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01:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Selds'yrr Vahadarr

Like most of his direct family, Selds'yrr is an atypical example of the drow race, and in his youth he had a height that rivaled most humans, and a musculature that matched. Now, despite his advanced age bringing him to a height of only 5'9", it seems time has done little to the powerful physique of the elder drow weaponmaster. If anything, his silvering hair, white scars, and lines around his amber eyes only adds to the presence that his centuries of training and experience has given him, while his body is still the hardened weapon it has been for all his memory, even if he has lost some of the strength he could once boast of.

Like all those within the house that he has mentored, there is a sense that he is a predator of the highest order, a purpose in his very stride that few can duplicate. It is the silent predator though, speaking only when he finds it necessary to those outside of his personal students, and he always is a representative of the military power of House Vahadarr, and in truth his skills have provided more of a deterrent against its enemies for the last three centuries than its actual military capabilities.

Outside of perhaps his personal quarters, the elder drow is never seen without some form of physical protection. While in his duties as the main trainer of the House Guard often see him in a fine set of studded leather armor, his official wear as the Captain of said guard has allowed him a magical set of blackened mithral plate that has passed from each head of the house guard since the city's founding.  Having mastered over a dozen weapons, and able to use dozens more with proficiency, it is rare to ever see the Captain with less than three or four different weapons on him, though when on duty he most often relies on a barbed spear along with both a drow courtblade and lightblade.

Born to the Matron Mother Lay'vieridil as a secondboy, Selds'yrr's life was set from the moment he breathed his first to become the head of the House guard. It had become nearly a tradition for the House's secondboys to take the position of command over its military forces, each matron mother wanting to keep a tight leash of control over its power, and Lay'vieridil was no different.

Fortunately, Selds'yrr was well suited for the position and life of a warrior, having an almost supernatural ability to grasp the basics of any weapon that he came across, gaining mastery in half the time it would take even those who specialized in particular weapons. The shining gem of the usually dull Vahadarrs, he became a member of the Guild of Blades after just a few decades after he had passed his first century, where he trained among the best fighters in Rilauven and learned the deeper mysteries of the blade.

Serving first his mother, than his sister, unflinchingly, Selds'yrr would keep the guard out of Jys'arra's seizing of her mother's power, though at her order he guided them in their purge of die-hard Lolthites from the House after the death of Raen'astra'breena. While few know, Selds'yrr is not a worshiper of Vhaeraun, instead following the drow god Selvetarm as he has since his youth, though he trusts less in gods than he does in martial skill and power. Despite this, his duty is to the House above all, gods, Matron, and even direct family come behind the well being of the House as a whole. Despite its weakening, Selds'yrr sees the current condition as temporary, the purge and change in leadership required for its continued survival and position as a noble house within Rilauven. In this, he is as perhaps as much a rebel against traditional drow society as his niece is.