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22:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tav Andor.

Posted by FroggychumFor group 0
GM, 44 posts
Sat 30 Dec 2023
at 19:18
  • msg #1

Tav Andor

The capital of Andorry, the southern half of the Twin States, sprawls widely across the land. when viewed by the horizon.

The walled city has two sets of walls, each with dozens of gates in and out, and the packed roads in both layers of the city are awash with colorful cloth and the smells of exotic spices!

Within the city's core, a brilliant reddish castle stands proudly atop a large hill. The design of the monumental structure is mainly Caerish, though influences from across South Kalatoria and Kri Tan are easily visible to a knowledgeable eye.

The flags of the city fly high, and the grounds around it for miles are filled with the tents and campfires of wandering merchants.

Tav Andor is the easternmost city within South Kalatoria, in fact having the infinitely valuable position of being directly adjacent to the Eastern Road, which acts as the sole point of contact with the otherwise isolated lands of Kri Tan.

Since the road's emergence, a number of rulers from both lands have left the merchants of their nations to freely come and go. First contact has not been made in any official capacity between the different rulers, though the grape vine has rumors such a thing may be coming in the future.

Regardless, the city of Tav Andor has been rapidly growing in wealth and abundance for almost sixty years, ever since the post-war treaty with fellow Caerish state of Cantel resulted in the formation of the Twin States, and the jurisdiction over the Eastern Road being given to Andorry, while Cantel was given the rights to handle internal affairs.

The land has been blessed a shocking amount by this agreement, with the Royals presiding in Rosscantel (led by the Caerish King) and the Merchant Princes residing in Andorry (led by the Prime Magnate). The two factions get along rather well, mostly due to the fact they both know the limits of their jurisdiction, and play within them.

Beyond the western edge of the Outer Walls of the majestic capital, a small tent is being racked by the night's winds. The only source of light for the lonely campsite is a single bonfire, with its embers on the verge of dying out due to the notorious winds of the region.

Caerish legend even speaks of a great hero who once rode the winds of the plains in order to behead a dragon threatening the lands.

At this moment though, Anton has little mind to pay to the stories of old, as he desperately tries to keep the canvas of his tent from being ripped away from the four tentpoles lodging it into the earth!

The man - a young herbalist - recalls the time before he came here, where he had worked as a medicinal herbalist for a doctor in a nearby town. Before that, Anton had been born a lad into a small village, but his bright mind had caught the attention of a visiting doctor, Master Galin.

One thing led to another, and Anton had apprenticed under the man. Years were fondly spent in his shop, which was actually just a storefront attached to his home. Well, mostly fondly... Okay, so his Master Galin had actually had a huge stick lodged right up his ass and was as grumpy a fellow as they came...

Maybe braving the storm wasn't so bad, actually.

Recently though, both Anton and his Master Galin could see that the young man had nearly surpassed anything his master could teach him. Yet, Anton was not content with graduating and working as a medicine man. Sure, he enjoyed practicing herbalism, and he felt it was a good thing to help people (not that he or his master offered their services for free, if Anton had been taught anything from his crotchety old master) - But Anton's mind was a ravenous void, that could only be satiated by the constant accumulation of knowledge!

Thus, after his Master Galin had told him he was ready to become a fully fledged herbalist (the man had said it had taken him long enough, but they both knew Anton's rate of learning was actually extremely high), Anton had been a bit lost.

He had talked with the old bastard about it, but the man had just told him to make up his mind before the end of the week because he needed to know whether to add him to the payroll. Anton had ultimately decided to try something new.

His life wouldn't last forever after all, he had to hurry up so that he could learn everything!

Galin had accepted Anton's choice, though Anton could almost swear the man had been a bit sad at his departure... no way, he probably through a party the moment Anton left, happy to no longer have to take care of his 'useless apprentice'...

... Well, whatever the case, Anton had decided to ask around. He had eventually been led to the mayor of the town, who had recommended Anton head to the capital, where the mayor's close friend, the master blacksmith Bonam Rogens lived.

The mayor had also sent a letter of recommendation to the blacksmith, but who knows if the messenger got plucked right off his feet by Fenarro, and tossed into the sea!

Anything was possible with THIS DAMN WIND!


OOC: Fenarro is a Caerish hero of legend who became a god of the wind after beating the previous god of wind Amaros in a drinking game, and causes him to puke up his divine power.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:11, Mon 15 Apr.
player, 5 posts
Aspiring Blacksmith
Sun 31 Dec 2023
at 15:13
  • msg #2

Tav Andor

His thirst for knowledge had actually started out as simple convenience.  Why cures the herbs with a rock when he could use two rocks, one in the form of a bowl? But making that had proven obnoxious so he had asked for a chisel from the local not that not like that...back and forth. At the time, he jokingly said maybe he should learn to smith himself and the Smith agreed in frustration.  overnight, as he thought about it, he liked the idea so when Master Galin made his challenge, Anton accepted without hesitation.

Now he would have a new master, Bonam Rogens, but with an idea struck to him, he thought about how amazing it would be to learn everything...but that would take time....almost, the words left his mouth ,"If only I could live forever..." but this was a Gods wind and who knows might listen? The only Caerish tale of "be Careful what you wish for, you just might get it" came to mind. Living forever would be amazing, but surely there were downsides?  Why tempt fate?

No, what struct him now was how useful having a forge would be.  He didn't know HOW he could design better spikes but it was the perfect time to learn....maybe pleat them on the ends in a square pattern but then how would you get them in?  Maybe if they had barbs like a fish hook that let you hammer it in but then how would you get the damn things out when you were done?  As it was....he had no forge and needed common sense...He took his decided to look for rocks to add weight to the edge of the tent.  If he left this up at this rate, he would be better off skipping sleep entirely and just walking to Bonam Rogens, but you never got a second chance to make a first impression,, and Anton was not about to throw this away.

He tried with the rocks for another thirty minutes and, failing that, wind be damned, he folded up camp and made his way at night, slowly with a long stick ahead of him tapping the way n case there were pratfalls.  Elsewise, he got a good nights slee.
GM, 51 posts
Mon 1 Jan 2024
at 20:53
  • msg #3

Tav Andor

OOC: Grammar and pacing (mostly grammar) was a bit rough on this one. No worries though, it's eligible to make out. Nothing wrong with the content, either


Anton's search for rocks are successful, and he manages to lock down his campsite against the raging winds. Hopefully any small kids are indoors right now, else they might just go flying!

Ah yes, the Caerish tale of Jisto Gairden, the man who tricked fate and came to regret it. Definitely an influential legendary figure, and one that reappears in numerous legends as well, usually as a trickster who ends up getting tricked back by the protagonist of whatever tale is being told.

Safe now in his little bunker against Fenarro's Wind, Anton dozes off to sleep...


As the sun rises, a new day greets Anton.

Around him, others are packing up their camps and making their way to the great capital city.

Already, a line is forming around the front gate!

What is Anton's approach?
player, 7 posts
Aspiring Blacksmith
Mon 1 Jan 2024
at 23:22
  • msg #4

Tav Andor

Anton looks at the gates, puts up his tent, and got out.  He took care of his equipment, because he never knew if it would come in handy or his life might depend on it.  Also, part of him felt like if he was becoming a maker, he should get into the headspace of his profession, properly caring for the things he used and made.  A healer was a headspace of service, preparing the right herbs for the right people to stave off illness.  People assumed it was magic, and it wasnt.  Indeed, one of the other reasons he was interested in learning more was just how limited he felt in what he knew once he had taken all of the knowledge that Master Galin

So…a new city.  He puts his purse around his neck.  Not convenient but he had always heard rumors of pick pockets growing up; and who knew? He wasn't looking to buy anything until he got to his destination.  He talks to the guards, and answers anything they ask truthfully.  Assuming they let him in, he keeps his eyes open and his ears alert.   Indeed, as long as he wasnt a hazard on the coarse, he is making a game of it.  What can his senses tell him about the city?  What can he learn here? What are the stories that he sees? What are their hopes and dreams and worries? What would someone who is paying attention vs someone just hurrying to get on their way notice?
GM, 56 posts
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 11:35
  • msg #5

Tav Andor

Entering the city was fairly easy, as he had only been asked basic questions like "what brings you?" and "have you ever been to Tav Andor before"

After answering truthfully to both, the guards had no issues with him, and were even kind enough to give him a basic rundown of the rules of the land.

Tav Andor was the capital city of Andorry, which meant the Magnates held assembly here more often than not. The current Prime Magnate also personally lived in the city. As long as he followed the laws of Cantel and Andorry, and made sure not to trespass upon the estates of the Magnates, he would find great opportunity in the city.

The guards also mentioned that the Prime Magnate has passed a local ruling that loitering was illegal in Tav Andor. This kept the streets clear of idling folk, and ensured there was no real underclass in the city. Only those who could make a living in the city could stay, anyone else would be escorted beyond the walls... Basically, if you were too poor they kicked you out.

Fortunately, Anton had (what he assumed were) enough coins. He had brought a variety of coins, nearly fifty Bronze Caps, a half dozen regular Silver Seals (as opposed to the more valuable variants) and even one cut of a Golden Rose - usually referred to as a Pental or a Fiveleaf.

As he wandered the city, Anton was involuntarily floored by the size of it. Sure, he hadn't exactly been a bumpkin, but Tav Andor was a truly great city. It's size was quite large, but the interior was where most the magic happened... His directions had been plain, simply telling him to head to the Inner East Side... making his way through the Outer District had already been intense, with the level of wealth being displayed almost equalling Master Galin, who had been one of the wealthiest people in town after it's mayor. Some buildings in the Outer District alone were already more fanciful than the mayor's manor, though none had larger estates - mostly due to the cramped space within the ring.

As he arrived at the inner walls though... they were ten feet tall, but Good Saints! He could see the tops of buildings beyond them... how was such architecture accomplished? Those particular structuers were not numerous, but they must be at least six stories tall! No... wait, they probably had higher ceilings... perhaps just three or four? Still, the most he had ever seen was three, and the Mayor's third floor was a glorified attic space!

Anton may or may not take this in stride (OOC: not trying to dictate your emotions), but it would undoubtedly be an impressive site to him, given his history.

At the inner walls, he faced some issues. The guards there were in extremely fancy dress, and they visibly carried swords! They also had a far worse attitude, and it was not improved when Anton inevitably interrupted their overlong game of Liar's Cards.

Two snobby gentlemen in absurdly expensive getups given they were technically supposed to be protecting something looked at Anton with barely disguised contempt. "You're in the wrong place, boy. Go on back to the Outer District, you're being a bother"

Hoooo boy...

How will Anton respond to this situation?
player, 8 posts
Aspiring Blacksmith
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 20:09
  • msg #6

Tav Andor

Before the guards, Anton is in awe, but even overwhelms he isn't distracted.  He might be a rube but is careful to keep his ears open and eyes alert to the landscape as well as the people around him.  He had heard stories of what could happen to the ignorant.

He almost talks to them about his letter of introduction.  Indeed, in a civilized world, the guards would see the letter, hear his reasoning, and politely send him on his way to resume their game as soon as possible.

However, his experience with soldiers patrolling through the village told him these gents couldn't be THAT much different.  So he plays up the rube aspect even more.  Make their limited world view fit their exceptions, "Oh I am SO sorry sirs, your game looks interesting even if I dents understands it.  I'm just a humble herbalist sent to deliver the special order to  Bonam Rogens, if I don't give it to him, he might be right mad, both of them. The beatings sirs, you wouldn't believe." He shudders, "Very VERY sorry for wasting your time but I really need to see Master Rogens.....
GM, 61 posts
Wed 3 Jan 2024
at 18:44
  • msg #7

Tav Andor

OOC: XD I actually laughed. If this were DND, i would have you roll Deception, but its freeform so I'll just give it to you :P

The guards faced turn aghast at this, "What? You actually have something for someone from the Inners...!? Rogens, you said...?" the other man gasps and whispers into the first guy's ear, "Wait, I've heard of that guy. A master smith. Not a total bigshot, but enough to make life difficult for two guardsmen"

The first guy curses under his breath, "Go in, deliver your letter then come back. We never kept you, ya hear?"

The second guy puts out a hand abruptly, "Wait! It could be a trick for this Rag to try and get into the Inner city..."

The first guy just cocks his head and looks at his suspicious friend strangely, "So? Who cares? Unless he's going in there to kill someone, it's not our problem. They won't come looking for us if he makes a scene or stinks up the place, they will just kick his sorry ass back to the Outers"

The other guy calms down at that and just nods, then shrugs at Anton and moves to gesture him through.

"Sorry, friend. Didn't know you were on a job. Be sure not to loiter, eh? Rich-coats don't particularly like the sight of fellas with your kinda wear, you catch my drift?"

It may be in this moment that Anton first notices his modest clothes have indeed been quite worn from his travels... to the point calling 'em rags wasn't exactly wrong. The wind had been a huge hassle during the journey. or perhaps Anton had just overlooked the matter.

Regardless, it appears that having a presentable outfit was a big thing in this city... In fact, Anton does recall that there was nobody dressed in anything more modest than what would be considered elsewhere in the Twin States as a 'rather nice' set of clothes.

Huh? Maybe that had to do with the guards demeaning attitude. Though, at least they aren't testing him for fleas or some shit.

The second guy even gave him some honest advice... though it is also a bit insulting that he totally fell for Anton's idiot act. Convenient? yes. Insulting? also yes.

Will Anton be more candid with the guards, interact with them further, or simply move on to Bonam Rogen's building, which he can in fact see nearby, as near to this shorter wall as it is.

OOC: Didn't mean to make these guys come off as total assholes, just slightly hostile. Also, Anton doesn't come from a village but a town. Pretty important distinction, I think.

More than anything, what I'm trying to convey is that while there is a classist sentiment in this city, Anton's position is only bad right now because of his shabby appearance [I feel like I didn't make this up, and it was mentioned somewhere else in this thread. If not, I apologize but Im running with it xD]. Anton actually has a pretty standard and solid reason for being in the Inner District, it just isn't known to these guys

at risk of saying too much, they probably thought he was a beggar who had illegally entered the city and didnt want to give him trouble or be troubled by him either

how much of this Anton intuits is up to you, maybe he just thinks they're jerks xD

player, 9 posts
Aspiring Blacksmith
Wed 3 Jan 2024
at 20:31
  • msg #8

Tav Andor

Anton is in a bind.  His immediate problem is solved, but if he is passing here on a daily basis, suddenly better dressed, the guards might think something is up.  It wasn't, truly, that he had some moral compunction against lying, but if he was going to lie, best only do it when you had to and do it well; and this was...complicated.

So time for some damage control without causing problems.

Unless stopped, he moves casually past them, relieved at their change of attitude.  "I appreciate it, I truly do.  Between you and me, I think Master Galin may be passing me on to Bonam Rogen as an apprentice.  So you may be seeing a lot more of me....and I won't soon forget this, I assure you., sincere thanks  I know I must look a wreck and you two are just doing your jobs like me."
GM, 64 posts
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 14:14
  • msg #9

Tav Andor

The guards faces flush, as they realize Anton has played them for fools. The first guard goes to grab his weapon but the second lifts his hand up and stops him, "It's fine, leave it, Taerin. He's no threat to the city, and clearly has a reason to be here..."

The second guard doesn't stop you from going through, but does put a surprisingly powerful hand on your shoulder before telling you, "Don't cause any trouble in there, and... for the love of God fix your outfit if you don't want something like this happening again"

Valid advice, if unecessary.

Within the Inner District, you find the city of Tav Andor to become even more mind-boggling in scope and style. As opposed to the Outer District, the buildings are even grander and fancier, each one to the last more fanciful and large than any you have ever seen before entering this city... truly a land of wealth and no little opulence

The streets in the Inner District are also more vacant, though every other person you see appears to be someone of extreme importance, judging by their almost impractically expensive clothing, aura of superiority, and entourages of swordsmen carrying polished weapons and armor.

Quick calculations reveal that your entire hometown could probably be bought in it's entirety by just one of the people who live in this district... and theres hundreds of them, if not thousands!

Caerish Gods! What a concentration of power and resources... To be here, Anton truly realizes just how high up a step this has the possibility to be for him... Even if he is not drawn so much to the idea of power and resources, it is doubtless that this is simply a better station in life to hold... even the poorest resident of the Outer District would be wealthy enough to make a common villager gawk...

If Anton had been born in a village and come directly here, it is entirely possible he would have fainted... Fortunately, he was raised in a small town, and his experiences in life with Master Galin (and the town mayor) revealed enough to him for him to not be overly shaken by the true heart  of Andorry.  Still, it's almost like he shouldn't be here, even if he knows he has the right (at least for now) to be here.

Arriving at a certain building, Anton immediately believes it to be his destination. He had not been given exact directions, but this building alone fits the criteria... and well, just looking at it more closely resolves any further concerns.

The 'building' he finds is actually several structures, connected together in one campus area.

OOC: Describes the technology present in the building. This is a bit of meta information, that I am putting here more for posterity than to actually give to your character. Should you actually get around to touring the place, I will describe everything very differently (since it would all be unrecognizable)

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
The main building is a massive closed-off smithy for bronze, with at least a dozen alloying furnaces currently active and with blowpipes attached to them to moderate the heat. A large section of the main building has a network of sprues leading into different styles of clay molds for casting the bronze, which is not malleable enough to hammer. There is no entrance into the building, from outside. A passive ventilation system exists to ensure the inside of the building does not get too hot... It's still sweltering. This system is basically just a large number of holes in the ceiling around each furnace

The offshoot of the main building is a secondary workshop with windows and a public entrance. Inside, workers undergo the heating, quenching, and hammering of copper, using instruments like kilns (these are placed in a separately enclosed space without a roof, to allow open air acces), water troughs and anvils being present. The kilns also serve the purpose of baking clay molds, or being used to make other forms of pottery less related to the main metallurgical focus of the building. Everyone needs a side hustle, it seems.

OOC: Note these windows are not glass windows, but literally just open sections in the wall. Sophistication of glassblowing technology did not allow for the creation of glass windows until around 100 CE, in our real world.

The final area is a sleeping and lounging area. it seems rather comfortable, if barebones. Probably used for apprentices or common laborers taken in from beyond the walls of Tav Andor and given the opportunity to learn a craft and better their lives in the future. This common housing unit is connected to the main smithy.

Of course, to Anton, he sees none of this just yet, and even if he could he would not recognize the purpose of anything as he is completely clueless on how blacksmithing works right now. He simply sees three large buildings, two of which are connected without windows, and one which stands a distance away but has windows.

The sounds of metal clanging drowns out the dimmed conversation of numerous gruff voices. The sounds of raging fire can also be heard if one listens closely.

Nobody is currently lingering around outside any of the buildings. So ultimately, it appears the workshop is Anton's only avenue of approach... Hopefully nobody will mind him interrupting their work.

OOC: If any of the players reading this notice any mistakes on my part, please LMK. I know a bit about metallurgy (more than the average person, I reckon) but I am not an expert and researching the history for this post was difficult. I think I've done a good job, but it's possible I made plenty of mistakes. Hopefully nothing too terrible, I tried to ensure all the technology fits in the current era (Bronze Age)
player, 12 posts
Aspiring Blacksmith
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 18:43
  • msg #10

Tav Andor

Anton looks at his clothes and looks at the remarkable building, and decides to try and do something.  Its a long shot, but...why not do better? Be didn't want to piss off the guards, but at least this way he won't piss them off MORE later.  If there were any closing stores or vendors he passed (in the district not outside) he will see if he can use what coin he has to buy/borrow/rent some clothing that didn't look like he slew hogs in it.

"I have an appointment for new apprencip and had not realized how difficult travel on the road had made me look.  While I can present myself as is if I have to, a bit of improvement never hurt things, no?"

Either way, if he cannot find clothing, by midday, he approaches the building and knocks on the door, letter of reference in hand.

"I am here to see the Master with a letter of reference on a possible apprenticeship."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:42, Thu 04 Jan.
GM, 71 posts
Fri 5 Jan 2024
at 17:43
  • msg #11

Tav Andor

Indeed, almost as if Master Galin had planned for it, Anton has just enough coin to buy some new - environment appropriate - clothes.


Somewhat unsurprisingly given his recent experiences, though still contrary to his common sense, Anton finds that Tav Andor has absolutely no lack of tailoring stores. It would be harder not to encounter one.

After not being let into the first Inner District tailor shop he approaches because he "will make the other customers leave", Anton tries his luck in the Outer District. The pair of guards from earlier are gone by now, it seems he caught them right before they went on break, earlier.

In the Outer District, Anton still finds plenty of tailoring businesses, and he doesn't even get to peruse them before the first one he passes sees an old woman jumping out of her storefront to all but assail him.

"Oh dear! What on King Karragan's earth are you wearing? You clearly have the money to afford better, come with me..." the conveniently worried tailor drags Anton into her store after making a reference to a pseudomythical historical figure of Caerish religious tradition. The woman introduces herself as Roza, and then quickly disappears into the back of her shop.

Returning a few minutes later, the old woman has Anton strip down to his skivvies and begins cycling through outfits, tsking and shaking her head with some pieces, and nodding along with others.

The whole thing happens incredibly quickly and Anton is virtually whisked away by the lady's pace. Soon though, the metaphorical dust settles and Anton finds himself in a shiny (not literally) new set of clothes.

Despite her almost desperate attempts to get him to wear something more fitting, Roza shows that she definitely has a knack for picking outfits/

Anton originally entered town wearing a beat up greenish-brown cloak, with a leather belt and some decent hogskin boots. Now, his outfit has been upgraded, without straying from the original palette that looked good on him. He now wears an offwhite undershirt, covered by a well-made green overshirt that is tucked into a hardened leather belt (this was actually the most expensive part of the wardrobe, but Roza insisted it was important to have at least one 'showpiece' as she called it)

The copper buckle of the belt is shaped like the snarling face of a bear and its two claws. It is well polished, and the metallic color of the copper blends his brighter top with his more subdued bottom, a pair of brown pants, with some minor embroidery along the edges. They are more baggy than he is used to, but are of a different style than the usual peasant's getup.

Instead of getting new boots, Roza took his previous pair and returned them after cleaning them up and doing minor repairs. Hogskin is apparently decent enough of footwear for an Outer District resident.

Anton is not used to having nothing to cover his face, and even more unused to what he considers the strangest part of the ensemble; a cape. A literal cape. What? Is this fashion?

The cape is fairly light and an inoffensive grayish brown. It is also quite large on him, almost down to his ankles unless he hitches it up a bit over his shoulders, which Roza insists is 'in-style' at the moment.

He also has a pair of dark gray fingerless linen gloves, which are just a tad green in hue.

Overall, Anton looks a lot more... well more than before, but Roza ensures him he would rather where this than a simple cloak. Thinking back to it, Anton remembers seeing people walking in both Districts, and his outfit is actually on the lower end of what he saw on anyone who wasn't a hired laborer...

After paying and being hurried out of the store, Roza tells him to come back if he ever needs anything else.

Frankly, the whole thing was a strange and head-spinning experience but Anton gets the intuition that this will probably be a rather common occurence within the megacity.


Returning back to the eastern gate of the Inner District, Anton notices the two guards from earlier are back on duty. The hotheaded one from earlier mostly ignores him, clearly a bit offended but also a little embarrased with himself. The one who had stood up for him earlier nods at his new look, relieved Anton heeded his advice and made himself presentable.

They let him back into the Inners without harassment, and Anton makes his way back to Rogen's smithy.

Arriving at the door of the workshop, it is actually open invitedly given the current time of day. It seems this is a sort of public entrance, though Anton has another intuition that this place probably runs on reservations.

Knocking before entering, Anton steps in and immediately a half dozen pairs of eyes settle on him. Most quickly go back to what they are doing, but a couple share looks before an older-looking man puts down the thing he was working on and approaches Anton.

After hearing Anton's introduction, the older man nods, gestures for Anton to follow him and says "This way, kid." in a rather handsome voice.

Leaving the mazelike workshop before Anton can even get a read on any of the numerous strange implements present there, the pair enter the back door of the smallest of the three structures (and the one constructed out of the most wood)

This place is just a sleeping area, with nobody currently present. Anton grimaces slightly at the potent musk of many sweaty men, but diligently follows the older man as he opens a door into the main building, seemingly only accessible from this sleeping area.

Upon entering the main building, and Anton is immediately glad he didn't wear anything heavier, and also suddenly very uncomfortable at the extreme sweltering heat within the area. The contraptions in this area are even grander than those in the workshop, though there are fewer of them

One or more networks of ... some kind of pipe? ... are strung about all over the place, and Anton is instinctually offput (though in hindsight, it makes sense) to see a glowing liquid moving through the pipework almost like they are veins... Anton's sharp mind immediately recognizes this strange material as molten metal...

It is his first time seeing it, and it is a bit frightening to be honest. He cannot even imagine what temperature must be necessary to melt metal! Another terrifying thing is just how much damage that unassuming material would do to flesh... Anton had never considered that you can't really 'see' temperature before... but now he's realizing just how dangerous that could be if he were to misstep in this place.

The old man leaves Anton alone for a moment... A few moments, actually, and they feel far longer than they are given the horrible heat in the area. Anton does his best to keep himself cool, as to not ruin his new garb with sweat... but it is not easy.

the old guy approaches one of the workers and they both put their things down and quickly leave through the door Anton came in.

Looking around, Anton's eyes are mostly drawn towards the men working in the place. He spots no women here, though he couldn't blame them. Even as a man he would rather be somewhere else right now. Damn heat.

These people all share something in common though, which is a little infuriating to be honest (though that is surely mostly the heat doing harm to his mood and inciting his temper) - they are dressed poorly. Most of them are shirtless, glistening with sweat (and some of them are heavily scarred) and have simple, worn and stained pants. No real accessories, either. Notably, despite most of them being men at least Anton's age if not older, the majority of them lack any sort of body hair, and most of them have little facial hair if any. Several are even bald, and Anton cannot imagine that isn't intentional...

Likely a way to avoid the risks of the heat, perhaps.

If Anton is able to think calmly, he will realize these are probably work clothes, which makes obvious sense. Though, it may still be frustrating to Anton since he just spent basically all his money on something he will probably use rarely beyond this first meeting.

After the nigh unbearable wait is done dragging on, the old man returns and points at Anton, and another man approaches before waving the old guy away, who nods and quickly leaves, back to the workshop probably.

Anton immediately recognizes the approaching man for what he is. Bonam Rogens, who was also the worker the older man had grabbed from earlier. Seems he had changed out of his garb before coming to meet Anton.

Bonam Rogens is a big-boned man, with broad shoulders and wide hips. He has a prominent gut, and a flat chin. His arms are thicker than most men's necks, and he is covered in burn scars rather than hair.

His face is actually slightly ugly, and not because he is totally bald. His eyes are brown.

Bonam Rogens reaches out a hand to Anton to shake, before giving him the best news he could ever ask for, "I've made you sweat enough, huh? Let's walk outside and get some cool air."

Despite his mild appearance, Bonam Rogens seems in that moment to be some kind of descended saint come to bring salvation to Anton. He might have cried if not for the fact the heat probably would have quickly evaporated his tears.


Now outside the smithy, the rather warm noon air has never felt more fresh and cooling.

Letting out an involuntary sigh, Anton doesn't even fully register handing over the envelope as Bonam Rogens beckons for it.


Coming back to himself, Anton feels once again at his full capacity. That heat was insane, that much was certain. Hopefully he will be able to get used to it.

Bonam Rogens just then finishes reading the envelope and nods.

"I see. So, you are one of Master Galin's apprentices? Can't say I've ever heard of a herbalist wanting to try his hand at smithing before. What called to you, Anton?"

The job interview has begun!
player, 13 posts
Aspiring Blacksmith
Sat 6 Jan 2024
at 02:02
  • msg #12

Tav Andor

Anton is in awe.  He wishes he had some way to record this in a meaningful way, not just with words or art, but to truly remember it forever.  It is a wonder for the ages.  He also quickly becomes an embracer of the way of the world, which is, that while money doesn't make the world go round, those who have it are much more comfortable than those who don't.  He makes a mental note to understand and learn all he can about it as well...the tubes in the forge in particular fascinate him and he wants to understand. Indeed, even if he hadn't wanted to learn for other reasons, the mystery behind plumbing would have done it entirely.

Which is how he answered.

"I started getting interested in it when I kept wanting new and different tools for Herbalism, but as I walked around the village I got...ideas....but I won't lie sir, now that I've seen the...pipes? Whatever they contain is a sufficient secret to learn how they are made and how they work.  I want to know everything, and more, but I believe that being able to make a thing is to understand a thing."

He considers a few more minutes, straightening the now sweat stained nice clothing that cost him a month's wages.  "But I'd be honored to learn."
This message was lightly edited by the player at 13:56, Sat 06 Jan.
GM, 79 posts
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 06:35
  • msg #13

Tav Andor

Bonam Rogens listens silently to Anton's words, before nodding along with what he has to say.

"Your words are wise, Anton. The knowledge of creation is the closest a person can get to the Gods' Syric, or at least so I think"

OOC: Syric is a term that means "Gods' Wisdom" - basically the difference between Saints and Gods is that while both start as exceptional human figures, Gods somehow gain access to the Three Elixirs, one of which is Syric. Any one of the Three Elixirs are said to make exceptional mortals (Saints) become immortal, and imbibing all three allows one to become a God. The tales very wildly on how heroes of legend obtained the Three Elixirs, and the actual effects of Syric or the other two are described vaguely and inconsistently. Many Saints in legend become Gods in tales that take place after their own.

Bonam Rogens stretches a bit, and you hear his joints creak and crack before he speaks again, "The pipes you saw in there are not actually pipes, you see. They are something called Sprues, which we use to funnel molten metal into molds for casting. This will make more sense to you in the future."

The bald man takes a moment before continuing, "We do occasionally get requests to make pipes proper, though. Obviously, those are made of metal, while the sprues are mostly the same clay that we use for the molds."

After a bout of silence Bonam Rogens looks at Anton and nods his head, "Very well. I don't see a problem with taking another apprentice. There is always a need to expand the business, after all. Just part of living in Tav Andor, I reckon."

Bonam Rogens says then, "Right then, I will offer you the same thing the other men here have already accepted. How does this sound, Anton: In exchange for being taught smithing by me over the next six months, you will work here without wage for the next five years. You will be supplied with lodging and other necessities while working here, unless you can acquire your own. The caveat is that, as part of your training, at two month intervals, I will be giving you tasks to test your skill and knowledge. If you fail these tests, you will be sent away"

Will Anton accept this deal, try to barter, or do something else?
player, 15 posts
Aspiring Blacksmith
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 19:42
  • msg #14

Tav Andor

All of what he hears is good with Anton.  Five years is a long time, but he is willing to learn and he htinks that they have a lot to teach.  And the increasingly complicated pieces that need to be worked on is not that unlike how he was taught herbalism.  As it is, he is thinking that he is getting more out of the deal; but in one area he does want to add something else. "<b>Five years of service seems very generous considering what I want to learn.  I would like to request one other term; If I can innovate an idea that makes you as much money as it cost to teach me or feed me during those five years, you accelerate the teaching pace so I can learn more from your more advanced students.  I want to learn absolutely everything you have to teach.<?blue>"
GM, 91 posts
Tue 9 Jan 2024
at 23:00
  • msg #15

Tav Andor

Bonam Rogens looks at Anton strangely for a long while.

Eventually, he responds, "...Huh? What sort of innovation are you expecting to make? Master Galin told me you're a fast learner, kid, but if you had made any kind of great new thing, he would have told me. On what grounds do you think you can improve smithing, when you've never picked up a hammer before? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you're not looking down on my craft."

Bonam Rogens is clearly surprised and confused by Anton's highly unusual request. He doesn't seem outright upset, but is a bit heated up.

"Also, that term is ridiculous. It only costs me time to teach you, and hardly anything to feed you, so the bar is set too low. Furthermore, what do you mean accelerate my teaching pace? The rate at which you learn is dependent on you in the first place... And what advanced students do you refer to, and what does that have to do with me teaching you faster? The other guys working here? You'll be caught up to them in six months anyway, most of 'em are just waiting until their five years are up."

Bonam Rogens takes a deep breath, sighs and shakes his head. "I get you're excited to learn, Anton. But, you're just speaking nonsense here. Maybe you should go take the day off, and come back tomorrow with a fresh head..."

Bonam Rogens turns and leave, and his muttering is vaguely audible, "I just wanted to make the kid sweat a little, didn't think the heat would hit him so bad, Saints!"

The sound of muffled hammering is all that fills the vacant space.

OOC: Not entirely sure what you were going for there, TBH.

Also please preview your posts before submitting them, that was hard to read.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:01, Tue 09 Jan.
GM, 120 posts
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 20:42
  • msg #16

Tav Andor

(---> Eastern Road (Fen Guxi))

Entering a Caerish city for the first time, Li Hua, a lady of Krissh culture, immediately takes notice of the differences in architecture... The city is not badly decorated... but it has a different atmosphere. It's more flashy and opulent - not quite gaudy, but less subtle than she is used to.

While Krissh architecture usually focuses on detail and harmony (though other minor styles exist), Tav Andor prefers a heavy weight of monumental size over minute, intricate details - and rather than harmony - it is a battlefield of creative expression.

Honestly, this is probably more appropriate for a trade city such as this. It would be hard to create a unified aesthetic in this place.


Li Hua, disguised as a young man, is accompanied by the Sedoric merchant, Balshad who has acted as her translator so far.

The caravan she has entered town with drives past her as the oxen are brought into the city. The other merchants and half of the Legonite guard venture further into the city, while these two are left to explore on foot. Several Legonites stand still around her... incredibly still, like statues... or living corpses.

The creed they follow still rings unpleasantly in Li Hua's mind. She is not comfortable around the very hirelings who are meant to be her guards.

Balshad speaks up in that moment, talking in Krissh, "I've been here a few times. I never got to learn the Caerish tongue, too much of a damn pain. I mean, why do you need so many silent letters? Not to mention the fact that a single Caerish word can have more consonants than a whole proper Sedoric sentence!"

He continues, "Even those damn upstarts in Ghanbar at least speak an understandable tongue!"

Realizing he has went on a small rant, Balshad bows his head apologetically, "Sorry, my lady, I'm still overtired from my earlier efforts. More rest is needed."

Clearing his throat, Balshad finishes his thought, "That is to say, as I've been here before, I can give you basic directions, if you need. I worry my aging bones won't keep up with a young one such as yourself... So, unless you have further need of me, I'm off to lodge at the inn where the caravan will park"
Zhao Li Hua
player, 49 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 19:49
  • msg #17

Tav Andor

"Well I like what I see" Li Hua said to Balshad. "It's quite nice to see the difference."

"Let me accompany you to the inn"
she offered him her arm "And then I'll explore from there. Perhaps on the way you could point out any places that I should avoid, and places that are good to see. Although if they don't speak either Krissh or Sedoric, I'm not sure I will get very far on my own. Do you suppose that some of these urchin's speak either?" she was pretty sure Balshad would have a keener eye for that than she did.

She was wondering what the Legonites would do. Would they follow her? How would she feel about that? Well this would be a good way to find out.
GM, 123 posts
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 21:29
  • msg #18

Tav Andor

Balshad does not take Li Hua's arm, coughing lightly at her gesture of courtesy.

It is then Li Hua remembers she is disguised as a male. Perhaps, it is inappropriate in this culture for a man to perform that gesture with another man. Generally, in Krissh culture, skinship played a large part in both courtesy and daily life. In this new world, people may be more reserved, and perhaps there were different gender norms.

Balshad quickly moves past his discomfort and lightly grabs her shoulder, turning her rather rudely in the direction of the inn, he winces just a bit at the indelicate contact, and says, "Apologies for the crude touch, my lady. You are currently dressed as a man, and while I don't know about the esteemed Krissh, in Kalatoria, a supposed man would get strange looks if he offers his arm to another man. This is even more true the further west you go, the Caerish are most accepting of cultural differences"

How does one move like a man, though? It will take time to imitate, that's for sure. Learning feminine etiquette was annoying enough, now she has to do it all again!?

Now answering her question as he tiredly moves, Balshad replies, "It is exceedingly unlikely for you to arbitrarily encounter someone who speaks either language. I suppose you would find it difficult to move about, but there is some value to immersing yourself in a totally unfamiliar culture. One learns quickest when they are put on the spot, after all. Observing things closely is something I believe your father would want you to attempt, while you are away... Besides, even if you were to get in any kind of trouble... well, never mind. That won't happen."

With that, they head on towards the inn. The caravan they came in on is already out of sight, but Balshad seems to know where it was heading.

Li Hua briefly forgets about the Legonites, and then they are gone!


Arriving at a cozy-looking, medium-sized loft, near the opposite edge of town, Li Hua has already noticed a couple things within the city:

 - Tav Andor is exceedingly wealthy. While not as much wealth is spent on architectural ornamentation as in Kri Tan, every other person she sees is wearing some kind of jewelry!

 - The city has two sets of walls. The first set they already crossed through, but the second set they have avoided. The distinction between the 'outer district' and 'inner district' is even greater than Li Hua thought possible.

 - While the 'outer district' already had considerable wealth, just the small visual glimpses she gets of the inner district is mind blowing. A few of the buildings are over fifteen feet tall! Astounding, how do they not collapse? Few buildings in all of Kri Tan have such height, mostly the personal residences of the highest members in the Lin Court.

 - Trade is constant. Probably one third of the people moving about at any one time are visiting traders. This can be estimated by those that seem to be in a hurry, and are peddling strange goods. Clearly, the actual residential population of this city is not as high as it may seem.

 - Li Hua actually sees quite a few foreigners in the city. It was only a bit difficult for her to tell the Caerish and the Jakadi apart at first, but now she can easily tell the difference in ethnic groups. Sadly, she still cannot tell if someone is Sedoric and Ghanbaran, and most likely it would come down to context she is missing, rather than actual visual cues.

 - She gets a few looks here and there, probably because of her Krissh status. However, it is not as much as she may have worried, and the looks are restrained enough. Nobody here has never seen a Krissh before, at least. Even the children who stare at her before being yanked along by their parents do not seem to be totally surprised.

 - In fact, after they are nearly finished their walk, Li Hua's eagle eyes spot out another Krissh man walking in a crowd. He has a small group of armed men moving with him, and several porters carrying things. He is shopping, and has an annoyed look on his face.

 - While her people are not common in the city, it's clear she is not that much of an anomaly, after all.

Throughout this journey, Li Hua did manage to push her focus to extreme limits, and when she did she could catch glimpses of a Legonite moving through the crowd. They move... strangely gracefully, but despite that they cause small ripples of disturbances as people notice huge armored men have brushed right past them without them noticing, and they become understandably surprised!

Yet, trying to spot the Legonites after they have surprised a poor fellow or two is actually not very fruitful, as by the time Li Hua traces the center of the disturbance, she just catches the imposing figure responsible for it slipping out of sight!

Eventually, Li Hua manages to keep her eye on a single Legonite, but she barely manages to track him! Despite putting so much concentration on it that she nearly forgets to walk, the Legonite manages to slip in and out of her sight, and by the time they arrive at the inn she is mentally drained, and not sure if the one she is looking at is actually the same guy as before!

Whatever.... mystical means .... they are using to evade the senses of others, are scarily potent... but, it's clearly not perfect, either. Even regular people occasionally catch sight of them.

If they can use this ability while fighting... no, thinking of that is far too horrifying a prospect...

Worst of all, is not even the fact that it's hard to keep track of them, Li Hua has a vague, uncanny sense, that they are easily forgotten... more so than most things... unless she reminds herself, her attention moves to other things anyway!

As she looks through her memories, Li Hua is stumped, but when she looks up at the sky she realizes the whole walk was long but not that long.... it felt like almost half the day has passed, though, it hasn't even been nearly that long!

"Milady, we are here. I desperately need some rest. Y-" Balshad interrupts himself as he turns to you and then becomes surprised at something he sees on your face, before his expression turns understanding, and lastly soft. "Honorable Li Hua, I say this as your tentative friend, so please take it in good faith, but I don't recommend overthinking the Legonites. You look exhausted, and unless you struggle to walk across the city, which I doubt given your training, you clearly have exhausted your mind - and even this new environment should not be shocking enough to tire you so."

Balshad takes a deep breath, and sighs, "I know... i know you are uneasy around the Legonites. It is a shame, but there is nothing to be done. I cannot dismiss them, as it would break my contract with your father, and the contract I made with their temple. I will not attempt to justify the Legonites creed to you, and neither will they. I will only say they are here to protect you in the case harm would befall you. Otherwise, one should treat them as though they do not exist. The... strange skill they possess to remain unnoticed.... it is ... All I know is that it will only exhaust you to peer into it, and I have my suspicions that it exhausts them as well to defend against your notice... "

Grabbing the door to the loft, Balshad speaks softly, clearly too tired to say much more, "I am going to rest now. You are free to do as you wish, but I recommend getting at least a short rest. You look tired."

With that Balshad waves and heads off to get some well-deserved shut-eye.

What will Li Hua do?
Zhao Li Hua
player, 51 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 19:21
  • msg #19

Tav Andor

"Already forgotten" Li Hua said pleasantly to Balshad. She wouldn't mention them again to him. And with that she bid him goodbye

"What to do" Li Hua mused to herself as she contemplated the rest of the day. Balshad's words had not helped in the least. But she was now a little clearer in what she would have to do when she made her move. For no apparent reason she tied a piece of string around her wrist, almost like a bracelet. Each time she saw or felt the bracelet she would remember to think about the Legionites. A physical token that would act as a mnemonic for her.

It wasn't heard to decide what to do. Among other things she needed to get better at dealing with being in a strange place. Learning how to communicate when she couldn't talk. And as little as she liked the Legionites, they were currently protecting her. Which meant she could could practice without worrying about safety. Perhaps she could even have a go at buying some of the rather nice beads they had here. Doing that without words would be a nice goal.
GM, 129 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 19:53
  • msg #20

Tav Andor

Li Hua indeed heads out to purchase some beads.

The sun is getting lower in the sky, but most stalls in the Outer District's markets are still running.

Coming across a nice selection of beaded accessories, the man behind the stall glances at Li Hua in a bit of surprise, but he schools his expression after a couple moments. He speaks in an unfamiliar language, his words unknown. His tone, at least, is the friendly, polite and servile one expected from someone looking to sell their goods.

It is then that Li Hua realizes the only wealth she is carrying is some Wei, which probably isn't accepted so far from Kri Tan. She left her valuable bartering commodities with the caravan, as they were too much to carry (in both volume and conspicuousness).
Zhao Li Hua
player, 53 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 21:06
  • msg #21

Tav Andor

Well that put an end to that idea then. Li Hua wondered what had come over her: the only thing she had to do today was buy things and she'd failed for some reason she couldn't put her finger on to carry the things needed to do that. Perhaps it was the thinking about the Legionites that had caused her to forget the one thing she needed.

There was a helpless gesture. An attempt to say words like 'no money on me sorry' and then she left him and carried on looking around the city. Since the one thing she'd wanted to do wasn't doable, she could at least get a feel for the place.
GM, 130 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 00:10
  • msg #22

Tav Andor

Li Hua spends the last few hours of daylight exploring the city. The Outer District is the area between the outer walls and the inner walls, and Li Hua comes across many interesting things.

Beyond the markets, there is also a residential area. The most interesting thing Li Hua finds though is by the south gate. She finds what appears to be a blacksmith's compound, where metallurgy is being practiced. She can't see much inside the buildings, as there are few windows. She does see that the last trails of thick smoke leaks from some of the buildings, and the area around the place is hotter than the rest of the city.

Li Hua may be curious to see what techniques are used in the Caerish lands, but unfortunately it seems that the business has shut down for the day.

As the sun sets, tiredness overcomes Li Hua. She has the training to push through it, but she can also much more easily return to the inn where her caravan is staying.

She definitely got a better image of Tav Andor, and it is an intimidating thing. It is smaller than Fa's capital of Zhulon, but perhaps just as wealthy. It certainly beats out her home city of Mazan in all fields, except perhaps military strength. Then again, this is a trade city, so it's expected the defenses are in the form of written word rather than metallic blades.

There was no opening for her to enter the inner district, unless she thought it wise to approach the surly guards who she has only observed accepting those with certain iconography, identities or special permits.

Li Hua did succeed in getting a very good grasp of much of the city's layout, which is quite an exceptional feat considering she had just about a day to accomplish that.

Does Li Hua wish to remain out during the night, or will she return to the loft, where a private room of modest but acceptable quality has been rented for her? A dinner of a thick meat soup and some mediocre wheat-bread is also available for her, if she requests it.
Zhao Li Hua
player, 54 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 17:36
  • msg #23

Tav Andor

It wasn't a particularly happy Li Hua that returned to the loft. She took the meal, ate it in silence, and went to bed.

Pretty much nothing she wanted to do was working out. She was surrounded by magical invisible uncomminicative killing machines that somehow messed with her head so that she couldn't even do the simplest of tasks. Even to the point where she couldn't get her act together enough to even buy some beads. She spent a little time in meditation wondering what she had to do so that she felt back in control again, because at the moment she felt like a leaf blown by some strange wind that was leaving her reeling out of control.

It didn't help being alone...worse than alone... in a place where noone spoke any of her languages. She missed her father. She missed Old Lao.

Still she would have to sort things out. Somethings were easy. She would make a two small caches of easily carriable values: one much smaller than the other, and carry them on her body under her clothing. Then whatever insanity had seized her would hopefully not affect her that way again. Others were more complex. Various plans ran through her head. Faking her death looking like the only one that had much chance of success. But doing that convincingly ... how? Well perhaps she would come up with an idea while she was traveling.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:32, Fri 19 Jan.
GM, 131 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 23:44
  • msg #24

Tav Andor

As Li Hua lays in bed after an unsatisfying meal, she ponders on her frustrations and paranoias, convincing herself that any lapses in her judgement must be the result of the Legonites. Maybe because of the mystery behind their strange ability, Li Hua suspects the worse.

Reminiscing on her family and friends back home, Li Hua feels adrift alone in a land that is so unfamiliar to her, where even speaking to the people here poses a barrier, let alone understanding their lives and ideas.

Harshly rebuking herself for her mistake, to the point of calling it insanity, Li Hua resolutely rummages through some of the things she had brought with her, and keeps some rare textiles and exquisite statuettes under her robes, to use for trading.

Her mind also races through plan after plan. For whatever reason, Li Hua feels a burning desire to escape from the Legonites. However, she recognizes that doing so will be difficult, and her mind runs in circle trying to find opportunities.

Overall, Li Hua is terribly exhausted by the time sleep takes her. A whole day of moving her attention and focus in unusual and strenuous ways have left her worn out, and the moment her head hits the bed-

- "-ua. Young lady. Mistress." a vaguely familiar voice stirs Li Hua awake. Her head is muddled, and she does not feel very well rested. Her groggy eyes open to the sight of a man who she quickly recognizes to be Balshad.

"Excellent, you're awake. I loathe to rush you, young miss, but we really must be going. I tried to wake you early, but you were out cold. Please ready yourself with haste, the caravan departs Tav Andor soon."

With that, the merchant leaves, himself in a bit of a rush.

Li Hua is alone in her room, and even when focussing senses no Legonites outside her door or window.

Will she continue the trek... or take a risk?

OOC: I think you may have gotten a few false impressions, but I wove them into the narrative as "Li Hua's beliefs"
Zhao Li Hua
player, 57 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 15:48
  • msg #25

Tav Andor

Unaware that there was any complexity or risk, as nothing yesterday had given her any particular reason to think there might be, Li Hua just prepared herself. She wasn't in any massive urgency as the Caravan moved about 10 miles a day in all the previous travels, and she could run that in an hour or two if she didn't have the horses with her, and probably faster with the horses.

On the whole she was glad to be leaving. The city had not been a particularly pleasant experience for her. Perhaps the next few would be better, otherwise she'd have to rethink her whole plan.

Still she was back on the move now. The open road was in front of her. Sword in hand she prepared the horses and then set off after the Caravan
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