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18:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Alchemist's Sanctum.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
GM, 332 posts
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 09:10
  • msg #1

The Alchemist's Sanctum

As one stepped through the arched wooden door, the scent of exotic herbs and potent elixirs immediately filled your senses. The shop was a cozy space, dimly lit by flickering candles arranged on shelves filled with mysterious bottles, jars, and ornate glassware.
The walls were lined with shelves made of dark, polished wood, displaying an array of ingredients and curiosities from floor to ceiling. Glowing crystals hung from the ceiling, casting prismatic shadows across the room, adding to the mystical ambiance.
In one corner, a copper cauldron bubbled and steamed over a crackling fire, emitting a warm, earthy aroma. In another corner a glass alembic was sputtering over a small flame, releasing noxious steam that was cooled and captured in a flask. Nearby, a wooden table was covered with parchment scrolls and leather-bound grimoires, each filled with arcane symbols and ancient wisdom.

Glass cabinets showcased delicate vials of shimmering liquids, labeled with handwritten tags bearing names like "Elixir of Everlasting Cleanliness" and "Liquid Courage". Behind the counter, a middle-aged alchemist with wise eyes and a greying beard stood ready to assist, his hands stained with the colours of his craft.

The air was thick with the hum of magic and the promise of transformation as customers browsed the shelves, seeking potions to heal ailments, boost vitality, or unlock the secrets of the universe. Whether you were a seasoned practitioner or a curious newcomer, "The Alchemist's Sanctum" beckoned with the allure of ancient knowledge and the alchemical mysteries waiting to be discovered.

Mirantilis looked up from his book and smiled:"My boy, are you here to help out .. or spend money?".
He looked over his round glasses at the rest:"Welcome, welcome. Try not to touch anything lest you find yourself with an extra set of eyes, purple skin or an eternal appetite for human blood. Many dangers surround you here but also solutions for many ailments".
player, 182 posts
Therian Rogue
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 12:14
  • msg #2

The Alchemist's Sanctum

Grethoril felt welcomed by the strange, exotic scents of the alchemist's shop. The many oddities a comforting source of familiarity.
"Good morning, Master Mirantilis. Our business today is a examination and experimentation of a strange new substance. I thought your expertise might be quite valuable. I would like to look at it together, but I can watch the storefront instead, if you need me to."
player, 219 posts
Dwarven Hermit "Badger"
AC 15 HP 20/20
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 21:34
  • msg #3

The Alchemist's Sanctum

Kreggs walked into the shop behind Grethoril.  He looked about the shop, trying to figure out what everything was, but he was a bit overwhelmed and stymied by the exotic elixirs and concoctions.
OOC: 16:31, Today: Kreggs rolled 6 using 1d20+4.  perception. – 6

He let the other do the talking, but nodded in agreement that he was ready to help as needed.
player, 177 posts
Wed 1 May 2024
at 00:32
  • msg #4

The Alchemist's Sanctum

The minute Nemeia entered the store, her eyes light up like a child seeing a puppy. "What a marvel" She walked around, looking at the setup. "The capture of the vapours - ingenious."

She then saw the grimoires and almost passed out, looking at the man she smiled. "Your a purveior of the magical arts? Would you happen to sell spells - for future reference of course."
GM, 334 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 18:30
  • msg #5

The Alchemist's Sanctum

Mirantilis smiled broadly at Nemeia's delight at his shop.
"I have been known to occasionally trade scrolls, but nothing too fancy, not in the budget. Spell components I do have".
he turned to Grethoril and wiggled his fingers:"Now then dear boy, let's see what you brought me and get to work on it together". He locked the store and put up the Closed sign.
player, 184 posts
Therian Rogue
Tue 7 May 2024
at 02:09
  • msg #6

The Alchemist's Sanctum

Tar nodded and waved the others over, nodding to let them know it was safe to pull out the piece that they'd taken from the shifters. "One of the local thieves' guilds has been taken over by a group of shape-shifters who murder people and then use their bodies to become them, taking their place. We've fought them and lived to tell the tale, but we need to find a way to identify real people compared to fake ones that isn't just chopping off a limb and seeing if it turns into this substance. What it is, how it can be identified, or neutralized. Is it a race, or something they do to themselves? There number of questions are endless, but we need to know whatever we can."

I don't recall who had the piece.
player, 180 posts
Half-elf warrior "Tavari"
Tue 7 May 2024
at 02:37
  • msg #7

The Alchemist's Sanctum

Nemeia's excitement brought a small smile to Avelyn's face, the noble-born also attracted by the books, but the subjects were not to her liking. She sighed and when Tar asked for the sample, she simply dug in her bag and presented it to the alchemist. "I hope you can find something to help us stop those creatures. They are quite horrible to behold and their stated purpose even more."

I don't remember either but I'll assume I have it, I'm the mule anyway lol
This message was last edited by the player at 02:39, Tue 07 May.
player, 178 posts
Tue 7 May 2024
at 09:50
  • msg #8

The Alchemist's Sanctum

Nemeia was oblivious to the group's task, so focused on the treasure that was the shop.
NPC, 1 post
Wed 15 May 2024
at 22:21
  • msg #9

The Alchemist's Sanctum

Mirantilis took over the container:"It appears to be a form of slime. You said this is the leftover remains of a shapeshifter? That most likely means the slime is biological. My boy, grab the microscope if you will .. let's take a closer look".

The alchemist took a small sample and placed it under the microscope once Tar handed it to him:"Hmm .. interesting .. yea .. yea, that makes sense .. take a look, Grethoril. See, it has a simple cell structure, no natural diversification, a plasmodium. Like a slime mold".

He let Grethoril take a look while he continued explaining:"I suspect there is a process that triggers its ability to transform. Quite unlike your own biology really. Yours has an innate ability to switch between your forms. This appears more .. parasitic, it requires an external source of biological matter to fulfil its transformation".

"What I really need to experiment on is living tissue. This is basically dead goop. What affects it after death is not necessarily what affects them alive, and what affects it in one form may or may not affect it in the other".

He pointed out a bottle of clear liquid on a cupboard:"Hand me that .. i want to try something".
He again took a small sample and splashed some of the clear liquid on it.
The slime dissolved into the clear liquid.
"Yea, I figured so .. still I would need to test it on a living subject in human form to see if it has the same effect".

"See if you can guess what this is", he handed the bottle to Grethoril and smiled.
(Make a Perception roll for smell, Dc 10)
This message was last edited by the player at 22:22, Wed 15 May.
player, 221 posts
Dwarven Hermit "Badger"
AC 15 HP 20/20
Wed 15 May 2024
at 22:35
  • msg #10

The Alchemist's Sanctum

The druid frowned as he tried to follow the explanation
"I'm not positive I understood all that, but are you saying that you think that the shifters need a sample of something sliver to shift into?"
player, 181 posts
Half-elf warrior "Tavari"
Thu 16 May 2024
at 00:53
  • msg #11

The Alchemist's Sanctum

"We did see that they seem to have to keep the same humanoid shape. Maybe they can't change that, once they have take someone else's place. They did destroy bodies by feeding them to hogs. It makes sense they don't want the original being seen anymore"
player, 180 posts
Thu 16 May 2024
at 12:06
  • msg #12

The Alchemist's Sanctum

Nemeia only half listening to the discussion as she looked at the books, looked at them. "So what your saying is that it depends on biological matter to change.....Like a blueprint of what they will be?"

She tapped her chin, thinking, then looked at the group. "Basicly whatever they are, they can only shange into something or someone once they 'absorb', for lack of a better word the intended victim. Then they become a copy of them."
NPC, 1 post
Fri 17 May 2024
at 16:20
  • msg #13

The Alchemist's Sanctum

"Exactly that, my lady", he nodded to Nemeia:"A biological blueprint is a nice way of putting it".
This message was last edited by the player at 16:20, Fri 17 May.
Jack Hammer
player, 44 posts
HP 20/22
Fri 17 May 2024
at 14:26
  • msg #14

The Alchemist's Sanctum

Jack had simply found himself a small spot, as far away from any of the odd items, flask and vial as possible, and simply watched and listened. Most of the discussion was beyond him, why couldn't things be simple for once.
player, 185 posts
Therian Rogue
Fri 17 May 2024
at 16:59
  • msg #15

The Alchemist's Sanctum

"I'm not sure that I've seen anything like it. It wasn't just simple water, was it?"

Missed it by one.

11:58, Today: Grethoril rolled 9 using 1d20+5.  Perception

player, 181 posts
Sun 19 May 2024
at 11:18
  • msg #16

The Alchemist's Sanctum

She frowned, now less focused on the spellbooks and more on the topic. "Thats amazing. Tell me, if this change is done, is it perminant, or can they change again with new samples?"
NPC, 2 posts
Wed 22 May 2024
at 23:36
  • msg #17

The Alchemist's Sanctum

"Vinegar, my boy. It dissolves slime molds, good for cleaning many things", Mirantilis smiled.
He then addressed Nemeia's question: "That's a question I can't answer without a living sample".
player, 186 posts
Therian Rogue
Thu 23 May 2024
at 00:56
  • msg #18

The Alchemist's Sanctum

"Well, that's something to go on, at least. We can get some vinegar now and start hunting these oozes. What was it you were calling them, Saira? It's too bad there's not an easy way to spray a crowd with it."
player, 222 posts
Dwarven Hermit "Badger"
AC 15 HP 20/20
Thu 23 May 2024
at 01:01
  • msg #19

The Alchemist's Sanctum

In reply to Grethoril (msg # 18):

"Would a Blacksmiths bellows work?"
player, 187 posts
Therian Rogue
Thu 23 May 2024
at 01:14
  • msg #20

The Alchemist's Sanctum

"That's not a bad idea. It would make a stream we could hit several people with. If we could get maybe a nut, or a gourd and poke some holes in it, we could split the stream to go multiple directions."
player, 182 posts
Half-elf warrior "Tavari"
Thu 23 May 2024
at 02:07
  • msg #21

The Alchemist's Sanctum

"Vinegar smells, how would we justify splashing people with it, if they are still real people? Anyway, the only living specimen we might have is at least a day away, in that crate we had to leave behind at the farm. We needed the speed to catch up with the 3 slimes that escaped our initial assault."
player, 223 posts
Dwarven Hermit "Badger"
AC 15 HP 20/20
Thu 23 May 2024
at 03:54
  • msg #22

The Alchemist's Sanctum

Kreggs smirked
"I could say it's a Druidic purifying ritual?"
NPC, 3 posts
Sat 25 May 2024
at 10:20
  • msg #23

The Alchemist's Sanctum

"Remember, I can't promise it works against its humanoid shapes the same way as it does to its slime form", Mirantilis warned: "But it would act as medium strength acid to the slime form, that I can promise".
NPC, 4 posts
Sun 2 Jun 2024
at 09:20
  • msg #24

The Alchemist's Sanctum

"So, how will you proceed further?", Mirantilis inquired:"You say 3 escaped to the city? And they are among us .. in your guild. It's a long shot but some creatures recoil from substances that can harm them. They might be averse to the smell of vinegar, like vampires avoid garlic. Long shot though as I said".
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