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06:16, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC # 39.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4714 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 20:46
  • msg #14

OOC # 39

30F and friggin' snowing here.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12564 posts
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 21:04
  • msg #15

OOC # 39

so..track meet called off  early this morning..I had to go to Lowes to get a new was leaking water al over the kitchen.. as i left , there was a bit of  sun...when i got up  where we  play football. snow and  sleet , are enough    to collect on the  car  making  'tick tack' sounds.., leave the store  after  ordering. I get home..sun is  bright ... just about   all 4  seasons in about   90 minute

its  37..Middle Granddaughter  says   it supposed to snow again.
Isobel (sakura) O'connor
player, 2036 posts
Izzy O Conner
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 21:51
  • msg #16

OOC # 39

It keeps threatening snow in the UK though whenever I look into where it’s always in places like the Scottish Highlands and the Cairngorns, which is kind of like saying the Sahara is hot!
Justin Kase
player, 4652 posts
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 23:04
  • msg #17

OOC # 39

Even in the shaded oases
This message was last edited by the player at 23:06, Thu 04 Apr.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12565 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 11:17
  • msg #18

OOC # 39

 for the dress ladies   can keep the banter up, I will Add, NPCs  now and then..Its neat to see some of the pics  you guys come up with
Admiral Hack
GM, 12566 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 18:23
  • msg #19

OOC # 39

we play out songs when we  attack....look at this!


Six Russian warplanes obliterated in huge blow to Putin’s air force
©Provided by Metro
As they approached the military base, some of the Ukrainian drones started playing a German drinking song from the 1970’s, about staying drunk for seven days. Around 20 Russian personnel were killed or wounded in the attack, RBC Ukraine reports, and another eight aircraft suffered damage

Frontline bombers – Su-24, Su-24M, and Su-34 – are known to be routinely based at the airfield. They have been used to strike at Ukraine during the war. As of 4 April, some 26 Su-34 fighters and three Su-35 warplanes were stationed at the airbase, according to OSINT reports (Picture: Social media/east2west news)
Isobel (sakura) O'connor
player, 2037 posts
Izzy O Conner
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 18:37
  • msg #20

OOC # 39

Note to self, add MP3 player to drone design…
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4718 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 20:24
  • msg #21

OOC # 39

everyone on East coast okay?  just read of a decent size quake in New York.  They said it was felt in Jersey.
Lizzy O'conner
player, 4884 posts
Pilot Ensign
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 21:02
  • msg #22

OOC # 39

 I felt ot about 10:30 this morning we where in class, the classroom shook books fell, it was pretty powerful here. It was very intense for sure but no one was hurt around here. New York got hit pretty hard they did shut everything down to check it before they started to rerun subways, busses, ect.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12567 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 21:04
  • msg #23

OOC # 39

we had  my littlest granddaughter   singing thing at the Elementary school ..My son said at hiswork they were talkign about it..he  does somekind of Goverment stuff., but we couldn;'t tell here in  western PA
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4719 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 21:08
  • msg #24

OOC # 39

just making sure your'e all okay.  I know quakes there are rarer than here especially 4.0 and higher.
Lizzy O'conner
player, 4885 posts
Pilot Ensign
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 21:13
  • msg #25

OOC # 39

 Yeah that was the biggest one around here in over 20 years \o/

 Yes I am safe and my family and friends are safe ty Nikki \o/

 I guess I was the closest to it of our group?
Admiral Hack
GM, 12569 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 23:50
  • msg #26

OOC # 39

 I guess..I am western PA on your side of Pittsburgh


 for that  You Tube think i put up..some of the  parts in there, remind me of  Roy given Aliens  a history lesson..the speaker   could be Sanri or Occui
Lizzy O'conner
player, 4887 posts
Pilot Ensign
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 01:16
  • msg #27

OOC # 39

 Yeah I can drive to the epi center in 3 hours I would say I alot closer than you hehehehe. It was pretty scary though but it didt last long but it felt like forever hard to explain.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12570 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 01:29
  • msg #28

OOC # 39

years ago, one hit  around  DC.. it shook my house, I just thought it was one of the Bih  coal trucks that was  taking rocks up the alley  to dump  for clean fill.
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4720 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 02:58
  • msg #29

OOC # 39

well, a 4.0 and 4.8 are mid-sized to me and I'm use to them.  Now I am NOT used to big thunderstorms.  I can count on one hand how many we've had in Anchorage. so when one does happen I sort of freak out on those.  Since they are fairly common in the lower 48 I am sure you just nevermind them unless they strike in your lawn or directly on your houses.  So it's all relative.
Roy Spencer
player, 11342 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 04:25
  • msg #30

OOC # 39

We had a decent quake hit Salt Lake City back in 2020 (just under four years ago, now).  I was at the park...they were installing a new ride and I got picked to be part of the install crew for the facade (it's a kids' ride, so it wasn't a HUGE project...not like the one I was helping finish up last year...)

I heard the rumble and thought someone was driving some heavy equipment past the building I was in...sounded like a front-end loader or something like that.  Stepped outside and nothing was there...poked my head back inside and noticed the brooms and rakes that were hanging on the wall were all swaying back and forth, and then I looked outside and the plants were all swaying, even though there was no wind...

All my friends that live in Salt Lake, proper, were freaking out about it...but if I hadn't had to be at the park early for that install project (it hit just after 7am), I would have slept right through it, very likely.

And thunderstorms are fairly common here, but the worst ones I've ever been through were in the Midwest, or down on the Navajo Reservation.  I'd rank the Midwest higher, because the storms on the reservation, while VERY intense, were also usually fairly short.  The one my friends and I drove through when we went back to Minnesota?  That was hours of driving through some of the heaviest rain I've ever experienced, with lightning flashing from somewhere around us every few seconds.  I told my friends at one point that if it started hailing, we had to pull over and look for a ditch, because it was so dark that we could have been driving straight into a tornado and wouldn't be able to see it...when the lightning provided enough light, the windows were so rain-soaked that you couldn't really make out much.  My friend was basically just following the stripes in the middle of the road because he couldn't see far enough ahead to follow the road, itself.

After that, thunderstorms in this part of the country seem comparatively mild.
player, 1261 posts
intelligent, loyal
likes to snoop around.
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 09:06
  • msg #31

OOC # 39

The first quake I experienced was in 1984 here in Cheshire early in the morning. I seemed to dream of an earthquake and woke with the thought "But we don't get them here" only there was one. Dearly beloved was hanging out the window counting... he thought someone had dropped a nuclear device on Manchester and was watching for a flash! We are about 40 miles from Manchester. Fortunately we did not become part of a radioactive cloud!

Since then I've been in quite a few, both here and in Greece. One there - on the island of Zakynthos - happened when I was in the bath and I sat watching the bathwater slosh around and decided to stay there until all was calm again. That was about a 5.

One time dearly beloved had gone to visit a client who was having network problems. They had a split site and used a radio link across a road. He was baffled, everything seemed to be working. He called home to say he didn't know how long he'd be, and I told him to check the orientation of the antennae as there had been an earthquake the night before. He muttered about them being omnidirectional, but checked anyway and... well, that was the problem!
Isobel (sakura) O'connor
player, 2039 posts
Izzy O Conner
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 11:14
  • msg #32

OOC # 39

I remember the one that happened in the UK about a decade ago (1984 is well before my time) I just thought it was a truck something equally heavy driving past until I saw an ornament vibrating round in circles on the shelf
Admiral Hack
GM, 12571 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 12:59
  • msg #33

OOC # 39

 Yep  Izzy...that's what that was like the  time we had   Big Coal trucks that were carring Rocks   and  dirt passed  my house   to the end  where it was a drop off to a field  near the creek.

 the  House  shook ,( old  company-mine house )..the   wodd  creaks , noise upstairs  light  people ran through the house. and I was bymyself then... aabout 5 minutes later, I'm getting texted  and Checked  FB because people around here   didn't know, or just found out about the  quake. I can only imagine being in a 'real ' one
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4723 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Sun 7 Apr 2024
at 00:18
  • msg #34

OOC # 39

In Alaska we get a crap ton of them.  Big and small.  I was a babe in 1964 here when we had a 9.2 that shook for 5 minutes.  According to my mom... I slept through it. years later sitting on the floor I watched (yep watched) a seismic wave gently rolling into the house across the floor and under me then out the other side of the house like a gentle pond ripple (it was weird), about 4 to 6 inches high and a foot wide.  that was back in 1974-75, or so.  In 2016 we had 2 big shakers, like 7.0+ each.  about 4-6 months apart. tossed my house like a bomb went off.  One happened at night too.  then that shaker in 2018 really shook even worse.  I know I wrote about it here in an earlier OOC.  My sister freaked.  She still has PTSD from 1964.  For me I don't mind the shaking or the noise, I freak out when it goes dark. the 2018 one happened at 830 in the morning in late Nov. at that time it's still night out.  So when transformers blew it got real dark.  No flashlight right off hand so had to use the one on my phone.  kept thinking I was gonna step on my cat or glass and such.  had weird thoughts of finding a broken floor and falling in it.
still... I'm alive.
Roy Spencer
player, 11344 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 7 Apr 2024
at 05:15
  • msg #35

OOC # 39

The most noteworthy thing, to me, about the one here four years ago was that, as a kid and growing into my teens, I remember at least two or three significant (for our area), looking up from the living room floor to see hanging lamps swaying kinds of quakes.  And then, for decades, there was pretty much nothing (except increasing talk from seismologists about how the lack of quakes could actually be cause for alarm, because the longer we went without one, the more likely it was to be severe when we finally had one, from all the tension built up between the tectonic plates that was accumulating as each year went by without even minor tremors.

So it was weird, after having them happen often enough as a kid that I was pretty unfazed by the quake (literally, as soon as I realized it was a quake, my brain was like, "Well...nothing to be done about it.  Don't stand inside, stuff might break loose and fall, but don't go too far away from the building, because stuff might tumble off from overhead.  Right here in the exterior doorway is about as safe a place as you're gonna find..."), having one that was significant, but not exactly a real property-damaging shaker (a few buildings got cracks in facades, and a few streets got cracks in the pavement...but nothing had to be reconstructed or even have serious repair work done), and having most of the people I know on FB in the area freaking out about being in an earthquake, waking up to stuff falling off shelves (light stuff, at that), feeling their car kind of shimmy as they were driving, etc.  Part of me was like, "Really?  It wasn't THAT bad.  Unusual, sure, but have you people looked at news reports about BAD earthquakes?  This was nothing..."  And part of me was understanding...they have no frame of reference.  Most of them are young enough that they either weren't yet born or were too young to remember Utah's last cycle of seismic activity, so they couldn't even compare this one to others in the past.

And part of me was like, "People...come on.  We live ON A FAULT LINE.  Quakes are gonna happen.  Be glad this one just scared your aquarium fish.  They've been telling us for years an earthquake was coming, and this was WAY less than what they had predicted."  Sometimes being a pragmatist can cause some oddly conflicting emotional responses to situations...
Admiral Hack
GM, 12572 posts
Sun 7 Apr 2024
at 05:22
  • msg #36

OOC # 39

one of my kids   asked  me 'where is the safest place to live.."  i said 'There isn;t"

 " Textas? "... I sai.. droughts , hurriances  and too many texans.

"Rhode island"... I said... flooded  and  'tail end Hurricanes"

 Connecticut .. snow, hurricanes

 Daughter  is  in NC.. Hurricanes..Oldest  Boy.. FLA   , same thing, Plus too many Florida folks

 a woman who was on of mu best friends   in online gaming. Mississippi.. floods, hurricanes  and..where she lives, they get snow  some time, about 19 years agout her pipes  froze..they don't have  basements where she lives ..the crawel spaces  become deep freezes.

we heard  about Garret and the oregon fires,,,Kansas was  so many tornados  they  made a movie  about  a girl and her  dog....pick a state.. it has something bad.
Roy Spencer
player, 11345 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 7 Apr 2024
at 06:29
  • msg #37

OOC # 39

I was in Sweden when the big quakes hit California in the summer of '89...made the new reports over there, even, with collapsed overpasses and buildings partly destroyed.  I remember one of the people I knew over there was absolutely beside herself about it...she asked me how it could happen and I pointed out that big quakes in California were not uncommon (if memory serves, this one was in the San Francisco area, but there had been other quakes down near LA a few years before, and I think another fairly serious quake hit the LA area a few years later...), and they tried to prepare for them, but there's really only so much you can prepare when the ground you're building on starts to move around relative to other parts of the same building...

"So why in the world would anyone decide to live there?"

I just kind of shrugged, and pointed out the same kind of thing you did, Don...people there ask why anyone would live in Sweden when there are parts of the country that don't even see daylight for several weeks out of the year.  Japan, Taiwan, Macau...popular tourist destinations for Swedes...all have a monsoon season and get hit with storms that would level some of the buildings in Sweden.  Iceland is literally an active volcano, it's just that the island has gotten large enough that there's some distance from the vents of the volcano.  "Pick a place, anywhere on the planet, and there's an argument to be made for why it's not a safe place to live.  They know the risks and are willing to live with them."
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4726 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Sun 7 Apr 2024
at 21:44
  • msg #38

OOC # 39

Whhooo-Hooo! got blue skies and sunshine today.  43 on my porch.  gorgeous!!

yesterday was on again/ off again snow-rain mix, overcast. the high was maybe 31.  like today better.
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