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21:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Donovan Dark

Name: Donovan Dark

Clan: Tremere

Nature: Sociopath

Demeanour: Perfectionist

Concept: Scholarly Warlock

Generation: Twelfth

Date of Birth: November 11th, 1905

Date of Death: December 20th, 1950

Apparent Age: 40

Physical Description: Donovan is a tall, thin, man of strange mien. He stands 6'4" tall and weighs 175 pounds. He is always well groomed and maintained yet has an air of oddity to him. His skin is pale and lightly wrinkled, his hair and eyes pitch black, the former with streaks of grey. He wears expensive suits of dark colours, usually black, with red or white under-clothes. He ports expensive shoes, usually black oxfords and wears tight-fitting black, leather, gloves. He is lame in his right leg and ferries himself around with the aid of a black cane topped with a silver raven. The air around him is noticeably colder and all he touches wilts and withers. Mortals find him disconcerting, he appears to be a walking corpse, but of course, that's impossible.

Personality: Asocial would be being generous. Dark keeps to himself more often than not. But don't let that fool you into thinking he is unable to perform in social situations, it's just that it all seems manufactured, as if he is picking his actions out of a handbook to etiquette. He is always extremely polite and well behaved. He speaks slowly, picking his words carefully so as to not offend. He has the mind and attitude of a learned man, a professor or some other book-smart individual. But you can often feel there is something hiding beneath the surface, that he wears a mask.

History: Donovan Dark, eighty three years of age, was born in the year of our lord 1906 to the remnants of a noble house in Windsor, Berkshire, England. Donovan lived comfortably, his nose in his books, he doubted anyone in his family knew where their wealth came from, they had just always had it. Dark often studied matters of science and faith, intrigued by the claims of those who spoke the word of some god or another, and he worked his whole young life to understand them.

When he was 32 he joined the British Army. Tensions between nations, especially after the events of the first world war between the Entente and Central powers, were high. The war finally broke out in it's full form in 1939 and Dark was deployed to northern Africa and Italy where he fought the Axis forces. During the invasion of Sicily Dark was wounded by an explosive, nearly taking his leg off and was returned to Britain on medical leave. The war had taken its toll, his sister had fled to the Americas never to be seen again and his family had died in the many bombings over England. Some time after the war Dark had the opportunity to visit an army friend who now worked at the Bibliotheque Mazarine in Paris. There, in the long hours of the evening he met and would enjoy the company of Alexandrie Tussau, who would become the love of his life. He spent two months in France, and spent almost every evening with this mysterious beauty. They courted around countless volumes detailing the intricacies of the world, and love, and death. And upon their final night together, when Donovan was set to return to England, Alexandrie asked him. "Do you want to be with me forever?" to which he answered, "Yes."

They spent a passionate night together that Donovan wished would have lasted forever, at the end of which, Tussau Embraced him. After the events she explained everything, who she was, what Vampires were, the masquerade, why she chose him. Donovan knew little of what to make the information, but took it in stride. He realised this was an opportunity beyond anything would ever have access too in true life.

Donovan spent the next dozen or so years learning from Alexandrie, learning about the world that he had never knew existed, learning the etiquette of this culture, the magics of the Tremere. The two lived together for twenty years until events occurred that resulted in his lovers death at the hands of a squad of master hunters. Furious and despaired Dark hunted them down killing two of the five, never finding those that remained. It was a few months later that he turned to Necromancy. Killing, and stealing magical texts, from a Giovanni necromancer Donovan began his study of the dark, despised, arts to once again reunite with his love. However, when the elders of his clan discovered his practices they were furious and nearly put him to death.

Donovan managed to convince the elders to let him study the magic for the good of the clan, that knowledge was power and that the Giovanni's mastery of this art put them at a disadvantage and that he was prepared to sacrifice honour and status if the clan would let him pursue these studies. Four of the seven elders agreed to his proposal and he was left alive yet ostracised by his people. But Donovan didn't care, he was given the right to practice an art normally dismissed, an art that would let him once again reunite with his love even if it cost him everything.

Since then he has spent every waking moment searching for occult texts that could assist him. Some have been useful, but none have been concrete. The most powerful spells heavily guarded or long lost. Though his efforts have not been entirely in waste, he has assisted his clan in understanding the arts and has accumulated a large library of mystical texts and amassed a wealth of resources and riches.