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23:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Floating Vagabond II (OOCs)

Posted by GM StarMasterFor group 0
GM StarMaster
GM, 2773 posts
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 19:59
  • msg #469

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

So while I was stuck in the hospital bed for two weeks, I wrote and rewrote this post in my head several times. Don't remember any of it now, so here's the newest version.


The Missing Chapter: when I was discharged from the hospital back in January, I was sent home with a Foley catheter, which was more of an annoyance and handicap for my home rehab at the time. Managed to get an appointment with the VA  urologist two weeks later. He thought I should never have been sent home with it, but it was time to get it removed. Took a week of scheduling shuffles but finally went home without it on the following Thursday.

That Friday night when getting ready for bed, I lost my balance while setting something on the floor and fell over on my back onto the concrete floor. My housemate helped me get up and everything seemed fine once I was back out in the recliner. Nope. Come Saturday, I was in excruciating pain across all the muscles in my chest and back. Doan's, Aleve, Tylenol didn't help at all. Monday added a heating pad... better. Wednesday, switched to BenGay... better, but still couldn't sleep, so Thursday went back to the VA for some stronger pain meds.

That doctor saw the previous records and thought I might be having a pulmonary embolism and immediately did an ambulance transfer to the ER. 6 hours later the ER doctor decided that wasn't the case and sent me home with vicadin. Didn't do anything but pharmacy was closed so had to wait till the next day to get more.

After that, everything was fine for a few hours. Mid-afternoon, I suddenly couldn't move my legs!

EMT/PD shortly had me back in the ER. MRI of head and neck revealed a tumor in my C2 vertebra. Had spinal surgery next morning! Being the weekend, it took 4 days to get the pathology back which identified it as prostate cancer. Caught it early and getting chemo, and now in rehab to walk again.

Other than that, I'm in great health (for my age)! Probably 4-6 weeks in rehab before I go home.
player, 62 posts
Moonlight Fairy
Fri 3 Mar 2023
at 09:36
  • msg #470

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

In reply to GM StarMaster (msg # 469):

Oh my.
This is a case of "Give me a freaking break already! Now this too?!"
Can't imagine how frustrating and painful this must be for you and your family, all the love
GM StarMaster
GM, 2781 posts
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 17:40
  • msg #471

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

The really stupid part about this is that it's just a big physical shortcoming--I'm otherwise fine mentally with low energy levels.

Apologies for no update but really didn't think there was one.

Still paraplegic trying to recover mobility at a poor rehab facility with bad nursing and half-horrible food until...

Developed a sore on my butt from laying in bed 24/7 that didn't get treated properly and turned gangrene, so now I'm back in the hospital with surgery scheduled for Tuesday.

Recovery to go home was still about a month away. Don't yet know how this new problem will affect that.

Low energy levels at rehab have left me with a one-track mind--just have trouble shifting gears between game systems right now.

My OCD stubbornness is still keeping me from pulling the plug on my games. I really have fun running games and it really bums me out that I can't keep them going right now for all of you. For those of you who are still sticking around waiting for the game to restart, I sincerely apologize for the delay. For those of you who have moved on, no hard feelings here--I completely understand.

Anyway, Happy Easter to everyone!
player, 63 posts
Moonlight Fairy
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 18:10
  • msg #472

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

In reply to GM StarMaster (msg # 471):

that's one of those "Are you bloody serious? Can you please stop it, world?" moments ngl
player Rabbit Hole, 823 posts
The Red Witch
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 03:55
  • msg #473

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

Yes please take it easy, and take a break if need be but please see to yourself and your health first and foremost!
player, 439 posts
Explorer and warrior
Bounty Hunter
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 04:56
  • msg #474

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

Rest. Recover. Flirt with cute nurses. Shake off the negative energy. Last time ai was in that kind of facility, the killed my pain with Norco. Turns out I had a reaction to the drug, it sent me spiraling into deep depression.

OCD stubbornness is a good trait.
GM StarMaster
GM, 2782 posts
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 13:55
  • msg #475

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

Thanks, Krass!  I needed that!

Without actually knowing an end is in sight, nasty little Depression keeps trying to sneak in. And sometimes I'm too tired to kick it out.
GM StarMaster
GM, 2783 posts
Sun 7 May 2023
at 08:15
  • msg #476

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

Can't sleep, can't focus to post... turn. More of the same. Turn. Repeat.

STAGE MINUS ONE--SPINAL SURGERY: Hell, I don't even remember half of it. This would have been the spinal surgery to remove the tumor and put me on my back for two weeks. DONE. SUCCESS!

STAGE ZERO--REHAB ERROR: Weeks at rehab facility where inadequate and improper nursing care turned an ordinary bedsore into a far more serious gangrene wound... one that now needed surgery to fix. DONE? WAS THAT A SUCCESS OR FAILURE?

STAGE ONE--BACKSIDE SURGERY: Operation on my tailbone went off without a hitch apparently. Just left with a major wound on my tailbone. Couldn't/can't put pressure on the wound while it heals, thus laying on my side and having to get turned to the other side every two hours, necessitating having to learn to type on my laptop upside down and sideways with one finger. Remember, this is at the BETTER recovery/rehab facility rather than at home, so options are still limited. Did I mention the I-V dangling from my arm that also gets in the way? DONE. SUCCESS.

STAGE TWO--STAPLES/SUTURES REMOVAL: Staples and stitches still need to come out. Don't have a timeline for that yet but presumably soon.
___STAGE 2.1: First half of the staples were taken out Tuesday. On schedule, standard routine. DONE. SUCCESS.
___STAGE 2.2: Second half of staples were removed Friday. Again, right on schedule with no complications. DONE. SUCCESS.
___STAGE 2.3: Sutures are currently supposed to come out on Monday, though that probably depends on how the final healing has progressed, since not everyone will heal the same way. PENDING.

STAGE THREE--WOUND REHAB: sitting protocols start as soon as sutures come out (?). Start getting used to sitting up  again... in 15-minute intervals. No details yet on frequency or duration. Will kind of depend on how well I do, but further complicated by not  having any control of my leg muscles. Requires moving to a normal bed rather than this deluxe air bubbling mattress that's meant to stimulate skin/muscle do I don't get more bedsores.

STAGE FOUR--HOME REHAB: As soon as I can stand up on my own two legs, I should be able to go home for final rehab. Regain mobility. At this point, there's no telling how well the wound rehab and the paralysis rehab will work together. The therapist seemed to think they could make them work together in synergy, but I didn't get a whole lot of enthusiasm from him. I suppose it could be uncharted territory for him.

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE: I now qualify for Frequent Surgery Miles. I've had four surgeries so the fifth one is free! Oddly, I started with the Big One (double bypass heart surgery 15 years ago) and that went easier than these.

Still not sure if there's a light at  the end of the tunnel yet--if there is, hope it's the Battery Low indicator and not the Westbound #9 train!
player, 64 posts
Moonlight Fairy
Sun 7 May 2023
at 12:45
  • msg #477

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

In reply to GM StarMaster (msg # 476):

Good luck! I'm rooting for you.

As a wise (?) science company CEO once said, "When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back.

Get MAD! 'I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?!' Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

— Cave Johnson, CEO of Aperture Science
May his soul rest in spaghetti, never forghetti; in the name of the father, (praise) the Sun, and the holy toast, GabeN.

...anyway, don't give up! Hopefully my gamer memes can cheer you up :P
player Rabbit Hole, 824 posts
The Red Witch
Mon 8 May 2023
at 19:57
  • msg #478

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

Take the time you need Starmaster. RPOL isn't going anywhere.

Also I will be unavailable most likely from the 12th until possibly the 18th or even 20th as I'm flying out of the country at the end of the week for my first vacation in about 7 years.
GM StarMaster
GM, 2784 posts
Tue 9 May 2023
at 06:35
  • msg #479

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

Have a nice vacation!

I'm not working, but this isn't my idea of a vacation!
player Rabbit Hole, 825 posts
The Red Witch
Tue 9 May 2023
at 16:54
  • msg #480

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread


And look at it this way you get to rest most of the day, have other people (hopefully hot nurses) feed you and serve you, and you get to play RPOL now and then. See...silver lining. ^_-
GM StarMaster
GM, 2785 posts
Wed 17 May 2023
at 13:06
  • msg #481

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

___STAGE 2.3: Sutures came out on Monday right on schedule, but the final healing is still in progress for several weeks/months. DONE. SUCCESS.

STAGE THREE--WOUND REHAB: sitting up for continued wound rehab protocols start as soon as sutures came out, about a week ago now. Start getting used to sitting up  again... in 15-minute intervals twice a day. Moved to a standard air mattress bed. Frequency and duration will kind of depend on how well I do, but further complicated by not having any control over my leg muscles and not enough feeling below the waist. Communication/responsibility issue has only produced one session--should have been six by now! PENDING???

___STAGE 3.5--RESUME PREVIOUS REHAB: In a week or two or three depending on how quickly I improve here, I get transferred to yet another Rehab facility for continued wound recovery... takes a long time... as well as mobility rehab.

___Stage 3.7--TRANSFER TO NEW REHAB: So the Wound Recovery has done well enough that I'm getting transferred to a different rehab facility for the Sitting/Mobility rehab. Don't know why there's a difference other than where I'm at is more medical than therapeutic so they need to make room for a new patient.

THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL: Different tunnel, different light. I suppose it's a step in the right direction, but we'll have to see how it goes.
player, 65 posts
Moonlight Fairy
Wed 17 May 2023
at 13:08
  • msg #482

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

In reply to GM StarMaster (msg # 481):

Sitting/mobi is the last inpatient step IIRC, so that's a very good sign.

Wish you all the luck (and skill, I guess? "Gambatte" is the Japanese word, but it doesn't translate very well literally) as always
player Rabbit Hole, 826 posts
The Red Witch
Mon 22 May 2023
at 17:18
  • msg #483

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

Hello everyone, I'm back home now from my vacation out of the country! Just trying to get settled back in now to my day-to-day life.
player, 25 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 17:24
  • msg #484

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

I am so sorry everyone, my life got incredibly busy for a little while there.
Crimson Tower, 152 posts
Half-Elf Bard
Tue 27 Jun 2023
at 21:54
  • msg #485

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

Thats ok - I think the GM is still recovering so were on go slow anyway
player Rabbit Hole, 827 posts
The Red Witch
Fri 7 Jul 2023
at 18:53
  • msg #486

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

Hey all - and especially but not limited to Grey - I just learned from another player in another Starmaster game that Starmaster died last night! I thought it was only right that you all know. I am sending prayers to Heaven for Starmaster, his family, and all the players he's positively impacted over years of time in multiple RPOL games!
player, 27 posts
Fri 7 Jul 2023
at 18:58
  • msg #487

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

Wow... I have no words... My condolences to their family.
Grey Wolfheart
player Rabbit Hole, 435 posts
Fri 7 Jul 2023
at 19:45
  • msg #488

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

In reply to Hanna (msg # 487):

Yeah same here only six (not four) of my games are run by starmaster.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:59, Sat 08 July 2023.
player, 66 posts
Moonlight Fairy
Fri 7 Jul 2023
at 20:02
  • msg #489

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

You hate to hear it.

The way it sounded, in terms of how his health was, he's in a better place now.

All the love to the family and loved ones.
Crimson Tower, 153 posts
Half-Elf Bard
Thu 27 Jul 2023
at 07:27
  • msg #490

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

a RL fired of Starmasters who also is in another Game with me on RPOL has posted something along these lines, so I figure its useful to let you know.

The site admins are aware Starmaster has died, and the info appears to be that eventually these games will be deleted. No one can take over the other game, and I assume it might be the same for this one.

We could try and find a GM to move it to a new set up? Or we could just let it go?

Amyone any thoughts?
player, 28 posts
Thu 27 Jul 2023
at 12:55
  • msg #491

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

I have been trying to play this character for a while now, so I would love to continue in some way.
player, 67 posts
Moonlight Fairy
Thu 27 Jul 2023
at 13:20
  • msg #492

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread

In reply to Hanna (msg # 491):

I was enjoying the fairy game as well, though I'm not sure if the others have moved on or the like by this point.

I don't know if the game you guys were involved in was at a similar level or not, though.
Judson Fletcher
Crimson Tower, 23 posts
HP: 46/46 AC: 22/17/27
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 14:43
  • msg #493

Re: New OOC Discussion Thread


Gobble 'Til Ya Wobble :D
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