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Posted by SockpuppetFor group 0
player, 50 posts
Thu 2 Jul 2009
at 17:37
  • msg #64

Re: GURPS Glastnost

GURPS 4 Super Epic Space Adventure Is under both sci fi and supers, as a group of Supers embarks on a voyage through unchated hyperspace to try and save the earth from an imminant alien invasion. 750 points.
I have not yet advertised in players wanted because I would also like feedback from experienced GURPS players before I put out the final call for players.
player, 11 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2009
at 15:40
  • msg #65

Re: GURPS Glastnost

My Alternate History game died. My fault really, just didn't excite me and I couldn't get into it.

So I've decided to return to my favorite:

High Weirdness Cross-genre Mash-up

GURPS 4e: The Daily Grind
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player, 36 posts
Mon 20 Jul 2009
at 19:49
  • msg #66

GURPS Razorfist

The world ended not with a bang, but with a whimper.  70% of the world's population died when the planet's overtaxed ecosystem gave out, resulting in monsterous storms, widespread famine, and continued political unrest.  Nations fell, networks crashed, and civilization ended.

It took decades for mankind to build itself out of its crater.  It began with trade towns, barter towns, where people could meet and greet without fear of desert raiders, mutants, or irradiated monsters.  Where people meet, the liquor flows.  Where the liquor flows, bets are made and blood will spill.  So came Razorfist.

Razorfist is no-holds barred gladiatorial combat.  The brave, the desperate, and the foolish will dedicate themselves as gladiators, bringing to bear scavenged weapons to entertain others and earn what they can.  The town council runs everything - the arenas, the betting parlors, the hospitals - so much so that Razorfist earns the town more than trade these days.

link to another game

Ran this before, but only got a few players.  Giving it another go.
player, 1 post
Wed 22 Jul 2009
at 23:23
  • msg #67

A Change of Pace [a GURPS Detective story]

It was a miserable, hot and muggy afternoon in the City That Never Sleeps.  I was sitting in my office enjoying the dingy paint and the gorgeous alley view.  It really wasn't much to look at,  but it was mine.  Mine until Mr. Ackrin kicks me out for not paying rent for a handful of months.  I was expecting the landlord to show up with the papers any minute now.

There was a knock on the door.  I lumbered across the room, in no hurry to answer.  In better days Gladys would have answered it already, but she was out looking for a job that would provide a paycheck more then a couple times a year.  I open the door expecting to see Ackrin there on the other side, maybe with a couple of goons to help move my furniture down to the street -- by way of the window.

What luck!  It wasn't Ackrin, but a dame.  And not just any dame, the best kind of dame -- she was a client.  Said her names Mrs. Johnson, widow to the late Mr. Johnson.  Said she wants me to investigate her husbands recent murder, even though the cops already have a man in slam for it.  Sounded like a winner to me, even if I couldn't find clue one I could sell her on the cops having it right.  Or muddle along, get blocked by the cops at every turn, and drag things out for months.  Either way, it looked like I would be able to afford some decent whiskey.

I'm looking for a few players for a GURPS 4th ed. Mystery.

link to another game
player, 39 posts
Fri 24 Jul 2009
at 14:32
  • msg #68

Re: A Change of Pace [a GURPS Detective story]

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly.... timey-wimey.... stuff." - The Doctor

You're about to discover the truth behind temporal theory, and you don't even know it.

Tempus Eo is a GURPS 4th ed Time Travel game.  Players will create versions of themselves, soon to be cast adrift in time until they learn to control their travel.  Focus will be on character development - a mixture of "What would you do" and "What would you become".  Additional focus will be on exploration and problem solving.

The setup:  You (that's right, you, the player) are at Gen-Con, the massive gaming convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.  You'll meet the other players (hey, we're all gamers, right?) and then start with the time travel.

This is a mature game, because the past can be a horrible place.

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player, 12 posts
Fri 24 Jul 2009
at 19:03
  • msg #69

Re: A Change of Pace [a GURPS Detective story]

One more player would makes three, a good strong number. The Magic Number! some say.

So far we have a psychiatrist to secret meta-humans. Will they overcome they're problems? Will the good doctor guide them to coming out and publicly revealing their identities and powers or encourage them to stay hidden? Will he truly try to help them or manipulate them to his own ends?


A beautiful woman from another dimension, slightly behind us in technology but able to tap into the mystical powers of the multi-verse unlocking forces not understood in our world. Her recent crash into our world has severed her from the potent magical force of her home and left her abilities somewhat diminished. Will she find a way to tap into this strange new world's magical energy? Will she adapt to the new technologies of our world and turn our scientific community on its ear or will she work in secrecy to find a way home?

This is a pretty wide open opportunity for you to play those strange characters you have crammed back into your three-ring-binders thinking them too unusual for other games.

link to another game
player, 53 posts
Wed 21 Oct 2009
at 21:15
  • [deleted]
  • msg #70

Under Twin Suns

This message was deleted by the player at 02:25, Thu 12 Nov 2009.
player, 4 posts
Tue 10 Nov 2009
at 22:52
  • msg #71

French by Bloodshed


Anyone interested in a GURPS WWII game based on the French Foreign Legion and using 4th edition rules?

I set up this game for a group of 4 guys who know each other in real life (face to face). They advertised on another web site looking for an online rpg. Anyway, after I set up the game, they submitted character sheets and then disappeared. At this point, I can only assume they lost interest or found a different GM.

So that leaves me with a ready-to-play adventure and an outline for a long term campaign that I'm very excited about. The campaign information and guidelines for character creation are on the game board.

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player, 59 posts
Thu 12 Nov 2009
at 02:25
  • msg #72

GURPS Banestorm/Tredroy

Welcome to Tredroy, the Jewel of the South, the biggest city outside of the Empire, a city of wealth, danger, and intrigue.  A million coins change hands, a hundred daggers wait in the shadows.

You and your allies are Contacts; freelance troubleshooters selling their skills and expertise to the rich and powerful.  There's a lot of work out there for someone willing to do the job, and your principles and skill may be the only limit on how high you can rise.  Build your name, build your fortune, seek a knighthood or political office - in the Jewel of the South you can have what you want if you have the willpower and skill to take it.

GURPS Jewel of the South is a low fantasy city-based game set in the world of Yrth as presented in GURPS Banestorm.  Players are free agents in the city, performing tasks for the city's elite and pursuing their own goals.

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player, 21 posts
Mon 23 Nov 2009
at 23:33
  • msg #73

Magnithar GURPS 4e

WARNING! Proceed no further if you are a minor. This section of the site may contain offensive material.

link to another game

The game shown above is your standard evil spellcaster trying to take over the world scenario I'm looking for an elf to replace the one we just lost due to college papers, tests, and whatnot.

EDIT: Main bad guy taken but I will accept applications for members of his family or other allies that would be on equal grounds.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:26, Tue 24 Nov 2009.
player, 22 posts
Wed 25 Nov 2009
at 19:59
  • msg #74

Re: Magnithar GURPS 4e

The game above has taken all the evil characters I think the party can handle, but please feel free to request a character to join the main party. Right now the main options allowed will be as follows:

Human (They're always allowed)

Halfling (They've traveled south to trade for enough to survive for the winter. These characters will be able to enter play when the party reaches the next town [the name I'm not going to mention because of PVP characters who read this thread])

Gnomes (These guys live a few days walk north of the city, some live in the city itself)

Elves (they're in the jungle baby! [this information is not sensitive because of how large the jungle is and the fact that no specific information was given])
player, 71 posts
Fri 27 Nov 2009
at 00:12
  • msg #75

Re: Magnithar GURPS 4e

The city of Nexus needs players, authors, and Campaign masters. It's designed to be a living city or sandbox style game stradling 7 universes.

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player, 65 posts
Sat 5 Dec 2009
at 16:43
  • msg #76

Storm Born

The storm came without warning, and it struck without quarter. It was thicker than any in the village could remember - black as shadow, and plunging the sunny July afternoon into blackest night. It came with a cold almost amber rain that stained the clothes and burned the eyes, it came with winds that could knock a grown man prone or tear the thatch off of a roof, but silent as death. There was no thunder, and the lightning flashed purple deep within its depths.

The livestock, for once, were as caught off guard as the menfolk in the fields were. The steeple bell rang loudly, calling the faithful not to their knees, but to sanctuary within the fortified church. Even the fief's landlord took shelter there, not wishing to risk the trek to his own keep. Those who'd been close enough waited with baited breath for the storm to lessen, but it only seemed to intensify. Peasant and serf huddled next to noble blood, even as the priest supplicated the divine to deliver them from the unnatural blackness of the storm beating at the church's shutters.

Stormborn is a GURPS Fantasy game set on Yrth at the dawn of the Banestorm. The players are the most competent inhabitants of a feudal English holding in the earldom of Kent, sent through a magical catastrophe to another reality. The players and NPC villagers will initially try and survive their new circumstances, and then build new lives in their new reality, contending with native Orcs, other Banestorm victims, and the environment itself.

There isn't going to be a super heavy resource-management component to the game. The farmers know how to do their jobs and grow enough food for the community if you can keep the orcs from eating them and lead them to somewhere to settle. Still, the PCs are going to be the primary decision makers for the community, particularly after the basics of survival (food, fresh water, and defensibility) have been obtained.

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player, 3 posts
Sun 6 Dec 2009
at 23:53
  • msg #77

Gurps Amnesia

You wake up, unable to recall what just happened. Actually you don't really remember much of anything. Not your job, bank account, where you live, your childhood, friends, family, or even your own name. Thankfully you aren't alone. Seems there are a few more people in the same boat as you. Maybe together you can figure out who you are, and maybe just as importantly what's going on. That is if you survive long enough.

In this game all characters will have the total amnesia disadvantage. Meaning I create your characters, and slowly dole out information as you discover it. Due to the nature of the game concept just about every aspect of the game is negotiable at this point. Currently the game will be set in a contemporary world. If you're interested swing by, and submit a RTJ!

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player, 13 posts
Wed 9 Dec 2009
at 09:17
  • msg #78

Arena of Champions

link to another game

Hi all

Just want to say that the little Arena game of ours is still pluggin' away. The main focus of the game is us exercising our Basic Set and Martial Arts rules-fu, but the IC part of the game is pretty well developed as well :-). We accept all comers, even those that may have fallen by the wayside at some point, should the urge have returned :-) (Or even the great masters of old - hi Ceredyn. Good to see you active - it's all in the honour of Splattered, y'know ;-). 11 PC's at this point in time - at great number to reach would be 16!
This message was last edited by the player at 13:45, Wed 09 Dec 2009.
player, 46 posts
Mon 14 Dec 2009
at 19:32
  • msg #79

Re: Arena of Champions

link to another game

We accept all comers, even those that may have fallen by the wayside at some point, should the urge have returned :-) (Or even the great masters of old - hi Ceredyn. Good to see you active - it's all in the honour of Splattered, y'know ;-).

Thanks Wratch, but I'd better pass...  I'm still in therapy over the last Arena game I ran... I think I'm on the 4th of the 12 step program. Maybe the 5th... Its all a blur. lol  Besides, I suck when pitted against rules lawyers.  I always get eaten alive!
player, 8 posts
Wed 30 Dec 2009
at 23:08
  • msg #80

Re: Arena of Champions

Suviel Orilou glared down the length of his sword at the gibbering peasant below.  The man is bound at the ankles and wrists, his head bowed low with tears flowing freely to the floor below.  The tattered ends of his pant legs are stained red with blood from the crossbow bolt that tore through the flesh of his lower leg.  And Suviel is starting to wish it had pierced him through the heart.  With an emotion that is more disgust than pity, Suviel draws his sword back, and sheathes it cleanly into it's scabbard.

It had not been a good spring.  After Sir Osric's murder, Threshold had gone into near chaos.  Mytherang had been away, Amul had fled to Nulb, Nicholas Machholt's attacks had been repelled at great cost, and every man with a title and even a shred of ambition was fighting for the greatest title in the land.  Though Brobazian at least had the mind to keep the White Lancer's out of the situation, Suviel still feared for his own safety, not at the edge of a sword, but in the dead of the night...  With Osric dead and little reason left to stay in the area, Suviel made his farewell's with Brobazian, and departed for other lands.

Having known to stay well away from Keoland, Suviel instead found himself traveling south, through the Hold of the Sea of Princes along the Jerlea Bay, past Port Joli, and through some of the worst of the Hesil woods.  He stayed at Garal but briefly, annoyed by the curfew laws and soon made his way just further westward to Belenth.  He'd taken up position as the Captain of Sir Ellington's guard, an odd assignment for being so new to the area, but Suviel would not argue.  He soon found out why.  Men were deserting left and right.  Sir Ellington was frenzied into keeping the entire populace under an iron fist, which of course had driven them into revolt with little concern as to who of Ellington's men were killed in the process.  After only a week on the job, Suviel was directed to smooth over an uprising, follow and attack a secret meeting of twenty or so peasants with only six men! and further to defeat the coup that developed.  For once fighting on his own terms, Suviel staged an ambush, taking four of his best men in Ellington's private stagecoach, another as the driver, and two more following on horseback.  The whole scene was concocted to make the peasants think that Ellington was leaving the city alone and underguarded, and indeed a group of ten peasant men attacked only a few miles from the township.  Suviel and the others easily took out their archers with crossbows from inside the carriage, which amounted to five down instantly, the two guards on horseback chased down three more, and hacked the men to death before they could be stopped.  Of those eight the only man alive was below him now, because Suviel had intentionally shot him in the leg, instead of in the heart like the other men.  The other two escaped, one of which, Suviel was inclined to believe, was the one who had started the whole thing in the first place.

And so here he was, in a musty cell, questioning the one man who had information as to the planning.  And spill his guts he did, about Cordell, the leader, and each one of his nine friends, of which all but one were dead.  He spilled his guts on the Syndicate, about Baron Teluve who was the man behind it (or so Cordell said) and about all the hatred and fear the townsfolk had for Sir Ellington (and please dear god please don't kill me!)  The man had broken down now, and was sobbing pitifully into the floor.  His leg was bleeding and his spirit was broken, and Suviel was sickened with the both of them.  The man for being so weak, and himself for the job he had allowed himself unknowingly to take.

Behind him, Suviel hears the door of the cell open and close.  "He talked!"  The voice was Sir Ellington's a high pitched squeal of accusation and fear.

"Yes."  Suviel answers smoothly, turning halfway around to meet Sir Ellington's gaze.  "That was the most of their organization here, he said there were others at the meetings, but most were farmers who simply wanted change, though no combat skills to add to the effort."

"Good."  Ellington cackles, "then maybe this thing is finally over and we can get back to peace!  As for the two that escaped, we'll find them soon enough, or they will run, either way they will be of no consequence."  He ponderously dabs at his beard with a single finger.  "My tax collectors will be free to do their jobs again, and my guards will cease from their exodus.  Thank the heavens."

Suviel was not really particularly happy for the man, he doubted very much that Ellington's guesses were anywhere near accurate.  If he continued taxing the populace into the ground, and hoping that fear would keep them in check, he was in for a very rude awakening.  Suviel had seen the spirit of only a few dozen men overcome an army of hundreds, and Ellington's estate, with only a handful of guards was far from impervious.

"This is very good...  Excellent work Suviel, you may kill him now."

"Pardon?"  Suviel was sure he could not have heard the man right.  In front of him, the peasant's face shoots up, his visage smeared with puffy red, and the sticky film of tears from his eyes all the way down his cheekbones and into his beard.

"He is guilty of treason."  Ellington explain.  "To attack me is to attack the vassal of Lord Berd.  He will die as an example for all to see.  Strung up in front of my gates."

"Sir."  Suviel begins, his teeth clenched to mask the anger in his words.  "You are inciting a riot with every pawn you kill.  Don't you think perhaps, for your own safety, you might want a few of your subjects who thank you for being alive?"

"They should ALL thank me!"  Sir Ellington screams, his voice reaching into falsetto.  "You said yourself they were peasants and commoners, no training, and no hope!  They shall PAY FOR TREACHERY!"  The vassal's face bulges, his veins pulsating below his skin.  Every inch of him screams fury and paranoia.  "Or..." the face contorts, crude edges of his mouth bending upwards into a sadistic grin.  "Will you be guilty of treason too for disobeying me?"

Suviel nearly chortles with laughter, though the situation is not funny.  Slowly, he draws his sword.  Every inch of the mithril blade slicking against the side of the scabbard, and the whole gruesome sound reverberating against the walls.

"No,"  The man on the floor gibbers,  "I have children!"  But Suviel is turned fully on to Ellington at the moment.

"Consider this my resignation."  Suviel spits, his arm lashing back in preparation.

Ellington flinches, his eyes snap shut as he throws himself back against the wall in terror.  He waits for the hit, but it does not come...  Or is he already dead?  Slowly, painstakingly, he opens a single eye, then both.  And smiles with glee at the scene below.  The peasant, his feet bound, and his wrists trapped together under him, lies face first in a pool of blood that is rapidly expanding, not even a single sign of life left to him.  And Suviel is gone.

OOC:  Looking for 1 or 2 applicants to fill out our crew.  The game is GURPS: Sons of the Broken in the fantasy section.
Mad Mick
player, 19 posts
Thu 31 Dec 2009
at 04:15
  • msg #81

Re: Arena of Champions

Here's a link to Raddek's game:  link to another game

If you've never played with Raddek before, I highly recommend him as a GM.  =)
player, 49 posts
Tue 30 Mar 2010
at 17:13
  • msg #82

Re: Arena of Champions

For those of you who've been around as long as I have, you may remember the early "Man-to-Man" years.  Man-to-Man was a GURPS combat-only game, providing detailed tactical melee fighting opportunities.

Steve Jackson Games cranked out the supplement to Man-to-Man, Orcslayer way back when. This was a series of 9 Melee Combat scenarios, linked loosely together in a quasi-roleplaying "campaign". They were short fight scenes in which two small groups of adversaries were pitted together, each group with its own set of objectives.

Its simple. Its fast. Its fun. Its minimal committment.

Gurps 4E rules will work marvelously for Orcslayers. However, anyone who can write detailed narrative describing their physical actions and tactical objectives can play the game successfully, even if they are ignorant of GURPS rules.

I was thinking of running this during a hiatus from Gming a heavy storyline game I'm running that requires a lot of mental energy.

Just gauging interest on whether this is something people would enjoy.  The supplement calls for 6 "primary" characters.  However, I will also need anywhere from 6 to 12 other players to run the adversaries (though multiple characters can be run by 1 adversary player if need be).

Dumb idea?  Boring?  Thoughts?
player, 1 post
Tue 30 Mar 2010
at 17:24
  • msg #83

Re: Arena of Champions

Sounds like a fun idea, but through your gore filter, I bet it'd be fantastic!
Mad Mick
player, 20 posts
Tue 30 Mar 2010
at 19:14
  • msg #84

Re: Arena of Champions

Simple, fast, and fun?  Sounds intriguing!
player, 4 posts
Tue 30 Mar 2010
at 21:16
  • msg #85

Re: Arena of Champions

I'd love to play. I have wanted reasons to have to dig through random combat rules and find how to make things happen, more than hack and slash.
player, 50 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 02:36
  • msg #86

Re: Arena of Champions

Well, between this board and the Game Proposal board, we have about 5 or 6 interested parties. Not enough to set up a Board.  I'll give it a little longer and if it sticks, will set up a Board.
Mad Mick
player, 21 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 18:32
  • msg #87

Re: Arena of Champions

Looks like you're a popular guy at GPIA.  =)
player, 53 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 18:37
  • msg #88

Re: Arena of Champions

I'm encouraged. I think we have enough people expressing interest to justify setting up the Board. I have 3 possible Playbweb people whom I'm hoping to import, as the Board I tried to set up there generated barely a hiccup of activity (sigh - gone are the glory days of PBW).
This message was last edited by the player at 18:39, Thu 01 Apr 2010.
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