 17:31
  • msg #226

Keep on the Borderlands

"I have some standard rations I can share around a campfire. I haven't the coin to buy a bow though, so hunting is going to be difficult. Does anyone know how to set snares?"

Elves were meant to be natural archers, and it pained Leozaren that he lacked one in his arsenal.
Falco Mugwort
player, 85 posts
Spear Fighter
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 12:25
  • msg #227

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco replies to Leozaren, "While I do have a sling, I am no forester, Elf-friend."

Once a suitable spot is decided upon, the middle-aged spearman starts to dig a small hole for a campfire, using his spear to break up the ground and then clearing the soil out of the spot with his right foot. After digging a suitably-size hole, he searches up some stones to help contain a fire and puts-up a small parameter of rocks around it. He spends a few minutes looking about for some kindling and sticks to burn, gathering them up as he comes across them, and the places the material in the hole.

He holds off starting the fire while he waits for the others to return. In the mean time, he sits down on a piece of fallen tree, breaks out some bread and cheese from his kit and breaks bread. "Tell me, Elf-friend, whereabouts do you hail? I have not seen your kind before. Have you travelled far to come to these borderlands?"
Player, 15 posts
Thu 16 Sep 2021
at 20:24
  • msg #228

Keep on the Borderlands

OOC: 16:23, Today: Jori rolled 4 using 1d6.  hunting.
player, 5 posts
Fri 17 Sep 2021
at 15:15
  • msg #229

Keep on the Borderlands

As he sees some of his companions go about hunting, Faldal shrugs. He helps Falco get the fire going, then brings out his rations and offers some of it to the jester.

"There. You won't get rich of you don't get fed first." he says, while handing it out to him.
Falco Mugwort
player, 87 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 20 Sep 2021
at 20:39
  • msg #230

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco socializes with Leozaren and Faldal while he eats his cheese and bread. It's a good idea to get familiar with those whom you might have to depend on to watch your back when danger presents itself. It's also good to know who to keep a watchful eye on.
player, 70 posts
Tue 21 Sep 2021
at 03:16
  • msg #231

Keep on the Borderlands

23:15, Today: Reea rolled 6 using 1d6.  hunting.
player, 71 posts
Tue 21 Sep 2021
at 20:21
  • msg #232

Keep on the Borderlands

Frustrated at unsuccessful hunting, Reea realized she was moving off alone, away from the group. She gave up looking for game and began hurrying back to the others.
Dungeon Master
GM, 99 posts
Wed 22 Sep 2021
at 01:29
  • msg #233

Keep on the Borderlands

After about twenty minutes of hunting or foraging Reea returns to the camp.  Jori made a small effort as well, but neither of them caught or found anything edible.  Gyp is still barely visible at that point, moving his way cautiously towards the cave mouth you saw earlier; but he soon slips out of sight.
Player, 16 posts
Wed 22 Sep 2021
at 17:25
  • msg #234

Keep on the Borderlands

13:24, Today: Jori rolled 6 using 1d6.  foraging.
Gyp Toogood
player, 64 posts
Fri 24 Sep 2021
at 06:38
  • msg #235

Keep on the Borderlands

Whilst his companions rested, chatted and ate for three hours Gyp had been alone in the wilderness. The glum jester returned miserable. His nerves fraught and his energies sapped. Many a fright had scared the little man and although some of the threats were imagined there had also been those that were real and deadly.

At the camp he collapsed in a fit of shakes and when he recovered he mimed his hunger and thirst as he licked his lips "I have a... tale to tell... let me have a drink first" he pleaded as he panted and gasped "a little food... to settle my belly" patiently he waited for his companions to share before he began his story.

Once his story was started the morose fool took on a new life and wowed his audience with skill and flair "the journey to the cave will take over a candle's inch in time. There little or no cover so our approach will likely be spotted. Alone I was able to stay out of sight and get close enough to look inside. The cave is shallow, either blocked by stones further in or nothing more than a divot on the hillside. Within the cave were two small creatures, likely goblins. I kept well clear of them. They were perhaps guarding something or hiding from the sun. They are evil and malicious creatures. I watched them for some time but they did little so I retired and fled back here. Never I have I been so scared nor in such peril. If I had been spotted I am sure I would now be skewered upon the foul goblins spears"
This message was lightly edited by the player at 06:39, Fri 24 Sept 2021.
player, 6 posts
Fri 24 Sep 2021
at 13:03
  • msg #236

Keep on the Borderlands

"Said in shorter sentences," reacts Faldal "you went there, saw two goblins and ran back here scared."

He chuckles a little.
Falco Mugwort
player, 89 posts
Spear Fighter
Fri 24 Sep 2021
at 13:16
  • msg #237

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco eyes Gyp as he returns and collapses. "So ye have returned with a tale, jester. I suppose ye have earned some food." He offers the colorful man a piece of cheese and a piece of bread.

He listens to Gyp as he shares his experience with them and then replies, "Foul goblins, ye say?"

He says to the camp, "Hmmmm...perhaps on the morrow we should journey forth and crack-in their skulls. Likely up to no good, they are."

He raises an eyebrow as he asks Gyp, "Perhaps we can circle around and approach the cave from behind them so they cannot see us. What do you think, jester?"
Gyp Toogood
player, 65 posts
Fri 24 Sep 2021
at 13:32
  • msg #238

Keep on the Borderlands

There was disappointment in Gyp's eyes when Faldal dismissed his heroic effort. None of the others had offered to risk their neck by going to the cave alone. They didn't seem to have even dared go out foraging or hunting.

His eyes brightened at the offer of food. The fool crammed the food his mouth and nodded to Falco "aye if we approach from uphill when the sun is high in the sky I suspect the goblins will be unaware of us until we are close" he finished the cheese "any wine? he asked Falco hopefully.
Dungeon Master
GM, 101 posts
Sun 26 Sep 2021
at 03:09
  • msg #239

Keep on the Borderlands

The evening passes uneventfully for the party, the watches are undisturbed.  In the morning a flock of birds is seen rising of a sudden to the east-northeast about a mile away.  It is cool in the morning with a light mist coming off the river to the south covering the road.
Falco Mugwort
player, 90 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 27 Sep 2021
at 02:18
  • msg #240

Keep on the Borderlands

Normally, Falco would be disinclined to give up any of his precious wine, but he felt the Jester had earned a cup, so offered him one along with the cheese and bread he gave him.

As for the next day, Falco stands up and gives a good stretch, lifting his arms up above his head. He rubs his hair with one hand while scratching his butt with the other. As he does, he accesses the camp and surrounding area to make sure everything appears in order.

He gives a good yawn and again eats bread and wine for his breakfast. Once everyone has broken their fast as well, he gears up and readies himself for the day ahead with hopeful thoughts of acquiring some coin or other valuables to add to his meager purse.
Gyp Toogood
player, 66 posts
Mon 27 Sep 2021
at 06:24
  • msg #241

Keep on the Borderlands

Profusely Gyp thanked Falco for his generosity as he gulped the offered wine. After the exercises of the day his muscles were tired and his mind heady with wine the fool slept well. He awoke later than some and after dealing with his ablutions he went around his companions scrounging for food. Until they found some treasure his pack and purse would remain empty.
player, 7 posts
Wed 29 Sep 2021
at 15:17
  • msg #242

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal readies himself as well for the day ahead, simply and humbly, as he always does.
player, 24 posts
Thu 30 Sep 2021
at 21:46
  • msg #243

Keep on the Borderlands

While the others went about their business Leozaren looked around, scouting the nearby vicinity for any signs of trouble. Soon enough, the sight of a flock of birds taking hurriedly to the air gave him cause for concern.

"I suggest everyone be prepared for action. Those birds did not take flight without reason - something must have disturbed them. We could either investigate, or take care to avoid the area while we make progress toward the cave Gyp found."
Falco Mugwort
player, 93 posts
Spear Fighter
Mon 4 Oct 2021
at 22:47
  • msg #244

Keep on the Borderlands

After Leozaren reports what he notices, Falco says, "Perhaps we should have a closer look at what disturbed the birds then. I would not want to be surprised by something going to the Jester's Goblin cave. Lead the way, Friend Elf."

Falco readies his shield and spear while he says to Reea, "Be on guard, Young Reea."
Gyp Toogood
player, 68 posts
Tue 5 Oct 2021
at 06:42
  • msg #245

Keep on the Borderlands

His eyes shaded by a hand Gyp looked out across the hillside and trees beyond "if we head to the trees we will pass the cave" he explained to Falco "two birds with one stone as they say" he added then followed Falco in that direction.
player, 28 posts
Tue 5 Oct 2021
at 16:26
  • msg #246

Keep on the Borderlands

"Well it appears we are going to check what disturbed the birds, then the cave. Agreed?"

Leozaren will wait for Falco to take the lead, or join him in the vanguard if he wishes.
Player, 17 posts
Tue 5 Oct 2021
at 17:32
  • msg #247

Keep on the Borderlands

Once the group decided what to do, Jori approached Falco and took him aside. She very quietly whispered in his ear.
Falco Mugwort
player, 96 posts
Spear Fighter
Tue 5 Oct 2021
at 21:29
  • msg #248

Keep on the Borderlands

"So the birds are further away than the Goblin's cave? Ah, Pardon. I thought ye meant birds near us Friend Elf. Let us head that direction then, but stay inside the tree line. If the Goblins the Jester saw are closer, it might be better to spy on them first and then decide whether to continue on to the birds, or venture into the Goblin's cave. The Jester only saw two, but where there's two Goblins, there's usually more near by." From the expression on his face when he speaks of Goblins, it's clear he dislikes them.

Falco starts to follow the treeline in the general direction towards the Goblin cave and the birds beyond while staying some 30 feet or so deep into the forest vegetation.

After Jori approaches him and calls him aside, Falco listens to her whispers. He says a few quiet words in return before resuming his position and continuing on the way.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:47, Tue 05 Oct 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 106 posts
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 00:45
  • msg #249

Keep on the Borderlands

Moving carefully just inside the tree-line, the party moves along the curve of the clearing going a bit downhill.  In two hours of careful walking, including the proper rest breaks, and being alert to danger in and out of the forest, the party arrives at a point in the trees two hundred yards or so South of the cave entrance.

From this vantage it is clear that the goblins are not immediately visible in the cave entrance, and this cave is barely that; even from here it is clear that it does not go more than a few a feet into the hillside.
Gyp Toogood
player, 70 posts
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 06:28
  • msg #250

Keep on the Borderlands

"Mayhaps the goblins moved off and that is what spooked the birds?" the fool hazarded a guess as they went passed the cave "we could whilst the cave is empty satisfy our curiosity and take a closer look" he suggested to their leader Falco.
Falco Mugwort
player, 97 posts
Spear Fighter
Thu 7 Oct 2021
at 00:04
  • msg #251

Keep on the Borderlands

"So this is where ye saw the two Goblins, eh? Hmmm," replies Falco. He looks over at the others and asks, "What say ye all? Shall we have a look then, or continue on to where the birds were?"
Gyp Toogood
player, 71 posts
Thu 7 Oct 2021
at 06:50
  • msg #252

Keep on the Borderlands

Gyp gave a nod to Falco to confirm this is where he had been "I am fast of foot, I shall go ahead" he volunteered. At least this time he would not be out of sight of his companions. It would save them time on their journey if he began any investigation as soon as possible. Gyp then leapt off with a cartwheel and raced to the cave to take a look inside.
player, 8 posts
Thu 7 Oct 2021
at 16:37
  • msg #253

Keep on the Borderlands

"If he is so scared of danger, why does he always have to scout ahead alone?" whispers Faldal to himself.
player, 29 posts
Thu 7 Oct 2021
at 23:11
  • msg #254

Keep on the Borderlands

"Well he is eager, we can say that of him."

It didn't sound particularly like a compliment, but it wasn't an insult either.
Dungeon Master
GM, 108 posts
Sat 9 Oct 2021
at 16:21
  • msg #255

Keep on the Borderlands

Gyp runs ahead of the others arriving at the cave quickly.  In the light of day he can see that this cave only goes about 15 feet in, like a giant took a scoop out of the hill and the remaining overhang is now grown over with grass.  It does make a very nice, sheltered place for a camp, though it is also obvious and visible for some distance.

as the others approach a search of the area notes the poorly concealed remnants of a camp not very old, perhaps the very goblins Gyp saw last night.
Gyp Toogood
player, 72 posts
Sun 10 Oct 2021
at 08:44
  • msg #256

Keep on the Borderlands

Glad to find the cave empty of goblins Gyp danced a little jig and then examined the remains of the campsite for anything interesting left behind and also around the back of the cave for any signs of travel or use.
player, 30 posts
Sun 10 Oct 2021
at 10:18
  • msg #257

Keep on the Borderlands

"If this is a lookout post for goblins, or whatever else, I would rather not tarry. We should investigate the birds or find another means of entering the caves."

Leozaren looked to Falco for his call.
Falco Mugwort
player, 98 posts
Spear Fighter
Sun 10 Oct 2021
at 21:46
  • msg #258

Keep on the Borderlands

"So nothing found in the cave, eh," Falco comments aloud. He turns to face Leozaren and the others in their group and says, "Yes, let us continue onward then. We only have so much daylight and the Goblins and worse come out at night to do their foul deeds."

He readies himself to resume the journey. Once Gyp has rejoined them and everyone else is ready to get underway as well, he then again takes to the woods some thirty feet in and proceeds towards the general direction of where the birds where seen taking flight while using the forest for cover along the way.
Dungeon Master
GM, 109 posts
Sun 10 Oct 2021
at 22:29
  • msg #259

Keep on the Borderlands

Following in the direction that you saw the birds take flight, the party re-enters the forest and skirts the clearing until turning away from it and moving northeast.  The forest gets more dense, tangled, and gloomier than before.  The thick, twisted tree trunks, unnaturally misshapen limbs, writhing roots, clutching and grasping thorns and briars all seem to warn, as the party traverses a heavily wooded and sloping terrain, one that gets steeper the farther North you go, naturally pulling the party more to the east.  After almost two hours of carefully moving through this forested area the wood suddenly ends - you have stepped out of the thicket into a ravine-like area. The walls rise rather steeply, and the party came down on the left side slope.

To either side to a height of about 100’ or so - dark, streaked rock mingled with earth. Clumps of trees grow here and there, both on the floor of the ravine and up the sloping walls of the canyon. The opening you stand in is about 200’ wide. The ravine runs at least 400’ west to where the western end rises in a steep slope. Here and there, at varying heights on all sides of the ravine, you can see the black mouths of cave-like openings in the rock walls. The sunlight is dim, the air dank, there is an oppressive feeling here - as if something evil is watching and waiting to pounce upon you. There are bare, dead trees here and there, and upon one a vulture perches and gazes hungrily at you. A flock of ravens rise croaking from the ground, the beat of their wings and their cries magnified by the terrain to sound loud and horrible, a repetition of what you saw this morning only much closer. Amongst the litter of rubble, boulders, and dead wood scattered about on the ravine floor, you can see bits of gleaming ivory and white - closer inspection reveals that these are bones and skulls of men, animals, and other things,. . .

You know that you have certainly discovered the Caves Of Chaos.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:32, Mon 01 Nov 2021.
Gyp Toogood
player, 73 posts
Mon 11 Oct 2021
at 17:14
  • msg #260

Keep on the Borderlands

The cave was in the end a disappointment. Gyp scowled and kicked at the dirt and then followed Falco away from the cave.

Their arrival at the caves of chaos cheered Gyp up and his waved his hands excitedly. He then looked around the ravine and at the many caves. In the end his energy was spent, his shoulders sagged and he looked to Falco "which cave?"
player, 31 posts
Mon 11 Oct 2021
at 22:31
  • msg #261

Keep on the Borderlands

Far from excited, Leozaren was somewhat downcast - there were caves here, but did there have to be so many? That meant trouble abounded, and death was everywhere: the sheer number of bones and remains of things living told of that. He turned his face away.
player, 9 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 09:40
  • msg #262

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal stares at the caves, intimidated by the sight for a while. Then he whispers, and find his resolve again. Wasn't it the reason why he came here, after all, to face the adversity to be found in this and other foul places?

"We might as well start with the closest one." he proposes, answering the jester.
Gyp Toogood
player, 74 posts
Thu 14 Oct 2021
at 17:31
  • msg #263

Keep on the Borderlands

"Good choice" Gyp stood behind and Faldal gave him a clap on the back "in we go then" he encouraged as he rooted around in his backpack to get a torch and his flint to light it.
Falco Mugwort
player, 99 posts
Spear Fighter
Thu 14 Oct 2021
at 23:55
  • msg #264

Keep on the Borderlands

"Keep your guard up. Be ready to withdraw if the advantage is not with us," offers Falco as he readies his shield and spear.

He crouches down and advances carefully with the others. As he does, he keeps his senses alert for danger and looks about for movement around them or other signs of possible danger.
Player, 7 posts
Apprentice Wizard
Skinny Bookworm
Fri 15 Oct 2021
at 00:00
  • msg #265

Keep on the Borderlands

Quiet Simon keeps alert, his dagger drawn and in his hand, and quietly moves in the midst of the others. Being a bookworm, he's not used to all this travelling through the wilderness.

Truthfully, he would be more at comfort in a room with a roof over his head and a book in his hands. But then how would he gain practical knowledge of the world outside if he retreats back to his books? Thus, he keeps course and ventures onward towards the nearest cave entrance.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:00, Fri 15 Oct 2021.
player, 10 posts
Fri 15 Oct 2021
at 07:45
  • msg #266

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal hesitates. He will certainly not be the first to enter the cave!
Dungeon Master
GM, 113 posts
Sat 16 Oct 2021
at 22:39
  • msg #267

Keep on the Borderlands

Move to the Caves of Chaos Part 1 thread, please.

*** We Pick Up here After the Kobold Cave ***
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:52, Fri 14 Jan 2022.
Gyp Toogood
player, 106 posts
AC 9, HP 4/4
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 07:41
  • msg #268

Keep on the Borderlands

There was a big sigh of relief from Gyp as the party escaped the caves. It had been successful and the fool danced amongst the party offering handshakes, kisses and claps on the back for everyone “oh my, I’m glad to be travelling home alive” he exhaled.

”We won’t be back at the fort before nightfall. Do we camp on the road?”
player, 33 posts
AC 2, HP 2/2
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 12:51
  • msg #269

Keep on the Borderlands

"I am not sure which one is riskier. I definitely won't be able to sleep well outside in these parts!" grumbles Faldal. "I say we walk straight to the keep, as fast as we can."
player, 49 posts
AC:3 , HP 2/2
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 13:16
  • msg #270

Keep on the Borderlands

"I disagree. If we can only make it halfway to the Keep by nightfall, we would be better to seek out our previous camp and settle there for the night. Away from the road should be safer, I believe."

The possibility of evil eyes watching over the road for prey did not sit well with Leozaren.
Falco Mugwort
player, 125 posts
Human Spear Fighter
AC 3/4 | HP 2/2
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 02:22
  • msg #271

Keep on the Borderlands

"Hmmm..." ponders Falco

After a moment, he says, "Perhaps we should camp the night then. While I look forward to sleeping in a proper bed, I would rather we not step into a unseen spider's web in the darkness."
Dungeon Master
GM, 149 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 02:30
  • msg #272

Keep on the Borderlands

Okay, somewhere along the road (off of it of course) or will you return to the Keep through the woods?
Falco Mugwort
player, 127 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 02:36
  • [deleted]
  • msg #273

Keep on the Borderlands

This message was deleted by the player at 15:31, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Gyp Toogood
player, 107 posts
AC 9, HP 4/4
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 10:32
  • msg #274

Keep on the Borderlands

”If we head back the way we came we can rest in the smaller cave” Gyp suggested. It seemed a safe place to sleep out of sight of any night time hunters.
Falco Mugwort
player, 129 posts
Human Spear Fighter
AC 3/4 | HP 2/2
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 15:40
  • msg #275

Keep on the Borderlands

"Very well, Gyp, was it?," says Falco, "Let us go there."

He looks at Faldal and says, "I would like to press on as well, my friend, but I fear running into more of those spider webs in the dark."
This message was lightly edited by the player at 15:40, Sun 16 Jan 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 150 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 15:51
  • msg #276

Keep on the Borderlands

It is only a couple of hours to retrace your steps to the small cave on the slope and it is quite well-sheltered from the elements and makes a good camp site.   Watches are set, a meal eaten and the party settles down for the night.

Morning comes and there is a fog covering the land below the cave level, clearly having rolled up from the marshes in the South.  The promontory with the Keep rises above it to the West and South and the forest marches out of it up the slope to the edge of the clearing wherein the cave sits.

The fog clears up by mid morning however and it is a bright day when the party reaches the road to the South through the forest.  From there another couple of hours of brisk walking and they are back at the Keep in the early afternoon.

The gate guards greet them with a hearty welcome.  Corporal Jarl greets you as the portcullis is opened.  "We were uncertain of your fate when the ladies* returned late last night with no report of your fate. They asked Captain Tarlach if they could join the Watch here in the keep and I believe he will grant it," Jarl explains.

* The fate of Reea and Jori.
Gyp Toogood
player, 110 posts
AC 9, HP 4/4
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 16:51
  • msg #277

Keep on the Borderlands

For the rest of the journey to the keep Gyp was in fine spirits. He frolicked and japed. At the keep he greeted the guards merrily and headed to the tavern and inn, the Green Man.

”Tonight we will eat, make merry and sleep well” he announced to his companion. At the tavern Gyp was free with his entertainments, he tumbled, he sang and joked with the tavern folk. He had his eye out for any mercenaries or men-at-arms he might interest in joining them on their next venture to the caves of chaos.
player, 50 posts
AC:3 , HP 2/2
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 22:15
  • msg #278

Keep on the Borderlands

With the night and road back to the Keep uneventful Leozaren relaxed somewhat, and once back at the inn could truly take time to reflect. There were changes to their small band, but for the most part they had come through unscathed and earned a little reward for their efforts. The elf ate a simple meal and then retired to his bed for the evening.
player, 35 posts
AC 2, HP 2/2
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 12:46
  • msg #279

Keep on the Borderlands

As much as he likes the company of Gyp, Faldal does not stay too late either that evening, preferring to spend time praying for all the souls whose suffering he witnessed during the past days.
Dungeon Master
GM, 156 posts
Thu 27 Jan 2022
at 00:02
  • msg #280

Keep on the Borderlands

Around mid day after the party returned from the keep two men enter The Green Man, speak with Wilf for a moment, and the latter directs them to Gyp.  They are wearing chainmail and tabards of the Keep, each has a sword and dagger on their belts.  They approach Gyp and the shorter one speaks.  "I'm Wort, this is Joop," he introduces his companion.  "We're interested in the job you posted.  What's the it like and what's it pay?" he asks as they sit across from him.
Gyp Toogood
player, 117 posts
AC 9, HP 4/4
Thu 27 Jan 2022
at 07:52
  • msg #281

Keep on the Borderlands

Merriness and entertainment followed Gyp as he kept his antics up both day and night. The court fool was juggling whilst hopping on one foot as he spied the two guardsmen approaching. He tossed the apples he’d been juggling toward the hands of the two men, the third he caught in his mouth and took a bite “well met gentlemen Wort and Joop. Enjoy the sweet and delicious apple, one of many treats in store!” he promised.

Then he pointed to a table and seated himself on a stool “my companions and I journeyed to the Caves of Chaos one day past, we journey again on the morrow. Stout heart and strong swords we require. We have met kobolds which were vanquished. However we have been warned of goblins and hobgoblins in the deeper caves. It will take a day’s march to reach the caves and a day to return. We will spend a day in the caves” Gyp explained.

”To guard us on our travels and join battle against any chaospawn in the caves I offer three gold pieces a day, so nine gold each for the trip” the fool smiled charmingly as he rolled the gold coins around his hand before he laid all eighteen coins out on the table.

OOC Gyp has +1 reactions modifier.
Dungeon Master
GM, 157 posts
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 03:46
  • msg #282

Keep on the Borderlands

Joop looks satisfied with Gyp's offer but before he can say anything, Wort puts up a hand to stop him.  "What about any loot found?  What's our share?" he asks looking seriously across the table.
Gyp Toogood
player, 118 posts
AC 9, HP 4/4
Sun 30 Jan 2022
at 10:05
  • msg #283

Keep on the Borderlands

“Ah” Gyp paused dramatically, picked up one of the gold coins and flipped it then snatched it out of the air “how about a wager?” the fool grinned “heads, you get a full share to split between yourselves. Tails, you get a half share to split” Gyp held the coin against the back of his hand in expectation of their answer.

OOC Can Gyp use any of his Thief/Jester skills to rig the coin toss?
This message was lightly edited by the player at 06:40, Thu 03 Feb 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 158 posts
Thu 3 Feb 2022
at 00:50
  • msg #284

Keep on the Borderlands

Once again Joop looks game but Wort shakes his head.  "I'll not gamble on wages for such a dangerous venture.  Play straight and fair and you'll get the best of us," he says a hand on Joop's shoulder keeping his companion from doing or saying anything rash.
Gyp Toogood
player, 119 posts
AC 9, HP 4/4
Thu 3 Feb 2022
at 07:35
  • msg #285

Keep on the Borderlands

Disappointed by the lack of fun displayed by Wort Gyp put the coin back on the table and he didn’t show any lack of enthusiasm but leaned forward with a wink “true this a dangerous expedition and you’ve proven that you take your work serious” Gyp nodded and counted numbers of his fingers.

“As such well prepared men-at-arms who are looking for a fair share how about we take away the coins” the fool looked at the pile on the table “but instead you take a half a share each?” he let then consider it and looked hard at Wort “or you take the coins now and then a half share to split between yourselves after our adventure is concluded?”
Dungeon Master
GM, 159 posts
Fri 4 Feb 2022
at 01:24
  • msg #286

Keep on the Borderlands

"And what outfitting do you provide?" Wort says as he considers the offer.  Joop looks confused for a moment and then sits back a little more serious.  "We can't keep these?" he asks Wort indicating his chainmail.  Wort looks at him with a shake of his head.  "Belong to the Keep they do, big loss if we don't come back with it," he says soberly.
Gyp Toogood
player, 120 posts
AC 9, HP 4/4
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 18:30
  • msg #287

Keep on the Borderlands

Things were getting difficult. Gyp wondered who was in charge of the negotiations. For a boss Gyp felt he was getting pushed around, however he recognised the need for muscle on their coming expedition so kept smiling as he saw his coin purse deleted and more hungry days to follow.

"I will provide you both with leather armour" he looked to Wort "a mace and a javelin" then to Joop who Gyp was growing fonder of "a spear and a short bow".

Gyp was hopefully that he’d have enough funds left to at least get some ale tonight too and felt it would be a good opportunity to get to know his men-at-arms "and ale tonight, I'll buy us all ale, let us toast our union together!"
Dungeon Master
GM, 160 posts
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 20:00
  • msg #288

Keep on the Borderlands

"Alright then, the gear now and a share of the treasure to split, with our share going to family if we don't make it back," Wort says.  He puts his hand out to shake.
Falco Mugwort
player, 136 posts
Human Spear Fighter
AC 2/4 | HP 2/2
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 20:24
  • msg #289

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco slowly sips his beer while sitting at an adjacent table, watching Gyp negotiate with the two henchmen prospects. He's feeling comfortable now that he finally has some coin in his purse. Having coin solves a lot of his immediate concerns. A warm bed. A warm meal. Plenty of beer to drink. Ah, this is the life. Just one thing missing...a saucy wench sitting on his lap.

The spearmen wonders how the others of their lot are enjoying their spoils.
Gyp Toogood
player, 121 posts
AC 9, HP 4/4
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 20:52
  • msg #290

Keep on the Borderlands

Pleased with the outcome Gyp genuinely smiled as he shook Wort and Joop's hands.

"Aye now we drink to it" he bought ale.

OOC Gyp will be busy shopping. He'll need to buy the suits of leather for Wort, Joop and himself, also some other stuff too. Do you want me to post a shopping list, is everything in the book available?
Dungeon Master
GM, 161 posts
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 22:25
  • msg #291

Keep on the Borderlands

OOC:  Anything on p. B12 is available.  Once that is done, what is the plan going forward?
Gyp Toogood
player, 122 posts
AC 9, HP 4/4
Sat 5 Feb 2022
at 23:13
  • msg #292

Keep on the Borderlands

After his shopping was completed Gyp entertained the patrons of the tavern. With belly and cup full the court fool was a fine companion.

In the morning he was eager to return to the caves. Dressed in leathers and girded with sword he had a more hardened look.

"To the caves" Gyp swept his arm out and pointed into the distance.

OOC Ready to journey to the caves. I'd suggest taking the same route as last time.

Shopping list. For Gyp: Sword, silver dagger, long bow, leather armour. For Wort: Leather armour, spear. For Joop: Leather armour. Gyp will providing his mace, javelin and short bow to them too.

player, 54 posts
AC:3 , HP 2/2
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 22:21
  • msg #293

Keep on the Borderlands

Leozaren spends his time mostly in quiet study, but exercises daily in the open ground of the castle to keep in shape. Other than that he eats and drinks simply, as he waits for the return to the caves.
Dungeon Master
GM, 163 posts
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 01:52
  • msg #294

Keep on the Borderlands

Falco spends time talking with the guardsmen.  There is a lot of wild speculation about the caves, and he hears some things he already knows including the fact that many different creatures live there and that the lower caves are infested with "dog men."  One guard has heard that the bugbears are afraid of dwarves.  "Got a licking from some dwarves where they used to live, I hear," he adds.  Another tells a tale of an elf who was lost in the marshes south of the road.
Gyp Toogood
player, 123 posts
AC 9, HP 4/4
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 07:49
  • msg #295

Keep on the Borderlands

His days in the fort were spent mainly drinking wine, his meals consisting of soup, bread and cheese. It was a pleasant experience and much nicer than many of the days previously. Such a lifestyle came from the bounty of raiding the kobold caves so Gyp knew they were numbered unless the returned to adventuring. With his men-at-arms Wort and Joop in tow Gyp readied himself, now armed with sword and armour he felt a little more confident however he’d still be letting Falco and Leozaren lead the way.

OOC I’ve updated Gyp’s gear and coins and he’s ready to hit the road.
player, 39 posts
AC 2, HP 2/2
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 15:14
  • msg #296

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal spends a lot of time praying for all the lives that have been taken during their past expedition, and his fallen friend Dynlor. He also takes advantage of his time in the keep to buy a holy symbol and a vial of holy water to the local head clerics.

When the time comes, he is ready to go with the party, happy to see the two newcomers brought in by Gyp the jester.
Gyp Toogood
player, 124 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 07:31
  • msg #297

Keep on the Borderlands

It made Gyp feel good to have the approval of Faldal with the hiring of the two men-at-arms. There was security in numbers and Gyp hoped that their journey to the caves would be without peril.
Dungeon Master
GM, 164 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 01:27
  • msg #298

Keep on the Borderlands

With Joop and Wort in tow, the group sets out for the Caves of Chaos again, better armed and better prepared for what lies ahead.

Will you take the road back to the caves?  Or cut through the forest and the clearing like before?

Gyp Toogood
player, 125 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 07:25
  • msg #299

Keep on the Borderlands

With everyone ready Gyp gave a jig and pointed to the forest “let’s follow the same trail as before” the fool suggested.
player, 55 posts
AC3 , HP 2/2
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 23:14
  • msg #300

Keep on the Borderlands

"Agreed. The road seems too obvious and dangerous, and the forest has served us well to this point."

Leozaren is happy to be outside the castle walls, even given the dangers.
Dungeon Master
GM, 194 posts
Wed 25 May 2022
at 01:16
  • msg #301

Keep on the Borderlands

Here We begin the day after the return from the Goblin Cave, with Gyp recovering in the Chapel.

Roland arrives this morning.
player, 64 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Wed 25 May 2022
at 09:21
  • msg #302

Keep on the Borderlands

A bit disappointed to see his companion Falco leave the party, Faldal decides to go visit Gyp today. He himself is decided to continue the exploration work. He wouldn't let the disappearance of his good friend Dynlor be in vain!

Seeing that Gyp has recovered enlighten the cleric's mood. "Good to see you getting better! When will you be ready to join us again? We missed your jokes a lot!" he says to him.
player, 2 posts
Wed 25 May 2022
at 13:51
  • msg #303

Keep on the Borderlands

The first order of business: Roland looks for The Green Man Traveler's Inn to secure lodgings for the night.
Gyp Toogood
player, 151 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Wed 25 May 2022
at 18:40
  • msg #304

Keep on the Borderlands

The chapel was a safe and restful place to sleep but its mood was a little too sober for the fool, his face lit up and he beamed a smile when Faldal came a visitin’ “lo my liberator approaches” weakly Gyp sat up “I feel like I was trampled by horses and then rolled over by the cart they were pulling!” he coughed and wiped his mouth “two things I need out of here and a strong drink” the jester’s smiled faded “to be true I need a third thing, a couple more nights rest wouldn’t go a miss. I’d rather do that in a tavern though. The priests are fine company for the godly, the sober or the dead, not so great for the fool!”
player, 65 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Thu 26 May 2022
at 18:41
  • msg #305

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal laughs at his companion's jest. "Come on then, let's have a drink and plan our next move!" he proposes, knowing that the priests would have a hard time keeping him in bed anyway.
Dungeon Master
GM, 196 posts
Fri 27 May 2022
at 01:07
  • msg #306

Keep on the Borderlands

Thorona shakes her head, a knowing gesture that she could not dissuade him from going, and retrieves his belongings.  "Take care, Gyp.  Stay away from the pointy end of those swords," she says in her familiar, raspy voice.
Gyp Toogood
player, 152 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Fri 27 May 2022
at 06:41
  • msg #307

Keep on the Borderlands

“Mother Thorona, my thanks” the jester offered a bow although it was rather awkward and more just an inflection than a movement due to Gyp current state of health “your hospitality has been most welcome, however now I am proven to still be alive I seek a place where I can remind myself of the fact” Gyp waved his farewells and leaning on Faldal he limped to the tavern.
player, 3 posts
Sat 28 May 2022
at 00:09
  • msg #308

Keep on the Borderlands

Roland secures a private room for 1 gold, assuming they're still available. He then heads to the One-eyed Cat to enjoy a fine meal after the long journey.
player, 67 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Mon 30 May 2022
at 15:14
  • msg #309

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal accompanies Gyp to the tavern where he looks for a table to seat, have a drink and make plans.
Dungeon Master
GM, 199 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 00:53
  • msg #310

Keep on the Borderlands

Roland is in the tavern when Faldal and Gyp enter, the latter bandaged and walking gingerly.  Dorn meanwhile is admitted to the keep at the front gate and directed to the Green Man and the One-Eyed Cat for lodging and sustenance.
player, 5 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #311

Keep on the Borderlands

Roland tucks into a fine meal of Roast fowl and Mead. Between his meal and his tip of 1gp, the inexperienced traveler realizes he has completely blown his entire budget for this trip. "Excuse me, where does one go to find work in these parts?" He asks the server a bit embarrassed about the situation.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:53, Tue 31 May 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 200 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 02:42
  • msg #312

Keep on the Borderlands

The young lady looks a little pensive for a moment, holding the empty tray at her side.  "Well, what sort of work?  You could see about joining the watch, don't think the pat is good, but it is steady.  Or you could see if any of the adventuresome folk need another sword," she says with a nod to Faldal, Gyp and their comrades (if there.)

An older woman pokes her head out of the kitchen and calls to her, "Lacy, get a move on!" and the girl jumps startled and heads to the board to get another tray of drinks.

Not sure where Leozaren is right now, may have missed it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:44, Tue 31 May 2022.
player, 6 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 03:21
  • msg #313

Keep on the Borderlands

Roland, approaches the table of adventurers "Greetings, Gyp and Faldal. I am Roland. Well met!" He introduces himself with a slight bow. "Excuse me if I am being presumptuous, but I am in a bit of a dilemma and I understand you may have some work." His gestures were friendly and his tone was diplomatic. "You see I am a woodcarver by trade..." He flashes a wooden pendant that is worn around his neck. "However, it will take me some time to craft something worthwhile, and I am a bit low on coin at the moment."
This message was last edited by the player at 03:23, Tue 31 May 2022.
player, 2 posts
Dwarven Veteran
AC 3, HP 10/10
Tue 31 May 2022
at 03:26
  • msg #314

Keep on the Borderlands

As Dorn passes through the gate, he takes a moment to appraise the keep.
"Hrm. Seen better," he says, but then adds,
"And I seen a good deal worse!"
After annoying the guards with jolly banter, they direct him in no uncertain terms to get himself going. Taking the hint, he eventually finds his way to the inn.
Pushing open the door, his senses are assailed by the heady aroma of stale booze, unwashed travelers, and raucaus merrymaking.
"Ah, just like home! Hey there!" he calls to two men seated at a table being approached by a third.
"The name's Dorn. Pleased to meet you and can a fellar find hisself a decent ale in this place?"
Gyp Toogood
player, 154 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Tue 31 May 2022
at 06:56
  • msg #315

Keep on the Borderlands

Happy to be back in the tavern Gyp did his best to smile and any ale he drank was medicinal only of course.

As newcomers came he had to resist the urge to leap up and bow, instead he nodded his head and introduced himself.

“Greetings master Roland and master Dorn” he pointed to young cleric with him “this is my companion Faldal, faithful and brave”  he then lifted his tankard “I'm Gyp. A toast to a new fellowship!” he quaffed ale and grinned widely “we shall venture to the cave of chaos again in a couple of days. I’ve a few bruises and cracked ribs to recover from first”.
player, 3 posts
Dwarven Veteran
AC 3, HP 10/10
Tue 31 May 2022
at 10:54
  • msg #316

Keep on the Borderlands

"Pleased ta make your acquaintance," said Dorn taking in the new faces, before puzzling a moment on Gyp's unusual attire.
"A couple days sounds good. Give me a chance to restock and look around some."
player, 7 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 15:11
  • msg #317

Keep on the Borderlands

"The Caves of Chaos." Roland reflected on the ominous sounding name. "Is that what..." He gave a concerned look over Gyp's injuries. "What did you encounter there?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:10, Wed 01 June 2022.
Gyp Toogood
player, 155 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Tue 31 May 2022
at 18:33
  • msg #318

Keep on the Borderlands

“Aye” he answered miserably “goblins seem to have no sense of humour nor hospitality” the jester moaned.
player, 4 posts
Dwarven Veteran
AC 3, HP 10/10
Tue 31 May 2022
at 22:30
  • msg #319

Keep on the Borderlands

At the mention of goblins, Dorm's head snaps up, all frivioloty dying away. In a low, gruff voice he says,
"Just speak the word, friend, and me and my axe will carve a path all the way through those vermin."
player, 8 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 22:36
  • msg #320

Keep on the Borderlands

Roland scowls at the mention of goblins. "Savage little things, I'd revel at the opportunity to take a few down myself."  He raises his mug of mead high. "To good health and a rapid recovery! Then we'll have our payback." He says enthusiastically.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:09, Wed 01 June 2022.
player, 68 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 12:29
  • msg #321

Keep on the Borderlands

"I understand your predicament or will to fight," ponders Faldal "but some of our companions have already given up or..." he sighs "passed away." Looking intently at them, he adds: "Are you sure you are up to the task?"
Gyp Toogood
player, 156 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 18:23
  • msg #322

Keep on the Borderlands

“The goblins didn’t seem much for chitchat so I’m sure you’ll get your chance to carve a few up, though I’d prefer to go in and lift their treasure without the bloodshed” Gyp gave a wink.
player, 5 posts
Dwarven Veteran
AC 3, HP 10/10
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 20:32
  • msg #323

Keep on the Borderlands

"While you be lifting, I be cleaving..."
player, 9 posts
Thu 2 Jun 2022
at 12:06
  • msg #324

Keep on the Borderlands

Roland gives a solemn look to Faldal, "Then I must not stand idly by or others will meet a similar end. Besides I don't plan on getting close to the things." He gestures to the yew longbow on his back.

Roland appears bewildered that Gyp wouldn't want to extract revenge on the goblins. "Very well, it's your job, we'll try it how you want."
This message was last edited by the player at 16:48, Thu 02 June 2022.
Gyp Toogood
player, 162 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Sat 11 Jun 2022
at 08:41
  • msg #325

Keep on the Borderlands

After two more days of rest Gyp was back to his usually antics, one moment cartwheeling and jesting then another morosely sitting the corner drink in hand grumbling at his apparent lack in fortune.

Then the morning came and they would be returning to the Caves of Chaos. Gyp fetched his men-at-arms Joop and Wort then met with the others “the road and treasure await!” he waved his hands toward the forest and hills “then back here for more wine!” the fool glanced back longingly to the tavern.
Dungeon Master
GM, 204 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #326

Keep on the Borderlands

During Gyp's recovery Roland, Dorn, ValdusElaguz, Faldal and Leozaren have time to get acquainted.  Sparring in the courtyard to learn each other's fighting style; purchasing any gear they may want for the expedition; and surveying the surrounding countryside from one of the Keep's towers.  Any sparring would draw a small gathering of onlookers, including the small number of young maidens who live in the Keep...

On the third day, the company gathers at the gatehouse to depart.

Gyp, will you find and re-up Joop and Wort?  If you offer the same terms or better they will accept.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:47, Sun 12 June 2022.
Gyp Toogood
player, 163 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 08:57
  • msg #327

Keep on the Borderlands

OOC Yes Gyp will go find Joop and Wort, offering them the same half share each.
player, 9 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 15:41
  • msg #328

Keep on the Borderlands

Elaguz sees the party forming, another sortie into the deadly realms of the Borderlands. Moving toward the group he sets his eyes on the journey ahead.
player, 72 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 09:46
  • msg #329

Keep on the Borderlands

"If everybody is ready, then I say we hit the road without waiting further!" says Faldal, then starts leading the way.
Gyp Toogood
player, 164 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 18:20
  • msg #330

Keep on the Borderlands

"Let's begin our journey to fortune!" Gyp declared cheerily and led the way into the wilderness.
player, 10 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 20:52
  • msg #331

Keep on the Borderlands

With a raised eyebrow, the elf follows...
player, 8 posts
Dwarven Veteran
AC 3, HP 10/10
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 21:38
  • msg #332

Keep on the Borderlands

Dorn trundles on behind.
Gyp Toogood
player, 166 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 06:18
  • msg #333

Keep on the Borderlands

"Let's return to the goblin cave. There must be treasure hidden there somewhere" Gyp suggested as the party left the keep.
player, 74 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 09:03
  • msg #334

Keep on the Borderlands

"As good a proposal as any" agrees Faldal.
player, 12 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 14:53
  • msg #335

Keep on the Borderlands

Roland nods to suggest his agreement with the plan. He appears to be excited as he draws his bow in preparation.
Dungeon Master
GM, 220 posts
Thu 8 Sep 2022
at 22:54
  • msg #336

Keep on the Borderlands

Pick up here as our heroes return from the caves.
Dungeon Master
GM, 221 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 02:21
  • msg #337

Keep on the Borderlands

The party is greeted warmly at the Keep and the crowd in the common room gathers to hear more tales of daring adventure.
Gyp Toogood
player, 178 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 06:47
  • msg #338

Keep on the Borderlands

At the fort Gyp consoled himself with ale and planned to return to the caves as soon as possible. If by chance the cave was still empty he proposed the party enter the next cave along whilst he sneaked into it by the hidden door and stabbed whatever it was in the back.
player, 84 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 08:10
  • msg #339

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal stumbles into the keep, helped by his companions. Barely conscious, he scrambles to find the direction of the chapel...
player, 21 posts
Dwarven Veteran
AC 3, HP 10/10
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 11:19
  • msg #340

Keep on the Borderlands

Dorn assists Faldal back to the Keep. If there is any place of healing, he will see about getting aid. Otherwise he'll make sure that Faldal has somewhere to sleep off his injuries.
Then Dorn joins Gyp at the tavern to fill up on a quantity of ale. He listens to Gyp's plans and nods approvingly.
"Long as you don't get you yourself stabbed!"
Gyp Toogood
player, 179 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 18:41
  • msg #341

Keep on the Borderlands

With a heartfelt nod Gyp agreed “aye I don’t like getting stabbed!”
player, 72 posts
AC3 , HP 6/6
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 15:01
  • msg #342

Keep on the Borderlands

"There are definite advantages to not being found on the pointed end of a blade," agrees Leozaren. The elf will enjoy a cup or two of fine wine, but is ready to return to the caves when the others are.
Gyp Toogood
player, 180 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 17:12
  • msg #343

Keep on the Borderlands

After a night of song and ale Gyp readied himself to adventure again “let’s get back to the caves!” he called to his companions in the morning.
player, 22 posts
Dwarven Veteran
AC 3, HP 10/10
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 19:36
  • msg #344

Keep on the Borderlands

Dorn appears first thing in the morning, ready to liberate more goblin blood from its hosts.
Dungeon Master
GM, 222 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 20:16
  • msg #345

Keep on the Borderlands

The priests at the chapel tend to Faldal's wounds, cleaning and bandaging them, and recommend rest.

In the morning the Keep is back to business as usual.

Faldal heals 1-3 HP per day of rest; he will be fine in two days.  If anyone wants to buy something or do something during the second day say so, and we move on back to the caves on the third day.
Gyp Toogood
player, 181 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 06:29
  • msg #346

Keep on the Borderlands

OOC Gyp is happy to wait the day and then head back to the caves on day three.
player, 23 posts
Dwarven Veteran
AC 3, HP 10/10
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 11:09
  • msg #347

Keep on the Borderlands

ooc- Ditto for Dorn
player, 85 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 16:51
  • msg #348

Keep on the Borderlands

OOC: Obviously, Faldal will mostly sleep during this time...
Dungeon Master
GM, 223 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 21:42
  • msg #349

Keep on the Borderlands

On the third from their return Faldal is all better and fit to travel.  The company sets out again from the Keep towards the caves of chaos, Joop and Wort in following along.

Which cave entrance then?  Back to the Goblin Cave?
Gyp Toogood
player, 182 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Sun 25 Sep 2022
at 09:25
  • msg #350

Keep on the Borderlands

Whilst in town Gyp split up their meagre spoils of 240 copper pennies and 6 silver pennies. He made piles, for Dorn, Faldal, Leozaren, Joop, Wort and himself. Not wanting to be measly with so little profit he asked Dorn, Faldal and Leozaren if Joop and Wort could take full share each this time. That would make it 1 silver penny and 40 copper pennies each.

Then ready for travel when Faldal is recovered Gyp with Joop and Wort pointed to the caves “let us tarry no longer and go seek our fortune. We should enter once more the caves of the goblins. If empty then we should plan to plunder the next cave via the hidden door” he said enthusiastically.
player, 24 posts
Dwarven Veteran
AC 3, HP 10/10
Sun 25 Sep 2022
at 13:56
  • msg #351

Keep on the Borderlands

Dorn wags his head agreeably with splitting full shares, his mind already envisioning the rewards to come.
"So we return to the caves and pick up where we left off?"
This message was last edited by the player at 14:00, Sun 25 Sept 2022.
player, 86 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Sun 25 Sep 2022
at 17:06
  • msg #352

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal also agrees with the split, and to go back to the goblins, ready to settle the score.

OOC: how much hit points does Faldal have when leaving the keep?
player, 73 posts
AC3 , HP 6/6
Sun 25 Sep 2022
at 17:26
  • msg #353

Keep on the Borderlands

Also happy to agree to the split, Leozaren picks up and attempts to twirl across his knuckles his one silver, but drops it loudly off the table. With a rueful grin as he demonstrates his clumsiness he quickly tucks it, and the coppers, into his purse.

Then he joins the others in heading back to the goblin caves.
Gyp Toogood
player, 183 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Mon 26 Sep 2022
at 10:00
  • msg #354

Keep on the Borderlands

OOC: how much hit points does Faldal have when leaving the keep?

Dungeon Master:
Faldal heals 1-3 HP per day of rest; he will be fine in two days.  If anyone wants to buy something or do something during the second day say so, and we move on back to the caves on the third day.

Dungeon Master
GM, 224 posts
Sat 1 Oct 2022
at 21:54
  • msg #355

Keep on the Borderlands

The party departs the Keep again, well-rested and ready for more adventure.  The trek to the caves is uneventful, by now a familiar march of a few hours, including stops for rest.
Dungeon Master
GM, 299 posts
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 13:31
  • msg #356

Keep on the Borderlands

The party is welcomed back at the keep though the news of poor Wort's demise casts a pall over the place.  Abercrombie the Chaplain announces a special service on the next day for him.  It is a solemn affair and the party is urged to have a representative say a few words.  Afterwards they can take the time to rest, heal and regroup.
player, 136 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 10:16
  • msg #357

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal goes to Gyp. "I can say a few words, but since you hired him it might be better if you are the one talking."
Gyp Toogood
player, 247 posts
AC 7, HP 4/4
Sat 15 Apr 2023
at 08:21
  • msg #358

Keep on the Borderlands

Accustomed to gaiety rather than sober speech Gyp was reluctant to speak but felt duty bound. The glum looking fool doffed his cap and wringed it his hands and he stood before the congregation.

“Wort” he wiped a tear from his eye, his flare for the dramatic unchastened “a true and brave soul. He died as he had lived protecting those weaker than his himself. An embodiment of the Keep and the shelter and protection it offers to locals and travellers alike. May he be remembered and may he find rest in his long sleep ahead” Gyp bowed low and shuffled away as he sniffed into his cap.
Dungeon Master
GM, 300 posts
Sat 15 Apr 2023
at 16:28
  • msg #359

Keep on the Borderlands

With the service over the townsfolk return somberly to their lives and over the course of the day life returns to normal.  Joop was particularly quiet during the ceremony and goes home to his barracks while the party recovers and prepares for the next foray.

Okay, what is the plan?
player, 138 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Fri 5 May 2023
at 07:57
  • msg #360

Keep on the Borderlands

The mourning past, Faldal goes to Gyp and the others. "We certainly miss Wort, and I for one don't want to let his death unavenged. But we probably will need a replacement." he says, looking at the fool.
player, 100 posts
AC3 , HP 6/6
Mon 8 May 2023
at 21:12
  • msg #361

Keep on the Borderlands

Suddenly the blackness lifted, and Leozaren slowly opened his eyes. He was in a bed, back at the keep, a place he recognised. He felt terrible, but he was glad to at least be alive. He was also thirsty, hungry, and more than a little curious to know how everyone else was...where everyone else was. He lifted his head...and instantly regretted it. The room spun wildly, and immediately Leozaren lowered his head and closed his eyes. This would take time.

22:05, Today: Leozaren rolled 2 using 1d3.
player, 140 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Tue 9 May 2023
at 07:51
  • msg #362

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal passes by the chapel to inquire on the status of his elven friend. Learning that he needs a bit more time to recover, he goes over to the tavern to catch up with his friends, having spent some time in prayer since they got back from the caves.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:53, Wed 10 May 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 306 posts
Tue 9 May 2023
at 12:03
  • msg #363

Keep on the Borderlands

Erik arrived at the keep late the previous evening.  The place was in a somber mood with many of the locals looking a bit down, but by evening things seemed to become more lively.  Tired from his journey, he got a room in the Traveler's Inn and crashed for the night.  This morning he is up, refreshed, and ready to find adventure.
player, 2 posts
AC 2 HP 8/8
Wed 10 May 2023
at 01:08
  • msg #364

Keep on the Borderlands

Refreshed by a good nights sleep indoors, Erik heads out in search of...breakfast. Hopefully he would find some like-minded individuals willing to risk their lives for a bit of gold. The best place to find both would be the tavern he wagers, and heads over to the One-Eyed-Cat. Passing by the innkeeper, Erik hands over his 2 silver for the night with a quick smile.

"Lovely accommodations good Sir. With any luck I'll be able to rent one of your private rooms in a few days."
player, 141 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Wed 10 May 2023
at 17:07
  • msg #365

Keep on the Borderlands

Faldal notices the newcomer, but is currently more concerned by his companions who should be joining him shortly. Or so he thought.
Dungeon Master
GM, 307 posts
Thu 11 May 2023
at 22:28
  • msg #366

Keep on the Borderlands

"Aye, next time you pay in advance, good sir," Wilf the inn-keeper says taking the two coins.

The One-eyed Cat is not very busy for breakfast.  Standing out is a young man in plate mail sitting at a table.  (Faldal)
player, 3 posts
AC 2 HP 8/8
Fri 12 May 2023
at 15:46
  • msg #367

Keep on the Borderlands

Erik orders some bread, cheese, and a small beer then moves to the table of the armored man.

“Mind if I join you?” Erik asks with a smile. “You have the look of a warrior. I have heard of a small band that has been attacking the evil that dwells near here. I presume you are one of them? I’ve just arrived at the Keep with the same goal in mind.”
player, 142 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Fri 19 May 2023
at 16:24
  • msg #368

Keep on the Borderlands

"Please sit down, what's your name?" asks Faldal with a smile. "My name is Faldal, acolyte of the chapel here in the Keep. I have been a number of times to the caves, that is true, but it is a wicked place, full of dangers. We lost a follower during our last trip there."

He takes a sip from his mug, pensively.

"My friends should be arriving soon. Tell me about you while we wait." he proposes.
player, 5 posts
AC 2 HP 8/8
Fri 19 May 2023
at 22:04
  • msg #369

Keep on the Borderlands

"My thanks Faldal, I'm Erik."

Erik has a seat at Faldal's table and waves at the servers to let them know where to bring his food and drink.

"Well, I suppose like many that find themselves venturing out to the borderlands, I have found myself without gainful employment and in a fair amount of debt. I was told there were fortunes to be made out here for those brave enough to face the evil that lies out in the wilderness. As far as skills go, I know how to fight, so my options are limited; but I don't mind putting them to good use."

"What manner of dangers have you faced in these caves? Are they as full of riches as the rumors say?"

player, 144 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Sun 21 May 2023
at 17:03
  • msg #370

Keep on the Borderlands

"There is riches to be found there, for sure. And we brought back some. But the danger is relentless. I lost my young friend Dynlor, acolyte like me, even before I was able to reach the Keep. Last time we met oozy acidic cubes and a monstrous owlbear. We lost one in our friend's hireling to it before coming back." His eyes light up suddenly. "But that crime will not go unpunished."
player, 6 posts
AC 2 HP 8/8
Tue 23 May 2023
at 00:22
  • msg #371

Keep on the Borderlands

Erik listens intently to Faldal, his eyes noticeable widening at the mention of an owlbear.

"All of that in one place? Amazing. I've hear of such creatures, but never encountered them."

Erik takes a moment to eat and drink before continuing.

"I am sorry that you have lost so many comrades. I would be willing to help you avenge them if have need of my sword...well...hammer at any rate. When do you return to the caves?"
player, 145 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Tue 23 May 2023
at 08:22
  • msg #372

Keep on the Borderlands

"One elven companion is still recovering from our last trip to the caves. Once he is ready to go, we should be able to depart. I am currently waiting for the two other party members: Gyp the fool and Hjild the dwarf. But they take a surprisingly long time to come!"

The cleric starts to show signs of impatience...
player, 7 posts
AC 2 HP 8/8
Wed 24 May 2023
at 13:35
  • msg #373

Keep on the Borderlands

"That sounds like quite the company; low in number but a good mix of skills. But what does a fool brings to the table?"

"How eager are the locals to joining an expedition? Maybe I could find an additional fighting man amongst the Keeps guard?"
This message was last edited by the player at 13:37, Wed 24 May 2023.
player, 146 posts
AC 2, HP 4/4
Thu 25 May 2023
at 08:30
  • msg #374

Keep on the Borderlands

"The fool brings his guile and his hirelings. He is not to be underestimated! As for the locals, I have not dwelled here long enough to know their motivation."
player, 9 posts
AC 2 HP 8/8
Sat 27 May 2023
at 15:32
  • msg #375

Keep on the Borderlands

"Guile is indeed useful, as are hirelings. Before we depart I will see if I can recruit someone."
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