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Welcome to The New X-Men (Marvel Freeform)

02:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Birth Name: Samuel Heinrich
 Mutant Name: Bond [he enjoys the eye rolling he gets from this]
 Other Names: Dragoon [which is a synonym for 'force', but has negative connotations].
 Age: 28
 Gender: Male
 Appearance: Clean-cut sandy hair & clean-shaven, bland but friendly face; athletic but not muscular build; average height - around 5' 8".

 Powers: Primary - Molecular [Force] Manipulation; Sam can create static 'force fields' by manipulating air molecules, alter the trajectories of moving objects, and alter the consistency of solids to liquids to gas and back again...though it only works on non-biological objects, so he can't disintegrate people or anything crazy. He typically creates steps for people to get places, walls to keep out things, bulletproof armor from clothing, and the occasional force bubble to protect someone.
 Secondary - Telekinesis, though this is just developing as he grows to know more about his primary power. He's sort of like Luke Skywalker in the early days: has to try twice to get the lightsaber 15 feet away, but gets a 5-ton X-Wing halfway out of the swamp before realizing it's beyond his powers to move. He hopes to be able to fly without needing to use his other power, someday.

 Weakness: Primarily, that he will cause the death of someone with his powers, accidentally or through a failure to succeed in using them when needed - he's not a pacifist, but he goes to great lengths to use non-lethal tactics to defeat enemies. When trying to use his 'new' Telekinesis, he has to concentrate so much he sometimes gets a nosebleed halfway through it. He also fears having a dream that will take away his powers in the same way he gained them [see below].

 Strengths: Scientific mind that can analyze things quickly and precisely. His perception and reactions are well above average, allowing him to track and affect things as fast as an actual speeding bullet, though his own personal speed when running, talking, or exerting himself is the same as a normal human. He can 'see' the molecular bonds in all things, effectively knowing the strongest & weakest points of objects and structures. He doesn't actually have to move or gesture to make his force-creations, though he's seen people with sorcerous powers use arcane gestures and so has incorporated them as a sort of focus for his own talent.

 Background: Sam grew up normal in a small, lower-middle-class suburb in NYC. His immigrant family worked hard to provide for each other, and he's learned the value of an honest day's work for a decent paycheck, as well as the importance of family and friends you can depend on.
    One day while on a delivery run, he was a witness to a group of Avengers doing battle with, of all people, the Hulk. Doctor Strange appeared and helped the team subdue the green goliath before it could wreck much more than a city block [DM Note: I have this comic at home :)]. Sam was impressed by Strange's calm demeanor and effortless ability to halt the progress of, arguably, the strongest creature on the planet.
    He went home and told his family about the encounter, and how, though he hadn't actually met any of the heroes in person, he was a changed man. He'd go to college and maybe some day get a job with Reed Richards' company, and make a difference for the betterment of mankind. Maybe work beside great people like he'd seen that day.
    He did go to college, studying as many science and math courses as he could get his hands on. Just before graduation, he went out to party with his friends - too much, apparently - and fell in a drunken stupor, striking his head and falling into a coma. During this extended blackout he experienced a dream wherein he manifested his 'scientific powers', though there were several elements of the dream he was positive other people speaking to him and visiting places he'd never seen...but that he forgot in the fog of awakening.
    Over time, he discovered he had gained the powers of his dream sequence, though it took him quite some time to figure out how it worked and what to do with it. He foiled a bank robbery one time, but almost suffocated the gunman when he couldn't figure out how to dismiss the force bubble he'd created to capture him. He tried doing the 'solo hero' route, using the name Dragoon, but it ended up having negative connotations in the press, and after only a year, he gave it up and decided to seek out more of 'his kind'.
    Then the bad things started to happen to mutants...