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22:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC # 39.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4771 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Wed 1 May 2024
at 19:43
  • msg #127

OOC # 39

MAY I say...about dang time!
Roy Spencer
player, 11376 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 2 May 2024
at 05:50
  • msg #128

OOC # 39

We use rollers for most of the stage.  There's too much potential for overspray making a mess of everything around it (plus, while it's covered, it's an outdoor stage...if the wind is blowing, the spray is going somewhere besides where you pointed the sprayer).

The neon install gets better...they were trying to get us to nail down specific numbers of what kinds of cables we needed to do the installation earlier today.  I started looking at what they were getting ready to order, and then looking at the controller unit they want to use for the stuff on the proscenium...and they don't match.  I was like, "Ummm...NONE of these will do us any good for the stage.  Their input doesn't match the output from the controller, so these are all useless for that particular project.  Now, maybe for the illusions..."

We did get the mounting track for the biggest section of the neon installed today.  The controller has two output channels, so we can hook up one other section.  I laughed a little when I looked at the diagram of where the director wants neon (under ideal conditions), because there's one piece that he says he wants that there's just no good way to get control to (he wants it all under DMX control...the section in question is at the base of one side, to get a matching signal to the base on the other side we need about 40' of cable and the longest cables the manufacturer makes are 10'...)  I was talking with the other guy and mentioned that I thought it was kinda ridiculous that they told us, back in January, that we would be doing this...but they didn't give us ANY kind of information about what we were working with or how it was supposed to be installed until just a couple of days ago.  I mean, yeah, I get not sending all of it out then, because it was freakin' cold and I would have been really eager to find just about anything else to work on instead, especially with a deadline at the start of May.  But my mind would have been mulling this over and figuring out the important questions to get answered BEFORE we even started, so we wouldn't be where we're at now, with a bunch of empty track, a bunch of LED neon, a DMX controller, and absolutely no way to get the controller hooked up to the neon.  I also have to figure out where to put the controller so that we can get power and DMX to it, preferably somewhere vaguely accessible so we can program it with the right settings...

We were already pretty much maxed out on available power circuits at that part of the stage (something I've told them for the past two years)...and now we need power for two subwoofers AND the controller, AND a bunch of additional outlets for at least one of the illusions (because it uses two hydraulic motors that are currently drawing more than enough power to trip the circuit breaker, although the electricians think there's something wrong with the motors because they shouldn't be drawing that much amperage but they don't do hydraulics work so they aren't sure what the problem is...AND THEN it also needs power for a fog machine and a bunch of lights.)  So I don't know how we're going to solve that...the outlets that are accessible for where they need to run power from will be running two TVs, plus the main hall lights backstage...there's only a handful of additional places we can pull power from at this point (we would have two more 20amp circuits, but when they installed the elevated stage floor about a decade ago, nobody paid any attention when I suggested that they do something to make the outlets in the old stage floor, against the upstage wall, accessible.  So, they're just sitting there...power's run to them, the outlets are live, and they're in a place where we could REALLY use more power because the director and the lighting designer keep stacking more shit upstage that needs constant power, without taking the time to ask, "Hey, do we have power available for this?"  And then we get the electricians annoyed with us because they get called in to slap together SOMETHING that will work for us, and then a couple of years later we're complaining about how their job looked even though they did three days' work in about six hours to get it done for us...  *sigh*)
Admiral Hack
GM, 12599 posts
Thu 2 May 2024
at 11:15
  • msg #129

OOC # 39

Man? all this stuff! When do you guys open?  around here   the parks will be open  either Memorial day weekend, or the  week before. I keep getting   text as and emails from Hersey to get a 'membership" ( that's  funny..i think we went there like 2 times in my life , Cross country goes   there  during the  States weekend they are out there. )

Kennywood and  Idlewild normal open  for  memorial  day  weekend..that's only a couple weeks?
Jason graves
player, 151 posts
Shy and awkward
Scar over right eye
Thu 2 May 2024
at 23:45
  • msg #130

OOC # 39

@justin I just realized that things moved forward quicker than I though after I posted lol

Yesterday was not even able to get on to check the rpol so sorry for the latest posts
Justin Kase
player, 4696 posts
Fri 3 May 2024
at 02:25
  • msg #131

OOC # 39

In reply to Jason graves (msg # 130):

No problems. Your chatting with Corporal Gools.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:32, Fri 03 May.
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4772 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Fri 3 May 2024
at 05:56
  • msg #132

OOC # 39

had a very good day today.. tired as hell, but it was a very good therapy today.
well sister dumped me off for my therapy (PT and OT). I started at this place almost a year ago and go 1-2 times a week. when I started I could barely do 100 ft in 6 minutes with my cane and nearly nothing without it.  It was not a progress test day or anything, just a regular sessions. well we did a 3 minute walk without my cane and did 257 feet. no falling, or stumbling, though did some weaving which is normal. also had to practice 'climbing'. go from standing next to an elevated mat and get up on it with my knees (using a pillow because I have crappy knees - no cartiledge), I did it but was rather slowly to stay comfortable. I told my PT therapist 'I am 'Slothwoman' to which got us laughing. made it fun. then had to sling these 5lb. yellow beanbags into a basket with my bad arm. well there went my 'bananas'.  lol. In OT I got to play plumber. plus we checked my hand grip again. On my good off hand I have a grip at about 40 ppsi, pretty normal. Back when I started my stroke side dominant hand was barely 10-12 ppsi, very weak. well 2 weeks ago the strongest it was was just over 14, still week and had not shown a lot of improvement since December. today out of no where I hit 17, 17.2, and then 19.4 ppsi.  I was amazed considering it was diagnosed with arthritis as well. it may not be big in the long run, but for me it was as amazing as when my hand started opening and closing over night last year.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12600 posts
Fri 3 May 2024
at 05:59
  • msg #133

OOC # 39

Great!...any  forward movement is  good  Movement!
Roy Spencer
player, 11377 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 3 May 2024
at 07:03
  • msg #134

OOC # 39

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 129):

Well, the park is open on weekends, right now.  We open one show Memorial Day weekend, and another show the weekend after that.  Right now is the annual insane push to get all the massive projects done before rehearsals start (we never get them ALL done...)

I pulled the rip cord this morning.  Got there and Macyn (the other tech guy I'm working with...I should start calling him my partner in crime or something) told me that after yesterday's phone calls where he talked with the director about needing different jumpers for the LED neon, to hook it up to the controller they had, the director suggested just cutting the default controller box off the set we had and wiring it directly to the DMX controller.  And at that point, I was like, "Ummmm...we were already in the deep end of the pool, and you just tossed me into the ocean on this one.  There are four wires...which may or may not match colors.  If they do, it's simple...if they don't, I'm going by dead-reckoning as to which colors should be spliced together, and I am NOT comfortable with that.  I don't know if hooking the wires up wrong is going to fry the whole thing, or screw up one color so we only get 66% usefulness out of it..."  So they called the park electricians to come look at what needed to be done, and since Macyn's been in communication with the director for a few weeks about it now, they had him take over as point man for the neon, which freed me up to paint the off-stage walls that have also been on the overdue list for a month, now.

In the same phone call where the director offered to have Macyn head up the neon, he asked if there was anything he could do better to help facilitate things, and I mentioned that it would have been nice to have had ANY sort of information about the neon (beyond the fact that we were installing something he was calling 'neon' but wasn't really) back in January or February, because I could have studied up on it a little bit and gotten myself mentally prepared for everything we had to do, instead of getting one day's notice and a couple of PDFs (they call them 'tear sheets'...basically, the kind of information pamphlet you'd hand out at a lighting designers' convention, with practically no useful information with regards to how to install it, what kind of power allocations have to be made for it,, a couple of short steps above completely useless for what I need to do...although I didn't go into all that detail about it).  He was still in the "we'll do this if the park says yes to it" phase, but he agreed that he could have sent information about "this is something we're looking at using" instead of just leaving it hanging in Limbo.  So, we'll see.

But, hey, the offstage walls are painted (except for around one doorway...I was using a paint sprayer, the doors to the backstage area are being replaced, so those doorways were wide open.  I stapled plastic up around one, but I couldn't do the other without basically sealing off backstage and I'm not sadistic enough to do that).  Ten minutes with a paint roller tomorrow, and it's done.  We're theoretically painting the stage floor tomorrow, as well, because this weekend is the last time that there will be nobody on the stage for a couple of days until November.  If it doesn't happen now, it's not happening this year... (the floors offstage need to be painted, regardless...we had some renovations done and there are sections of the floor that are just bare plywood, at the moment, so SOME painting is gonna have to happen.)

Also found out that one of the illusions that they're planning to use this year might need a major uses hydraulics to elevate part of the illusion, and the hydraulic motors are running really erratically (until they blow their fuses, that is...usually when the part of the illusion is going up and about a foot to 18 inches higher than its default setting...and then it's stuck there until we replace the fuses...)  The electricians came and checked out the controller box for it and couldn't find anything, but they found out that the motors are drawing WAY more power than they should be.  Had some of the maintenance guys who work on hydraulics come down...and they're not positive just yet, but they think there's a very good chance that the motors are failing and that's what's causing the overloads and the erratic operation.  The director just bought this illusion a few months ago (the magician who owned it before passed away), so he doesn't really know the service history of it, how well it was maintained, how well it was stored, etc (considering Macyn spent a couple of days scrubbing crystallized cat pee out of the inside of another illusion from the same magician, storage and maintenance were not high priorities...)

So,'s gonna be an interesting spring...
Admiral Hack
GM, 12601 posts
Fri 3 May 2024
at 11:26
  • msg #135

OOC # 39

reminds me of an old  WWII  movie   with an old, beat up warship going into battle. Most of the crew  are new.

 The captain calls  down for the  engine room to go ahead 1/3, and  the  offciers   don't  quite understand  the limits of the vessel and Crew. But  below dec the   Grizzled  Master chief  is  shouting orders  and  Jury  ringing Pipes  and sealing off  leaks , to make  everything  sail smoothly!

 Roy Just  got the call..." Flank  Please, Mr  Curtis, if you wiil"
Tarja Vanska
player, 824 posts
Armoured Infantry
Fri 3 May 2024
at 11:44
  • msg #136

OOC # 39

Jason graves:
@justin I just realized that things moved forward quicker than I though after I posted lol

Yesterday was not even able to get on to check the rpol so sorry for the latest posts

Tarja has also come over to say hi
player, 1268 posts
intelligent, loyal
likes to snoop around.
Fri 3 May 2024
at 17:32
  • msg #137

OOC # 39

Maybe not quite as mad here, but it feels that way...

Finally got the selection process for next year's Final Year Projects started, only a couple of months after I wanted to. In January, Digital Services - who put security far before usability - moved the server the selection system lives on out of a publically-accessable part of the network, so it can only be accessed if you are on campus or using a VPN. As I have students doing their placement year as far away as Australia and Korea that's not real useful! When we asked why they said, "Security Issues" without bothering to define what those were and have been very unhelpful about sorting them out. Still haven't, so I've launched the process where it is and sent instructions on how to access it along with the regular instructions on how the system works.

All over the VPN of course, as I work from home on a permanent basis for disability reasons.

And it's peak grading season, with students rocking up to do their project presentations then expecting their reports to be marked.

Anyway, I sit at the beginning of a long weekend. I need it!
Admiral Hack
GM, 12602 posts
Fri 3 May 2024
at 18:13
  • msg #138

OOC # 39

 enjoy it Mila!
Roy Spencer
player, 11379 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 4 May 2024
at 05:19
  • msg #139

OOC # 39

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 135):

Oh, we're not calling for Flank Speed yet.  That happens about the middle of next week, when lighting focus is done, the stage is painted (started on that, at least, and what I've done so far DOES look good), they no longer have to keep illusions out in the middle of the stage so the maintenance guys can access them, and we've started rehearsals.  That's when the crunch REALLY hits.

But, yeah...the scenario you described does have a very familiar feel...

On the good news front--the park electricians are genuises (well, a couple of them are, at least!)  They came and took a look at what we had for the LED neon and DMX controller, we talked with them about what we needed, they took a few things back out to the shop (working kind of under the table, because their manager had them assigned to another project but they know we're under the gun...)  Rather than rigging some kind of adapter from the output from the DMX controller to the neon, they took some leftover cables (the park was going to do something similar with our wooden roller coaster, several years ago...and then, after they bought all the materials for it, realized their plan wasn't going to work and couldn't get their money back, so this stuff has been sitting in storage for most of a decade, now) and wired THOSE to the controller, so now the controller's output has cable ends on it that we can actually do something with, wired up the other end to the connector on the LED neon, and brought it all back to the stage.  Now, instead of having to mount the controller somewhere within a few feet of where the neon run starts (at the top of the proscenium!), we can mount it basically anywhere that's convenient, and there are enough cables to get us anywhere we need to be from there (they brought, like, seven of those cables, which are 2m each, so three cables would reach from the floor to the very top of the proscenium...and then they said, "If you need more, just let us know, we've got a ton of 'em that we can use for anything else...")

THAT project just became so much less of a headache!
Admiral Hack
GM, 12603 posts
Sat 4 May 2024
at 13:43
  • msg #140

OOC # 39

 very neat..Nice to have a 'damage control' team  come to the rescue!
Admiral Hack
GM, 12604 posts
Sun 5 May 2024
at 01:22
  • msg #141

OOC # 39

 so.. was talking about  a friend of my who just shut down her D&D game for , like..the  5th time..she deleted another game a few months  ago..however she  is  thriving on the other sight, where i only pay  the one game i have been in for years, and it got stuck on that site.

   My  DM over there asks  about my games here  and just  for the heck of it.. i 'browsed  games by Posts'

  My Space game is  #2  over  all

  football game  is  # 9 over all

  and  my fantasy game, the slowest moving of my games, is  16th

not  bad, i should think!
This message was last edited by the player at 01:22, Sun 05 May.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12605 posts
Sun 5 May 2024
at 17:08
  • msg #142

OOC # 39

I made a big  update post..  for some i didn't add in, was because i was wait8ing for posts from PCs.
Roy Spencer
player, 11380 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 5 May 2024
at 22:48
  • msg #143

OOC # 39

Closed the show last night...I've mentioned it before, but post-show letdown is serious.  Zombie Prom is a short show...we started just after 7, finished the show just before 9.  They decided they weren't going to strike the set or anything that night...they still have three weeks of classes, so they've got plenty of time to do it in class, so show strike was really simple...for me, it was just emptying the siphon bottles for my airbrushes, cleaning (kind of) the brushes, and packing everything up.  I was loaded up and we were leaving by 9:30 or so.  I had my car unloaded by 10...

Keep in mind, I don't normally get to sleep before 1 or even 2am, so when I say I went straight to bed after unloading my car...that's WAY out of character for me.  Started a YouTube video playing, fell asleep almost immediately (wasn't intending to...I had pillows propped up behind me so I was sitting up...), woke up almost two hours later, took care of the night-time necessaries and repositioned the pillows and went back to sleep.

Woke up today just before noon.

I did get almost all of the stage painted yesterday before I had to go to the show...the backstage area on the Stage Right side still needs the floor painted, but we had two illusions in that space, so it wasn't happening yesterday.  But it was also a little over 70deg yesterday, and most the stage floor was visibly dry by the time I finished off the sections I COULD paint, so we should be able to hit that on the next warm day and be good to go.

The other fun thing ('fun' being used in an ironic sense, here...)?  After it being 70+deg yesterday, it's SNOWING today.  Not thrilled with that, hope it warms back up a bit, because we're doing lighting focus tomorrow night and it sucks being up in the basket lift when it's cold out (it sucks more being stuck down on the stage, because at least when I'm in the lift, I'm up against the ceiling where it's relatively warm.)
Admiral Hack
GM, 12606 posts
Sun 5 May 2024
at 22:55
  • msg #144

OOC # 39

snow..that sounds about  right. we had  track meets where  My kids  ran through a  sudden blizzard, that last  15 minus and the sun came back out. A few years  ago, my fr4iends' brother  died of Covid and some  other things...he  stayed over my houe and we threw i football't in as good  as shape as me, as far as being able to run, , I tossed hi a  hard liner upp the road, where there was snowand it  lifted him off the ground   enough for him to crasdh and burn... all i said was " See?  should have done this in the yard!"

but that was  like  Mat 11?.. it has  snowed on my B-day many times  in my life..track meets..and  the first Preom i took my wife yeah..Snow in may sounds about  right.
Roy Spencer
player, 11381 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 5 May 2024
at 23:10
  • msg #145

OOC # 39

One of my neighbors posted something on FB about it snowing, and someone else commented, "Winter isn't REALLY over in northern Utah until it's snowed at least once during the first week of May..."

It's a little bit of an overstatement, but not by much.

I was talking on the phone with the assistant lighting designer, about prepping stuff for tomorrow night, and he kind of laughed and said, "Glad I looked at the FULL weather forecast before I packed to come out here..."  If he'd dressed for yesterday's weather, he'd be absolutely miserable tomorrow night.  Tomorrow's supposed to top out in the low 50s, Tuesday is supposed to be in the Saturday, we're supposed to be pushing 70 again.  Spring in northern Utah...
Roy Spencer
player, 11383 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Mon 6 May 2024
at 03:46
  • msg #146

OOC # 39

And sometime in the last four hours, it stopped snowing and has warmed up to almost 40deg...
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4775 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Mon 6 May 2024
at 06:21
  • msg #147

OOC # 39

been wavering from the mid 40's to 60's here today.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12607 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 10:58
  • msg #148

OOC # 39

Oldest Grand daughter has   Confrance  championships  to day...right now there is thick  fog and  supposed to rain today..they have to go over the  mountian, it  like a differant world there.. so maybe  they'll be dry..or? it5 could be worse!

 high 50's  right now. It was in High  50's when we played football yesterday and rain on us.... the two younger girls ran in the rain for their Little  kids  Running
player, 1269 posts
intelligent, loyal
likes to snoop around.
Mon 6 May 2024
at 13:26
  • msg #149

OOC # 39

63 degrees here (she says, counting on her paws - don't think in Farenheit) and set to get warmer over the week.

Time to consider shedding my winter coat. White fur everywhere!!!
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4777 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Mon 6 May 2024
at 19:42
  • msg #150

OOC # 39

Haley runs about: "Snowing!!  It's Snowi.. ack ack <spits a bit> dog hair?"
Roy Spencer
player, 11384 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 7 May 2024
at 05:32
  • msg #151

OOC # 39

And then it turned around and snowed another inch after I left last night...

I think (I hope!) we're done with it.  Spent seven hours focusing lights and rewiring speakers at the stage, in not-quite-freezing temperatures...

Had the boom-lift get stuck on me in the fully-extended position, inside the theater (outdoor theater with a roof over it...) and it took us ten minutes of fiddling with it and trying this and that before we finally got it to start retracting the boom again.  Asked my boss to have the park mechanics come take a look at it tomorrow because I REALLY don't want to have that happen again.

But, hey...we've got almost all of the lighting focused...there are, like, four things that need to be checked and/or fixed, overhead, and all the lights that we disconnected on the deck so we could paint need to be moved back into place (now that the carpenters are done spraying sawdust all over everything!)  Need to get a curtain hung, rig a pipe for a kabuki drop, and hopefully I get a chance to paint the last section of floor backstage before the end of the week (we start rehearsals on Friday!)  We made good headway!
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