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Welcome to Europa: 513 AD

11:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rory MacIntyre


All of these are accurate descriptors for Rory. He is small at 5'4" and 140 pounds, but strong and graceful. His skin is palad, the color of death, a kind of sickly greenish off white. His eyes are white-blue but bloodshot and weary; intellect is in his eyes as well. His hair is blond turning prematurely white, making him look to be in his late thirties rather than late twenties. He is hansome, but in an smooth way rather than ruggad. His features seem to be made from blown glass, both smooth and coldly elgant. He would be charming...

But his face is set in either a scowl or lear depending on the looker's mindset. His eyes reflect the looker's face, making them seem strangely inexpressive, since one is far to busy trying to figure out one's own face in his eyes. If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then Rory's are mirrors to one's own soul.

He wear entertainer's garb, in the color of black. This gives one the impression that he playes the villian so often that he just doesn't bother to change out of the costuming* (See New Costume below). Rory wears a Dragon Skin cloak from time to time, in blue, which seems to make him more easy to be around. Beneath the costume in a suit of very serious studded leather armor. At his side is a longsword, and if one inspects his horse one will find a bow and quiver. On his left index finger is a signet ring with a stylized Roman R and M emblazen together. On his right middle finger is an ornate band, which one might recognize as magic if one can precieve such things.

Rory smells strangely, like greese paint and lime. Stage actors in the 6th Century often smelled thus, and an astute observer might pick up on this nuiance. His smell might be thought alluring, but not particularly manly. The woman attracted to Rory would be attracted to the brooding artistic type.

Rory's personality also is unsettling. He laughes at times others might find strange or out right rude, such as at funerals. He seems always to be observing the observer, casting his eyes on the looker in such a way as to read the soul. More than just his gaze is unsettling, his movements as well are unnerving. There is something about the way he carrys himself - the way he seems both bored and calculating at once, very like a predatory cat about to pounce - that is very unsettling. He seems to breath even at inappropriate times, settling in on a dramatic pause long enough to make it an uncomfortable silence.

Of Late, Rory has mellowed somewhat. His personality is far less abbrasive then before and he has picked up some manners. He owes this to his new love life and the woman who has helped him grow up a little - Julia. Julia lost he has returned to his brooding.

*Rory has acquired a new costume from an Elven tailor. It was custom made to his specifications. There is more leather in this one, and a kind of felt in places that makes the shadows look longer and more forboding. It has little metal balls around the neck, making it seem as though it were bolted to him. The piece de resistance' is the glow. It has been enchated to with an almost imperceptable glow, a sickly yellow-green color that adds to his normal deathly palor. He could now very easily be mistaken for one of the undead at a distance.

Other details about Rory:

He is uncomfortable in the saddle.

He sometimes talks about himself in the third person.

His breath smells like apples.

He does not linguer at mirrors, seeming to be uncomfortable with his own reflection.