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19:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Posted by Game MasterFor group 0
Game Master
GM, 235 posts
Sat 11 May 2024
at 01:08
  • msg #509

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

If Catherine is a free-lance agent of Jade-London, one possible angle is that she is trying to find out what happened to the Colosian TBD station.  By now it would be known in certain circles.  The Colosians would deny it at first, then say they are investigating, then blame unspecified terrorists.  The Colosians aren't as clumsy as House Hulugu, they will not accuse anyone without evidence, but you can bet they are investigating furiously; and that privately they blame Devon or Jade-London.  Meanwhile, Jade-London and Devon would be whispering to each other, "was that you?" and then also sending out agents to find out what happened.  Very likely there are also Imperial agents investigating, though those would likely start from the premise that Devon did it and try to prove it.
Catherine Aria Tyndale
player, 24 posts
AT 6 (20), Hits: 21/21
Sat 11 May 2024
at 02:00
  • msg #510

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Happy to go with that - TY!

Where should I look (read) to find out something about the Colosian Station?
Or maybe that's TBD.. (Ha!)
Game Master
GM, 236 posts
Sat 11 May 2024
at 02:03
  • msg #511

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

If you can read post 1 of the Beginnings thread you can read all of it.  It's long, 12 pages and 277 posts, but that is where all that happened before Interludes is found.
Game Master
GM, 237 posts
Sat 11 May 2024
at 02:05
  • msg #512

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Aside from Yu Tian You, welcome also Jacques de Montagne.  Working out the details of the character now.
Catherine Aria Tyndale
player, 25 posts
AT 6 (20), Hits: 21/21
Sat 11 May 2024
at 02:08
  • msg #513

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

GM - TY! Will start on that tomorrow.

Jacques - welcome!
Petra Jelinek
Pilot, 104 posts
AT 6(5), 16/16 HP, WMR 19
Minkowski Islands? Cool!
Sat 11 May 2024
at 02:28
  • msg #514

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Welcome Yu and Jacques!  Looking forward to RPing with you!
Hugh Shinjison Hoshikawa
Bounty Hunter, 118 posts
AT 6 (08), 20/20 Hits
Sat 11 May 2024
at 06:39
  • msg #515

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

I get busy for a day and all the posting happens! Welcome Yu and Jacques.

In starting to think that taking Jewel up on the investigation angle makes sense, if it includes transit costs. Hugh isn't broke but will be if we don't find a job but on the jobs available on Hyperion aren't what he really wants. Theoretically, the original, mindwiped, job did require Nat and Petra's skills. Maybe by investigating we pick up some trail of it and that leads to wacky hijinks, adventure.
Natakkoa Tukumpeh
Planetologist, 162 posts
AT 5 (Var), 22/22 Hits
OE Human via Phi Iupetus
Mon 13 May 2024
at 14:57
  • msg #516

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

In reply to Yu Tian You (msg # 506):

*twitches at 'Calvinist Churg'*

About the only thing I can think of more improbable than a 'Calvinist Churg' is a 'Southern Baptist Xenomorph'.

It is, as the meme goes:  "Inconceivable!"  :-D

As the Churg are, as a Race/Culture/Society notoriously non-supernaturally inclined (Sciences, baby!), and as Nat was raised in that society...well, let's just say she (and I!) will have some questions....  :-D

(I, myself, grew up deep in Calvinistic Theology, and it is DEEPLY rooted in the society and region where I live, so I have...opinions.  :-P )
Yu Tian You
player, 3 posts
AT 1 (XX), Hits: XX/XX
Remember now thy Creator
Mon 13 May 2024
at 17:21
  • msg #517

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Nice!  Well, as our good friend Inigo Montoya says, "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up."  :)

Preface: I am a total newbie to Role Master and Star Master.

What I know of the Churg:
Space Master Core, Page G.53, Section 13.15:
The humanoid sub-race known as the Churg has evolved from what was apparently a Sianetic Harbinger experiment.  To all appearances, these beings are completely human, yet they harbor some significant emotional and intellectual differences.  Churg brains are conditioned so as to be far more organized than Human brains, and have the capability of near-total recall.  Coupled with this is a mental discipline allowing a willful screening of the recall process.  As so often conjectured in the past, it has been established that all humans retain full memory of their experiences, but recall is filtered to prevent a paralyzing 'lock' on all negative memories, preventing growth.  The Churg mind has overcome this problem.

Not very technically advanced themselves, the Churg have an egalitarian social structure and generally show very little drive or ambition.  They are excellent scholars and many have proven themselves as pre-eminent authorities in the social sciences.  The Churg have only recently begun to leave their home planet in any numbers, accepting positions as teachers in schools of higher education throughout the Empire.

The Churg reside on a planet in Imperial Space under the direct political control of the Imperium, though Churg internal affairs are self-governed.  They have been granted minor clan status.

What I don't know of the Churg: anything else ;).  This includes other sources such as "The Durandrium Find".

My impression is that they are "pre-eminent authorities in the social sciences" (emphasis added), which includes Anthropology.  Our good friend Wikipedia summarizes thusly: "Anthropology is the scientific study of humanity, concerned with human behavior, human biology, cultures, societies, and linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human species."

Given the impact of Religion on "human behavior, ..., cultures, societies, and linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human species", it seems quite conceivable to me that they would have some potential interest in understanding historical belief systems and worldviews.

I have a certain skepticism toward fictional universes where entire countries/planets/star systems/species/societies/cultures are portrayed as completely homogeneous.

Therefore, it seems quite conceivable to me that if a ship full of underground Chinese Calvinists fleeing religious persecution ended up taking refuge on the Churg planet, there could have been some small subset of Churg that not only studied them, but ended up "going native" and adopting their beliefs.

BTW, my character is now likely shaping up to be a Physician rather than a Theologist Semi-Telepath, but still a Chinese Calvinist Churg.  ;)

I love the richness and depth that Shepherd Book brought to Firefly.  Tian You's personality and bedside manner is similar.

However, I am flipping the script away from "abbeys" and "monks" to a more "reformed" viewpoint.  This has the additional interesting perk of a certain distrust of the "Romish" Dia Khovaria...  :o

The deeper discussions touching upon eternal issues between Shepherd Book and the others added a lot to Firefly.  Tian You looks forward to Nat's queries... :)
This message was last edited by the player at 17:27, Mon 13 May.
Natakkoa Tukumpeh
Planetologist, 163 posts
AT 5 (Var), 22/22 Hits
OE Human via Phi Iupetus
Mon 13 May 2024
at 17:28
  • msg #518

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Churgian by culture, I assume, but essentially Human, such as Nat?

The *race* of the Churg are statted beyond the limits of beginning characters, to the best of my knowledge...

And oh yes...the discussions might get interesting, as Nat is a 100% committed Field Scientist.  :-)
Jacques de Montagne
player, 1 post
Mon 13 May 2024
at 18:21
  • msg #519

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Greetings all!

I am also totally new to RM/SM. Looks like fun though. I enjoy trying new things!
Vesperos Willbrand
Telepath, 15 posts
AT 1 (06), Hits: 14/14
Mon 13 May 2024
at 18:28
  • msg #520

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Hello to the new folks!

Ves is a)very excited to go and do exciting stuff with his new frenfs, and b) going to do exactly as told by Jewel and Rach because they are, ahem, kind of his bosses. Kind of as in, you can flip a boss and quit your job, but in this case, not really.

So I'm up for anything you guys feel like doing, I know your characters are in more of a pickle choice-wise.
Game Master
GM, 240 posts
Mon 13 May 2024
at 23:13
  • msg #521

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

A side note on religions in the world, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I excised the Dhia Kovaria from the universe, it does not exist.  The imperium and provinces run their own TBD networks.
Yu Tian You
player, 4 posts
AT 1 (XX), Hits: XX/XX
Remember now thy Creator
Mon 13 May 2024
at 23:18
  • msg #522

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Ah, thanks for the heads-up.  I need to catch up on past posts...  :o
Petra Jelinek
Pilot, 105 posts
AT 6(5), 16/16 HP, WMR 19
Minkowski Islands? Cool!
Mon 13 May 2024
at 23:47
  • msg #523

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Vesperos Willbrand:
.. Ves is a) very excited to go and do exciting stuff with his new frenfs, and b) going to do exactly as told by Jewel and Rach because they are, ahem, kind of his bosses. Kind of as in, you can flip a boss and quit your job, but in this case, not really. ...

So, I am not sure that I understand this.  Petra's connection to Rach is tenuous at best.  She ran some low level courier jobs for him previous.  But she is not beholden to him in any way (at least, as her player understands it).  She's not a 'made-man' or really part of his organization other than sometimes he contacts/contracts her for simple work, but she definitely doesn't get any prime jobs or know much about any of the inner workings of his organization.

So, I am wondering it Ves has a different arrangement that can be discussed in public (and if that needs to come out in RP sooner rather than later?)?  Is Ves high in Rach's organization (and then why would/should he associate with Petra, other than 'orders')?  'Cause Petra is small fry at best (or as demonstrated in the opening scenario, fairly expendable).

@GM, let me know if I am completely off-base as to either how Rach's organization works or Petra's role in that organization.
Game Master
GM, 241 posts
Mon 13 May 2024
at 23:56
  • msg #524

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

To my knowledge none of you are high up in the organization, Ves may be confused about the depth of his involvement.  Not calling him out, but his telepathy puts him in a unique position.  No level 1  character is deep into anything.  You guys are currently living in his city/country and considering the nature of these things, that means you do so with his consent.  But as described at the star, you are freelance and on the rolls as available for contracts.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:56, Mon 13 May.
Natakkoa Tukumpeh
Planetologist, 164 posts
AT 5 (Var), 22/22 Hits
OE Human via Phi Iupetus
Tue 14 May 2024
at 13:49
  • msg #525

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Hugh Shinjison Hoshikawa:
I get busy for a day and all the posting happens! Welcome Yu and Jacques.

In starting to think that taking Jewel up on the investigation angle makes sense, if it includes transit costs. Hugh isn't broke but will be if we don't find a job but on the jobs available on Hyperion aren't what he really wants. Theoretically, the original, mindwiped, job did require Nat and Petra's skills. Maybe by investigating we pick up some trail of it and that leads to wacky hijinks, adventure.

Also a 'Hello!' to Yu and Jacques!  Yes, RM/SM is a hefty system, so don't feel like you have to rush to get every single detail in place before you jump in  -  there will be plenty of RP happening before you need to know *exactly* what's in your backpack, or before we test out those skills you've been sweating points over.  Better to take your time and craft what you *want* than to feel pressured or rushed into something you're not 100% happy with.

We've got some hoops to get through before we're knee-deep in the next adventure <<insert "Benny Hill Theme" / "Yakety-Sax" here...>>.

In the interest of getting things rolling, and having been disussing this with Petra's player at length off-off-screen, we think Hugh has the right idea:  take the offer of getting off planet, maybe pursue the 'missing memories' lead if opportunity and skill capacity allow, and see what we stumble across in the process.  The intent is, of course, to find something that will keep these characters all in, essentially, one place, or a *reason* for us to stay together, beyond mere financial gain/convenience.

So, over in the IC thread, that's what the two of us will be doing.

Discuss amongst yourself, either here or there.  :-)
Catherine Aria Tyndale
player, 26 posts
AT 6 (20), Hits: 21/21
Tue 14 May 2024
at 14:44
  • msg #526

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Happy here to take an intro/cue in whereever.
Or a solo if that's required to make an overlap easier.
But am keen to do something, regardless what 'something' tastes like.
Yu Tian You
player, 5 posts
AT 1 (XX), Hits: XX/XX
Remember now thy Creator
Tue 14 May 2024
at 16:27
  • msg #527

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

My character sheet is almost done.  I'm at the stage where I have finally chosen my skills and background options, and am soon to make the background option rolls...  :o
Jacques de Montagne
player, 2 posts
Do I have a deal for you!
Tue 14 May 2024
at 17:04
  • msg #528

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

I believe that I am also close to complete!
Catherine Aria Tyndale
player, 27 posts
AT 6 (20), Hits: 21/21
Tue 14 May 2024
at 17:55
  • msg #529

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Just finished the reading that we talked about.
(276 posts took longer than I thought.).
Anyway, good to go
Hugh Shinjison Hoshikawa
Bounty Hunter, 119 posts
AT 6 (08), 20/20 Hits
Wed 15 May 2024
at 04:53
  • msg #530

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

I think we have a plan, of sorts. Once we know a little about everyone we should be able to get everyone involved.
Vesperos Willbrand
Telepath, 16 posts
AT 1 (06), Hits: 14/14
Wed 15 May 2024
at 11:24
  • msg #531

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Hello, I will be on vacation from tomorrow until Sunday, so I can post on Monday!
Catherine Aria Tyndale
player, 28 posts
AT 6 (20), Hits: 21/21
Wed 15 May 2024
at 11:28
  • msg #532

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Hugh Shinjison Hoshikawa:
I think we have a plan, of sorts. Once we know a little about everyone we should be able to get everyone involved.

Engineer here, and a jolly good one! :)
Game Master
GM, 242 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 13:04
  • msg #533

Re: Nexus Cafe (OOC)

Okay, at this point Jacques, Yu and Catherine will be met on Akaisha Outstation.  Jacques and Yu, you should have access to your character sheets for editing.
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