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17:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
GM Heath
GM, 1702 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2012
at 19:29
  • msg #1

Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)


After the interview, your pistols, defenses, melee weapons and papers are returned to you. You are told that, once released, it is up to you what to do and how to investigate. You decide to find some accommodations as you begin your investigations.

You are told that accommodations can be found in Fioust or Jedsis and you are given a token to take the monorail into the city.

To inquire about the Clik'Aqat executives who were gunned down, you are told that the trade houses, including the Clik'Aqat trade house, is located in the business district.

As you leave the starport, sounds of angry voices drift from the surrounding streets. After a short time a large group of milling Humans can be seen moving towards the starport perimeter fence. Shouts of, "This murder will not go unavenged!", "Vist'Lat murderers will all die!", and "The KLC cannot be crushed!", are now clearly audible.

Two ground transports, and a group of Vrusk equipped with riot gear can be seen at the back of the crowd.  Suddenly, a rocket shoots out from the crowd and hits one of the transports, engulfing it in flames. The sound of automatic weapons breaks out, and a few Vrusk fall, clutching at their bodies. At that moment the crowd surges forwards, engulfing the Vrusk.

Unfortunately--or fortunately--you are already on the monorail when this riot erupts, and the monorail leaves the station and this devastating scene behind.

You can choose to stop at Jedsis or Fioust to secure accommodations, or the business district to begin your investigation right away.
player, 335 posts
Tue 19 Jun 2012
at 02:24
  • msg #2

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"After that... demonstration, it would be best to wait a bit before talking to any of the trade houses. Humans are not the only species that tend to spread their anger at an individual through the entire species the individual belongs to."
Player, 96 posts
Pause. Computing.
Tue 19 Jun 2012
at 16:44
  • msg #3

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer says, "Let us go to Jedsis and find accommodations for the night and then begin our investigation tomorrow.  Perhaps then things will have settled down."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1288 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Tue 19 Jun 2012
at 19:17
  • msg #4

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"We can get some lodging and formulate some kind of plan on how to investigate this matter.  As we just saw, we're going to be challenged by both the Humans and the Vrusk travelling together."
player, 541 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Wed 20 Jun 2012
at 01:41
  • msg #5

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik's insectoid body shudders visibly as he observes the riot.

"Yes accommodations. Some rest would do nicely." He says as he rubs the area where the beam weaponry had nearly taken his life. Now that he had acquired a new albedo screen from the RIK Trade House he was feeling a bit safer.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1289 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Wed 20 Jun 2012
at 23:51
  • msg #6

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"I don't think that's completely out of the question.  It has been a long day already!"
GM Heath
GM, 1703 posts
Wed 20 Jun 2012
at 23:59
  • msg #7

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

You make it to Jedsis and see a nearby hotel accommodation; it is now darkening toward evening.  As you gather your gear and make your way to the hotel, a scene in the back alley catches your attention.

A group of five Humans and three Yazirians can be seen standing over two Vrusk. Cries of, "Get up bug, we ain't finished yet!" and "Smash its skull !", are clearly audible above the sickening sound of blows to the Vrusks' carapaces. One of the victims calls to you for help, and the thugs turn round.

The thugs' Human leader wears an eye patch and wields a sonic sword. He grins at you, revealing his broken teeth and says, "That's the second lot tonight. At this rate there won't be many left." The leader notices there are Vrusk with you and seems to grow tense.

So there are 7 thugs total plus the leader.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:59, Wed 20 June 2012.
Player, 97 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 22 Jun 2012
at 19:19
  • msg #8

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer, raises his pistol and says, "Step away from the Vrusk."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1290 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 23 Jun 2012
at 16:20
  • msg #9

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to Hammer (msg # 8):

Following Hammer's lead, Desiraye draws out her laser pistol as she appraoched closer to the mob and takes aim at the leader with the sword.  "You've had your fun here for the night!  Take you and your friends somewhere else.  There's already been enough people hurt here this evening!"

STR/STA: 65/62
DEX/RS: 60/60

IM: 6


Beam Weapons: 6 [DEX:30 + 60 = 90%]

Firing 2 shots at [4] SEU (DAM: 4d10+8) leader with the sword & eye patch if him or his men make any threatening moves towards us or the downed Vrusk.
player, 542 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 23 Jun 2012
at 18:12
  • msg #10

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Following the cue of his companions Professor Kri'lik does the same and draws his heavy beam pistol. It to is pointed at the leader.

"We are not the common sort you are used to preying upon. Take one more step towards us and you die!"

Persuasion - 30% + empathy implant.

If Desi fires I will as well, two shots 5d10 dmg, 45% at the leader.

player, 336 posts
Sat 23 Jun 2012
at 21:12
  • msg #11

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Without a word, S'Krllk draws his needler. Expressionless, he draws a bead on one of the seven thugs.
GM Heath
GM, 1704 posts
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 18:54
  • msg #12

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Your boldness has taken them by surprise.  Just as the leader points and says, "Get the Vrusk!" your shots fire out, taking the leader down.

The other seven thugs turn and charge, aiming primarily for the Vrusk in the group -- S'Krllk and Kri'lik.

One of the thugs (thug 1) drops his club and grabs the leader's sonic sword as he rushes at you.  Another (thug 2) reaches down and grabs an automatic pistol from the leader's holster, where he stands back to fire.

The other five thugs are armed as follows:

Thug 3: Vibroknife
Thug 4: Knife
Thug 5: Knife
Thug 6: Club
Thug 7: Club

All the thugs have military skeinsuits.


Thug 1 is charging at S'Krllk
Thug 2 is aiming at Desiraye.
Thug 3 is charging at Kri'lik
Thug 4 is chargin at S'Krllk
Thug 5 is charging at Kri'lik
Thug 6 is charging at S'Krllk
Thug 7 is charging at Hammer
Player, 98 posts
Pause. Computing.
Tue 26 Jun 2012
at 00:08
  • msg #13

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer fires at Thug 7.
player, 543 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tue 26 Jun 2012
at 01:59
  • msg #14

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"So that's it. You all are ready to die! So be it!" The professor yells. My goodness what am I becoming. I am supposed to preserve life not take it. But if I do nothing I will surely perish. Acting quickly Kri'lik draws his laser pistol into his left hand and brings both weapons to bear upon the advancing foe.

Persuasion - 30% + empathy implant.

Firing 2 shots from each pistol at thug number 3. Rules say -10% per shot, but do not say cumulative. Laser pistol set to 5 SEU (5d10), Frontier heavy blaster (5d10).
45% base -10= 35% each.

GM Heath
GM, 1705 posts
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 00:15
  • msg #15

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Waiting on S'krllk and Desiraye's actions.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1291 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 00:52
  • msg #16

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Already having her weapon pointed in the direction of the 'leader', Desiraye brings the sights of her laser pistol on the thug who picked up the auto-pistol and fires at him twice.

STR/STA: 65/62
 DEX/RS: 60/60

IM: 6


Beam Weapons: 6 [DEX:30 + 60 = 90%]

Firing 2 shots at [4] SEU (DAM: 4d10+8) at the thug picking up the autopistol

player, 337 posts
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 01:32
  • msg #17

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk fires his needler, aiming first at the thugs charging him directly. Being S'Krllk, what he hits is determined by factors other than what he aims at.
GM Heath
GM, 1706 posts
Mon 2 Jul 2012
at 20:21
  • msg #18

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)


The 7 remaining thugs advance.

Hammer fires at and hits Thug 7 with two of three shots.  (32 STA damage.)

Kri'lik pulls out an extra laser pistol and fires 2 shots from each, with marginal success at hitting Thug 3.  (25 STA damage)

Desiraye fires two well aimed shots at the thug picking up the weapon from the leader, taking him down.  (55 STA damage; thug unconscious)

S'krllk fires his needler but misses the thug.

The remaining 6 thugs reach you and attack...

S'krllk is hit with a knife and a club.  (16 STA damage.)

Kri'lik is hit with a vibroknife.  (16 STA damage.)

The remaining thugs miss.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1292 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 02:40
  • msg #19

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 18):

Not changing her setting instead changing her focus on attacking two [2] seperate thugs wih he laser pistol.  Desiraye yells to her companions trying to inspire them, "C'mon now!  Fight like your life depends on it!"

 STR/STA: 65/62
  DEX/RS: 60/60

IM: 6


Beam Weapons: 6 [DEX:30 + 60 = 90%]
20 SEU Clip: 12/20 SEU

Firing 2 shots at [4] SEU (DAM: 4d10+8) at two of the closest and threatening thugs
player, 338 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 05:13
  • msg #20

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk murmurs something about knowing who to shoot, and fires at the thug attacking him with a club. "I will not be cracked by the likes of you!"
Player, 99 posts
Pause. Computing.
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 19:53
  • msg #21

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer fires 3 more shots at thug 7.
player, 544 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 23:10
  • msg #22

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik fires four more shots into the closest thug, hoping to disable him quickly.

35% hit. Last two shots from the heavy blaster (5d10 each)
GM Heath
GM, 1707 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 23:20
  • msg #23

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)


Thug 7 goes down with Hammer's shot. (6 remaining.)

Kri'lik takes down thug 4.  (5 remaining.)

S'krllk hits thug 6 and hurts him.

Desi fires a round of shots.  She hits with one shot and takes out thug 5 as she gets him in the side of the head.  (4 remaining.)

The 4 thugs attack...

This time, Kri'lik his hit with a club, but only takes 4 damage.  The other thugs miss.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1293 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 00:11
  • msg #24

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 23):

Desiraye knows she only has enough energy for one good shot left.  She turns her laser pistols sights on one of the remaining thugs and fires her last round.

STR/STA: 65/62
DEX/RS: 60/60

IM: 6


Beam Weapons: 6 [DEX:30 + 60 = 90%]
20 SEU Clip: 16/20 SEU

Firing 1 shots at [4] SEU (DAM: 4d10+8) at [1] of the closest and threatening thugs
Player, 100 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 17:07
  • msg #25

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer punches the thug that S'krllk is attacking with the club.
player, 339 posts
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 19:08
  • msg #26

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Having fired at the thug with the club, S'Krllk switches targets and fires at the one with the knife.

14:07, Today: S'Krllk rolled 11 using 1d100+10. shoot the knifing thug.

player, 545 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 20:09
  • msg #27

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Trying something different, Kri'lik strikes out with the depleted blaster at the nearest foe then fires two more shots from his laser pistol at the same target.
GM Heath
GM, 1708 posts
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 20:15
  • msg #28

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

One more thug is taken down, and the remainder scatter into the night.

The two Vrusk the thugs were attacking are in bad shape and need immediate medical attention.  (-28 STA and 2 STA.)

"Help us," pleads the one who is still conscious.  You will need to help yourselves because there is no help or aid anywhere around.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1294 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 02:43
  • msg #29

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye quickly reloads her laser pistol with a fresh powerclip and then returns it to her spring holster.  She turns to the others, "Kri'lik, S'Krllk, tend to the wounded!  Hammer, secure the one's that are down and their weapons in case they get any funny ideas if they wake up."  Desiraye walks over to the Vrsuk that is still conscious and asks, "You're safe now.  We're here to help you!"
player, 340 posts
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 05:48
  • msg #30

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk moves to the fallen Vrusk, but waits for Kri'lik to take the lead. "I'll help as best I can, but I'm really only good with machines."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1295 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 14:35
  • msg #31

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk moves to the fallen Vrusk, but waits for Kri'lik to take the lead. "I'll help as best I can, but I'm really only good with machines."

"That's fine.  Just give the Doc a hand where he needs it."
player, 546 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 14:20
  • msg #32

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik removes his medical kit and begins the diagnostic process to assess the injured Vrusk. Using a biocort he stabilizes the nearly dead Vrusk and then says, "This one is very bad. He needs to get to a hospital." Tapping on his chronocomm, Kri'lik calls the local emergency services, then continues to do what he can to make both Vrusk comfortable.
GM Heath
GM, 1709 posts
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 16:51
  • msg #33

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Seeing Kri'lik call in for medical attention, the female (the one with 2 STA), says, "My name is Sik'Triksta Sa'Shr'It'Rezz.  You can call me Rezz.  I prefer not to be in any entanglement with authorities.  Can you please just accompany me to my residence in Fioust?  I fear I am too weak to make it there myself."

You see that fights seem to be breaking out around the streets.  RIK personnel are being mobilized to quell the oncoming riot, and you figure it may be a good idea to leave the area quickly.

Equipment salvaged (besides knives and clubs):

You are now in possession of

vibroknife (11 SEU)
3 damaged military skeinsuits (30 points left each)
1 sonic sword
1 automatic pistol (2 full bulletclips)
Gauss screen (full charge)
Power beltpack (28 SEU)
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:02, Mon 09 July 2012.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1296 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 22:24
  • msg #34

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 33):

Desiraye puts out her hand to the Vrusk to help her off of the ground and also to show her that with her being Human, she's not out to hurt her any further.  "OK Rezz, you got a deal.  As long as you don't mind us shacking up with you and I don't think either of us want any kind of involvement with the authorities after what just happened.

Our medic has contact EMS services for help and they should be on the way.  When we get to your residence, he can work on you there to try and get you bandaged up."
  She turns to the rest of the team and tells them, "Take everything we can with us."
player, 548 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tue 10 Jul 2012
at 22:26
  • msg #35

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik nodded in agreement as Desi spoke to the Vrusk. Though he was middle aged the female was attractive to him and inwardly he thought he might enjoy her company as he treated her. "Yes let us see you safely home. Once there I can take a better look at your..injuries."
player, 341 posts
Wed 11 Jul 2012
at 05:35
  • msg #36

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk assists in the collection of materials they gathered from the 'impromptu mob', although he has a puzzled look on his face as he does so. As he does so, he looks for anything identifying the victims, both ambulatory and otherwise, as belonging to a specific house.
GM Heath
GM, 1711 posts
Thu 12 Jul 2012
at 17:32
  • msg #37

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

A medical team arrives to take care of the severely wounded Vrusk.  They ask for all your names, take them down with a brief statement of what happened, but don't say anything further, seeming to be in a hurry to get out of here since riots seem to be breaking out all over the city since LeGrange's assassination.

The thugs were not Vrusk, so their origin is unknown.  It is doubtful they worked out of any of the houses, being non-Vrusk.  You collect their weapons, and the RIK riot squads seem to be too preoccupied with stopping riots to worry about you since you seem to be on good terms with the Vrusk.

Rezz takes you back to her place in Fioust.  As you walk, she says Tyzzik (the one taken away in the ambulance) were visiting a friend when the riot broke out.  Fleeing from the riot, they were waylaid by the thugs and beaten up.  Rezz lost consciousness and came round to find you standing over her.

Rezz tells you she was a shuttle pilot working for Sik'Triksta.  As a pilot, she would take the shuttle to the mining colony on Tivalla, the closer of Kraatar's two moons.  Following the destruction of the colony in an unexplained explosion, Rezz has been grounded, working odd jobs as a technician and hoping to be a pilot again. At some point in the future she is expecting to be given a job on the monorail.

Even if the mine were re-established, she says, the job of shuttle pilot is likely to be given to a Vist'Lat employee, since, following the takeover of the starport by Vist'Lat, her shuttle now belongs to them.

Rezz lives in a flat in Fioust.  She provides you further information about the moonbase:

The colony was run by 12 Vrusk and six Humans, assisted by 20 mining and maintenance robots. She delivered a load of supplies to the base the same day that it was destroyed, and was surprised to discover that all the Vrusk staff had been struck down by a mysterious virus. Moreover, as she was leaving the base, she saw a small vessel approach from the dark side of the moon. Only an hour later the base exploded. She made a report of this to both Sik'Triksta and Vist'Lat.

After you get to her place, Rezz says she would gladly provide you with accommodation but her place is just too small.  However, she is friends with a Vrusk named Ymen who runs a lodge nearby.  In Fioust, all accommodation is run by Yrrti'K (a minor trade house specialising in accommodation and entertainments). She tells you that accommodation in Jedsis is run by either Yrrti'K or an independent entities.  If you speak to her friend Ymen and mention she recommended you, then you should be able to get rooms and board for 10 Cr per night each.  She will draw you a map on how to get there.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1299 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 15:54
  • msg #38

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 37):

Desiraye makes sure that she can do whatever she can to make sure that Rezz is comfortable in her home and she takes down some notes from the information she had just given them.

She has grown to trust the abilities of her companions and knows that they will act accordingly and gather information in their own ways.  Each has a specialty and are very good at it.  Cross-Training is still a major obstacle they have to achieve to make them at the top of their game.  Good teams strive to keep getting training and wanting to learn more from wherever they can get it, that's what makes small teams good and making money doing it a part of the game.

"We completely understand that you cannot let us stay here in your place Rezz.  We wouldn't want to impose and are thankful that you would give us a place in Ymen to look into staying.  Makes our stay a lot easier.

Say, you wouldn't happen to have a copy of that report you submitted would you?  Could be nothing but, the way things are getting around here, maybe it is something."

player, 550 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 20:12
  • msg #39

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Indeed any further information no matter how small the detail may be would be helpful. What did the small vessel look like that went to the mine? any further news releases on the explosion or the virus?" Kri'lik offered the various questions hoping to gain some more insight that Rezz's report might have missed.

"What do you think happened?"
player, 342 posts
Sun 15 Jul 2012
at 06:45
  • msg #40

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk quietly listens, but as the discussion moves on he asks, "Does anyone go to Tivalla, now?"
GM Heath
GM, 1712 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 00:29
  • msg #41

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

OOC: Sorry for the delay.  I had to go back through the adventure to find some of the answers for you.

Rezz pauses, sitting down on a couch as she recovers from her wounds.  "The colony at Tivalla was destroyed.  Tivalla is one of Kraatar's two moons.  The Shomtz Mining Colony is based at Kraatar.  It holds mining and mineral rights on Tivalla, the closest of the two moons. Major shareholders include Shomtz Exploration (30%); Artemis Research (12%); and Estronsa Finance (15%).  I don't know if anyone goes there since the colony was destroyed.  Who knows what they do in secret, but the explosion is so recent that they could be sending recovery crews.  I was left out of the loop once they fired me."

OOC: You will recall that you watched the explosion earlier.  This is what she is referring to.

Turning to Desi, she said, "I was in shock.  I didn't keep a copy of the report anywhere.  I suppose it's on their official system.  It basically said the same things I already told you.  I can't be of much help there."

To Kri'lik, she says, "I don't know what happened.  But it certainly seems suspicious, given the timing.  The last I heard, it was still 'unexplained.'  That's the official report, anyway."

Rezz is happy to help further if you need it.  She is very grateful for your help, but admits she doesn't know much because she's "just a pilot."  She knows some scientists and thought maybe she'd see if they need someone to transport toxic materials or anything, as a job to get her by until the monorail job comes through.
player, 343 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 01:57
  • msg #42

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk waves his secondary appendages in a Vruskian nod to indicate his understanding. Then sits quietly tinkering with his body comp. It appears he's running through the attached sensors to make sure they are working. Of course, in the process he'll be building a structural map of the surrounding area, just as an exercise.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1301 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 23 Jul 2012
at 19:38
  • msg #43

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Well, we know if we need a pilot, we know were to come to!  Thank you again for your hospitality and help," Desiraye tells the injured Vrusk.
GM Heath
GM, 1713 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2012
at 19:44
  • msg #44

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

OOC: You may recall she offered to give you the name of a friend who runs an inn, unless you want to go somewhere else.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1302 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 23 Jul 2012
at 20:37
  • msg #45

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

GM Heath:
OOC: You may recall she offered to give you the name of a friend who runs an inn, unless you want to go somewhere else.

OOC: Didn't forget, just didn't know if there was anything else she could tell us.  We will take the name and check ot the place to stay if we're done here.
player, 552 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tue 24 Jul 2012
at 05:01
  • msg #46

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik kindly asks her for the friends name and contact info but says they are not sure where they will stay just yet. He wishes her well, standing before her like a youngling not sure what to do next. Then making sure he has her contact info he says "we will surely call upon you if we have need of a skilled pilot."

Once they have left her apartment he says, "This friends inn could be as good as any place. Some rest before we start would be appreciated."
GM Heath
GM, 1714 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2012
at 16:50
  • msg #47

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Rezz thanks you again and sees you off.

You go to the lodge run by her Vrusk friend Ymen.  You find Ymen behind the counter and mention Rezz and her situation.  He thanks you and says he will go visit her.  Then he offers you the special price of 10 Credits per night each to stay at the lodge.

You each get 3 XP to add to your characters.
GM Heath
GM, 1718 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 17:45
  • msg #48

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

OOC: You can talk to him or just bypass the interaction by accepting the deal and resting or by doing something else.  It is mid-afternoon.  (I will make another information post at the end of your day related to what you see on the media about the assassination and riots.)
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1304 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 28 Jul 2012
at 23:25
  • msg #49

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye smiles as she walks up to address the Vrusk.  "Thank you very much for your hospitality!  How has it been around here lately?  Any violence?" she asks as she pulls out 40 credits and puts them on the counter for all of them for the first night.
GM Heath
GM, 1719 posts
Mon 30 Jul 2012
at 19:59
  • msg #50

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Riots all day since the LeGrange assassination," he responds.  "But as long as it stays outside, I'll let the RIK officials take care of it.  Better keep your eyes glued to the vids.  Maybe they'll give us the juicy details.  We got a restaurant and bar down here, and rooms are up the elevator.  Probably best to wait out these riots inside instead of braving the streets, especially with a mixed racial group like yourself."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1306 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Tue 31 Jul 2012
at 23:22
  • msg #51

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 50):

"We'll try to do our best.  I think we're going to have to venture out but, we've got a lot to do in a short amount of time.  We will gladly patronize your bar and eatery for some dinner and drinks to take the edge of the day off of our back.

Say, you don't happen to have a safe here would you?"

GM Heath
GM, 1720 posts
Tue 31 Jul 2012
at 23:41
  • msg #52

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"There are lockboxes in your room," he says.  "For an extra 10 credits per day each, I'll put you on the meal plan.  All you can eat and drink.  What do you say?  That's half price."

OOC: I'm going to take extended silence here as everyone wanting to move on.  I will advance to the next day on Thursday unless someone wants to do something.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:42, Tue 31 July 2012.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1307 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Tue 31 Jul 2012
at 23:52
  • msg #53

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

OOC: My schedule was crazy these past few days and I was just trying to catch up.  I don't have a problem moving on if the others wish.

BIC:  "Meal plan sounds good to me.  For all of us then," Desiraye says as she pulls out another 60 credits from her pocket and hands it to the Vrusk.  "There's an extra 20 credits in there for you and your hospitality!

Say, is there a place around here a person can buy supplies or guns and ammo?"

This message was last edited by the player at 23:49, Thu 02 Aug 2012.
player, 555 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 3 Aug 2012
at 05:24
  • msg #54

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik spends the night resting as his body still hurts from the wounds that nearly killed him earlier today. Modern medical technology was a wondrous thing.

After eating a full meal he comments on today’s events with the rest of the group and wonders what tomorrow will bring. Hopefully less threats to his life. But that was doubtful. Ever since he had been saved by Desiraye back on Volturnus his life as a simple doctor had changed. He was still trying to decide if that was a good thing...
GM Heath
GM, 1721 posts
Fri 3 Aug 2012
at 17:00
  • msg #55

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

OOC: Please deduct 20 credits for your night's stay and victuals.

As you talk over the day and rest that night away from the chaos in the streets, you fall into a deep sleep.

DAY 2 (post-assassination)

You wake up the next day anxious to see what you can find out.  As you begin preparations for the day, your eyes turn to the vid broadcasts and the news.

The news reports that there were a number of riots throughout Kraatar following the assassination of LeGrange, but that RIK personnel were quickly mobilised to quell the riots, sometimes needing to fire doze grenades into the crowd in an attempt to contain it. You see vids of non-Vrusk being bombarded by doze grenades -- humans, Yazirian, and Dralasite -- and being hauled off in handcuffs for questioning by the RIK authorities.  Vrusk are also hauled away, though the vids don't focus so much on them.

But news reports do comment on the large number of Vrusk involved in the riot. The reports state that these Vrusk hold Vist'Lat responsible for Legrange's death and wished to protest peacefully against it until violence erupted from the other races.

The news reports that sporadic street-fighting continued for about a total of 18 hours throughout the night, but finally the riot has been quelled by the brave RIK authorities, who have restored peace.

A public announcement interrupts all current transmissions, apparently sent by KLC agents.  It is apparently being broadcast across all Kraatar, interrupting all programming by the vid stations:

"Yesterday, brave soldiers of the Vrusk Protection Force struck a glorious blow for the freedom of all Vrusk on Kraatar. The vile soft-skin Jack Legrange, was eradicated as he stepped onto our planet. Others of his kind, unfortunately, survived the attack. In the future all soft-skins will be driven from Kraatar. This planet is ours and all lesser life forms will be destroyed."

This unauthorized transmission must have a source.  Ssi'Aq'Krr (SAK) news service is the only news trade house on Kraatar, and the SAK offices are located in the Business District.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 18:29, Mon 06 Aug 2012.
GM Heath
GM, 1724 posts
Fri 3 Aug 2012
at 18:01
  • msg #56

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

OOC: Because this is more of an "open world" adventure combining this adventure along with my homebrew continuation of The Darkness adventure, I have updated the quest thread to give you ideas of where you might want to go.  There is no right or wrong answer, and you have a number of days to accomplish your searching.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1309 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 4 Aug 2012
at 16:32
  • msg #57

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye begins the day when she gets up by making a pot of coffee and getting some of her gear out of the room and makes herself comfortable.  She sends a message to her fellow companions to contact her when they're up so they can get together and figure out their next step.
player, 345 posts
Sat 4 Aug 2012
at 17:07
  • msg #58

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk rises, notes the message from Desiraye, and watches the vid.
After he eats, takes a sonic shower, and reformats his left eye (one of the facets had a scratch), he sends a message to Desiraye asking where they were to get together. While he waits, he accesses the vid and takes notes from the news feeds.
player, 557 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 4 Aug 2012
at 17:56
  • msg #59

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Once everyone has gathered together Professor Kri'lik offers a suggestion. "I believe we need to focus on finding this Tariel Nuna. The policital situation here is unfortunate but the prospect of invasion is greater."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1310 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 4 Aug 2012
at 17:59
  • msg #60

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Once everyone has gathered together Professor Kri'lik offers a suggestion. "I believe we need to focus on finding this Tariel Nuna. The policital situation here is unfortunate but the prospect of invasion is greater."

"Valid point Doc.  I thought that RIK Zzik'Ti said she was out on the planet somewhere and was going to try and locate her.  We need to confirm that and if that's the case, he might be best getting to her than us.  Also, maybe we can do a little good here and make some creds helping Zzik'Ti out here if everyone is up to it?"
This message was last edited by the player at 18:01, Sat 04 Aug 2012.
player, 558 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Mon 6 Aug 2012
at 14:32
  • msg #61

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Well we should be able to look up Tariel's comm code in the global directory. From there it shouldn't be to difficult to locate her position. Perhaps one of our more technical computer specialists could do that?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1311 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 6 Aug 2012
at 15:17
  • msg #62

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Well we should be able to look up Tariel's comm code in the global directory. From there it shouldn't be to difficult to locate her position. Perhaps one of our more technical computer specialists could do that?"

"Not much on computers but, I'm sure one of us can try and look it up.  Let's make that our first priority today."
Player, 101 posts
Pause. Computing.
Mon 6 Aug 2012
at 17:39
  • msg #63

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer says, "Being a mechanical being, I have some crafty expertise with computers.  Let me give it a shot."  He will try to see if he can locate Turiel through the computers.
GM Heath
GM, 1726 posts
Mon 6 Aug 2012
at 18:31
  • msg #64

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer gets on the computers to find Turiel Nuna.  [Success.]  He finds that she lives and works in the Pstriztz'kipure ("Kipur") side of Gozzorf.

OOC: See the quest updates regarding this area.

Also, technically Hammer's specialty is Environmentalist (Xenobiologist), but he also has some computer skills.

S'Krllk also has a level 2 computers skill.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:34, Mon 06 Aug 2012.
GM Heath
GM, 1728 posts
Mon 6 Aug 2012
at 19:12
  • msg #65

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)


You can save or spend the points now.
GM Heath
GM, 1730 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2012
at 17:14
  • msg #66

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Not sure what your next move is.
player, 559 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 9 Aug 2012
at 20:02
  • msg #67

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"I think we should go find Turiel in Kipur."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1315 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 10 Aug 2012
at 00:08
  • msg #68

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"I think we should go find Turiel in Kipur."

Are we sure she's there?  I thought she was out doing some research somewhere on the planet?  Correct me if I'm wrong...
GM Heath
GM, 1731 posts
Fri 10 Aug 2012
at 00:53
  • msg #69

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

OOC: She's a researcher, but her home "base" is where Hammer discovered it.  To find out where her physical body is (which may be in Kipur or elsewhere) may take a little detective work on the ground.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1317 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 10 Aug 2012
at 01:15
  • msg #70

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

GM Heath:
OOC: She's a researcher, but her home "base" is where Hammer discovered it.  To find out where her physical body is (which may be in Kipur or elsewhere) may take a little detective work on the ground.

MY apologies.  I forgot that Hammer found that out...
GM Heath
GM, 1732 posts
Fri 10 Aug 2012
at 17:34
  • msg #71

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

You all gather your things, get on the monorail, and head to Kipur to track down Turiel Nuna about the strange spherical datapad.

(Subtract 1 credit for the monorail ride.)

The monorail drops you off nearby, and an exquisite elevator takes you to the ground floor from the underground.  You exit onto a beautifully ornamented area with open park lands and gardents.  The wide boulevards are linked with statues and sculptures aesthetically pleasing -- at least, to the Vrusk.

However, trying to leave the subway station isn't so easy.  You can peer out at the beautiful area of Kipur, with its spectacular buildings and gardens, but guards are at the turnstiles.

When you approach the guards, one says, looking suspiciously at the non-Vrusk among you, "Do you have entry permits?"  When you admit you do not, he explains, "Since the assassination and the riots started, Kipur is off limits to anyone not having an entry permit.  Come back if you get one."

You notice that there are guards stationed at all the checkpoints you can see around this side of the city.

OOC: You can talk to the guards, get back on the monorail and go somewhere else, or find something else to do or say.
player, 560 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 10 Aug 2012
at 23:40
  • msg #72

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Disappointed at not knowing a permit would be required Kri'lik turns to the group when they are out of ear shot of the guards and says, "I wonder what a shuttle would cost to rent for the day? Our new friend could possible fly us in...?Or we try and find out the process for a permit."
Player, 102 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 10 Aug 2012
at 23:55
  • msg #73

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer says, "Maybe Zzik'ti can get us a permit.  WE just have to make up some excuse about how it will help find LeGrange's killer.  OR maybe there is a connection there."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1318 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sun 12 Aug 2012
at 02:43
  • msg #74

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye stands back and lets S'Krllk and Kri'lik handle the conversation with the guards since the look thaqt Desi got from the guards wasn't a nice one.

"Not sure if that will get us off of the shuttle if we can get in Doc.  We may still need permits to get off and it don't look like they were felling having me around too much.  I can stand back and you and S'Krllk see what you can find out?"

Desi then turns to Hammer, "It may take too long for him to get but if he can, we need to have a decent story on how to connect the two.  He already knows we here to see her."
player, 346 posts
Sun 12 Aug 2012
at 03:11
  • msg #75

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk approaches a guard, and asks where he could begin the process to get a permit.
GM Heath
GM, 1733 posts
Mon 13 Aug 2012
at 16:35
  • msg #76

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

The Vrusk guard raises its proboscis and says, "City Hall for Kraatar Vrusk, the Starport for non-Vrusk and off worlders.  It likely will take you a day to process."
player, 561 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 16 Aug 2012
at 14:11
  • msg #77

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"I'll see if I can get a permit." Kri'lik then calls Kraatar City Hall. <Greetings Kraatar Administration, I am Professor Kri'lik, recently arrived on world and have come to visit a dear friend of mine. Unfortunately I was unaware of the current permiting required to enter... Kri'lik then goes into a length conversation of his trip to this world and how he so missed Tariel Nuna and wanted to surprise her with his visit. Hes looking for passes for everyone but will settle for only the Vrusk in the group if needed.

Persuasion 30% + Empath implant if possible
GM Heath
GM, 1734 posts
Fri 17 Aug 2012
at 16:24
  • msg #78

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik is told that offworlders must secure such a permit through military clearance channels or the RIK directly.  Otherwise, they will have to wait at least until the current crisis is determined to be over.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1319 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 18 Aug 2012
at 17:06
  • msg #79

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 78):

"This crisis isn't going to be over any time soon!  We could be wasting time getting permits and she's not even there.  We've got other things we can handle and or get permits and make other inquiries until they're done.  Majority rules.  I think we keep going with our investigation."
GM Heath
GM, 1736 posts
Tue 21 Aug 2012
at 17:44
  • msg #80

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

OOC: Just to let you know "results," Kri'lik's persuasion is what got you the information about how to get a permit if you want.

Let me know what you want to do next.  The potential goals and things to do are listed in the Quest Updates thread.
Player, 103 posts
Pause. Computing.
Wed 22 Aug 2012
at 16:42
  • msg #81

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer suggests, "Why don't we just go talk to RIK Zzik'Ti and see about the permit?  It may take us a few hours, but if he can get us one, our problem is solved.  If not, we've wasted a few hours.  My joints won't rust in that time."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1321 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Wed 22 Aug 2012
at 19:31
  • msg #82

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer suggests, "Why don't we just go talk to RIK Zzik'Ti and see about the permit?  It may take us a few hours, but if he can get us one, our problem is solved.  If not, we've wasted a few hours.  My joints won't rust in that time."

"Can't hurt I guess?  Let's head out then!"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1322 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 23 Aug 2012
at 23:18
  • msg #83

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to Desiraye Lipost (msg # 82):

"I think the Doc or S'Krllk make contact so we don't draw too much attention?"
GM Heath
GM, 1738 posts
Thu 23 Aug 2012
at 23:36
  • msg #84

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

It is lunchtime before you get back to the starport, and you each spend another credit for travel.

Zzik'ti takes you to a secluded restaurant for lunch to discuss your progress.  When you ask him about getting a permit, he asks you why.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1323 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 24 Aug 2012
at 01:41
  • msg #85

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 84):

Desiraye orders a reasonable lunch and a decent whiskey to sip on during their meeting with Zzik'Ti.  "We already got ourselves a body count.  We got caught up in a small riot where there was a group of anti-Vrusk delivering an ass-whooping to two Vrusk.  Lucky for them we stopped them when we did.  The one got medevac'd to a trauma center, the other one was well enough to go back to her house and gave us a good place to stay, reasonably cheap.  She was a shuttle pilot who thought there was some kind of foul play during that big explosion recently."
GM Heath
GM, 1739 posts
Fri 24 Aug 2012
at 16:08
  • msg #86

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"I see," Zzik'Ti responds.  "But what does that have to do with Kipur?  Or finding out who LeGrange's killer is, for that matter?"  His mandibles move in an unreadable way. 

Finally, he says, "I can get you the permit, but it will take a day.  Come back tomorrow.  In the meantime, you probably saw the news broadcasts.  Ssi'Aq'Krr (SAK) news service is the only news trade house on Kraatar. So this unauthorized transmission--this threat--" and his mandibles flay out in anger "--may be identifiable if you go to the SAK offices.  They're in the Business District.  This may get you closer to finding LeGrange's killer.  Report back to me what you find."
player, 347 posts
Fri 24 Aug 2012
at 16:26
  • msg #87

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk has been busily taking notes on his bodycomp with one hand, and placing food in his upper mandibles with the other, occasionally switching hands. Finally, he says, "I'm not sure that SAK wouldn't have hired technicians from another house to run their transmissions. If there's no commisseration agreement in affect between the houses, they might be doing so independently, but I think the last revision committee passed a waiver for houses in designated frontier areas from the bailiwick rules. Of course, that would depend on the definition of frontier area and whether we were considered in one. I'm not well-versed on current inter-house commercial law, so I can't really be sure."
"But, until we know one way or the other the most likely place to find the person that made the broadcast would be in SAK. An unauthorized broadcast is still a broadcast, and would require some expertise to perform."

GM Heath
GM, 1741 posts
Fri 24 Aug 2012
at 16:50
  • msg #88

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Zzik'Ti nods.  "Expertise, yes.  This is one thing you may want to hurry on.  The SAK House itself is most definitely investigating this.  They may have found something already, or you may beat them to it.  In any case, if you get the information quickly, perhaps you can beat them to it before there is a cover up.  The political ramifications of this will embarrass SAK if they are responsible -- in other words, if it was an inside job or their security was lax."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1324 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 24 Aug 2012
at 20:21
  • msg #89

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"It's a start.  We can look there and maybe get something," Desiraye says as they finish up their lunches.  She looks around and then reaches into her pack for something and then pulls out the tape she had gotten of the interview with LeGrange and the reporter who had hired them to tape it.  "Would you mind doing us a favor and holding on to this tape for us?"
GM Heath
GM, 1744 posts
Fri 24 Aug 2012
at 21:37
  • msg #90

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Zzik'Ti nods and takes the thumbnail-sized disk from Desi, putting it in a pouch hanging at his side.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1325 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 24 Aug 2012
at 21:54
  • msg #91

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

GM Heath:
Zzik'Ti nods and takes the thumbnail-sized disk from Desi, putting it in a pouch hanging at his side.

"It's probably nothing but, it's the last interview of LeGrange.

Let's head over to the SAK house to see if we can get any leads to help out here.  If this doesn't stop soon, this planet is going to be in a civil war!""

This message was last edited by the player at 21:55, Fri 24 Aug 2012.
player, 562 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Mon 27 Aug 2012
at 14:28
  • msg #92

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Civil war...why is it never easy with you all. I used to be a simple doctor but now I find myself always in the center of the surrounding conflicts. Civil war indeed. There is an approaching invasion!" Kri'lik grumbled as he followed the group to their next destination.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1326 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 27 Aug 2012
at 14:58
  • msg #93

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Civil war...why is it never easy with you all. I used to be a simple doctor but now I find myself always in the center of the surrounding conflicts. Civil war indeed. There is an approaching invasion!" Kri'lik grumbled as he followed the group to their next destination.

"Looking at the bigger picture, you're right.  The only easy day was yesterday Doc," Desiraye tell the professor of medicine as they head to their next destination.
player, 348 posts
Mon 27 Aug 2012
at 15:35
  • msg #94

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk remarks, dryly, "It's like the great K'Rpltnk said in his speech at Gttssgrrg during the Egg Wars, 'the universe trying to kill you is just its way of showing you it cares'."
GM Heath
GM, 1746 posts
Mon 27 Aug 2012
at 16:09
  • msg #95

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

An hour later, you arrive at the SAK offices.  The hustle and bustle, and increased security, is obvious there.  Ever since the unauthorized transmission, they seem to be thwarting claims of their lack of security.

At the main building, security guards block your way.  "Do you have press passes or security clearance?" one of them asks.
player, 349 posts
Tue 11 Sep 2012
at 03:24
  • msg #96

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk turns to Kri'lik and attempts to dissemble, "I did say they would ask, but it doesn't matter, now. We need to know if they were asking at least two revolutions ago."
GM Heath
GM, 1749 posts
Tue 11 Sep 2012
at 15:45
  • msg #97

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

The guards seem to find your story plausible that you are there to investigate the issue and that your non-Vrusk companions are there to assist.  (Successful persuasion roll.)

You move into the building and find that people are scurrying around.  There are two potentially interesting paths to take.  You could follow some officials who are heading quickly to the left down the hall or go to the control room to investigate.  (Or something else.)
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1331 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Tue 11 Sep 2012
at 23:52
  • msg #98

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye turns to S'Krllk and Kri'lik, "Where are we off to sirs?"
player, 351 posts
Wed 12 Sep 2012
at 02:59
  • msg #99

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk looks around, taking notice of the technicians actually running the place, then defers to Kri'lik, "We could begin by checking the calibration of the instruments, but I believe it should be your call."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1332 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Wed 12 Sep 2012
at 10:40
  • msg #100

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk looks around, taking notice of the technicians actually running the place, then defers to Kri'lik, "We could begin by checking the calibration of the instruments, but I believe it should be your call."

"You should be giving the orders while we're here if I'm supposed to be one of your workers S'Krllk," Desiraye leans over to whisper to S'Krllk.
player, 566 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Wed 12 Sep 2012
at 14:23
  • msg #101

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Technician Desiraye, I beleive he was talking to me." Says Kri'lik in rather unusual commanding voice. "Lets check the instruments first and get the technical work out of the way."
GM Heath
GM, 1750 posts
Wed 12 Sep 2012
at 16:10
  • msg #102

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

You go to the control room of the Ssi'Aq'Krr (SAK) news service, which you know is the only news trade house on Kraatar.

You find three officials in the room, all Vrusk.  The control center systems have been shut down and the three are talking in an animated fashion, but they stop when you enter.

One of them, the oldest of the group and apparently some official in the government, turns and says, "May I help you?"
Player, 104 posts
Pause. Computing.
Wed 12 Sep 2012
at 20:11
  • msg #103

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer stands behind the others, silently watching and trying to look more like a robot than he ever has before.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1333 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Wed 12 Sep 2012
at 23:23
  • msg #104

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Technician Desiraye, I beleive he was talking to me." Says Kri'lik in rather unusual commanding voice. "Lets check the instruments first and get the technical work out of the way."

Desiraye gives a slight bow of her head to S'Krllk, "Apologies sir."
player, 352 posts
Thu 13 Sep 2012
at 00:35
  • msg #105

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk fiddles with his body comp and states the obvious, "These systems are all shut down, we won't be getting any readings here."
GM Heath
GM, 1751 posts
Thu 13 Sep 2012
at 00:37
  • msg #106

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Readings for what?" the older Vrusk asks.  "Are you part of the investigation team?"
player, 567 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 13 Sep 2012
at 01:35
  • msg #107

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"indeed we are. I hope you have not overly tampered with the scene." kri'lik hoped he could keep the officials talking and not thinking to much. "tell us what you know."
GM Heath
GM, 1752 posts
Thu 13 Sep 2012
at 16:15
  • msg #108

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

The Vrusk pauses as if contemplating.  "You are too late," he says.  "A relay device was already discovered in this room.  But it could have been left by anyone.  Vrusk technicians pass through here all the time."  Then he looks at your non-Vrusk companions and corrects himself.  "Well, almost anyone," he says in a tone of disapproval.

The other Vrusk says, "We need this equipment up and running again in one hour so we can broadcast the news and situational comedies."

"For them to get their aggressions out because of, well, the riots," the third Vrusk says apologetically.

The older, more prejudiced Vrusk says, "If you can find the person who sent it or give us some assurance in the next hour that our broadcasts will be safe, we can reward you.  10,000 credits can be arranged."
Player, 105 posts
Pause. Computing.
Thu 13 Sep 2012
at 21:10
  • msg #109

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer steps up and says, in a monotone, robotic voice, "10,000 credits to do our job is very generous.  Where do we begin?"
GM Heath
GM, 1753 posts
Fri 14 Sep 2012
at 18:55
  • msg #110

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

The Vrusk looks with unabashed prejudism at Hammer and then answers, though he speaks to Kri'lik and S'Krllk.  "The relay device has been taken by police, but it had to relay to somewhere?  Where?  And who?  You can review security cameras over the last 24 hours if you want, but that won't really get you far in an hour.  S'Limmk has been reviewing the tapes in Room 240, and security is checking everyone leaving the building.  The police took the relay device to Room 165, our security room, and are examining it there.  Meanwhile, all non-Vrusk are being rounded up and interrogated in Room 175 if they were in the building at all in the time prior to the broadcast."

That last comment probably explains the security figures you noticed rounding the corner a few minutes ago.

"Like we said," says the second Vrusk to everyone, "We only have one hour."

The third Vrusk looks at his watch.  "Well, technically, we have 68 minutes."

OOC: So potential options are go to room 240, room 165, or 175.  An approximate timer will begin below.

68 Minutes

Desiraye Lipost
player, 1334 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 17 Sep 2012
at 02:19
  • msg #111

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 110):

"Perhaps the tapes would be a good place to start sir?" Desiraye says to S'Krllk & Kri'Lik.
player, 568 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Mon 17 Sep 2012
at 16:31
  • msg #112

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Excellent choice technician. For a human you occasionally show a but of intelligence."
GM Heath
GM, 1754 posts
Mon 17 Sep 2012
at 16:54
  • msg #113

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

You go to room 240, which is a small, dark office.  When you knock on the door, a female Vrusk opens it.  She introduces herself as S'Limmk and asks how she can help you.  The video equipment in her office and the four monitors show you that she has, indeed, been reviewing a lot of video and taking notes.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1335 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 17 Sep 2012
at 21:13
  • msg #114

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Excellent choice technician. For a human you occasionally show a but of intelligence."

Desiraye bows her head to Kri'Lik, "Thank you sir, I do try to please."  Desiraye then steps to the side of the door when it is opened to let her two Vrusk 'bosses' enter before she does.  Desiraye will stand to the side until addressed with her hands behind her back.
player, 353 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 00:42
  • msg #115

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk works his bodycomp, scanning everything he can through the CAS interface. Otherwise he follows Kri'lik wordlessly.
player, 569 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 04:22
  • msg #116

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Greetings S'Limmk, we are here as part of the official investigation. Tell us what you know so far. My team and I expect your full cooperation." Not waiting for a reply the professor motions the rest of his team into the room and to begin working at whatever they can.
GM Heath
GM, 1755 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 16:10
  • msg #117

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Limmk says, "But...I...they said..."  She sees the non-Vrusk in your party and ignores Kri'lik.  "They sent me here because I know the most about the non-Vrusk cultures and peoples and thought I could help the most in identifying the culprit."

She talks directly to Desiraye in Pan-Galactic, "Female woman human, I greet you, that's not it ... satisfaction ... no ... uh ... alacrity?  Is that the word?"  She makes an awkward bow and holds out an insectoid Vrusk hand as if to shake hands.

She also notices Hammer and says, "I do not know your species.  Are you machine or self-aware?"

She looks at Kri'lik as if bored with the typical Vrusk attitudes.  "I found nothing so far.  But I've only had a couple hours.  There are about 16 hours left of video to scour, and I'm just one person.  I don't know why they didn't send more."
player, 570 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Wed 19 Sep 2012
at 20:46
  • msg #118

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik frowns as the Vrusk ignores him. "I see that you are a bit more open minded about other races then others are. This its good, as our team its very different then you are used to."
GM Heath
GM, 1756 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2012
at 21:11
  • msg #119

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

She says to Kri'lik, "So what do you need?  I've looked at 2 out of 18 hours, but it's kind of hard to go through it all as just one person, even though I've got four screens here."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1336 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Wed 19 Sep 2012
at 21:42
  • msg #120

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

GM Heath:
S'Limmk says, "But...I...they said..."  She sees the non-Vrusk in your party and ignores Kri'lik.  "They sent me here because I know the most about the non-Vrusk cultures and peoples and thought I could help the most in identifying the culprit."

She talks directly to Desiraye in Pan-Galactic, "Female woman human, I greet you, that's not it ... satisfaction ... no ... uh ... alacrity?  Is that the word?"  She makes an awkward bow and holds out an insectoid Vrusk hand as if to shake hands.

Desiraye smiles and nods her head to S'Limmk and extends her hand so she return the shake, "Salutations would be adequate ma'am.  A simple 'greetings' would also be acceptable as well if you find yourself looking for a word.  I hope I am not overstepping myself here sir but, perhaps we could assist S'Limmk with her job if you haven't already thought of that sir?"  Desiraye is of course talking to S'Krllk and awaiting her bosses instruction.
player, 354 posts
Thu 20 Sep 2012
at 02:49
  • msg #121

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk bows mid-torso, and attempts further scanning with his bodycomp. He is trying to figure out why the broadcast equipment is non-functional, so that it can be repaired.
GM Heath
GM, 1757 posts
Thu 20 Sep 2012
at 16:04
  • msg #122

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

The equipment is all functional. It is just undermanned.

She says, "Look, if you are here to help me, we can do this quickly if four of you watch the monitors.  Touch the screen when anyone enters the room, and a readout will appear on the person.  I can then check the person's background and potential to be a suspect while you continue searching.  If we do that, I think we can get through all the tapes in about a half hour, if we play them through at a high speed."

She looks to you for confirmation.
player, 571 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 20 Sep 2012
at 22:21
  • msg #123

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"lets do it." Says kri 'lik as he pulls up a chair and motions for the rest to do likewise.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1337 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 21 Sep 2012
at 00:40
  • msg #124

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye will step up to the monitors and wait further direction from her two Vrusk companions.
player, 355 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2012
at 05:50
  • msg #125

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk steps up to a monitor and begins his search.
GM Heath
GM, 1758 posts
Fri 28 Sep 2012
at 18:58
  • msg #126

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

OOC: Sorry for the delays.  Had to go on an impromptu business trip.

You sit down and help with the search on the monitors, breaking down what would otherwise be a long search into about 30 minutes.  The Vrusk employee wonders aloud during the process why she wasn't sent more people to help.  "Do they really want me to find the answer?" she wonders.

You catalogue all that pass by the control station, touching each as they enter the room.  The screen then pops up their name and personal details, and S'Limmk cross checks them in her database to see who could potentially be suspicious.

You notice that she does not give you the names of any Vrusk, but instead the following potential suspects:

Kirscht:  This is a human female who has a criminal record for theft.  She normally lives in Jedsis, but visits Quazzt occasionally to visit her ailing grandmother.  You get details of her domicile.

Blirdor:  This is a dralasite, known to be a prolific gambler and one who is unusually successful.

She does also tell you something about a Vrusk executive, Semoins, who showed up as one of those in the control room.  Semoins, she says, was also among those quarantined with you.  He is part of the Clik A'qat trade house, which manufactures glass.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1338 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sun 30 Sep 2012
at 22:05
  • msg #127

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye watches S'Limmk catalog all of the people in and out of the area and tries to ask her very humbly about not adding Vrusks to the list.  "With all due respect S'Limmk but, shouldn't all of the names be included?  Forgive me if I'm speaking out of line."
GM Heath
GM, 1759 posts
Mon 1 Oct 2012
at 21:32
  • msg #128

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Limmk says, "Yes, but I'll get in trouble if I do that.  But that's why I gave you Semoins.  We should use discretion in implicating a Vrusk, so I gave you the only one I think could be a suspect."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1339 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 1 Oct 2012
at 22:51
  • msg #129

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye tries to remain humble to the female Vrusk as she replies.  "You said it yourself ma'am, 'Do they really want me to find the answer?'.  This is a volatile situation here and people need the true answers no matter how hard that may be."

She turns to S'Krllk & Kri'lik, "Forgive me if I've spoken out of place sirs.  Just trying to help."
GM Heath
GM, 1760 posts
Mon 1 Oct 2012
at 23:34
  • msg #130

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

She shrugs in an oddly Vrusk way.  "It is not my place to question authority.  I've given you the best leads, Vrusk or otherwise.  I am not the one to create a stir."

She seems resigned to the situation.  You are unlikely to get more names out of her and she does not seem to be holding back any names.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1340 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 00:26
  • msg #131

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye sinks her head down more to the Vrusk, "Of course S'Limmk.  I meant no offense to you and would certainly not attack your integrity.  I was just trying to express my human thought out there because you said you were curious of our culture and habits.  Apologies."
GM Heath
GM, 1761 posts
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 15:45
  • msg #132

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

You have 30 minutes remaining if you are to collect the reward.
Player, 106 posts
Pause. Computing.
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 20:08
  • msg #133

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer asks, "Are any of these people still here at the station?  Right now?"
GM Heath
GM, 1762 posts
Wed 3 Oct 2012
at 00:07
  • msg #134

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

She says, "Only Semoins, the Vrusk.  He is currently..." she taps some buttons, "...on level 3 in the break room."  She tosses you some visitor passes.  "You should take these with you, at least to get past security in the building for the common areas."
player, 572 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Wed 3 Oct 2012
at 14:18
  • msg #135

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Thank you S'Limmk, I'm not sure why these badges were not assigned to us earlier." Turning to the group, "Well done everyone, now lets go talk with this Semoins."
GM Heath
GM, 1763 posts
Wed 3 Oct 2012
at 17:05
  • msg #136

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

You are not used to the building, so it takes you a few minutes, but you find Semoins as he is leaving the break room.  (You may confront or follow him.)

25 minutes left to earn bonus.
Player, 107 posts
Pause. Computing.
Sat 6 Oct 2012
at 00:16
  • msg #137

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer whispers to the others, <purple>"Why don't we follow him and see where he goes?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1341 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 00:18
  • msg #138

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer whispers to the others, "Why don't we follow him and see where he goes?"

<Purple>"I agree with Hammer.  We need to make a call and the two of you need to do that in here," Desiraye whispers back to the rest of the team.
player, 356 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 02:01
  • msg #139

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk indicates the break room and softly tells Kri'lik, "You follow him, I'll see what he was up to in that room."
Then he starts to walk to the break room, attempting to appear as if he's familiar with doing so.
player, 574 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 02:56
  • msg #140

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Nodding in agreement, Kri'lik follows their mark, trying to identify where he is going.
GM Heath
GM, 1764 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 15:56
  • msg #141

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

He appears to go back to his office, which he does not share with anyone.  He had been in the break room, which is bustling with activity and a number of Vrusk eating and talking.
Player, 108 posts
Pause. Computing.
Thu 11 Oct 2012
at 16:02
  • msg #142

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer goes into the office and introduces himself, saying, "I was sent here as part of the security enhancement since the incident earlier."  Hammer will try to act like a robot instead of a Mechanon so the Vrusk will not think him an AI.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1342 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 11 Oct 2012
at 21:08
  • msg #143

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye decides that it might be better if the two Vrusk work together and she thinks it best to stick with Hammer for the time being.  She stands with her hands behind her back as the Mechanon addresses the office staff.
player, 357 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2012
at 21:42
  • msg #144

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

After a perfunctory perusal of the break room, which S'Krllk decides Semoins was taking a break in, S'Krllk hurries to catch up with the others.
GM Heath
GM, 1765 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2012
at 23:43
  • msg #145

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Semmoins says, "And just what do you want with me?  Are you to give me extra security?  I don't really need it."
player, 575 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 12 Oct 2012
at 00:31
  • msg #146

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Pushing his way forward, kri.lik used his most commanding voice and says, "you have been recorded in an area not of your authorization. Explain yourself."

Persuasion 40% + empathy implant.
GM Heath
GM, 1766 posts
Fri 12 Oct 2012
at 15:52
  • msg #147

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik's commanding voice puts Semmoins off guard.  He stammers and says, "I...I didn't know.  Really.  If you look at the tape closely, you'll see that he pulled me in.  I didn't know I couldn't go there.  Really."  He suddenly seems nervous.  "I didn't even know they could record in that area."
Player, 109 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 12 Oct 2012
at 19:18
  • msg #148

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer says, "Can't they record in the control room?  Everyone knows that,don't they?  What were you doing?  Who pulled you in?"
player, 576 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 13 Oct 2012
at 05:04
  • msg #149

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik echos Hammer, "Who pulled you in?"
GM Heath
GM, 1767 posts
Mon 15 Oct 2012
at 01:42
  • msg #150

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Control room?" he says, confused.  "I thought you meant the broom closet, not the...  Well, who was it?" he switches over, repeating the question.  "It was some dralasite.  Never met him before.  He pulled me in the closet and told me to go to the control room.  He said my job depended on me putting a portable drive on the control panel to avoid a delay in primetime broadcasts."

He seems distressed, knowing he has done something wrong, but he seems easily scared and fearful, cowed into doing things for selfish reasons.  "What's this got to do with...?  You don't think?  You're not blaming me for the broadcast, are you?  I never... I didn't...  It was just a small thumb drive, not a broadcaster.  It's too small."  He seems on the defensive now.
Player, 110 posts
Pause. Computing.
Wed 17 Oct 2012
at 23:23
  • msg #151

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer says, "What can you tell us about this dralasite?  What about the thumb drive?  Do you know anything further?  You are a suspect  in the crime so I suggest you cooperate."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1343 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 18 Oct 2012
at 00:24
  • msg #152

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye stands with her hands behind her back while the interrogation goes on.
player, 358 posts
Thu 18 Oct 2012
at 00:54
  • msg #153

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk says, "Calm yourself, we merely seek truth, not retribution. Would you know where the thumb drive is, now?"
player, 577 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 18 Oct 2012
at 01:35
  • msg #154

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"I would also ask if you would follow us to see if we can identify this dralasite." Then saying to the others, "Perhaps the dralasite is on the video as well?"

Once questions are asked and answered Kri'lik suggests the vrusk and perhaps Desi and himself go back and check on the video for the dralasite, while S'Krllk and Hammer return to the control room to find the thumb drive.
GM Heath
GM, 1768 posts
Thu 18 Oct 2012
at 19:14
  • msg #155

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

You go with him to the control room, but the thumb drive is now gone.  He looks around for a minute, but it is nowhere in sight.

Then you take him to the videos and show him the video of Blirdor the dralasite with S'Limmk there.

He nods.  "Yes, I think that's the one, though they all look alike to me."

10 minutes remaining to earn bonus.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1344 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 18 Oct 2012
at 22:27
  • msg #156

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Sirs, with your permission, I could head to one of the exits while you check to see if the Dralasite is still in the building?"
player, 578 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 18 Oct 2012
at 23:31
  • msg #157

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"absolutely. And be quick." Looking back at the screen krilik wonders if building security could be of help. Opening his com link he calls up security and tries to get them to lock down the building and assist in locating their subject.
GM Heath
GM, 1769 posts
Thu 18 Oct 2012
at 23:33
  • msg #158

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

You are notified within minutes that the dralasite exited the building quite some time ago.

5 minutes left to earn bonus
player, 359 posts
Fri 19 Oct 2012
at 05:42
  • msg #159

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk  muses a moment before speaking, "If the drive is gone, wouldn't the equipment be functional and ready for broadcast? Yet, there seems to be a lack of initiative towards making any broadcasts at all."
Again, S'Krllk examines the broadcast equipment, and this time he will attempt to power it up.
player, 579 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 19 Oct 2012
at 14:17
  • msg #160

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

GM Heath:
The Vrusk pauses as if contemplating.  "You are too late," he says.  "A relay device was already discovered in this room.  But it could have been left by anyone.  Vrusk technicians pass through here all the time."  Then he looks at your non-Vrusk companions and corrects himself.  "Well, almost anyone," he says in a tone of disapproval.

The other Vrusk says, "We need this equipment up and running again in one hour so we can broadcast the news and situational comedies."

"For them to get their aggressions out because of, well, the riots," the third Vrusk says apologetically.

The older, more prejudiced Vrusk says, "If you can find the person who sent it or give us some assurance in the next hour that our broadcasts will be safe, we can reward you.  10,000 credits can be arranged."

GM Heath:
The Vrusk looks with unabashed prejudism at Hammer and then answers, though he speaks to Kri'lik and S'Krllk.  "The relay device has been taken by police, but it had to relay to somewhere?  Where?  And who?  You can review security cameras over the last 24 hours if you want, but that won't really get you far in an hour.  S'Limmk has been reviewing the tapes in Room 240, and security is checking everyone leaving the building.  The police took the relay device to Room 165, our security room, and are examining it there.  Meanwhile, all non-Vrusk are being rounded up and interrogated in Room 175 if they were in the building at all in the time prior to the broadcast."

That last comment probably explains the security figures you noticed rounding the corner a few minutes ago.

"Like we said," says the second Vrusk to everyone, "We only have one hour."

The third Vrusk looks at his watch.  "Well, technically, we have 68 minutes."

OOC: So potential options are go to room 240, room 165, or 175.  An approximate timer will begin below.

68 Minutes

"Thinking back on the situation the thumb drive must be the relay device that was taken to room 165. We know which dralasite did it but he has already left the building." While security is still on the line Kri'lik asks for identification on the dralasite. Im sure some sort of ID check or facial recognition software was working as people entered and exited the building.
GM Heath
GM, 1770 posts
Fri 19 Oct 2012
at 16:51
  • msg #161

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Security confirms it was Blirdor, though you have to wonder why he would go to the control room if this Vrusk was doing his dirty work.

OOC: You should probably go report back your results (confidence in your result will be key to getting the reward).
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1345 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 22 Oct 2012
at 22:30
  • msg #162

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye looks at her her watch and steps up to S'Krllk and Kri'Lik, "Sirs!  Our time is short.  I think we need to report our findings!"
GM Heath
GM, 1771 posts
Mon 22 Oct 2012
at 22:41
  • msg #163

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

You find the three Vrusk executives near the media relations door not far from the control room.

"We are almost time to broadcast," says the third Vrusk.  "Did you find out who did this? Is our broadcast of the situational comedies going to be safe?"

The older Vrusk looks down at him disapprovingly.  "What did you find?" he says.
Player, 111 posts
Pause. Computing.
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 21:42
  • msg #164

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Since no one else steps forward, Hammer speaks:  "We discovered that a dralasite named Blirdor forced a Vrusk named Semmoins to plant a thumb drive in the control room.  If you took out the thumb drive you should be safe for your continued broadcasts."
GM Heath
GM, 1772 posts
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 23:06
  • msg #165

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

The older Vrusk had been looking at Kri'lik and S'krllk for an answer, and looks surprised that Hammer steps forward.  Nevertheless, he says, "Good.  Of course it was the dralasite.  And we did remove a thumb drive.  We shall have to inspect it further."

He motions to the second Vrusk, who pulls a briefcase from the wall.  "Here is your reward, as promised."  The briefcase contains 10,000 credits, and he hands it to Kri'lik.

The third Vrusk says, "Thank you for your help.  Now, we have to get busy getting these programs broadcast."  They seem to have lost interest in you as they turn to their headsets and phones to give the signal to begin the broadcasts.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1347 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 25 Oct 2012
at 20:44
  • msg #166

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye smiles when the briefcase is handed over to Kri'lik by the other Vrusk for their work.  "Very good work again sirs!"
player, 581 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 25 Oct 2012
at 22:21
  • msg #167

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Indeed, a job well done everyone." Once out of sight of the Vrusks he adds, "Now we just have to track this draselite down."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1348 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 25 Oct 2012
at 22:37
  • msg #168

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Indeed, a job well done everyone." Once out of sight of the Vrusks he adds, "Now we just have to track this draselite down."

"We've got a name and a description and that's a start in the right direction."
Player, 112 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 26 Oct 2012
at 00:36
  • msg #169

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer says, "We better not advertise we're carrying that much cash around.  Do we stash it back at our place?  Or should we go report our findings now?"
player, 582 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 00:56
  • msg #170

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik begins to do a search of any networks he has available for the dralasite in question.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1351 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 3 Nov 2012
at 20:27
  • msg #171

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer says, "We better not advertise we're carrying that much cash around.  Do we stash it back at our place?  Or should we go report our findings now?"

"We don't say crap about any kind of money we got!  Th onformation we can pass on and we start from ther.  Honestly, I think we should split up the moeny between us so it isn't laying around for anyone to take.  All of us earned those credits and I don't think we should risk it being taken for someone who didn't earn it.

I know I'm broke after we got our pay from the PGF and we shopped."

player, 583 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 21:24
  • msg #172

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Sure Im all for splitting it up 4 ways. 2500 credits each."

Editing my character sheet now..
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1352 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 5 Nov 2012
at 00:43
  • msg #173

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

OOC: As long as everyone agrees & I have also updated my sheet to reflect the new credits...
This message was last edited by the player at 00:45, Mon 05 Nov 2012.
player, 360 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2012
at 01:11
  • msg #174

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"That would probably be best. But I suspect there's more to it than the broadcast. It would be interesting to hear what they find on that thumb drive."

<orange>OOC: Works for me, updating char sheet.</orange.
player, 361 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2012
at 01:12
  • msg #175

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"That would probably be best. But I suspect there's more to it than the broadcast. It would be interesting to hear what they find on that thumb drive."

OOC: Works for me, updating char sheet.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 495 posts
Fri 9 Nov 2012
at 22:24
  • msg #176

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Finally through quarantine! Bartja fumes as he gathers what gear he was allowed to bring planet-side and looks around the Spaceport for anyone he knows.  Seeing no one, he activates his communicator.

"Bartja to Desi and everyone - I've been released!  What did I miss, and where can I find you?"
Player, 113 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 9 Nov 2012
at 22:49
  • msg #177

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer says, "We're trying to determine where to go to next.  We may have a lead on the killer.  I guess we can meet you somewhere.  Maybe at the place we are renting?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1355 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 15:47
  • msg #178

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Bartja Nemuco:
Finally through quarantine! Bartja fumes as he gathers what gear he was allowed to bring planet-side and looks around the Spaceport for anyone he knows.  Seeing no one, he activates his communicator.

"Bartja to Desi and everyone - I've been released!  What did I miss, and where can I find you?"

"We'll catch you up on what you missed when we meet up with you. Rather not say over a non-secured line. Let me give you the address to where we're staying and we'll have a drink and talk. Try to find out if there are any stores around to buy equipment and toys on your way out," Desi tells Bartja over the chronocom and gives directions to where the're currently staying.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 497 posts
Sat 17 Nov 2012
at 08:13
  • msg #179

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"Roger that" he replies and waits for the address to be texted to him as he makes his way free of the spaceport.  A lot was happening here, and quickly.  His pace quickens as he looks for the exit.  Seeing an open pub, he slows and his eyes are drawn within.  Licking his lips unconsciously, then shakes his head and skin flaps before picking up the pace and heading outside.

Once outside, he pays a cred and gets aboard the monorail to take him to their quarters.  He by-passes stops along the way where equipment might be purchased, muttering to himself "No time for toys now - not I know what we're facing here."
This message was last edited by the player at 08:26, Sat 17 Nov 2012.
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