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Welcome to Forgotten Realms: The Savage Underdark and Beyond

02:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rendan Vahadarr

Youngest son of Raena'stra'breena, recently-deposed former Matron of the House, Rendan Vahadarr wanted nothing more than to attend the Sorcere Academy as a child. The magic in his blood sang his name constantly, fueling his desire to study and train in the shadows of the Masters, to someday become more powerful than they were. Those dreams of becoming a mighty wizard in his own right were crushed when his Mother reminded him that his older brother Cal'istas already held a prominent position within the Sorcere. He could serve the House better by attending the Melee Magthere Academy, his training intended to groom him to assume the captaincy of the Vahadarr House Guard someday - meager though it is - his personal wishes be damned.

A lesser Drow might have quietly sank into the shadows, grudgingly turning his life over to the whims and wishes of the Matrons, doomed to spend his days in a second-rate position. After all, for all that the Houses would fall without their ranks of guards, it is the prominent priests and the powerful wizards that garner the prestige and acclaim, more often than not.

...but Rendan Vahadarr is not a lesser Drow. Defiant to his core, Rendan learned early on to keep the majority of his anger hidden beneath a charming facade and a handsome exterior - at least when dealing with the elder females of the House - while his disappointment festered and burned. To all outward appearances Rendan was an excellent student of the weapon masters at the Academy, flourishing under the additional personal tutelage of his uncle Selds'yrr - head of the House Guard. A natural with his blade of choice, he soaked up every lesson they could teach him and then some - and has since put them all to devastating use in his role as warrior, bodyguard, and raider.

Inwardly, Rendan was unwilling to reconcile himself to a life without magic. He begged, borrowed, and stole treatises on the arcane, honing his innate skills alone and unassisted through much trial and error. It is with pride that he now flaunts his skills, knowing that Cal'istas - the older brother whom he worshiped as a child, the brother that turned his back on Rendan's requests for assistance - hates and despises him for acquiring those skills... along with most of the other trained wizards. His armor and skin itself are permanently etched with magical runes, constantly glowing like miniscule rifts of molten lava, and his bladework is imbued with fiery panache, every eyeroll that his unsubtle personality elicits bringing a pleased smirk to his lips.


Significantly taller and broader than most males of his House, Rendan Vahadarr nevertheless moves with confident grace, a testament to his finely-honed skills as a warrior. His cocky nature shines through even when demurring to Matrons, and most members of House Vahadarr - if not the entire city of Riluaven - view him as either a charming favorite... or an utter and complete thorn in the side. There is little middle ground, where Rendan is concerned. The one thing that practically everyone can agree on, however, is that he is dangerously close to his twin sister, Zarii'eyl.

Naturally attractive, something that is only enhanced by his amber eyes and devil-may-care attitude, Rendan favors form-fitting armor that leaves his upper arms and shoulders bare - to better show off the runes etched into his dark skin - while encasing the rest of his toned physique in black and grey leather. A long, curved blade of exquisite - and distinctly non-Drow - craftsmanship hangs off his left hip, perfectly poised for a reverse left-handed draw, occasionally offset by a hand crossbow dangling from the right side of his belt. At least a few daggers are almost certainly hidden upon his person, as well, as only a fool would think a Drow's visible weapons his only ones.

While not often seen out of armor outside of the House complex, Rendan favors long kilts of dark silk when lounging on his own time, upgrading to loose breeches and fitted jackets in the Vahadarr black, gold, and crimson when he's forced to attend noble functions. In or out of armor, Rendan is never without his personal jewelry. A mithril signet ring bearing the Vahadarr seal resides on his left pinky finger, and a matched pair of plain, narrow rings of the same material pierce his nipples. From the lobe of his right ear dangle a pair of ruby teardrops, suspended on silver-hued wire, and a narrow silver band etched with a single word of Draconic rests comfortably around the base of his right middle finger. Distinct among the array of silver and mithril ornaments that make up the rest of his jewelry, Rendan wears a multi-segmented ring of carved ivory upon the first finger of his left hand that spans almost the entire length of the digit, its bone-hued sections etched with an interlocking design and ending near the first knuckle.

Ren's Theme:
The Twins' Theme: