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More good stuff.

Posted by bigbadron
member, 1981 posts
Fri 10 Aug 2012
at 05:13
  • msg #52

Re: More good stuff.


I have been permitted to become a volunteer author on Christwire/Daily Bleach and write humorous articles for them!!

member, 176 posts
Peace keeping you to Hell
Fri 10 Aug 2012
at 06:20
  • msg #53

Re: More good stuff.

Got made redundant at work...

Already had a job lined up anyway.

member, 5032 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Fri 10 Aug 2012
at 22:38
  • msg #54

Re: More good stuff.

Just got a chance to read the review from our opening night.  Granted, theater around here is pretty tight-knit, so reviewers aren't terribly cut-throat...after all, most of them are theater folk, themselves, and it would be really awkward to end up auditioning for someone who you tore apart a week earlier in a review...

But, even with that consideration in mind, we got a great review!  Nice to know that, while we're having fun on stage, the audience is enjoying what we're going, as well.  That's what it's all about!
Bigun Eagle
member, 55 posts
Sun 12 Aug 2012
at 00:20
  • msg #55

Re: More good stuff.

Last night I had a bolt of lightning hit very near my house. It ruined my fathers car, badly damages my mother's minivan, destroyed the phone connection box, threw 10+ pound rocks over 20 feet, likely killed a 50 foot tall hickory tree that stands less than 30 feet from where I was sitting at the time, and dug an 8 inch deep crater.

Yet everyone at my house is alive and well, including the outside dogs that usually sleep on the porch right less that 6 feet from that crater.

Makes you get real humble real fast when you see the power of nature.
member, 5061 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Sat 1 Sep 2012
at 18:48
  • msg #56

Re: More good stuff.

I woke up sore and stiff this morning.  Why is this a good thing?  Because I got sore and stiff helping execute a show the likes of which have never been seen in this area.  And, all things considered, it went off pretty smoothly (there were a lot of things that I noticed that went wrong, but I was 'in the know' and on the inside...the audience didn't notice anything hugely problematic).

What's so special about this show?  Well...first off, we didn't ever get to do a full rehearsal (or even group read-through) of it.  It was at a public pool, and the producers couldn't afford to rent the venue for more than the one night.  It had high-divers, mermaids, aerialists performing from an anchor that was raised above the pool during the show, pirates, singers, dancers...

Man, when I start describing it in those terms, I feel kinda like I'm doing the initial pitch that leads into 'Spectacular Spectacular' (from Moulin Rouge)...

And I got to go swimming for the first time in years (and it was even intentional).  Found out I'm in better shape than I thought, but in worse shape than I'd like to be...
Killer Rabbitt
member, 296 posts
He's got huge sharp fangs
Run away! Run away!
Sat 1 Sep 2012
at 23:27
  • msg #57

Re: More good stuff.

I found out yesterday that I don't need surgery. While thAt's good news to begin with for most people, it's especially good for me. I have a congenital heart defect, and at 26 years of age have already had 5 open-heart surgeries. Since last October they've been tracking some findings on various tests that were pointing to the possibility that my valve is calcifying, which would mean replacing it. While valve replacements are, at least as heart surgeries go, fairly routine, because of the number of other replacements I've had there would be a lot of very troubling complications. In particular there's a good chance the heart's electrical regulators could fail, requiring the additional installation of a pacemaker; and the surgeons would have to cu into the base of where the coronary artery branches from the aorta (itself more than a little risky without all the other problems). So anyway for the past year they've been running a battery of tests to determine what's going on, and evidence was piling up that it was as we'd feared and I'd need surgery. So yesterday they did a cardiac catherization and flouroscopy - short of opening up the heart the best way to see what's going on inside. And turns out there's nothing to worry about. There is some calcification, but it's minor and no more than what's typically to be expected. Oddly enough I don't feel super elated. I guess I was so prepared for bad news that the good news hasn't really sunk in yet.
This message was last edited by the user at 23:28, Sat 01 Sept 2012.
member, 81 posts
Sat 1 Sep 2012
at 23:37
  • msg #58

Re: More good stuff.

It was my birthday recently and over two days the Landlord of my local has been really cool, on the day I got a free pint on the house. I was out last night and he was equally accomodating.
I enjoy my local immensely, I really feel like I'm becoming a regular, even though I only really pop in every other day for a single pint. Really good people who have been great to me since I first popped in on an off-chance after a job interview to get rid of the post-interview butterflies :)
shady joker
member, 1456 posts
Sun 2 Sep 2012
at 00:25
  • msg #59

Re: More good stuff.

I had a deepfried oreo sundae. With a beer. COOKIES AND BEER! it was so cool.
member, 98 posts
Excellent! Now I can
attack in all directions.
Mon 3 Sep 2012
at 10:27
  • msg #60

Re: More good stuff.

They're saying that the weather this weekend is going to climb up over 15 degrees! ^_^
I'm so taking my friends to the beach.
member, 612 posts
Mon 3 Sep 2012
at 10:52
  • msg #61

Re: More good stuff.

i think i can touch type. this msg is done using the skills a lifetime of gameing using a wsad setup. so although i can just about write this msg without looking at the keyboard its quicker if i do and i keep getting the first hit of anything on the left hand side wrong for the first couple of strokes

still writing all this without looking at the keyboard has to indicate that without training i can just about touch type.

however i am starting to feel the strain in my hand from using my odd 6 finger touch typinf skills. (my little fingers still refuse to type)
member, 1697 posts
Love D&D,superhero games
Not very computer savvy
Tue 4 Sep 2012
at 05:27
  • msg #62

Re: More good stuff.

This is the first official rpol post on my brand new computer!!!
It's a laptop that's not exactly top of the line, by any estimation, but it's better than the one I'd recently broken, and even though I need to get used to it, it's a darned sight faster than posting on my phone.

Now, if I can just get caught up with everything that I fell behind on.
member, 5070 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Wed 5 Sep 2012
at 07:45
  • msg #63

Re: More good stuff.

One of my best friends has turned to me as a kind of 'brain trust' for ideas on what to do with her Star Wars game.  It went from me being an occasional player (she lives an hour and a half away, so being a regular at a weekly game just wasn't an option), to me making up some characters for her to use as NPCs, to me creating several pivotal NPCs that she's now running the entire game around (not that they're part of the group, they are serial bad-guys and mysterious former Jedi Masters that keep crossing the group's path for various reasons.)

Now, without any input from me at all, she's stumbled across a way for the bad guys to be working for the good guys, while still working on what they were doing as bad guys...and she's picking my brain for input on what each of them would do with the situation.  In the last 48 hours, I think we've exchanged about twenty emails, some of them rather lengthy, about motivations and attitudes and contingencies and what-ifs, and plot ideas for the party that may or may not be even remotely connected to what the rest of the NPC discussion was about.

Got another email message from her tonight, thanking me for all of my help.  Apparently, from what she said, I have, in two days, given her enough material for her to run her game for the next year or so.  (Now, if I can just muster up that kind of creative energy for my own game...I need someone to start asking me the right questions, I think...)
member, 619 posts
Wed 5 Sep 2012
at 10:51
  • msg #64

Re: More good stuff.

An oppertunity arose at work to go to mexico for 3 months shadowing one of the higher ups and I GOT IT.

I am crossing the pond and advancing my career WOOT
member, 1511 posts
RPG since 1982
Author, Developer
Thu 6 Sep 2012
at 14:00
  • msg #65

Re: More good stuff.

Roommates got a costco membership yesterday. Today begins devouring of those double chocolate giant muffins.
member, 813 posts
Casting the dice
of an uncertain future
Thu 6 Sep 2012
at 14:02
  • msg #66

Re: More good stuff.

I got a letter today inviting me to take an aptitude test tomorrow for an accounting course I've applied for. Hopefully it will go well. :)
member, 6 posts
Thu 6 Sep 2012
at 15:35
  • msg #67

Re: More good stuff.

In reply to PushBarToOpen (msg # 64):

What part of Mexico?
moderator, 13157 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Fri 7 Sep 2012
at 04:03

Re: More good stuff.

An RPoL game that I figured would run for a year, tops, when I first set it up has been running for ten years today.  Happy Birthday to my game, and a big "thank you" to the players.  :)
This message was last edited by the user at 04:07, Fri 07 Sept 2012.
member, 559 posts
I'm a Furry, and
dang it, I'm proud!
Fri 7 Sep 2012
at 11:47
  • msg #69

Re: More good stuff.

Happy B-day, bigbadron's game!

Yesterday, we won another game, this one 28-0, bringing us to 2-0 AND so far we have given up 0 points! This is football, FYI. The main thing, I finnally got in and got to hit someone NOT on my team!

Hope you pass :)
Bigun Eagle
member, 57 posts
Fri 7 Sep 2012
at 16:39
  • msg #70

Re: More good stuff.

Got my first paycheck in more than 5 years today.

member, 817 posts
Casting the dice
of an uncertain future
Fri 7 Sep 2012
at 17:05
  • msg #71

Re: More good stuff.

Congrats! (for BBR and BE)

I think I passed the aptitude test for the accounting course. I zoomed through it and was the first to finish, but then I worked in the job (untrained) for 2.5 yrs.

It's a pretty good opportunity - study a certified qualification for free AND get paid to do it, but I need to think on it to be really certain it's what I want to do.

I applied late so may not get into the course during this round anyway.
member, 1273 posts
Postcognition Man
Power of Hindsight
Sat 8 Sep 2012
at 04:51
  • msg #72

Re: More good stuff.

I got my results from my Masters in Law back, and I got 60%, which nets me a Pass with Merit, and means I now have an LLM!

The list of letters after my name is now:

BA(Hons), LLB(Hons), PGDipLaw, LLM

member, 5076 posts
Gaming for most of
30 years, and counting!
Sat 8 Sep 2012
at 05:04
  • msg #73

Re: More good stuff.

So, spent the afternoon and evening at the State Fair, with a woman who I'd really like to be dating...and it was her idea.  After all the times I tried to invite her along to something over the summer and had plans fall through, I wasn't holding my breath for this one...

But, sure enough, it actually happened.  And I got a chance to get a little more acquainted with her son (which is harder than it sounds...he's legally blind so it's been challenging for me to relate well to him.  While I'm generally good with kids, a lot of time it is, I think, because I'm willing to clown with them a bit and make myself look a little foolish, and he doesn't see any of that, so my 'primary weapon' is rendered null-and-void.  But he still seems to like me...)

And not only that, but a couple of other odd incidents that ended up being both totally unexpected and somewhat endearing happened while we were there.  Another friend of mine, we discovered, was showing goats at the Fair...and her goats apparently think I'm awesome, one of them just stood there and let me scratch her head for the better part of ten minutes--very much like a dog, every time I stopped, she'd step forward and nuzzle my hand.

And the baby lemurs that my 'friend' was so eager for her son to touch?  I don't know if it was because of scratching the goat, or what...but they decided that my hand tasted AWESOME.  I've never had my right hand groomed by lemurs was kind of an odd sensation (I'm glad they didn't decide to really bite down when they were mouthing my fingertips...they've got a lot of fairly sharp teeth...)  And I think the guy handling the lemurs was impressed that I didn't freak out and jerk my hand back when they started mouthing me (these 'babies' were actually about five months old, so they looked a lot like the adults, just half-sized...)

So, all in all, three cool things that I didn't expect to happen.  I like days like this.
member, 1520 posts
RPG since 1982
Author, Developer
Sat 8 Sep 2012
at 16:26
  • msg #74

Re: More good stuff.

Missed the Legend of Khorra on YTV for the 2nd week in a row. Last time a power failure had mean the timer hadn't reset. This time they had changed the schedule. What is this good news? Well in checking for the new schedule it turns out ytv web-airs the previous episodes so I got to see the one I missed last week! yeah!
member, 1077 posts
I should really stay out
of this, I know...but...
Sun 9 Sep 2012
at 00:57
  • msg #75

Re: More good stuff.

I'm not Hoshana!

This seems like a good night to be not Hoshana.

But good luck to anybody who is!
member, 193 posts
An older man, much like a
fine wine, will improve.
Sun 9 Sep 2012
at 02:25
  • msg #76

Re: More good stuff.

My eldest came home from college, and the family spent the day at local outdoor festival-type things in our town and the next largest nearby town.
I'm smiling.
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