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Welcome to Once Upon a Time in El Paso - [Adult Freeform Western]

19:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cpt. Alfred 'Freddie' Harlow

Name: Cpt. Alfred 'Freddie' Harlow
Occupation: Retired British Army Captain, Bounty Hunter/ Vigilante.
Age: 28
Sexual Orientation: Straight (Closet Bisexual)
Sexual Style: Romantic, strangely submissive.
Sexual Likes: Women who know what they want. Being seduced.
Sexual Dislikes: Bondage (to an extent). Non-sexual bodily fluids.
Residence: The Dusty Rose

Description: Alfred is a lean man, with a courageous look in his eyes. He wears an old British army jacket, usually undone, with Captain's rank pins, with a bandoleer and khaki trousers, with boots or shoes depending on where he's going. He also keeps a suit handy for his Sunday best. He wears a Martini-Henry rifle on a sling, along with a Lee-Enfield revolver from his time in South Africa. He wears a panama hat while walking around. He has a black beard which he trims now and then. He wears a lion's tooth on a string around his neck.
Height: 6'5
Weight: 90kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel

Personality: Alfred considers himself a man of the people, despite his apparent status on the British social ladder. He considers himself a gentleman and very much a comedian, but above all, a soldier and a leader of men. His jovial attitude is often considered to be naive, but this man has seen quite a bit of combat, and his comment to being accused of this is 'Is it naive to be happy to be alive? Better than being dead, last time I checked.' He is jovial at most times, but has a fierce temper. High respect for authority and a strong sense of Justice are all part of his upbringing.

Crack-shot with a rifle.
Quite a good aim with a pistol, quick-draw.
Formal education.
Survival on plains.
Formal dancing.
Speaks French and Zulu, as well as Ancient Greek and Latin.
Quite resistant to Alcohol.

History/Background: Freddie was born into a middleclass family in Shropshire. After his prep school, he applied for both Harrow and Eton but was turned down by both, and ended up attending Charterhouse school, but followed on going to Oxford to study Classics, with an agreement to attend Sandhurst afterwards and serve in the army for five years before continuing with his life.
 After training, Freddie was sent to South Africa to serve there, a time mainly spent sneaking out to go hunting with fellow officers, earning him a lion's tooth that he wears around his neck. After four years stationed there, the Anglo-Zulu war pulled him into conflict. He eventually found himself in No. 3 Column, as a Lieutenant of a small platoon.
This was followed by the defeat at the Battle of Isandlwana, where he was wounded with an Zulu assegai to the chest, and the rest of platoon was massacred, and their retreat to Rourke's Drift, where he helped to hold of the Zulu onslaught. After the war, and a promotion, he was given an honourable discharge after one doctor stated: 'After all he's seen, it's a wonder how he's still sane.' Some of his men said that he was far from it, but said it in a humorous tone. Never the less, the army gave him a minor decoration for his troubles and sent him home. But Freddie felt that he hadn't done enough to just return back home, and took the first ship to the New World to see what other adventures life had in store for him.