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23:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

New Character Check List.

Posted by Hand of DestinyFor group 0
Hand of Destiny
GM, 17 posts
Thu 7 Jan 2021
at 10:12
  • msg #1

New Character Check List

*Roll 6 ability scores (keep rolling until you get at least 2 scores of 15 or better)

*Choose race, class and alignment.

*Confirm with DM and then roll age and start money.

*Update your character sheet when you have access, including an avatar.

*Post basic character info in "Player Development" thread, so your comrades know what the party make up is going to be.

*Write a character background and post in the "Campaign and Player Background" thread.  No character can be from the City of Greyhawk.

*Go shopping, standard Players Handbook equipment and prices

*Have Fun!!!!!

*Ask questions if you are not sure about anything.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:06, Mon 14 June 2021.
Hand of Destiny
GM, 35 posts
Fri 8 Jan 2021
at 04:38
  • msg #2

New Character Check List

When your character sheet is complete, including background, description and shopping list, send me a mail with the name of the gate you are entering the Free City in the title of the mail.

Highway Gate
Cargo Gate
Duke's Gate
Druid's Gate
Marsh Gate

I will check your character sheet and give you a description of what you find at the gate.
Hand of Destiny
GM, 62 posts
Tue 12 Jan 2021
at 18:15
  • msg #3

New Character Check List

If you have not rolled for a Secondary Skill, let me know.

Don't forget to calculate your encumbrance :)
Hand of Destiny
GM, 151 posts
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 22:39
  • msg #4

New Character Check List

Check List for "Tears at the Orphanage" scenario.

All players please check these threads if you have not already done so.

*Group 1 Standard Marching Order

*Campaign and Player Background

*Party Development (Your description)

*Scenario Notes & Bonus X Points

If you are not planning on earning Bonus X points, please let me know, otherwise I will wait for a couple of days to give everyone a chance to complete this part of the adventure.
Hand of Destiny
GM, 1853 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 10:13
  • msg #5

Greyhawk Vs Real World

I realize everyone is probably already aware of this and I am not going to bring it up again or make a big deal about it unless it becomes an issue in the game.  I am a big proponent of free speech and strongly opposed to censorship but those are my own opinions which I am not going to impose on anyone in this game.

Having said that, The World of Greyhawk is a Role Playing Game so I ask that everyone leaves their Real World issues at the door.  Real World politics, religion, relationships etc have no place in this game.  This is a Neutral Zone where people of all manner of backgrounds should be able to interact without having to deal with real world rubbish, this is where we escape from all that :)

I am very happy to say that none of these issues have come up so far and I hope we never have to deal with this stuff here. I just want to make sure everyone is clear about these things to avoid any potential problems in the future.

Thanks for your time and patience, now on with the adventure :)
Hand of Destiny
GM, 1854 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 10:16
  • msg #6

Player Expectations

By and large most players tend to do the right thing however in every game I have run on RPoL there is always a percentage of players that for whatever reason end up causing problems or slow the game down or just ghost the playing group.  It is possible this is partly because I may not have clearly explained what is expected of players in my games so I hope the following will address some of these issues.

Posting Rates: I do not expect players to post every day however if you want to post that often you are most welcome.  At the very worst you should be trying to post a couple of times a week.  Any slower, then you will either hold up the game for the rest of the playing group or fall behind on the storyline.  Obviously Real Life commitments overule a mere game however if you cannot play for an extended period of time it is not unreasonable for the group to expect you to at least take a couple of minutes to post that you will be unavailable for a certain amount of time.  This is just old fashioned common courtesy.

Inactive Players: If any player is MIA for 2 weeks they will be considered retired. This could result in the character being written out of the story, put up for adoption by another player or coming to an untimely and often gruesome end.  Play by post games are slow enough without having to deal with players who ghost the group.

(In Character Vs Out Of Character): In the majority of cases there will be (IC) threads and (OOC) threads. The game will be played (In Character) and the (Out Of Character) threads should be used to discuss game mechanics issues, ask the Referee questions or discuss other topics not story related. Once players have discussed their issues/topics then they should make appropriate posts (IC) to include their actions or discussions In Game.

Role Play & Real Life:  Sometimes interactions between characters can become heated and sometimes interactions between players can become heated.  There is a difference, be careful not to blur the lines. Disrespecting or insulting other members of the playing group will not be tolerated. This is a game and games are supposed to be fun so keep the discussion civilised.

Teamwork: My role playing games largely rely on team work for the players to succeed.  If you don't play well with others or want to constantly be the centre of attention, this may not be the game for you.  If you enjoy co-operative, collaborative gaming then you should fit right in.

Most important of all, have fun :)
Hand of Destiny
GM, 1855 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 10:17
  • msg #7

Player Expectations

This is not intended as criticism of any players, rather an effort to standardize posting to avoid delays.  In order to try and streamline the slowest aspect of play-by-post games, combat, each player should address the following circumstances during combat.

When you post your actions for any round, please roll:

1) Initiative - no initiative roll means you will go last.

2) Roll 'to hit'.

3) Roll for damage.

Players also need to specify the target of their attack or spells etc to ensure X Points are awarded appropriately and spell areas of effect can also be determined.

In order to avoid confusion you should avoid 'left' or 'right' as these directions are relative, please use north, south, east, west and if there are landmarks or other players or enemies that can be easily identified.  "I am attacking the nearest..." is subjective and can change within a combat round so please be specific.

Another tip, when you write your post, state which weapon you are using, this may help avoid rolling the wrong damage dice.

If players can get into the habit of putting this information in each combat post it will save time if I don't have to get clarification on any part of a post.

Also note that once a target has been declared in any given combat round you cannot change targets until the next combat round.  If an archer fires two shots per combat round then they can fire both at one target or fire at two separate targets, you cannot say you are attacking one target and then switch targets in the middle of a combat round to a new target unless you have declared such at the beginning of the combat round.
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