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23:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

City-State of Mutiny.

Posted by FroggychumFor group 0
GM, 311 posts
Sun 19 May 2024
at 20:44
  • msg #1

City-State of Mutiny

A city-state belonging to the Antiquity Empire of Atar Khos
Part of the Traditionalist Faction
Current Autarch: Baltar Terias


It's only taken a couple weeks for Leander to get his affairs in order. He has few belongings and no family.

After reporting to Vadrian Regence, the man is understandably disappointed, though he doesn't seem to blame Leander at all. In fact, he even apologized to him that Denaster hadn't been able to give him the recognition he deserved.

Needless to say, it's all Freck - rather Dormatteo Albas' - fault. Vadrian is just the unfortunate bastard who got stuck in his unit. He at least did his best to train the recruits, despite having little time due to constantly having to tend to the ratlike man.

Soon after, Leander was on the road towards Mutiny. It was all organized for him and paid for by the higher ups.

Upon arrival in Mutiny, he is greeted by a very young boy in dull gray clothes, "Greetings sir. If you are Mister Leander, then I shall be your guide to the Mutiny Barracks." the kid bows his head and rubs his hands together, showing overmuch respect.

The child offers to carry his luggage, which isn't so much that he will struggle. He probably would have had to offer anyway.

Leander remembers doing jobs like this to survive. He even remembers poaching the guide role from the actual guides... that caused some conflict.
player, 18 posts
Way too handsome
Aspiring soldier
Thu 23 May 2024
at 13:40
  • msg #2

City-State of Mutiny

One of the very few benefits to being a street rat was that one did not have anything to which a sentimental attachment might have formed, not possessions, not friends or allies, not a single place. Leander tended to look forwards, in many things, and the road to Mutiny was a path to opportunity. The only hint of regret was bidding farewell to Vadrian Regence, a good soldier and an even better man, but one placed in an awful predicament. It was a predicament that Leander was most unwilling to share any longer, and having had the good fortune to be invited to join a much better army - and by extension, a much better leader - he had not hesitated.

Passage was booked for Leander on a merchant caravan, and it seemed that in no time at all he was at his new home. A boy was there to greet him and show him around, doing all he could to be deferential and obsequious - which was not entirely necessary, as Leander had been there in his youth, and knew well how difficult and unforgiving a position it could be. He did however let the youngster take his luggage.

"I am indeed Leander. What is your name, boy? Barracks are pretty much all alike, 'tis just the location that changes. What I would know is, what should I watch out for, and - more importantly, who?"

Leander held up a coin for the lad, the better to loosen his tongue.
GM, 328 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 19:12
  • msg #3

City-State of Mutiny

OOC: Sorry for the hiatus! Hopefully I'll be able to get back to posting regularly or semi-regularly again. Anyway, here's my reply :D

The child took the luggage, and gulped visibly at the appearance of the coin.

The kid nodded and gestured for Leander to follow him.

As they moved to the barracks, he began to speak. At first, he seemed to just be describing the surroundings - as if he was just being a normal tour guide. But soon, Leander realized many of his words held double meaning. The kid was smart, he was making sure nothing he said couldn't be interpreted in another way if Leander turned out to be tricking him, or if they were perhaps being overheard from somewhere.

Though, he still gave some true information that Leander probably hadn't expected.

"Actually sir, the Mutiny army has multiple barracks buildings. Each of them is in use by different squadrons, and it's considered extremely rude for a soldier from another squadron to step into a barracks not used by his own group. Also, by the noble Autarch's command, new barracks are constructed as needed, and also sometimes squadrons are moved around in their assignments. To my understanding, this is done to reward or punish squadrons who perform excellently or disappointingly, by assigning them to superior or inferior lodgings, respectively"

The child was quite eloquent for a street rat. Perhaps he had a bit of a story.

Anyway, after this point, the coded speech began. Some snippets from that rather long monologue:
 - "Lord Astagorius Homark is the talk of the whole army at the moment. He belongs to the same barracks as you, Mister Leander. Mister Jasper Cerus spotted his talent at a young age, and he has been training him since as his protege. Many soldiers are already loyal to him, even though he just finally got out of training. Many seniors are closely watching him along his rise!" - this was already known to Leander but it was perhaps surprising that it was the first thing brought up. The warning seems to be about the fact that some veterans harbor feelings of jealousy or resentment towards Astagorius.
 - "In the 86th squadron, one Mister Hester Khorum is also known as "The Hungry Wolf" for his great ferocity! Many have compared him to a starving hound in battle!" the child's voice sounds like he's praising this Hester, but Leander clearly picks up that this man is not being called this name in good faith... he's like a 'glory hound' and that is the warning that is being imparted to Leander by this guide.
 - "In the 83rd squadron, one Mister Enkha Endagores is known for his vast intellect and leadership! It is said that people can't help but follow him, even if they dislike him at first! He's never failed to bring someone to his side! He especially loves to target those who show talent, for forming 'friendships' with, of course" clearly this man is dangerous in different ways from Khorum. While glory seekers can get you killed in battle, this Enkha seems to be playing a whole different game. Hopefully, Leander won't get involved in whatever schemes he is spinning.
 - "This last 'notable person'... well, it's a bit beyond your scope, but people speak of a member of the 72nd squadron, a well-aged man called Mister Batzori Narmag. He is said to be a proficient lover of ... youthful women, and he has been the main topic of discussion in many meetings amongst the Commanders, or so I've heard" clearly the implication here is that this individual has a highly unpleasant paraphilia and it has caused his superiors no shortage of headaches. The child looks particularly disgusted by this individual, but keeps his face schooled enough so that only the occasional glances he sends Leander reveal his true feelings. It's understandable why he'd not think well of this fellow, perhaps he has an older sister who has been the target of his fancy... Come to think of it, perhaps it could even be a younger sister....

Leander also had the time and ability to at any time ask additional questions. If he understood what the child was doing, it wouldn't be hard to play along and phrase his question in an appropriately ambiguous way.

He also learns that he will be joining either the 90th or 91st squadron. It turns out the recent battle was against the 90th and 91st squadrons, the two newest squadrons in Mutiny. Apparently, the barracks he's going to houses squadrons 80 through to 91. Rumors exist that a new barracks might be built soon, just for the 91st squadron, which is all but led by Astagorius.


If Leander has nothing further to say, they will eventually arrive at the barracks. The child will indicate their desire for the coin right before entering, if Leander decides to part with it in accordance with their agreement. If he doesn't, he will get an exceptionally dark look but that is all.

The building is in the longhouse-style. It is very large, and has an even larger training area in the back. Several adjacent buildings service this main hall, creating a broader campus area.

Aesthetically, it is significantly more pleasing than the Denaster barracks he had come from. It is better constructed, grander in scale, and kept much much cleaner (at least on the outside). Overall, it's still modest and not highly decorated, but it's clearly been built by professionals and not just thrown together.

In terms of services, the campus seems to have many just at a glance, but that will need to be explored later.

There, the guide does something a bit surprising, entering freely with Leander on his heels.

As they head through, they encounter a couple wandering soldiers. Some of them nod to Leander while others ignore him, but all but one of them give a smile or verbal greeting to the child. The one who doesn't gives the guide a disgusted look, before getting subtle side eye from his partner.

Quickly, they arrive at a special room at the end of the hall. If Leander is able to read, he would notice that the door has been intricately carved with the name of 'Commander Jasper Cerus'.

The child knocks and waits. Soon, a familiar man emerges.

Jasper Cerus is a fairly tall and somewhat slender man. He has a hawkish face and rich blue eyes. His hair is dark, though it's beginning to get a salt and pepper look to it with age. He has a clean-shaven face.

Jasper Cerus looks at the two and nods to them both.

"Thank you, Rez. That will be all." the child bows deeply, and Leander swears he catches the signs of a blush on this Rez's face before he runs off...

Jasper then looks to Leander and gestures for him to come inside. "Welcome to Mutiny, Leander. Come inside and sit, we have a few things to discuss."


OOC: Hopefully you enjoyed! From here, we can roleplay the convo with Jasper if you like, or I can just drop the info with a timeskip. I think it would be preferrable to do the former, but it's your choice.

I'll give you space to share Leander's thoughts on the fruits of his coin, as well as how he will greet Jasper, who will be his new commander

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