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Welcome to Fort Eastward Chronicles II: Those Cursed Mists

04:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lady Leena Rosewood

Height: 5’6”
Weight: 137lbs
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Green
Race: Human
Class: Paladin (8)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Default Actions:
If Leena's health is below 50% use Lay on Hands as a swift action
If Leena is not armed, draw her sword or next available melee weapon as a free action
If an enemy is in melee range:
--If an ally is in melee range and below 50% use Lay on Hands as a standard action
--Use full attack action and cleave if possible.
If an ally is below 50% move to ally and Lay on Hands (move action, standard action)
Move to closest opponent and attempt to flank.  Priority is anyone engaging a squishy character over a fighter type. (Double move or move/standard).  Priority is attack over flanking and do not invoke attack of opportunity in order to flank.

Leena is not far from what a stereotype Sunite might look like.  She stands about five and a half feet tall and has a slender and athletic but definitely female frame.  She has muscles which attest to her strength but they are more toned and feminine than one might find on a muscled warrior of the opposite gender.  Unlike the priestesses of her order, Leena’s hands definitely show the callouses of someone familiar with toil and weapons, something that forces her to wear gloves during social occasions.

Brief Bio: Leena was raised in the faith of Sune and has been an advocate of her tenants since the day she learned about Her.  Raised to be a priestess, she instead found her calling as a Paladin and to this day sees herself as a protector and potentially a savior of her faith and of those who would follow it.  She is completely comfortable in ceremony and court but knows that her calling is with the sword and will not hesitate to use it if She called on her to do so.

Noticeable Equipment:
Leena wears banded mail for armor decorated with various red streamers and ribbons to give some distinction and glamor to the otherwise drab and dreary metal and carries a shield with the symbol of Sune on the inside so as not to be marred by the violence of combat.  As a primary weapon she carries a single-handed longsword that has the symbol of Sune strapped to the end of the handle so that it is visible when the weapon is sheathed.  She also carries a hand axe and dagger on her belt for both secondary weapons and utility tools.
When dressed for social or religious occasions she looks and acts the part of a typical Sunite.  She wears elegant clothing, jewelry including a custom made jeweled hairnet and can passably act the part of a lady in court.

Leena’s Armor: Dragonskin Full Plate
Leena's armor, from the sole of her boot all the way to the collar around her throat was fabricated entirely from the hide of a black dragon, adamantium, and valuable rubies.  The meshy mail part of the armor was soft, supple, and oily black, strong as steel but soft enough to conform to a Sunite's curves so as to display the gifts of the goddess even as she stands ready to fight.  The scales were as one would think, except the largest being the size of a single copper.  Sewn expertly so as to be tight and overlapping, the mesh when hit in just the right light gives off a marvelous glimmer that ripples across the entire suit, accentuated by the reflective nature of the oily black skin that makes up the base layer.  Custom created just for Leena, it clung to her frame like a a glove.  Protecting her feet, shins, shoulders, and chest were pieces of expertly worked metal that contrasted the oily black with dull grey.  For adornment, added protection, and overall appeal, the armor was further crafted with the talons and teeth of the dragon, the most prominent being in the gauntlets giving them a clawlike appearance though the design is more for decor than function.  Finally, it had a 3/4 helmet equally adorned and topped off, as promised, with a three foot long, billowing, bright red plume, a prominent declaration of her faith to the Lady Firehair and to her faith.

Leena's Holy Vestments:
Around the back of Leena’s head is a silver circlet with a sheer veil that hands down to drape lightly over her bare shoulders, the ends of the veil possessing a scarlet strip of satin.  Her long red/auburn hair, combed out, protrudes out from under it and gently lays across her back while partially concealing a pair of diamond and ruby earrings hanging gently from her ears.  A silver chain hangs around her neck with a small clasp with Sune’s symbol on it resting at the top of her breasts, it’s purpose is to support the upper portion of her vestments so that they do not fall to her waist.  Long bell sleeves with the ends decorated with scarlet-dyed satin lace extend from her satin gloved hands up her arms and across her torso, the tops of which are attached to a loose-fitting cord that circles around her back and attaches to her clasp.  The material from the sleeves comes across her chest covering the outer halves and tops of her breasts leaving the inner portions exposed while covering her back from the bottom of her shoulder blades to her waist.  This front body portion of the vestments effectively runs down her front so that all of her shoulders and the inner third of her bust and torso are exposed until it reaches the belt.  The vestment is held securely in place around the hips with a jeweled, decorative belt that has a dagger currently attached.  The belt is relatively small and V-shaped as it runs up and over the hips on the sides while the center clasp portraying the symbol of Sune rests in the center.  The upper half of the outfit joins with the lower section, an ankle length dress with the sides completely open so that her hips and legs are exposed.  The front and back portions run down to the scarlet-dyed satin lace matching the ends of the arms.  Covering her legs from the thighs down she wears sheer, darker red stockings designed to contract slightly with the dress and draw the eye to them.  Under the belt and dress she wears a skin colored undergarment for modesty’s sake, almost entirely concealed by the flowing fabric of the dress.  Just below the belt the dress halves are pulled together and connected with ruby-colored clasps to better conceal her pelvic area.  On her feet she wears ruby red slippers with lace roses on the tops and a wooden sole which supports a two and a half inch heel.

Party Attire:
Evening Dress:

More Conservative Dress (but in red):





Ankle Bracelet:

Ring (as shown but in a Sune symbol setting instead of a heart)