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18:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A return from extinction.

Posted by Capricious WyldFor group 0
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11599 posts
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 21:17
  • msg #1

A return from extinction

The pas few days have been good enough but youve hadd strange dreams in the night
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:08, Fri 15 Sept 2023.
Reid McCrae
player, 9 posts
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 21:20
  • msg #2

A return from extinction

The engine of the Camaro roared as the car kicked sideways on the skid pad, tires screaming as they lost traction.  Deft handling of the throttle and quick hands on the wheel brought the csr back strait as it thundered down the road course into another corner. Smiling to himself, Reid McCael rowed the gears to keep the 700 supercharged beast in the power band, where she purred like a kitten.

The past few months had been grueling, finals for his criminal justice degree were over! Paper after paper and test after test were taken and passed, sometimes barely, but passed nonetheless. Today was the last one and with a passing grade, had submitted his application to the Texas Highway Patrol.

Now, he was blowing off steam. One pf the peope hed met in class told him about a road course that he could actually race at. They let anyone on as long as you could afford the entry fee and your car passed the technical inspection. For most cars that meant it had to have seatbelts and working brakes. For others it meant full roll cages, engine diapers and on-board fire extinguishers.

Reid's Camaro, a red, 1987 Z28 was somewhere in between. It was street legal, passed emissions but had 500hp more than what it came with stock. Gone was the old weak, 200hp, 305 cubic inch small block from the factory. In its place was a newer 416 cubic inch Ls engine, originally from a 2007 Corvette, modified with larger pistons, better flowing heads and a Magnuson supercharger to top it off.  Reid also installed a beefed up suspension, bigger brakes, frame strengthening braces and a few other modifications that car people would notice to properly handle the new horsepower.  He loved toying with thrle new Hellcats and Mustangs. Sire, some of them had the same power but his car was nearly a thousand pounds lighter. Their shocked faces as he sent them to gapplebees was always entertaining.the car was A labor of love that helped him get through college. With it he could get his mind off school and unwind. Finally, here at the track he could drive it like it was meant to be driven.

Later tonight he would meet some friends for dinner and see what the future holds. It could be months before heard back from the Highway Patrols academy so he needed to figure out what to do in the mean time. For now though, he needed to see if he could beat his personal best.

/ooc I will incorporate the dreams you mentioned in my next post unless you had something to interject
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11606 posts
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 04:56
  • msg #3

A return from extinction

Hes heard disturbing reports of some weirdos showing up in town looking for something   Even they do not know what
Reid McCrae
player, 10 posts
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 22:44
  • msg #4

A return from extinction

Lightning flashed and thunder cracked as screams of the dying echoed across the field. Wiping a thick fluid from his eyes he opened them to see a heavy mist obscuring his vision as the rain started to fall.

The body was suddenly pulled off him, giving him a chance to breath. Rolling over he could see a hazy outline of his savior, it was huge, heavily muscled and, looked, it had a bulls head? He couldn't be sure as the creature disappeared into the mist as quickly as it had appeared.

He gagged as the smell of blood and death filled his nose. Scrambling to his feet knowing he had to get up or they would catch him.  Who would catch him? the thought ran through his mind even as he sprinted.

Heart pounding and chest heaving, he ran for all he was worth as shadows of great beasts appeared in the mist around him snarling and howling just out of sight. A great horn sounded in the distance and he felt...hope? He had to get to the horn, it was their last hope. Why? he remembered thinking. It was so clear a minute ago.

Suddenly one of the beasts slammed into him, sending him sprawling in the mud. Rolling fast the creature was on him in a flash, ripp8ng and tearing at his flesh. Pain erupted in his flank and shoulder as the as the beast howled, it's claws sinking deep into his flesh...

Reid woke with a start covered in sweat and breathing heavy. The dreams had started again, more vivid now than they were when they started, to the point he almost felt like he was in them.

Rolling out of bed, the activities of the night before coming back to him.  A mostly forgettable endeavor that wound up with too much to drink and nothing to show for it.

Hopping in the shower, he cleaned off, then dressed and sat down at his computer. He had nothing planned, school was out and he was waiting to hear from the State Police Academy, he finally opened up Call of Duty to pass some time. He wasn't particularly good at it but it was a good time waster until his physical and initial medical screening later in. The day down town.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:01, Sun 17 Sept 2023.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11609 posts
Sun 17 Sep 2023
at 16:43
  • msg #5

A return from extinction

Call of duty  goes smoothly enough (He play WW2 Modern Warfare or what?)

He can sense something is coming for him two somethings one means him good the other means him ill
Reid McCrae
player, 11 posts
Sun 17 Sep 2023
at 17:00
  • msg #6

A return from extinction

/ooc MW2 -- Reid prefers the story to PvP, probably has a 1:1 kill death radio
 Just good enough to be competitive and frustrated he cant do better lol

-- Am I still at the apartment or am I out and about heading toward my appointments?  Is it a close feeling or far away?  Generic vague feeling?
This message was last edited by the player at 21:54, Sun 17 Sept 2023.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11612 posts
Mon 18 Sep 2023
at 20:30
  • msg #7

A return from extinction

things that will enter his life in the general sense  as in upend it
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:32, Mon 18 Sept 2023.
Reid McCrae
player, 12 posts
Mon 18 Sep 2023
at 20:43
  • msg #8

A return from extinction

In reply to Capricious Wyld (msg # 7):

So it's not "immediate", but it's definitely something that Reid has never experienced before, this, direct of a sensation as it were?  It's definitely made more of an impression than a waking dream right?

Sorry, just trying to get a feel for this new feeling/sensation he's experiencing.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11614 posts
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 00:19
  • msg #9

A return from extinction

its not imminent no he feeels the passion building in him inexplicably
Reid McCrae
player, 13 posts
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 20:32
  • msg #10

A return from extinction

One thing about being from an affluent family is that you have a lot of time.  Reid didn't necessarily show off his wealth but there were hints here and there, mostly in the cars he drives and another being his apartment with a double garage in a nice part of Austin. He didn't need to get a job while waiting on the Academy Application but he was planning on doing as much interning and volunteering as he was able to take up the time if nothing else.

Gaming until he needed to go in for his physical and Dr. appointments related to his medical screening, he changed to something more work-related, a button-down shirt, khakis, and a nice pair of boots.  That's one thing he'll probably never outgrow, his love of cowboy boots. Topping it off with a black felt stetson, he picked up his keys, wallet, and phone and headed out.

Leaving his Camaro in the garage, he popped the lock on his other vehicle, a rather ordinary-looking Dodge Durango SRT. Black and silver with a red stripe on the hood, the only indication that it's the Hellcat version since he put regular Dodge Durango badges on it.

The drive across town was uneventful though Reid started having a nagging feeling that "something" was coming.  It wasn't anything concrete but it was there, like when you go back to a room because you thought you forgot something. It wasn't one of those "I've got a bad feeling about this" moments either that is gone the moment after it happens. The longer he drove, the longer he realized "it" was out there and it made him uncomfortable, like an itch he couldn't scratch.

The doctor's appointment was perfunctory in that baseline blood tests and an overall physical were done, standard stuff when you apply for any government position.  From there he went to meet some friends he met at school for lunch and was home for dinner and some "FBI" on TV in the background while studying for his Academy entrance exam.

That night, the same dreams of intense fighting came to him again. He was never able to see his attackers and it always ended the same, with him waking up in a fog wondering what the hell was happening.  The dreams were vivid, not like a dream but as if he was there.
Reid McCrae
player, 14 posts
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 14:18
  • msg #11

A return from extinction

/ooc  Making some assumptions, I don't see where you really track the day/month/year anywhere. I am just sort of working on a day-to-day story for a few "days" in game like you mentioned.


Laying in bed, the dream still vivid in his mind's eye, Reid closed his eyes and tried to clear his head which didn't work as he'd intended.  Rather than clear his mind of visions he could not begin to fathom, his feelings turned toward that ever-present, "something" that was coming, the ever-present itch that seemed to have come out of nowhere that made him uncomfortable.  This "almost" itch that no scratching could get rid of seemed to be building, getting worse, or rather, more intense.

Finally getting up, he tossed on some gym clothes and headed down to get his morning workout in. Typical was a mile on the treadmill, 15 min on the stair climber, situps, pushups, mountain climbers, burpees, and then a round of weights.  Reid wasn't religious about lifting but he did want to keep in shape, enjoyed how it made him feel and liked looking good.

He had hoped it would help with the unease he had started feeling but if anything, it made it worse the harder he worked.  Eventually giving up, he showered and headed back to his apartment to change.  Today he was doing a ride-along with the sheriff's department and as it was Thursday, it was lady's night at the club so Reid and the boys had plans.

Arriving at the Sheriff's department, Reid met the actual Sherrif, Javier Salazar and was briefed on what to expect and then introduced to the deputy he'd be riding with, Sheriff's deputy Lacy McGuire. Lacy was a six-year veteran of the Sheriff's department and was one of the few female officers they employed. She was also an outreach officer and union representative.   Reid sat through their morning briefing with her and joined her at her squad car.  It was 0800 when they rolled out into the early Texas day that promised to be a hot one, forecast for no clouds and a high in the upper 90's.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11617 posts
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 07:01
  • msg #12

A return from extinction

She mentions some 'weirdo's that rece3ntly came iknto town by motorcycle
Reid McCrae
player, 15 posts
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 02:06
  • msg #13

A return from extinction

I imagine she wouldn't have mentioned them of they weren't more than a passing issue.

"I remember hearing something about a biker gang or something causing issues.  Is a new outlaw biker group or something?" He asks. "Or just a bunch of idiots causing a rukus?"
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11618 posts
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 02:20
  • msg #14

A return from extinction

"They seem to be looking for something but havent shared precisely what"
Reid McCrae
player, 16 posts
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 04:35
  • msg #15

A return from extinction

"Have they been causing unreported issues? I haven't seen anything on the evening news indicating such."
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11621 posts
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 08:57
  • msg #16

A return from extinction

"A lot of people feel deeply discomfitted when encountering them"
Reid McCrae
player, 17 posts
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 18:47
  • msg #17

A return from extinction

"Have they caused enough of a problem to send officers to send them on their way?   Why out up with them if they're causing such an issue?"
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