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Welcome to Forgotten Realms: Red Hand of Doom

17:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dro L'Chath

Race: Human
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 220 lbs
Hair: Dark Red
Eyes: Gray
Age: Early 20s

Speech Color: Goldenrod

Dro has never known a day without physical labor in his life, and it shows in his calloused hands and the chiseled contours of his massive frame.  Heavily muscled, but lacking any spare body fat, he constantly has a lean and hungry look about him, like a wolf gone too long without a fat elk to eat.  Scars both large and small, from blades, burns, bites, and worse, mar the surface of his flesh in dozens of places - the most significant single incident being the trio of parallel gashes that slide across the right side of his head, from temple nearly to the back of his skull, resulting in the loss of the top of that ear.  To cover the jagged scars he keeps his infrequently-washed hair long, leaving it to fall past his shoulders, and around his neck he wears a hollow section of bone strung upon a braided leather thong threaded through its center. Two inches wide, the bit of bone bears a trio of curved runes that have been carefully etched into the surface and darkened with blood. Tied about his right biceps, he wears an intricately-knotted length of bright red silk, narrow ends hanging nearly to his elbow.

A solid black circle is inked into the web of flesh between his right thumb and forefinger, and a heavy burn scar upon his right shoulder gives evidence of another tattoo having been crudely burned off some time ago, the scarring streaked with smeared remnants of black and crimson. Usually hidden beneath his hair and clothing, yet another tattoo - this one of a large black spider - is inked between his shoulderblades and up the base of his neck, the spindly forelegs that curl around the sides of his neck beneath his ears occasionally visible.

Dro wears custom armor in dull tones of bronze and dark leather, accented by dark red, every piece of which is scuffed, scraped, dented, and generally marred by extremely heavy use. Unless circumstances dictate some variation, his regular armor consists of a form-fitted breastplate of leather-covered mithril paired with ridged shoulderguards, worn over a sleeveless tunic of supple dark leather and a short kilt of the same; metal greaves that rise to a spiked point above the knee, over sturdy leather boots; and leather gloves over leather bracers, topped by heavy plated gauntlets - the right covered in vicious spikes across the knuckles and back of the hand, and extending into a wicked point just past his right elbow. He possesses a full helmet to match, complete with extended cheekpieces and nasal guard for near-complete facial protection, but it's more likely to be found tucked under his arm or hung from his saddle than on his head, as he finds it too stifling for anything but the most serious combats. Over this he wears a threadbare cloak of heavy wool in a shade that was probably once black or dark red, now faded to the color of dried blood and stained by years of use, its hem tattered and perpetually dusty.

For armaments he carries a large metal shield, easily over three feet in diameter and generously studded with rows of short, sharp spikes radiating from the center.  A shortsword hangs at his left hip, housed in a plain scabbard of worn leather.  Like the rest of his equipment, the sword is of rather exceptional quality - indicated by the fine mithril wire wrapping the hilt - but clearly intended as a weapon crafted solely to reap lives: there is nothing fancy or decorative about it.  An equally utilitarian dagger is sheathed at the small of his back, and it'd be a safe bet that he has at least one other tucked away somewhere.  Not always in hand, a spear of finest crystal as long as he is tall, with a single decorative tassel dangling from near the tip, is always within his reach.

Dro's spear: