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08:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay.

Posted by Game MasterFor group 0
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 85 posts
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 15:19
  • msg #5

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Disappointed and not wanting to lose the rest of the unusual matter before he got the tools modified to do better research with it he decided that it might be closer to the fringe sciences that might allow him to track more... supernatural energies.

It just needed more delicate instruments. Ghosts, souls, undead, demons and angels, all of them were theorized to be dimensional travelers... That was the root of the word Demon anyway. Andre refused to believe that it simply couldn't be categorized. He started looking into the peripheral data to determine things that would infer these other things and perhaps correlation to prove it. "NOD-thing, are you up yet?"

Andre Klanktonne rolled 21 using 1d20+4.  Mysticism for understanding better.
Game Master
GM, 237 posts
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 15:46
  • msg #6

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

"NOD" responding on the comms: "" *ZzzzzZzzzz*

NOD was not being cooperative, but Andre's research into the supernatural would yield some results. Apparently the substance he was dealing with was called ECTOPLASM. It's a theoretical substance that is both simultaneously PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL. It is the stuff that connects the spiritual to the physical and it's highly volatile. If not suspended in a proper magical container, it dissipates. If saved, it can be used for the creation of many magical salves, potions, or items. Val would be the best person to seek the creation of a magical container...if she doesn't have one already. Of course the concept of "magic" is more like "spiritual forces imposed upon the physical realm" from the perspective of a scientist. And if spiritual forces can affect the physical realm, then the reverse should also be possible...theoretically.
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 87 posts
13/20 HP, 18/24 FP
Sun 11 Feb 2024
at 00:34
  • msg #7

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Imagining that Val probably had some "blessed jar" or "cursed spirit thimble" but figuring that maybe he could study THAT too... He dialed over on coms, "Hey Val, I think I have ectoplasm here. I was wondering if you knew a good way to store- wait, what is going on over there, where are you?"

His ideas for more comparative research fled him and he considered other options like a squadron of interceptors leaving a carrier bay.
Valerys Corvo
Mutant (NPC), 23 posts
Quest Giver & Support
Sun 11 Feb 2024
at 05:15
  • msg #8

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Val screams on the open comms.

"Monster in the cargo bay! We need backup down here!"

The captain shouts back that he's setting the system on autopilot and will be down shortly.
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 88 posts
13/20 HP, 18/24 FP
Sun 11 Feb 2024
at 15:56
  • msg #9

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Andre wondered silently how much of his time as an engineer here would be monster hunting. He didn't have combat training. He had tools that could hurt things certainly...

"How big? I promise not to plug this one into machinery... Directly..." he took his pack of tools and headed to the halls toward the cargo bay.
Octavius Jehnko
Human (NPC), 17 posts
Quest Giver & Support
Tue 13 Feb 2024
at 02:28
  • msg #10

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Jhenko On coms: "All hands, red alert for anyone not already up and at'em. We have another intruder aboard. Andre, I have override codes for the cargo bay and I'm heading your way. Everyone else evacuate the cargo bay. I can space whatever it is."
Octavius Jehnko
Human (NPC), 19 posts
Quest Giver & Support
Tue 13 Feb 2024
at 19:36
  • msg #11

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Jhenko On coms: "Alright, if you got it handled, I'm stopping by engineering for a status update on our ship. You all handle whatever is going on in the cargo bay. Keep me apprised."

The captain then appears at the entrance to engineering.

Jhenko: "Hey Andre, how's our ship looking? Did you ever figure what was going on with our earlier pest problem?"
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 90 posts
13/20 HP, 18/24 FP
Tue 13 Feb 2024
at 20:21
  • msg #12

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Andre put down the toolkit he had gathered and sighed, "Boss there are a couple important facts and a full explanation will take some time.

I didn't want to kill anything. Sometimes it has to happen, I get it... But we needed to get out of there and the gremlin is some kind of living lightning with an ectoplasm medium to take a physical form. It is more accurately classified as a demon- dimensional traveler. I had seen energy in its cell building up and intended to bleed it out and recharge our systems.

It jumped the circuits. It is a part of NOD now. The old code looked something like THIS,
" he said turning his tablet for the Captain to see. "It took three seconds to happen, but..." another tap showed plainly alien code. "It hasn't really done anything NOD wouldn't aside from word choices and pretend to be asleep. It would take weeks and a complete defrag to extract and NOD may not be recoverable. I might be able to work with Val and get something going for a better shot of it if you like. NOD may be sequestered in one of, or multiple black boxes but I don't think this thing plays by normal rules of computing. In short, I expect that some issues are possible but I hope it isn't probable and I am monitoring the situation. I would love for it to be a system I wholly owned but aside from being an actually intelligent system and not knowing everything that entails yet- I'm sorry." To call it a multidimensional rookie mistake would likely be accurate but this was the first Andre heard of anyone exploring multidimensional computing, mechanics, and physics. Jehnko might be unhappy that it happened to HIS ship and if he couldn't find an upside, it might be a pay hit or even firing.
Octavius Jehnko
Human (NPC), 20 posts
Quest Giver & Support
Tue 13 Feb 2024
at 22:55
  • msg #13

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Jhenko scratches his chin.

"I've seen weird things in my time but that sh*t takes the cake. NOD's special neuroprocessors were designed to sync up with a living brain and allow a human to think as fast as a computer while maintaining a sense of self. The project was supposed to produce perfect pilots but it ended in failure..."

He swipes through the data.

"...Maybe it worked for that weird creature. Who even knew such things existed out here in the dark?"

He shakes his head.

"I locked down primary commands before I came down here. I can override NOD on everything but it's near impossible to properly operate a ship long distances without an AI. So I guess we're going to have to find out if this "gremlin" or "demon" thing is friend...or foe..."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:57, Tue 13 Feb.
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 91 posts
13/20 HP, 18/24 FP
Fri 16 Feb 2024
at 01:21
  • msg #14

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Andre was pleased that Octavius took the information well. "As best I can tell it was electrical energy given sentience and physical form through an ectoplasmic medium. If we encounter a few more fairytale creatures I may be able to test or even scan for them. I had doubts to the functions but knew they COULD exist. Neither side of the scientific nor spiritually minded camps is fond of saying the other may have a point, but some of my readings and studies..." He opened a different file and once more withdrew the gremlin's 'game pad' to let it rest on a nearby table, "Here we are with the closest anyone may ever come to the beginnings of evidence. There is a lot of aliens out there... Probably... Just how alien is the real question. So is the possibility of harnessing their extra dimensional energies. I'm not sure how much of the gremlin's old rules and ability still apply."

He looked over at the security feed camera to address the creature directly once more, "Gremlin, what should we call you I tire of calling you simply 'the gremlin' and NOD doesn't seem right because you aren't really the old computer... spirit. I want to know what kinds of things you used to be able to do so we can see what you are still capable of, and maybe what I can rig so you can do more..."
Octavius Jehnko
Human (NPC), 21 posts
Quest Giver & Support
Fri 16 Feb 2024
at 05:50
  • msg #15

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Jhenko nodded.

"I've seen some crazy stuff, Klanktonne. I'm a believer. Once watched Val stitch me back together with her hoodoo after I was sure I was a gonner. No tech, just the hoodoo. Plus the alien signals, the mutants, the androids.... Hell, if all this fairy tale sh*t wasn't real before it sure as hell is now these past few years. I'm pretty open-minded these days."

He sighs.
Spirit (NPC), 12 posts
"Totally trustworthy."
Fri 16 Feb 2024
at 05:57
  • msg #16

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

"Most mortals only care for names when they want to point fingers. But as it hardly matters at this point, you can call me Gryftrr."

A voice came out from behind Jhenko, responding to Andre's inquiry. There stood the gremlin, reformed as if out of nowhere. Only now it looked like a robotic version of the creature with eyes that resembled NOD's original avatar which had once been just a floating mechanical eyeball.

"This new form sure is sweet. Gonna take some getting used to. I'm defragging myself right now as we speak...well, most of myself."

Upon closer inspection, Andre's keen eye for all things mechanical and computerized noticed the faint flicker. The gremlin was a hologram. It was using a mobile projector to give the appearance that it had manifested but it was merely displaying a digital avatar as a ruse. A less mechanically inclined eye would've missed it. Even as a machine, the gremlin was still being tricksy.

23:55, Today: Game Master, on behalf of Andre Klanktonne, rolled 14 using 1d20+6.  cipher or investigation or physics. – [roll=1708062924.38522.378256]

Pronounced: "Grif-Ter"

This message was last edited by the player at 05:58, Fri 16 Feb.
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 92 posts
13/20 HP, 18/24 FP
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 01:24
  • msg #17

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

"There Gryftrr is! In the projection... Boss were you aware we had mobile projectors?

I am quite interested in this crewmate and helping them adjust to the rest of us. Maybe you should go to cargo, or perhaps just the bridge, Captain.
" The mobile projectors gave Andre even more ideas. He looked for schematics and maintenance files.

"Hmm... Being a gremlin in shape to our eyes... Is that important to you? Do you remember leaving your dimension or how you got to the wreckage we picked you up from?"
Octavius Jehnko
Human (NPC), 22 posts
Quest Giver & Support
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 05:02
  • msg #18

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Jhenko jumped and took a step back.

"What the f--? What the hell is that?!"

He looks at Andre.

"Mobile projectors? Well, there are holoprojectors on nearly every room but none of them were mobile..."

The implication of this realizing was slowly starting to sink in. Gryftrr had been the ship's AI for less than an hour and had already started taking things apart and rearranging this case there was probably a control panel somewhere that had had its projector ripped out and put on a drone.
Spirit (NPC), 13 posts
"Totally trustworthy."
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 05:08
  • msg #19

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

The gremlin projection scurries into the room and begins fidgeting with some random equipment on the table examining them but not actually turning anything on/off.

"Of course I do. Andre, my dear metal wizard, I remember when you joined the crew. They're in my logs. In my head."

He smiles, a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"This whole neurolink with your ship spirit has had some very interesting effects on me. Aside from being a little disoriented, I can't complain. I even love the body upgrade. It's like being in many places at once...and being in a metal box instead of a flesh bag. Though it is easier on the consciousness to 'be' one place a time, thus the projector."

He twirls around like everything he'd been explaining was a performance.
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 93 posts
13/20 HP, 18/24 FP
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 14:15
  • msg #20

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Andre paid close attention to fiddlers in HIS bay. After all, newcomers tended to cause accidents and accidents required prevention or cleanup. Prevention was always better. He had nieces and nephews though and as he watched he paid close attention to the fiddled tools.

Anything NOT tied into ship systems normally? It was important to know if Gryftrr readily used things NOT integrated to the ship. Inspection of the modified drone would give an idea as to just what the gremlin was capable of... or wanted them to know.

Otherwise he was inclined to treat the- Gryftrr like one of those relatives. He was never going to be entirely off guard as long as it behaved remotely like a child. Teo had cut himself pretty badly in the garage back home.
Octavius Jehnko
Human (NPC), 23 posts
Quest Giver & Support
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 14:29
  • msg #21

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Jhenko sighs.

"Andre, I don't know how to even begin with this. Call me if you need me."

He takes one last look at the gremlin's avatar, shakes his head, and then leaves the engineering bay.
Spirit (NPC), 14 posts
"Totally trustworthy."
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 14:33
  • msg #22

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Gryftrr waved goodbye as Jhenko left. A small drone with a holoprojector no bigger than a fist was floating behind him, hidden by the avatar when still. It looked like it had been slapped together by an amateur.

"Ah, seems the fearless leader has better things to do than to fiddle around in the wizard's laboratory."

He grabs another tool off the table and inspects it. There didn't seem to be any method to his madness. He was just observing.

"I however..."
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 95 posts
13/20 HP, 18/24 FP
Wed 21 Feb 2024
at 22:51
  • msg #23

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Andre wasn't certain how a metal wizard should function, "Transfer to this room's emitter and I'll drum up a better synthesis of these parts for you. First though... Please apply increasing pressure on this for a little bit." he pulled out tools for reading and analyzing energy.

He reaches for the mobile emitter, "I'll need you to show me where you took these pieces from... I have spares that we can use for limited projects but stuff in the ship -the new body- needs to stay mostly where it is unless it is really needed elsewhere. It could be really bad for me in particular and Captain would restrict your freedom a lot."
Spirit (NPC), 15 posts
"Totally trustworthy."
Thu 22 Feb 2024
at 00:10
  • msg #24

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

The gremlin laughed as Andre requested him to actually do something useful and continued wandering around the bay. It was clear it the hologram was only fooling the eyes into making it look like he was interacting with the environment, when he really wasn't. Just rays of light pretending to be form.

"I took most of them from a room using one of the drones. It had lots of wires and screens and you could see everywhere in the new me from there even while not in this digital form."

The gremlin just described the security desk on the bridge. He tore parts out of the main security desk...the primary spot for sensors and communications. Just one more thing to fix. What's worse, he clearly had access to security drones. They were brand new and Jhenko must not have had time to set security protocols on the drones before the gremlin got his claws on them.
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 96 posts
13/20 HP, 18/24 FP
Thu 22 Feb 2024
at 03:27
  • msg #25

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

"Hmmm, well, I can't upgrade your mobile emitter drone until I have things fixed up. NOD's logs will make you aware that I don't do much play until the work is at least mostly caught up. I do enjoy play though and the rules by which spirit creatures operate..." He was somewhat hesitant to say the word because it suggested one couldn't know how it worked logically or empirically but he would use it for lack of a better short hand term, "I want to learn more magic."

The mechanic wished he knew of ways to bind spirits to his bidding but he wasn't above bribing young kids or gremlins, "If I feel right about you listening and working with me, I would build a body you could do more than just look at things and shine light from. I know you enjoy playing, Gryftrr. I might be able to integrate the device you brought with you. When I am done with the repairs we can talk about features you would like." His worst related fear was that these creatures had no way to properly express what he wanted to know and he would have to simply work from veritable scratch.

Grabbing his tools and locking up the gremlin pad Andre started for the bridge.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:28, Thu 22 Feb.
Spirit (NPC), 17 posts
"Totally trustworthy."
Wed 28 Feb 2024
at 18:19
  • msg #26

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Gryftrr followed Andre back.

"You seem really talented with your metal magic, wizard. Or whatever they call this version of magic...uhm...Engineering I believe you call it."
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 99 posts
13/20 HP, 18/24 FP
Wed 28 Feb 2024
at 23:20
  • msg #27

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

The engineer replied with at least some amount of modesty, "I may not be the absolute best, but as far as raw talent is concerned I'm the best I've ever known. I've had dreams of, for lack of a better term other kinds of magic. I don't consider what I do to be a magic. What I do is merely a craft except for the inadvertent introduction of you to the ship's systems. The tools I make effect energy and matter but I don't effect energy directly very well. That is what I call magic... My ability to heal tools and constructs is almost what I call magic I guess."

Andre sighed and placed the modified drone carefully on his work table, it would take a little bit of time to get a holographic scan so that he could see where everything was when it was initially put on the table. "... Maybe I can use what I know about how I fix things and figure out how to expand that to creating things more efficiently. I am new to magic.

Could you perhaps direct me to code that displays commonalities in the magic you used? I will get to work a little after the scan finishes. Look through these and get an idea for style of the finished drone you would like...
" he brought up some concept designs for drones and old school street race cars. He felt like Gryftrr would like the aesthetics.
Spirit (NPC), 18 posts
"Totally trustworthy."
Thu 29 Feb 2024
at 04:28
  • msg #28

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

The Gryftrr hologram pointed to the magical gaming device the gremlin had when it had corporeal form.

"Can you connect some golden threads to that? Or maybe copper? And do it in this order at these scales."

Schematics appeared on the nearest screen.

"These runes are tricky. You don't want to put too much lightning and you want them to be just the right tension and resonance. Only really smart and experienced wizards understand these things."

They weren't runes, they were integrated circuits, amps, voltage, and code for communicating between devices. It was tech that somehow synthesized with the gremlin's powers the whole time. The little creature just called it different things but there was clearly a connection between tech and whatever missing element "magic" was.
Andre Klanktonne
gishsoldier, 100 posts
13/20 HP, 18/24 FP
Thu 29 Feb 2024
at 12:21
  • msg #29

SS Nirvana - Engineering Bay

Andre looked into the drone's camera with one eyebrow cocked up, "Fundamental forces of the universe are at stake and you want me to just plug in a SECOND device I know EVEN LESS about when I haven't had time to assess if the first one was a good idea? I feel like you DON'T think I am a wise wizard. Smart is also debatable at the moment.

Tell me all about the functions of your device and I'll leave a port available for later, easy modification. For now pick a stylish look for the mobile emitter drone to be cased in...
" He chided.

He switched up the coms to the cargo bay, "Can I get a check in? You all aren't just hitting the cargo with crowbars are you? Cryocubes are sensitive at best and I think those bastards were slinging EMP weapons in their first volley so some of them might already be messed up... Gryftrr the gremlin may be a part of our ship life for a bit. Analysis is ongoing but nothing actually bad has happened so far. A few minor inconveniences perhaps. I've discovered how to bind electrical spirits into machines. Incase anyone was interested."
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