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Welcome to Europa: 513 AD

14:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Raz Matazz

Raz is an exceptionally handsome young man of slender built, with shoulder length radiant black hair. Depending on his mood and circumstances, he either wears it loose, or in a pony-tail. In the latter case, his high cheek-bones and the angle at the top of his ears suggest some elven blood in what is otherwise a clearly human appearance. Another distinct feature, which is sometimes apparent and sometimes covered up, is a pale scar just above his upper lip.

His expression is usually friendly and cordial. When when engaging in conversation, his demeanor suggests deep interest in what the other person is saying, as well as being supportive of whatever is being said. Even when he is silent, people tend to feel that he is "on their side".

Raz dresses smartly, though recently he has adopted the fashion of the eastern empire. These silks, and brightly-dyed cloth, may be all the rage in Byzantium, but to most western eyes probably appear outlandish. A heavy leather armor bentah these clothes, however, suggests that he is not all show.

Raz carries with him a somewhat ragged satchel, which does not fit in with his otherwise careful attire. A careful observer might also notice that Raz carries no weapon - unusual in these dangerous times - but then again, those draping silk sleeves could be hiding something...

His dark hair, and his complexion, suggest that he was born in the central or eastern part of Europa, but when he speaks Latin, it's with a distinct Celtic accent. This, alongside the hint of elven heritage and eastern mannerism, makes him hard to place.