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21:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Third Delve.

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 718 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 15:39
  • msg #1

Third Delve

You make your way through the city gate and into the barren wastes of the Blasted Lands following the Ochre River. You know from your previous treks that if you don't run into trouble or deviate from the direct path to the ruins, you should arrive on the morning of your third day of travel.

Nearing the end of your first day of travel, as the sun begins to get lower in the sky you once again catch sight of a pack of some kind of dog-like animal in the distance, gathered on a low ridge. The last time you saw them they ran off; this time they continue to follow you at a distance and the pack seems larger.
player, 281 posts
ADDS: 17/ AR: 18/ CON: 22
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 20:48
  • msg #2

Third Delve

 Fetcher spotted the  pack of wolves, or some  such. He made ready his sling.
Thea Schreiber
Player, 257 posts
AD:+5/AR:5/CN 11/WZ 22
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 23:45
  • msg #3

Third Delve

During the day's walk, Thea will attempt some small talk with Jax and Regan, trying to get a sense of their temperament and capabilities.

When the animals are spotted, Thea readies herself for potential battle, the mental matrixes necessary for the casting of certain spells at the forefront of her mind, even as she hopes an altercation can be avoided.
Kade SpiritShaker
player, 87 posts
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 00:01
  • msg #4

Third Delve

“Run off big dogs?” inquires the halfling with a reassuring hand on Saviour’s furry shoulder.

Not a care in the world.
NPC, 224 posts
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 13:50
  • msg #5

Third Delve

Biror feels nervous and makes sure he can quickly bring out his weapon, should the need arise.
Player, 434 posts
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 22:15
  • msg #6

Third Delve

Slattery sighs and prepares his weapons. "Most wolves won't attack any prey that looks like it could fight back too hard, but we're on the road to a wizard's fortress so these might not be normal or sane wolves."
Kade SpiritShaker
player, 88 posts
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 23:12
  • msg #7

Third Delve

In reply to Slattery (msg # 6):

“Oh - OH! Wait for Crazy Ones *there* and jump outs-scream?” Kade proposes.

OOC: He’s (hopefully) pointing to the far side of a clearing (so they have a few rounds of ranged attacks), ideally with something in there to slow down the dogs in front of them? (a hilly slope/ravine, a splashing stream, or rocky terrain maybe?)
player, 282 posts
ADDS: 17/ AR: 18/ CON: 22
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 23:15
  • msg #8

Third Delve

" Aye, why don't ye go over there and scare em of, Hobbit."
Player, 225 posts
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 07:52
  • msg #9

Third Delve

Hearing Slattery, Biror brings out his ax.
Kade SpiritShaker
player, 89 posts
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 23:17
  • msg #10

Third Delve

In reply to Fetcher (msg # 8):

So of course Kade does, whooping all the way.

OOC: Trotting off to the proposed ambush-site with Saviour gallivanting around her new alpha
This message was last edited by the player at 00:17, Tue 12 Sept 2023.
GM, 721 posts
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 00:34
  • msg #11

Third Delve

You’ve been walking in mostly open terrain with some ridges and low mesas capped by resistant rocks here and there. There are some boulders and rock piles that could be used for cover, but not much else. The pack of wolf-like creatures is currently positioned on a low ridge about 200 yards away. You can make out about a dozen of them. There isn’t much between you and them. You are near the river, but would need to ford it to put it between you and the pack.

Kade moves off toward a mass of rock halfway between your group and the pack. You notice the pack becomes more agitated and a few move down the ridge in your direction.
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