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Welcome to Star Frontiers: Destiny Tomorrow

23:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Desiraye Lipost

Desiraye is in good physical shape and very tone.  She usually wears her hair long and only puts it back or up rarely.  She prefers her clothing tighter fitting often showing off her well kept physical stature sometimes giving her an extra second or two to react to a threat who may be 'preoccupied.'  Desiraye is a very determined person and dedicated to her job.

She is/was a trouble shooter for the Pan-Galactic Corporation sent to the Volturnus system to investigate the disappearance of shipping in the area and identify who was behind it.  She was travelling on the liner, The Merry Way, when it was attacked by the pirates and her and four others managed to make the escape pods and land on Volturnus.  They've been at it for about a week dodging pirate patrols and she was eventually the last one alive when she made the caves.

After many weeks of running & fighting for her life with other people she had found stranded on the planet from Pirates & natural hazards, they stood strong against the Sathar invasion along with Volturnus' newly formed alliance between all of its races.  Many perished in the massive battle but, the Volturnus alliance stood strong in the face of an overwhelming Sathar attack.

Desiraye has been working with a group since they left Volturnus who has turned over quite a few times due to attrition.  She seems to be the impromptu leader of them since she's the only original member left.