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Welcome to Once Upon a Time in El Paso - [Adult Freeform Western]

18:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Oscar Keen

Name:Oscar Keen
Occupation: Bounty hunter, scholar
Age: 28
Sexual Orientation:Bi
Sexual Style: Romantic, but willing to accommodate other ideas
Sexual Likes:
Sexual Dislikes:scat, watersports
Residence: Eastern Boarding House

Description: He's a typical eastern city boy from the looks of it, favoring brown suits and bowlers, pale complexion, and soft brown hair that is mussed from the trip. His suit hides the wiry frame his developed over the past few months, and he's a believer in calisthenics while roughing it.

Personality:He's reserved, but once a person gets to know him he's friendly enough. His manners are refined enough for most and his English is remarkably good.

Skills: Finance and fisticuffs, mostly. He's learned a bit about riding a horse and he can cook a small meal, but he plans on bounty hunting to earn his keep, figuring El Paso will have plenty of bankers.

History/Background: Oscar started life with 8 brothers, 1 sister, and no father, most of whom lived in Maine as a fishing family. Oscar, being a middle child, received his fair share of beatings and learned to hold his own, especially as his brothers started taking jobs on the docks and, til some of the married, coming back to mothers. Oscar was the only one to go the scholarly route, his sister taking to sewing. The men of his family would routinely come back, while Oscar kept mother up and about until the day she died.

At that point Oscar heard of a need in El Paso for keen men to bounty hunt, and he figured he fit the bill.