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Welcome to Europa: 513 AD

02:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Pale skin, olive eyes, black hair, and imposing height cumulatively hint at Heolstor's mixed heritage. He looks strong at first glance, particularly when armed with a tapered steel sword and solid wooden shield. His garb is comprised mainly of thick drab woolens and composed by a tunic, slacks, winingas, and a brooched cloak. Recently he's come into possession of an armor jacket and set of leggings made of dark red snakeskin. They're lightweight and flexible, having been oiled and prepared by a priestess of Diana. A single bright band of silver glints on his right hand.

Heolstor would be pleasant to be around were he not so entirely.. strange. The young man has a good bit of the weirdness about him. His eyes seem to see through people rather than look at them, even those he's speaking with. Even more perplexing the Saxon warrior is constantly accompanied by a large crow. This unsettling nature has not endeared him to many - and despite Heolstor's healthy appearance and way with words he seems like the sort you might rather keep at arm's length.

Short Biography:

Heolstor Strang was born the son of Caedmon, an Anglo-Saxon warlord with holdings along the farthest frontier of germanic settlement in Wessex. His father, in his younger days, had taken a liking to a Brythonic beauty by the name of Briallen. Heolstor was the result of their union and was, from the day of his birth, a source of irritation for Caedmon.

The boy was born dark-haired in the throes of winter during a total eclipse of the sun. As such he was said by the local "Welsh" to be a child of power, a swynwr or a dewin. A sorceror. Heolstor's mother loved him all the more for his supposed dark gift, but Caedmon despised all things Brythonic except for his bride.

Heolstor might have been born a Brython swynwr, but he was to be raised a proud Saxon warrior. The Saxon warlord had his strange boy raised in the traditional manner of all Saxon "nobles". He trained his arms and swordcraft among his father's huscarls by day. At night he ate and lived in his father's hall, as far and away from the Brythons and their weak ways as Caedmon could bring him.

Heolstor's mother did not approve however and doted on him at every opportunity, refusing to call him anything but Morfran, the name she had chosen at his birth. She exposed him to her people, and they found him dear, being so alike themselves in blood. Furthermore, despite the boy's strict upbringing he continued to be an oddity in his youth, he dreamed strange dreams and seemed to bring throes of both fortune and misfortune to those around him. Heolstor was... an abnormal child.

Caedmon grew tired of his irksome heir and chose for himself a second bride, one who was Saxon-born. On the day that this new woman, Mildrith, gave birth to a son Heolstor immediately fell out of favour. The child, Tohrte, was golden-haired and blue-eyed. He was Saxon, and Caedmon loved him so.

For Briallen's sake Caedmon allowed Heolstor to remain in his holding, though his Saxon underlings whispered that he ought to have the witch-boy killed. The night Briallen breathed her last, in child-birth no less, Caedmon immediately sent young Heolstor away. Disinherited of his household and threatened with death should he return.. Heolstor fled.

Recent History:

"Upon the foot of the crow, a red flower sprouts." - Tawna, Scoundrel and Questionable Seer

Heolstor has been Lord of Lingones for some while now. He's been a firm but fair leader. All sorts of troubles have arisen to plague the Lingonians: trolls, giant snakes, fire-breathing plants, and demons. All of them have been crushed or pushed aside, however. Heolstor has slowly started to turn his city into something.

With the arrival of Burgundian warriors, the outbreak of greater hostilities between elves and orcs, and the ever present threat of the Huns... Heolstor decided to strike the first blow. He found himself at the helm of a force of volunteer soldiers, fighting alongside allies as exotic as elves and dwarves.

His first strike against the Huns fell at Tullum. A place of great suffering. Tullum's chains were broken - but Heolstor did not sit idly. He went North, further into the enemy's territory, seeking to land a deathblow. On his way North he feasted with a dragon, enlisted the aid of the Duke of Lucimburic, and prepared a fortress astride the rivers Celibus and Albach at Beda. There his army prepared: to meet the Hunnic tide, come the morn.

And on the rivers they broke the Hun. Crushed his army, and sent his fleeing back to the Meuse. A terrible and decisive victory over the Hun unlike any other. Heolstor gave chase alongside the elves of Ardennes. Together, they tore into the enemy's rearguard. Few Huns survived to limp home. The rushing tides of the Meuse, summoned up by the druid Tugdual, seeing them off.

On his journey North, Heolstor found more than war: he found love. In the form of Petra, a priestess of Eostre. Though slow to blossom at first, the two became inseparable.

Heolstor and Petra said their goodbyes to Tugdual, and departed from the combined armies as they dispersed - headed home, to Burgundy and the dwarf lands. The pair made their way North, assisting King Theoderic of the Franks in retaking Aquae Grannis. Cleaning a temple of the sun god and felling a giant. A greater plot was revealed, not long after, to befoul the Meuse with waters from the River Styx. Given the dire nature of the threat, they remained, retaking Juliacum and freeing its prisoners - aiding in the downfall of its demonic lords and putting a halt to their nefarious plot.