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00:48, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

T-Minus One Year: Aurland.

Posted by TalonFor group 0
GM, 13 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 23:05
  • msg #1

T-Minus One Year: Aurland

One Year Prior To Departure

No story has a true beginning, only a point where you begin the telling. So we shall start here.

Within the illustrious nation of Aleteros Aurland lives and practices his craft. Studying the art of conjuration, he did not work at the mundane craft of some conjurers who called for food, raw materials or effortless crafted gear, that was little more than manual labor, no Aurland had a grander scope in mind. His conjuring was of the most intricate and largest scale. While his ultimate goals had yet to be reached, his interim projects had proven a fruitful endeavor. Aurland enjoyed success in his career. He's earned the respect and esteem of his colleagues and been given the opportunity to pursue projects at his leisure.

OOC: Your character is an experienced mage, successful and well established.

Writing Prompt: Describe a day in the life of Aurland, where he lives, how he starts a typical date, the people he encounters and the projects he's working on. End your post with him learning that an extra-planar expedition is being planned.
player, 2 posts
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 16:47
  • msg #2

T-Minus One Year: Aurland

Aurland enjoyed the success his efforts had brought him. Largely because of how much independence it afforded him to pursue his own personal projects. Of course, it never looked like he was working on magic from the outside. He spent most of his day walking around, studying the layout and architecture of buildings. He'd visit local gardens and root around in their soil or go to the tops of tall buildings and make notions of wind speeds and cloud formation. He'd spend hours staring at fountains and streams, going so far as to be found probing puddles in the cobblestone with an eclectic collection of hand-made tools. When he wasn't out taking notes and measurements he was in the library or lecture halls. Climatology, volcanology, geology, oceanography, ecology,  archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, and theology; all subjects he took a deep personal interest in.

It was only deep within his personal sanctum, often late at night, did he perform any actual magical work. He'd learned long ago that magic was part art, part science and like most art forms the execution of magic was unique to the individual. He found that his work was made easier with tools, each one shaped for the work at hand, and that ritual words and gestures helped to coax the energies into desirable patterns. Working this way was ultimately how he was able to produce such complex conjurations. He did not force magic to bend, he guided it into form. Of course, this was a laborious, slow process. Each day incrementally advancing spellforms and refining tools. Building his knowledge further, constructing the gnosis of an entire world within the deeper recesses of his mind.

Of course not all worthy while activities could come about through personal study and it was while he was in attendance at one of the rarer lectures on an obscure form of conjuration that he learned about the Spellspire expedition. He knew that he had to join.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:37, Fri 26 Jan.
GM, 17 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 18:31
  • msg #3

T-Minus One Year: Aurland

Eight Months Till Departure

Four months had passed since Aurland first heard of the Expedition. The Expedition. With a capital E. That's what it was being called. It was all the talk of Aleteros from the highest courts to the lowliest pubs. Now it was known there were other worlds and places, but this was supposedly someplace new. Someplace untouched. A place ready to have a civilized hand imprint upon it. The New World, the Promised Land, Elsewhere. Everyone had a different name for the place, but all of it meant the same thing. Opportunity.

Since the word had gotten round about the project a massive construction effort had begun spellsmithss, runic cavers and arcano-engineers had poured into the capital from every corner of the empire to lend to the efforts. Now though, there was word that screenings had begun to recruit for the Expedition itself. This was confirmed days later when a letter written on fine vellum arrived at Aurland's offices.


Greetings and well met esteemed arcanist. If you are receiving this letter than it has been determined that you are amongst those who most qualified and capable in the arcane arts. No doubt you have heard of the upcoming expedition to the Unformed Plane. We are currently gathering fifteen of the finest mages of Aleteros. If you have an interest in the undertaking, please respond and make a case for your appointment of one of the fifteen positions available.

May the Hidden Be Revealed to you,
Paramount of the Tower of Mages"

Despite the flowing script and fine paper, the letter had the smell of transmutation magic to it. One letter had been written, then duplicated likely a hundred times over. You are a highly capable mage, one of the highest in fact, but that did not mean there were many others with such fine credentials within the mageocracy. While it chafed to receive an invitation simply to apply, it was likely unavoidable given the fervor surrounding the project.

Writing Prompt: Structure your post as though you're writing a formal letter back in response. In this letter make the case for why you would   be a valuable member of the expedition. Also describe the greatest practical application of magic you've undertaken in your career which earned you the esteem you now currently enjoy.
player, 6 posts
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 17:25
  • msg #4

T-Minus One Year: Aurland

Aurland read the letter twice before the contents settled into his mind. When they did he sprinted into his sanctum and threw the latch on the door, sealing himself away from the world until his work was done. A thousand ideas spiraled through his mind as he considered how best to plead his case. Then his eyes settled on his collection of exotic materials and he knew this would have to be one of his finest works in of itself.

The implement was made of Beggar's Root or Florin's Mercy depending on one's disposition. It was a woody tuber that grew well in moist, dark places and was a supplemental foodstuff for the improvised during the Great Famines. It was during that time that the wizard Florin, later canonized as Saint Florin, used transmutation magic to add a minor medicinal quality to the plant. An act of mercy, of creation. It was this sympathy that he drew out as he carved the root into a wand, the ideal form of precision. He polished the wand in beeswax laced with rosehip oil. It would gentle the magic further, granting both elegance and appeal to the working.

Then there was the spell. He'd conjured missives before, paper and ink being both things he'd studied long before but he did not allow such familiarity to spoil his work. He examined dozens of samples of paper, teasing out the ephemeral patterns which granted them their best qualities, and did much the same for the inks although he had fewer of those than he truly wished. In the end he constructed a pattern in his mind's eye, before guiding mana from within himself into the wand and then with the newly transformed mana into the pattern he held within. With each gesture he imparted his will, his intent, shaping letters of glowing ink onto a page that wrought itself from magic alone.


I would like to begin by extending my deepest thanks for my consideration by the Paramount of the Tower of Mages in this endeavor. If selected I will bring to the fore the full measure of my abilities as a wizard of the art of conjuration. Just as I did when aiding in the design and construction of our fair city's water management system which has reduced labor costs by two-thirds and decreased the prevalence of volatile alchemical compounds in our effluent by eight-tenths. I am especially proud of this work as it was directly extensible into the Tower's efforts of recovering valuable compounds from wastewaters and reducing the rate of emergence for dangerous flora and fauna in downstream communities. With these experiences and other similar public works, I believe that I would be a great asset in any endeavor to establish footholds and strongholds in a distant world.

I look forward to your response and thank you once again for your consideration.

May the Hidden Be Revealed to you,

This message was last edited by the player at 17:35, Mon 29 Jan.
GM, 24 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 17:56
  • msg #5

T-Minus One Year: Aurland

Responding back, Aurland wasn't sure what sort of response to expect back. He suspected there would be letters back and forth arguing the matter, or a response back outlining precisely why Aurland was or was not an ideal candidate. What he did not expect was a letter back three weeks later that had only a few simple lines.

"Sir Aurland,

We are pleased to welcome you to the expedition of the Spellspire Elucidate.

The Paramount of the Tower of Mages"

There were other details, logistics of where and when to arrive, people to speak to in regards to the journey. But there was time to reread that. For now the important thing that Aurland was going. Now that left a thousand other things to prepare.

Three Months Prior to Departure

Your place was secure. The final list of the expedition members was still being finalized. One poor soul had had a magical mishap and until he had the proper number of fingers again there was no way he could join. Another had suffered nervous breakdown at the deadline loomed closer. Those were rumors at least, the Tower of Mages was keeping the list of those who would go hush-hush for now. Why that would be they did not elaborate, but those were all simply details. The important thing was that your position was secure, now it was only a matter of getting your affairs in order before the final departure. There was no telling how long you would be gone, but the safest estimates all stated it was likely years.

Writing Prompt: Describe your mage getting their affairs in order before setting out. What do they do their study and their home? Do they have any projects that they need to put on hiatus? How do they do so? Is everyone in their life on board with them undertaking such a great commitment?
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:10, Mon 29 Jan.
player, 9 posts
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 18:08
  • msg #6

T-Minus One Year: Aurland

Aurland was elated that he'd get to join the Spellspire Elucidate and that elation carried him through the months leading up to his departure. He had many associates, connections with the various learned institutions, and many staffers throughout the city's myriad facilities and bureaucracies. People who he owed a great deal to and who were hard to say goodbye to. However, he had no family. His parents, may they rest with the Gods, had passed in the famines alongside his younger sister. The rest of his family, scattered about the world by circumstance, disaster, and design, were all but estranged from him. He spent obligatory missives to some, aunts and uncles whom he'd been closer to, but only received a few in return. Most of them were terse, filled with vague promises of meeting upon his return and lukewarm congratulations or well-wishes. He did not begrudge them this. It was the way of the world and he'd done little in his adult life to build a family for himself. Too engrossed in his own goals and the pursuit of the arcane.

Perhaps paradoxically it was this same life that he spent most of his time dismantling. The voyage would be a long one he was sure and the dangers, while never explicitly, laid out were not foreign to him. He'd never served in the military nor fought in the kingdom's wars but even he had given service to the crown. Defensive fortifications were his specialty after all, although he wished otherwise. All said he knew that he might die on this expedition and so he liquidate all of his worldly possessions in waves. His collections were turned over to museums and research institutions. His sanctum was disenchanted and dismantled back into the mundane wood and stone. His home was put up for sale and in the coming months he'd reduce all he owned to a single chest; most of which were his grimoires and research notes.

Many of his projects were terminated in this process rather than placed indefinitely on hold. The exception to this came in those that had some particular use for the public good. These he transferred ownership of, research notes and all, to trusted associates. He knew they would see them completed or at least advanced in his stead. Should he return, which he was not convinced would occur even if did survive, he would re-establish himself here or perhaps move on to greener pastures.

Only time would tell.
GM, 26 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Tue 30 Jan 2024
at 16:58
  • msg #7

T-Minus One Year: Aurland

Three Days Prior to Departure

The time was upon you. A year had passed in a blur. Arrangements had been made, goodbyes made. Now it was the time for looking forward. It was also the first chance to visit the Elucidate. You had seen it for months from the outside. The Spellspire stood prominently in the capital plaza, a tower a dozen stories tall with slate gray walls punctuated by a number of evenly spaced windows. It was not a pretty structure like many of the other soaring towers that made up the capital, but this building had been built for function over form.

Two great double doors made up the entrance and they stood open now. Striding through, you enter a great reception hall whose vaulted ceiling is suspended by a dozen stone pillars. There are alcoves set along the walls, each neatly labeled and judging by the shimmer inside, they're some sort of transportation apparatus. This hunch is proven correct as your guide, one of the arcano-engineers, takes you over to an alcove. "Each mage shares a floor with one other, this will be yours," she said proudly and ushered you through the transport.

In a shimmer of gold, you step out onto a receiving chamber on another floor. This room has one of the towers windows opposite the transport. There are also only two doors. The engineer takes you over to one and, procuring a great brass key, turns it in the lock and throws it open. It reveals a perfunctory room whose walls and floor are made up of flat gray stone. It seemed to be a single chamber. If there are only two doors here, where is the rest of the floor hiding? As if sensing your thoughts, the engineer speaks up. "We've folded space here. The room can be customized to meet your needs," she explains proudly. Motioning to a panel of gemstones on the walls, she manipulates one and a door appears on the far side of the room. Another and a window appears. Pressing a diamond and furniture starts to materialize. "We have a setting for every need. Now this conjured furniture will dematerialize if it leaves the tower, but within the Elucidate you'll have every comfort and tool you could require. Your personal quarters can have as many rooms as you need for personal space and study. Please, take some time to make yourself comfortable."

Writing Prompt: Take time to personalize your room within the Elucidate. Describe anything you bring.

OOC: Note, any functional items you bring, extra enchantments, materials, basically anything that might be useful, will be rendered inert by the trip, so this is all flavor.

The Surviving Spell

While the maiden voyage of the Elucidate will not go according to plan. One of your spells has survived the journey. Choose one of the spells below and add it to your spellbook. Indicate in your post which you've chosen.

Conjure Servitor: A few wisps of dust and wind, this delicate entity can follow a simple command before dispersing.

Conjure Garments: Perhaps not flashy, but this spell ensures that a mage always has something to wear for the occasional. Some conjurers have been known never to wash a garment in their life and instead have a steady string of new clothes.

Conjure Ice: Create a sizable block of ice which drops to the ground. Be careful to have the summoning area clear or it may cause significant damage where it lands. (Unless that is your goal.)
Note: The water is not potable unless the spell is augmented. Wherever its being conjured from in this version is not suitable for human consumption.
player, 13 posts
Tue 30 Jan 2024
at 17:45
  • msg #8

T-Minus One Year: Aurland

Aurland traveled to the Elucidate on foot, his chest held aloft by a conjured servitor. It was one of the first spells he had mastered and despite knowing of more sophisticated ones he opted for this one today. Perhaps out of nostalgia. One chapter ends so that another may begin. Aurland was more than amazed by the Elucidate. It was both a marvel of magic and architecture. The seamless use of different schools of magic and how aesthetically well integrated the enchantments were; truly wondrous. Meeting with the arcano-engineer he couldn't help but gush as they moved to the golden-lighted teleporter.

"A pleasure to meet you. You all have done such splendid work with the Elucidate. Truly splendid."

Arriving in the austere room he was shocked initially by the juxtaposition of his own room compared to the rest of the spellspire but with his guides explanation his excitement only grew.


He moved into the space, running his hand along the walls, and smiling ear to ear as he felt the latent rituals of conjuration within the marble and the more deeply esoteric powers of spatial magic. He laughs to himself.

"Wonderful. Oh, how I wish I could have been a part of the team to make the Spellspire."

He turned back to his guide.

"But I suppose we will have many great works ahead."

Once the guide departed Aurland gave some thought to his room. He was not a hermit by nature, no lover of minimalist thought or ascetic. However, he found the idea of creating lavish furnishings and luxurious decorations to be banal. Instead, he focused on practical elements: a bed, a nightstand, dressers, a drafting table, bookshelves, and rugs to separate himself from the bare stone. The latter he found was superfluous since the stones were magically heated but it added a much-needed pop of color beside the honey-brown hues of wood. He populated his bookcase with his grimoires and notes but also managed to conjure memorized copies of various works from his former library. He did the same for any who asked, so long as he was able. At the end he thought his room sufficient for any man's needs but he did permit himself a small luxury by conjuring a marble statue of Saint Florin the Merciful.
GM, 32 posts
Weaver of Tales
The Underlying Order
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 15:37
  • msg #9

T-Minus One Year: Aurland

"Dimensional translocation in ten, nine, eight," the pleasant androgenous voice chimed melodically throughout the corridors of the tower. The smell of atmosphere grew sharper as the arcane energies gathered. The gray slate stones of the tower Elucidate seemed to thrum with the growing power. Outside a sea of onlookers stood gathered, held only at a safe distance from the barriers set up around the plaza. Their cheers filled the air like the dull roar of some gargantuan beast, but inside the Spellspire there was only that soft voice and its steady count down. "Six, five four."

Inside his study Almanic sat rigidly in his armchair in front of the fire. "Silly old man, teleportation doesn't jostle," he said to himself, even as his hands gripped the arms of the chair tighter. The polished wood pipe clenched between his teeth was in danger of cracking. Staring doggedly into the dancing flames in the hearth, he tried to ignore the numbers steadily ticking down.

Two floors up Taebor had the windows of his room thrown open and was almost hanging out as he waved both arms excitedly at the crowd. Their surge of cheers at his antics only encouraging more enthusiastic waving of his arms. Dressed in glimmering white cloth that sparkled and shone, the man was impossible to miss against the gray slate walls. It was why he'd chosen it after all.

At the top of the tower the three mages ringed around the whirling glass control sphere of the tower made waves of their hands and twists of their fingers which corresponded to dozens of tiny incremental adjustments. Even in the final seconds before translocation adjustments must be made. "Nether weave stabilized," said Lyshen. "There are ripples in the arcano-sphere... but they're within acceptable parameters," advised Anders. The last member of the trio ran a hand through her silver hair, her pupil-less eyes matching the color. Her inner eye was tracing the arcane threads that ran off that orb to every corner of the Spellspire. Elucidate was a miracle of arcano-engineering. The best forged by diviners, spellsmiths, runecarvers and a dozen other fields of mysticism. All those arcane threads hummed, drawing taut with anticipation as the arcane forces gathered. She held their destination in her mind as she plucked those chords. "Sen tailen est," she murmured softly for good luck. "Our location is locked. So we step beyond the boundaries of gods and men."

"Three, two, one."

A beam of searing yellow light shot up from the Spellspire and expanded to engulf the structure. The cheering throng fell into awed silence as the radiance grew until they were forced to avert their eyes. Then as suddenly it was gone. The plaza where the two dozen story structure once stood was now empty. The twenty six souls who inhabited the tower gone along with it. Twenty six intrepid explorers who had set forth to blaze the trail so that others might follow after.

This was the expedition of the Spellspire Elucidate.

OOC: And this concludes getting to know the character. Let the proper adventure begin shortly!
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